Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing channel on the internet!
I am your host, Rebecca Felgate and today I am talking about the Top 10 Cursed Movies
You Should Never Watch – you guys loved our cursed songs you should never listen to,
our cursed books you should never read, our cursed games you should never play….basically,
you all love a good curse!
So…what is going on in the world of film?
Let's find out … but before we do, I want to ask you what the scariest film you have
ever seen is?
Let me know in the comments section down below….
Like share etc.
10 - The Conjuring 2 I don't fancy watching any more of the Ed
and Loraine Warren movies.
I will… because I do like a scary movie, but it is all a bit real, isn't it!
The Conjuring is about the real life Amityville horror case in which a farmhouse in Rhode
Island was reported to be haunted by a poltergeist.
Not only are the Conjuring movies based on true, reported stories, but there were a number
of reports of possessions and even deaths after the film was released in cinemas.
In Malaysia footage went viral of a woman writhing and crying in a cinema after she
watched the film – with onlookers claiming she was possessed.
The video posted on facebook got 4.6 million views.
Further to that, a man was said to have had a heart attack while watching the film in
He died in hospital, but then his body went missing, as did a mortician tasked with transporting
Also, the cast were said to be haunted by a presence on set, with Vera Farmiga reporting
claw marks on her laptop.
The movie even hired an on set exorcist.
9 - A Clockwork Orange I mean, you absolutely should watch this film,
it is one of the greatest movies of all time and I love Stanley Kubrick, but for the sake
of this video, let's talk about how and why it is cursed.
A Clockwork orange is a masterpiece about a dystopian future in which a gang of droogs
commit ultra violent crime rampages.
The film features a lot of violence, including rape, as well as some deep psychological discussions.
The film was so controversial that is was banned in the UK from 1973 - 1999 – partially
as a response from a request from Kubrick himself, who began receiving death threats
and partially because of the alarming number of copycat criminals.
In the early 1970s, there were two high profile murders wherein the teens that committed the
acts directly referred to the film, and a gang rape during which the rapists sang singin
in the rain, like Alex does in the movie.
A british judge once refered to the movie as an evil in itself.
8 - The Twilight Zone Not only is Twilight Zone : The Movie a totally
creepy film, the star, Vic Morrow predicted his own on set death.
Morrow took out life insurance a year before filming as he had a premonition he would die
in a helicopter crash.
Weirdly, before filming, the movies concept artist included a burnt-out helicopter in
one of their sketches, despite not being instructed to.
During in filming for one of the movie's final scenes, Vic Morrow was acting with two
children – pretending to rescue them from a Vietnamese village.
Unfortunately a helicopter in the scene did crash, decapitating the actor and a 6 year
old child.
Another 7 year old child was crushed to death.
As a result of Morrow's death, the remaining few scenes of the could not be filmed and
all of the scenes that were filmed involving the two Vietnamese children, Myca and Renee,
were deleted from the final cut.
7 - The Passion of Christ Someone or something was NOT happy about this
movie's production!
During filming, starring actor Jim Caviezel was struck by lightning when he was portraying
the sermon on the mount.
The films assistant director was also struck by lightning – TWICE!
Both while the film was in production.
Back to Caviezel, though – he also contracted pneumonia while filming and also had an adverse
skin reaction to the makeup used to depict his stigmata.
6 - The Crow There were many, many, many bad omens for
the people unlucky enough to be making this movie…and some of the deaths that occurred
were weirdly prophesized.
The movie is a horror about a man who goes on a murder spree guided by a possessed crow.
The star of the movie, Bruce Lee's son, Brandon was killed while filming when bullets
were accidentally loaded into a prop gun.
Brandon was mortally wounded when a .44 magnum bullet hit him in the abdomen.
His death was perhaps foreshadowed by two of his fathers movies – one where his dad
is fighting a demon that heads for his son instead, and also in the movie, Game of Death,
where his character dies after a gangster replaces a fake bullet with a live one.
Bruce Lee died in strange circumstances shortly after filming the movie.
Also during the filming of The Crow a crew member suffered 90% burns, a lot of the set
was destroyed by a storm, a set sculptor crashed his car through the props room and another
set worker impaled his hand with a screwdriver.
5 - Queen of the Damned Queen of the Damned was the last movie that
doomed popstar and actress Aaliyah filmed before her death…although that isn't the
focus of our story here.
In 2004, A Scottish man by the name of Alan Menzies from West Lothian developed an obsession
with the movie, in particular Aliyah's character, vampire Akasha.
