hi guys welcome back now if haven't already please make sure you join escort we have
a dedicated room for follow 76 base bells traps or anything you managed to
find so today's video is where a lot bit different know for anyone who has
followed all the streams that we've done in fall of 76 and the footage of the
baseball's that we've done so far and in the tutorials we've done all on xbox
basically quite obvious Xbox hired beta a week early so we concentrated on that
no PC released last night I know there was a shows with a bit up people
couldn't go on so always address an extra that we
actually found no before we're going to death I found the pc beta extremely well
I don't have any issues with gameplay quests other players and everything else
the one issue that a dead find was actual bass Belden itself no I'm gonna
be honest and seeing the Xbox it's a lot easier to
build than as on PC the mapping for the keyboard and PC is extremely long-winded
I can't find myself getting lost and someone who has done a hell of a lot a
time on base building on PC and various games for that 76 just doesn't feel was
efforts been mapped out for base Bolden intentions it just hasn't been fought
out by a base bowler having to use C and Zed and up-down left-right your hands
are all over the keyboard and it just makes the task extremely
long-winded no this can be quickly addressed they can look at other games
how they do it I mean games like I've always really mentioned other games in
Pacific but rust you could build a base and one minute which would take you 25
minutes to Pelt and follow 76 at the moment which is pretty bad considering
the budget that the best have got for it no I said I'm not gonna bash this
because this is quality of life this can actually change they can remap I work
out a way of remapping the Beldon as a whole
on my keyboard and my keypad to try make it easier but four people don't
have a good keyboard or a keypad that they can use they're going to struggle
with be spelled and a lot of people obviously who watch this channel are
very creative like baseball and like experimenting but this will make it long
one deed and if followed seven is sex is to be the true survival game as can be
spelled and stay the way it is on PC I don't think it can know when
multi-service came out there will be more PvP orientated servers without a
doubt because people want to clear them they want PvP if you're trading build a
base or fortify outside and you're having to basically set for ages and I
mean you are trying to work out where he go they don't want me wrong after a
while you'll pack it all burnable at second nature but for a new player
coming into a survival game who likes building it could be quite alien to them
no I played fallout 4 there's a refresher I'll just to get back into it
the faster I played with keyboard/mouse on fallout 4 belton and that was pretty
bad you'd have thought that'll learn the lesson from fallout 4 before putting out
fall at 76 it's the same clunkiness know the actual assets and fallout 76 from
Belton is really good I love the fact that you have to explore and get bps as
I'm blueprints for sale items the not just all open to you a fan that's a
great idea fantastic it gets people outside the
base section it is what as a team and it gets what they want people to do but the
mapping fall is just atrocious it really has poor also a big thing if
you're in bailed mode you can't defend yourself if you're in an area with feral
Gil's got this farm to come out of Bellwood you can't even open a door when
you're bellwood so you have to come out belmont again go
back to the base open the doors you need to go in to go back to your camp but go
back in to bellwood it just feels very
unfortunate really practical so for me I'm honestly gonna stick to xbox I
didn't think I'd see this I was extremely hyped for fallout 76 and how
it would be for the Belden aspect but so far I'm pretty disappointed and
we as marked oh I said this is call it a life the Belgian itself is really good
it could do with some more assets like ladders etc but as a whole the building
as Goods it's just the mapping over is very poorly fall out so hopefully
they'll address us and they come in week's mumps days whatever off because
it needs to be mapped out properly and I know you can remap your all your keys
and four nails but you shouldn't have to about in survival game should be
extremely fluid it should be something it's very easy to do and anyone can pack
up this is not that so hopefully they were dresser I sure enough enough people
make enough noise about it then hopefully the lesson no let me know what
you think about this because obviously for a lot of people didn't play the PC
beta last night but you made the watch nest days after this was made and you've
tried it yourself I've smoked all the people who do Belden and they were
played and followed beta and they fought what's them I had to be honest to fight
to here they're actually thinking of trying refund if they can because it
wasn't what they thought it was gonna be no I won't be they're not ripped because
I genuinely think the game was really good we haven't had any issues as I said
the graphics I think you're okay a lot of people have complained about
graphics but I think there was issues behind the scenes as well which was
causing some service to perform poorly so it was potluck wash when you actually
got onto so guys let me know what you think below did you play the beta
did you try base belt and how did you find that have you played the xbox and
the PC version do you agree or disagree let me know what you think cause I'm
quite eager to find out exactly what the four 7l says is it just me or as a
widespread fault with everyone else so guys say but with definite video for me
but something I think it needs address and very quickly if the average players
to pick up baseball and enjoy what is potential a very good aspect of the game
so guys first stopping by and I'll catch you next one which will definitely be a
base belt that's your belt Friday
For more infomation >> FALLOUT 76 Base Building (Fallout 76 PC Base Building is Broken) - Duration: 6:29.-------------------------------------------
Lorenzo & Caíto | I love you, Man ( English Subtitles ) - Duration: 1:38.
