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FREE Xbox live Gold - free Xbox Gift Card Codes - How To Get Free Xbox gift cards
For more infomation >> FREE Xbox live Gold - free Xbox Gift Card Codes - How To Get Free Xbox gift cards [With Proof] - Duration: 1:50.
BandMating432 - The Series' TEASER - Duration: 3:05.
Well, I'm just playing my guitar
Why not?
That's right
There's nothing wrong with that
Hello there
I'm songwriter
and I have a TON of music to share
with anyone who wants to JOIN this online band.
Let's say I have an idea like this
Now, if YOU like it...
and you're a bass player,
you could play something like this:
It's easy
Now, we have someone who wants to play keyboard with us
No, no
No, no
It needs to fit the project
Something like this:
Now, what do YOU want to play?
Maybe, I want to add a guitar...
No, no, no...
For this one, it's not about...
It's more about the...
That's right
You can add whatever you like:
Vocals, drums, horns, strings,
electronic stuff, whistles, banjo...
.... anything!
This channel is INTERACTIVE
No, it really is!
I put an idea online,
you send me YOUR track,
and YOU become part of THIS project
You can FILM yourself playing your instrument
and we'll make a new video.
And we will be in tune with the universe
at the unique frequency of 432Hz.
Now, if you've never done that before,
I'll explain how to tune your instrument in this video
And yes, of course, it's TRULY interactive.
It works both ways.
YOU can send me YOUR ideas,
if you're missing a part or you're stuck,
and I'll try to play something for you.
From me to you, from you to me!
Obviously, we're not doing this for fame or money,
but only for the sheer love of music.
We might never play music together out there
but online, we CAN.
Where We Live: 100 Things to do in Portland before you die - Duration: 2:24.
I'll Go With You - Duration: 1:05.
my name is Kynnedi and I'm Raechelle and we're going to tell you about the I'll go
with you campaign. The I'll go with you campaign was created by those in the
LGBTQ community and it was created in response to anti-transgender legislation
the purpose of the program is to create an ally ship for those who are
transgender or non gender conforming. we recognize that harassment in bathrooms
isn't just faced by those who are transgender and non-binary but from a
variety of other individuals who are not binary gender conforming and that is why
I'll go with you is for anyone that needs that assistance. so I'll go with you
is not just for bathrooms. An I'll go with you ally is someone that can be
counted on to accompany someone in any situation where they can experience
gender harassment. So the I'll go with you button is
intended to show ally ship in public so make sure you get yours and show that you're
an ally. we're also doing this in honor of trans day of remembrance which
happens annually on November 20th. so catch us tabling October 31st November 8th
November 14th and November 15th
Ask Caribe: How do you compose yourself during a sad story? - Duration: 0:42.
Episode 70: "You Might Feel a Little Pinch" - Duration: 6:41.
The story you're about to hear is true I wrote it a year ago around Halloween, for Halloween
in fact, that I'm sharing it again because it freaked so many people out. I thought it might freak you out this time.
It's called, You Might Feel a Little Pinch."
That's brought to you by ZipRecruiter. Big thanks to them. Incidentally, a week ago, about this time, right around the same place
I was walking my dog Freddy here...
extolling the many virtues of ZipRecruiter. When Freddy relieved himself, and many of you asked -
"You know is ZipRecruiter or okay with that?
I mean, what's the policy you're in the middle of a commercial essentially and your dog starts to pee? Well, ZipRecruiter wasn't upset.
They realized that's just Freddy saying that they're number one.
Just like everybody else does, see for yourself over at Trustpilot, where people rank these job sites.
It's not even close.
ZipRecruiter wins running away. Post a job for free right now, and you'll see why. It's, that's
You'll see why they really are
number one. Well, you really can't script that kind of thing. This is The Way I Heard It. Who's a good boy?
Bill Kemmler's commitment to oral hygiene was about average.
Should he have brushed more? Yes. Should he have flossed more?
Yes. Should he have scheduled a series of routine checkups with his regular dentist?
Probably. As his girlfriend had told him again and again - and
again - "Bill, your bad habits are going to catch up with you!"
Bill's girlfriend was right
Annoying, but right. His bad habits had earned him a trip to the dentists and
as Bill settled in to the god-forsaken chair, he wondered if there could be a less appealing place on planet Earth.
The glaring light. The pungent smell. The tray full of gleaming razor-sharp tools of the trade. In the dentist's chair,
thought Bill, a man is little more than a bug under a microscope. "Are you comfortable
William? I want you to be comfortable."
