Ah, good boy, you brought me such good booty.
This wanderer is useful to me ... Oh, who is this here with us?
Do not worry, I will not hurt you ... My wolf found you in the forest.
You fell asleep?
How could you sleep in the middle of the forest?
Well, I was lucky today.
No, no, no, do not be afraid of me.
I think you're fine and I won't have to treat you.
Yes, I need you absolutely healthy.
Perhaps you wonder what I will do with you ...
I need a servant.
Yes, wolves cannot cope with all tasks, so I need a human.
A person who can recruit into a wolf.
As you understand, i need a werewolf ... I know you do not want this, but ... I do
not ask you.
I'm sorry.
Perhaps you think that you will not obey me?
Oh, well, I'm a witch.
I have a whole book of various spells ... And here is something for you ...
I hope you're glad of it.
Oh, how long ago I had not seen living people ... After that terrible incident in the witch's
When the hunters came to our village ... They killed almost everyone ... almost everyone.
Then there was so much fire ... the flames engulfed all the huts.
They set fire to the farm ... screaming pigs were running all over the village.
They squealed ... squealed and burned ... My sisters were burning ...
After that, I did not see people.
I lived here all alone ... And so my wolves found you.
Now I just can't let you go ... Well, let's start the ritual of turning you
into my servant.
The fire.
The fire.
Fire ... Ah, there you are.
You are perfect for me.
Your soul is pure and kind.
Souls like yours are good for transformation.
Yes, it will hurt a little, but you can handle it.
I will help you, I promise.
I will start with
a strong potion.
You have to drink this.
If you don't do it yourself, then I will make you drink this potion.
It will be a perfect potion.
I think this will be my best work.
Some of these leaves.
Pinch of it A little bit of this ...
Mmmm .... And ... wolf blood ... Wow, this will be very
Drink it.
Like this.
Very good.
Spell ... where is that spell ... Ah, here
it is ...
Liberum animum.
Audi verba mea.
Non vis esse normalis persona.
Vis potens vim.
Potentia werewolf.
Erit tibi servus meus.
Tu mihi securitatem praesidio.
Te esse meum.
In reliqua vita tua.
Liberum animum.
Liberum animum.
Oh, chshshsh ... chshshshsh ... The spell is working ... Chchchsh ... calm down
Calm down ... But ... why didn't the potion work to the end?
Something is wrong...
AH, you need magic blood.
You need my blood.
Drink it Perfectly.
It works.
It works...
Oh, how beautiful you are.
My wolf.
My werewolf ... Are you ready for the hunt?
My wolf will go with you.
Happy hunting, my wolves.
For more infomation >> ASMR Witch Enchanting You With a Spell Rolelpay (Halloween series) - Duration: 21:13.-------------------------------------------
Drawing Alkanes When Given the Structure Name - Duration: 3:55.
In part one, we covered how to name alkanes when given the structure. So if
you missed that you can find that video here. Now we'll go over how to draw the
structure when given the name. Here's the format of each example name we will go
over. Notice how in each example we always
have a number in front of our substituent followed by the longest
carbon chain. That number tells us which carbon that specific substituent is
located at. We'll always start with drawing the longest carbon chain first
then placing the substituents at the correct locations.
