[New]How To Get Free Xbox Codes 2018 or Xbox Gift Cards For Free
For more infomation >> [New]How To Get Free Xbox Codes 2018 or Xbox Gift Cards For Free - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
Were You Paying Attention? - Duration: 8:03.
Leadership Principles | Book of Genesis - Duration: 12:12.
leadership principles that we can learn out of the book of Genesis you're gonna
love this so much you want to stay tuned coming up next
hey everyone welcome to Azusa crystal I'm crystal Sparks I'm so glad that you
are here on my channel hey whether this is your first time here or maybe you
watch every single week I'm so thankful that you're here if you'll do me a favor
hit the subscribe button every week on Wednesday I put out a new video and you
don't want to miss anything I have happening here on my channel so hey
without further ado let's jump into today's content today we're talking
about leadership principles out of the book of Genesis and I think you are
going to love it Genesis is full of so many incredible
stories and today we're just going to look at a few people out of the book of
Genesis and just glean some different leadership principles that I think that
you can apply to your life no matter where you're at whether you're leading
in your family in your community maybe you're leading a business or whatever
you're doing I think you're going to get something great out of this ok so in
Genesis chapter 14 we're going to find our first lesson and here we see that
Abram just had a great victory and the Bible tells us in verse 18 that McKell
zedek was the king of Salem and Mikkel said X about to teach us an important
lesson in verse 20 here he is and it says in blessed praised and glorified
bemo God Most High who has given your foes into your hand
and Abram gave him a tenth of all he had taken you know I love this so much
because we see here that there is a blessing being a given and a blessing
being received the first leadership principle that we can learn from Mikkel
Zedeck out of the book of Genesis is this as leaders are always ready to give
a blessing and a willingness to also receive see here's the thing is as
leaders I've found this that a lot of people are really good at giving things
away we're used to being the ones if you're leading no matter if you're
leading your family or in your community or maybe you're leading a business you
know that as a leader part of that is you're constantly the one who's giving
away to others but what I want you to see here is that not what made what
kills it at great was that not that he was just willing to give but he was also
willing to receive a blessing and I think so many times as leaders where we
miss it is we're always doing for everybody else and we never take time
to receive ourselves and what I love about mikela debt care is that Abraham
came and he received a blessing but he also gave a blessing in return and I'll
just challenge you as leaders like it's okay to let other people do things for
you it's okay to allow people to help you out it's okay to say I really don't
have it all together and I'm gonna need a little bit of help because most the
time we think that as being a leader we should be able to have it all together
we should have it all by ourselves that we should be able to pull it off by just
working a little bit harder or maybe trying a little bit harder but what I
love about this is Mikkel said X shows us a great leadership principle that
we're going to truly lead and do great things we have to be really good at both
giving and receiving the second leadership principle that I want us to
get is out of Genesis chapter 26 and it's from Isaac and oh my goodness I
love the story of Isaac so much and in Genesis chapter 26 burn every verses 17
and 18 it says so Isaac went away from there and pitched his tent in the valley
of gear and dwelt there and Isaac dug again the wells of water which had been
dug in the days of Abraham his father for the Philistines had stopped them up
after the death of Abraham and he gave them the names by which his father had
called them you know I love this so much because Isaac taught us our second
leadership principle here in the book of Genesis and he taught us this is to be
great we need to draw from the past I love this so much because here Isaac is
and he's about to do something great for God but what he does is he remembers
what his dad did he remembers the successes of his father's generation and
he goes back he doesn't decide to dig a new well he just went back and began
again with the success of his father and I love that it says and he called them
by the names that his father had named them you know Brian he is incredible at
all sports and all things good and he was telling me the other day that a key
to a good golf swing is not on how well you go forward but he said the key to go
good at golf swing is the backswing he said it's the backswing that makes a
good girl golfer to a great golfer and so as he explained
to me he began to show me the difference in a good backswing I began to think
about how in our lives the difference between good leaders and great leaders
is how well they look to the past on in reflecting on the people who've gone
before us and their successes to draw from what we should do next and here
