12 Heroes each with two uniques skills
16 terrifying monsters within the horde
Masters of the corruption are waiting for you
For more infomation >> The Order Of Veiel : Launch Trailer [English Subtitles] - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
Flower you - Vostfr - Duration: 3:18.
The Order Of Veiel : Game presentation [English Subtitles] - Duration: 10:02.
The order Of Veiel is a cooperative game intended for 3 to 7 players
You'll face a merciless dungeon master and it's corrupt hordes of monsters.
Action is taking place in a dark fantasy world.
Follow me ! I'll show you how it works.
Before starting the game, you must choose your boss.
In the core version of the game, you'll find 3 different bosses.
The high Priestess, the apprentice and King Uraïs.
For this demonstration, we'll choose the king.
Each boss is accompanied by a dungeon room and a devastating singular power.
In this case, we have
a control of corruption's card and the king's tomb.
Now that the dungeon master is ready,
it's time for the adventurers to choose a hero between the 12 available.
To have your chances in the dungeon, you'll have to construct a balanced team.
To help you decide, you can rely on hero's categories :
Damage dealers, defenders,
healers and supports.
Now, we will introduce you the heroes' sheets.
But since it's a bit more complicated, we'll ask Alex, creator of the game, to explain this to us.
For hum, he'll explain ... [Laugh]
Alex, creator of the Order of Veiel
Looks like it's up to me to explain heroes' sheets.
All characters have the same sheet with more or less the same informations.
You'll find the class of the hero in the upper right corner with an engaging image underneath.
Two gauges for keeping track of your vitality and your stamina.
Vitality will decrease when you get hit
and stamina will decrease when you use your skills.
Then, here, you can see some attributes.
Vitality, stamina, strength, dexterity, intelligence and faith.
Most of the time, heroes have one or two attributes that are far more superior to the others.
It will allow the hero to use his weapons
and help him using his skills.
All heroes have two unique skills.
One that you unlock at level 3 and the other at level 5.
Then, all around the sheet, you'll find places that will allow you
to put cards like weapons, runes,
armors, shields and consummable objects.
Everything will revolve around your sheet during the game.
Using video editing magic, we are gonna construct a team with a knight, a wizard and a healer.
For the demonstration, we will use a standard 3 heroes team.
The basic principle of the game uncoil as follow.
The team is depicted by a token and everyone moves together in the dungeon.
The fist thing to do is to decide wich wing your team is going to explore between the left, right and central.
With each new step you are going to take, a dungeon card will unveil and the team will need to solve her if they want to go further.
Then, when you come accros the last room of the dungeon's lane, you'll have to go back home.
For example, let's say the team want to explore the central wing.
And they stumble accros a room filled with monsters.
Like this one.
After a hard fought fight won by the adventurers. I'll explain fights later.
They can go back home or move further.
Let's say the team is still in good shape and they choose to move further.
They'll discover
a chest.
Each time you get to the end of a lane,
the dungeon master will ask you if you want to fight the boss ?
Since its the beginning of the game, the team is not strong enough so
they decide to go go back home.
This is the short version of what players are going to do multiple times during a game.
Those who are vigilant may have notice that Coline isn't there anymore
due to a technical problem called "Baby is crying"
who made her disappear.
Now, let's talk about the encampment, your safe zone.
Each time players go back to camp
every heroes get back their stamina and vitality, even the dead one.
For example, here, my wizard is getting his stamina and vitality back.
Once this is done. The players will be able to do a few more things.
First, they can buy equipments at the smith or
they can buy consumable objects at the alchemist.
To be more explicit, they can spend all the money they have acquired in the dungeon.
At the camp, heroes can also gain levels.
At the same time, the dungeon master will have to shuffle some of the dungeon's rooms.
He first have to take as much dungeon's rooms as there are players. In this case, he takes 3 rooms since there are 3 heroes.
Let's say he wants to move the monster's room
and the chest that we saw ealier plus this other card.
He is authorized to put them wherever he wants in the dungeon.
It means that the adventurers never know what lanes will look like everytime they go back to camp.
Then, every two times adventurers come back to encampment (Once in normal mode, twice for longer games),
the dungeon master will add three more dungeon's rooms
(one at the end of each lane) the way he want them to be.
Before talking about fights, because I know that's what you want,
I'll talk about the game currency.
In the Order of Veiel, corrupted crystals are the currency.