Let's do three different examples that increase in difficulty. Here's example 1
step 1 draw the longest carbon chain. I have a trick on how to draw the correct
carbon chain each time count to 1 less than the number of carbons you want, say
we wanted to draw only 8 carbons if we counted to 8 when drawing so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8 that actually gives you nine carbons but if we count to 7. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 that
gives us 8 carbons which is what we wanted so we will do the same for this
example since it states octane and we know that's 8 carbons. Step two number the
carbon chain we can number the carbon chain either from left to right or right
to left, I'll number it from left to right. Step 3 place substituents at their
designated numbers. In this case we only have one substituent located at the 4th
carbon on our carbon chain remember propyl has 3 carbons so this is
the structure for 4-propyloctane. Here's example 2 step 1 draw the longest carbon
chain our longest carbon chain is pentane, pent meaning 5 let's draw 5
carbons. Remembering the trick where we count to 1 less than the number of
carbons we want so 1, 2, 3, 4 and we actually drew one, two, three, four, five
carbons. Step two number the carbon chain I'll number the carbon
chain from left to right but you could have numbered it from right to left. Step
3 place substituents at their designated numbers, we have two different
substituents in this case an ethyl group and a methyl group, both groups are
located at the third carbon this is one way we could have drawn the structure. We
could have also drawn the major carbon chain going up first and placed the same
substituents either way both examples have the substituents at carbon three
so they both are correct. Now for our more challenging example, example 3 step
1 draw the longest carbon chain our
longest carbon chain is butane, but meaning 4 so we'll draw 4 carbons so 1, 2,
3 and we drew one two three four carbons. Step two number the carbon chain
I'll number the carbon chain from left to right. Step 3 place substituents at
their designated numbers whenever we have a number then a comma followed by
another number this tells us that there's more than one of the same
substituent. In this case we have four numbers plus the prefix of tetra and
tetra means four so we must have four methyl groups since this is tetramethyl.
Our numbers in front tell us we have two methyl groups on carbon 2 and two methyl
groups on carbon 3 and this is the proper structure. Now if you would like
help on your homework, online tutoring or other helpful resources I have all of
that and more in the description box and remember stay determined you can do this!
What yield advantages are you seeing with VT Double PRO® technology? - Duration: 0:27.
We had 30 side-by-sides across the state where we looked at VT Double PRO versus non.
There was a 90 percent win rate for the VT Double PRO and about
a 10 bushel per acre advantage.
Worst Jobs That Will Literally Kill You - Duration: 10:02.
Anyone who's ever worked knows that at some point a job can get stressful, but most of
us get through it and live to fight another day.
The Big Think tells us, echoing a study from the University of Manchester in England, "If
you work in a low-paying job you hate, you are likely more chronically stressed out than
if you were just unemployed."
In that case it's not only the job that causes mental stress, but the fact it pays
little money.
It might be worse at the bottom of the pay-scale when you are being screamed at all day, but
also desperately need the job.
But those at the top of the food chain have their own stresses, and some other jobs just
offer very challenging experiences.
We'll look at the worst, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Jobs that literally
make you kill yourself.
Before we start, we should tell you that we are of course talking about jobs with the
highest suicide rates.
These rates might change year-to-year and statistics will change from source to source,
and which country those sources come from.
That said, there can be no doubt the following occupations see many people taking their own
Construction Worker In the UK at least, we are told that for men
low-paid construction work has the highest suicide rate.
The Office of National Statistics reported that men doing this job are three times more
likely to take their own life than the average UK citizen.
In 2015 the people in this job represented 17 percent of all suicides in the country.
The US report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention also said something
similar, stating that "low paid, manual laborers who face uncertain employment and
typically work on their own are prone to committing suicide."
Farmers In many reports we found, farmers were taking
their lives at a rate higher than people in other professions.
This also fell into low-skilled agricultural work in some reports.
But it's not just the laborers.
The Farm Safety Foundation, which was created to focus on the mental health of farmers in
the UK, said if you harvest crops or rear animals you are in a high suicide bracket
for farming.
It said that changing markets, disease of livestock, failing crops and even Brexit was
taking its toll on farmers.
The charity also added, "In an industry with the poorest safety record of any occupation
in the UK, stress is often a key factor in many of the accidents, injuries and illnesses
taking place on farms."
The CDC in one U.S. report, albeit a few years old, said that agricultural workers, farmers,
fishermen, lumberjacks, had a suicide rate of a staggering 85 per 100,000.
This is compared to the average rate of 21.3.
Factory work A lot of mind-numbing work we may have done
in the past is now automated.
Imagine standing on a conveyor belt production line for eight hours or more?
The UK office of national statistics calls this work "process plant occupations",
but that could mean many jobs.
Still, if your job falls into that category you have much more chance of committing suicide
than the average UK citizen.