Bill nodded. "I guess so," he said. "All things considered.
Dr. Southwick was a founding member of the American Dental Association, a
renowned medical professor at the University of Buffalo, and a pioneer in pain-free dentistry.
It was important to him that his patients be as
comfortable as possible. And today this compassionate dentist was going to employ a brand new device
guaranteed to bring patients like Bill immediate and lasting relief. But still,
Bill was nervous.
Dr. Southwick offered another reassuring smile. "Try to relax, William. You might feel a little pinch."
Bill glanced over at the small audience.
So confident was Dr. Southwick in his new technique
he'd invited a few special guests to observe its debut, including some medical professionals, as well as members of the press.
Bill didn't object. It's not like he was being charged for this visit. So the least he could do is tolerate a peanut gallery.
But still...this was the first time the device was being used on a human being.
Bill laughed uneasily. "Take your time doc.. I got all day."
But Dr. Southwick was eager to begin.
Most eager. He'd waited 10 years for this moment
His device had been tested and retested, and now he finally had all the necessary
approvals. The time had come for the dentist to show the world a better way a more humane way.
And so the procedure commenced.
Bill took a deep breath,
and quickly lost consciousness just as the doctor had promised. Then the audience watched closely as Dr.
Southwick ushered in a new era of medical science, and when the process was complete
The triumphant and compassionate dentist addressed his audience with unconcealed delight.
"Behold, my friends the culmination of 10 years of study. We now live in a higher civilization!"
The audience nodded, in solemn appreciation of what they had just witnessed.
But then, something unexpected happened.
The patient woke up.
Yeah, one of the witnesses shouted. "Oh my God," as Bill began to convulse. Another scream as white foam began to bubble from his mouth.
Something was terribly wrong and the flustered dentist could do nothing but re-administer the procedure from the start. This caused Bill to scream,
Vomit, and empty his bowels, which in turn inspired the doctor's special guests to bolt for the exit,
vomiting as they ran, and
shielding their gaze from the patient who was no doubt wondering if pain-free had some alternative meaning, as he slowly melted
into the dentist's chair.
In time, Dr. Southwick's invention would be put to use all over the country, but back in 1890
there were still a few kinks to work out. And
so, for the time being
men with bad habits like Bill Kemmler -
men who drank too much whiskey, and responded to their nagging girlfriends by smashing them over the head with an axe and then
cutting them up into little pieces - these men would continue to receive their justice at the end of a rope,
or in front of a firing squad, or some other form of capital punishment that Dr. Southwick believed to be cruel and
That's why he created a better way to dispatch men like Bill Kemmler. A more humane way.
He used electricity, because
It was...painless.
And he used a chair because,
well - he was a dentist. A dentist who really just wanted the condemned to be comfortable with a revolutionary
breakthrough he called,
The Electric Chair.
Anyway, that's the way I heard it.
Slinky Brand ShawlCollar Faux Fur Mink Long Glam Coat - Duration: 19:37.
ninja reacts to kid gets arrested driving car! (FORTNITE BATTLE ROYALE) (NINJA) (NINJA REACTS) NINJA - Duration: 10:44.
we start right now no no fight or drag you out of this window if you'd open, FORTNITE BATTLE ROYALE (FORTNITE) (NINJA) (NINJA REACTS)
these dog serious code up if we're gonna do any Vandy boy
where's the key a I don't see you I don't see no key, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE V-BUCKS!
what's your name and hold it and what kind of car is this alright and you're
gonna drive for us today alright
you know it's a rainy day today so I think I'm going for a ride it's gonna be
fun I don't even know how to drive this
thing I know buddy you know yes I do I already told them that I'm going to
the store to get eggs and so yeah
it's um it's
who doesn't like eggs
like a little scrambled why how did this subject even come up
so it's my first time driving I'm 18 doesn't look like it
I want you guys to comment down below and see if I look like am 18 and on up
to you guys
I got my license yesterday I didn't start driving to clean tables
kinda shake it up
didn't care
I was random
the dancer
what story
they didn't
it's kind of fun now actually these two it's kind of woman
across the bridge driving
I seem really short for an 18 year old at all
oh we are doing the person I make the ocean away
he said forget his sister she's gone this is Corinne Martin right you see
this police car and those in a police car right here the little red button, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE V-BUCKS!
right here push that all the way over there come here and look what you did
come here look come see what it did all right
this is hilarious I'll show you how we turn the siren on oh we got to put it in
here he's gonna freak out you gonna love that
to the front of the car look at the police car and there's no nose first
field trip on this police car getting to see a real policeman and live he in the
car and everything turning on the sirens and everything it's so cool I gotta go
okay shake my hand okay good meeting yeah
you married yet say bye policeman are you too you too officer come on now now
you can see him go give me a hand you have fun the police car you like it can
you say bye-bye yes a bye
How To Care For A Vomiting Dog? 5 Things You Need To Do... - Duration: 3:03.