It's used for :
buying equipments at the smith,
buying equipments at the alchemist,
and finally, gaining levels for your heroes.
You only got one currency for all your purchases and levels up.
So you'll often face difficult decision like
make your healer level 3 and gain his healing skill or
buy the magic sword you'll never see again if you let it pass.
Ok so, I lied a bit
before talking about fights. We'll take a closer look at a dungeon's card.
Let's check this booby-trapped room
just to show you how it works.
In the Order Of Veiel, they're not a lot of rules written in the manual.
Everything you need is on the card.
Like here, it's written
« The players enter a booby-trapped room.
They must do a DEX roll greater or equal to 16 otherwise they lose 3 health points ».
All you have to do is follow the instructions on the card.
You never need to double check the manual.
Now, let's talk about fights.
Let's start by taking a look at a monster's card.
They all have two sides.
On the player's side, you only have one information.
For example, this skeletton is a defender.
It means that you don't know how many life points, defense bonuses or attack bonuses they have.
On the dungeon master's side, you got everything there is to know about the monster.
Attack, defense, life points, damage reduction...
This is how a fight unfold. After defining how many monsters the adventurers going to engage
by following instructions on the card.
The dungeon master can place them how he wants
on the battlefield.
Heroes always start the fight.
One of them is going to strike first.
Then, after his attack, the player on his left can play.
Repeat, until everyone around the table have attacked.
If some enemies are still alive, the dungeon master can
attack with all of his remaining monsters, one at a time.
Then come again the adventurer's turn until
one of the two groups is dead, heroes or monsters.
Let's show you an example where the knight starts the fight.
A player can make one action among those ones.
He can use a consumable object but we don't have one here.
He can use a skill, but since we're level 1 we don't have one either.
So, let's start by using a weapon.
All weapons have 3 icons on the top left corner.
First one is either a sword with one hand
or a sword with two hand. 130 00:07:08,965 --> 00:07:10,880 If it's a sword with one hand, I can equip a shield or a second weapon.
If it's a sword with two hand. I cannot equip something else.
The second icon is either two swords forming a cross
for close quarter combat or a bow for long range attacks.
I'll explain the differences in a few seconds.
Then the third icon can have STR, DEX, FAI or INT. It means that
when I will roll my dice, I will add
this attribute bonus from my character sheet.
Let's go back to our knight using is short sword.
Since he got a close quarter combat weapon, he can only attack the monster located at the far right, the skeleton.
If he was wearing a long range weapon like a bow, he could attack any monsters.
In this case as I have precised you, I am in close quarter combat, so I'm going to roll my dice.
I rolled a 14 to which I add my strength, 6.
So I got 20. The dungeon master will do the exact same thing.
He will roll his dice and add the monster's defense bonus. If your result is more than the dungeon's master one, you'll strike.
If you do less, you fail your attack. If you both do the same result, you both roll again.
Let's say that the knight succeded his attack,
so he struck the skeleton. The wizard can now play.
Theoretically, if you're not level 3 you can not use your skill. So in this case, he'll attack with his weapon too.
Then it'll be the healer's turn.
Then the monsters will attack. Both groups will strike each others
until one of them is dead.
But If I am at least level 3. I can use my first skill.
It works more or less the same way as attacking with a weapon but
you sometimes need an attribute's validation dice roll.
In case of an attribute's validation dice roll the dungeon master can't defend himself. All you have to do is pass the prerequisite value.
If the roll is high enough, the fireball works
or a jumping attack or the rage of the barbarian.
Last things we need to talk about is the dungeon master role.
First of all, he has access to a boss sheet that will help him during the final fight.
But he have a few more cards to play.
First, he has event cards.
Event cards can be played by the dungeon master at any moments during the game.
He can, for example, break a shield, curse a player, remove a consumable object,
make arrows rain or add monsters to a fight.
Event cards bring a lot of possibilities to the dungeon master role.
One more thing, the dungeon master also have a singular power
in relation with the chosen boss.
It works kind of like events.
You can use them once by crossing of the dungeon and only two time during the entire game.
Those powers are very powerful.
That's why you can't use them like a crazy mad man.
Just so you know, heroes have a finite number of time they can go in the dungeon.
And every time they go back to camp, we had a card at the end of each lane.
Once the dungeon is complete (5 cards), they can go back to camp one more time and then, they'll have to go for the boss or else they lose.
Fighting the boss is a definitive decision.
It can only end by beating the boss or losing the game.
I think I've said enough for now.
