How To Make Chocolate Cakes Decoration Ideas 2018
For more infomation >> How To Make Chocolate Cakes Decoration Ideas 2018 - Top 10 Amazing Chocolate Cake Decorating Videos - Duration: 12:04.
Boom,You Looking For This? | Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) - Duration: 4:38.
Ooh! Whoo!
Come back, come back, come back.
But, you know, the suit can take the weight, right?
So I take the tank, fly it right up to the general's palace,
drop it at his feet.
I'm, like, "Boom. You looking for this?"
"Boom. Are you looking for..." Why do I even talk to you guys?
Everywhere else, that story kills.
That's the whole story?
Yeah, it's a War Machine story.
Oh, it's very good, then.
It's impressive.
Quality save.
- So, no Pepper? She's not coming? - No.
What about Jane? Where are the ladies, gentlemen?
Oh, Ms. Potts has a company to run.
Yes, I'm not even sure what country Jane's in.
Her work on the Convergence
has made her the world's foremost astronomer.
And the company that Pepper runs
is the largest tech conglomerate on Earth.
It's pretty exciting.
There's even talk of Jane getting a, um, Nobel Prize.
Yeah, they must be busy,
because they would hate missing you guys get together.
- Testosterone! - Oh, my goodness.
- Excuse me. Mmm-hmm. - Want a lozenge?
But Jane's better.
Sounds like a hell of a fight. Sorry I missed it.
If I had known it was gonna be a firefight,
I absolutely would have called.
No, no. I'm not actually sorry.
I'm just trying to sound tough.
I'm very happy chasing cold leads
on our missing persons case.
Avenging is your world.
Your world is crazy.
Be it ever so humble.
You find a place in Brooklyn yet?
I don't think I can afford a place in Brooklyn.
Well, home is home, you know?
I fly right up to the general's palace, I drop it at his feet,
I'm, like, "Boom. You looking for this?"
I gotta have some of that.
Oh, no, no, no.
See this... This was aged for 1,000 years
in the barrels built from the wreck of Grunhel's fleet.
It is not meant for mortal men.
Neither was Omaha Beach, blondie.
Stop trying to scare us. Come on.
All right.
How'd a nice girl like you wind up working in a dump like this?
Fella done me wrong.
You got lousy taste in men, kid.
He's not so bad.
Well, he has a temper.
Deep down, he's all fluff.
Fact is, he's not like anybody I've ever known.
All my friends are fighters.
And here comes this guy,
spends his life avoiding the fight
because he knows he'll win.
- Sounds amazing. - He's also a huge dork.
Chicks dig that.
So what do you think? Should I fight this,
or run with it?
Run with it, right? Or did he... Was he...
What did he do that was so wrong to you?
Not a damn thing.
But never say never.
It's nice.
What is?
You and Romanoff.
No, we haven't... That wasn't...
It's okay.
Nobody's breaking any bylaws.
It's just she's not the most open person in the world.
But with you she seems very relaxed.
No. Natasha, she's just... She likes to flirt.
I've seen her flirt, up close.
This ain't that.
as maybe the world's leading authority
on waiting too long, don't.
You both deserve a win.
What do you mean "up close"?
hey guys it's Iva Scelfo welcome to my channel I have to say that I did
really miss you guys a lot I just wanted to make this quick short video just to
keep you in loop what's been going on with my life and what news I had and
that you actually know why I was a my a to start from the beginning my husband
and I we bought a 5th wheel back in February and since March we are living
in it full-time as you could have noticed and our ultimate goal is just to
travel to country work remotely but we are not quite there yet we have our
Amazon business going on we are actually working on getting
certified and do some social media so we taking a lot of steps to actually become
a digital nomads but because we are not there yet and we were really really
tired of just sitting on our butts and waiting for something to happen we
actually decided that we gonna take the big first step and we gonna try getting
some seasonal jobs so we can actually take our trailer and move to places we
really do want to see and enjoy while we actually be able to make some paycheck I
actually made a promise to my husband that when we made this big purchase that
we first winter season gonna spend in mountains skiing and snowboarding and so
I'm trying my part is to keep that promise so I went ahead and I start
applying for our been third season jobs first we really wanted to get to
Colorado mountains because when we pro from New York to Vegas we really fall in
love with Colorado but unfortunately the big problem there was that there was no
place for us to park all our be over the winter as many of those places are
closed for the winter so I actually went ahead and started applying for jobs in
Park City Utah and the big news is I got a job so we are going to part
city baby I can't tell you guys how excited I am that we taking this step
like I mean the first that was actually buying the RV and making this big move
from a big house in Vegas to a smaller apartment in Florida to a small trailer
we've really downsized a lot but we absolutely love it and we're gonna love
it even more if we are actually able to travel and do what we really want to do
so I am going to be working in Park City Mountain I'm gonna be working as a skier
service specialist for the season The Chap actually offers me a free ski pass
for me and my husband which is a score I absolutely love that there is a lot of
things we still need to do before we take off we're gonna have to winterize
and when we get there it's gonna be really cold already so we're gonna put
skirting we're gonna be been theorizing the windows and everything you can think
of so I am thinking I'm gonna be taking my YouTube channel a little bit that
direction as well I would love to be vlogging more about our travels about
our exploring the mountains and all Utah and Park City I'm still gonna keep doing
videos about food and weight loss as I'm still not at the weight I want to be and
I would love to inspire you to eat healthier so my ultimate goal is really
making this channel about a lifestyle healthy food and weight loss and
traveling only one downside of this haul back moving thing is that we can I have
to take off on Halloween's so we are not gonna go trick-or-treating this year
unfortunately but we are going to spend Christmas in one of those most beautiful
cities you can actually spend winter and so I think it's well worthy you guys
definitely think of us I'm gonna keep you posted I'm gonna keep you posted if
we not phrasing that's gonna be a little
hard because I don't know if you know but since 2013 we left either in Las
Vegas or in Florida so we really didn't see a snow for a most of five years so
it's been a long time since I freeze my butt on the other hand though I can't
wait to get out of Florida as much as I love the beaches and love the summer
it's just too much for me to take in I'm a very outdoor girl I like all outdoor
sports and it's just too hot in Florida I feel like the only thing you can
actually do here is to be lying on the beach so I can't wait to have a little
snuggle sweater and even new fashion because Florida it's all about dresses
and flip-flops and I can't wait to wear a scarf and a boots
call me crazy so guys thank you so much for watching this video I hope you
enjoyed it and I welcome you all to join us on our new travel journey and new
adventure don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any of my videos hit that
Bell button so you get notified and I'll see you really really soon bye
You 1x09 Promo "Candace" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.