The CDC puts "Production and factory workers" high, too, with a suicide rate of 35 per 100,000.
We might remember those stories a few years ago about suicide nets being installed at
Foxconn in China where iPhone components are made and the phones are put together.
The Guardian reported, "Worker after worker threw themselves off the towering dorm buildings,
sometimes in broad daylight, in tragic displays of desperation – and in protest at the work
conditions inside."
It said in one year at one plant, 14 people died from jumping and 20 others had to be
talked down.
Police officers A career website tells us that many cops kill
themselves due to job stress.
This comes from a 2018 article in Men's Health.
It wrote that according to a 2018 study from the Ruderman Family Foundation the number
of cops that killed themselves when the data was compiled was three times more than those
killed in the line of duty.
According to the article, cops killing themselves is just getting worse in the USA.
Long hours, daily stress dealing with danger, and the tough guys don't like to talk about
stress apparently.
The article said this about stressed and depressed cops, "Many are haunted by the pervasive
fear that undergoing treatment will have professional repercussions, such as them being passed over
for promotions or removed from patrol work on the street."
One cop, called Al Hernandez, said that over his 35-year career at the Fresno Police Department
in California, 14 of his colleagues had taken their life.
But that rate seemed high compared with other reports.
A police website we found does say the rate is too high, but 2016 was a good year, as
that year just a few more men died in the line of duty than killed themselves.
Still, police life might not exactly portray Lethal Weapon, as other jobs can be much more
The CDC says people in the category of "Firefighters, police, corrections workers, others in protective
services" have a suicide rate of 31 per 100,000.
Bankers Why are so many bankers killing themselves,
asked the New York Post.
The CDC says stockbrokers are also killing themselves at an unusually high rate.
There are many reports about this, from Hong Kong to New York to London.
"An investment banker at JP Morgan jumped to his death from the roof of the bank's
headquarters in Central yesterday," wrote a Hong Kong newspaper.
"Deutsche Bank executive Broeksmit was found dead at his South Kensington home after police
responded to reports of a man found hanging at a house," wrote the UK media in 2014.
He had hanged himself in an apartment that cost $4,500,000 in 2000.
It's hard right at the top, too.
In 2016 Martin Senn, the former Chief Executive of Zurich Insurance, took his own life after
a takeover bid didn't work out and the company saw some heavy losses.
Soldiers We all handle stress differently, but witnessing
the ravages of war doesn't sit well with even the toughest or most impassive of us.
In fact, the stats are very disturbing if you believe the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs.
It said in 2016, 20 veterans killed themselves every day.
This was 18 percent of suicides in the USA, but military vets only make up 8 percent of
the population.
This is much higher than the average in the USA, and while most of the jobs we have discussed
up until now were filled by males, women in the military kill themselves at a high rate,
According to one Academic research paper we found, the rate has climbed much higher since
U.S. veterans magazine backs that up, stating, "There's clearly a serious issue with
suicides among active duty military service members, veterans and their families, and
it's one that we are passionate about addressing."
This was a quote in the article from a charity that helped U.S. veterans.
Creatives The CDC puts many jobs in one category, those
of "artists, designers, entertainers, athletes, media."
Well, we all know about the tormented artist, and so many of them either doing what Kurt
Cobain did or virtually drinking themselves to death like Amy Winehouse.
According to statistics, if you are in this line of work you are much more likely to commit
The Telegraph tells us that "tortured geniuses" have a much higher chance of killing themselves
than the average dullard.
Whether it's Hunter S. Thompson with a 45.
Caliber handgun or Virginia Woolf walking into a river with stones in her pockets, it
seems that having natural intelligence and hyper-sensitivity can be a hard thing.
Woolf wrote in her suicide note.
"I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate.
So, I am doing what seems the best thing to do."
But it's in the statistics, too, with one report telling us, "For the first time reliable
data has shown that the suicide rate among people working in creative roles is significantly
higher than the national average."
Care workers This is high for both men and women, with
UK statistics telling us care workers are twice as likely to kill themselves as the
average person working in the country.