He watched the film over 100 times and believed that Akasha was communicating with him and
wanted him to harm other people.
When his friend Thomas McKendrick confronted him about his unhealthy obsession with the
film, Menzies believed that Akasha instructed him ho kill the man and drink his blood…which
he did.
4 - The Grifter The Grifter is said to be a genuinely cursed
movie published only on the dark web.
In an article on 4 Chan, it says that the online movie was made in 2008 and that those
who watched it would experience nausea and nightmares.
Some even say that their souls were altered after watching the film.
It is said that those who watched the movie in its entirety may well be sought out and
killed by a mysterious murderer.
The full movie only exists on the dark web, and even then, you may struggle to find it.
There IS, however a 1 minute clip of the cursed footage on Youtube….
Whether this is a legitimately cursed film or just an urban legend, you decide.
But beware before watching any of The Grifter.
3 - A Serbian Film I don't know about being cursed with a ghoul
or Satan anything, but this movie will have a long lasting effect on your mental health
and I would dissuade anyone from watching it.
It is genuinely disturbing and not okay.
A Serbian Film is about a retired porn star who agrees to do one more movie for an extremely
large sum of money, only he has to agree to do whatever the movie's director wants.
And what the director wants is….literally nothing you ever want to see.
They involve a baby and a headless woman and the movie was so dark and disgusting it was
thrown out of a London Horror festival before it even aired.
One US distributor fainted as he tried to leave a screening of A Serbian Film earlier
this year, hit his head on the door and ended up needing stitches.
2 - Triumph of the Will Triumph des Willens is a very, very effective
Nazi propaganda film by Reich movie director, Leni Riefenstahl.
The film is about the return of Germany as a great power under the helm of the supreme
leader, Adolph Hitler.
The movie, while horrifying to watch, is often hailed as one of the greatest propaganda films
in history and presents Nazism as a political religion.
The music, the camera angles and cinematography work together to create the perfect concoction
to brainwash a nation.
The movie was watched by millions of Germans, who were indoctrinated into believing in Riefenstahl's
rhetoric – into believing Hitler was their one true saviour.
1 - The Exorcist A movie about demonic possession that caused
uproar when it was released – of course The Exorcist is cursed.
The movie suffered a whole host of issues when filming – the set burned down inexplicably
and had by be rebuilt – delaying filming for 6 weeks, two of the movies actors died
suddenly after the film was wrapped.
A night watchman and a special effects expert died during filming, too.
The actor who played the voice of the demon suffered tragedy 14 years later when her sun
murdered his wife and children before taking his own life.
As the film was released on boxing day 1973, swathes of people vomited in the movie theatres,
many many blacked out, people across the world thought they themselves had become possessed,
a handful of people had heart attacks and one woman even claimed she suffered a miscarriage.
In Rome, it was reported that lighting struck a church opposite the movie theatre the film
was premiering at.
A rumour spread that evangelist Billy Graham preached that evil was physically embedded
in the film itself.
I would call the curse a good marketing technique, but people did actually die.
SO thanks for watching this video…have you seen any of these cursed movies?
Are you okay?
Comments from the Cursed Games You Should Never Play.
Fury McPurey said: An Ouija Board isn't a game - I agree with you, but it is licensed
and sold by some game companies and a lot of people treat it as a lounge game.
I would be too scared, though!
Average Potato wrote: Charlie Charlie isn't real, trust me I tried it.
Gavin's Games said : I played Bloody Mary, Nothing happened….
I am glad.
Honestly I don't believe in cursed games, or cursed movies…
I don't think so, anyway… but there are always some stories that leave me questioning…
it worth the risk?
For more infomation >> Top 10 Cursed Movies You Should Never Watch - Duration: 10:05.-------------------------------------------
10 Cars That Will Kill You - Duration: 7:42.
not every car likes their owner some cars are not
perfect and have hidden secrets some cars would rather
have you dead than alive so here are 10 cars that will try to kill you before we
start I would like to say happy Halloween
Rufe CTR Yellowbird the first turbo 911 was insane it was
fast furious awesome and already a very dangerous machine
however this went up to 11 when German automaker ruf got their hands on one
and turned it into the CTR yellow bird with 469 brake horsepower a 5-speed
manual gearbox and a rear-engine rear-wheel-drive - you see the face of
death itself every time you turn the ignition the yellow bird lapped the
nürburgring in eight minutes and five seconds while it spun its wheels around
every single corner if a skilled racing driver could barely keep an in control
set what chance have you got? Audi 5,000 Audi's simple saloon was a big hit in the
USA until some drivers realized sudden acceleration when trying to apply the
brakes. Audi was sued as it was believed that the automatic transmission
was the culprit. This issue killed six people. Audi couldn't find anything
wrong with the 5,000 it worked 100% however a US prime time show called 60
minutes rigged the transmission so that it would fail automatically putting the
car from break to drive. Audi was shafted massively but soon after, Audi found
the original issue the 5000's brake pedal was smaller than normal so
when people thought they were hitting the brake they were actually hitting the
accelerator despite this being a massive issue in
the u.s, European cars didn't recall of such an issue probably because the
European motorists are much more what's the word James?
