You can call me artist
You can call me idol
Or any other something
you come up withI don't care
I'm proud of it
I'm free
No more irony
For I was always myself
Point ur fingers, I don't care at all
No matter what your reason to blame me is
I know what I am, I know what I want
I never gon' change, I never gon' trade
You can't stop me lovin' myself
Deong-GiDuk Koong Deo-leoleo (UlSoo!)
JI-HWA JA, It's Goood!
Deong-GiDuk Koong Deo-leoleo (UlSoo!)
I'm in love with the shape of you
We push and pull like a magnet do
Although my heart is falling too
I'm in love with your body
Last night you were in my room
And now my bed sheets smell like you
Every day discovering something brand new
I'm in love with the shape of you
Face off, just like O-WooSam, ay
Top star with that spotlight, ay
Sometimes I become a superhero
Spin it your Anpanman (Ho!)
24 hours isn't much Confusedness, for me it's luxury (Ho!)
I do my thang (I do my thang)
I love myself
I love myself, I love my fans Love my dance and my what
There are tens and hundreds of myself in me
I welcome another me today After all, all of them is me
I just go at it rather than sit on it
Runnin' man x3
What you keep babbling about
I do what I do, so mind your own business
You can't stop me lovin' myself
Deong-GiDuk Koong Deo-leoleo (UlSoo!)
Ji-HwaJa, It's Good!
Deong-GiDuk Koong Deo-leoleo (UlSoo!)
I'm so fine wherever I go
Sometimes I find the longest way to go around
It's okay, I'm in love with my-my myself
It's okay, I'm happy in this moment
(What you keep babbling about) I'm in love with the shape of you
(What you keep babbling about) We push and pull like a magnet do
(Talkin' x3) Although my heart is falling too
I'm in love with your body
(I Do~ What I Do~) Last night you were in my room
(It's not your business!) And now my bed sheets smell like you
Every day discovering something brand new
(You can't stop me lovin' myself) I'm in love with the shape of you
Deong-GiDuk Koong Deo-leoleo (UlSoo!)
Ji-HwaJa, It's Good!
Deong-GiDuk Koong Deo-leoleo
For more infomation >> BTS & Ed Sheeran | IDOL X Shape Of You (MASHUP) 'IDOL OF YOU' Cover by 챕스 : Chaeps - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
What Your Forehead Wrinkles May Be Trying To Tell You About Your Health - Duration: 2:47.
One thing we all know for sure is that we will age.
And as we get older, some signs begin to appear that tell everyone that we're not as young
as we used to be.
Some researchers have studied these signs in order to help us prevent health problems
such as cardiovascular diseases.
Have you ever thought that there might be a relationship between the deep wrinkles in
your forehead and a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease?
This was found by a study published in 2018, that suggests that people who have deep forehead
wrinkles are more likely to die of cardiovascular disease.
A study made up of 3,200 healthy adults aimed at relating the horizontal wrinkles that appear
on our foreheads and their depth to heart problems.
Participants were examined and grades were given according to the depth of their wrinkles.
Participants followed up for 20 years and 233 of them died of various causes.
After analyzing these various causes, the researchers concluded that people with deeper
wrinkles were more likely to die of cardiovascular disease.
Those who had had a higher grade were 10 times more likely to have heart problems in comparison
to a person who had a low grade.
Researchers still don't know the reason for this connection.
One of the probable reasons has to do with atherosclerosis (the stiffening of the arteries
due to the accumulation of plaques.)
The change in collagen proteins and oxidative stress seem to work both for atherosclerosis,
which contributes to the risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems, as well
as for wrinkles.
In addition, the blood vessels in your forehead are so small that they may be more sensitive
to plaque buildup.
This means that these wrinkles could be the first signs that your blood vessels are in
But before you start worrying about wrinkles on your forehead it's important to consider
that these marks can also arise for several other reasons.
If you have the habit of frowning, or if you read in dimly lit environments, you may be
more prone to wrinkles on your forehead.
Although wrinkles are not necessarily a surefire method for assessing cardiovascular risk,
this factor just gives us something else that will help bring our attention to the state
of our heart.
The findings are still recent and there is still much to be researched.
However, it's worth thinking about, don't you think?
Find influencers for free with Heepsy - Duration: 2:15.
In this short video I'm going to explain to you how to find influencers with Heepsy's free plan.
With the free plan, you have access to the "Handle and bio" search.
You can use here a handle or a keyword.
Let's try searching by handle
You can find specific influencers you know and find out more about their key metrics
If you are interested in an specific country or region, just try using it in the search box. Germany, for example.
We have almost 15000 influencers in Germany!
If you are interested in an specific industry, try by entering it. Let's look for "Moomy" category.
There are 9700 mommies on Heepsy.
Now, select one that fits into our campaign.
By clicking on the image you can find key metrics about this influencer as well as other similar profiles.
Here you can find number of followers, engagement rate, comments in their posts...