Husband You will Wear On the Hands After Such a Delicious Cake. - Duration: 3:29.
Update Donkey have much better but hungry food,Donkey not happy to control his mind - Duration: 6:03.
CDW Orchestrates a Data Center Modernization Solution - Duration: 0:31.
IT PROFESSIONAL: Thanks for coming in.
CDW: Oh sure, oh.
Oh yeah.
Our data center is really slow, so to make it feel faster, we slowed other stuff down.
Like the escalator.
CDW: Oh you know at CDW we get that speed matters.
That's why we'd design a new, faster Dell hyper-converged infrastructure that would
give you the agility and scalability you need to grow, and speed things up.
IT PROFESSIONAL: Hang tight, this could take a while.
AVO: For data center modernization, you need Dell and IT Orchestration by CDW.
Does Raising Your Adolescent Feel Like Trick or Treat? - Duration: 2:12.
Do you find that it's trick-or-treat when it comes to raising your adolescent?
One minute they hate you and the next minute you're the best. Well, you know
there's a combination of big transitions going on in their brain and the rush of
puberty hormones. This results in a very scary parenting experience. If
you're raising an adolescent. I have a few thoughts to encourage you today. The
first one is that this is a time of transition. It's not going to be like
this forever. Over the next few years,
you'll see this gradual change toward more level-headed responses to you and
less of these big swings up and down. My second encouragement to you is although
you might not realize it, you are actually the person in control because
you're in control of yourself. How you respond to them during these big swings
makes all the difference. So, I want to encourage you keep a level head yourself
as they're going up and down and all over the place.
My third encouragement to you is even though right now you're not hearing the
words "Mom thanks so much. I appreciate you being there" you will hear them. They
will come. They're tucked away somewhere inside that child and as you move down
the road a few years you will begin to hear those encouraging words of thank
you to you. It's going to feel really good when that happens. Parenting
adolescents is scary. But it's a scary experience that's going to lead to a very
different, more mature relationship down the road.
This is Dr. M with Anatomy for Kids.
First Class Fitment 2018 | FLGNTLT USA E03 - Duration: 15:26.
Hello from the First Class Fitment 2018..
... from New Jersey.
I will turn around the camera now so we can talk a little and introduce you someone very special.
Actually Kev can do that.
Kev tell us.
We are now at the FCF show, which is incredible.
Next to me is John Ludwig, who some of you might already know.
So hopefully you've seen our Wörthersee Aftermovie, which he made the intro song for.
He composed the music himself, just for that movie. So here he is.
I found Chet's instagram and wrote him about our idea of making a windbreaker
inspired by the HKS design.
He liked the idea and sent us a couple pictures
even though the car wasn't yet ready.
He took the car out of the garage and put wheels on just to send us some pictures.
And the best story actually is ...
... his family is originally form Germany.
I have to check where it is.
So this makes even more sense.
His roots are German and the car is Japanese.
What is actually really important here
Not only can you see cool cars but alot of people have style.
And you can win 150$ for having the best sneakers of the show.
And I think Chet
So, Tim just showed me this.
Also the door is widened.
Pretty amazing.
Also the whole VIP concept with the blinds.
Everywhere little details
with a lot of leather
Thats how VIP cars should look like.
Also the first one I've seen like this.
Here we have a BMW E36 M3
Why i recognized this car is
because we know somebody who allways likes our pictures and wears a lot of FLGNTLT clothing.
His instagram name is ...
... BBSRS001
And he posted this pictured a couple weeks ago.
of this car.
Thats why I just recognized it.
Looks great, also with the slant lips just like the E46 next to it ...
... convertible with a hard top.
Great set ups overall.
So he just told us.
Vin just told us that his car has the engine of the European version.
I didn't know the US version had a different engine.
Eventually he found the engine and swapped it into his E46.
Now I want to show you a car -
- Subaru Forester.
I follow him a while on his instagram profile. (adorable_toaster)
I just love this car. Let's check it out.
