So today, we're hear at Sky Song
in Scottsdale,
I know you're sitting there behind the computer screen
with that crazy, billion dollar idea
in the back of your head.
How do you get seed money for that?
What even is seed money?
Watch this video.
So right now we are at ASU SkySong:
the incubator for ASU startups.
You come up with an idea. You are like "Alright.
This is my idea. What should I do? Help me."
And then we'll be there for you. It helps you develop your
idea into a business and helps you go pitch it, and later
on have you proceed to Venture Devils and so on.
You're a student, right?
Yes. Uh huh.
And an entrepreneur?
Is it ever hard to find a balance between those?
Um, well it can be challenging, but it's all about
taking risks.
Entrepreneurship at ASU takes so many different forms.
You can go from as small as, "Oh, I just started a t-shirt
company," and it can go all the way up to
"We just created a medical device that might be able to
cure some type of weird disease."
Innovative, man. Exactly.
With the Venter Devils program, you can submit
ideas of any type from health care to tech,
to biomedical devices, even social apps.
So many different majors and so many different facets
and opportunities to get involved with entrepreneurship
that it's almost a limitless process.
We're with Ben, by the way.
Little Ben squared action going on.
Hearing you talk, I'm inspired, but let's say I have an idea.
What if it's kind of ... it feels like sort of a childish idea.
Actually that is a normal concern.
That was my concern too when I first started my
you know, entrepreneurship journey.
Any idea is just valued, like no matter what.
Like even if it is like a stupid idea, I promise you,
it's really valued.
Because nobody takes me seriously.
That's the greatest thing! No stupid ideas.
Just get into it.
Get my edible silly putty off the ground.
Right. Make it happen.
When you form a team and you always, you naturally
draw other people from many different disciplines.
If you're a graphic designer, you don't need to argue with
a bunch of other graphic designers.
No, you need to work with like maybe somebody from
engineering, and he'll tell you, "Yeah, that works on a 3D
printer, but I mean, I can't get aluminum to do what
you want it to do."
Right. And that little, that little balance is what you need
in a team to actually take an idea and
make it into a reality.
Can you talk about E+I?
E+I. So E+I is the entrepreneurship and innovation,
sort of, fellowship chapter of ASU.
They try to mold the program around a student's needs.
Being an entrepreneur and
thinking about entrepreneurship as just problem solving.
Innovative solutions to problems.
Is that one of the things you might attribute
our innovation ranking to – is this entrepreneurship
program? Completely. Yeah.
For more infomation >> You Asked: What does student entrepreneurship look like at ASU? - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
4 absolute truths about YOU! | #BattleCry s1e8 - Duration: 5:47.
Today we need to have a really, really hard conversation.
(musical break)
Well, hello brothers and sisters!
Welcome to Mission: Zer0!
If this is your first time here: my name is Shawn, and this is Battle Cry, the show where
we give you a motivational theme that can carry you through a more positive week.
What we, I think, need to talk about today is us, you and me.
Specifically, I want to give 4 truths about all of us that maybe you've heard, but I
don't think we really believe.
And so, let's dive into that!
(musical break)
In the book of Luke chapter 12, Jesus is teaching and, in verses 6 and 7, He says something
really profound: "for are not 5 sparrows sold for two pennies?
And God has not lost sight of a one of them!
Every hair on your head is numbered.
Fear not!
For you are worth more than a multitude of sparrows."
The critical piece of that is: you are valued!
I think, so often in our society, we don't feel valued and we don't value other people.
You just have to watch the news for 20 minutes – you can watch a commercial break for 20
minutes at this time of year in the United States, when it's election season – and
you can see how little we value humanity and how little we value other people.
And so what Jesus is saying here is that, even if no one else values you, even if you
don't value yourself, God in Heaven values you beyond anything you can imagine.
(musical break)
The second point I think we need to talk about I'm going to give you a couple scriptures
The first is Ephesians 2:10, which is "For we are God's workmanship."
