do you know the story of the girl with red scarf
she loved that scarf more than anything it was her favorite
and it was entirely unique just like her she would take it with her or wherever she
went to school to parties she would even sleep with it the girl and
her scarf were inseparable one night she was walking home from school
she was running late so she thought that perhaps she should take a shortcut
she had always been told that she needed to avoid the outskirts but no one ever
gave her a clear reason why
perhaps they were all just paranoid she thought to herself she had made a
decision she was going to take the shortcut after
all but has she walked she noticed something
or rather it was nothing that she noticed there was no
sound at all normally there are at least some crickets or animals making some
kind of noise but the more she listened the more it became clear to her that
there was in fact no sound to speak of this was an odd thing but she decided to
forget it and keep moving and that's when she noticed something even
stranger as she walked it sounded as though there were someone walking behind her
they were a distance away but she could still make out the soft sound of someone
walking down the path whenever she stopped walking the sound of the other
person would go away as well
as she kept walking she noticed the sound was beginning to grow closer in fact now
it was as if the person were directly behind her she spun around to confront
her follower but to her surprise there was no one there and she pleaded with
whoever was following her to stop but there was no answer only dead silence she
turned around and began to walk again
she spun around again this time gave out a loud shout still there was
the girl arrived at her house later that night her mother greeted her but
her mother thought something seemed odd about her daughter
the daughter sat down at the table after greeting her mother and the mother
feeling that something was off
approached her daughter and asked her what happened to the scarf that she
always loved to wear the daughter just smiled and told her mother that it must
have gotten lost somewhere and that she was sorry
that scarf was never seen again
do you know the story of the girl with the red scarf
it is said that she loved that scarf more than anything
girl and her scarf were inseparable
For more infomation >> A Meep City Horror Story | The Girl With The Red Scarf - Duration: 5:35.-------------------------------------------
Sen Anlat Karadeniz / You Tell All Black Sea Trailer - Episode 29 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:56.
Mom! Dad!
- Where is my son? - Mr. Vedat, I didn't hear anything.
- Where is my son? - Mr. Vedat, I didn't...
...I called brother Tahir "dad".
I've heard.
Would it anger him?
Why would it?
I don't know. Fathers always get angry.
There is a time for everything...
...and that time has arrived.
What is this?
A ticket to hell for Nefes.
What is Aperture – How Aperture Affects Your Video Exposure & Depth of Field - Duration: 6:03.
That right there is aperture, and well I mean this is actually just like a
spaghetti portion measurer, but it works pretty much in the same way.
Hey everyone, Camber here back with you; and today we're talking about aperture and how it
affects your video and if you're new here this channel is all about teaching
you how to use your camera to make good videos so if that's you consider subscribing.
So what is aperture? Well, your aperture is the circular opening in
your lens that gets larger or smaller in order to allow more or less light
through your camera lens and to reach your camera sensor. And it may seem
somewhat confusing with all the numbers involved and we'll get to that a little
bit later in the video, however, the concept itself is pretty easy to
understand if you just think about how our eyes work. As you move between bright
and dark environments the iris in your eyes either expands or shrinks
controlling the size of your pupil. And in a similar way you can enlarge or
shrink the aperture on your lens in order to control how much light goes
through the lens and reaches your camera sensor. So aperture has two main effects
on your shots and the most obvious of those is going to be your change in
exposure or the brightness of your images. So with a wide open aperture
you're allowing more light to reach your camera sensor which results in a
brighter image, and when you have a narrow aperture, less light is being able
to get through your camera lens and reaching your sensor resulting in a
darker image. So the other big effect the aperture has on your shots is your depth
of field, and this really controls the style of your shots. So your depth of
field refers to the amount of your image that's sharp from front to back.
So with the thin or shallow depth of field, that's going to give you a background
that's completely out of focus; whereas with a large or deep depth of field your
foreground and your background are gonna be a lot more in focus and a lot more sharp.
So now we know how aperture works, but the way you'll see it represented on
your camera is by an "F" number or an f-stop. Whenever you see an aperture
value the letter "F" will appear before the number like F/8 although some
cameras omit the slash and just write F8. But one important part of aperture
that may seem confusing at first is that small numbers equal large
apertures while large numbers equal small apertures.
Yep that's right.
A smaller number equals a larger opening with more light and more blur, whereas a
larger number equals a smaller opening with less light and less blur.
