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You probably don't know this about U.S. elections | HKS Professor Alex Keyssar - Duration: 4:12.
[Announcer] Harvard Kennedy School presents
three things you didn't know about U.S. elections.
Number one.
There is no right to vote in the U.S. Constitution.
[Keyssar] It was not in the original Constitution.
It was not in the Bill of Rights.
This surprises most people.
The states had already developed franchise requirements
of their own and thinking in Philadelphia
was that if they chose any particular standard
it might well antagonize people from some states.
So, in effect they punted, didn't say anything
and left it to the states.
There have been attempts to add a right to vote
to the constitution and they have all failed
and never come close.
[Announcer] Number two.
Historically, voter suppression was not just a southern
[Keyssar] Most of us are quite aware that in the late 19th and
early 20th century, there were massive voter suppression
and disenfranchisement efforts in the south
that were aimed at African Americans.
What is less well known, is that there was an analogous
movement, less severe, but none the less important,
in the northern states to keep immigrant workers
from voting.
There were literacy requirements to vote
in many northern states, including Massachusetts.
There was an English language literacy requirement
that was passed in New York in 1921
and it remained on the books until the late 1960s.
In Minnesota there were laws that were passed
that prevented people who work in the timber industry,
these people were seen as itinerant,
and they were not allowed to vote.
Or one of my favorite examples,
was the suppression of Jewish voters in New York City
early in the 20th century for several years.
When New York had an annual registration requirement,
you had to register every year in order to vote.
And in one year to limit the voting strength
of New York's Jews and particularly New York's Jewish
socialists, the only registration days
were on the Jewish high holidays of Yom Kippur
and Rosh Hashanah.
[Announcer] Number three.
In the late 1960s, the U.S. almost abandoned
the Electoral College, but then it didn't.
[Keyssar] It has in recent years been a great deal of attention
focused on the Electoral College
and with good reason.
Because we have had two presidents within the last 20 years
have been elected, who did not win the popular vote.
What people don't know is that we got very close
to eliminating the Electoral College
and replacing it with a National popular vote
in 1969 and 70.
The impetus for it was coming
from several different directions.
The first was that from the late 1940s
through out the 50s, there were movements
to reform and nobody really thought
that it was a very good institution or a very wise one.
A second, was the Supreme Court decisions on districting
issues in the early 1960s would proclaim loudly
and clearly and unmistakably that the fundamental
democratic principle was one person one vote.
And it was very hard to embrace that principle
without thinking that perhaps it should apply
to presidential elections as well.
In September of 1969, the House of Representatives
voted by, I think it was, 82 percent
to amend the constitution
to get rid of the Electoral College
and have a National popular vote.
It was killed by a filibuster, led by souther senators.
But there was a real democratic surge.
A surge of a democratic ethos in the United States
in the 1960s and it almost carried are way forward
into getting rid of the Electoral College.
[Announcer] Thank you, Professor Keyssar.
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And if you'd like to see more, subscribe.
Chris Tomlin // Holy Roar // New Song Cafe - Duration: 12:37.
