Close your eyes, I am going to send some energy to you,
and then that will last less than half a minute, I will give you a transformational experience.
Visualize a light, And I am sending into this light, a special
energy to remove ignorance.
The right eye, receive that energy.
The left eye, visualize this light, and receive this energy.
The energy goes right into the pupil, the eyeball, and it transforms your ideas.
Your ideas are imbedded in the eyes, particularly in the eyeball.
This energy that I am sending is cleansing you, - that's all.
For more infomation >> This Meditation Can Cleanse You - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
Learn 5 Tips for Great English Conversations | English Video with Subtitles - Duration: 6:03.
Hi Bob the Canadian here.
Let's learn English at the…actually I'm just at home today.
I thought I would make a video today to help you plan for, to help you to get ready for
an English conversation.
I'll go over 5 tips, 5 things that you can prepare so the next time you need to talk
to someone in English you'll be ready.
Hey if this is your first time here don't forget to click the subscribe button below,
and give me a thumbs up at some point during this video if it's helping you learn English.
And, there's something new today.
If you go down to the description you'll actually find some extra examples and you'll
find some things that you can work on to improve the English that you're learning in this
That's all down there in the description, you might have to scroll a little bit to see
So a while ago I made a video on how to prepare, how to plan to have a good English conversation.
I really believe that it's a good idea to be ready to talk about certain things before
you end up having an English conversation with someone.
I'll put a link to that video up here, but in this video I'll give you 5 more things
that you can plan on, that you can work on to help you plan for a good English conversation.
So the first thing that you're going to want to be able to talk about are the things
that you like.
So you want to be able to use sentences like, "I like reading."
"I like going to the library."
"I like reading a book."
Maybe no one will ask you this question, but you do want to be able to talk about the things
that you like doing.
Tip number 2, you want to be able to talk about the things that you love.
And hopefully you know the difference in English between "like" and "love".
So for instance I like eating, but I love pizza.
Like is when you enjoy something this much and love is when you enjoy something this
So you want to be able to talk about the things that you love.
So for instance if I was going to a party or if I knew I was going to have an English
conversation I would want to be ready to say, "I love pizza."
"I love eating pizza."
"I love taking a nap in the afternoon."
So think of two things that you really, really, really love doing and be ready to talk about
So that was, "like" and that was, "love".
The third thing that you're going to want to be prepared to talk about are the things
that you want to do, or the things that you want.
So you're going to want to be able to make sentences and say sentences like, "I want
to learn to speak English fluently."
"I want to graduate from University."
You're going to just want to prepare for and be able to say to people the things that
you want because it's pretty common when people have a conversation for you to hear
questions like, "What do you want to do in the future?" and to hear answers like,
"I want to graduate from University."
I'm pretty sure you want to become fluent in English which would be awesome.
So that was, "like" "love" "want".
The fourth thing that we're going to talk about is the things that you are able to do,
the things that you can do.
So it's nice when you're preparing to have an English conversation to also be prepared
to talk about the things that you are able to do.
For instance you might say, "I can drive a car."
"I can drive a motorcycle."
"I am able to understand English."
These are your competencies.
These are the things that you are good at.
These are the things that maybe in the past you wanted to do, and you worked really hard
at it, and now you are able to do them.
I am able to make videos to help people learn English and put them on Youtube.
So that was, "like".
That was, "love".
That was, "want", and that was "to be able to" or the things you're able to
The fifth thing that you are going to want to be ready to talk about are the things that
you have to do, the things that you must do.
There are many things in life where we have no choice and we must do them.
I must go to work every day.
I have to go to work every day.
I have to eat every day.
So you're going to want to be able to talk about some of the things in your life that
you have to do every day.
Well that was five things but don't leave yet because down there in the description
I have put some practice material because all of the five things we talked about can
also be put into the negative.
So you're going to want to practice how to talk about things you like, but also the
things that you don't like.
The things that you love, but the things you don't love.
The things that you want, but the things that you don't want.
The thing that you are able to do, and the things that you aren't able to do.
And the things that you have to do, and the things that you don't have to do.
So scroll down to the description and have a look there.
Bob the Canadian here.
Learn English with Bob the Canadian.
If you haven't subscribed yet please click the subscribe button below and give me a thumbs
up and share this video with all of the people that you know that are learning English.
Have a great day!
KZanim - An Introduction - Duration: 1:59.
Hello and welcome to my channel. My name is Konstantinos Zacharakis
and I am an animator. Even though we're not defined by what we do
I believe that passion says a lot about someone, well my passion is animation.