You can also see their followers growth. This can tell you if an influencer is in decline or on the rise.
Heepsy also detects collaborations that the influencer makes with other brands.
Discover the themes of his latest publications without leaving Heepsy and in just a glance.
If you need more precision, you can find out how many influencers we have using premium filters.
For example, there are more than 46,400 fitness influencers in the USA.
If you want to discover who they are, you can select one of our affordable plans.
Thank you for watching!
How to Make Compost Faster (and Know When It's Ready!) [Quick Start to Composting Part 3] - Duration: 17:27.
One of your favorite things about composting it's gonna be harvesting the
gardener's gold and adding it to your soil. Six months ago this was apple cores
and slimy spinach shred leaves old coffee grounds and now it's rich dark
compost. What a transformation! This compost will feed your soil making your
garden strong healthy and happy and the next harvest will be one that feeds you
and your family. Are you ready for healthy delicious vegetables and
gorgeous flowers? Welcome back for video three of Quick Start to Composting.
If we haven't met yet I'm Amy Landers thank you for joining me I'm so glad
that you're here my husband Colby and I are the gardeners and bloggers behind where we teach families how to create beautiful
bountiful gardens once again thank you to everyone who commented or sent emails
about videos one and two it's really exciting to hear about what you're
creating and if you've started building your bin congratulations you're an
official composter you're taking trash and turning it into treasure today I'm
gonna reveal the treasure inside this finished compost bin and I'm gonna give
you three tips to speed up your composting process so you can get to
your treasure sooner let's start with a review of video one and two you can go
back and watch those if you missed them but here are a few of the highlights
compost happens when we put together organic matter and add air and water and
give it time to heat up and decompose when you add compost to your soil
it forms houmous a key ingredient in fertile soil composting has so many
benefits it improves soil structure and it increases soils ability to hold water
it adds nutrients to the soil and makes existing soil nutrients more available
for plants compost adds life to the soil and it also helps suppress some diseases
and that's not all composting reduces waste that would otherwise go to
landfills and incinerators composting reduces pollution and erosion compost
can even help clean up pollution when we compost we decrease our need for fossil
fuels and composting helps you close the loop waste becomes resource compost is
nothing short of awesome it's great for the planet and it's great for your own
patch of soil next we talked about what you can compost and what you should
leave out of your pile I won't recap all those right now
but be sure to download your free infographic and you got our no fuss
compost bin workbook I showed you how to build our favorite type of composting
container this simple inexpensive wire bin and we talked about how to pick that
perfect convenient place for your bin have you done that check we've talked
about two styles of composting batch and as you go this wire bin is an as you go
pile that we've filled with kitchen scraps and leaves we stopped adding to
it about six months ago I think we've turned it once but otherwise we've just
let it decompose over time you can see that it's shrunk down to about a third
of its original size and that's pretty normal as I've said before decomposition
is going to happen no matter what so you can be a laid back composter and still
have good results in six to twelve months but what if you don't want to
wait that long well before we break open this pin let's talk about how to get
compost faster here are three ways to speed up your composting
number one start with smaller materials so for example your leaves could be
shredded before putting them in your bin when you increase the surface area of
your materials they will decompose faster naturally when you mow your grass
the clippings get shredded into tiny bits you can also use your lawnmower to
shred up leaves weeds and other garden waste before you add it to your bin
using a lawnmower with a bag attached is an awesome composting tool another
option for shredding material is a chipper shredder these are a little more
expensive and less common for backyard gardeners however if you want to make a
big batch of compost it might be worth finding one to borrow or rent for a day
these allow you to chip up small pieces of wood and shred up leaves and garden
waste if you have access to one they are really handy
now if mowing or chipping your yard waste aren't options for you you can cut
up materials with a machete or garden shears
you can also just rip it and tear it up into small pieces with your hands junk
mail and other paper can be shredded with a standard office shredder or turn
up by hand fruits vegetables and other food scraps can be chopped torn and
crushed into small bits before putting them in your collection pail some people
even blend up their kitchen scraps before adding them to their bin you
probably don't need to go that far unless you're trying to break a compost
speed record but it is an option number two another way to speed up your
composting is to get your combination of greens and browns just right which
usually means adding plenty of greens especially in autumn when dry brown
materials like leaves are abundant you may need to be very intentional about
adding green let's take a deeper look at some nitrogen rich materials that will
help get your pile decomposing hot and fast we've already talked about some
great sources like fresh grass clippings and garden waste
kitchen waste and coffee grounds hair is also very high in nitrogen human and pet
hair are both good another nitrogen source that might be a little surprising
is urine you could think of this as a side benefit if you have boys like I do
who sometimes can't hold it long enough to go inside
you can suggest that they go on the compost bin instead you can also get a
bag of alfalfa meal or pellets from the feed store or blood meal from the garden
supply store these are easy to sprinkle in between the layers of shredded leaves