And to help you understand this just think about aperture as a fraction. So if you're
looking at f/2 versus f/16 in fraction form by replacing the "F" with a "1" then
you'll be able to see that 1/2 is a much bigger number than 1/16, and
therefore represents a much larger opening in your camera lens.
So remembering that a stop of light is any doubling or halving of the amount of
light let in when taking a photo or video you can know exactly how any
change in aperture is going to affect your exposure. However, unlike shutter
speed and ISO you can't simply double or half your current aperture number in
order to figure out those changes. Instead you have to multiply your
current aperture number by 1.4 in order to decrease by one stop resulting in a
darker image. Whereas you have to divide your current aperture number by 1.4 in
order to increase by one stop of light resulting in a brighter image.
So, looking at this image based on the metering scale you can see that we're
underexposed by two stops of light and our current aperture setting is at 5.6.
So in order to increase by one stop of light, we'll go to f/4, and now we're only
one stop underexposed. And to increase one more stop of light we'll go down to
f/2.8 and now we've increased by one more stop of light and we're properly
exposed based on the metering scale. On the other hand if the same image was
overexposed by two stops of light and we were at f/5.6, we would then need to
increase our aperture to f/8 in order to decrease by one stop of light so that
now we're only overexposed by one stop. And then we would have to increase our
aperture once more to 11 in order to decrease by one more stop of light
bringing us to the proper exposure. So there are a lot of numbers with aperture and
it can be a bit confusing, however, you see how it affects your light and how it
affects your exposure. But there's also something else in play and that's your
depth of field. So let's look at another picture, but
this time we're going to keep the exposure at zero and use shutter speed
to compensate for our exposure, and this way you can see how the different "F" numbers
are going to affect your depth of field. So starting at the highest
aperture for this lens of f/22, you can see there's a very deep depth of field
where there's more in focus, and as you move to the lower "F" numbers the
background becomes progressively blurrier. Now at f/8 there's much more
blur in the shot, but as we keep moving all the way down to f/1.8 which is the
lowest aperture for this lens you can see the background is much more blurry.
And now comparing it together with f/22, there's a huge difference in how your
aperture is going to affect the depth of field and the way your shot looks.
Overall, you can see the aperture is clearly a crucial point in exposure and
possibly one of the most important settings on your camera because of depth
of field and the major role that plays in the style of your shots. And your
choice in aperture is really going to control the look and feel of your film.
And that's all for aperture so if this was helpful go ahead and hit that like
button and let me know down below if you do have any more questions about aperture.
Go ahead and subscribe if you haven't, and remember that the only way
to get better at something is to practice. So get out there and film something!
See you soon!
The Scariest Car I've Ever Worked On, It Can Kill You - Duration: 5:25.
Rev up your engines, johnny asks, what's the scariest car you ever
worked on, ok well I'd have to say the scariest car I've
ever worked on was the first generation toyota prius,
and here's why, that had a hybrid battery inside and it had 288 volts in it, to give
you an idea, to work on them you got to have mutlimeters like this one, you can't use cheap
stuff, you got to use expensive stuff, but realize that 288 volts can kill you, most
cars of course are just 12 volts, 12 volts is very low power, you can stick your tongue
on a positive terminal and your finger on a negative and nothing is going to happen
to you, it wouldn't hurt you at all on a 12 volt system,
but with 288 volts that can kill you, hey your house has 120 volts that can kill
you too, well imagine 288 volts it can easily kill you, if you want to work on those cars,
you have to buy special electrician gloves, their 2 layers, first theirs an inner layer
that you put over your hands then theirs an outerlayer and you have to check the inner
layer every time you work on them, you got to blow them up and then if you hold them
and you see them leaking out somewhere, that means theirs a pinhole somewhere,
well electricity can go through that pinhole and kill you, so ever time you work on a car
you got to put on these fancy gloves, check them to make sure their not leaking, and then
be very careful that you don't short any positive to ground when you're messing with 288 volts,
believe me when the first time I worked on one of those things, it was a very scary experience,
and from what I've read, some of these responders, they see a vehicle that's an electric car,
hybrid car like a Prius, and they know it's got 288 volts, their going to be very leary
about trying to reach in a rescue people if something is shorted outside and they grab
some of the metal and they get 288 volt, so really that's the scariest thing and I don't
really mess around with them much, I'll work on the other parts of the cars,