It is a big part of my life and I think that once you become an animator, you
start seeing the world with the unique perspective. Constantly studying motion
and emotion. I am NOT here to preach how you do the perfect animation
because I'm still learning, I just figured I'll share my experience and maybe you start
learning with me. I also found that if I start explaining something it helps me
internalized it. I am NOT a perfect, as you can clearly see, if you expect the
perfect lighting in my videos or my perfect accent you will be disappointed.
I'll just be here in my animation studio, also known as my bedroom, studying and I'll
share this with anyone who's interested.
this is all about studying, learning, failing, failing, failing... It's mostly
failing and I also thought it would be really cool if I could watch my own
progress and maybe someone else will benefit from it,
just like I did by following other people's journeys online who took the
time to keep a blog and share their own experiences. So to keep this short if you
are interested in getting better in animation, studying and learning then
like, subscribe, follow me on social media and let's animate!
Abraham Hicks 2018 🙂 All You Have To Do Is Find Satisfaction ~ No ads during video - Duration: 12:37.
Wow I'm nervous to say this but I have a message from Jerry
so that Esther looks more beautiful than ever and when she came out I just was so
moved and felt that and then as it was progressing I realized oh that's Jerry
so those are welcome words my pleasure yeah good to live it so I want to have
the best conversation that we can have let's have the most satisfying
conversation yeah yeah and I'm not sure if that's talking about an issue and I
know you know what I mean well the most satisfying solutions are those that
matter to you sure okay and the issues usually are the things you've been
thinking about but we for sure got to get on the satisfying side of the
equation okay yeah but you can start anywhere and we can move there okay sure
okay I'm a musician I'm a cellist and a singer and songwriter and producer and
do a lot of different things and I have a question do you make any money no no I
do it I do I do I make some money I make some money for music money yeah
it happens it happens I'm friends with a lot of really successful musicians
famous musicians and play with some of them and what I notice about them that I
want is that they have so much fun and I have fun
but for me it's at a place and it's okay that I'm there but where I'm at is that
it feels like there's just a little bit more struggle then there is fun so your
struggle is muting your fun it's muting my fun what can you make out
and it's alright to describe them as you perceive them or as you feel them let's
see if you can find the solution factor what is it about them that isn't quite
the same with you that you could attribute to the fun that they're having
stay here with us just for a little bit so think about satisfied worried
satisfied worried satisfied worried satisfied no worry satisfied no worry
satisfied stress satisfied worries what maybe a little present in you isn't
present in them so focus upon what is present in them satisfied confident
satisfied sure satisfied steady satisfied relaxed satisfied
expecting that is by steady here's the point that we're making you can always
find satisfied you might not be able to find secure you might not be able to
find steady you might not be able to find yet famous you might not be able to
find yet lifetime contract you might not be able to focus on and find all of the
reasons that they feel satisfied steady but you can find satisfied and you know
the vibration of satisfied is as big for you as it
for them you hear that satisfied is the productive link to all of it because
there's no resistance in it and then satisfied turns in to all of those other
emotions with more momentum satisfied confident satisfied relaxed satisfied
playful satisfied fearless satisfied intuitive satisfied relaxed see what
we're getting that I do I do and I do know it I know it I know it
vibrationally and have felt it and have experienced it and lived it maybe can I
direct us to talk about what and I know that you've talked about the performing
experience and what's really going on in a vibrational level and that the the
person performing is linking up with source and then and beaming that out and
really is not conscious of the humaneness that's present but maybe we
could talk a little bit more about that hold that thought right where you
presented it to us and here's the piece that you're looking for earlier we said
it but now we're going to set and apply it right to where you are your creation
is about your relationship with anything your relationship with your instrument
your relationship with your orchestra your relationship with your industry
your relationship with anyone your relationship is more about the thoughts
that you've been thinking than this moment in time it's about what you have
accomplished in terms of preparing or pre paving your vibrational atmosphere
now isn't it logical that someone who's been in that position longer would have
relaxed into it they did a lot of their preparing of their vibrational
atmosphere by playing in the orchestra and by having all these gigs and by
making all this money and by getting all this notoriety because that does produce
more and more the better you get at something and then the more you attract
and the more you attract then the more you observe it and the more you observe
it the better you get at it but how do you get that ball rolling to begin with
you have the experience before you have the experience you have vibrational
experience you have the experience of satisfaction you have the vibrational
experience you practice it in your mind by not letting your mind go to where
you're worried you practice the feeling of satisfaction of it in your mind not
just on this topic of this musical experience but on every topic that you
