if you want to achieve something there is no substitute for work.
Nothing gets done on its own.
Parents these days, they tell their kids that they're special and
that they can have anything that they want...
and it's not wrong every kid is Special
What most kids take away from this is
because they are special they will get anything that they want, and not have to work for it.
What happens when these kids step out in the real world is that their whole self-image shatters.
They realize that the world does not care if they're special or not
and that this wasn't the world that they were promised.
They soon realize that they cannot just have anything or everything that they wanted
and this is where the problem starts.
Being special does not mean not having to work,
just like being talented does not make your master at something
Its the consistent working on your talent, on your craft, that brings you the results
that gets you one step closer to mastering something.
is it falling down and getting back up that makes your talent into a skill.
That is what brings you success
Greatness is in all of us, it's our duty to go there and look for it.
Some of us settle for mediocrity because we would rather spend 3 years being
average and "comfortable" than going after a goal that will add value to your life
and keep you happy in the long run.
We would spend 3 years being fake happy and then kicking
ourselves for not having taken that step 3 years back.
And here's the crazy part through all of it,
but just being special does not guarantee you success.
You have to work hard and smart for it every single day of your life,
Thank You for listening.
I hope you liked the video,
Do share it with people you think will benefit from it.
and if you want me to do a video on a specific topic,
Do leave it in the comments below,
and Thank You so much.
While chasing your dreams, do not forget to help those around you
reach a step closer to theirs.
For more infomation >> Are you SPECIAL ? - IS IT ENOUGH FOR YOU TO REACH YOUR GOALS. - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
Looking for your Dream Home? 6 Must Follow Checklist for you! - Duration: 3:12.
Buying home can be a complicated process especially for first timing buyers.
There are actually many things you need to be careful while buying a home for the first time.
Let's check Out, What Best Advice Live Up CEO and founder, Mr. Ashish Sharma gives us before buying a house.
Home buying is a lengthy process and the following points should be followed-
1. Make Research and Be Prepared to Buy the Best Property
You have to make sure that you have adequate time to do proper research about the market from a true source or consultant whom you can rely upon buying the best property at a reasonable price.
2. Understand Your Requirement
You have to figure out what are your requirement and preferences- Make a list of the same.
You may have to understand what types of property you want, which area you prefer, how many bedrooms you may require, and what kinds of amenities you want.
Having a clear idea about your requirement would assist to choose the right property and right builder
Like I said, it is really important to see for how much you can afford- Make an affordable budget before buying a house and be finally free.
Never spend more than 40% of your annual income in your house loan EMI.
4. Take Pre-Approval Loans for Home
You need to make sure loan availability and get pre-approval for your home loan.
This would help you to make a budget plan and understand how much you can afford and how much they can lend you.
As I saidIt is advisable to check other bank loan facility and does not limit to only one banker.
There are many banks providing best loan options for first time home buyers and some of the best schemes as well.
5. Find out a Best Residential Location for You.
It is highly recommended to plan which location you want to live instead of going based on builders' suggestion.
You have to consider where to buy a house or which areas you may want to stay in a city based on your work location, basic requirements such as educational & health care centres, shopping mall, and commuting facilities.
As you are buying a home for the first time you are totally ignorant about real estate market.
So I highly recommend you to approach someone who is very skilled and have depth knowledge in the real estate industry.
It would help you to get the best information about the industry and they can help you to find apt property matching your budget and requirement.
You Gotta Know - 슬라임 - Duration: 4:06.
Batman - The Enemy Within : สรุปจักรวาล #4 (What Ails You) - Duration: 11:25.
Ready Set Hold: December 2018 - Duration: 6:27.
Hi everyone. I'm rincey and i am one of the contributing editors over at book riot.
I am here to do a ready, set, hold. This is a feature we do here where we
highlight books that are coming out a couple of months in advance. If you
aren't aware, libraries put books into their catalog generally around two
months at a time, especially if they are like bigger book releases. And so you
can put those books on hold when the books get added to your library's
catalog and you can be at the top of the hold list rather than the bottom of the
hold list. So today I'm here to tell you guys about five books that are coming
out in the month of December that you might be interested in and want to put
on hold today. So typically December is a slower month
in terms of like publishing and book releases because of the holidays. Most of
the big books of the year have already come out. And so December is a little bit
more sparse but that doesn't mean there isn't anything that you would be
interested in. So yes, today I have five books for you guys that are coming out
from authors or are a part of series that I think you would be interested in.