Isaac is he could have chosen to do anything but he knew that the truth key
to greatness is that he had to look back to his past see what God did back there
and just decide to pick up where they left off you know so many times I think
we're trying to come up with something original and if we just look around and
look in our past and see the successes of others and just decide I don't have
to come up with something unique or something crazy I just need to pick up
where they left off the third thing that I want us to see here is Jacob in
Genesis 2530 we see the story about Jacob and here he is and he's about the
teachers our third thing and just as 2530 it says and Esau said to Jacob I
beg of you let me have some of that red lentil stew to eat and I for I'm faint
and famished and that is why his name was called Edom red and Jacob answered
then sell me some of your birthright you know what I want to show you here is
that Jacob showed us an important lesson and it's our third leadership principle
out of the book of Genesis as leaders but leaders always identify what is the
most important right now see the difference between Esau and Jacob was
this is Esau saw the immediate need and he forgot what was the most important
and if we're gonna be great leader we have to always keep our eyes fixed on
what's the most important thing not what's the urgent thing not students not
the thing that would take away the pain or the frustration right now but to be a
great leader we have to continuously be looking at what is the most important
thing in the moment it looked like Esau had the better end of the deal because
he was the one who went to bed fully satisfied he wasn't hungry
he was his immediate need was taken care of but a few years later Jacob was the
one that ended up with what was the real cries the most important thing and I
think if we're not careful as leaders we're constantly doing the things to
fill the immediate need we're sleeping in because we don't want to wake up to
workout we're spending the money today when later we won't have the money for
retirement we're making the decisions to just ignore that bad behavior right now
but the truth is in the long run that bad behavior is making a toxic
environment in our organization see we're doing what satisfies the immediate
need and forgetting about the most important thing and Jacob models to us
that if we're gonna be a great leader we have to always identify what's the most
important thing and make sure that all of our energy is going towards that the
next leadership principle we're gonna see is in Judah in Genesis 38 it tells
us the story about Judah and Judah made a really big mistake he had slept with a
prostitute and she ended up getting pregnant not one of the best stories
that you'd want told about you in the Bible right but I love in Genesis
chapter 38 it tells us about how she came forward and comes to Judah and in
this I love this so much and just as 38 26 it says and Judah
acknowledged them and said she has been more righteous than Justin I because I
did not give her to Sheila my son and he did not cohabit with her again you know
I love this because here Judah is face-to-face with his failure and he
doesn't make her as the bad one he takes ownership and takes full responsibility
for what he had done wrong the fourth leadership principle I want us to see is
that leaders admit when they are wrong leaders are the first to admit when
they're wrong and I'll go ahead and tag a little bit more onto that and they
take responsibility for it I love this because Judah and this time
and era he could have pointed fingers at her and said it was her fault she made
me do it but I love it he takes full
responsibility for the actions taken and he says listen I'm the one who is
responsible she is more righteous than I you know if we're gonna do great things
and and be great for God we're gonna have to have a willingness to admit when
we're wrong we're gonna have to have a willingness to take responsibility and
be able to move on I found so
many times when I'm leading things I don't mind when people make mistakes but
the difference between the people who lead and the people who follow are the
ones who are able to say I was wrong I mess up you know what's so beautiful is
Judah it tells us that Jesus came from the line of Judah often think about how
sweet that is that Jesus came from that linen lineage of people who are humble
and their mistakes and we're able to say you know I'm not perfect I don't have it
all together and I'm gonna mess up from time to time and I love that because
anybody can fall a leader who makes mistakes and is willing to admit they're
wrong people don't follow you because they think that you're perfect they
follow you because of your humility of your heart when you do mess up the fifth
leadership principle we're gonna see here out of the book of Genesis comes
from Joseph I love this so much and just as 4115 it tells us the story
about Joseph but I want what I want you to see out of the whole story here out
of Joseph is in 4115 is that leaders dream and help others with their dreams
I love that so much Joseph teaches us that leaders dream big
dreams and they help others with their dreams yeah I think if we're gonna be
great leaders what we're gonna have to do is we're have to make sure that we're