If you have any questions you can send us an email
or post a comment down below.
There's probably the website appearing somewhere too.
If you want to know more about monsters, heroes, weapons...
We wrote a lot of stuff on the website. [FRENCH ONLY FOR THE MOMENT]
I think I said everything I had to say.
So bye and thanks for watching this video.
It's been a pleasure to explain the Order Of Veiel to you.
I hope we will cross each other in the dungeon sometime.
These STDs Don't Even Have Symptoms | Her Shorts x Planned Parenthood | RIOT - Duration: 3:56.
Hello teenagers, welcome to my enchanted mode of educational transport.
I am Ms. Drizzle.
Don't you mean Ms. Frizzle?
And your magic school bus?
Nope, we don't want to get sued.
So my name is Ms. Drizzle, and this is my enchanted mode of educational transport.
Okay, your Phys Ed coach is at a volleyball away game, so he asked me to sub in for his Sex Ed class.
Who's excited?
Nope, not gonna do it.
They're too old.
Okay, so today's topic is STDs.
Who can tell me the percentage of people with Chlamydia that have no symptoms?
Hm, no symptoms?
Screw it.
I don't have my motion sickness acupressure bracelet on!
Don't be scared kids, it's science!
Ooh, what's that?
Ah, that's Syphilis!
Yeah, the virus is so small we had to shrink down to see it.
This guy doesn't even know he has it because he hasn't been tested.
Ah, nasty!
What's this STD?
The apocalyptic vagina eating flu?
Hah, very funny Reeta Redner!
No, it's nothing like that!
But it is herpes though!
Not nice!
Yeah, and again, we had to get super small to see it because many people with herpes
don't have symptoms for months or even years!
Okay, this is actually starting to work.
I'm getting really freaked out right now.
Let's do something about it.
Not again!
Oh god!
What STD is that?
It's not an STD, we're in the brain you moron.
I'm going to incept our friend to do something about this.
Inception button!
Hey girlfriend.
I had a thought.
We've never been tested for STDs.
Wanna go together?
STD testing doesn't have to be something that's shamefully done in secret.
It can actually bring couples like us closer together.
That's actually really thoughtful and romantic considering you refuse to wear a condom and
are generally a terrible boyfriend.
Yes, but to be clear, having STDs doesn't make one a bad person even though I personally am one.
Wow, seeing as you've told me your body is impenetrable, that's so smart.
And your voice is so sexy.
Let's get back to normal size now, shall we?
Wow, I feel like I really learned a lot today!
And not just about the human body but–
Oh my god!
I forgot to fly out of the guy's mouth before re-expanding.
Oh, he's dead.
Yeah, he's definitely dead.
Here Are The Best Careers For You Based On Your Zodiac Sign - Duration: 21:53.
these are the best careers for you based
on your zodiac sign many of us believe
in the power of the zodiac sign there
are people out there who live their
lives based on what the stars tell them
about their sign for example some people
read up on which sign they are
compatible with then there are those who
may believe in the whole idea of the
zodiac signs but don't read up on it on
a regular basis regardless which
category you fall into there's no
denying that we are all curious about it
each sign comes with unique personality
courts that lead to success in different
fields find your sign in this video and
check out what would be your perfect
career match and after this video make
sure you let us know how accurate or
inaccurate your career suggestion was
before we get started don't forget to
join the besties universe by subscribing
to our Channel and turning on post
notifications that way you won't miss
out on any other videos about your
zodiac sign that can tell you a bit more
about yourself and possibly even your
now here are the best careers for you
based on your zodiac sign Aries the Rams
bravery is overwhelming leading to
success in competitive or sales based
jobs Aries are the authoritative types
this means that they never slack off in
fact they tend to put 100% of their
effort into every single thing they do
they are extremely competitive and
absolutely hate losing
according to astrologer dr. athena
practice Aries have more stamina than
any other sign and when they have a goal
they go at it full force they don't give
up until they've accomplished their
dr. practice also states that Aries tend
to start businesses and sit in
high-level positions
she says that good career options for
someone who is an Aries include
ownership or managerial positions Aries
tend to question authority which is why
they would excel in these types of
positions another great career path for
an Aries is a position in Human
Resources this is because an Aries is a
people person
they are intuitive and can often
accurately assess someone's character
they are driven ambitious and very
Taurus bulls love beauty and stability
making them ripe for jobs that have
built-in benefits their strong
commanding voices also do well in large
Tauruses are also all about the money
