how's it going? Everyone? This is Rubén and I'm gonna talk about your speech when it comes to speak the language
when it comes to use your foreign language you've to do it, but with the confidence that you are going to use all what you know
No matter if you have mistakes. I want you to keep in mind one thing,
and is
that we are
eventually exposed
to be afraid of using our English our
Spanish whatever the language you're learning, French
German, and all those things happen because
maybe if you have to speak with your co-worker or whatever, I mean if a
Come to your country and you have to use your English
Or maybe if you are receiving a conference in English, and you have to ask a question in English
and if you are not used to that you're going to feel like
Your heart is getting fast when it comes to speak the language, but that happens
from my point of view because of the lack of experience and lack of
lack of practice so we are going to overcome that just by practicing
I'm telling you that because
here in my city we had a
conference and the speaker
spoke in English and we were supposed to use our listening skills
We had translator
When we were about to ask questions,
I really wanted to
ask a question because I just wanted to know about
What he was saying?
Also I wanted to clarify
One doubt that I had and I stand up in front of rest of the guys, my
classmate and some other
Careers, other Departments and then I just went there to use the mic in as we had Translator
I told to the translator. Can I ask a question in English? and
the girl said okay!
and I asked a question about
quality function deployment which is about
Making a project and it find to be
liked for customers. So you have to do a quality function deployment
and at that time I didn't feel like
super super I
Mean super uncomfortable, but because it used the current
level that I had. But
the deal here guys, is that we
kind of exposed to
be afraid of using our language, using the knowledge we have and maybe that is gonna
made us to use
Just our native language, and not
Practice, but when it comes to use your new foreign language, you have to do it
with the confidence that you are going to use all what you know,
No matter if you have mistake because this is the way we can improve, this is the way we can just take advantage of all
Opportunities we have to use the language. Alright, just taking that as a chance
to practice and to use our
Language and to use the thing we have learned time ago. That's it
So this is basically what I just wanted to show you in this video. This is
All and I want you to keep in mind that
guys I'll see you until my next video - baby. Bye. Bye
For more infomation >> Are you learning a Foreign Language!? | Rubén Moreno G - Duration: 6:58.-------------------------------------------
How You Can Make Money Without Starting Your Own Company - Duration: 6:29.
Hi guys! This is Matt here in Dubai. So let's say you are not an entrepreneur and you
don't want to be. Let's say that this is something that is just not for you. Let's
say that you just enjoy working within certain time frames and you enjoy
someone telling you what to do. Some people like it! Right? Like I just you
know, Matt, two of my friends back from you know ten years ago when I was you
know make from childhood basically and you know they finish their universities
and they are starting their careers or started their careers and they say that
they like what entrepreneurs do these days in terms of traveling the world
being you know free location dependent but also free to be able to work on your
computer etc but they don't like this idea of like starting your own company
they don't like the idea of taking the responsibility and risk they just want
to take care of one thing that they are good at and they don't want to you know
make sure that they don't want everything on their shoulders and this
is normal for some people some people just don't like this entrepreneurial
path this is that for me but there is a lot of people a lot of my friends back
from my high school back from when I was young who tell me they don't like to
take so much responsibility and they ask is there a way for them to get this
freedom the same entrepreneurial freedom of traveling the world, working on a
computer but without starting their own company, without doing everything by
themselves. You know they just like entrepreneurs right? just like online
entrepreneurs they don't want to stay at the office they don't want to stay in
rainy England, rainy Poland, rainy Netherlands, Germany, United States
during the winter work in a cubicle they don't want it they want something
creative something cool something you know somehow entrepreneurial in terms of
being creative while they are creating whatever they are producing but they
don't want to take all this responsibility and this is cool this is
okay there is a way for those guys to achieve that - so what they need what
you need if you just you if you're this kind of person is
three things specifically three things it's really not that hard the
first thing you need is to realize that you need to work with the market just
like entrepreneurs and the way that entrepreneurs work with the market is
that they understand that customers are looking for specific solutions to your
problems so you have to forget about the idea "I will finish University" for you
know like marketing or economy or like something general because nobody cares
like companies that are potentially buying your services or in your case
your time your projects they will not care about like whatever university you
finished anything general they will one chief to offer them something very very
specific so for example you want to offer them let's say Photoshop editing
you want to be the best and bought the shop you want to have this skill you
want to offer to companies there is a lot of companies who need this as they
process in their company to edit their pictures there could be another specific
skill like for example you know if they're posting a lot on Facebook or if