faithful with helping other people get to their dreams even when it looks like
our dream is it happening see what I love about Joseph is that he is in the
darkest place in the prison and he there he is being faithful to help everybody
around him flourish and get to the next level all the while he had a dream in
his heart for greatness and on the outside it looked like nothing was
happening but behind the scenes God was hard at work and he was moving things
around and I'll tell you this that in your own life if you want to be a great
leader for God you have to be have a willingness to get other people to their
dreams even when it looks like yours is lying dormant so hey I hope you got
something out of that there's so much more we could go into and the whole book
of Genesis but that'll give you six good leadership principles out of the book of
Genesis I hope it gets you into a place where you study those stories out for
yourself look into them some more and I'd love to hear which one spoke to them
us comment down below I'd love to hear
about it hey okay so we've got just a week and a half before my event closer
coming up on November the 10th I have a different price bracket for those of you
that the 199 was too expensive I have a 99 general admission still open the VIP
is completely sold out and but the 99 still has a few spots left so if you
haven't done so already you want to be sure go over grab your spot it's gonna
be so much fun we're to have the most amazing time together
I've got incredible content that I've been working on for you and it won't be
the same without you there the link is down in my bio and as always you want to
be subscribed to my channel give this video a thumbs up so we know that it's
helping you I share this video with your friends and family help us get the word
out so we can help others and let's do something awesome for God this week
婚后会是什么样女人?早测试早知道! - Duration: 6:17.
Whiteboard Wednesday #7: Tactical tips for Black Friday | Clearhaus Learning - Duration: 4:46.
Welcome to Whiteboard Wednesday. My name is Allan Jorgensen from Web2Media.
Today, I'm gonna be talking to you about Black Friday and giving you some insights on
the tactical aspects of getting the most out of Black Friday.
First off, I like to start in the Danish market saying we were late adapters
compared to what they do in the States but now it's booming at best and the
consumers are ready to get the full benefits of Black Friday.
That's something you should take in consideration when you prepare your own
Black Friday deals or setup, because what we've seen in particular last year, where
we tested a lot of different setups, was that we don't need to provide
50% deals to the customers we could instead give them
something that is a perceived value in the same level. Get ourself a better
earning on our selling but still get the same amount of orders coming in.
So, one food for thought for you guys is that look at your current offering.
Do you really need to remove all the margin? You can actually maybe do 25%, free shipping,
or XYZ on top of the deal and people feel still that they have the
best solution with you guys. You can also do price match, whatever, added communication to that.
So, look at your margin, don't destroy it all - you can actually get away
with offering something else than half price or what we've seen in the market so far.
Secondly, I'm going to be focusing about the tactical parts of what is
Black Friday good for. So, would you sell a lot of stuff at a zero margin? What's
really in it to be inside Black Friday? If you instead focus on doing two things
one is that obviously sell. Utilise Black Friday to get rid of a lot of your inventory,
get a lot of new customers. Secondly, focus on getting permissions
meaning if you can get permissions up towards Black Friday,
you can advertise cheaper when it's at a high rate just around Black Friday
but you can also start communicating with the customers afterwards,
and that's a potential business booster if you do that right. One example could be that you
can start communicating a month before Black Friday's coming up: "You can
enlist in our VIP section or our membership section, hand over a
permission for us to send you emails and we can send you the right information."
You could also go in and say :"a week before we open up for all our VIP club members",
and then they'll feel both special treatment but also you can start
utilising the fact that if you do relevant communication you might get
them to buy more than once. So, we've seen a lot of good cases where you do that a week in advance,
but on the day you do hourly offers, for instance. So you prepared your
customers, perhaps they already bought something from you, and then on the day
you're going to be sending them hourly offers on email. Don't fear that
they're gonna churn. We've seen a minority do that cause the fear of missing out
is intense, especially on that day. So even though they receive maybe 15 emails
in the awake hours of day, they might go in and act on two or three of them.
So, then you could in the morning end up with saying "you bought this from us
yesterday. Add this to your basket and you get free shipping," and then you can
actually get them to use even greater share of wallet on that day in your webshop.