they know how to make money and then
make even more of it because they are so
intelligent they are also great with
numbers too dr. Perez says that because
of this anyone who is a Taurus would be
a great financial adviser accountant or
investor she states that Torrance's are
conservative shrewd and intuitive they
don't waste money and are great with
keeping their finances in order
no wonder Mark Zuckerberg Facebook's
founder and one of the richest people on
earth is a Taurus so if you're a Taurus
consider a career in finance business or
banking if you think that some of these
career predictions based on zodiac signs
are interesting you better stick around
until the end because as a bonus we'll
also tell you how many kids you are
predicted to have based on your zodiac
Jim and I the twins are tough to fulfill
with a repetitive or tedious job as
their volatility needs change in
stimulation they work well in off
changing roles and take to travel easily
and according to dr. practice Gemini's
are extremely intelligent they can
understand complex ideas and solve very
challenging and complicated problems
this is why Gemini's would make great
translators professors and teachers they
are eloquent with their words and would
also make great public speakers and
because Gemini's are so eloquent with
their words they would be great
politicians or debaters no wonder
Anderson Cooper one of the most famous
correspondents and news analysts of
modern time is a Gemini Cancer these
astrological mothers excel at jobs where
they nurture children and work well with
positions where they are taking care of
others cancers are also notorious for
being emotional they wear their hearts
on their sleeves and aren't afraid to
show it they love taking care of people
and nurturing them especially if they
are family members dr. practice says
that cancers also make excellent chefs
and would succeed in a career as a
professional cook or restaurant owner or
manager a cancer would also thrive in a
nursing home or as a nurse in a hospital
this is because they are great nurturers
and extremely warm-hearted are any of
the careers listed in this video
accurate based on your zodiac sign if
your sign hasn't been mentioned yet in
this video keep watching to find out
what careers best suited for you
leo the lion craves power and status
more than anything else making them an
easy fit for leadership roles sometimes
they can be a poor team player but it
doesn't much bother them this is because
Leo's love being the center of attention
but when it comes to a career wanting to
be the center of attention is a good
thing it's what makes Leo stand out from
other employees Leo's are ambitious and
have amazing willpower
they are charismatic intelligent and
carry around a positive contagious
energy they are great multitaskers and
would excel in leadership positions the
ideal jobs for Leo's are senators
musicians teachers and CEOs Leo's are
simply natural-born leaders part of this
is because they love the spotlight if
you're Leo people are probably very
drawn to your charismatic personality
just like they are drawn to another
famous charismatic Leo Barack Obama
Virgo if you've ever decided a server
deserved a big tip they were probably a
Virgo a passion for perfection makes
them ideal for detailed work and they
easily grasp new concepts and lessons
virgos are known to be workaholics and
they can tend to be quite critical they
are very focused on their work and
professional lives and because of this
they tend to overanalyze everything they
pay attention to detail and make great
editors writers and detectives virgos
work extremely hard in every single
thing they do they take pride in the
work they do and they never settle for
anything but the best that's why they
may be slightly over critical when they
see someone not pushing themselves or
putting in
the absolute minimal effort don't be
offended if a Virgo criticizes you it's
just in their blood
Libra perhaps the easiest to find a
matching career libras do well as long
as they're around people compromise
diplomacy and leadership are strong
traits of a sign that keeps it all in
dr. practice says that libras search for
harmony and balance and that they are
extremely hard workers
dr. practice also states that libras are
typically drawn towards dramatic arts
and are best suited for careers in
acting music and film libras are also
known to be patient and extremely
open-minded because of these they are
extremely easygoing and easy to get
along with they make great performers
and artists and would also make great
teachers for students in the arts
independent to a fault Scorpios are
hyper focused on the task at hand and
completed with amazing accuracy
important tasks should always be given
to them Scorpios are also very intimate
people both romantically and emotionally
they are very deep and sympathetic to
other people this makes them very
Scorpios excel in careers as therapists
or psychologists because they understand
how the human mind works and can relate
to other people they give great advice
and are able to look at the bigger