So first I have a once upon a river by Diane Setterfield.
Diane Setterfield wrote the book the thirteenth tale which a lot of people,
including myself, really adore. Specifically because it's one of those
books about books and it has like fantastical, mythical sort of feeling
element to it. So this one looks like it's another historical fiction book
with a little bit of like folklore and romance tied into it. At the beginning
of the story you are following a group of people who are staying at this inn
on this dark winter's night when this injured stranger bursts through the
doors and in his arms is a drowned girl. However hours later, the girl draws
breath and comes back to life. Is it magic? Is it a miracle? Or can it be
explained by science? If you want to find out, you'll have to pick up a once upon a
river by Diane Setterfield. Again this one is coming out on December 4th and
sounds super interesting. Next up I have a comic bind up that is coming out on
December 11th and that is paper girls vol 5. Now I will admit I didn't realize
we were already at volume 5, but here we are. This is a comic series written by
Brian K. Vaughn and this collection also has contributions from a Cliff Chiang as well
as Matthew Wilson. So in this story you are following this group of girls who
are like newspaper delivery girls. But there is something slightly
more happening here. I don't want to talk about it too much because part of the
fun on volume 1 is sort of seeing how things unfold. But it has a little bit of
a supernatural element going on as well. It has very like nostalgic, retro vibes.
So if you are a fan of like stranger things or shows along those lines or movies or
comics along those lines, you might enjoyed this one as well. Or if you're
just a fan of Brian K. Vaughn, I think that this would be a great comic to pick up.
And if you weren't aware that volume 5 is coming out in December. So if you are
behind like I am or if you have been eagerly anticipating it or if you've
been waiting for like a bunch of collections to come out so you can kind
of binge read them, you can put paper girls on your list. All right the next
book that I have is watching you by Lisa Jewell. This one is set to come out on
December 26th here in the United States. This one already came out overseas. Lisa
Jewell is a UK author and so it was already published over in the UK I think
like in July or something along those lines. And now it's finally being
published here in the United States. Lisa Jewell's other works include I Found
You as well as Then She Was Gone. And I know a lot of people who read like
thrillers and suspense books really enjoy her books.
This story is set in Melville Heights, which is supposed to be one of like the
nicest neighborhoods in Bristol. You're mainly following this man named Tom
Fitzwilliam who is a headmaster at the local school and his new neighbor Joey
seems to be infatuated with him even though Tom is unavailable. Joey thinks
that her crush is a secret, but Tom's son Freddie has actually noticed Joey
and the fact that she's acting really weird around his dad. And then there's
one of Tom's students named Jenna who lives on the same street and is not
quite as convinced that this teacher is quite as squeaky clean as he comes
across. So if you are a fan of suspenseful books, if you enjoyed Lisa Jewell's other
books, or you're just looking for something fun to pick up the day after
Christmas, then you can put watching you by Lisa Jewell on your library hold list.
Alright next I have the fork, the witch, and the worm by Christopher
Paolini. He is the author of the really popular middle grade fantasy series
Eragon and this new book is set in that same world. I know that this is a series
that means a lot to a lot of different people. A lot of people read this when
they were growing up and they hold it near and dear to their hearts. And so I
know that a lot of people are going to be very excited to know that there's
another book and possibly another series coming out in the same world. So if you
were a fan of the inheritance cycle series, then you are going to want to put
the fork, the witch, and the worm on hold now because I'm sure that this one is
going to have a long hold list. Alright and the final book I'm going to mention
is the thousand and one by Saladin Ahmed. This is the second book in his Crescent
Moon Kingdom series. Saladin Ahmed is someone who personally I kind of know a
lot from Twitter. He's very outspoken about different issues as well as what's
happening in the world around him. But he also writes just really great fantasy
books. He's also written for a different comic book series and things like that.
And so the second book in his fantasy series is coming out on December 31st.
So if you are a fan of like NK Jemison's fantasy series, I think that you'll like
his as well. The first book in the series is called throne of the crescent moon
and it actually came out back in 2012. So if you read it, you may be like eagerly
anticipating the second book in the series. Or if you are like me and you
like to wait a little bit before picking up series because you hate those long
waits, then you can pick up book one because book two is coming out on
December 31st. So that's everything I have for this video. Leave a comment down
below letting me know if there are any books coming out in December that you
are super hyped about that you are ready to put on your hold list today, or if you
are super excited about any of the books that I mentioned here in this video.
So yeah, that's all I have for now and thanks for watching.
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