finding extra nitrogen rich materials is also a great way to get your community
involved maybe you have neighbors who would donate their grass clippings or
kitchen scraps go ahead and get their leaves while you're at it if you have
coffee regularly at work or church maybe you can bring the coffee grounds home
you'll be saving the earth while making more compost for your garden now there
is such a thing as too much nitrogen and it can make your pile stinky and even a
little slimy if you're gonna work on perfecting this balance to speed up your
composting I recommend that you take time to learn more about the carbon
nitrogen ratios of the materials you're thinking of using number three now we'll
get to the third and in my opinion best way to speed up composting turn baby
turn turning your compost is not necessary but it will definitely speed
decomposition along it adds oxygen and aerates your pile it mixes up the
materials so the less decomposed the materials on the outside and top get
turned into the center where the action is happening and any matted materials
gets left back up the aeration and mixing will get your compost hot and
that means faster breakdown turning your pile also gives you a chance to adjust
things like moisture and the amounts of browns and greens in your pile when you
get in there you'll know if your pile is too dry and need some extra water or too
wet you'll want to add extra Brown materials if your pile smells like
ammonia that's a good clue that you have too many greens and on the other hand if
your pile doesn't seem to be doing anything at all you can add more greens
to fire it back up how often you turn depends on your goal again you don't
have to turn it all or you can turn a few times at the most extreme into this
spectrum there's the berkeley compost method where you can get compost in
eighteen days by turning it about seven times I haven't tried this yet but I'm
curious and I'll let you know if I do let's head out to the pasture where I
have a band that is ready to turn this is one of our simple compost heaps out
near the barn it's a mix of leaves horse grass clippings and spoiled hey we've
got several like this around the farm and this one was just turned a few days
ago it should be ready just in time for our spring garden planting and this is
one of our wire bins it's kind of a test fit we're curious to see how it compares
to the heap and we're also wondering how does our mix of horse manure and leaves
grass clippings and hay compared to the kitchen waste bin that's closer to the
house today I'm going to demonstrate how to turn the material in this bin the
easiest way to do this is to take the empty bin and set it right next to your
pile and then turn it as you move the material back into the bin so first make
sure your areas clear and level next unhook your wire you can unhook unwind
the wires or you can get a helper and lift the bin right off the top hmm do
you remember how we started our pile in video 2 roughage we want a nice layer of
coarse material so we've got good drainage and air circulation I've got
some sticks here next I'm going to turn the material back into our bin what I'm
gonna try to do is get this outer material on the inside of the bin in the
center and that way the inner material that's more broken down will end up on
the outside of our new bin I'll mix it as I go and break up any matted material
that I find as I'm turning and mixing I'm paying attention to how wet the
material is it's too dry I'll add water if it's too soggy I'll add some more dry
Brown remember we're going for a run-out sponge
as I'm getting down to the bottom I'm getting into that course material that I
laid down when I first created the bin I'm just gonna pull it out and lay it to
the side I can use it for my next turn if a little bit gets mixed in it's no
all right there we go it turned bin you can see how much it
fluffed up with the addition of all that air we're expecting in quite a bit of
rain so I'm gonna put a makeshift lid on top that's made out of scrap tin this is
a quick and easy solution to make sure my bin doesn't get too waterlogged now
our compost microbes have plenty of air and water they're gonna keep breaking
down that nitrogen and carbon rich material the pile is gonna heat back up
again as they do their work depending on our schedule I might turn this pile
again once it cools back down turning is one of the best ways to keep your pile
active and make compost faster are you ready to see some finished compost while
I head back to the house let me tell you how you'll know when your compost is
finished what is finished compost in composting
terms finish means that the compost is stable and ready to use in your yard and
garden the process of decomposition has slowed down and the compost doesn't heat
back up when you turn or water your pile it's well on its way to becoming the
beneficial houmous we talked about in video number one other names for
finished compost or cured aged or mature compost if you use unfinished compost it
will continue decomposing in your garden which isn't a big deal in fall or winter
but you'll want to be careful if you add unfinished compost during the growing
season it may compete with your plants for nitrogen and even stunt their growth
also mini seeds don't germinate as well in unfinished compost so you'll want to
be sure your compost is finished you'll know your compost is finished when the
original materials are mostly unidentifiable you won't be able to tell
that something is a banana peel or a maple leaf things like wood chips and
avocado pits may still be around you can screen those out and put them into your
bin for another go-round finished compost has a nice earthy smell
it is dark brown or black in color it has a uniform texture a crumbly
sponginess and it is cool to the touch if you find earthworms in your compost
pile that's a good sign it's ready to use our firms won't venture up into a
hot pile okay now it's time let's break open this bin and see how it looks
inside the first thing I'm going to do is take the leaves off the top I'm just
gonna move these to this back bin it's fairly new and as you can see it's a
great example of why you should put your bin on level ground we actually did
start with a level pad of mulch but several inches of rain and we've got the
leaning tower of compost putting these leaves on top isn't gonna hurt okay that
