yo its Kev it's been a while as you can tell from the title I've been working on
a new ebook so if I've been delaying your messages or you think I've been
ignoring you this is why it wasn't intentional
when I work on a new project I'm just completely immersed into that project
you can't get me to eat you can't get me to drink water okay I still drink water
I keep hydrated so that's a lie but I'm very very focused and I just forget
about communication in general somebody calls it turtle mode I guess you can
call it that I'm being a hermit when... I'm a hermit when I'm working on a
project and you can't hear from me for a very long time
so if you're interested in the book everything is in the description you can
read about it there however you can hear me talk about my motivation my expectations
for the book in this video I was actually thinking about what to discuss
what to convey what message I want to deliver through this video and in the
end I'll be talking about a little bit about the promotion side a little bit
about my thought process for the book itself and maybe dive into the content
as well maybe so let's start with the motivation for writing the book a lot of
reasons there are business incentives of course I'm not gonna ignore that I won't
go into that too much but mentors have taught me the value of writing a book
but removing the business side of things I've always been a big fan of books in
general when I was a kid I would always love to read books and in my adolescent
years I would have these phases where I would
just read read and read and that's the only thing I would think about when I
found a captivating book not to say that I resonated with all the books I've read
but when I picked up a book that I enjoyed I would just focus on that one
book until I finished it over the years especially when I transitioned into
podcasting that love for reading kind of dimmed I'll get back to that in a sec
podcasting I'm a listener so that's more within my domain and that's how I
cultivate my knowledge nowadays because I enjoyed podcasting a lot more I get to
hear from the person directly it's a lot more genuine that way however in a
recent book that I've read go-giver learning leadership that kind of
rekindled my love for reading it just reminded me all those good feelings that
I felt back in my adolescent years when I used to read a lot a lot more than now
so that's a little backstory of my love for reading how is it relevant to this
book well because you know that I love reading books naturally that would lead
me to the stage where I create and write my own right yes this isn't the first
book that I've written I've written a book before prior to this
I written a few books before prior to this actually this book is called
10 steps closer it's a play on words there's a hidden message that only a
community of people would understand but aside from that get back to that
a little bit later maybe it is about well the book it contains it's a
condensed version of ten of the most impactful talks I've
had thus far with great minds entrepreneurs influencers you get to
hear a little bit about what I was thinking in my head the lessons I've
learned from it it's a much more polished version as I've come a long way
since the very first talks I've had with my guests my tonality my pacing
my confidence and competence have risen hopefully I think so though I've come a
long way since then not to be narcissistic but I can see development
from the person I am today compared to person I was when I began my journey
with speaking with great minds so in the book I share ten powerful stories very
powerful I think to myself and I think anyone who reads those stories who is
informed and is aware of these ten profound people that have changed my
life but have also changed many other people's lives as well and are
continuing to do so the point of it is to inspire and motivate people to take
action and to a lot of people already listening to my content I'm sure they've
already began their journey of self cultivation and bettering their own
selves bettering their own lives this is just a reminder reassurance adding to
the flames fueling the flames if you will so a lot of good value to gain from
listening or reading these people's stories ten people's stories oh yes
a good segue it is an ebook but I'm also providing an audio book as a bonus
because I felt like it I thought it'd be fun to record something record the book
as well so if you would like to hear myself reading you a
bedtime story feel free to take the audio book as well on a regular a book
like this would be valued 27.95 CAD however if you would like this book for
a limited time I will be giving it away for free all you gotta do is shoot me an
email everything's in the description saying sign me up sign you up to what
you may ask sign me up to a newsletter that I will
be providing don't worry I won't be spamming you if anything will be more
value to your life so everything is in the description dive into that if you're
interested get the ebook get the audiobook it's all free it's all free
for a limited time now back to diving into the content of the book a little
bit more what do I expect out of it I kind of alluded it to this earlier it's
to inspire people to a lot of people listening to my content already they're
already working on their own journey working towards a better version of
themselves I guess it's more for people who haven't began their journey but
they're on the fence they're on the fence and to the newer generations I see
myself as more of a mentor a guide for the newer generations people who are
already ahead of the journey they may not find as much value that's subjective
it's still gonna be a good read regardless these people are very
powerful and profound their journeys are very inspiring that'd be an understatement
yes I think that's it I'll wrap up here I hope I'm not missing anything if
there's anything I'm missing oh yes one more thing if you do get a chance to
read the book do me a favor and drop me some feedback
in the comments of this video what do you like what would you improve I am
open for feedback anything else I think that it I am offering the book for free
however if you feel like you've gained some value from it feel free to drop a
donation I'll leave a link in the description it's not mandatory it's
optional if you want to all donations will be used for further education in
myself so that I could cultivate more value and provide more value it's
optional you don't have to worry about it if you don't want to it's free to
indulge in as you please so again everything's in description get
the ebook get the audio it's free and enjoy
talk soon
signing off
For more infomation >> FREE ebook instructions | Discussion | iamkevw 107 - Duration: 11:05.-------------------------------------------
Microsoft 365 Search Solutions: Legal eDiscovery and beyond - BRK3224 - Duration: 1:17:28.
What To Do When You Fall Out Of Belief In Yourself - Duration: 8:19.
Business building takes time - Duration: 1:03.
Building a business takes time
G'day folks is Den here and today I want to talk about
the importance of understanding how long it takes to build a meaningful business.
You know oftentimes when I speak to creators they're very very
impatient about the results they think they can achieve in the time they've set.
I think it was Tony Robbins who said we all wildly overestimate what we
can achieve in 12 months. But we underestimate what we can achieve in
five years. I think it's a really true of you know perspective on time. You need
certain things to happen to build a sustainable business it takes seven to
10 years to build a sustainable business. And during that time there are things
you have to learn now you can do it quicker if you have resources but most
of us are bootstrapping most of us are funding as we go. So to deploy some
patience in your business understand and appreciate that it takes time to learn
the skills you need, implement them and start to see results
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