can find I'm a satisfied person I'm satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied
because the more satisfied you are about the more things the more you have
prepared that vibrational nucleus and then the more chronic the more often
you're tuned in tapped in turned on and that's the reason for your satisfaction
confidence security well-being it's not about what's happening in the moment in
time you know that don't you sure because if I'm satisfied
I don't need my performance or my music career etc to be anything ... you are not looking
for that to give you satisfaction your satisfactions gives you that oh yeah
when you were speaking with the friend just before I remembered an inspired
thought that I had that everyone actually enjoys more being something or
someone who enhances an already wonderful thing rather than someone
who's fixing something everyone would want to experience themselves as an
enhancer that's absolutely accurate and here's why because to be part of that
increasing momentum gets better and better and better as opposed to being at
the beginning of it or trying to fix something now there's resistance in the
mix which is less satisfying than if there isn't what we want to impress upon
you the distinction between the relief of letting go of a little more
resistance and the deliciousness of being satisfied where there is no
resistance this is what we want to impress upon you the speed with which
satisfaction moves to empowerment and confidence and just over the top when
you stand in these emotional vibrational first and then emotional is the way you
feel of it you accomplish the vibration and then the emotion confirms it when
you stand in this emotional vibrational stance of well-being and you have
figured out how to do it deliberately so that you do it often and you begin to
notice the leverage that you then have that's what you're seeing in these
people that's what you're seeing in the ones that have quote-unquote
made it and what they've made is the conscious connection so it just becomes
their expectation that's why they don't feel any risk they're not trying to
prove themselves they're not worried about somebody judging them and throwing
them out of the club they know they've got it because they've got it and when
you accept that all you have to do is find satisfaction and then you've got it
then everything else follows there's another piece of this that I think will
really help everyone and that's that when I imagine my life right when I was
sort of like think about a timeline especially in regards to this piece
something that I want I've sort of been trying to reconcile or make myself okay
with oh well it's alright that I'm on the way to this a lot of work isn't it
and you reconciling with the timeline yeah you know why it's more work because
all of your powers now and when you try to look where you can't see you
introduce worry instead of satisfaction you can't be satisfied in the future
there's no satisfaction factor in the future there's the idea of it all of
your emotions no matter whether they feel good or not so good your emotions
are always about your relationship with your inner being and that relationship
with your inner being is now now now now now now now
you cannot project yourself into the future and feel what your future
relationship with your inner being is going to be about you can think about
the future but your relationship with you
inner beans happen in now so when you do a timeline into the future you can feel
when you deviate from what your inner bean knows about what's unfolding from
your vortex it's almost immediately like almost as soon as I start to even
doesn't matter if you're thinking about past present or future doesn't matter
where you're looking it only matters that wherever you're looking you're
looking at it the way your inner being looks at it so let's say you had a
terrible experience in the past your inner beans not looking there and when
you do you don't feel good let's say you're looking in the now and what
you're looking at is something that is causing you to feel a little insecure
that's because your inner being isn't looking at it like you are let's say
you're looking into the future and you are feeling all frisky and confident and
excited you're looking at it like your inner being is looking at it so what
we're asking of you is that you don't need your current experience to be the
momentum to make you expect good in the future you don't need to see it before
you believe it you believe it and then you see it and the reason you believe it
is because you can cause yourself to feel however you've decided to feel and
when you choose satisfied there's plenty of reasons to do that and when you do
you join with your inner being who is yodeling down the canyon with enthusiasm
about what's coming for you yeah yeah and then to others that don't understand
that you might look unnaturally confident they might think what's this
newcomer to this great palette of success why is he so confident because
there are humans that may not think you've paid enough price to be so sure
of yourself but you don't want to look for mutuality with them you want to look
at mutuality with your inner being who knows there's no price to pay right
I think that's amazing
Tiaundra Kae Christon: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 11:02.
Tiaundra Kae Christon: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
College Station Police Department Tiaundra Kae Christon.
Tiaundra Kae Christon has been arrested in connection to the disappearance of her two-year-old daughter.
21-year-old Christon of Bryan, Texas, called police on October 28 to report that her child, Hazana Anderson, had vanished.
She told officers with the College Station Police Department that Hazana went missing at a park that morning.
But after about 24 hours of searching, law enforcement decided that Christon had either lied or withheld crucial information.