should do it now I'm going to unwrap the wires at the seam you could also pull
the bin right off the top all right let me move this fencing out of the way I'm
gonna bring back the wheelbarrow and the sifter well take a look at that rich
dark beautiful compost just needs a little bit of sifting we use a simple
homemade sifter to screen our compost the sifter catches any large less
decomposed pieces like the occasional stick or corn cob we'll just take these
and put them in our next compost pile a sifter isn't necessary but we like the
way it gives us a nice uniform consistency makes the compost easy to
add to our soil uses mulch or put in our house plants we're gonna take what we
harvest today and add it to a new bed that we're preparing for garlic I think
we're gonna plant it next week if we have any extra we'll save it first
spring plantings our garden will be very happy
there you go now you'll know when your compost is ready and some ways to speed
it up if you'd like I hope you found this free video series helpful
composting really is the cornerstone of a healthy garden and a sustainable home
and you are on your way so what's the next step now that you have the basics
of composting you're ready to start improving your garden from the ground up
healthy soil has so many incredible benefits and there are many different
methods for building and nurturing healthy soil far more than we could fit
into this training once you start composting there are other questions to
answer how can you really fit pom posting into your own unique situation
and how can you make sure that you have a steady supply of compost so that you
have it whenever you need it from there you can think about the big picture how
do you really understand what is going on in your soil and how can you improve
your soil to help your plants be more productive what are some of those other
methods for building healthy soil and how can you manage the problems like
pests and disease and weeds so that you get more of what you do want in your
garden if you're interested in finding detailed answers to these questions and
more I've got good news composting is only one small part of the
Advanced Course that I mentioned earlier foundations of a happy garden
foundations of a happy garden is an online course designed to help you lay
the groundwork for a thriving abundant garden you wouldn't build a house
without a foundation your garden starts from the ground up as well
healthy soil is the foundation for a happy garden no matter what this season
you can take steps today to build and nurture healthy living soil our in-depth
video training is perfect for those who want to learn how to garden with nature
to grow more food and more beauty in their own backyards
when you're ready to take the next step click the link below to request your
invitation to foundations of a happy garden when you click your invitation
will include all the details about the course modules workbook step-by-step
tutorials and some great bonus materials I hope you'll take the next step with me
but matter what thanks again for watching
from our family to yours all the best in creating a garden that matters I'm gonna
get back to sifting compost and I'll see you again soon
10 Jewellery That You Must Buy For Winters - Duration: 3:07.
Can You Claw Pt.2 - Duration: 3:35.
Breaking down amendments 1 through 4 - Duration: 7:34.
God Sees You - Two Minute Message - Duration: 2:13.
- Hey everybody Daniel Fusco here
and welcome to today's two minute message.
So we live in a world today
where there is a lot of clamoring for a voice
and that's not a bad thing
that's actually a good thing
because really all of us should have a voice
and there are segments of society
who feels for these different reasons
and a lot of them are justified
that they don't have a voice or they haven't been seen
and so one of the things that I love to say
is that Jesus is real
and the reason that I say that is because
Jesus exists at street level for everybody
now although our society or our culture may not give voice
or may not see certain people
Jesus always does and this is a very true biblical reality
there's an amazing story in the Book of Genesis chapter 16
there was a woman named Hagar and her son Ishmael
had been rejected by Abraham and Sarah but not by God
and literally Hagar thought that her and her son
were gonna die but God provided for them
and Hagar called God El Roi the God who sees
and really what's amazing is
it's very similar to our culture
where there's a marginalized group of people
who are being oppressed in a sense
and being pushed to the side but God sees them
and what I wanna tell you today
is no matter if you feel you have a voice or not,
whether anyone sees you or not
God does see you
and when you pray God does give you a voice
and God cares about you
every detail of your life,
and God wants to do a work in and through your life
and so even though we need to work
for our culture to see and hear everybody
you have to remember God already does.
This is why I want you to share this video
because listen God sees everybody
and God is given everybody a voice
and in the comment section
let's talk about how the reality that God sees us
changes our life,
the fact that we don't just have to live
for likes on social media or shares
or followers or someone saying that a boy or that a girl
but the fact that we live our lives first before God
and then God does all that he wants to do
in and through our lives when we live for him first
and then we live out into this world.
God bless you today.
Are you a free range parent? - Duration: 2:07.
- Take a look at this mugshot of a woman from South Carolina
who was put in jail on felony charges.
What do you imagine her crime was?
None of the above.
Debra Harrell was arrested for letting her daughter
play at the park alone for a few hours.
Her daughter was taken by the government for 17 days
before she was finally returned.
Across the country,
there's an attack on so-called free range parenting
or, as most of parents once called it, parenting.
In Connecticut, another mother was handcuffed and arrested
because her eight-year-old walked to school alone.
A family in Maryland was investigated twice by authorities
simply for letting their two children, ages six and 10,
walk home from the playground themselves.
There are many, many more stories.
Fortunately, the law in Utah has been changed
to make sure this does not happen here.