Close your eyes.
Come on, close them.
I love you, man.
Pizza Ranch: Find All Your Favorite Foods On The Buffet - Duration: 0:16.
A trip to Pizza Ranch feels just like going home.
Where a smile lets you know you're always welcome.
For legendary service and a little slice of heaven, it's Pizza Ranch for the win.
The Carbonaro Effect Will Haunt You (Mashup) | truTV - Duration: 1:21.
We are in a place that has all this Satanic witchcraft stuff.
I'm creeped out. Like, seriously creeped out.
[ Distorted voice ] Would you follow me into a room?
Do I have that kind of a trusting face?
Tell me that ain't weird as [bleep].
[ Laughs ]
[ Distorted evil laughter ]
You think I'm crazy.
Whoa. What the...?
This is some "X-Files" [bleep], man.
Man: I got that symbol on me.
Do you know what that is?
Does that mean I'm gonna go next?
-That you've been marked! -No!
What is happening?
You are on a hidden-camera...
[ Gasps ]
-Oh, my God! -I'm a little freaked out.
...TV show.
I don't want no parts of that [bleep].
Oh, my God!
[ Electricity crackles ]
I'm not in the mirror! I'm not in the mirror!
What the [bleep]?!
What's going on, man?!
[ Normal voice ] It's a hidden-camera magic TV show.
I'm not dead. - Duration: 1:59.
Oh hey guys, uhh
A bit cringy that.
Won't lie.
This would be my first video in like 1 or 2 weeks.
If you haven't seen on my Twitter.
@therubinyt go follow it now and like/retweet all tweets, that would be great x
I went to MCM London Comic Con
On Saturday and Sunday
Last Saturday and Sunday, I mean
Great fun that
Definitely did not get annoyed by people getting in the way
But, that's what makes Comic Con special.
Also, if you couldn't tell by my voice
I sound sick, and I am sick.
And I have been since Sunday night.
I'm currently sitting in front of my heater.
Just sitting in front of it, getting warm
Umm, anyways
This was just a video to say, I'm not dead.
Don't worry.
I'm just sick.
I do have-
You can even tell that my cough is dead.
-Fake Cough-
See, it's dead
Right, anyways
I have 3 videos done. (I mean 2)
But, I can't really get to them because-
I can't publish them at the minute 'cause-
It's not fully edited.
I can't really go on the laptop whilst being sick
I'm as sick as this. Soooo
This video will go out tomorrow
Just doing this on my phone so it's easy to do.
Yeah, this will go up tomorrow
So, see ya
Epic Clothing Disasters We Can't Believe Actually Happened V3 - Duration: 11:53.
Epic Clothing Disasters We Can't Believe Actually Happened V3
7 symptoms when you quit smoking, and how to alleviate them - Duration: 8:47.
7 symptoms when you quit smoking, and how to alleviate them.
You've decided to stop smoking.
However, withdrawal provokes several symptoms.
Here are the main ones and how to appease them.
As part of the Tobacco-Free Quebec Week, taking place from January 14 to 20, 2018, the Quebec
Council on Tobacco and Health has released a few figures on cigarette smoking in Quebec:
Between 2000 and 2015, the number of smokers dropped from 26% to 17.7% among Canadians
aged 12 and over.
During the same period, the smoking rate among teenagers aged 12 to 17 dropped to 10%.
Craving a smoke.
Despite your genuine intention to stub out for good, your inner devil is goading you
to light up.
Worse still, you'd sell him your soul for a cigarette…
Cravings are worse in the early days.
They subside with time and occur less frequently with each passing week.
Psychological and social factors have a role to play in cigarette addiction.
When you give up smoking, you'll realize how several habits went hand in hand with
smoking (the famous cigarette break at work, having something to do with your hands, etc.)
and that these are more difficult to give up.
What can I do?
The craving to smoke lasts 5 to 10 minutes.
During this time, try to distract yourself and resist the temptation.
Keeping your hands, mouth and mind busy is important.
For example, try chewing gum (sugar-free), brushing your teeth, going for a walk, reading,
doing a jigsaw, etc.