She was arrested Monday, October 29.
Here's what you need to know.
Police: Christon Told Officers She Left Hazana in a Stroller While She Went Back to the Car to Get a Bottle.
Tiaundra Kae Christon called police on Sunday, October 28, to report her toddler was missing.
College Station Police officers responded to Gabbard Park, located at 1201 Dexter Drive South, around 9:20 a.m.
She told officers that she brought 2-year-old Hazana to the park around 8 a.m.
At some point, Christon decided to leave Hazana in the stroller while she walked back to her car to retrieve a bottle.
The child was reportedly gone by the time Christon walked back to the stroller a few minutes later.
Two fishermen working in the park reportedly told police they heard Christon screaming and rushed over to help look for her daughter, according to KBTX-TV.
Officers with the College Station Criminal Investigation division joined the search, which included checking nearby homes and backyards.
Police dogs were brought in but failed to find Hazana's scent.
Drones helped widen the search beyond the park.
Divers were used to go through the pond located inside the park, in case Hazana had fallen in.
The search came up empty.
Hazana's Father, Tobodrick Anderson, Said He Used to Be the Primary Caregiver But That Tiaundra Christon Had Been Keeping His Daughter Away From Him For the Past Two Months.
Hazana's father, Tobodrick Anderson, told ABC affiliate KTRK-TV that he had not seen his daughter for two months prior to her disappearance.
He explained to a reporter that after he and Tiaundra Christon had split up, they initially tried to set up a co-parenting schedule.
He mentioned that he became the primary caregiver for a time, and thought Christon preferred it that way.
But Anderson explained that he and Christon's communication took a dive.
He claimed that Christon and her mother decided to keep Hazana away from him.
He said Christon would either avoid her house or refuse to open the door when he came by, and that Hazana's grandmother would not answer his phone calls.
Anderson explained that it was College Station Police, not Christon, who first called to inform him that Hazana had vanished.
He described feeling "terror, panic, confusion, worry, dread, resentment" when he heard the news.
Anderson explained that he thought it was "odd" that Christon had chosen to bring Hazana to Gabbard Park, for two reasons.
First, he said there are plenty of other parks closer to Christon's own home.
And second, Anderson and members of his family live in the area.
Considering the estrangement between the couple, Anderson said it seemed strange that Christon would choose to bring their daughter to a park so close to Anderson's home.
Anderson explained that he jumped in to help police by assisting with the door-to-door search.
While he was doing that, he said Christon remained sitting in the park.
Anderson told the reporter that he confronted Christon, and accused her of not being concerned about their daughter.
He said Christon kept repeating to him that she thought Hazana would be ok for a few minutes while she grabbed a bottle.
When the reporter asked Anderson whether he thought Christon could have been involved in Hazana's disappearance, he responded that he "didn't want to say that." But he acknowledged that "things don't add up." Anderson said he was trying to stay positive.
He was hoping that perhaps Christon gave Hazana to another relative and that his daughter was safe.
He issued a plea to the public for help in locating his daughter.
Police Used Social Media to Spread the Word About Hazana Anderson.
The College Station Police Department is asking the public for help in locating 2-year-old Hazana Anderson.
She is about 3 feet tall and weighs approximately 28 pounds.
She was last seen wearing an olive green jacket, a long-sleeved black shirt that says "girl squad" on it, and cream colored pants.
On her feet were pink socks and dark pink shoes.
She had a purple beanie on her head.
Her father described Hazana as a silly, happy little girl who smiles all the time.
He said she enjoys fruits and sweet foods and loves to hug him.
Police say Hazana has a dark-colored birth mark around the big toe on her left foot.
Anyone with information is asked to call the College Station Police Department at 979-764-3600.
Tiaundra Christon Was Arrested October 29 After Police Concluded She Had Lied to Officers.
College Station Police announced on Monday, October 29, that Tiaundra Kae Christon had been arrested in connection to her daughter's disappearance.
She was booked into the Brazos County Jail and bond was set at $2,000.
According to jail records, she is facing charges of filing a false report and Abandoning/Endangering a Child.
Child endangerment is a felony.
Under Texas law, "a person commits an offense if he/she intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence, by act or omission, engages in conduct that places a child younger than 15 years in imminent danger of death, bodily injury, or physical or mental impairment.".
The police department shared on Facebook that the "charge of "Abandoning/ Endangering a Child" was due to Miss Christon placing the child in an environment, "near a body of water", that posed a potential risk to the safety of the child.