Working together with Senator Lincoln Fillmore,
we were able to persuade the Legislature
to restrict the government's ability
to punish parents for letting their children experience
the same independence that many of us had growing up.
Children who walk to and from school,
the park, the store, or who simply play outside
should not be presumed to be in danger.
And even though it may seem
that the world is a scary place for unattended children,
the data clearly shows that it's never been safer
to be a "free range kid."
Indeed, many parents who give their children
this independence are not worried about danger to the child,
they're worried what the government might do.
- The thing that I worry about
is not that they're in danger.
I worry that someone will see them walking and say,
"Oh, this isn't good," and they'll call the police.
- Parents in Utah can rest a bit easier
knowing that the law is now on their side.
As for other states, they've got some catching up to do.
For Libertas Institute, I'm Nichelle Aiden.
Smoked Chicken Wings on the Pit Barrel Cooker - Duration: 2:25.
It's two minute Tuesday and today I'll show you one of the most basic secrets
about delicious chicken wings and the best part is it only takes three steps
for amazing wings follow this very basic recipe for a new flavor profile for your
wings it'll blow your tastebuds away and it's like magic
but let's get started start your pit barrel cooker and allow the cools to
hash over this will take approximately 20 minutes rinse your wings and Pat them
dry and a place coating a spray corn or vegetable oil this gives the seasoning
something to hold on to I use my own spice mix of brown sugar salt and some
other seasonings that will help to create a caramelized crusty exterior and
balance the savory spices I'll put the recipe in the description so they might
give it a try literally apply the spice mix to both
sides of the wings now let the wings set for 5 minutes so the spices can adhere
to the wings the fit bro cooker should be ready now insert the grill grate and
load it in onto it keep a small air gap between them also that that smoky
goodness can get all over now close the lid and check back in 45
minutes so it's been about 45 minutes let's check on those wings we're looking
for a uniform color and a temperature of 165 degrees
well these wings look good and are done pull them off and let them and let the
ring wings rest for five minutes under a foil tent serve them with your favorite
barbecue sauce I like a variety of sauces so that I can dip them in
different spices or sauces as I go well there you have it a wing recipe that is
tasty and is easy to make and there will be no leftovers what's your favourite
wings recipe let me know in the comments below if I like your recipe I'll feature
in an upcoming video helped me get to a thousand subscribers by liking and
sharing this video with a friend and also subscribing to my channel since
you're already there go ahead and click that Bell icon so that you can get
notified of any updates let me know in the comments below what was the favorite
part of your video and if you have any video suggestions leave them in the
comments section as well I'm Berlin birch I'll see you next time
How to Draw Donald Trump Pancake Art Because You Hate America - Duration: 10:21.
- Hi everyone, I'm Jerry James Stone,
and in today's video, well, we're doing political pancakes.
And I guess you can't really do politics these days
without getting Trumped, which America has been
for the past two years, so we're gonna pancake him
because it's really the only way
that we can stand him.
We have Jasmine here of Get Caked LA.
She's gonna show you how.
(energetic music)
- [Jasmine] So, this one's a tough pancake.
Okay, this one hurts me.
- [Jerry] This pancake did not get the popular vote.
- [Jasmine] No. No, no, no.
And the coolest thing is, is I can make this pancake
look like whatever I wanna make it look like. (laughs)
- [Jerry] Which is pretty much an orange anus
'cause that's what it looks like.
- [Jasmine] That's exactly what it is.
It's really just an orange anus.
Don't confuse yourself with anything else,
just picture an orange anus
every single time you see this person.
(Jerry and Jasmine laughing)
- [Jerry] Already did.
(Jerry and Jasmine laughing)
- [Jasmine] So he's got a bunch of wrinkles,
I'm gonna help him out.
- [Jerry] For a guy who really likes
to make fun of everyone's looks, you know,
- [Jasmine] He really does not have the best look.
- [Jerry] No, and I mean I don't, I really,
so like when they did that whole, like naked Trump statue
thing, I was really against that
because I don't--
- [Jasmine] That's not cool.
- [Jerry] I don't like body shaming anyone
even if I don't like them, and--
- [Jasmine] No, no it's not okay, yeah.
- [Jerry] I don't like making fun of people
for their weight or their looks
or things that they can't help,
so, but the fact that he makes fun of so many people
for their looks and looks like he does, you know.
- [Jasmine] It kind of amazes me, honestly.
- [Jerry] Right? (laughs)
This pancake is being brought to you by Russia.
- [Jasmine] Ugh (laughs)
Russia, get out of here, Russia.
(Jerry and Jasmine laughing)
So he's cooking.
- [Jerry] That's the lips?
- [Jasmine] Yes it is, yeah.
Yeah he's got weird lips.
(Jerry and Jasmine laughing)
This one's gonna be one of my faves.
- [Jerry] This is amazing.
