Years ago I was in the sanctuary going from one place to
another I was just walking through the sanctuary, and there was seven, eight of
our girls from school ministry there and I just had planned to walk through and
say, "You girls are beautiful." I just had in my mind to say, "You girls are
beautiful." And I was in a hurry, so I was just gonna walk right by, "You girls are
beautiful," keep going. And this thing happened to me, now I'm gonna slow it
down, so you could kind of get a feel for it, but this happened about this fast.
So I walk in I see the girls and I think, "Those girls are beautiful, I'm gonna
tell them they're beautiful," and as soon as I hear that, as soon as I think that, I
had this other thought, "If you tell those girls they're beautiful, they'll think
you're sexualizing them, or somebody will think you're sexualizing them." And so I
think, "Okay I shouldn't tell them," and it's, you know you've had this
happen, should I do it or should I not? And then immediately, I have
this vision, and in the vision that's happening really quickly, in the
vision I go, I'm taken back to my to the days when my girls - I have two girls and
two boys - when my girls were teenagers and my youngest daughter, Shannon, when
she was about 15, our youth group used to have these alternative events for dances
and our youth pastor, Bob Johnson, used to have these things where the
guys and girls could get together and learn to connect in a healthy way in
a healthy environment, instead of the dances. And so the guy, the custom was the guy,
obviously, could ask a girl out to this event. Well, two weeks to three weeks
before the event, the phone would start ringing. Now Jamie would be almost two
years older, so she'd be like 16 Shannon be 14, and the phone would ring and
Jamie would run to the phone they'd say, "Is Shannon there?" Phone rings again,
"Shannon there?" "Shannon there?" "Is Shannon there?" And about a week before the event
we'd have two or three of these a year, Jamie said, "I'm not answering the phone anymore."
And then the night that Shannon would get picked up for the event, you know
they were very close and Jamie would act happy, then as soon as Shannon, the door
closed, she would run upstairs throw herself on her bed and weep. I'd run up
behind her, get on the bed right next to her, she'd have her head in her pillow
and she'd say, "Daddy, am I ugly?" Four years that girl never got a single date, not
one. Not one guy ever called her in four years. She was beautiful,
she is beautiful. She said, "Daddy, am I ugly? Daddy, is there something wrong with me? Daddy
what's wrong with me?" And I'd take her face in my hands and I'd say, "You're
beautiful, you know what's wrong with you, baby? You're so beautiful you intimidate
the guys. Don't tell Shannon."
And I'd say, "Get your best clothes on, Daddy's gonna take you on a date."
I took that girl on more dates in her high school years then I took Kathy in
all the years that we were married. And of course the goal was for her to have a
better time, right? And she's married to a wonderful man now, I'm just so thankful
for them, they pastor a church in Fortuna, I'm so proud of them.
I'm in the sanctuary and I have this vision, and then I instantly have this
thought, "What if, what if Jamie didn't have a daddy?"
What if she didn't have a daddy in those tender years to say, "There is nothing
wrong with you, you're beautiful." What if she didn't have a daddy,
or maybe she had a daddy but daddy didn't connect, daddy was like Simon.
I mean what if she would've - I mean, my daughters were virtuous so please, this is not
an allegation on their character - but what if she would have stepped over the
line just to get that need met, that male affection, that sense, I'm beautiful, I'm
valuable? What if she would have done it three or four times? What if she would
have done it more, enough times that her repetition became her reputation?
Guess who isn't gonna get hugged in church now? Listen, if you give, if you
show affection to the opposite sex in church at all, certainly somebody who has
a reputation is someone you're probably not going to touch.
And who needs it the most?
And I had to stop, I bet you there's a lot of Jamie's in the world
who just don't have a daddy, they just get to that age and they just
want to know they're beautiful. They just want to
they just need affection, they need someone to tell them, "You're so pretty
you're so valuable." And you don't have a daddy.
I started to grieve in my soul, about all the girls and boys - cause boys need it, too -
who don't have a daddy. I was gonna walk by those girls and say, "You're beautiful."
That was my only intent. But now, I'm gonna be militant. I stopped where the
girls are and I said, "You girls, you're so beautiful. If I was your daddy
I'd be telling you every day you're so beautiful."