I'm sorry but I really love the BBS RS with slant lips.
So if you know a Forester, it actually is an offroad car ...
Bremi new pet for you?
What do you think?
It was a great show. I personally really liked it.
Alot of great cars.
Great quality.
A good mix of every brand.
Very cool people. People with style.
We had lots good conversations and made new friends.
Maybe even collaboration plans.
What else is there to say ... now we are hungry.
So, we now go have dinner.
And we see you tomorrow
or on monday when we are heading to New York.
Until then. Goodbye.
We are out.
WE1X1076 - Replacing Your GE Dryer's Natural Gas Valve Limiter - AP2042096, PS266810 - Duration: 10:58.
Hi my name is Bill and today I will be showing you how to replace the
natural gas limiter on your dryer. The reason why you might have to do this is
because it's damaged and you smell gas, or because it's missing. For this repair,
we'll be using a Philips head screwdriver and a flat head screwdriver.
WARNING: before doing any repairs, please disconnect your power source.
So this is the appliance that we'll be using in this demonstration.
It's a GE; keep in mind yours at home might look a little bit different than
what we've out here, but the same techniques should still apply. Make sure
you turn your gas off. So we're going to start by turning our dryer around.
So what we'll need to do is remove these screws up here, in order to get the control panel off.
So now that we've got the back unscrewed, we can just slide the control
panel over, and we're going to lift it up and we're going to put it back in this
space right here. Now we're going to open up our dryer door and on either side
there are two screws going straight up. So we need to remove those screws now,
and we're going to be using a Philips head screwdriver to
take these screws out.
Now that we've got those screws out, we can take the top off. All we have to do
is just lift up and pull back slightly on the top, and we'll set that off to the
side. So now that I've got these screws out, I want to close up our front
dryer door. Now I've got two more screws that screw into the front panel, and I'm
just going to remove those as well. And when you remove them, just to make sure
that when you get close to having them come out, catch them because you don't
want to fall down into the dryer.
There you go. Now that we've got those screws out, we can tilt the front panel
forward, and once we've got it tilted forward and separated from the drum, we
can lift it up over the tabs on the bottom and just turn it like so because
we've got some wires attached to it as well. So now what I'm going to do is I
want to detach some of these wires here. First one I want to detach is this black
one that's connected right over here, and to do that I'm just going to use a flat head
screwdriver and I want to pry up. There we go. Now I've got this plastic guard
that's in my way a little bit. What I want to do is just pull it slightly out
like that. So it's removed from the frame and now I can move it out of my way.
Again, just don't move it too far, you don't want to break it. We'll remove it
just enough so that I can use my screwdriver and pry these wires off.
And we just need to unplug our white wire and we'll just pull that straight
out there. So now we're going to move this last wire here, and once again just pull
that straight out. So right on top of the drum here, we've got this piece which is
our belt there. So in order to get it off, I'm going to reach inside of our dryer here.
And I've got to get my arm in that little hole, we're going to have to push up
on the lever to release the tension and reach in with our other hand, and now we
can just take that right off. So now that we've removed the belt from the pulley,
lift up on the belt. That'll help us pick up the drum. So here's our gas valve
limiter, in order to remove it we use a flat head screwdriver and we're just
going to unscrew it.
Now you can grab your new OEM replacement gas valve limiter.
If you don't have one already, you can find it on our online store.
So now we'll put our gas valve limiter inside that hole where the other one was,
and we'll screw it into place. And once we get it tightened as much as we can,
grab our flat head screwdriver and finish tightening it the rest of the way.
There you go. So you'll see on the back of your drum here
there's a small shaft, and when you put the drum back in you're going to want to
make sure that shaft goes into that hole right there. There we go.
So it's a little bit hard to line it up when you can't really see it back there,
but you can do the best you can and it may take a couple of tries to get it exactly
in place.
There we go. After a couple of tries, should be able to get it in there and
you'll see that the rim of the drum is inside the frame of the dryer there. Now
to put the drum back, on we're going to take the belt and we're going to go on the other
side of the wheel here just like this, and we're going to lift
it up, keeping this all together, and then loop the belt around the shaft here.
Make sure everything's on straight. There we go. And then everything should
be able to spin freely now, just like that. Where I reattached that to the
middle, this is a white wire that goes up along the edge of the door and goes to
the light. So that's plugged in now, and now with this last one attach it right there.
Now I want to put this plastic piece back into place, so right into that
slot right there, and we'll plug our last wire in. And you're just going to make
sure that these slight bumps there line up with the holes outside. That fits in
nicely. And now I'll put the front panel back on. So now we're going to line up
our front panel with the tabs on the bottom. We're going to set those into
those tabs and stand the door up. As we do that, we're also going to line up with
the drum, and the inside of that plastic piece on the washer is going in the drum.
And we've also got these metal tabs on the side, they're going into the slots on
the frame. So once those are all lined up and the panel's flush, we can screw it
back on. So now we're going to get our screw
started in this hole here, and then after we get it started, screw
it down nice and tight.
Same thing on this side, start our screw in by hand and
use our Philips head screwdriver to finish the job.
Now when I put the top
back on, you'll see there are two tabs sticking out from the top.
There are going to be two slots that correspond with them, so I want to line all those up.
So after I lined those up, make sure that the tabs go into slots just like that.