picture while using their emotions to
understand why people feel the way they
Scorpios also excel in activists or
humanitarian roles because of their
ability to sympathize with people
Sagittarius the most philosophical of
the signs this sign always needs to do
something that helps while they can make
great support staffs leadership isn't
out of their capabilities as decisions
come easy to them a Sagittarius also
hates restrictions they love being free
and hate being trapped and restricted to
rules they love to achieve their dreams
and work very well with others
for these reasons they do well in
managerial and ownership roles but not
just any ownership roles they thrive
working for companies that have relaxed
and fun work environments as well as
progressive policies
according to practice they also love
being outdoors and would succeed in a
role that includes working outside like
Park Rangers botanists or animal
Capricorn's are hardworking and need
challenges daily setting rules and
following them is a key to their
Capricorn's are achievers they will not
rest unless they are the best and are
determined to work in prestigious
positions they like to earn praise and
won't settle for jobs that don't offer
promotions they also won't settle for
jobs that aren't respected
that's why capricorns are so successful
in corporate positions they like knowing
that there is always a clear path to
promotion they will stop at nothing to
achieve in their career
Aquarius always against the corporate
structure the water-bearer will create a
job if they can't find it
humanitarian and charitable activities
are right up their alley an Aquarius is
a jack-of-all-trades they are very
confident reflective and detail-oriented
aquarius's can excel at almost anything
but they are best suited for jobs that
involve humanitarian work they fight for
equality and women's rights and make
great activists Pisces the intuitive
nature of the fish lends itself to
creative and therapeutic careers often
for the benefit of others this unique
sign finds success in the arts without
much practice and can develop their
skills with ease Pisces are imaginative
fun and creative they are very artistic
and because of their creative abilities
they make great artists teachers and
astrologers a Pisces is also very
sensitive and creative they make great
storytellers and could also succeed as
writers if you're a Pisces you probably
are very imaginative and intuitive you
love creating things and are probably
meant for a career that involves this
type of unique creativity now that you
know what some of the best careers for
you based on your zodiac signs are it's
time to find out how many kids you'll
have based on your zodiac sign
if you're one of those people who's
ready to have a family and are curious
to know how many kids you're meant to
have the Stars have the answers for you
they can point you in the right
direction now let's get started
Aries you have a love and desire for
motherhood or fatherhood due to your
warrior personality the Stars have three
or four kids planned for you because you
have a personality which is powerful and
determined you would make an absolutely
amazing parent an Aries is very
energetic and can sometimes lack
concentration this is why they like to
keep busy at all times as spontaneous
people they tend to live without any
regrets and are very independent just be
ready for lots of kids because it's
going to be a lot of work Taurus you're
calm and composed personality means
you'll be happy with two kids having any
more might cause you to get pretty
overwhelmed a Taurus is very reliable
trustworthy and practical because they
are so practical
they are best suited to have no more
than two kids they understand that
having kids will be a lot of work and
want to show their children the best
life they can they love simplicity and a
calm life which is why they wouldn't
want more than a few children because
having more kids would be pretty chaotic
Jim and I twins are a huge possibility
for Gemini's shocker they're dual
personalities will never leave their
kids bored but they have to watch their
patients Gemini's are very sociable and
expressive so there's no doubting that
if they had twins they would be quite
sociable too because Gemini's can
sometimes be a little impatient they can
tend to get ahead of themselves but
having children would help level them
out cancer if you're a cancer the stars
predict two babies with several years
apart as a mother of the zodiac signs
you'll be a natural remember cancers are
emotional sensitive and extremely loving
they are also nurturing and make great
parents if you're a cancer and have a
baby it is very likely that after a few
years you will feel the need to have
another baby that you can nurture love
and care for leo because you're the Lion
of the signs you need a little pack so
the stars have two to four kids planned
for you it may seem like a lot but your
multitasking skills will help as a
natural-born leader who needs to be
loved and respected but is also generous