Hi, Mirko here from Healthy Pet Systems.
Today I will tell you how to care for a vomiting dog.
So let's start.
It is important to care for your dog and show him or her some love.
As a dog owner, time is crucial especially when your dog starts to vomit.
Not taking the necessary precautions to stop your dog throwing up food may escalate the
So how to care for a vomiting dog?
Let's see 5 things you need to do if your dog starts vomiting:
First, keep your dog hydrated.
When your dog vomits, he or she gets dehydrated.
To keep your dog hydrated, it is important to provide your canine with small amounts
of water.
Don't allow your canine to drink more than the required amount.
The goal here is to hydrate and not to induce further vomiting.
Second, keep food away.
When your dog starts vomiting, it is a clear indication that something has upset his stomach.
Allowing your canine to continue eating will result in further vomiting.
To prevent this, it is wise to enforce a food fast – 12 to 24 hours.
Third, give your dog bland food.
After the 24 hours of enforced fasting have elapsed, it's time to feed your canine.
Instead of introducing your dog to his normal diet, start with bland food.
Don't give your dog foods rich in fat such as oily, fish or red meat.
Fourth, transitioning from bland food to normal diet.
Now that you have been administering your dog vomiting treatment that is feeding your
dog bland food and more than 24 hours have elapsed, it's time to transition your pet
to the normal diet.
Change the diet slowly and avoid sudden food changes.
Fifth, observe your dog for other symptoms.
As the owner, it is important to observe your canine even after he or she has resumed eating
his or her normal diet.
By doing so, you will get to learn if there are any underlying issues.
Dog vomiting can be a sign of serious sickness.
To be on the safe side I advise you to visit a vet.
To find out more, I created a great guide about dog vomiting.
In it you will find how to stop dog vomiting, top 16 reasons why my dog is vomiting, how
can I stop my dog from vomiting in the car, what to do when a dog is vomiting, how can
I induce vomiting in a dog, and a lot more.
A link is down below in the description.
If you like this video, hit the subscribe button to receive more like it in the future.
And remember let's keep our pets healthy!
How To Do Perfect Smokey Eye For Halloween | Top Best Makeup Tutorial For Beginners - Duration: 10:42.
How To Do Perfect Smokey Eye For Halloween - Top Best Makeup Tutorial For Beginners
Thank you for watching my video :-*
Hope you can enjoy it :-*
How do I connect with participants? - Duration: 2:16.
The singer Justin Bieber and model Haley Baldwin have been surprised when they were kissing
MCE he tells you all about the French kiss
Sometime after her long and tumultuous relationship with singers Selena Gomez
Justin Bieber has a very beautiful and turned the page
In fact with his new girlfriend Haley Baldwin and Justin Bieber have kissed in front of the paparazzi
Erm, you said about the relationship between the two lovers?
married since September 13
2018 Justin Bieber Haley Baldwin also wishes to now be called mrs
Bieber to do this, the young model has failed a request that it has sent the 10th of October
Date Selena Gomez is interned in a psychiatric clinic
The singer is said to live very uncomfortable with the relationship maintenance to his Epps with his new girlfriend
There has been a blurring around in marriage of Justin Bieber and Haley Baldwin before TMZ puts a definitive end to the mystery
This is the September 13
2018 the Canadian singer of 26 years and a model American of 21 years have become husband and wife as
Confirmed by the numerous photos taken by the paparazzi this week
in fact
Our brides are devoted to time favorite activity of the French kiss
First photo two lovers kissed passionately a coffee in hand
Dressed in a large sweater a blue sweater for Justin Bieber and one block for Haley Baldwin
We also have a photo of the two kissing each other languidly hands in the pockets of the other
Visibly very loving one another
Justin and Haley Baldwin have also been the subject of a video filmed last week by fans at a restaurant in Los Angeles a
Video posted to Instagram shows Justin kissed Haley Baldwin with a passion what you need to make the fans of the singer jealous
One can only wish happiness and a long history of love the two lovers
but also that Selena Gomez does not fall in the photos and
You that thank you of this relationship
এতো হাসির ভিডিও আপনি আগে দেখেন নাই। - Duration: 5:03.
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