And there's a couple on the front as well, so now we can screw that back in. So we'll
put in our screw and with that little tiny hole at the top, you should be able
to line up the screw with the hole that it belongs to there. Once you've got that
started a little bit, start screwing it in.
Now we're going to put our lint filter back into place, since that came out a
little while ago. Now we can close our dryer door.
Now we can line our control
panel back up and slide that back over and set that back into place.
Now let's screw it back in.
Now we can turn our dryer back around and then once we
do that, we'll plug everything back in and your repair is complete.
Now we can turn our gas back on.
Finally, don't forget to plug in your appliance.
If you need to replace any parts for your appliances, you can find an OEM
replacement part on our website
Thanks for watching and please don't forget to like, comment, and share our video.
Also don't
forget to subscribe to our channel. Your support helps us make more videos just
like these for you to watch for free.
Star Sessions with Calvin Arsenia: Back to You - Duration: 4:07.
♪ The pollen stains from your "I'm sorry" flowers ♪
♪ The love we made ♪
♪ Hours and hours ♪
♪ What a big mistake ♪
♪ Hardly now do I ever think of you ♪
♪ But I'll forgive myself ♪
♪ 'Cause there was no way of knowing ♪
♪ Until you showed me ♪
♪ That there are worse things than lonely ♪
♪ And I won't hesitate ♪
♪ To at least learn something from you ♪
♪ I've got cobblestones and castles and crowds to elbow through ♪
♪ Ferries, trains, and buses rockabye me through the night ♪
♪ Oh, I deserve every hole in my shoe ♪
♪ But when I come back I won't come back to you ♪
♪ All the friends we made ♪
♪ You can go ahead and keep them ♪
♪ I've got who I need ♪
♪ If for no better reason than that ♪
♪ I won't fight you, babe ♪
♪ And there's more where they came from ♪
♪ And that photograph where we managed a smile ♪
♪ The bed we shared, your skin was like fire ♪
♪ But nowadays only a sea-breeze is holding me ♪
♪ Out on mountains, moons, and meadows ♪
♪ That splash around in endless light ♪
♪ Ferries, trains, and buses rockabye me through the night ♪
♪ Oh, I deserve every hole in my shoe ♪
♪ But when I come back I won't come back to you ♪
♪ Goodbye ♪
♪ I was living in a painting ♪
♪ High, listening to punk rock on your laptop ♪
♪ Halfway out the door ♪
♪ There's no winners in war ♪
♪ Only more ♪
♪ Pubs and pints and postcards ♪
♪ Lazy fog that billows through ♪
♪ Houndstooth, stripes, and paisley ♪
♪ Teary eyes of silvery blue ♪
♪ Oh, I deserve every hole in my shoe ♪
♪ But when I come back I won't come back to you ♪
♪ When I come back I won't come back to you ♪♪
♪ ♪ ♪
Don't Hold Yourself Back | FIRST & FIVE | ALEX WILLIS - Duration: 2:01.
王源 第三首英文单曲《Will You》温暖上线 - Duration: 1:03.
Grounding Techniques, Grounding Yourself With Energy Medicine Workshop, Eden Energy Medicine - Duration: 26:55.
Terroir- All About Wine 7, GreatWine2Ube - Duration: 11:21.
If you were a dog, I would call that comment 'cupboard love'.
You haven't even offered me a glass of wine.
We are not supposed to show you ourselves
licking or eating the cork. So, we'll do it off camera.
We are going to talk about 'terroir'.
What is 'terroir'? Please define it short and easy.
It's not that easy to justify.
Terroir comes from the French word for land, soil.
And so, obviously that is a key element.
Terroir, in essence then, the somewhereness of wine,
a specific piece of land that imbues the wine
that is grown on that land with special characteristics.
It's not, however, just a piece of land
because it contains also all sorts of things
of which man is, unfortunately, also a part.
How is terroir different from earth and land?
The concept of terroir absolutely embraces a piece of land
but it's more than that.
So, one could argue that terroir,
as we talk about it in wine, land is a subset of terroir.
Earth means that dirt inside of that land and again, a subset.
But terroir can be anything
anything from a specific single vineyard to a region.
Can a bad winery make good wine if terroir is good?
What are you talking about bad wineries?
We live in a world today that's so competitive
that If you have a bad winery,
you are probably gone already.
They will not make as good a wine
as truly talented winemakers will from that same piece of land.
Here is an interesting story I want to tell you.
I went to a winery and they did a fascinating experiment.
And the experiment was as follows:
We got three winemakers and three vineyards.
Each winemaker was given grapes from each of the vineyards.
And each winemaker, therefore, made three wines
for a sum total of nine wines.
Three winemakers, three vineyards.
What we had to do was to pick the three wines
that came from vineyard A, the three from vineyard B
and the three from vineyard C.
In other words, a validation of whole idea of terroir.
I got them 100%
as in 100% wrong!
Yes, I did get three, three and three.
In each case, I picked the three wines made by the one winemaker,
the next three wines made by the second winemaker,
and the third three wines made by the third winemaker.
In other words, what I'm saying is terroir
notwithstanding the actions of the winemaker,
at least at this particular instance are much more important
than that can be attributed to the terroir.
That's getting away from your question.
Can a bad winery make good wine if terroir is good?
Maybe good but not great.