but I tend to stay away from the 288 volt systems on those things because that's deadly
voltage it can kill you, Van says scotty I saw the video where you
said not to use additives in your gas, what about the Gumout complete fuel system cleaner,
it's a good fuel system cleaner but that said, most people never need it,
if you buy a used car and it's a piece of junk and nobody ever changed the filter, the
oil was never changed and the engine is all carboned up inside, sure a cleaner can help
it somewhat, or if you live in a place where they have
really crappy gas like the guys tell me in Cuba and like in Pakistan a lot of their gas
is crap and you got to put additives in it because the gas burns so poorly it clogs up
the engine, but here in the US, I got 3 well 2 toyotas
and a lexus sitting in the driveway and they work perfectly fine, but if you buy a used
car and you don't know it not a bad idea, but normally you never need to put cleaner
in a car, the additives that you need are generally in the gas they let you buy if you
buy quality gasoline, Panito says scotty should I get a CVT or manual
2018 civic coupe as a base model, I live in New York City I was thinking CVT, rethink,
get a standard, the one problem with hondas has always been that their automatic transmissions
were always somewhat weak, those CVT transmissions are much more complex than the automatics
and the problem with honda is their always trying to make their own transmissions which
is kind of a mistake, most manufacturers these days don't even make their own transmissions,
they buy them from somebody else, like the Chrysler rams and their vans now, their using
aisin a Japanese transmission, a lot of the Volvos are aisin Japanese transmissions, allison
is an Indiana company and they make truck transmissions for all kinds of truck companies,
honda makes their own and their kind of weak, I would go with the manual on that, it's going
to last a lot longer, belcher says what's your opinion on the v6
ford mustand 2003 era, well you know I like the way the cars look, but I don't like the
v6 engine, their kind of a weak engine, they don't hold up as long as the v8s, they certainly
don't have the power that the v8s had, I'm not a real fan of the v6s in those,
I like the v8s I mean, to me the mustang has a rumble of a v8 and the 6 it's like meh,
you know if you're a slower driver and you like the way the car looks and drives, go
right ahead and get one but, I like the v8s in those things,
potta, scotty I just went through a body of water and it looks like theirs steam coming
out of the radiator, the car acts and seems fine but the steam has be worried,
you probably don't have to worry, only one of two things can happen,
one you go through water, water gets on the radiator, the radiator gets rid of heat, so
if you got a bunch of water on the radiator, it will eventually steam up from the heat
and then it will eventually just evaporate off and it will stop doing it,
that's normal that will happen, but let's say your up north somewhere where the water
is really cold and your car is really hot, if you do go through a bunch of water, ice
cold water hitting the plastic or the metal on the radiator can make old brittle ones
crack and start to leak, so if you find out days later that your still
getting steam, it's damaged and you want to have it pressure tested for leaks and stuff,
but if it goes away, that just happens from the water getting on the radiator and it's
got to come off somehow and the hot radiator will just steam it off,
so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring
that bell!
You are not defined by what you do! | #TheWord s2e8 - Duration: 5:49.
OK, so what we need to talk about today is something that we all already know, but I
don't think we really believe in our hearts.
(musical break)
Well, ជំរាបសួរ (chum reap sur), brothers and sisters, and អរុណសួស្ដី
(aroun susdey) or maybe សាយ័ណ្ហសួស្ដី (sayoun susdey), depending on what time of
day you're watching this.
Welcome to Mission: Zer0!
If this is your first time here: my name is Shawn, and this is The Word With Friends,
the show where we take a deep dive into language and communications in order to bring us all
closer together.
Today we're going to do something a little bit different than we normally do.
Normally we take a deep dive into one word; today we're going to take a shallow dive
into two words that I think are critical to understand the difference of.
I don't think we mark that enough; we don't really observe that difference enough, and
those are the words "fail" and "flaw."
(musical break)
OK, so the first word that we're going to talk about today is the word "fail."
Fail comes from the Latin "fallo," and "fallo" means "to trick, to deceive,
to cheat, or to disappoint."
Isn't that interesting?
How did that become the idea of fail?
It's because at the time in our history when we adapted this Latin word into our English
language the idea that you could just screw up without it being intentional didn't really
exist; we were a little too self-flagellating for that.
The problem is, I think we carry that through right to today.
We are convinced that when we screw up it's because we were just not trying hard enough,
or we were purposely failing, or maybe that we had masqueraded ourselves as someone who
wasn't going to fail.
That's just so not true!