from here the sky your eyes they need arise from the dark to light will alive
alive we are here to lift you up here to sing a song of love here to give you got
put you I worthy
you ate you ate and you away this place that we raise god be praised
we are here to lift you up here
he did
holy row Fiji for heaven our praise poured out with reckless abandon
I worship God is holy we are
all the holy road
holy Road
all the holy row lifting up holy Oh
Chris and Jason thank you guys for just an incredible performance of this song
super cool to hear it broken down because on the recording man it's like
yes driving yes master yes but Chris we'll start with you a
little bit I'm not surprised that you've written a song called holy roar just
because I know that thoughts been in your head for a while of course it was
the title of your subtitle of the book you were involved with yeah and wrote
the seven Hebrew words of praise yeah and but talk about this idea a little
bit and it just keeps coming up and more we talk about songs and and the future
of the you know feature Christians in heaven and everybody's singing around
the throne and this whole idea of this holy roar is really prevalent in all
this conversations yes oh yeah like you said we had a book haven't been a part
of over the last year called holy roar it's seven words it'll change the way
you worship this idea of there's so much behind praise and we talk about what it
means to praise God there's so much more than I ever even knew and my eyes were
open to like what it really means to praise God and so we wrote this this
this book about it and I've been in that and I've been looking for the song holy
roar cuz I thought gosh you know back in the day when we first when the early
early days the beginnings of passion you might remember there was a song holy Roy
by Nathan Christie mmm-hmm and Knuckles and I always always that even even then
I was like wow when I heard when I heard them sing that I was like I love the
picture that that is of worship of praise when I think of when I think a
holy roar you know I think of the sound of like you said of God's people the
sound of the church the sound of all creation or even God even revelation
says and I heard that and I heard the Angels numbering thousands upon
thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand in a loud voice it says in a
loud voice singing worthy is the lamb or these lamb holy holy holy as the Lord
God Almighty can you imagine that sound and it's the songs
really an invitation for the church to join in that sound to join in that
experience of worship of the of just all of creation all people of God everyone
has let you know the psalm let everything that has breath praise the
Lord that's the idea of a holy roar and what that and I want to be a part of
that I know I want to be a part of that and there's a even as a worship leader
you know it's just I feel like this is such a good song of invitation to the
Church of just like you know you know welcome this morning we're gonna join in
the home the sound of creation we're reaching for heaven you know you just
you feel that in the in this holy roar and and honestly if I try I've tried to
write this song several times and completely failed until I finally wised
up and said this guy over here I said Jason this is Jason Ingram and I said
Jason is you know I've got this whole ear or idea I've been sitting with it
and you know can you help me write this and as Jason does he just goes to into
his little mad scientist world and and and says man what about this idea and I
remember he had this this whole it was a lot of the song just in this one little
voice memo to me he's like what do you think of this and you know Jason is one
of the great greatest songwriters of our time and I love it this is a first
worship together new song cafe I've made it you've made it behind so many songs
that are part of worship together that are in any stream of if you love worship
music you've been affected by him I mean it's from Bethel to Hillsong to
elevation to vertical to my all of my stuff to passion Jason's been behind all
of us so many so many many songs not to say among many many other artists but
especially in the worship space because I know Jason has that heart of worship a
little song called greater you Lord you may have heard of that yeah Jason you
know part of that in I don't know it was just fun writing this song together
fun for me it wouldn't Chris sent me that the text about wanting to come
around this title I had read his book and so I had and was so inspired by it
and when we got together he was he said you know I just want to sort of like
frame my life mission and I just felt like what a the Chris that I known what
he's given his life to all these years and I just thought what a beautiful that
when you look at the lyrics of this song and you look at Chris and the mission on
his life it just it for me it's just such a beautiful story and I do think
this song is so accessible and we just want to write something that everyone
can use and and sing and and and reach for heaven with you know yeah and roars
such an interesting word I was thinking about this a little bit yesterday when
we were preparing for these songs they're talking about it but you know a
lot of times you think of that word it's it's something that's intimidating it's
in your face but you know what's awesome about this song is that when God's
people roar it's it's a roar of of healing of of inclusion and it walls
come down yeah in peace and so it's a you know a holy roar is it's not an
offensive thing you know it's a way it's it's people worshipping God and drawing
all men and women and all the things that the world roars about you know just
think about all the all the arenas that are filled up with people roaring about
whatever and but there's something special when you put holy in front of it
because holy means set apart it means unique it means unlike any other it's a
word only reserved for God yeah and you put a holy and then a roar the roar the
sound the sound of God's people the awesome sound this the powerful sound
that that those two together it's a beautiful picture of what worship really
is yeah yeah it is worship in times it's just really on our face just quiet and
just stunned and speechless and there's other times we're joining the all the
saints and all the creation and just giving praise to God and that's what
this song is an invitation for wow that's so good man walk us through what
you're playing your Cape owed to - we do this in a I think you wrote it
neighs well I record and b-flat on the record but real simple it's just kind of
driving I love that I love the verse of this song because I have so much energy
than in them so much cadence in them and especially for a worship leader man I
it's just it's just easily but yeah it's just just the G chord or the one chord
from here to the sky deep
to give you guys what you
just matter
that's as simple as the song is yeah yeah and we had that little thing at the
end you hear in the recording of all the earth holy bro that's just uh you know
if you want to leave that you just just hopefully the G chord and that's
sustained and just leave the people in singing that whole kind of a chant
together I'll let it build and build and build yeah well guys thanks so much for
sharing the song with us man what a great message
We have no cell signal here. No internet.