Then, can a good winemaker make good wine from bad terroir?
It's much more nuanced question even though you didn't realize it.
Because for sure, a good winemaker can extract
the maximum of the grapes that are brought to him.
And so,
you use the effects of a good winemaker
to mask the effects of bad terroir,
meaning to effectively obliterate the terroir in the wine,
so that the negative aspects of the terroir don't show up.
You can basically break wine down into three levels.
You entry-level wine is just a red or white table wine
which is tasty and doesn't cost too much and is pleasant.
The next level above that is 'vin de cepage'.
A wine made with a specific grape variety,
or specific blend of grape varieties
intended to show off some of the aspects
of those grape varieties.
And then the third wine is a 'terroir driven wine'.
That particular terroir imbues those grapes and therefore for the wine
with some unique desirable and price-worthy attributes.
That's the third one.
The third one. The pinnacle!
Does the concept 'terroir taste' exist?
So, again, that's not such an easy question as you say.
Very often I will have somebody sitting with me,
pour a glass of wine and the glass of wine,
you know, will taste earthy.
Some wines taste earthy for whatever reason.
And then, that person will say
'Ahh, I can taste the terroir'!
It's not.
The taste of terroir is not the taste of earth.
If somebody says
'Oh my goodness, that is just too wonderful.
That is Classed Growth Bordeaux from Pauillac'.
That's tasting terroir.
If you explain it a little bit simpler...
For everybody!
I thought I had explained it simply.
I think the reason why this is getting complicated is
I'm sitting here now for all of this time
and you haven't even offered me a glass of wine.
OK, I give you some wine.
Thank you.
So, now we are talking about a very famous terroir,
at least in the context of a larger terroir.
This is Chianti and this is Chianti Classico.
Sangiovese is very earthy grape very often.
In the new world, you can taste Sangiovese and you will say
'Oh, man, that tastes really earthy'.
But you are not specifically tasting the terroir
of where the Sangiovese was grown.
You are tasting a characteristic of Sangiovese.
This is a part of characteristics of Sangiovese.
It already smells so good.
It smells good?
Yes, very good.
We are not supposed to show you ourselves
licking or eating the cork. We will do it off camera.
Or pushing the cork in your nose.
It smells so good.
So, there is a taste of earth to this wine.
But that's not in and of itself the terroir
although in this case it is a reflection of the Sangiovese
and the earthiness that the Sangiovese gets in this terroir
and also earthiness very often on a wine,
to say that a wine is earthy,
it's not always positive.
Earthiness is sometimes a sort of pedestrian,
a sort of clumsy idea of a wine,
reserved for grapes that are not specifically elegant.
And so, you say 'well it's a little earthy, it's a little rustic'
and so, one must be careful
with the use of earthiness in a wine.
I find this is really earthy. In a good way.
Thank you.
I like you very much,
especially today.
If you were a dog,
I would call that comment 'cupboard love'.
Cupboard love.
meaning the dog only loves you
because you are going to take food out the cupboard
to feed the dog. In your case,
since you are not a dog,
we have say it's 'cellar love'.
Cellar love.
He loves me for my cellar.
When I do a wine tasting,
the winemakers are talking about terroir.
They always say the complexity of their wine
is from the terroir.
Is the complexity directly related to terroir?
Let's step back a little bit. Excuse me for being a cynic.
No winemaker is ever going to say to you
'this particular wine comes from that vineyard
and that's terrible vineyard.
I really shouldn't make wine in that vineyard
but we happen to have that vineyard
and the grapes are growing there
and we can't just throw them away
and nobody wants to buy them.
So, yes, it's terroir wine but it's a really bad terroir,
so don't drink it'.
So, you are not going to find that kind of thing.
So, yes, a winemaker is going to tell you
that the unique characteristics that you find in the wine
are attributable to the terroir
because terroir is at the point
where the winemaker is now getting to the point
where he can narrow down the geographical range
of where this wine was made
to try and create the concept or the idea
that wine from that specific place, that terroir,
tastes that good for that reason.
So, maybe it's similar to their explanation about vintages
because there is no bad vintage for them.
You know, look, from a marketing perspective,
the only wine, when you are sitting with the winemaker,
the only wine better than this wine that you have in your glass
is the one in the barrel that's going to be released in next year.
OK, and the only wine that's not quite as good as this one
is the wine that he was selling last year that's just sold out.
It's almost this quality but not quite.
This one is just a little bit better
but man, you want to see
what they've got in barrel for next year.
That's the world we live in.
That's why you get guys like me who run around the world
saying 'Yeah, it's not bad'.
I saw there was a trial to include human work
in the concept of terroir.
Mainly from France.
I'm sorry to see that as a development.
However, it's absolutely valid for all the reasons
that we just mentioned.
Because a poor winemaker is not going to make a great wine
even in a great terroir.
Maybe by accident.
So, there is no...
And that's why when we talked earlier about terroir,
the complexity of terroir,
it absolutely does include the winemaker
even thought we would like to say it doesn't.
Funeral Services Held For Well-Respected Doctor Killed In Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting - Duration: 1:24.
First Barbie poll take part and say what you wanna see Busy B from Germany - Duration: 1:03.