" The false report charge was added because they had evidence Christon "was not providing truthful information regarding the incident.
An online search reveals that Tiaundra Christon has been in legal trouble in the past.
In November 2012, she pleaded no contest to a charge of disorderly conduct in Brazos County, Texas.
The case type was labeled as "Criminal Non-traffic." She was ordered to pay a fine.
Tobodrick Anderson Said Tiaundra Christon Had New a Boyfriend With Ties to Louisiana & That Police Had Searched That Man's Apartment.
Tobodrick Anderson shared with CBS affiliate KBTX-TV that Tiaundra Christon had recently begun dating someone new.
Anderson said officers had searched the boyfriend's apartment.
A police lieutenant confirmed to the TV station that officers were interviewing potential witnesses and that Christon's boyfriend had been included on that list.
Anderson explained further that Christon's boyfriend had relatives in Louisiana, and connections in Houston.
He said police planned to search in those areas as well; however, police told KBTX that the search had not yet expanded beyond College Station.
READ NEXT: USA Gymnastics Coach Sergio Galvez Resigns Amid Misconduct Accusations.
How to Watch A Very Wicked Halloween Online | - Duration: 7:33.
How to Watch A Very Wicked Halloween Online |
The special A Very Wicked Halloween: Celebrating 15 Years on Broadway airs tonight, at 10:01 p.m.
ET/PT and 9:01 p.m.
CT, on the NBC network.
For those who do not have cable subscription, you may be looking for other ways to watch the special online.
If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can watch a live stream of NBC on your computer, phone or streaming device via one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.
NBC (available live in select markets, which you can find here) is one of 85 channels included in the main Fubo bundle.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the show on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.
If you can't watch live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which allows you to watch most shows up to three days after they air even if you forgot to record them.
Hulu With Live TV.
In addition to a Netflix-like on-demand streaming library, Hulu also offers a bundle of 50-plus live TV channels, including NBC (available live in select markets, which you can find here).
You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the show on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.
If you can't watch live, "Hulu with Live TV" comes with both its extensive on-demand library (which has most shows available after they air) and 50 hours of Cloud DVR storage (with the ability to upgrade to "Enhanced Cloud DVR," which gives you 200 hours of DVR space and the ability to fast forward through commercials).
Sling TV.
NBC (available live in select markets, which you can find here) is included in the "Sling Blue" channel package.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch the show live on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling TV app.
If you can't watch live, you can get 50 hours of cloud DVR storage as an additional add-on.
The Broadway musical "Wicked" has been going on for 15 years and two of the original stars, Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel, are participating in the big event.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Chenoweth said that she and Menzel aren't just performing.
They are also the hosts of the event.
Chenoweth explained that, "Even if we were just appearing [and not hosting], it would still feel that way because we were there from the beginning.
We were the original ones, and we had experiences nobody can know because we did it.
We were both looking at each other going, 'This is so cool.'".
Other performers include Pentatonix, Ariana Grande, Adam Lambert and Ledisi.
Chenoweth previously revealed that when she was a part of "Wicked," it was a bit darker because the novel it is based on is also darker.
She explained to Entertainment Weekly, "We did have a darker script.
How much can the audience stand? Especially in musical theater, when we're built to have a song come in because we can't speak anymore.
We did have a darker version, but ultimately it changed and changed, and we found the right tone.
It's interesting with these two women — who's good and who's evil? Both are, and that's what I love about it.".
Performer Ariana Grande had split from ex-fiance Pete Davidson just before the taping of A Very Wicked Halloween.
So, for her performance, she put a nude band-aid over her "Pete" tattoo that she has on her finger.
Perhaps she didn't want attention drawn to the tattoo while she was clutching her microphone.
When the novel "Wicked" came out in 1995, producer Marc Platt told Forbes that many wanted it to be made into a movie.
Platt revealed, "Whoopi Goldberg called, and so did Laurie Metcalf, and apparently Claire Danes was interested at one point.
Demi Moore already had a production company, so I went with her company, [which] had a working relationship with Universal … The story that I was interested in telling wasn't successfully appearing on the page.
The screenplays didn't feel like they had magic." And so, a movie was never made.
What is NOI - Basics and elements - Duration: 8:23.
So you've come back and you want more information on really what is the net
operating income and what are the different elements that are part of it?