And the second is Psalm 139:13-14 which says, "You hold my reins.
You formed me in my mother's womb.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and marvelous are Your works!"
What that really gets to is that you are accepted by God.
A lot of the reasons that we really have trouble internalizing that we have value, that we
are valuable, is that we don't feel accepted.
Because we know all of the things that are wrong with us, these awful things that we've
done and the awful things that are flawed in us, and we just couldn't possibly accept
ourselves, so how can anyone else accept us?
God made you who you are, and He accepts you exactly as you are!
(musical break)
The third thing that's absolutely true about you and about me comes out of 1 John 4:4 and
it is, "For you are the children of God, and you have overcome your enemies, for greater
is He that is in you than he that is in the world."
What that's really saying is: you're never alone.
No matter where you are or what you're going through, the God of all Creation – whether
you believe in Him or not, whether you accept Him or not, whether you feel it or not – lives
in your heart.
And He is always with you, and He is always accepting you, and He is always valuing you.
(musical break)
And the fourth thing that's true – maybe the hardest one to really believe – the
scripture I'm going to give you comes out of Romans 8:39.
And it says, "For no barrier, no extremity, and no created thing can separate us from
the Love of God, which is in Jesus Christ our Lord."
Now you know what I'm going to say here: God Loves you.
Always does God Love you.
To really understand that you need to understand that you're not alone, that you are valued,
and that you are accepted.
(musical break)
My exhortation for us today is: know these things.
Say them to yourself over and over as often as you can until they are embedded in your
soul: I am valued, I am accepted, I am never alone, and I am Loved by the God of all Creation.
Take that today, whatever piece of that message you can hang onto for the week, take it and
be the you-iest you you can possibly be.
May God pour out the blessings of knowledge of Him and the vibrance of His Love into your
And I Love you SO, so much!
Peace out!
Highway 1 Attractions (You CANNOT Skip These!) - Duration: 7:24.
The United States is full of opportunities for road trips that will take you through some of the most breathtaking
locations in the world
One of them the apps we have to do is the trip down Highway one along the California coast and in this video
I'm actually gonna be covering five places that you absolutely have to stop between San Francisco and Los Angeles
Along Highway one, so let's get into it
And before we begin if you guys want more advice on US destinations
Please be sure to hit the subscribe button and click the bell beside it to be notified whenever released new video
New videos are now coming once every week on Mondays
So stay tuned during the first stress during the first stretch between San Francisco down to the Monterey area
Where Carmel is?
You're gonna be very overwhelmed
Because this from the beginning you're driving your to see so many potentials areas to stop but I'm gonna cut this down for you
There's a couple places that I stop that are the highlights of this stretch
the first of which is around Montera Street Montera State Beach
And you're gonna kind of get the nice combination a nice contrast between the beautiful ocean
And the waves crashing down at the bottom where the beach area is and the tall rocks
Right beside it that kind of turned into this nice mountainous terrain
This makes for a beautiful photo opportunity to get that combination between Beach and mountainous and then if you continue your drive you're gonna find
Pomponio State Beach, um and here you can actually go right out onto the beach
Which is really nice and gets experienced the waves actually coming in for yourself and how beautiful it is
The second place you have to stop is Carmel by the sea and this is a in the Monterey area
There's other great things to see Monterey as well
But what I had a chance to experience was the beautiful little town of Carmel by the sea
Which is sometimes known as the land of fairytale cottages because everything looks like literally like you're in a fairy tale
so I actually
Recommend this place first and foremost for couples
It's a great romantic place to kind of walk around go to all the cool shops to have a bunch of homemade goods
lots of pieces of art that are handcrafted and it's just really really nice lots of kind of more high-end or
Upscale kind of restaurants where you can have wine sit outside
it's really really nice and