Greetings and welcome to Busy B from Germany. I have a poll today of what would
you like to see next. You have the chance to choose between a hip joint repair for
a talking Barbie? A review of Winter Holiday? Or a head restoration for a
a Barbie head from Venezuela with rerooting and repainting? Thanks for taking part in
this poll and please don't forget every Friday comes a new exciting video
for you and please don't forget to subscribe to my channel. Thank
3 Tips To Make Him Feel Like A Man! - Duration: 2:49.
- Three things to say to make him feel like a man.
Hello, guys, and welcome to my YouTube channel.
I'm Alex Cormont, your French relationship expert.
In this video, I want to share with you three tips
that can change a lot in your relationship.
Because we want your husband, your boyfriend, your man
to feel like a man.
This is something really important.
But we also want you to stay in the challenge zone.
We don't want to give him the power.
So I have three tips.
To give you the first one is
you can tell him exactly what you like.
Most of the time we say I like you or I love you.
I want you to add why.
Why do you like this guy?
It could be, I like you because you're a gentleman.
I like you because I feel like a princess with you.
But you can also tell him
I like you because you're such a good cooker.
The more you will explain the situation,
the more he will feel like a man,
because you will go deeper in your compliments.
The second thing is just,
I remember when you did this.
That means, I remember when you took the leadership.
I remember when you plan our holidays.
That was amazing.
He will feel like not a man, but the man.
He will feel like he's so special in your eyes,
and will be so happy.
It's really important for you to understand
that is to, I like you for, or I like you why.
And I remember when you did this.
This will give him so much power
that he will feel like the man of the situation,
which is really important.
And the last one for sure,
I need your help for something really specific and small.
For example, I need your help to fix my computer.
I need your help to do something, small, easy.
He will feel like a man.
He will feel like you need him.
But you will still be the challenge.
Okay, guys, I want you to balance the relationship.
So if you can follow these tips,
you will feel that he will be so happy.
He will feel stronger,
and maybe he will be also more involved in the relationship.
If you have any question, if you want to share your tips,
it's in the comments below.
Give me a like and subscribe
to this amazing YouTube channel.
You have every single day a video
to understand a man or to understand your life.
I'm here for you.
If you want any coaching session,
go on
But don't leave now.
You can download my free ebook
about my philosophy in the description just right below.
This ebook is a bestseller in France,
and I'm giving you for free
because I want you to understand everything about love.
This is my challenge,
so see you tomorrow for the next video.
Bye bye, guys.
Halloween Special! Are You Brave Enough? - Community Levels - Super Mario Maker [#17] - Duration: 33:30.
Getrekt, man
What's up, everybody, I'm gonna side and welcome to another episode of Super Mario maker
So for the first time on the channel, this isn't a Halloween special
so I asked you guys to send me your
Scary spooky levels and you did not disappoint me
Look at all those awesome levels from awesome creators - this is absolutely insane. Look at the pixel art
Look at that man. This is absolutely crazy. You guys are freaking nuts
So we got over 20 levels suggestions by awesome creators. We have easy ones we have cool ones
We have concept levels. We have hardcore levels - so we'll start with this one. This one is called Boop by SR
I Dan
Really I clear level. So let's do this what you got for me Dan fellow Canadian a
Pigeon I
Can go over the top
Do I need to I'm confused man do I have to like trip trigger everything
So all the POW R
So the coins has been knocked down at the bottom right not sure what that means for us to
That's a
level that exists against
Alright, so the second level of the episode is called trick-or-treat by the goddess
Xi clears, this one might be a little more challenging 7 person clear, right? Let's do this
You soon mushroom right away awesome
Okay, let's go just go man but no hidden blocks
But there's Red Coins
Red keys. Let's keep that in mind. Not a lot though. There's only three
So this is all it's all doable. We got a red point by accident country. She ran down Aden at the top
Everything is a trap man. Is there something else at the top hang up already? Okay
Third one is there. Let's go to the door
But it's all ghosts
So bad sometimes
Okay, so there's nothing in there let's go to the PI then
Checkpoint. Are you ready? All right
How goes our enemies man, there's nothing to help you really
It's finished just like that
7% clear, right that was a pretty easy level to be honest pretty cool - all right
The third level is a two-year Mario maker anniversary level is made by zypher and look at that thumbnail, man
Absolutely, gorgeous. It's called booze Halloween. Mansion 11 clear 8. We are in for a good level I think
I'm excited about this
New soup once again, which I don't mind to be honest
Or this where is their arrows dear
The lever is trying to tell me something for sure but what it is so cryptic
There's a key there
There's little houses you can go oh
There's something hidden behind the girls right there, I think we can stand on it. Yeah
Look at that
Really clever really clever. All right
So we have dick
The high
Okay, so it will be like, okay
The level will be something like that. I did this man. I dig this so forth
We need to be careful actually
Checkpoint numero 1
The pipe on the left is going home. We're
Not sure if that was a right decision
Something happen at the job. Yeah, there's a reset. All right there
Come on man, show me the money, you know buddy probably to go back
Can I true the power love but I think it's enough to kill, okay
Okay, let's go right let's go right, okay
Reset the water. Yeah
Something happen, I think I got a key right I just keys there the keys are there
Well platforming section right there there's a door
Which go back the beginning but
Okay, there's something right there for sure the keys right there but how am I supposed to reach it Oh
Bad decision. Oh
There's another path there by complete accident to you once again
Go just go that's just a matter of doing a new door, right?