The Tobacco-Free Quebec site offers a series of exercises to help you curb the demon inside
when the craving gets too strong.
You will also need to change the habits you associated with smoking.
The brain is like a computer; it will need reprogramming to stop linking certain habits
with lighting up.
Physical exercise is also known to be an effective way of freeing the mind.
Gain in appetite, especially for sugary foods.
Quitting smoking restores your ability to taste and smell which, in turn, stimulates
the appetite.
Don't be surprised if you become a sugar junkie.
Sugar produces a sensation of pleasure in the brain and, since you stopped smoking,
your brain seeks to replace those daily doses of comfort that nicotine used to provide.
What can I do?
Distinguish between real hunger and the urge to have something in your mouth.
Drink lots of water and eat fruit and vegetables in case of the munchies.
Eat a decent breakfast.
Avoid skipping meals so that you aren't starving by the next meal time.
If you need to, snack on healthy foods like nuts and cheese.
Whatever you do, steer clear of empty calories.
It's often with these that we are tempted to compensate, and tend to put on weight.
About 1 in 5 smokers maintain their weight when quitting smoking and, on average, ex-smokers
put on between 2 and 4.5 kilos when kicking the habit.
Dizziness and headaches.
When you stop smoking, your blood oxygen level rises, which can cause dizziness or even headaches
for 1 to 2 days.
What can I do?
Breathe slowly and deeply.
Avoid making jerky movements.
When changing position, move slowly; for example, by sitting on the edge of the bed for a few
seconds before standing up.
Insomnia, fatigue and difficulty concentrating.
Your sleep cycle is likely to be disturbed for 2 to 4 weeks after you quit smoking.
This is completely normal.
Nicotine changes the way the brain functions.
It is therefore to be expected that quitting cigarettes impacts the brain and changes your
sleep pattern.
You will also notice you have less energy and are possibly tired.
This is caused by the lack of nicotine which acts as a stimulant.
Your body used to respond to the energizing effect of cigarettes and must now learn to
stay focused without this chemical stimulation.
What can I do?
Avoid or reduce stimulating drinks such as coffee, energy drinks and soft drinks.
Give a wide berth to rich and fatty foods that could prevent you from sleeping.
Try the following relaxation techniques: -Practise a sport.
-Take a bath.
-Get outside to ventilate your head.
-Develop a relaxation routine before going to bed.
Stay away from computer or cell phone screens at least 1 hour before turning in for the
The blues, irritability and mood swings Deprived of its nicotine dose, your brain
is in withdrawal, which can induce a mixture of emotions such as sadness, impatience, irritability
and anger.
None of these feelings is pleasant but they are normal and will dwindle with time.
Quitting smoking can be compared to a grieving process.
It's therefore normal to go through the same emotions as losing a loved one:
What can I do?
For some people, smoking is often the only way to cope with stress.
If this is your case, you'll need to find new ways of handling stress.
To prevent tension building up, allow yourself breaks to unwind and relax.
Sleep more.
If you're rested and fresh, you're less likely to be on edge than if you lack sleep.
Certain activities known to reduce stress are worth practising, such as meditation,
yoga and walking.
Feel as if the proverbial frog is squatting in your throat?
This is a good sign!
Weird as it might sound, your body is starting a major clear-out of the cigarettes' toxins.
One of the signs that the detox process is underway is coughing.
The tiny vibrating lashes (cilia) in your bronchial tubes are waking up after being
paralyzed by the chemical products in cigarettes.
Coughing is the result of your cilia starting to collect and reject the dust and germs again.
Coughing is one of the first symptoms quitters experience.
What can I do?
After 3 or 4 weeks, you should stop coughing.
Drink lots of water and suck cough lozenges.
Digestive problems.
Your digestive system is also addicted to nicotine and has difficulty getting back to
working normally when you no longer smoke.
You might find you suffer from either constipation or diarrhea.
What can I do?
Drink lots of water and include raw fruit and vegetables and wholegrain products in
your daily menu.
Probiotic products are also effective.
Trae Dauby: The Benefits of Listing Your Home During the Fall or Winter - Duration: 2:13.
- Hi I'm Trae with The Dauby Team
of Keller Williams Capital Realty.
Today I just wanted to take a couple minutes to discuss
listing your home in the fall or wintertime.
(light music)
- So oftentimes people think that listing their home
in the fall or winter is not a good idea.
However that is totally not true.
During the wintertime there typically
tends to be fewer homes on the market,
which means less competition for you.