Make sure to hit up the talk box. If you want a good lunch and kind of like a cozy surroundings with gourmet food and
Another great thing to do is to do the 17 mile drive that I'll take you through some really cool natural phenomena
You'll get to see the what's called the lone cypress tree and a bunch of other cool natural phenomena and last thing fun fact
The mayor of this town was actually formerly Clint Eastwood
Believe it or not as you continue to drive south from Monterey
You're gonna hit probably the most beautiful stretch of this ride
And that is number three on this list Big Sur and more specifically the big speed Creek bridge
which is probably the most photographed area along this Highway one drive and it's it's such a
Tall bridge that it literally feels kind of scary that you're actually driving overtop of it
So as you can see this in this picture
It's literally super super high
One of the tallest bridges of this type in the world and Big Sur in itself is literally
Probably what you'd have in suggestion number one
Kind of on steroids because you get again these big
Beautiful waves kind of crashing into turquoise waters and the tall rocky area and it's a lot more mountainous
Mountainous along here as well. So a lot of your drive drives or when you're driving
It's gonna feel a little bit sketchy cuz it's gonna feel like you're driving about to drive off a cliff essentially. So
But this area is beautiful definitely get off here to take a photo with this bridge
Number four in this list is Santa Barbara and this is just such a beautiful little town very historic
You'll actually find here at the Old Mission Santa Barbara, which was founded in
1786 so a very old building by Spanish Franciscans and he gave you guys a background a mission is basically a place
there's a lot them all over California and Texas and other areas and
they were used to convert people to Christianity and
Inside this mission you're gonna find it's just really beautiful
you know the different gardens the different areas where you can walk around I
Believe there's catacombs as well. So a lot of cool things to see and
Onto State Street, you're gonna find a lot of great restaurants there and a lot of shopping potential as well
So a lot of year kind of mid to upper tier
stores and turn in terms of price point and
you can also go to the old Santa Barbara courthouse and which allows you to actually go up up to the top and you'll get
A great view of Santa Barbara itself. So I definitely recommend that and
And to round out this list pretty much when you're approaching though the Greater Los Angeles area
You're gonna hit Malibu and this is just such a great beach town
It's probably mandatory to stop here
And when I went I went to a beach called Zuma Beach
And you're just gonna notice such a large contrast between the couple of beaches you see in Malibu and the beaches you see
In like Santa Monica and Venice Beach. There's really no comparison. Those beaches are gonna be a lot more crowded
Just not as picturesque, but when you go to Malibu Zuma Beach great white sands
you actually saw I actually saw dolphins there actually saw a whale believe it or not, which is pretty crazy and
you can also hit up the Getty Villa as well, which is a
Businessman ssin that has a lot of very valuable artwork that's been kind of collected over the history in that mansion
So you are on an arc fanatic. That is a great place to check out
So that's gonna do it for this list
Please comment below and let me know if there's any sites that I missed and you know
if you are planning to visit multiple cities in
California like San Francisco and Los Angeles this road trip is the perfect way to get both cities in and see all the breathtaking
Spots along the way cuz you know along the Pacific coast
You're just gonna see so many beautiful things especially in California, which is my personal favorite state
Um that I've been to so if you guys did enjoy the video
Please be sure to leave a like in the subscribe button and also share this with anybody else who you feel could
benefit from this information and
If you want to read some information about
the different US destinations that I've covered, please be sure to head to
American Travel the link to the blog post for this video will be in the description below so
Until next time guys. I hope you enjoy your upcoming vacation and happy travels
Fashion Nail Spa - Burbank, CA | (818) 8581109 - Duration: 1:11.
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Mutation Serum and all Viruses | Kick The Buddy (iOS) - Duration: 9:22.
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Putting You First: Getting a Generator - Duration: 2:53.
Putting You First: Getting a Generator - Duration: 1:25.