- [Jasmine] And the coolest thing is,
is like I've only really been asked
to make his pancake one other time, okay,
so this is the second time
I'm actually making this specific pancake.
- [Jerry] Well 'cause it probably would give you
food poisoning even if the pancake was great.
- [Jasmine] I would have gotten sick just making it, okay?
I would have gotten sick just making it. (laughs)
Okay, now you gotta get this crazy hair,
hold on.
You know I gotta talk to his stylist
and let him know, I got him.
(Jerry laughs)
I'll do the hair for you, don't you worry.
- [Jerry] You saw that video where he's getting
on the plane and the hair flips around.
- [Jasmine] Oh my gosh, his wig starts flying everywhere?
I've totally seen that video.
It's hilarious.
Alright so now that we have gotten the outline done
I'm gonna fill him in with his perfect skin color.
- [Jerry] If we have any Donald Trump supporters watching,
please stop.
- [Jasmine] Please turn this off right now.
- [Jerry] Yeah, go do something else,
like you know, vote Democrat.
(Jerry and Jasmine laughing)
- [Jasmine] Please, please!
Also, guys, do not forget to register
to vote this year. It's super important
that you guys do that.
- [Jerry] As we've learned.
- [Jasmine] Yes, please register to vote.
Your voice and opinion matters.
- [Jerry] Unless you're Republican.
- [Jasmine] And then you guys just stay home.
No, I'm just kidding.
(Jerry and Jasmine laughing)
- [Jerry] You should stay home but really,
okay yeah you just stole that one, nevermind.
- [Jasmine] Yes, exactly.
We encourage everybody to vote.
So I'm gonna add his hair color.
We'd agree right?
His hair is almost like a dirty blonde.
It's a dirty blonde, right?
- [Jerry] And it kind of reminds me of like
there's like that dog hair that's really fine
and kinda flows, you know,
it's kind of like that.
- [Jasmine] Wispy, wispy, it's very wispy.
- [Jerry] It is wispy.
Just like his politics.
- [Jasmine] Yes, very wispy, very far out.
What color should I do the outline?
Should I just do a red outline?
- [Jerry] It should be black like his soul.
- [Jasmine] He is black, inside and out.
(Jerry and Jasmine laughing)
- [Jerry] But red for Russia?
- [Jasmine] Red's for Russia, we're doing red, alright.
(Jerry and Jasmine laughing)
- [Jerry] God, this looks amazing.
- [Jasmine] I can't wait for the flip of this one, honestly.
- [Jerry] I did go as Trump for Halloween.
- [Jasmine] No.
- [Jerry] I'll have to show,
I'll put a photo in the video
so you guys can see this.
I got these really, like midget hand type things
like, that's not the appropriate word,
but really tiny hands,
I mean they look like they're enlarged Barbie hands.
- [Jasmine] Oh my gosh.
- [Jerry] So I made like a great hat
and like I painted my face orange
and I had the little tiny hands, it was awesome.
- [Jasmine] Oh my gosh,
if you guys don't know, Jerry is over six feet, okay?
So he dressed up as Trump for Halloween
and he is six foot plus right now, okay?
I would love to see those pictures
like you really do have to share those, please.
- [Jerry] I definitely will.
- [Jasmine] That's gonna be the best.
So who's gonna eat this pancake?
No's goes.
(Jerry and Jasmine laughing)
Just kidding.
- [Jerry] This probably will be actually performing
a ritual where we will bind Trump
from doing harm to others and himself.
- [Jasmine] This is actually a sacrificial pancake
that we have here for you guys.
- [Jerry] Exactly, our next video is all witchcraft
on preventing Trump.
- [Jasmine] Please tune in.
(Jerry and Jasmine laughing)
He's a slow cooker.
- [Jerry] Yeah well he's slow.
(Jerry and Jasmine laughing)
- [Jasmine] I wonder what people think,
I remember one time I was shooting this video
and they said something that was like
super controversial and then they were like
alright just cut that out
it's gonna be way too controversial
and it's like, well, let people decide.
- [Jerry] Yeah.
- [Jasmine] Give people the choice, you know?
- [Jerry] Exactly.
- [Jasmine] Give people the choice.
- [Jerry] Actually, because I got really political
with the election stuff, I have lost fans
through being anti-Trump on my social channels.
- [Jasmine] Oh I believe it.
- [Jerry] Oddly enough gotten more fans
from being anti-Trump,
- [Jasmine] Really, good fans.
- [Jerry] So I've lost some people
but I've gotten more people from it.
- [Jasmine] You've gotten the good fans back, okay?
You've lost the ones that are okay,
and then you got the real good ones.
So he's gotta cook just a little bit more,
he's kinda stiff on the other side.
He's a real stiff guy.
His hair is stiff, okay, everything's real stiff.
- [Jerry] He's bubblin'.
- [Jasmine] I know, and the crazy thing is
is like I've only had one person ask for that
but they only asked for him in orange.
They only wanted me to make him in orange.
It's appropriate. (laughs)
It's very appropriate.