There girl
Checkpoint three memo dos
Five on the right doesn't go anywhere overlay pike right there. Not sure what that means. Nobody knows
Something yeah. Oh, thank you
There's a cool make no mechanics like the levels not too hard but
For sure, there's a lot of cool mekinese, I like that
The keys right there
The level is finished, but we have an extra key. Is that the trending?
Always going back to the beginning here
Mario maker
think this I think this trending acquired -
We got the extra heat pretty cool level are pretty easy - alright the next level
I'm scared of this one because game consoles
Usually I gave up on one of this level and the other one was at row level that like took me an hour to be
It's made my major pain
One clear out of 48. We don't know exactly where what we we are getting into basically
But let's do it major pain
Just trying to see didn't I add something at the beginning look at that already a school?
At what where am I going?
There's a bad desert path, so I guess we are in the right direction there's arrows
It bucks on the spice I hate them in the classic Mario, so let's try to clear the left path first
Pretty sure, it's it's a lie, but we knows right
Look at that
Okay, okay
There you go. I like that. I like that
So probably need a spiky element for this part
There's nothing in the pie
We off screen the girls that's good. That's good checkpoint your man want
And you're going back
Okay, seems like a reset
Door or something like that to reset pie?
Vomits cabeza, are you serious?
Okay, checkpoint number two, that's good, that's good. All right making good progress
Dude I am so lucky right now, but we are dead not that lucky huh, and no prob for this section
Need to stop on the top of
Those things
Right there and after that you go
Just need to stay low on this one. Okay, we can do this
Okay, this part is kinda tricky it's kind of tricky
What am I doing
Just like that, but
Not dying, you know. Oh
I think I understand. We have a new strat for this one
So we're gonna let the donut block life fall down and we jump on the next one, basically
Look at that perfect
That part
What is this part too
So basically need to what this part seems impossible man
Stop dying there. Take your time dude. I
Think I understand the strat
So we need to basically skill the second node block. I think you trigger this one
You know what I mean and just go in there and bounce and hope for the best right so do this
Yeah, exactly exactly mushroom thank you very much Dean appreciate that
That section too
Look at that. Okay, that means booze, bye-bye
That's the end we need the mushroom
So we need to go there all the way around and
discover the exit base
Which is hidden
Behind those blocks I guess
That's cool, that's cool. That's a cool ending right there
Okay, that one wasn't too bad I'm always scared when it's game consoles because we don't know what is gonna do
Basically, but this one was pretty easy pretty short. So thumbs up man
All right. So the next one is called Mario's random nightmare made by Rodrigo only for clears
Once again, I don't know exactly what to expect but let's do this cool art - in the thumbnail
Goodness no prob
So we are going to the right now
It was a little bit harder than expected right there
So we're gonna run
Right there this Bowser random balls of fire to which I feel about that. Oh
Man it's night me. It's night me
Hammer bros admirals what to say about that man this sock
There's something of the right toe my crazy
This this section is really random man with the Bowser fire -
There's no good strat for this part just need to be lucky man. Yeah. There you go
It's this ridiculous man, there you go. There you go. Okay, let's up for good balls of fire right there
Get rekt man no. No, but what can I die? I
Panicked I panicked I thought it was like a blue platform that was falling down. I should have all done
warm so bad
That's gonna be way easier like that right
Freakin even para dude, what the hell
Look I'll freakin easy. It is now just that means groups a section
Just go you know what I mean?
Now this is easy
That freaking platform is our to range man
Alright so this is the jump that we have a lot of difficulty to do you
What what am I supposed to do now?
It's on the freaking platform do you and there's a ghost
For you oh my god, what a Finnish word it
alright, so the next one I think will be quite challenging as
0.75 percent clear rate. It's called spooky scary shells again by Salt Lake coolpix a lot
Look at the ghost man. This is absolutely amazing
Let's do this. I
Know where this is going
Okay, so we need to kick both shelves on the left side
And follow the points I dig level like that this is exactly what I wanted
Okay, after that going to the right coins indicator are on point oh, this is amazing, dude
Okay, so we need to this is a fooling jump all fooling jump so far
Perfect and I'm their progress tho progress where
Start ever
Where's the coin where is the coin
You need to catch that she'll me there which is not easy to do actually it's really hard
Baby what something like that what
What am I supposed to do here
Happen I'm not even sure what I was supposed to do in this part
Good progress though. That was awesome. Oh
The first checkpoint is right there. Okay, so it's not too bad actually I
Thought I was dead there I guess now I'm dead too
Alright in the pipe
This is a worst dad ever I didn't even try anything you
We are pretty consistent on the the beginning at least so we get there pretty much every time now I
Good good good. Oh
So we need to land on the spike and
While you have the invincibility frame get on the munchers and
To the patio, that's my guess. I'm really not sure what to do exactly freakin PI boo in there, dude
This level is simply amazing I really like this level so far
I'm not sure why I cannot enter that pipe. I think I'm not in the middle of the pipe. I think that's right now
There you go this job is kind of light actually
Airball airball
My god, yeah, this is kinda tricky this is tricky. Hi right there
Why why am I sliding off the block?