We have got to find a way to let that go, because failure is absolutely critical to
our growth and to our learning.
(musical break)
The second word that we're going to talk about today is the word "flaw."
Flaw comes from a Norse word "flaga", and "flaga" means "a flake, chip, or
thin layer."
Now this is interesting because what it's really saying is, "A small wrongness, a
small thing missing or not quite right.
Really close, but not quite there."
The interesting thing about that is that it is not necessarily something that can be perceived.
It is a thing that is not quite ideal, but it's also not crippling.
You don't look at a cabinet and say "Hm.
That's a 16th of an inch light on the right side!
I just can't have this cabinet anymore!"
(musical break)
And the reason that matters is: we know that we have flaws, we see nothing but our flaws
– I talked about that a little bit in Battle Cry on Monday – but we overinflate the value
of those flaws.
A flaw doesn't mean that you're broken, that you are a throwaway; it doesn't mean
that you're worthless.
A flaw just means that you're human!
And do you know what flaws do?
As in furniture, they give you character!
Our flaws are what give us our diversity and our uniqueness!
You can't beat yourself down about it, because there's just no good that can come of that.
(musical break)
The problem with how we view ourselves is that we conflate our flaws with our failures,
and we think that everything we do wrong, every failure we make, just highlights our
flaws, and just proves how worthless we are, how incapable we are.
The thing that I want us to know today is that's not true!
Your failures don't define you; your failures grow you.
Your flaws don't denigrate you; your flaws help to make you who you are.
There's my exhortation for us today: keep reminding yourself that your failures do not
mean that you are a failure, and your flaws do not mean that you are worthless.
We are accepted, and we are Loved by God.
Flaws and all.
Failures and all.
And if God Loves you, and says that you're worthy, and values you, despite all your failures
and flaws, then who are you to argue?
Take this today!
Take whatever part of this message strikes you and use it to become an even you-ier you
than you were before.
May God pour out the blessings of acceptance, and truth, and perspective in your life so
that you can see your failures and your flaws for what they are, not what they aren't.
I Love you SO, so much!
Peace out!
张程 Jay Zhang - Don't Let Me Chase You (remix 不爱我就拉倒) - Duration: 4:02.
[Robot Trains S2] Full episode 2-2 Sherlock Genie! - Duration: 11:26.
Thumbs up if you like this video! Hit the subscribe if you want more!
Sherlock Genie!
Here we are, everyone. Take care.
Good morning Jeanne.
Good morning Jack.
They are new to me.
It's there first time to come out.
They are inexperienced Railers yet.
Everyone, say hello to Jack.
Hahaha. They look professional though!
Yeah right. But they still have many things to learn.
Oh, right Jeanne.
I have a lot of energy balls to carry to Watch tower today.
So I will go load one more time.
If you are not that busy, can you take care of these for a while?
Of course! Go ahead.
Thanks Jeanne.
You can't rush like that.
Let's watch how others do!
What do you think? Don't you think it's awesome?
Now, let's watch how do they land safely.
Well, shall we go try it?
Hold your energy balls and go!
-Where did Jeanne go? - She just passed.
For the peace of beautiful Railworld!
For the honor of Train X!
We are here!
Smart Mos!
Handsome Dos!
The fastest Duke!
We are the best X-family!
That's too high. How are we going to take them out?
Yeah right.
That's high.
Ta-da. We are going to take these.
Duke, you really are awesome!
You really are fast!
We didn't see you take those here.
Okay then. Let's move!
Be careful.
You are gioing to get hurt, Kid.
Thank you!
Mos! Dos! Let's go!
Follow me!
Yes sir!
Let's go!
What's up? What's wrong?
Bag..! My bag..!
Oh.. did you lost it?
Don't worry, you might have left it somewhere.
Let's find it together.
That bag is..
Oh..where did the bag go?
I can't really find it.
Oh right! Genie will help us find your bag!
- Hey Genie! - Oh Hi Jeanne!
Please help us!
One of our Railers lost his bag!
The only one who can solve this problem is Genie the Genius!
Today, I'm not just genius but also Sherlock Genie!
Hang in there guys! I will go right away to you!
I fell down from up there and I flew!
But Duck graped me!
There is no rail here, so ordinary trains cannot come here.
Only Railers, Rail watch and..
Beam scanner!
I knew it!
Mos, Dos and Duke were here!
Jeanne, the energy balls that I left here are all gone!
What should we do?! I'm sorry I forgot about it.