No one knows what's happening to us.
Last night a couple friends and I finally got proof
What is that? (gasp)
Some of the kids said the voices in their heads
claim to be gods
When you see this, come to Redacre.
Help us.
(music intensifies)
Flip Top Tool Stand || Dewalt Planer / Ridgid Sander - Duration: 8:03.
hey there today I'm going to show you how to build this flip top tool stand it
has this super solid user-friendly locking system that's easy to make and
I'll show you how
you'll need a full sheet of 3/4 inch plywood for this build
I had a mine cut down to manageable pieces in the store then finished making
the cuts in the shop if you want to build a flip-top stand for yourself
you'll find all the measurements and a cut list on my website I'll leave a link
down below there are a lot of flip-top cards out there but I was inspired to
build this particular design by Brad at fix this build that now he's got plans
available so I'll also leave a link to those plans down below alright so after
pre-drilling some pocket holes the first step was to attach the base to the side
panels using some pocket screws to install the top panel I cut some five
inch spacers out of scraps so I could prop up the panel while I screwed it in
from underneath with some more pocket screws I installed the back panel and
tapped it into place using a mallet and this piece will actually add stability
and prevent side-to-side Rocking just in case you were thinking of skipping this
part at this point I tipped the cabinet on its side and started prepping for the
hardware after making a centerline I used a 5/16 bit to drill a hole on
each side of the panel one and a half inches in from the edge I then used a
3/4 inch Forstner bit for the center hole that'll hold the pipe next I
extended the sides of the hole to the edges of the plywood and use my jigsaw
to cut away a notch using your speed square as a guide
really helps here I repeated the same thing on the other side and on the
second panel as well ok next I moved on to making the drawer I really wanted a
simple utilitarian a simple box no slides and not even a dryer face I used
my table saw to make a notch on all four sides about a quarter inch deep I then
adjusted my fence slightly and repeated so that the groove would accept a
quarter inch thick panel
I'm attaching the box from the inside using pocket screws but I only did three
sides before sliding in the bottom panel I then popped in the fourth side into
place and added some screws to hold it all together I mean a simple draw pool
using a scrap piece of walnut because who doesn't love walnut I use my router
table to carve a concave notch on the backside and then simply screwed it into
the drawer from the back
okay now is a good time to attach the casters I use three inch heavy-duty
locking caster wheels for this time to move on to the tabletop off-camera I
found the center of the panel and made a line 3/8 of an inch on each side
I then butted a piece of one by two up to the lines in order to create a nook
for the pipe to sit dead center with my brad nailer I tack the pieces into place
then drilled some countersunk holes and added some screws making sure to check
that the pipe fits snugly as I went oh and don't pay attention to the notch and
the front board you see there that was a mistake and shouldn't be there
I do however need to create a notch in the outside pieces so I made a simple
jig that will ride along my table saws fence I need to make a 5/16 notch in the
center that's one and a half inches deep after setting the blade height I made
several passes moving the fence slightly as I went until I was able to fit in an
I then made the same notch on the other end of the board and repeat it on a
second piece as well I line up the pieces on the outer edges and as before
tack them into place then screw them down I cut up some more pieces to
complete the edges making sure to line them up flush before screwing them down
I need to add blocking underneath the tools I'll be mounting so I'll have
something to screw it into you want to make sure to line up the blocks under
the smaller holes if you're using screws the bigger holes are for using bolts
next I repeated the same process for the second tool man this one's heavy
I made sure to line up the smaller screw holes not the bolt holes and also make
sure that no parts were sticking out past the edge of the platform lastly I
seal the platform with another piece of plywood securing it with screws all
around okay so here's the hard way you'll need for the locking mechanism
you'll need startups with 5/16 threads 5/16 eyebolts three and a half inches
long and 5/16 washers you'll also need 3/8 washers 3/8 bolts that are a half
one and a half inches long and some 3/8 nuts now if you didn't catch all that
not to worry there are links for all of these in the description down below to
install the hardware I started by marking one inch in from each side I use
a Forstner bit to drill a countersunk hole from the top and the bottom of the