It depends what kind of care, but reports state that in the UK many people such as physicians
simply burn-out from the number of hours they work.
The Lancet tells us, "The rate of depressive disorders among health-care workers compared
with the general population is alarming."
It's the same in the U.S. according to The Hill.
One article opens with, "As America focuses on one epidemic — the opioid crisis — another
goes entirely ignored."
That's the mental health of care workers.
The article was written by a health care worker in 2018.
Amazingly, she wrote, "I have lost six colleagues to suicide — five physicians and one physician
She wrote that those hardly in the game, the junior doctors, were depressed and suicide
She also said that while the police and military are now realizing suicide is a big problem,
strategies need to be developed to protect health care workers.
We could have added many more jobs to this list, and as we said, stats differ from source
to source and from country to country.
So, why not tell us in the comments another job you think is the most stressful.
Also, be sure to check out our other video Highest Paying Jobs!
Thanks for watching, and as always, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe.
See you next time!
Shared devices for kiosk and Firstline Workers with Windows 10 and Intune - BRK3016 - Duration: 1:10:23.
Fall coats for every occasion - Duration: 5:18.
Book services at Nail salon - Burbank | (818) 8581109 - Duration: 1:08.
Book services at Nail salon - Burbank
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Create intelligent ink scenarios in your apps - BRK2299 - Duration: 1:05:56.
Michele Maynard: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 7:49.
Michele Maynard: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Michele Maynard has been fired from her job as a teacher's aide after she was arrested and accused of having a sexual relationship with a student.
Pennsylvania State Police said 36-year-old Maynard engaged in sexual activity with a 17-year-old female student at least three times during the summer of 2018.
She was also accused of supplying alcohol to the alleged victim.
Maynard is married with four children.
Here's what you need to know.
The Teen Girl Told Her Parents About the Relationship & Police Said Michele Maynard Admitted to Touching the Student Inappropriately.
The case against Michele Maynard began in September of 2018.
The 17-year-old student told her parents that Maynard, a teacher's aide for the Towanda School District, had sexually assaulted her multiple times.
According to WNEP-TV, the teen claimed the physical relationship began in June.
She said it happened during a sleepover at Maynard's house.
(Maynard has four children of her own, including a 14-year-old daughter).
Police said Maynard confessed to kissing and touching the girl at least three times during the summer.
She was also accused of buying alcohol for her daughter and the alleged victim.
Other students commented on the allegations against Maynard to WNEP-TV.
Kylicia Darrow told the TV station, "You would never think that your mom's friend would be doing something like that, especially like, with a student at the school.".
Another student, Gabrail Maas, expressed sympathy for Maynard's daughter.
"At first it was extremely alarming to me because she had been my study hall teacher, and I mean, felt really bad for the daughter because I mean, of course, everyone is going to be talking about it.".
Maynard is Facing Nine Charges, Including Eight Felonies.
Michele L.
Maynard was charged on nine counts, according to online records from the Bradford County Court of Common Pleas court.
The charges include:.
• 4 counts: School – Intercourse/Sexual Contact with Student.
• 4 counts: Corruption Of Minors – Defendant Age 18 or Above.
• 1 count: Sell/Furnish Liquor Etc Minor.
The sexual contact and corruption of minors charges are third degree felonies.
A third degree felony in Pennsylvania carries a punishment of up to seven years in prison if convicted.
Giving alcohol to minors is a misdemeanor in Pennsylvania.
The potential punishment for that crime if convicted is a $1,000 fine for a first-time offense and up to one year behind bars.
Michele Maynard's Formal Arraignment was Scheduled for November 1 & Her Attorney was Expected to Issue a 'Not Guilty' Plea On Her Behalf.
Michele Maynard was arrested October 1 by the Towanda division of the Pennsylvania State Police.
Bail was set at $10,000.
She paid it and was released.
The Bradford County District Attorney's office is prosecuting the case.
According to court records with the Bradford County Court of Common Pleas, Maynard hired attorney Gregory Eugene Davidson to represent her.