I was looking for Railer's lost bag together so..
What should we do? I'm really sorry Jack.
Did you say a Railer bag?
Oh! I think I saw it!
Really? From where?
I saw Duck, Mos and Dos.
I saw them passing by in hurry,
and I saw the bag was hanging on them!
Right! I knew It was Duke!
I will going to catch you soon!
Wait a minute!
Oh, What is it?
Duck, I know you took the Railer's bag. Am I right?
Oh..No I'm not! What are you talking about?
It won't make any difference even if you prentend you didn't.
There is a witness who saw you have it.
What an earth are you talking about?
I will not going to miss you again!
Huh? What is she?
Do you think I'm going to let you go? No, I won't! Stop there right now!
Catch me if you can.
Duke, Stop there!
You are kind of brave that you follow me up here.
Now, just give up Duke! Give it back!
Actor Board!
I have things to do! Bye!
It was nice to meeting you, Genie!
Don't be so sad.
Genie will find your bag soon.
How did you..
I just picked it up while on my way to the valley.
Be careul to not lose it again.
Thank you Duke.
He was so depressed since he lost his bag.
Jeanne, Haven't you see Duke?
I got his signal from here.
Oh? How did he find his bag?
Duke found it for him.
Duke gave it to him?
That is so odd.
According to my reasoning as Sherlock Genie,
Duke took the bag
but then he gave it back?
Then, did he took it or not from the begining?
Um.. I guess we misjudge him.
I mean,
then why did he runaway?
That's because you ran after him so hard,
so,,may be he got scared of you.
Because once you run after someone so fast, you really are look so scary though. Am..I?
When genius focus on something they sometimes be like that.
Just like me. You do understand me, right?
You made it! Well done!
He looks so happy.
Yeah. Looking at him makes me happy too!
Thumbs up if you like this video! Hit the subscribe if you want more!
Halloween English Challenge in Shibuya, Tokyo - Girls Costume 🎃 | FROM JAPAN - Duration: 7:12.
What are your names
Aren't they adorable!
So we're going to do a translation challenge!
The first word is...
"Okashi" (Candy)
What is "okashi" in English?
What is it called?
It's a food so...
What sort of food is "okashi"?
What is it in English?
Things like gummies
What are they called~
Do you know Kyary Pamyu Pamyu?
It's the name of one of her songs, right?
It's an English word
wait a minute!
Chewing Chewing!
No, it's not "chewing chewing"
What was that?
that's right!
ok let's go on to the next one
What is "Jyuugatsu" (October) in English?
I know this!
"Jyuunigatsu" is December...
Yes that's right!
They know it
It's this month right?
Halloween's "October"
ah wait a minute!
What's "ichigatsu"? (January)
It's January, isn't it
What's next?
What did you say?
That's right!
Well done!
You know so well!
Number 3 is...
Which one should we go for?
"kabocha" (Pumpkin)
What is "kabocha" in English?
What is it?
Yes that's right again!
So good!
You guys know so much!
We just have two more left!
The next one is...
"aki" (autumn)
What is "aki" in English?
What is it?
"haru" is Spring, right?
"natsu" is Summer
"fuyu" is Winter
And "aki" is...?
If you get one wrong, you'll still eat something good
It starts with an "f"
It starts with an "f" from the alphabet
It's a short word
Do you remember?
What is it?
This ones difficult huh?
It's a short word
What did you say?
I don't know
no, no go ahead
Isn't it that?
Say it then!
Well done!!
Do you know the word "Fall"?
You said a much more difficult word!
That was the right answer!
And the last one is...
Which one should we go for...
"obake" (ghost)
It's a difficult word!
ahh I don't know!
it starts with a "G"
But the sound is like "go"
yay! well done
you know it!
that's the correct answer!
You got everything right!
Wow you did so well!
It's time to eat something delicious!
How is it?
tastes good doesn't it!
Thank you!
Scottsdale Chase Home Center: The First Property Every Homebuyer Should Visit - Duration: 2:42.
[energetic music]
Lucas: Welcome to Chase Home
Center, my name is Lucas James
and I'm a local
here in Scottsdale
and I'm looking to buy a home.
Here at the Chase Home Center
there's a lot of tools and features you can use
to help you throughout the buying process.
One that I really like is the concierge
that can answer any questions you might have.
So come take a look with me.
Concierge: Welcome to Chase Home Center. How can I help you?