hennessey venom gt. The venom gt was
basically a lotus which was stretched the fit of seven liter twin-turbo v8
producing 1244 brake horsepower that weighed 1244 kilograms and to top it off
you add a manual gearbox if a lotus wasn't hard enough to drive then f**k
me to tears this thing must be crazy the like chassis and big power allow
the venom gt to hit 270 miles an hour it's so simple that's so hard to
drive by the way there's a convertible version but my god only a maniac who
weasr sandals with socks would buy one of those
Dodge Viper the first gen Dodge Viper was an 8 liter v10 sports car with stars
stripes and eagles it was fast but us and deadly with 400 brake horsepower you
really needed to be very skilled before even thinking about driving one of these
the car had no airbags a cheap fiberglass roof no traction control no
ABS or indeed any kind of stability control as prices needed to be kept out
low despite all these vital features not being included the Viper hit 0-60 in
40 seconds and 165 miles an hour even at low speeds the Viper can lose control at any second say hi to the Grim Reaper forme well ya.
Ford Pinto due to a tragic
design flaw the Ford Pinto fuel tank was very close to the car's rear axle this
meant that on any form of rare impact the rear axle would puncture a fuel tank
causing the car to go on fire Ford faced massive lawsuits and instead
of fixing the problem for left the problem as they believed up paying off
the lawsuits and feeling the guilt of the people harmed was much better than doing the right thing
g-whiz once best-selling electric car and
still the best-selling eternal virginity capsule the g-wiz came to fame through
top gear blowing one up once a week the g-wiz was classified as a heavy
quadricycle due to its small size so that I could skip every single crash
test for cars at 35 miles an hour a driver could face serious injuries or
death that's if the battery didn't die before you crashed in fact Jeremy
Clarkson proved that a table is faster and safer than a g-wiz Nissan 350z an
attractive fast sporty and deadly car the 350 said is more than meets the eye
it's 3.5 v6 produced just under 300 brake horsepower it's fr layout made the
350 set a very popular car with with critics tuners and drifters however a
base 350Z didn't include vital features such as stability and traction
control so that meant that inexperienced drivers
who bought one often ended up sliding their 350Zs into whatever
will kill them toyota mr2 with plenty of power a lightweight chassis and an mr
layer you can't go wrong with the mr2 however early sw20 models suffered from
snap oversteer at any given moment this was due to suspension being set up by
Death himself and simply the lack of experience of the driver if you drive
one you die in one. Porsche Carrera GT the Porsche Carrera GT had already
developed a fearsome reputation shortly after it was released
Jay Leno once managed to spin his Carrera GT on track a while testing the
crowd et Walter Rohrl they Group B Rally superstar said that he found it tricky
at times its 612 brake horsepower 5.17 or v10 engine means that it could do
serious speed while having a carbon fiber chassis and a lack of electronic
assistance the biggest tragedy about the carrera gt was in 2013 when actor Paul
Walker and his friend Roger rodas were killed in an accident due to speeding the
Carrera GT'S unforgiving nature and nine-year-old tires the smart fortwo the
smart fortwo was mercedes attempt at making a city car for normal people it
shared a lot of components with the Mercedes a-class a car that lacked
electronic stability control which was evident as while it was being tested by
a Swedish car magazine in the famous moose test the car nearly rolled over it
also had very skinny tires which meant that it understeered safely but the
worst part about the smart was its looks uh I mean its head-on collision safety
while being tested by the IIHS had collided with a c-class Mercedes where
flung into the air and rotated 450 degrees Testers said that there were very
little crumple zones so do the right thing and buy a normal car.
Expose APIs with peace of mind when using Azure API Management - BRK2200 - Duration: 46:14.
Chelsea vs Derby LIVE: Team news confirmed; Frank Lampard Carabao Cup return, draw details - Duration: 9:23.