Maynard will be formally arraigned on November 1.
But she was not expected to be present in court.
She issued paperwork on October 10 to waive her appearance at arraignment.
When a defendant does this, the defense attorney typically enters a "not guilty" plea on behalf of the client.
Michele Maynard is Married With Four Children.
Michele Maynard's Facebook page is filled with pictures of her four children.
She has three daughters and one son.
The oldest daughter, as referenced above, was 14 years old as of the summer of 2018.
The younger children, based on a Facebook photo from 2015, would now by 13, 11 and 9 years old.
According to WNEP-TV, Maynard's husband learned about the alleged sexual contact between his wife and the teenage girl via text message.
Police said both Maynard and the student sent details of the relationship directly to him.
The Towanda Area School District Terminated Maynard Following Her Arrest.
Michele Maynard was a teacher's aide for Towanda High School.
But the district fired Maynard following her arrest.
Maynard's name has also been removed from the school's online directory.
According to online records, Maynard does not have any prior arrests.
READ NEXT: WATCH: Video Shows Angie Frost Steal Tulsa Police Car.
Choices: Stories You Play - Desire And Decorum Book 1 (Chapter 15) {Diamonds} - Duration: 52:52.
Choices: Stories You Play - Desire And Decorum Book 1 (Chapter 15) {Diamonds Used}
Choices: Stories You Play - Desire And Decorum Book 1 (Chapter 15) {Diamonds}
Office 365 Groups automation inside-out - BRK3098 - Duration: 43:02.
If You Think You Are Ugly - Duration: 2:11.
You know, sometimes children say the most unusual things. Recently a teacher told me about a little girl in her science class.
They were studying how
caterpillars become butterflies. And the teacher explained that
caterpillars hatch from eggs and they begin to eat leaves that, in turn, allows them to grow bigger and bigger.
Then, the teacher explained that changes in the caterpillars hormones
caused it to spin a cocoon around itself.
Then, it begins to digest itself, causing it to become this ugly soup-like
substance. And,
finally, at the right time, it turns into a beautiful butterfly.
It breaks through the cocoon and flies away.
Well, when the teacher finished the class, a little girl who struggled with self-worth approached her and thanked her for the day's lesson.
Well, since that rarely happened, the teacher asked why she enjoyed it so much.
"Well," the little girl said, "I think I'm ugly and I don't feel very good about myself,
but you made me realize today that I am just butterfly soup, but in time I will be a beautiful butterfly."
Well, I don't have to tell you that the teacher had tears in her eyes when she told me that story.
But it is true. Many times, we look at ourselves
and think it can't get any worse.
Whether it's in the way we see ourselves or the
situation we are facing,
but I have good news for you: God is working it all for your good.
In fact, the prophet Jeremiah wrote in Jeremiah 29: "For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans
for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."
So, remember:
caterpillar today,
butterfly tomorrow. Think about it and I will see you next week.
Sergio Galvez: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 10:01.
Sergio Galvez: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Sergio Galvez has become the latest USA Gymnastics employee to resign.
He had served as the National Tumbling Team Head Coach since 2016.
The USA Gymnastics board of directors said Galvez was facing "allegations of misconduct" but did not provide details of the accusations.
The organization has continued to face turmoil in the aftermath of the conviction of former team doctor Larry Nassar.
More than 150 athletes accused him of sexual abuse and multiple women testified against him during his trial earlier in 2018.
Nassar pleaded guilty to criminal sexual misconduct and will spend the rest of his life in prison.
In mid-October, interim CEO and president Mary Bono resigned just five days after beginning the job.
In September, president Kerry Perry was also pushed to resign after nine months in the position.
She was accused of not doing enough to implement changes within the organization following the Nassar scandal.
Here's what you need to know.
USA Gymnastics Asked Sergio Galvez to Resign in Order to 'Maintain a Safe Environment' for the Athletes.
USA Gymnastics released a memo on Saturday, October 27, announcing that the organization had asked Sergio Galvez to turn in his resignation.