Lucas: Hi, I'm looking to buy a home
and I'd like some help getting started.
Concierge: Well, I'll be more than happy
to help you with that.
Follow me to our local resources.
Lucas: Thanks.
Concierge: Right over here we have our tablets
that will give you all the tools and resources you need.
If you have any questions or concerns,
just don't hesitate to come get me.
Lucas: OK, thanks.
There's a lot of great resources on here.
An important factor for me is looking at the neighborhood,
one for crime and school information,
I think that's really important.
And the tablet here shows a lot of options
as well as transfer what people are paying for different homes,
as well as a mortgage calculator,
knowing what I can afford.
Market trends are also very important to me
'cause when I buy a house,
I want to make sure it's a good investment.
And the tablet here shows a lot of good data
on what I should choose and what I shouldn't choose.
Find the right home in a great neighborhood
with all the tools and resources you need right here.
If you're looking for commute times, school rankings,
bedroom size, they've got everything here.
I'm feeling great about my home search so far.
Let me show you what else Chase Home Center has to offer.
Feel free to bring your family along
while you're searching for a home.
Chase Home Center has a great Kid Zone
to keep those kids entertained.
The kids get to have fun in the Kids Zone,
but the adults get the virtual reality.
That was pretty awesome.
I'm gonna have to do this again.
Chase Home Center offers free events,
from first time home buyer seminars
to home improvement workshops.
The information here is endless!
Thank you for joining me on a tour of the Chase Home Center.
If you're starting your home buying journey
this is the first property you want to visit.
[energetic music continues]
How I Traded A Day For $25k - Duration: 5:00.
Hey, what's going on?
Jeff Lerner here.
I want to take a minute
and talk about superpower
skill set--
getting paid as much
as possible for your time.
It's actually
my first $25,000
single-day consulting
When we look at what can I
do to get to where my time
is worth $100 an hour,
$500 an hour, $1,000--
and, honestly, if I'm
in there for six hours
and it's $25,000, that's
$4,250 an hour
of what I'll actually get
paid for that time.
How do you get to where
your time is worth
that much?
It comes down to what do
you know how to do?
What are your skills?
Well, when I talk
about having superpowers
in this world
so that you can accumulate
massive capital,
so that you can get
to the point
where you can put
your capital to work
passively for you,
you have to be focusing
on the skills that give
you such high value
to exchange for money,
that you can go in
and create
these massive windfalls
with your own time.
The idea of trying to get
out of trading time
for money too quickly
is actually a place where
a lot of entrepreneurs
cut themselves off
at the knees.
You don't want to get out
of trading time for money,
you want to be trading
your time for more money
until you get to the point
where you have so
much money that you can
stop trading time
How do you get to where
you have $25,000 somebody
will pay you
for a single day of going
in to their office
and doing some work?
Let me tell you what you
do, and I've talked
about this before.
I've talked about it over
and over.
I want you to hear me
about this.
It's being a marketing
The reason I can walk
into a company
and get paid $25,000
to hang out for the day
is not because I'm
good at sales,
not because I'm the best
salesperson in the world.
It's not because I'm
the best marketer
in the world who writes
the best
copy and the highest
converting headlines.
It's not because I'm
a programmer,
and I can build anything,
but I understand how
how technology impacts
I know enough about sales
to be good at it,
and I can help most sales
people level up
their game.
I can help most sales
people integrate
with the systems
and the technology
that they have
in their environment
within their-- whatever
company they work for.
I'm pretty good at helping
them integrate and get
more value
and efficiency out
of those tools,
whether it's their CRM,
Pipeline Management,
lead management software,
communication software.
And then how technology
impacts marketing.
And marketing feeds
into technology
whether you're talking
about lead generation,
posting leads, automating
follow up,
marketing automation
through multiple
I know how to integrate
with SMS--
I know how to integrate
with direct mail.
I know how to integrate
with email.
It's like basic stuff.
It's stuff we all do
as consumers.
We all receive
these things.
We all get letters
in the mail, we understand
But it's taking the time
and spending enough time
in these environments
where you have
these organic processes
that involve people
and they involve computers
and they involve marketing
and psychology principles
and they involve selling
and transacting
and getting people's
And being able to go in
and diagnose
these ecosystems
and help sales deal
with technology better,
help technology people
deal with sales better,
help marketing make better
use of technology.
Like, it's the triangle--
sales, marketing,
I call it being
a marketing technologist.