The fewer homes available, that creates bidding wars
over the few homes that are for sale,
which ultimately drives up the sale price for you.
Another reason is a lot of big corporations
do their job transfers around the end of the year.
So if somebody's starting a new job on January 1st
or right after the new year, that means in the month
of November and December they're gonna be looking for a new
home to purchase whenever they do make that transition.
Also during the winter buyers tend to be more serious.
Most people don't want to get out
in the cold weather just to look at homes
with the idea that they may make a move.
Typically during the winter we have more motivated buyers
and it's somebody that really wants to actually
purchase a home, so you're not gonna have to leave your home
for somebody that's just thinking about making a move.
Another reason is some people need to buy a home
by the end of the year for tax reasons.
Also during the holidays homes typically show
a little bit better with some holiday decorations.
Also with the holidays, people tend to be
a little bit more emotional, so if the buyer is emotional,
falls in love with your house, it's more likely
that you're gonna get that higher price.
So for all those reasons the fall and winter
is actually an excellent time to sell your home.
If you're thinking about making a move
or you want to find out what you home is worth,
always feel free to give us a call at 812-777-4611.
Again, I'm Trae with The Dauby Team
of Keller Williams Capital Realty, have a great day.
(light music)
Are You Curious About Human Design? - Duration: 17:36.
Choices: Stories You Play - It Lives Beneath (Chapter 4) {Diamonds} - Duration: 40:22.
Choices: Stories You Play - It Lives Beneath (Chapter 4) {Diamonds Used}
Choices: Stories You Play - It Lives Beneath (Chapter 4) {Diamonds}
Nana & Micah ... & a story of PLANTING SEEDS of DREAMS - Duration: 0:25.
I'm Micah and this is my Great-Grandma.
This is the Nana trick-shot.
We did it!
We got it!
Oh, way to go!
That was real good!
TD Jakes 2018 - You Can't Get Harvest From Poor Soil - Duration: 26:41.
Which Halloween Costume Should You Wear? 👻 w/ SpongeBob, The Loud House, & More! #KnowYourNick - Duration: 5:09.
- Trick or Treat! - Trick or Treat!
It's Halloween!
So get your costumes ready!
That costume is perfect.
Not sure what to wear?
No... No.
Take this Halloween quiz
and keep track of your answers to help you decide.
If you wanna be scary, you're gonna need a good costume.
[music playing]
- Trick or Treat! - Trick or Treat!
Aww, aren't you two adorable?
[music playing]
Candy corn, I like candy corn, candy corn's good!
[music playing]
Meet us at the spook, old, abandoned mansion
I wish was up on the hill!
[music playing]
Here, kitty kitty, oh, here, kitty kitty!
Oh, who's a good kitty?
[music playing]
I'm picking up something on my R-Ghost detector!
Uh, there he is!
Now to trap him in my ghost containment device!
Got him... by a hair!
[music playing]
Jerkius Brocolitis!
[music playing]
Oh-hoo, sure is dark down here!
It went so wrong so quickly!
[music playing]
Did you say chocolate?
[music playing]
I'll wear you tomorrow, Dazzles!
- You talking to your tiaras again? - No!
We'll talk more later.
[music playing]
Hmm, more blood here, few more gashes on this one,
knock out a tooth, add some ooze to those scabs,
dampen the head wound.
[music playing]
Is that you?
I've been waiting for you, Patrick!
SpongeBob, you're scaring me!
[music playing]
Bob for an apple, my dearies?
[music playing]
I was worried just 'cause I have a little bit of hair growing on my legs.
A little bit of hair doesn't mean anything.
Let's take a look.
Well, you have to pull down your socks so I can see.
I'm not wearing socks.
If you answered mostly A, you should be... a ghost!
Three ghosts coming up!
Ah, where are my feet?
I'm The Flying Dutchman!
If you answered mostly B, you should be... a witch!
Thanks for the pizza!
I'll enjoy eating it in my Halloween costume,
I'm not a real witch, bye!
If you answered mostly C, you should be... a vampire!
I literally want to suck your blood!
If you answered mostly D, you should be... a princess!
- Yeah! - Knew you could do it!
My favorite part of being a princess is having a royal bestie jester!
If you answered mostly E, you should be... a werewolf!
Bad, Max! Bad! Down, boy, down, down!
Which costume did you get?
Comment below!
[P] 1529. Setsubun - Duration: 0:09.
''Out with the oni!''
Oni Sign: "Requiem Towards The Scoreboard"
- Ha-ha-ha! Do not think you can drive away an oni with something of that level!
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