How You Can Fight Online Scams - Duration: 5:33.
hi I'm troop and I blog about retirement a retired guy to
this is for information and education only I'm not a financial adviser or an
attorney and I'm not your mom so educate yourself accordingly there are more
details on this subject at my blog this is an abbreviated version of what you'll
find on my blog that is I'm speaking about how you can find online scams like
many retirees and especially because I have this blog now I spend a lot of time
on the computer so I'm exposed to scams all the time following a brief summary
of some of the many ways you can protect yourself from the online scams that are
out to get you first of all computer tech scams consult a real computer pro
if you have a virus that you just can't get rid off just know that a real
computer company like Microsoft will not call you they won't phone you if there's
a problem with your computer lottery scams legitimate lottery companies won't
demand a payment on you to collect your winnings be careful when the fraudster
wants to give you a counterfeit check to cover fees such as suppose that taxes do
processing fees and so forth just remember all you have to know is not to
take their check for deposit to the bank or you risk losing a lot of money that
scam is kind of complicated just don't take their any-any check to the bank
romance scams someone online claims attraction to you the profile reflects a
very attractive woman or man who might also claim to be wealthy it seems like
Nigerian princesses are always attracted to me the remedy for these online scams
to complete a brutal self-assessment of your qualities your personal
characteristics and your appearance you should ask yourself this question why
would this extremely attractive and wealthy individual be interested in
me impersonations verify that the account actually belongs to the person
trying to connect with you on social media check how many friends the person
has that you had that you know that you have in common with them in common with
them supposedly also check how long the person's account has been around the
longer has been around the better check your privacy settings social networks
like Twitter and Instagram well usually that you control their
control your personal data and photos as well as what you post you must carefully
consider who you want to share your information with think about how it can
be used against you by a criminal or a scammer sharing share and share alike
social media makes it easy to share your life with others people post all kinds
of personal information for the whole world to see they post very personal
photos sometimes even intimate photos they even post vacation photos while
they're on vacation we tell the whole world and any robbers that their home is
unprotected can London robbers have not home take anything you want personal
data don't put online for the whole world to
see your social security number your home your work addresses your home and
your cell phone numbers your work history your activity schedule who all
your friends are be careful when you authorize a social media app like
Facebook or even Google to register for giveaways contest sweepstakes surveys or
receive gift cards and discounts I know somebody who's his dad got really taken
in sweepstakes clickbait appoint clicking on a link or attachment about
celebrities or free stuff investments or breaking news that can lead you to
malicious websites Facebook friends choose your Facebook friends carefully
just like you do in real if they if they get hacked remember that
they can actually accidentally send you malware and infect your computer and
then you can send you can send it to your other friends inadvertently and
send your viruses to all their computers public computers don't use public
computers like those in a library to log on to your social networking website or
to conduct other business secure your passwords don't give them out to anyone
that you can't trust and don't use the same password for all your social media
sites change passwords periodically and don't use easy passwords like 1 1 1 1 11
strip and I hope you visit my blog a retired guy comment if you like
and share my site with others please subscribe and there's a longer version
of this video at my at my blog thank you and good day and peace out
How to Change Settings on Your AT&T AXIA | AT&T Wireless - Duration: 1:32.
Settings Overview.
Notifications & Quick Settings:
To access notifications,
swipe down from the Notification bar.
Notifications will be displayed.
To access expanded Quick Settings,
swipe down from the Notification bar with two fingers.
Swipe left to view the second page of Quick Settings.
To change what appears in your Quick Settings,
select the Edit icon.
Select and drag the desired Quick Settings icon
to the desired location
to rearrange the Quick Settings Menu.
When finished, select the Back arrow.
Main Settings:
To access Main Settings,
swipe down from the Notification bar.
Select the Settings icon.
You can also access settings from the Apps tray.
From the Home screen,
swipe up to access the Apps tray.
Select the Settings app.
Main Settings allow you to adjust your device's features
to meet your desired preference.
Here you will find adjustment features
such as Notifications, Display, Apps,
Software Updates, and more.
If you cannot find what you are looking for,
you can search your Settings.
To search through Settings,
select the Search icon at the top of the Settings Menu.
Enter your desired search
and select the most relevant result
to view and edit settings as desired.
♪AT&T jingle♪
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