platform about half an inch deep I then used a 3/8 bit to drill all the way
through you start by inserting the eye bolt then place a 3/8 washer and a 3/8
bolt into the hole
another washer goes on the bottom followed by a 3/8 nut it's a good idea
to use some thread lock so the bolts won't loosen over time I then repeated
the same process on all four corners ok so getting the platform onto the pipe is
not the easiest if you're doing this by yourself I won't lie I had to do a few
takes before I was able to line up the pipe with the hole in platform and
thread it through you'll want to leave about half an inch of pipe sticking out
on each side so I mark the pipe and use the hacksaw to cut the pipe to length to
lock the pipe into place I used a three quarter inch Forstner bit
to make a half inch recess into a couple blocks and then mounted them onto
each side after locking the table in position I mounted my bench top sander
and anchored it to the platform using some three and a half inch screws
I then flip the tabletop over and did the same for my planer
to help manage the cords I use the scrap piece of leather with a pressure
snap now this will be a quick and easy way to keep the cord secured and out of
the way I'll be honest the first time I flipped the top I was a little nervous I
mean the planer alone weighs about 90 pounds when I was relieved that
everything held firmly and how smooth the flip actually was hey if you like
this video please give it a thumbs up and if you're not already subscribed to
this channel I'd love to have you remember to head over to my website for
all the details on this build and until next time thanks for watching
*New xbox codes *HOW TO GET FREE XBOX LIVE GOLD CODES 2018 - Duration: 2:49.
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Questions and Answers 73 - English Course Online Languages247 - Duration: 1:45.
Welcome to Questions and Answers
Read the answer out loud and then listen to the correction.
Had you been talking for long when I arrived?
No, I had only just started.
Have you always thought that way?
No, I used to think differently when I was younger.
Did you realise that it was him?
No, I had not put two and two together.
Did you have your wits about you?
No, unfortunately, I was half asleep.
It didn't add up, did it?
No, something wasn't right.
Was that the first job you applied for?
No, I had applied for half a dozen before.
Had the idea already occurred to you?
No, it came to me on the spur of the moment.
You aren't splitting hairs, are you?
No, I am trying to be fair, that is all.
Do you think it will be a success?
I usually land on my feet.
Have you been kept in the dark about her plans?
Yes, I have been to a certain degree.
Vocabulary Lesson 83 - English Course Online - Duration: 8:37.
Vocabulary lesson 83
Listen and repeat
Today's vocabulary
Chalk and cheese
Chalk and cheese
To expand
To extand
The extent
The extent
To generate profits
To generate profits
To happen upon
To happen upon
To quantify
To quantify
Exorbitant fees
Exorbitant fees
To break down
To break down
Lump sun
Lump sun
The potential is absolutely immense
The potential is absolutely immense
To buy off
To buy off
To buy up
To buy up
To clock up
To clock up
To drum up
To drum up
To pay back
To pay back
To size up
To size up
To weigh down
To weigh down
It's as broad as it's long
It's as broad as it's long
Lock, stock, and barrel
Lock, stock, and barrel
Tidy sum
Tidy sum
Everybody needs educating
Everybody needs educating
That is all for today
Dialogue Lesson 53 - English Course Online Languages247 - The Surgeon - Duration: 2:14.
Welcome to dialogue 53!
John is carried into the operating theatre by two medical orderlies.
John is being operated on by a surgeon.
There is a nurse and an anesthetist in the operating theatre.
The doctor was trained to carry out surgical interventions in Italy.
Some hospitals have been harmed by government cutbacks.
This hospital will be modernised soon because the building is a little old.
A computer is used to monitor John during the intervention.
The improvement in the success rate of surgical operation has been made possible by computer technology.
Human error was almost eliminated by the advent of technological innovation.
This hospital was built more than one hundred and fifty years ago.
The operation was carried out successfully.
Now John will be transferred to the recovery room by the two medical orderlies.
In the recovery ward John is woken up by the patient in the next bed.
He has been knocked out by the anesthetic.
John was told by the doctor to expect a feeling of nausea for a few hours.
He presses the buzzer for the nurse to come.
John is told by the nurse to lie down or he will make himself ill.
John takes the advice of the nurse and lies down.
Dialogue Lesson 35 - English Course Online Languages247 - Work - Duration: 1:46.
Welcome to dialogue 35!
Sara and Jeanne collect their things.
It has been a pleasant afternoon but now they are leaving.