They're like, "Oh, Pastor Kris,"
"Come on, Paster Kris." I said, "No I mean it, no I mean it, you girls are so
beautiful, look at my eyes, you're so beautiful," I looked at everyone, "You're so beautiful."
And I walked on and I thought to myself, "I am never gonna let the world tell me
how to treat people when my heart is pure."
For more infomation >> You Are Beautiful - Duration: 6:52.-------------------------------------------
Charles Wesco: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 7:30.
Charles Wesco: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Charles Trumann Wesco was an American missionary who arrived in the West African nation of Cameroon on October 18, along with his wife and their eight children.
They were stationed in Cameroon's troubled north-western region, near the town of Bamenda.
On October 30, local media reported that Wesco had died of bullet wounds to the head.
The US State Department confirmed that a US citizen had died in Bamenda, Cameroon, although they did not use Wesco's name, in an effort to protect his privacy.
Missionary groups, as well as local media in Cameroon and in Indiana, reported that Wesco was taken to a hospital in Bamenda, Cameroon on Tuesday, October 30 and died on the same day.
Here's what you need to know about Charles Wesco:.
He Was on His Way to a Market When a Bullet Shattered His Car Window, Striking Him in the Head.
Wesco had just arrived in northwestern Cameroon and was still in the process of settling in.
On October 30, another missionary — Ben David Sinclair — drove Wesco and his wife Stephanie to the market in Bamenda so that they could load up on provisions.
But along the way, a bullet shattered the car window, striking Charles Wesco in the head.
He was rushed to the hospital in Bamenda, but he did not survive.
A family friend and fellow missionary, Rebecca Sinclair, wrote about the tragedy on Facebook.
(Her husband, Ben, was driving Charles to go shopping when the bullet struck him.) Rebecca wrote, "This has been one of the hardest days of my life…and I know it is infinitely harder for Stephanie.
Please pray for the Wesco family as they grieve the loss of their husband / father." Rebecca said that Wesco's kids were staying at her house for now and still don't know what's happened to their father.
It's Not Yet Clear Who Shot Wesco, but His Death Comes Amid a Government Crackdown in the Restive Anglophone Region.
There is no evidence to suggest that Wesco himself, a newcomer to Cameroon, was targeted for assassination.
Wesco was shot near the city of Bamenda, in northwestern Cameroon, which has been plagued by violence and unrest due to conflicts between the national government and local groups.
Northwestern Cameroon is one of the English-speaking regions in the country (most of Cameroon uses French as the official language).
In recent months, Anglophone areas in the country have been demanding better access to schools and public services.
Many have been calling for self-rule or a form of federalism.
Amnesty International reports that government security forces have burnt down villages in separatist areas and have "indiscriminately killed, arrested and tortured" dozens of people during military operations, displacing thousands of civilians.
Amnesty also charges that armed separatists have attacked and sometimes brutally tortured and killed hundreds of soldiers amid the government crackdown on the area.
Wesco Was a Baptist Missionary from Mishawaka, Indiana.
Wesco and his wife started planning their mission to Cameroon years ago.
By 2016, the couple was well on their way to raising the funds they needed to leave their home in Indiana and travel to Cameroon.
You can read more about the couple's hopes and dreams, and their fundraising journey, here.
By May of 2018, the Wescos had sold their home in Mishawaka and we getting ready to head to Cameroon.
Charles wrote that he had felt a calling to do missionary work since at least the age of 15.
In 2014, he said,he decided that he wanted to go on a mission to somewhere in Africa.
And by 2015, he narrowed his focus to Cameroon.
He wrote, "During our survey trip in the Spring of 2015, the Lord deepened our love and burden for the people of Cameroon, who are so needy and so open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ!".
Wesco Had Extensive Training in Sacred Music & Said Music Helped Him in Missionary Work.
Wesco's grandfather owned a piano factory, which is where the young Charles Wesco first learned about music.
He said that by age 12, he was learning the trade of piano tuning (he was taught by an old blind piano tuner employed by the factory).
He's continued to work as a piano tuner over the years and has used those skills to help support his family.
Wesco said that as a young man he also got "extensive training" in sacred music and learned to play several instruments beside the piano.
He wrote that music was a valuable tool when doing missionary work.
Wesco's Brother, Timothy, is a State Representative in Indiana.