they are publishing anything out there they need people to write the text write
that write the copy so this is a another specific skill you learn how to write
the copy you offer this to companies you could learn coding you could learn
Facebook ads you could learn you know specific 3d modeling anything that you
did before but you have to focus in one very specific skill and you have to
offer this very specific thing so forget about like being in general like no more
general stuff so that's the first thing - so entrepreneurs think so you can
think like this as a freelancer as a contractor is a you know person work
with them individually you can do it too but you need to offer a specific skill
second thing that you have to do like intrapreneurs do you need to sell it so
you need to learn basic of sales but I'm not talking about like wolf of Wall
Street sales you need to learn how to get those customers how to find them and
this is a struggle for many people who are not entrepreneurial or who or not
like willing to turn your own companies because they just didn't like this idea
of sales they don't like this idea of like pushing your product or service
they just like to get projects and just do them and I understand that but you
don't need to learn any like crazy sales you just need to learn basic ways to get
customers so you should check my other videos there is all those explained but
basically you should find out how to get customers from upwork from Fiverr from
Facebook from YouTube from LinkedIn in your social network all those options
are available out there so you just need to learn how to find them and you need
to learn how to offer something to them and then there is not gonna be any crazy
sales for you there is just going to be finding them that's the most important
thing so at the beginning it's hard to sell something for you if you're not you
know like willing to go into sales and welcome holstered kind of stuff you just
have a skill you have a good specific skill and you just want to offer this so
what you can do is offer like really cheap services for your customers like
one hour of your work or like a test project or something for free and this
way you can win their trust they can see you work well and this way
you can sell to them after so that's the way to acquire them so just to summarize
what we went through so far make sure you offer something very specific and
second thing is make sure you know how to get those customers then the third
thing if you don't know how to sell to them once you get them offering them
something for free at the beginning or something very cheap to win their trust
and this is how you become a freelancer this is how you become a person who it's
not really a business owner and not really a you know like big FA and
sharpener with all these responsibilities but you get all these
benefits that entrepreneurs get like for example being location dependent or for
example you know being able to just have this freedom of creation. Thanks for
watching the video and I see you guys tomorrow in Vietnam.
You Need a Team - Duration: 0:41.
When you're up against pollution, drought and a river that's drying up you need a
team. At the Sonoran Institute we find strength in joining together with
neighborhoods, scientists and organizations on both sides of the
border. Together we can bring life back to a river, turn trash filled places into
healthy parks and inspire a whole new generation to get outside, connect and
build lasting memories. We know you have the dedication, hope and resilience our
region needs. Your donation today will help keep rivers flowing and communities
thriving. You can help at Sonoran Institute-dot-org
Chelsea Bruck Murder Case: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 6:50.
Chelsea Bruck Murder Case: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Tonight, Dateline NBC will investigate the murder of 22-year-old Chelsea Bruck.
Chelsea was last seen at a Halloween party attended by 800 people in Frenchtown Township, Michigan, in 2014.
Tonight, NBC will explore the circumstances of her disappearance.
Here's what you need to know about the case:.
She Was Last Seen at a Halloween Party in Michigan.
Bruck was last seen on October 26, 2014, at a Halloween party on a rural property in Michigan.
That year, she dressed up as Poison Ivy.
Bruck was the youngest of five children– she had three sisters and one brother.
She planned on attending Monroe Community College to earn a culinary degree.
Bruck's remains weren't found until April of the following year, in a heavily wooded area about 10 miles from where the party happened.
A six-month search that involved a distribution of over 1 million leaflets eventually led to the discovery of Bruck's body.
In September of that same year, Bruck's red shoe and green leggings were located near the area where her body was discovered.
She Was Last Seen Leaving the Party Around 3 Am with a Man.
Bruck was last seen leaving the party in October 2014 with an unidentified man.
According to the Free Detroit Press, a man named Daniel Clay was also leaving the Halloween party when he saw Chelsea walking on the side of the road.
Monroe County Sheriff Detective Brian Sroka testified, "[Clay] pulled up next to her, asked if she wanted a ride.
She said she did.
She got in the vehicle… He stated that they drove down the road a little bit and they proceeded to have sexual relations there.".
Daniel Clay Was Sentenced to Life in Prison in 2017.
Eventually, police were able to link the DNA on Bruck's leggings to that of 27-year-old Daniel Clay.
He was arrested in his girlfriend's mobile home in July 2016.
In an interview in July 2016, Clay confessed to the murder.
He said, however, that it was an accident.
The Detroit Free Press reports Sroka as saying, "Clay told detectives he and Bruck were having consensual sex, and that she'd asked him to choke her, and he did with his hands for about 20-30 seconds.
She stopped breathing and he tried CPR, he claimed, but he couldn't revive her.