- [Jerry] I mean I'm okay with teasing him
about the orange thing 'cause that's a fake tan
so like it's not like it's his natural color.
- [Jasmine] It's not him.
- [Jerry] He did it.
- [Jasmine] He did that to himself.
- [Jerry] Yeah if you do it to yourself
you're open for shaming,
but you know, like the nude statue thing
where he was like, you know, obese with a tiny weenie
thing, I thought that was kind of harsh.
- [Jasmine] That one was kind of messed up, yeah.
Yeah and that's.
- [Jerry] No body shaming.
Orange shaming is totally okay.
- [Jasmine] Yeah, go a little lighter
on your spray tan, everything else.
- [Jerry] Cheeto von Tweeto that's what I'm gonna call him.
- [Jasmine] Cheeto von Tweeto.
(Jerry and Jasmine laughing)
The only thing that's stuck to the grill
is his mouth.
(Jerry and Jasmine laughing)
- [Jerry] That's appropriate.
(Jerry and Jasmine laughing)
When we count down do we do it in Russian?
- [Jasmine] How do you say it?
(Jerry and Jasmine laughing)
- [Jerry] If you know what three, two, one
in Russian is, please leave a comment.
So, you ready to flip?
- [Jasmine] I think so!
You guys ready?
- [Jerry] Yeah.
- [Jasmine] Alright, so not in Russian
'cause I'm not familiar with Russian
but on the count of three, two, one?
- [Jerry] Okay.
- [Jasmine] Alright, ready?
- [Jerry And Jasmine] Three, two, one.
- [Jerry] Aww, there he is! In all of his orange glory.
- [Jasmine] I like how he has
only one tooth at the bottom. (laughing)
- [Jerry] Well, he's a baby.
- [Jasmine] He is a big baby.
- [Jerry] He is a baby, you know, baby Trump.
- [Jasmine] He has one tooth at the bottom.
- So that's how you draw Trump - and a perfect
- [Jerry] As a pancake if you're maybe bored
or you know wanna torture it
or do a ritual type thing
- [Jasmine] Or you wanna torture yourself, yeah.
- [Jerry] to stop him from doing evil.
- [Jasmine] Yeah.
- So there you have it, a Donald Trump pancake.
It's hard to even say it without just feeling depressed
but you know what,
that's just the way it goes.
You know, America right now is just a big dumpster fire
and we're just all here together with it.
At least with a pancake, you can destroy it,
eat it, do whatever you want
to get all of your aggression out
about Donald Trump. And, if you voted for him,
I'm sorry, and if you didn't I'm also
really, really, really sorry.
I'm kinda curious what flavor you would make this pancake.
I'm thinking peach and mint.
Peach and mint.
Impeachment flavored pancake.
Or Cheeto, whatever.
Whatever flavor you wanna do.
Anyway let us know what you think.
If you wanna share your photo
of a pancake art online, over on Twitter,
hit up Jasmine @GetCakeLA
or me @JerryJamesStone,
if you liked this video give me a thumbs up.
If you wanna see more subscribe.
I release a couple videos every week
here on YouTube and also if you have something
that you wanna see, drop a comment below.
I'll see you guys next time.
Don't forget to vote.
(energetic music)
Every Villain Goku Has Fought | Dragon Ball Code - Duration: 3:41.
From the early days of Dragonball Z Dragonball super Goku has always been fighting.
He has fought many people thugs, fighters and villains.
So today I decided to put a list together of all the villains that Goku has fought since
the beginning of Dragonball to Dragon Ball Super.
Hey how's it going my name is Raf and welcome to Dragon Ball code.
Today we're going to be talking about all of the villains that Goku has fight since
the beginning.
And this is just about villains meaning bad people so some of the people that he has fought
in tournaments are not going to be included because they're just fighting in the tournament
and I'm also doing it from the Mango.
And if your first time here and you like Dragon Ball content consider subscribing because,
this channel is all about Dragon Ball.
So here we go.
The first villain that fights Goku in the manga was that pterodactyl that tried to eat
Then he fought the bear thief when he was taking Turtle to the ocean.
He also fights Yancha, but he wasnt really a villain.
Same thing with Tien they were just people going down the wrong path.
Then he fights two people from the rabbit in mob and the carrot master.
Then he fought the three members of the Pilaf Gang which include Shu, Pilaf and Mai.
When it comes to the Red Ribbon Army, He fights many soldiers from it (basically the whole
army) including the people like Colonel silver, the android Full metal jacket, sergeant major
purple (that one is the ninja), the Jiggler, General white, Colonel blue, Colonel yellow
and commander black.
He also fights two guys that try to Mug him in the city, the pirate robot in the cave
and the octopus that is also in the cave.
Then Tao Pai Pai who gives Goku a little bit of trouble and also Devil man because, even
though he was in the tournament he tried to kill Goku.
After the Tenkaichi Budokai was done he fights Tambourine and king piccolo who leaves him
badly wounded.