Timothy Wesco, Charles's younger brother, is a Republican politician representing the 21st district of Indiana in the state House of Representatives.
Asked by local reporters about his brother's death, Timothy said, "He loved the Lord.
He loved people. The Lord giveth.
The Lord taketh away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.".
Siemens: What is a Smart City? (CXOTalk) - Duration: 5:56.
Whitey Bulger Net Worth: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 9:50.
Whitey Bulger Net Worth: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Whitey Bulger, the notorious former leader of the Winter Hill Gang in Boston, Massachusetts, was reportedly worth an estimated $25 million before his arrest in 2011.
Investigators arrested Bulger in Santa Monica, California, after searching for him for 16 years.
The 89-year-old was convicted in 2013 on charges including multiple counts of murder, extortion and money laundering.
He was sentenced to life in prison.
But it was reported on October 30, 2018, that Bulger was killed in a West Virginia prison.
You can read more about his death here.
During his life on the run, Bulger paid for everything in cash and lived modestly so as not to attract attention.
Prosecutors analyzed statements from witnesses and Bulger's former crime colleagues, and added up the cash they found to determine an estimation for how much money Bulger acquired over the years.
That estimate came to $25,162,800, as reported by ABC News.
Here's what you need to know.
FBI Agents Discovered More Than $800,000 in Cash Hidden in the Walls of Bulger's California Apartment When They Arrested Him in 2011.
Whitey Bulger and girlfriend Catherine Greig lived in an apartment in Santa Monica, California prior to his arrest.
They paid for everything in cash.
When FBI agents raided the home in 2011, they discovered that Bulger kept all of that money hidden inside the apartment.
Agents discovered stacks of cash placed behind the walls of the home.
Most of the packages contained $100 bills.
The money totaled $822,198.
The Los Angeles Times reported at the time that Bulger continued to stockpile cash while hiding out by gambling in Las Vegas.
He told investigators during the plane ride back to Boston that he enjoyed playing the slots and that he had "won more than he lost" over the years.
Whitey Bulger Reportedly Paid $1,145 Monthly Rent For the Santa Monica Apartment He Lived in For More Than a Decade.
Whitey Bulger and Catherine Greig's home for more than a decade was a 28-unit apartment building built in the 1970s.
The building, which was called Princess Eugenia, was three stories tall and Bulger lived on the top floor.
It is located just a few blocks away from the beach.
According to the Associated Press, Bulger paid $1,145 per month, in cash, for the apartment.
The unit was rent-controlled and Bulger reportedly paid half as much of some of his newer neighbors.
Bulger and Greig used the names Charles and Carol Gasko to rent the apartment.
Investigators Found Safety Deposit Boxes Belonging to Bulger Scattered Around the World.
Before his arrest, Whitey Bulger was living with more than $800,000 in cash inside his home.
But investigators said he had taken steps to hide other assets in various places around the world.
By the time Bulger was convicted in 2013, investigators had discovered four safety deposit boxes.
They were in London, England; Dublin, Ireland; Montreal, Canada; and Clearwater, Florida.
They reportedly contained cash, credit cards, and passports.
The London safety deposit was found and opened in 2003.
According to the New York Times, the box contained $50,000.
A former girlfriend of Bulger's, Teresa Stanley, told investigators that he had rented the box in 1994.
His brother, William Bulger, was listed as the contact person with the account.
The London box also contained a key to another account in Dublin.
Agents were then able to find that safety-deposit box, which contained $10,000.
The Federal Government Auctioned Many of Bulger's Personal Belongings & Divided the Proceeds to Families of Bulger's Victims.
Marshals auctions Whitey Bulger's belongings after his conviction, including these two rings.
Whitey Bulger did not own a car or show off expensive items during life on the run.
But FBI agents did confiscate some valuable jewelry at the Santa Monica apartment.
Federal officials auctioned off many of the items found in Bulger's apartment.
The profits of the auction, as well as the $822,000 in cash found hidden in the walls, were divided among families of Bulger's victims.
The auction included two rings.
As reported by Bloomberg, one was a 14-karat gold diamond ring called the Claddagh ring, which Bulger may have stolen from a member of a rival gang.
It sold for $14,500.
The second was a sterling silver nicknamed the Psycho Killer Skull.