Peter gives a kiss to Sara and agrees to take her out on Tuesday.
Peter shakes Jeanne's hand and they say goodbye to each other.
Peter has had a nice time.
As they are leaving, Peter begins thinking about Monday.
Now he needs to catch up on some work!
He has landed a new contract with the company.
He hasn't had a moment to look at it.
The company had contacted him three months ago.
but they have recontacted him this week to give the go-ahead.
He goes into his study.
He had been trying for nearly a year to land the contract.
It will oblige Peter to take on another employee.
When he started the agency three years ago it was much easier.
Today, there's more competition and it is difficult to find good stuff.
He has published an advert.
He consults his email to see if he has had any candidates apply.
Questions and Answers 85 - English Course Online Languages247 - Duration: 1:53.
Welcome to "Questions and answer".
Read the answer out loud and then listen to the correction.
Will you please answer the question?
No, I am going to take the fifth Amendment.
So have you made a choice?
Yes and it is irrevocable.
Did you phone the hotel?
Yes, but it was fully booked.
What shall we do then?
We shall find another, do not worry.
Is that a little expensive?
No, we could easily afford it.
What seems to be the matter?
I am not totally convinced, that's all.
Your heart is no longer in this job, isn' it?
It is, but I am just a little preoccupied.
Shall we go out on the town?
Why not? it is Friday after all.
Would you like to take up the discussion from now on?
No, carry on, you're doing a good job.
Are you going to get changed?
No, I think I will go as I am.
Vocabulary Lesson 84 - English Course Online - Duration: 17:07.
Vocabulary lesson 84
Listen and repeat
Today's vocabulary
To add value to
To add value to
To add up
To add up
The time you save commuting
The time you save commuting
To and fro
To and fro
Exorbitant cost
Exorbitant cost
Win-win situation
Win-win situation
Which leads to subsidence
Which leads to subsidence
I can bypass
I can bypass
Arduous task
Arduous task
Planning permission
Planning permission
To block
To block
The building regulations
The building regulations
Decrepit old house
Decrepit old house
To evict some squatters
To evict some squatters
The property is condemned
The property is condemned
To concentrate
To concentrate
Compulsory purchase older
Compulsory purchase older
To blend in
To blend in
They chip too easily
They chip too easily
The texture
The texture
I will leave up to you
I will leave up to you
DIY store
DIY store
Opaque mineral flooring
Opaque mineral flooring
Wooden covering
Wooden covering
To put down
To put down
Reinforced concrete base
Reinforced concrete base
To spread out
To spread out
To water down
To water down
Smooth plastic texture
Smooth plastic texture
To borrow
To borrow
Electric cement mixer
Electric cement mixer
To council
To council
To dissolve
To dissolve
To estimate
To estimate
How much do you estimate?
How much do you estimate?
Local firms
Local firms
To smash
To smash
To speck
To speck
To squeeze
To squeeze
To scratch
To scratch
To crumble
To crumble
To demolish
To demolish
To dwell
To dwell
To evict
To evict
Inner city
Inner city
To board up
To board up
To be boarded up
To be boarded up
To come out
To come out
To fix up
To fix up
To end up
To end up
A ballpark figure
A ballpark figure
To put in
To put in
To put up
To put up
With the exeption of
With the exeption of
The plumbing
The plumbing
It's worth looking at
It's worth looking at
Solar panels
Solar panels
They are cost effective
They are cost effective
Renewable energy products
Renewable energy products
To give us a quote
To give us a quote
Commuter belt
Commuter belt
Home sweet home
Home sweet home
That is all for today
Questions and Answers 26 - English Course Online Languages247 - Duration: 3:40.
Questions and Answers 47 - English Course Online Languages247 - Duration: 3:51.
Welcome to "Questions and Answers"
Read out loud the answers.
What time do you have to be at the hospital?
I must be at the hospital at 9:30 in the morning.
Do you have to give a blood sample?
Yes, I have to give a blood sample.
Did you understand that man?
No, I couldn't really understand the accent.
Do you think you ought to answer him?
I think I ought to answer him, yes.
Do you really need to make all the noise?
Yes, I'm afraid I have to.
What should you say?
I should say that I am sorry.
When must you go?
I must go before the end of the month.
Can it be her?
No, it can't be her.
Must you take it so seriously?