Then he fights drum who was beating up Tien and Piccolo jr (who is the piccolo we know
now) in the Tournament.
Then we moved over to Raditz who is Goku's brother.
Then Vegeta and Nappa.
Then we go to Namek and Goku fights Reccome, Burter and Jeice.
Who were fighting Vegeta, Gohan and Krillin.
After that he fights captain Ginyu who takes his body and after he recovers from the wounds
of the Ginyu fight he fights Frieza and defeats him.
Then the androids arrive and he fights android 20 just for a few seconds and then android
This is when he gets sick from the heart virus.
Then after he recovers and trains he fights cell and the cell juniors.
Hey sacrifices himself but Cell still lives.
Later he fights Yakon (who could eat his energy) in Babadi's place.
Then he fights Majin Vegeta, Majin Buu, Super Buu and Kid buu.
And after this Dragon Ball Z ends.
Then we enter to dragonball super and Goku fights Beerus but he is not a villain either.
So technically the first villain he fights in Dragonball super is Frieza… again.
Then he fights Frost in the tournament between universe seven and six.
Then he fights Zamasu and Goku Black.
Then the tournament of power takes place, but he doesn't fight any villains there.
Most of them are just fighters trying to survive.
And then he fights Broly.
So until now, Broly is the last Villain he has fought.
And those are all of the villains that Goku has fought from the beginning of dragon Ball
to dragon ball Super.
Who is your favorite villain.
And If you enjoyed this and would like to support my channel, please check out my Patreon
page in the description below.
And of course if you like Dragon Ball content make sure to subscribe and hit the bell icon
so you can get notifications whenever I post a new video.
Thanks for watching and I'll see you later.
哈佛心理测试:他感受到了你喜欢的心意吗?准 - Duration: 2:29.
Update Jane got injure tail try claim up tree,Jane tired and hungry need relax for health - Duration: 5:20.
Orphans Jessie tired and hungry food feeling alone look so pity poor baby monkey - Duration: 10:12.
Simple Things You can Budget out And NOT Miss - Duration: 4:09.
So we're gonna talk about where to cut spending so that you guys won't end up in a sticky situation like me I'm here
I moved from here
to here
I'm a student. I'm a "paw-rent"
And I'm broke
somehow I still do great things
Hi, I'm Taylor, and I'm a Shopaholic
I also have a puppy and a broken microphone so she makes noises please ignore them
I'm working on it. Okay, I'm working on it
I've come to terms with my problem and I'm assuming that if you're watching this video then maybe you have a similar problem
Or maybe just want to know how to cut spending, regardless, regardless.Welcome to this video. Okay
So for the first thing that I did was I had to come to terms
with the fact that I cannot afford to pay five to seven dollars a day on coffee.
I have a problem, where I feel uneasy if I don't have something to drink.
I had to go to the store, and I had to get a French press. Which is no
Starbucks, but it's not not nothing.
That sounds so horrible, but it's really not. I used to work at Starbucks
So I knew how to work a French press. As soon as I sat down
and I started calculating how much I lose every month to coffee
I said okay and I need to start making my own. You can get a good French press for less than
$15 you don't have to get a like a fancy one for it to work if you need is a kettle or some way to
Heat up water you can use instant coffee
I get ground coffee if you don't drink coffee or anything like that
Then like my point is to just eat out or pack a lunch if you can if you can pack it take it
That's my motto. Okay. So let's say you already did that great for you. You're better than me. I get it
Um tips for saving money on electric bills
one unplug everything when you're not in the room you save so much money if you just
Unplug the TV. Maybe not the big in appliances that have clocks.
Especially if they don't automatically set. The fan if you have a fan in your room unplug that like lambs can unplug that
it seems so much money turn off ceiling fans when you that also helps save money and
An energy charge your phone in your car that will also help save on the electric bill
um if it's applicable to you or ever you are, various ages or
Whatever country you live in tried to drink in your house like be a boss
Learn how to mix your own drinks that drunk like a water. I mean drink out because cocktails are way too expensive
And there's no need to do that impress guests when they come over just sit there and have a cocktail
I'm 21 by the way, people always think about 14.
The next tip, s witch to generic
I know and I hope started in college
a lot of people did their grocery shopping in Walmart
Which I thought was unique because where I came from everybody shopped at Wegmans, if you know what Wegmans is if you don't that's cool
I would help it against you. I'm still yeah, just look for a cheaper option
So yeah
Those were in my three-four
whichever quick tips and gives you guys and where to cut your spending so that way you can cut your
Shopaholic tendencies like me you can do this together. We can keep each other updated in the comments
Let me know what you spend the most money on for me
It's definitely eating out Wooper eats isn't killing me if you like this video
Give it a thumbs up thumbs up for sleeping puppy here. Her name is snow after John
So from Game of Thrones if you know what Game of Thrones is hit the Bell
And we will talk all day Andy and me I love Game of Thrones Butchie snoring. Now I've to go
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