It was sold for $5,200.
Bulger also owned a replica of a Stanley Cup championship ring from 1986, that included 23 round diamonds.
It went for $9,500.
Officials also auctioned electronics, furniture, clothing, books and picturs.
The catalogue of the items can be found here.
Prosecutors Attempted to Discover How Much Money Whitey Bulger Had Extorted From Victims Over Many Years.
Prosecutors had a challenging task in trying to estimate the total of Whitey Bulger's wealth.
They interviewed multiple witnessed who said the former gang leader had stolen massive amounts of money from them through extortion.
As CNN reported in 2013, one of those witnesses was David William Lindholm, who was identified as a "marijuana smuggler.
" He testified that Bulger had instructed another gang member to hold a gun to Lindholm's head, and demanded $250,000.
Another witness who took the stand during the trial was Michael Solimando, whom CNN described as a business entrepreneur.
He said Bugler forced him to pay $400,000 in order to prevent Bulger from killing his family.
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Paul Weadick: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 5:59.
Paul Weadick: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Paul Weadick is an inmate in the prison where Whitey Bulger was killed.
Bulger, 89, was found dead at around 8 a.m.
on October 30 at the United States Penitentiary in Hazelton, West Virginia.
Bulger had just been moved to the prison on the day of his death.
The infamous Boston-mobster had been suffering from numerous health problems since his 2013 conviction for 11 murders.
Online records show that Weadick is serving life in prison at Hazelton.
Here's what you need to know:.
Wedick Is in Prison Stemming From a 1993 Gangland Hit on a Night Club Owner.
In June 2018, Weadick, 32, was found guilty, along with Francis "Cadillac Frank" Salemme, of the 1993 murder of Steven DiSarro, a nightclub owner from South Boston.
The pair were both long-time suspects in DiSarro's murder but weren't charged until the businessman's remains were discovered in Providence, Rhode Island, in 2016.
The remains were discovered when the owner of the building told the FBI about the body while the owner was facing drug charges.
Salemme's attorney, Steve Boozang, told the media after the conviction that he felt sorry for Weadick, who is nearly 20 years younger than Salemme.
The Star Witness in Weadick's Case Was Whitey Bulger's Right Hand Man.
The "star witness" in the case against Weadick and Salemme was Whitey Bulger's right-hand man, Stephen "The Rifleman" Flemmi, reported the Boston Globe during the trial.
Flemmi said that he walked in on the killing and saw Weadick pinning down DiSarro while Salemme's son, Frankie Boy, strangled him.
Salemme's son died in 1995 of complications relating to AIDS.
Flemmi had also been a key witness against Whitey Bulger in 2013.
Weadick Did Time for a Murder in 1982 When a Dead Body Was Found in the Trunk of His Car.
In 1982, Weadick was convicted of the second-degree murder of Joe Mistretta in Boston, reported the Lowell Sun at the time.
He was found by police with Mistretta's body in the trunk of his car.
Mistretta had been shot in the head.
Weadick served seven years and upon his release, went to work for DiSarro.
Weadick said that Bulger and Flemmi had also been partners in DiSarro's nightclub business.
Salemme ordered the killing of DiSarro because he believed the owner was skimming profits from the bar as well as informing the FBI and IRS about the goings-on at the nightclub.
Hazelton Has Been Referred to as 'One of the Federal System's Roughest Prisons'.
West Virginia News had confirmed through the president of Local 420 of the American Federation of Government Employees, Richard Heldreth, that a murder had taken place at the prison on the morning of October 30.
That article referred to Hazelton as "one of the federal system's roughest prisons with more than 1,200.".
The Son of One of Whitey Bulger's Victims Said He Was 'Pleased' that Bulger Was Dead.
The Boston Globe reported earlier in the day that Bulger had been moved to West Virginia's USP Hazelton in Bruceton Mills.
Bulger was previously being held in Sumterville, Florida until he was moved to Oklahoma briefly before being transferred to West Virginia.
The Globe report quotes a source saying that Bulger's health was severely declining and that he was suffering from a heart condition.
Speaking to Newsweek, one of Bulger's victim's sons, "I'm surprised and pleased.
I didn't think anyone was going to get to kill him.
I thought he would die an old man in jail.
This is happy news for our family.".
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