So, that was one key insight you can take away from here.
We also talked about digital marketing. You can also start
thinking about if you have such a strong offer to your customers, you can
send them a direct email, also a direct mail, the physical part of it,
if you have their address and their permission you can actually stand out with this VIP offer a week before,
so you don't mass communicate it, but only communicate it
to the people that you actually want to treat as VIP but also with a higher
intent of buying more from you guys. So that was two tactical things you can do
for Black Friday. My name is Allan Jorgensen and subscribe here for more videos.
Merry Christmas 2019 - We Whish You A Merry Christmas - Best Christmas Songs - Duration: 1:03:23.
Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!
The Tiny Voice in the Back of Donald Trump's Head: You Look Terrible in Windbreakers - Duration: 1:52.
-Thanks to newly developed technology,
we here at "Late Night" now have the ability
to record the tiny voice that is inside Donald Trump's head.
And you might be surprised to know that,
like everyone's inner voice, Donald Trump's
is filled with paralyzing fear and self-doubt.
So, here is the tiny voice in the back of Donald Trump's head.
-...sitting in this room doing that.
-Hey, Donald.
It's the tiny voice in the back of your head.
And I don't mean to freak you out,
but who is talking right now?
I hear a man's voice, but I do not see anyone --
Oh, okay. Wait.
There's a man in front of you wearing camouflage.
Okay. That makes a lot more sense.
I thought it was a talking bush for a second.
Man, those outfits really work. He just blended right in.
Hey, speaking of outfits,
I think it's time we come clean with ourselves.
You look terrible in Windbreakers.
For real.
People make fun of how you look in suits,
with your super-long ties, and they think, "Can he look worse?"
And then you put on a Windbreaker,
and it's like, "Yeah."
You do not look good in casual clothing.
You look like the umpire at a company softball game.
Also, I don't mean to freak us out, but who is ta--
Oh, okay. It's this little bush. And goodbye, bush.
Hey, Donald.
It's the tiny voice in the back of your head.
And it's time for one of the things you hate most --
physical activity.
Here you go. Dig some dirt. [ Grunts ]
And then put it back in the hole you dug it out of.
And then one more time. Dirt out of the hole.
And then drop it right back into the hole.
Oh, my God. Oh, sweet Jesus.
♪♪ [ Cheers and applause ]
Stray Kids "I am YOU" Performance Video - Duration: 3:55.
You filled the void in me
You can fill the void in me
Just you being by my side
Helps me a lot
I used to just say thanks but now I'm reaching out to you
With you holding my hand I can shout a bigger dream
If I could do anything for you I'd do it no matter what
If you could shine brighter, I'd be the dark
I'll be by your side
Will you be where I am
It's too cold outside, to be alone by myself
It's warm here, maybe because you're here
I am YOU, I see me in you
I feel it when I'm with you
In the same space, in the same time
I can do anything
I found YOU, I found me in you
I see myself in there
In the same space, in the same time
Let me run, let me run, let me run along with YOU
You reflected myself I didn't know
I was wandering alone because I didn't know myself
But at some point I can see it through the window
As you're spending the same time and the same days with me
My question and your answer fit like puzzle pieces
We're finding the overlapping parts of our problems
Our chemistry is fantastic, Every moment it's perfect with you
I see myself through you and you see yourself through me, it's amazing
I'll be by your side
Will you be where I am
It's too cold outside, to be alone by myself
It's warm here, maybe because you're here
I am YOU, I see me in you
I feel it when I'm with you
In the same space, in the same time
I can do anything
I found YOU, I found me in you
I see myself in there
In the same space, in the same time
Let me run, let me run, let me run along with YOU
Yeah please be by my side
Yeah I need you right by my side now
Will you be on my side, let's run at the same pace
We're going side by side I want to
Go with you, promise me
I see myself in you
Stay together
You and I, You and I, You and I, I'm by your side
always I'm going where you're heading
You and I, you and I, you and I
No one can compare to you
Stay together
You and I, You and I, You and I, I'm by your side
always I'm going where you're heading
You and I, you and I, you and I
No one can replace you
I am YOU
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