and warm you will probably want to have
many children who you can lead in life
Virgo virgos love being in control and
being the absolute best at every single
thing they do they stick to one thing
they make sure that they are the
ultimate best at it that's why having
one child may be the perfect amount for
virgos also tend to be very critical
they are perfectionists and are best
suited to have one child as having more
could be a bit too much for them to
handle considering they are such
perfectionists Libra
because libras tend to have a desire for
balance equality and fairness the stars
have an even number of kids aligned for
them to four or even six libras hate
being alone so it is more likely that
they would have multiple children as
opposed to just one scorpio shows like
19 Kids and Counting have got nothing on
you Scorpio the star see you being able
to handle an entire army of kids this is
because you have a love of being
surrounded by loved ones because
Scorpios are so passionate and deep it
is very likely that they will have many
children because Scorpios have a lot of
emotions they will want to have lots of
children to give their love to so if
you're dating or are married to a
Scorpio just be prepared
Sagittarius their constant need for
adventure might make the demands of
motherhood a little difficult the Stars
have one or no kids planned for them but
they'd be okay with that because
Sagittarius are so curious and
adventurous it's probably in their best
interest if they don't have any children
but if you are a Sagittarius and you do
want kids in the future after you've
accomplished all your adventures you'll
likely only have just one Capricorn for
the father sign making and handling
three kids is not a problem their task
master skills make them all about power
and structure which are great qualities
to have as a parent Capricorn's also
make great parents because they are
brave patient and attentive when it
comes to children they are very
nurturing and do whatever they can do to
make sure that children have the best
lives possible
Aquarius Aquarius and Sagittarius are
sisters that's why for Aquarius the
stars have one child plan their
childlike personality makes them crave
adventure as well Aquarius is brave
independence and are very adaptable to
any situation because they are so
independent they want their child to be
independent too which is why most
Aquarius is usually only have one child
Pisces being the fish sign Pisces truly
feed off of having a whole school of
kids the stars think they'd be happy
having five kids and maybe even more a
Pisces is selfless and friendly and can
often be very emotional because they are
so creative receptive and adaptable they
thrive in big environments this is why
they are meant to have many kids for a
lot of women and men out there being a
mom or dad is something they have wanted
for as long as they could remember for
others just being in the presence of a
baby makes them break out in hives and
have a mini panic attack these people
would much rather prefer having a dog as
their child regardless if you find
yourself daydreaming about kids or even
if you don't we hope these predictions
will guide you in the right direction or
at least put your mind at ease of course
if you feel you should have more or
fewer kids than what the stars have
predicted for you then go for it we
aren't here to stop you if you've been
searching for a career that fits your
personality perhaps you've been looking
in all the wrong places
instead of putting boots on the ground
look up the most successful career
really depends on what exactly you
consider to be successful while success
shouldn't be measured only in dollar
signs it is a big part of the vast
majority of our lives but regardless of
the dollar sign everyone has a passion
in their life and everyone has something
they were destined to do so there you
have it the top career choices for
people based on their zodiac signs as
well as the number of kids
you are most likely to have depending on
your sign now there's always the
possibility that your personality
doesn't match your zodiac to a tee but
there's no doubting that you have to
agree with at least some of the things
mentioned in this video now that you
know more about the zodiac sign tell us
which ones were correct about your
career choices and which ones were wrong
and make sure you let us know if we're
right about the number of kids you want
or already have let us know in the
comment section below
enjoyed this video hit the like button
and subscribe to our channel for more
videos like this thanks for watching
'The Haunting of Hill House' Stars Carla Gugino And Michiel Huisman Talk About The New Show | TODAY - Duration: 3:35.
What you believe, becomes real - Duration: 0:21.
So actually anything we believe, it becomes real. So you believe in hate, it
becomes hate. You believe in fear, it becomes fear. So you love, you trust love,
so love appears. It's very simple formula. This is how the nature moves.
Reese's swapping your unwanted Halloween candy for peanut butter cups - Duration: 0:24.