He told detectives he 'freaked out.' He didn't call the police, so he began to drive around … for 30-45 minutes." After driving around, he carried the body to a wooded area where he covered it with trees.
Clay was convicted of first-degree murder in May 2017, which carries a mandatory penalty of life in prison without parole.
An Autopsy by the Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office Showed Bruck Died of Blunt Force Trauma.
An autopsy by the Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office showed that Bruck died of blunt force trauma.
While Clay maintained that she was "accidentally asphyxiated" in his car, the prosecution argued that Bruck's facial injuries clearly suggested he'd beat her.
Jessica Pridyl Testified That Clay Apologized to Her in a Final Phonecall.
A woman named Jessica Pridyl had a child with Clay and also worked with Bruck.
In court, she testified that she remembered smoking marijuana with Clay the night of the Halloween party, and the last time she saw Bruck was 1 or 1:30am.
"In the many months since Bruck's disappearance, Pridyl said, she doesn't recall Clay saying anything about Bruck.
But the day he was arrested, she received two voicemails from him while she was at work," reports the Detroit Free Press.
In court, Bruck's mother, Leanndra, told Clay that she "forgives him for killing her daughter." Clay responded, "I thank you for that Bible and I will keep it as long as I'm able to.
I'm sorry for everything.".
The judge, however, did not believe Clay's sincerity.
Monroe circuit judge Daniel S.
White said, "I spent 10 days in trial with Mr Clay and I listened to countless hours of him changing his story every times the every time the detectives questioned him or brought up something new… It was very clear to me, Mr Clay, you are a liar, a rapist and a killer.".
Fortnite Moments You Won't Believe! - Duration: 10:25.
Hey, what's going on YouTube, this is Pete coming back with another
Awesome video and today I wanted to share with you some epic fortninte moments
You won't believe this video is going to feature some sick Fortnite gameplay moments from players like Daequan,
Dakotaz, Nick Eh 30, Ninja and Tfue, by the way
Make sure to let me know down in the comments which one of those is your favorite Fortnite player as I'm really curious to
Know also if you guys are new to my channel
I would really appreciate if you subscribe and if you do that do not forget to hit that notification bell as hard as you possibly
Can and with that said let's get right into the video
The boogeyman coming for you little boy
I hate it. I hate it this game
No one shot us you don't worry about that stay right where you are you're fine you're absolutely fine start there. Thank you
Oh my God come on babe
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
No idea oh I see you
That's what I'm talking about better they go about it
I was thinking like should I go for a trickshot there? It's not building. Oh my god. It's so laggy
Oh my god
What if I know it's kill them now I didn't mean to do that I was so laggy that's pink for you maybe
Now it's gorgeous like I can't break now it's raw
Oh my God!
What is going on?
Yo! Let's go!
Guys got something back over there. That's a double
Ones an excess of dark dude
Let's sign up for this shit, bro
How did I pull that off
Try to hit his punks yo, you know, how many walls were built. All right in front of us 301
Running over Oh
Oh my God! hahaha
Oh my god, he made a move. Oh
Oh my god bro
How's it going man
Make sure to LIKE and subscribe to the YouTube channel. Don't forget to turn on those bells
Boom Big boy plays
Marlon Howe - You Are Not Alone - Duration: 3:01.
I know how it feels
Sitting in the silence, living but you're hiding
I know how it feels
Improvident smiles, but, you don't wanna try, no
I know how it is
You're not really captured, you're not really free, but
Somewhere in between
There is something more beneath
So, don't be nervous
Let your fireworks ignite
Give in to the feeling, show them what you've got
Nobody's perfect
That is how we are
You are not alone, you are not alone
And light up all your colours, you're a piece of art
Please don't be afraid, just believe in who you are
You are not alone
You are not alone
Yeah, I know what it costs
Seven pints of courage, it will be rewarded
Never let it go
It is there within you
Trust me that I've been through
Cutting myself off
Thinking it might vanish
All the worries perish
End up feeling lost
So far away from home
So, if you're honest
You can lead another life
Give in to the feeling, show them what you've got
Nobody's perfect, that is how we are
You are not alone
You are not alone
And light up all your colours, you're a piece of art
Please don't be afraid, just believe in who you are
You are not alone
You are not alone
So, don't be nervous and make your
fire work.
Give in to the feeling, show them what you've got
Nobody's perfect, that is how we are
You are not alone
You are not alone
And light up all your colours, you're a piece of art
Please don't be afraid, just believe in who you are
You are not alone
You are not alone
Give in to the feeling, show them what you've got
Nobody's perfect, that is how we are
You are not alone
You are not alone
And light up all your colours, you're a piece of art
Please don't be afraid, just believe in who you are
You are not alone
You are not alone.