It's the most valuable
skill in the world.
Invest in the skills that
are going to get you
at a ridiculous level.
It all comes down to what
skills are you learning?
What platforms are you
What trades are you
We've got a window--
we've got at least
a decade right now where
these are the most
valuable skills
on the planet
because what you're
you're smoothing the flow
between man and machine.
this natural divide
between man and machine,
between computers,
between sales,
between computers,
between marketing.
Even between tech people
and non-tech people.
And when you become
the intermediary,
you become the translator
that understands
both sides--
not as well as either side
but well enough
to sit and mediate
in the middle.
You become indispensable.
You walk
into any big company
and the number of people
who really understand how
to coordinate
and communicate
between technology, sales,
and marketing--
I don't care how big
a company you're talking
about, you can probably
count it on one hand.
You want to be
excellent in this world?
You want to be amazing?
You want to write
your ticket?
You want to get paid
$25,000 to go sit
in an office for a day
and give people advice?
Become the intermediary
between sales, marketing,
and technology.
Whatever you're focusing
on every day, my guess is
if it's not what
I'm talking about or some
crazy thing you come up
with that's as good
or better than what
I'm talking about-- which,
by the way, if it is,
I want to hear about it
because I probably want
to do it--
but if you're doing
anything else
with your time every day,
my guess is you're selling
yourself short on what you
could be getting paid.
All right, thanks
for your time.
Catch you
on the next video.
Sen Anlat Karadeniz EP 29 Trailer 1 English Subtitles - Duration: 0:45.
- Where's my son? - Mr. Vedat, thers's no one in the house
- Where's my son? - I don't...
I called brother Tahir "Dad"
I heard
Is he angry?
Why would he be angry?
I don't know, dads always get angry
There's time for everything...
and that time just arrived
What's this?
Nefes' ticket to hell
Sen Anlat Karadeniz on Wednesday 7 November English Subtitles on Thursday 8 November
Will My Abdomen Sag Again After Tummy Tuck-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 4:50.
Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Star Bodies.
Today we are going to discuss: Will the abdomen sag again after the tummy tuck?
In this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know to get the hourglass shape you've always wanted.
Welcome back!
The tummy tuck surgery is an effective and popular plastic surgery to get rid of a saggy abdomen.
If your abdomen is loose and saggy and the condition is affecting your life in negative ways,
you may consider the tummy tuck.
The procedure surgically removes the excess skin and fat from your abdomen, besides tightening
the abdominal wall muscle and moving the belly button to a position where it appears youthful.
While your abdomen can become permanently firmer, youthful, and flatter after the tummy tuck surgery,
there are certain factors that may cause your abdomen to sag again in future.
Weight gain: Weight gain after the tummy tuck will cause your abdomen to expand, which will inflate
the abdominal skin in turn.
Since your abdominal skin is already weaker, the expansion may cause it to lose its elasticity,
apart from separating the abdominal wall muscles.
Now, when you lose weight, your stomach will return to its original position, but the abdominal skin
would fail to recoil to its original position.
This will cause the abdomen to sag again.
Pregnancy: Pregnancy also affects the results of the tummy tuck in the same way as weight fluctuations.
Your abdomen would expand during pregnancy, which will damage the elasticity of the abdominal skin
and separate the abdominal wall muscle.
After childbirth, the skin would fail to return to its previous position;
hence your abdomen would sag again.
Besides weight loss and pregnancy, there is a certain natural phenomenon
that would make your abdomen saggy again.
Fortunately, the effects of these natural factors are slower and not severe.
The first of these factors is aging.
As you age, your skin loses its elasticity.
The skin construction becomes weaker.
As a result, your abdomen would gradually become saggy.
The good news is that despite this phenomenon, you would still look younger than your counterparts
who didn't go under the knife.
The second natural phenomenon that can take a toll on the results of the tummy tuck is gravity.
The gravitational pull on your abdomen has the potential to cause it to sag again after the tummy tuck.
However, the speed at which this happens is slower.
So, in order to sustain the results of the tummy tuck, you must maintain a stable weight
after the surgery and avoid getting pregnant.
If you want to get pregnant, you should postpone your plan to undergo the tummy tuck in the first place.
In this video we discuss: Will the abdomen sag again after the tummy tuck?
In the next video we will discuss: How pregnancy affects tummy tuck results?
Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel
for more information, here at the Star Bodies channel, only on YouTube.
Also, you can log on to our website,
for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.
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