Chelsea vs Derby: Express Sport brings you LIVE Carabao Cup fourth-round updatesDerby have been granted permission by Chelsea to select on-loan pair Mason Mount and Fikayo TomoriAs a player, Frank Lampard didn't end on the losing side in any of his last 19 matches at Stamford BridgeDerby have lost each of their past eight away matches against ChelseaChelsea have progressed from 18 of their last 19 League Cup ties against non-Premier League opponents CHELSEA vs DERBY Chelsea XI: Caballero, Zappacosta, Cahill, Christensen, Emerson, Kante, Fabregas, Kovacic, Loftus-Cheek, Morata, Willian Derby XI: Carson, Bogle, Keogh, Tomori, Malone, Huddlestone, Mount, Wilson, Waghorn, Lawrence, Marriott Twitter round-up Nizaar: Drinkwater to make an appearance, finally? Hudson-Odoi amongst the subs after his appearance versus BATE
Pedro's injury not so bad as he made the bench. Tom: Looking forward to seeing Fikayo Tomori and Mason Mount today but also Harry Wilson, he put in a great performance here while at Hull City
Noun: Nice to see Loftus Cheek getting some playing time, hope he can have another great game
Frank relishing return 19:15: Derby boss Frank Lampard admits the Rams' Carabao Cup tie at his old club Chelsea will be a "very special" occasion for him
"It's a special draw for me to be able to go back and see people behind the scenes and 40,000-plus friends in the stadium," Lampard said
"I'm more emotional as I have gotten older, I think. These things catch you. Because you realise, in my life, how important Chelsea was and what I owe for that in terms of thanks
"I'll feel proud and honoured to be taking my team and going to a place that I called home for 13 years and still feels like home
"I can't forget 13 years of my career. It was a very special time for me, I was lucky to be part of such a strong era at the club
So it will be a very special night for me to be back there and feel that atmosphere once again
" Team news 19:10: Mason Mount shook off a foot injury to feature for Frank Lampard's Derby against parent club Chelsea
Mount and Fikayo Tomori are both on loan from the Blues and featured on a night when Stamford Bridge was set to host Chelsea's record goalscorer Lampard
Only Willian, N'Golo Kante and Alvaro Morata continued in a Chelsea line-up showing eight changes against the Championship Rams, who were unchanged
Derby defeated Jose Mourinho's Manchester United on a penalty shootout in the previous round
The youngsters return 19:05: I've realised I've not mention Halloween. I think I'm contractually obliged to mention it at some point - so prepare yourselves for a forced and painfully unfunny reference
Mason Mount and Fikayo Tomori have been granted permission to play against their parent club tonight - but will they come back to haunt Chelsea? …I warned you… Both Chelsea youngsters played in the Manchester United win, Derby triumphing on penalties after drawing 2-2 draw in normal time and both are in the starting XI tonight
Frank is back 18:55: As you can see from the video above, Frank Lampard is back at Stamford Bridge
There was a lovely warm embrace for old friends, and even a hug for an unidentified tunnel-based person! The draw 18:50: Yes, the quarter-final draw will take place tonight after the showdown at Stamford Bridge
The draw will be conducted live on Sky Sports Main Event and Sky Sports Football - but you can follow the draw as it happens with Express Sport
Bournemouth and Burton Albion have already qualified. Leicester's Carabao Cup tie against Southampton, due to be held on Tuesday night, was postponed with a new date yet to be arranged
Starting XI… 18:45: And right on time, here are the line-ups for tonight's Carabao Cup clash at Stamford Bridge
A quick glance tells me that Mason Mount does indeed start against his parent club
It also tells me that Maurizio Sarri is taking this game very seriously with N'Golo Kante, Alvaro Morata, Mateo Kovacic and Willian all involved
Chelsea XI: Caballero, Zappacosta, Cahill, Christensen, Emerson, Kante, Fabregas, Kovacic, Loftus-Cheek, Morata, Willian
Subs: Bulka, Azpilicueta, Luiz, Drinkwater, Barkley, Hudson-Odoi, Pedro Derby XI: Carson, Bogle, Keogh, Tomori, Malone, Huddlestone, Mount, Wilson, Waghorn, Lawrence, Marriott
Subs: Roos, Forsyth, Johnson, Bennett, Holmes, Nugent, Davies. Elsewhere… 18:40: Plenty going on in the Carabao Cup this evening
Arsenal welcome League One Blackpool to the Emirates Stadium, while there's a London derby between West Ham and Tottenham just 48 hours after Spurs were beaten by Manchester City at Wembley
Oh, and Crystal Palace are playing Middlesbrough. Not sure if that will tickle your fancy… Twitter round-up Audrey: I really want Derby to beat Chelsea tonight! I want Frank Lampard's return to Stamford bridge to be eventful and memorable for him! Aden: Frank Lampard once had to re-take a penalty twice against West Ham