Well in this video I'm gonna break it down for you coming up hey there it's
Billy with Keepon Cashflow helping you to grow your money and your mindset so
that you can get to the lifestyle that you really want to lead faster now in
this channel I'll be sharing weekly tips and strategy videos just like this one
so if it's your first time here why don't you go ahead and subscribe to the
channel and you also want to make sure that you leave your comments as well as
your likes in the section below it's really important for me to have your
feedback in terms of in terms of the videos but as of today I want to make
sure that I get back to this point because lots of you have been asking me
after one of the most successful videos we've ever had is you know what is net
operating income you really wanted to know more about what exactly are the
different elements and so it's been a couple of years since I did that video
and I wanted to get back and give you even more information because it was
also continued to to evolve and so I want to give you exactly what you're
asking for so let's start about what is the net operating income and how you get
there now just as a reminder or if you're watching
this for the first time its revenue minus your expenses will bring you to
your net operating income as it relates to real estate so once again revenue
minus expenses get you to your net operating income what I want to do today
is really help you understand what are some of the different elements that take
place in the revenue portion and also want to share with you just the
evolution that we've gone through as we start to move more and more towards
larger apartment buildings so some of the things that you're going to want to
take into consideration first of all let's talk about the revenue and they're
really two different aspects of revenue so there's a really positive side so
let's think about the rent so any rent that you that is collected from tenants
is income so think about your your revenue as as rent number one you can
also think of other income that your apartment community may have so for
instance things like services that you're offering on
at the property things that come to mind you could offer a laundry service so any
of the income that is collected from the laundry machines or the laundry service
however you operate it is additional income to the property you can also
think about and this especially as you get to the larger apartment communities
is something that is called the ratio utility building systems or a lot of
times people you'll hear it referred to as rubs and basically what that is is it
looks at your let you Atilla tea consumption based on either square
footage or occupancy it could be both as well and then based on that you get you
are able to build back your tenant so a lot of times you may just be paying that
and it's not a way to Inc have any type of income but with rubs you can start to
create income so those are really the ways that you bring money in on the on
the revenue side of things or the rent side of things I also want you to keep
in mind especially as you get to the larger apartment community some of the
things that you also need to take into consideration like vacancies whenever
you have an apartment unit that is not there that's a negative income so the
negging come that's not actually there so you'll want to account for that and
depending on how you underwrite your diels meaning the way that you structure
or formulate how you operate the property you may use more aggressive or
conservative numbers I mean I'm really conservative so I like to use 10%
vacancy anytime that I am underwriting a property you also want to take into
consideration things like the different concessions that you may have basically
a concession is just like recently had an apartment we wanted to do a special
and we're offering $200 off for anyone that was moving in so a concession is
something that you do as an owner to to bring in to bring an income but it's
money that you're leaving on the table so it's a it's a negative income play if
you will also anytime you have bad debt so any type of renters that are actually
not paying that's income that is lost so you want to keep that in consideration
as well and just the last thing as we want you to think about the different
units so a lot of times you can use units especially in your larger
apartment community in different ways for instance you may
have employees that are are living on on-site and you're not charging them
rent so you're actually using that but it's used for an employee so that's the
loss of revenue you may also use that same unit because you want to show it
off to new prospects so you use it as a model or you may have a number of
different models that you use that you don't rent out so that's also lost
rental income and lastly you may use it as a working space or as an office space
so it's a way for your employees to also be there and work but anytime you're
using the units in any of those different ways it's income that is not
actually coming in so it's it's it's a negative income if you will so that's
not I just wanted to reiterate just some of the different things that you can
think about with rent or rental income and now that's the first part of the
equation now the second part of the equation is talking about expenses and
so once again remember revenue minus what we're getting ready to talk about
now which are the expenses and the first thing that comes to mind anytime you're
operating a larger apartment community or even if you're having smaller
apartment communities like I was in the beginning and you will have property
management so you want to think about the property management expense or the
fees that you're going to be paying for smaller communities it can be anywhere
between 8 to 12 percent and the larger than larger communities if you're you
know 150 or above you may be anywhere between as low as 2% or could be up to
6% something like that so just to give you some ideas you want to think about
maintenance and repairs so anytime someone has to go out and repair
something on your property that goes into our maintenance and an repairs
whenever you have employees of course you want to think about your payroll so
that's an expense to payroll expense that goes out you also want to think
about things like taxes you have to pay taxes on the property that you own so
that is also an expense that you're going to be paying on a on an annual
basis you may pay it quarterly but on an annual basis you want to think of that
also think about insurance now insurance is really important and that is an
expense that is going to be with you and is going to be part of the overall
expense and you have also we talked about the
rubs earlier one of the ways to collect money back but in and you also have
utilities so utility expenses may be electric for common areas depending on
how large the community is you may also have water in common areas things like
that so keep into consideration all of the different utility expenses that
could that could also happen and then lastly I want to leave you with and I
guess this is really more for the larger communities but also depending on if you
have a number of different community or apartments spread out you want to keep
in mind that you have to always be advertising to make sure that you don't
have vacancies so anytime you're advertising your property those are also
advertising expenses or advertising fees that will that you also want to take
into consideration so I know that there are probably more expenses that we could
talk about but these are the more of the major expenses and what I'm starting to
see as we get in look to buy bigger and bigger apartment complexes and I thought
it would be important to you because once again you asked a lot about giving
you some more detail around what makes the NOI because you liked the video
before of what is net operating income or Noi
now and I just wanted to share that with you so one of the things I always like
to ask you for is your comments I'd love to have your feedback on the video if
you feel that this is useful I'd love for you to share it with others and I
want to know what you like and what you definitely are what you don't like as
well so one way or the other this is Billy with KeePon
Cashflow that's my two cents for today and as always...Hasta la Próxima!