9 Things You Need to Know About APU Quality Before You Purchase - Duration: 9:56.
now we're gonna jump to quality you can't process any process and purchase
any APU without knowing the quality and there are a ton more qualified people
than myself to talk to you about Quality Assurance traceability and whatnot but
this is going to be a general concept because sometimes when purchasing an APU
though at least the ones that I've been involved on quality it was after the
fact and it really needs to be discussed prior so what do you really need you
know are there a specific cycle is remaining that that that you have
allocated that you need you can't take anything less than that again with that
supply and demand plays role as you can see I I need this cycles remaining but
the the market only has X you so you might just be stuck so you still have to
be somewhat flexible it'll flex it flexible within your operation so
psychos remaining we just touched on that is how many cycles remaining do you
need or do you have an allocation umber what's your minimum hey you know and
really be honest with yourself about your minimum because really with that is
cycles remaining if you're looking for let's say 12,000 cycles remaining but
you want it your budget to buy it is that fifteen hundred cycles remaining
it's not realistic so really be realistic on what you're looking for the
logbook your maintenance team and your engineering team your Quality Assurance
team would be the best ones to look at this but really get detailed information
about the logbook and in traceability do you need as an operation do you need
back to birth if you need back to birth the supply and demand comes back and to
play in the aftermarket not be might not be able to deliver on that promise to
you you know can you only take 120 121 and 129 can you not take foreign trace
really know and give that information go back to the communication and the trust
is give that information to your trusted material partner because if they have
that information then they can give you the right choices or they can say and be
honest with you and say you know unfortunately I don't think this
is an option but here are my 1 2 3 recommendations with traceability is
your ear Worthing asserts is you have IFA in Yassa and all of these other ones
see AAC what are your air worthiness certification requirements is can you
take FAA 130s alone or do you need an FAA door lease or eásá so really talk to
your QA team and your maintenance teams on you know realistically what exactly
do I need and you probably have have that information at your disposal right
now and then we go back to is you pay for what you get no your needs if you
have that that that APU that you just needed at 10,000 cycles remaining but
you're budgeted your budgeting added a thousand cycles remaining it's not
realistic you know what you pay for and that is when you start having
conversations with your financing because you've really planned ahead
we've had that conversation with your finance team and now your budget is
realistic so you pay for what you get always I have a great example of this is
we bought in APU and it was about $100,000 below market it was a it was it
was tested on on on the aircraft it was Boris coped by an MRO and
essentially that's it it was it was there worthy but what happened is the
quality was still bad and the fuel nozzle was loose in a caught fire huge
mistake incredibly costly in a cost Skylink itself because we because we
made arrangements with our client a lot of money so for you is know what you get
if it's too good to be true almost always it's too good to be true
chasing and that goes actually the thickest uh bag that goes back to if you
know that an average repair time for your APU is thirty days
somebody is quoting you you know we we have to send it to the shop to get
repaired it's about five days is that really realistic so even when you think
about when you're processing focusing on prices look at the lead time is that
actually realistic no probably not you probably need to factor in 30 45 days so
if your AP was coming off in 14 days there's nothing on the market your
vendor is quoting you three days you might run into a problem so really
looking at that the next is chasing and this is the
point where you've cut the order you negotiated the price you've you've got
the terms all lined up and now you need to chase your order and there's two
really critical things when you're when you're purchasing you have the initial
processing sourcing is important as well but you have the processing the
negotiations to terms their agreement and then and then the chasing a lot of
times is your purchase but then forget to really chase and then things are
delayed or if you focus too much on chasing and purchasing is neglected well
then now you're not really focusing on driving down total material costs so
they both have to be waiting credibly balanced is how do you chase your APO
well let me tell you when in doubt ensure your asset so a first wing
chasing is is we've another great example is we sold two 747 engines and
in the freight forwarder and this was handled by a client the freight
forwarder managed the pickup and everything but as it left our facility
is the freight forwarder forgot to tarp the engines and it was it was sent via
open-open truck to the airport by the time it got to the client the fan blades
were damaged from debris so when in doubt ensure your asset and in this
regard thankfully as they insured their asset and they got the repairs they've
got the repairs that they were needed so when in doubt do some form of insurance
for your for your asset now if your supplier your trust material partner is
right next door probably not worth you you insure
but it is important to ensure your large assets for for obvious reasons choose a
quality freight forwarder I can't tell you how many times I've gotten emails
and calls from freight forwarders that I thought they were from planet Mars
really I had no idea what they were talking about they had no idea what
they're talking about really choose a quality Freight order that you trust or
even your your-your-your trusted material partner might have a freight
forwarder or a freight service that they provide if so use that why because you
don't have then you don't have to deal with it it just gets from point A to you
in the time that is that is needed that is budgeted so if you can outsource the
freight and not deal with it it's probably a good it actually it is a good
use of your time if you need that additional support but mainly is go back
and build that communication and build that trust with a quality freight
forwarder it that becomes a really important especially during the sourcing
stage because there's somebody that you're really gonna have to rely on and
in the last part of chasing is and there's not a slide is is track it's
every movement if a if your trusted material partner I recorded you 14 days
don't wait til day 14 to followup with them hopefully they've updated you on
day one day three day seven day ten but if not is you need to take the
initiative to follow up with them so set a reminder for yourself yourself it can
be in any technology can be in a notepad but follow up with them and then once
it's ships track it's every movement so you're free Florida should have a
service where you're you're able to track its every destination so if it
goes to multiple destinations you're able to track that why is because one is
for really for peace of mind you want to know where your large asset is you don't
want to you don't want it floating off in the biz and you not know where it's
at and if you are relying on a trusted material partner to do that for you is
they should update you of of the status fairly often it
not everyday if it's a 14 day shipping cycle maybe every other day every three
days but if it's a if it's a five day transit time you should be getting some
form of an update every 1 to 2 days and that's a pretty good benchmark for you
is don't set yourself up for an AO G situation if you're relying if you're
doing all of this last-minute is some of the biggest mistakes I've personally
made and clients have personally made and team members have personally made is
when you wait to the last minute to make decisions in to do certain things could
you imagine if the maintenance team said guys we need this a huge tomorrow well
you have to go through the sourcing processing and chasing steps all within
a day that becomes really complicated I can almost guarantee you're gonna go
home and look like this person then just hold your head because you're super
stressed don't set yourself up for failure have conversations internally
and externally and really set yourself up for success
Yes, A Slow Website Will Cause You to Lose Customers - Duration: 3:00.