He did so on October 28, as first reported by the Orange County Register.
The news release does not specify exactly what Galvez was accused of doing.
The release reads:.
"USA Gymnastics has directed Sergio Galvez, the head tumbling coach for the 2018 U.S.
World Championships Team, to resign from his leadership role pending an investigation of a report filed at the U.S.
Center for SafeSport.
The Center has imposed interim measures with which Galvez is required to comply.
Galvez will not travel with the team to the World Championships this November in St.
Petersburg, Russia.
The USA Gymnastics Board of Directors determined that this action was necessary to maintain a safe environment for its athletes, in adherence with USA Gymnastics Bylaws.
USA Gymnastics is committed to athlete safety at all times and to acting responsibly on claims of misconduct.".
Galvez Has Been Preparing Athletes for a World Competition in Russia.
Team USA Gymnastics has been preparing for competition in Russia.
The World Trampoline and Tumbling Championships is scheduled for November 7-10 in St.
The organization made it clear in its news release that Galvez would no longer travel with the team.
USA Gymnastics trampoline and tumbling director Jacqui Godfrey wrote an email to athletes, obtained by the Orange County Register.
It read in part, "We understand that this news may be upsetting for many of you, especially in Tumbling.
We are here to support you, and we will let you all know as soon as we have further updates.".
Sergio Galvez Was Given the Job of National Tumbling Team Head Coach in October 2016.
View this document on Scribd.
Sergio Galvez has held the position of National Tumbling Team Head Coach since October of 2016.
According to a news release at the time, the position involved setting training goals for various gymnastics camps.
He also oversaw staffing for the camps.
On accepting the position, Galvez said at the time: "Accepting the position of Head Tumbling Coach for USA is not only an honor, but also a great responsibility that I will continue to uphold with great pride.
Our goals as a program will continue to be about regaining medal status for Team USA, to continue to build trust and collaboration amongst our great coaches and to improve the talent and success of our National Team.
My knowledge and experience in the world stage will be a great asset to continue to improve the program to higher standards.".
Galvez is Based at the Capital Gymnastics National Training Center in Burke, Virginia.
Sergio Galvez is based in Burke, Virginia, which is about 20 miles outside of Washington, D.C.
Galvez is a coach at the Capital Gymnastics National Training Center.
His Linkedin profile and the gym's website do not indicate how long Galvez has been working there.
It was also not immediately clear if his job with Capital Gymnastics was at risk in light of the USA Gymnastics allegations.
The gym's website praises Galvez as a "World Class tumbling coach." It mentions that he was previously honored as the National Tumbling Coach of the Year.
The bio also states that "as head coach, Sergio led the 2008 Women's tumbling team to a Gold Medal and the 2009 Women's tumbling team to a Silver Medal finish.".
Galvez also coaches men's gymnastics.
Capital Gymnastics shared the video above on Facebook in 2015.
They identified Galvez as having coached Austin Nacey, whose "huge triple back pike" helped "the U.S.
grab the bronze medal in men's tumbling.".
Galvez Coached National Champion Brandon Krzynefski & Described Taking a Lot of Pride in Watching Young Athletes Improve.
One of the athletes Sergio Galvez is most associated with is Brandon Krzynefski.
He won the title of Senior Power Tumbling National Champion in 2018 and was a junior national power tumbling champ as well.
Galvez began coaching Krzynefski when he was just four years old.
In a 2013 interview, Galvez talked about how proud he was to watch Krzynefski develop over the years into a champion, and that it showed his own talent as an instructor.
"As a coach, you always want to show your potential as a coach.
I have had kids that went to World Championships.
I had kids that succeeded in the sport.
But him, being here since 4 years old, it's pretty much your creation.
So nobody can say, 'well you know, you get kids that have talent.' Well yeah he had talent, but you created that talent and you molded that talent.
It's like your own child, you see him from day one and you just built that from there.".
READ NEXT: WATCH: Video Shows Angie Frost Steal Tulsa Police Car.
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