It's eating my jump I don't know why maybe it's because the monster is jumping a little bit
But I cannot like jump on the monster naturally while I'm doing this
Boom in the pipe checkpoint checkpoint. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, baby checkpoint
Good luck do not start over. All right, so there's a booth there that we will drop right away
Something like that you get the boom jump right away shell it's going back
Let it go right away, okay, we got this we got this
This is tight this is tight
This part seems random man
Why but any enemies but not this one
Okay, so we need to wait on the left side a little bit more I think wait wait
That you ride the shell, okay
It's hard to catch the shell man
Between the ghost after that
Probably run get the key and I think there's a coin
So let's follow the level man
This is hard. The second section is really really harder so far than the first 1/4
Hello darkness my old friend I've
Come to talk with you again, I knew it I knew I would do this man
Alright so we are back into the first checkpoint
Do not do that, why am I always doing that?
Okay, this is it so it's only smile bounds but big bounce on the first shell
We are consistent
Catch the green shell. Okay, we can count this as progress
Two small bounds is that small mounds and big bells? I think that's it, right?
Same thing
So you need to
Go down hold the Corning and kick the shell and then take it back. And let's hope there's a check link after that man
There's no checkpoint, this is ridiculous man next try
Next try next try let's go I
Almost died by the spike right there and second checkpoint. All right
That was a poor attempt right there
I'm not sure what to do to because this is this is a tight jump right at the beginning
Something like that and after that you go back, right?
All course stuff dude is daddy
Yeah, you need to use the spring it's even indicated there
What what okay, oh there's a block there, okay, follow the coins I can do that
Follow the coins man need to follow the coins
Kick the the shell on the right - double bounce on it. I think that's it, right
Yeah, perfect, man
Okay after that you get there
It's probably gonna bounce back. Okay? Okay, this is cool, man
This is a cool level pretty challenging but pretty cool level
Getting over that monster is not easy man not easy at all
You need to bounce back several times until the blunted bound blows up
Man this is the end of this section after that sir. I'm happy about the progress so far
Progress once again, but still not enough man. I'm pretty sure there's a last trick after that too
So you need to okay
There's a there's a vine there too to help you. I just noticed that
So the third bounce is like a little bit to the left
Alright we are consistent. We got this next try. Oh
So lucky dude, what is that in vitam look at that freaking
Look at that freaking jump at the young man
This is
Ridiculous what that that pipe. Is that just a fake pipe?
Let's check it out in the editor for sure. Alright, that was an awesome level. I really really enjoyed my time with it
It took me about like maybe 45 minutes something like that
So pretty hard level but one of the best level I played but the jump at the end - really, dude
Yeah, this pipe is not fake
But there's nothing in there right it's only like a
bonus room for
When you look the level in the editor, this is awesome
In something like this team awesome and that jump man
That jump is
Nasty, alright, so this is it for the episodes of Super Mario maker. I hope you enjoyed it
So we got easy level concept level scary levels or core level like this one
But all in all that was pretty awesome, right?
So as always if you enjoyed this episode, let me know in the comment section below
What would be nice to have what could be like a cool challenge a cool episode cool levels?
Let me know in the comment section below and once again my friends. Thank you so much for everything. Thank you for watching
Thank you for the support really means a lot to me
I'm thrown aside, and I'm out
Ep. 2- 🌞🌴Beach Q&A!! Love helping people win!! - Duration: 2:15.
great question biggest challenge is worrying about getting what we want and
we're all human so we've all been there don't beat yourself up if you're there
right now I have definitely been there and here's some things that you can be
aware that will help you okay first and foremost we can be do and have anything
this is universal law this goes for every single one of us the moment that
we have a desire for anything it starts to move towards us energetically and we
can keep it moving towards us in certain ways and also we (can keep it away from us) Life is all
moment by moment and in the moment if we're feeling good we're a magnet to all
the people places circumstances the good ideas that we want moving us towards
everything we want to be do and have. If we're not feeling so good we're keeping
those things away from us and actually attracting the things into our life that we don't want
It's not about perfection it's just about awareness once you have awareness
you have the ability to choose something different and so moment by moment I don't
know if you've seen the green zone chart that I post but that's an amazing tool
to know where we are in the moment I'll post that here when I'm done speaking
but that allows us to.. My philosophy is get in the Green Zone first and do
everything else second because I know when I'm in that green zone I'm a magnet
to everything I want to be do and have and in the red zone were a magnet to the
things that we don't want and so again it's about awareness not about
perfection we're all human we're all going to spend time all over this chart. Okay
in closing and this is the biggest challenge by the time we turn 30 years
old they've proven scientifically that 95% of the way that we think where we
show up on this Green Zone chart, have become habits because we've thought by that
time about 750 million thoughts. So our lives actually become very very
predictable as far as what we're attracting and what we're creating
because we're showing up in the same place every single day it's not that
we're bad people has just become a habit for us if you're worried you're probably
going to be worried tomorrow and so here's the good news they say people
don't change people don't change by accident they have to want to and they
have to learn how to rewire their brain (and create a new habit) this is something that I had to learn
and there were some things that I needed to re wire in order for myself to be
able to attract and create the things that I wanted to create in my life and I
love helping people with this. So this may be one of the most important
questions that anybody can ask it starts with awareness if we want to be in that
green zone we have two choices we could either find something about the subject
we're focusing on to appreciate or focus on a subject that's way easier those are
our two choices get in the Green Zone first live life second!
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