Yes, I must, my job depends on it.
Might you be Polish or Hungarian?
Yes I might, I am Polish actually.
All Machines Train vs Funny Buddy With BLOOD | Kick The Buddy - Duration: 9:10.
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Dialogue Lesson 43 - English Course Online Languages247 - Family Dinner - Duration: 2:29.
Welcome to dialogue 43!
Hello mother. Have a seat, where is my sister?
She is parking the car with her boyfriend Kevin.
There are hundreds of cars in this street and it is not easy to park.
Susan, we need some more dishes for this evening.
There will be five of us after all.
We've got some more dishes in the dining room cupboard.
And we have one, two, three, four, five chairs.
I will set the table for five.
Please, put some bread on the table.
John's sister and her boyfriend arrive.
Susan has bought some new clothes and John's mother says to her:
"Your jeans look great".
Please get some paper napkins from the cupboard.
Get enough for five people.
One for each person.
Three women and two men.
That's five in all.
That's a few too many for our little table, but we can manage with less room.
Did you bring any wine?
It does not matter if you didn't, we have lots.
We hardly ever touch the stuff.
We have many bottles leftover from my birthday party.
Have you any news about your health problems John?
Yes, I have some news. I think it is overwork but I am going for a final checkup on Tuesday.
Cross our fingers and as soon as you have some news, phone us.
They all eat a lot and there is hardly any leftovers.
Well many thanks, it was really nice!
There aren't many nice restaurants around here.
There are some.
You mean there are a few, restaurants are countable.
Grammar Practice 73 - English Course Online Languages247 - Past perfect and Continuous - Duration: 2:16.
Welcome to grammar lesson 73
I would like to introduce tonight's grammar forum brought to you by Languages247.
Tonight we are going to explain and give examples of the past perfect and past perfect continuous.
Past perfect. The past perfect is used :
1/ for actions that take place prior to another action in the past before a simple past:
I had taken the dog out before I had breakfast. After I had taken the dog out, I had breakfast.
2/ to express facts
3/ to focus on duration (just like the past perfect continuous).
Signal words used with the past perfect : already, till then, until that day, never, not yet, once.
The past perfect continuous:
The past perfect continuous is also called past perfect progressive.
We use this tense :
1/ to express a cause. They had been working too hard and suffered from exhaustion.
Since he had been working on the project, we hadn't seen him as much.
2/ to stress the duration of the action. It had been running for several decades before they closed down.
He had been playing sports all afternoon.
3/ to specify that the action lasted a certain time.
How long had he been learning English? I had been sleeping the whole afternoon.
So here we have various signal words that work well with this tense : all, the whole, for, since, how long?
Short and sweet but to the point, good night!
Sing Ninjago finger family song | Daddy finger Ninjago Sing - Duration: 0:54.
Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Questions and Answers 24 - English Course Online Languages247 - Duration: 4:00.
Welcome to Questions and Answers
Read out loud the answer
Have a cup of tea!
No thank you, I I'm not thirsty.
Leave me the key!
No, I won't leave you the key, I need the key.
Let's go out tonight!
No, I am tired.
Let's not rush!
I am in a hurry.
Don't forget your keys!
No, I won't forget my keys.
Don't shut the door!
I am going out in a minute.
Let's wait a while!
No I can't, I need to do it now.
Can you tell me the way to Buckingham Palace?
Yes, go straight on and turn right at the end of the road.
Are you at the traffic lights?
Yes, I am but I cannot talk as I am on the phone.
Are you in the car or are you on foot?
I am on foot.
Vocabulary Lesson 38 - English Course Online - Duration: 4:08.
Vocabulary Lesson 38
Listen and repeat
Today's vocabulary
Choosing a candidate
Or perhaps
Made up his mind
Will I have decided?
Won't I have decided?
You never know
The joys of being an entrepreneur
To stick to
A one man band
The day of the interview
How are you doing?
I am doing fine
How was the traffic
Nothing to report
Are your ready?
To properly introduce
The owner
Open position
To have too much on
To fill this position
To handle
Social media account
Pay per click
A medium-sized company
Type of qualifications
Do your require?
A bachelor dgree in marketing
The potential
To be in demand
To advertise
And yet
Regular inquiries
To keep
To do something right
A laptop
Project work
To be impressed
That is all for today
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