WATCH FULL Cardi B Rant About Nicki Minaj's Podcast | - Duration: 3:19.
WATCH FULL Cardi B Rant About Nicki Minaj's Podcast |
Cardi B went on an epic rant about Nicki Minaj's "Queen Radio" show, in which Minaj said it was her friend, Rah Ali, who beat up Cardi.
You can watch the full rant, which Cardi uploaded to her Instagram page in segments on October 29, above.
Cardi threatens to beat up Minaj and also threatened legal action.
Cardi tells her followers, that Nicki lies "so much [she] can't keep up with [her] f***in' lies.
First you say you've got the footage, but then you say you wanna pay somebody $100,000 if they give you the footage? Yo, make sense when you're talking!".
This came shortly after Minaj went on her podcast to divulge information about the pair's apparent brawl during New York Fashion Week.
Minaj said it was her friend, Rah Ali, who beat up Cardi.
Minaj said, "Rah, really beat Cardi's ass bad.
Rah beat you so bad that I was mad at Rah.
You went home and told people security hit you, and we let that ride for legal reasons.".
Cardi's response to that was to call Minaj a "snitch." Minaj added that she would hand over $100,000 to anyone who came forward with the surveillance footage of the pair's alleged fight.
It had been alleged that Cardi threw a shoe and Minaj, causing injury.
Cardi told her followers, that Nicki lies "so much [she] can't keep up with [her] f***in' lies.
First you say you've got the footage, but then you say you wanna pay somebody $100,000 if they give you the footage? Yo, make sense when you're talking!".
Minaj also denied the allegation that she had leaked Cardi B's number.
Minaj said, "I've never leaked a number in my life and y'all continue to lie on me to make me look like a bad person.".
READ NEXT: Michigan School Teachers Admit to Being Porn Stars on the Side.
So, next point, very important: your first gears!
You don't need a lot of gear
But a few things are very crucial
Especially if you want to do a competition
So, first, of course: shoes!
So take the shoes you want, try them in the shop
but don't spend too much money on expensive shoes
Especially when you begin:
Take something like Kalenji or other cheap brands
Because the most expensive shoes are not necessarily the best
It depends on what you want to do.
It depends on the ground, actually.
I have many shoes now because some races are in the mountains
for some, it's very muddy
for some races, it's very rocky,
so the shoes you need might change accordingly but
For you, If you're just starting off and doing a short race,
buy smart shoes and
then, you can upgrade 2-3 races after
Drum Teacher Reacts to Trey Williams - Drummer of Dying Fetus - Duration: 10:43.