Tree of Life Synagogue: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 8:10.
Tree of Life Synagogue: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
On Saturday morning, police in Pittsburgh rushed to the scene of a deadly shooting at a synagogue in Squirrel Hill.
The suspect barricaded himself in the synagogue and killed at least seven people, wounding at least one police officer before eventually surrendering to the police.
He is now in custody.
"All Jews must die," the suspect yelled.
He attacked the synagogue as worshippers were gathered for morning prayers on the Sabbath.
Reports said there were probably about 60 to 100 people gathered in the synagogue at the time.
In New York and Washington DC, police sent officers to guard synagogues and Jewish community centers following the Pittsburgh attacks.
Here's what you need to know about the Tree of Life synagogue:.
Tree of Life Was Founded Over 150 Years Ago in Squirrel Hill.
The Tree of Life synagogue was founded more than 150 years ago in Pittsburgh.
In 2010, Tree of Life merged with another congregation, L'Simcha ("Life"), forming Tree of Life * Or L'Simcha.
Tree of Life is a conservative synagogue, occupying a middle ground between the more modernized "reform" congregations and the more traditional "orthodox" congregations.
According to the Squirrel Hill Historical Society, the first organization that Pittsburgh Jews formed in the area was a burial society, Rodeph Shalom, formed in 1847.
It quickly developed into a full congregation but split in 1864 over a disagreement about worship.
The Civil War was raging, and congregants also bought a plot of land to use as a cemetery.
In 1882, the congregation changed its name to Tree of Life, and soon afterward they bought a disused church in Oakland and transformed it into a synagogue.
The congregation has since moved into a different building and has relocated to Squirrel Hill, but remains known as the Tree of Life and continues to have the same ideals and forms of worship.
Today, three different congregations hold services in separate areas of the synagogue, according to the former president of the synagogue.
A Baby's Circumcision Ceremony Was Taking Place on the Morning of the Attack.
CBS reports that on Saturday morning, a baby's "bris," or circumcision ceremony, was taking place at the Tree of Life ceremony.
The Saturday morning prayers began at 9:45.
CBS estimates that 20 to 30 people are normally in the building, although there may have been more people gathered than usual because of the bris.
Jeff Finkelstein, the president of the Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh, said he believed there were 60 to 100 people inside the synagogue on Saturday morning.
At least eight people were reportedly killed after a gunman who said that "all those Jews need to die" opened fire in the building.
Tree of Life Offers Religious Instruction & a Special Saturday Morning Service for Children.
Tree of Life — working in partnership with L'Simcha and Congregation Dor Hadash — offers religious school classes for children.
The classes are on Wednesday afternoons.
On Saturdays the synagogue also offers a Shabbat [Sabbath] children's service from 10:15am-11:45am.
Once a month the service is performed on Sunday at 9am instead.
Jeff Finkelstein, the president of the Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh, said he believed there were 60 to 100 people inside the synagogue on Saturday morning.
The Neighborhood of Squirrel Hill is Home to 33 Percent of the Jewish Population of Greater Pittsburgh.
Squirrel Hill has had a sizeable Jewish population since at least 1920.
The neighborhood, in Pittsburgh's East End, is home to an estimated 33 percent of the Jewish population of greater Pittsburgh, according to a study by the United Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh in 2002.
The United Jewish Federation report says, "The stability of Squirrel Hill, a geographic hub of the Jewish community located within the city limits, is unique in North America." Squirrel Hill contains three Jewish day schools, catering to different denominations: the Lubavich, Orthodox, and Conservative movements.
There are over twenty synagogues in the neighborhood.
The Jewish community also has four restaurants, a Jewish Community Center and an annual festival.
The Rabbi of Tree of Life Recently Urged His Congregants to Make Time for Joyous Events.
Tree of Life has a relatively new rabbi, Rabbi Jeffrey Myers.
He maintains a blog on the synagogue's website.
In his most recent blog entry, Rabbi Myers urged his congregants to take time to celebrate joyous occasions.
He noted that many people take time to attend funerals but don't take as much time to celebrate life's happy moments with others.
The rabbi urged his congregants to fill up their "tanks" with joy whenever possible.
He wrote, "We have a finite, limited amount of s'machot (the plural of simcha – a joyous event) in our lives, and I include in this category birth, baby naming, brit milah, birthday, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, graduation, wedding, wedding anniversary, and other joyous moments.
By not participating as fully as possible in s'machot, we deprive ourselves of joy and the opportunity to celebrate with others.
As the supply gradually lessens, we cannot go to the simcha bank for a loan or refill.".
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