He scored on all three attempts. This legend is back at the Bridge tonight. Damian: Frank Lampard returning to Stamford Bridge as an opposing manager & no doubt will get a hero's welcome
A huge welcome should be given to Jody Morris also who has given us just as much in a different capacity
Evening… 18:35: Welcome to our LIVE coverage of the Carabao Cup. "WHEN YOU NEED A PHYSICAL OR MENTAL BOOST, CARABAO GIVES YOU THE ENERGY TO FACE THE BATTLE AHEAD," says Carabao's rather hyperbolic website
Moving swiftly on, Chelsea's record goalscorer Frank Lampard takes his Derby side to Stamford Bridge for tonight's Carabao Cup fourth-round clash
Lampard played for the Blues from 2001 to 2014, scoring a club-record 211 goals and winning 11 major trophies, including the Champions League in 2012 and three Premier League titles
But could he inflict some damage against Maurizio Sarri's side tonight? We'll soon find out! CHELSEA vs DERBY Forward Eden Hazard is expected to miss Chelsea's Carabao Cup fourth-round tie with Derby with a back problem
Winger Pedro (illness) and striker Olivier Giroud (leg) are doubtful. Ethan Ampadu (knee) has returned to training but is unlikely to feature
Derby have been granted permission by Chelsea to select on-loan pair Mason Mount and Fikayo Tomori
Mount limped off with a knock in Saturday's 1-1 Championship draw at Middlesbrough but it appears he will be fit, with Rams boss and former Chelsea player Frank Lampard having said he has the same group to pick from as he did for that last contest
Craig Bryson (calf), George Evans (knee), Joe Ledley (hip) and Marcus Olsson (knee) were not involved in the game at the Riverside
How to triple you rents using Airbnb | The Rescue Ronnie Show! Episode 48 - Duration: 3:42.
Happy Halloween
Hey, this is Ronnie and this is the rescue Ronnie show your local realtor
I want to teach you today I got a nugget for you
I want to teach you how to get triple
Your rents on all your rentals if you don't have a rental we're gonna teach you how to get
So I might have Halloween I am Pham and this is
Yes but
How do I make triple my income
on my rentals
well then
I've created the systems
Bruce Wayne I mean no Batman has created the systems to not only double but triple your monthly incomes
So we don't just use Airbnb we use VRBO homeowners calm we set up a system
Where your home becomes a short-term
Vacation rental home for people traveling to the Sacramento area you would be surprised there's there's people have come from all over the country
to the capital of California Sacramento they come for work they come for pleasure they come to visit friends and family they come for weddings
They, come just to travel to go experience the nightlife
Yes, it's becoming one of the most sought-after destinations on the west coast
Tell me a little bit more about your
we have cameras on the exterior of booms
They monitor the guests when they arrive and when they depart
Sending us alerts to let us. Know that they've checked in or checked out
cleaning crews are then notified by email so they can come to the property and clean it get it ready for the next guest I
like cleaning with my tongue
We, also have automated Wi-Fi door locks on all the homes so each guest gets their own special identification number that
Only, works during their time of visit I like that that's bad
very cutting edge I like technology a very smart Batman yes thank you we also have
Studied what type of photographs?
Produce the best return so we get a professional photographer out there, along with drone photography video walkthroughs
make the homes of beautiful people want to stay in a beautiful model home quality
atmosphere as you can see here in
amazing the nightlife the family recreation the river the lake
tons of stuff to do in Sacramento
Tom all right so all kidding aside we had a lot of fun with that and we're wishing everybody to have a happy Halloween
we had a lot of fun with it
Thanks Jeff for coming on I appreciate your insight this is Jeff Martin you actually get to see his face now
And I'll let you see my beautiful face
seriously if you're trying to make extra money on your
rentals this is a wonderful way in order to do it and kind of not really any stress on you
someone else let
someone else handle it a professional and then I told you earlier teach you how to get a
Rental if you do not have one shoot us a call we'll give you a ton of wonderful ways in order to
To get those rentals so find a great house a great neighborhood that'll work for rental
Or short-term vacation room yes sir and as always how the best air live and adios
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