hello and welcome back to another episode of my drum teacher react series
my name is Marthyn Jovanovic I'm a drum teacher and today I'm gonna be reacting
to and analyzing a live drum cam video from Trey Williams drummer of Dying Fetus
playing their song your treachery will die with you before we start off I want
to give a big shout out and thank you to rafal from drummers from hell their
YouTube channel is amazing so make sure to check that channel out as well you
can find it down there in the description alright let's start
alright I have to stop right away the first crash fill would be really easy to
play with right hand and left hand but he chose to play just with his right
with his right hand
all right let's focus on his hand technique for a bit he's using
mostly wrists and American grip so not French
thumbs up not German grip but in-between American grip
okay before we focus on his foot technique because actually he's using
three different techniques regular heel up
heel toe technique and the swivel technique right now he's using the heel
toe technique let's talk about his pedal settings and his gear a bit he is one of
the drummer's the many drummers who is using Axis a long boards as you can see
in this picture vdl is around the middle he's using a medium to high spring
tension and you can also see that he's using a roland acoustic trigger you can see it
on the left side of the video and his bass drums is stuffed with pillows which makes
triggering easier and one more thing he's using axis a marksman they're
called marksman beaters and the cool thing about these beaters is that the
beater shaft is extremely heavy in comparison to the beater head so they have
a certain specially unique feel so make sure to try them out as well by the way
I'm not endorsed by axis I just like these beaters
all right we have to stop again now he's using this swivel technique let's
talk about his swivel technique for a bit I watched this video over and over
again and it seems like he's swiveling with his right foot he swiveling out for
the first stroke and in for the second stroke his left foot is doing the same
thing just the opposite way around so his left foot his left ankle is
swiveling out for the first stroke and in for the second stroke his foot is
sliding a bit back on the footboard when he starts to swivel in comparison to the
regular when he plays regular heel up and this is at the tempo of now
we're playing at 225 BPM so he's using the swivel technique at that tempo
okay now let's talk about his heel toe technique right here you can see that
his foot is sliding back on the footboard when he starts to use the heel
toe technique so actually the heel of his foot is not touching the footboard
when his playing heel-toe looks something like this I've
seen a lot of drummers who do it the other way by that I mean that their
whole leg is placed on their foot board like this and a lot of drummers use it
the other way sliding the foot back like trey does it in this example if you
slide your foot back like this your heel is not generating the first stroke
actually it's the middle part of my foot that's generating the first stroke and
my toes or the ball of my foot are generating the second stroke again
comparison to sliding your foot up on the footboard like this alright let's
again to fill played with just one hand
now he's playing regular heel up the tempo is around 160 beats per minute he's
using a mix of hip flexor and calf muscles but it looks like it's mostly
hip flexors looks like this the one thing that's really awesome is that it
doesn't even matter if trey is playing the swivel technique heel toe or regular
heel up he's never leaning forward or back when he starts or stops the bass
drum pattern he looks totally relaxed and always in control
that's also interesting tempo is around 160 BPM first when he played sixteenth
notes he played regular heel up single
strokes then he switched when the subdivisions changed to 16th note triplets
at 160 BPM he started to use this swivel technique 16th note triplets at 160 BPM
is the same tempo as regular 16th notes at 240 bpm so from what I've seen from his
videos is that he starts to use the swivel technique around 200 BPM and up
to 250 to 260 and even faster
you can see that he is using the push some sort of push pull technique with his
right hand but the left hand he's just playing regular wrist motion on the
Now he's using the heel toe technique it seems that he is able to play extremely fast
with the swivel technique and with the heel toe technique but he tends to use the
heel-toe technique when he has to play for longer periods of time for shorter
stuff like 1 bar of fast double bass he always uses the swivel technique for
longer periods of time he tends to use the heel toe technique
he's getting a big beater swing out of the heel toe technique as well
swivel technique again
Now he's playing for two bars of fast double bass and he immediately switches
to the swivel technique and also the transition is really smooth between
regular heel up and the swivel technique
now the tempo changed around from 225 bpm down to 200 bpm and he's able to
play a flawless transition from 225 to 200 BPM while still using the swivel
technique let's look at this one again
again using the swivel technique and really sitting straight not leaning forward
yeah now he's using the gravity blast with his right hand on the snare drum the
thing is and you can hear it in the video that it is extremely hard to play loud
with the gravity blast so right now his snare sounds kind of his snare drum
sounds kind of weak in comparison to the regular blast beat because with the
gravity blast you can't hit that hard with this small kind of motion
in comparison to a full wrist motion which he uses all the time if he's not doing
gravity blast of course you would have the alternative to use a snare drum
trigger but who wants that right all right a great video I know I had to talk
a lot during this video and I had to stop it really often because his
technique is just amazing like three different foot techniques regular heel
up extremely tight swivel technique extremely tight and the heel toe
extremely tight great hand speed a lot of power and also using the gravity
blast in between so thanks a lot to Trey Williams to Dying Fetus to rafal from
drummers from Hell alright that's it for this video thank you very much for
watching don't forget to comment below if you want a certain drummer to be next
on this youtube channel cheers from vienna bye
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