if your website takes longer than three seconds to load, they are going to get
impatient, they're going to press the cross button they're going to close the
browser and look for your competitors.
Today I want to talk about the speed of a website, (it's) really really important to get
your website speed up. if your website takes longer than three seconds to load,
especially when someone is viewing your website on their mobile phone, which is
what most people do these days, they're more likely to check out your website
sometimes when they're not at home. If it takes too long to load you're in trouble!
What are they going to do, if your website doesn't load within three seconds?
They are going to get impatient, they're going to press the cross button,
they're gonna close the browser and look for your competitors. Because they have
no confidence in you. Poor website loading speed speaks volumes about your business.
Your business is like old-fashioned, slow, they doubt the quality of
your products and services. The thing about website speed is becoming closely
associated with the quality of your products and services so if you are
small business that offers quality, high quality products, you want to rethink
about your website and the speed and not only, that Google values fast loading
websites. website speed plays a role in your SEO which means that Google takes
that into partial consideration on how fast your website loads. They want to
give their customers or their audience a good experience when they go on a search
engine. If your website takes too long to load, people are not going to like it so
they're going to get impatient with Google and Google doesn't want that to happen.
They want to provide a happy experience for people going on to search engines.
They are less likely to put it on the first few pages. If you have
all the right keywords you have got the right search terms,
you've got everything as relevant but your website takes ten seconds to load,
say bye to your prospective customers! So what do you think of your website speed?
Have you checked out your website speed yet? Do you use tools to make sure your
website speed stays up-to-date? Let me know in the comments below. if you
enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up. And if you love this video, press on the
subscribe button and press on the little bell so you receive notification for
future videos. See you next time!
The Best REIT You Haven't Heard Of [But Need to Invest In] - Duration: 7:42.
Real estate investment trusts are absolutely critical to filling the gaps in your property
investing strategy but the REIT vs real estate debate isn't over.
By the end of this video, you'll know why REIT stocks beat the market and the best new
REIT investment for your portfolio.
We're talking real estate investing today on Let's Talk Money.
Joseph Hogue with the Let's Talk Money channel here on YouTube.
I want to send a special shout out to everyone in the community, thank you for taking a part
of your day to be here.
If you're not part of the community yet, just click that little red subscribe button.
It's free and you'll never miss an episode.
If you've been following the channel you know I'm a huge fan of real estate investing.
I started my professional career as a commercial property analyst before managing my own portfolio.
No other asset has created as much family wealth as real estate and I truly believe
that everyone should have some exposure in their investments.
That's why I'm excited about this video, the first in a three-part series in partnership
with stREITwise where we'll talk about how real estate fits in your total wealth strategy,
how to get that exposure and an exciting new way to invest.
Today I'm going to show you exactly why you need real estate in your portfolio, how
you can use it to create a stress-free strategy with returns that beat a simple stock, bond
We'll talk about some of the challenges in property investing and how I get most of
my real estate exposure with dividends over 5% and without having to lift a finger.
First though, I want to invite everyone in the community to share their real estate investing
experience in the comments below.
Have you every invested in property, was it residential or commercial, was it a long-term
strategy or something you flipped?
So just scroll down and share your favorite real estate investment below in the comments.
So a question I get a lot is real estate versus stocks, which is the best investment and I've
really got two answers.
First, the short answer is real estate, hands down.
Real estate returns beat stocks in almost every time period.
In fact, over the 30-years through 2017, real estate provided an 1,800% return according
to the NAREIT all equity REIT more than double the total return of 731% on the S&P 500.
Not only are the returns higher but real estate offers better protection against inflation.
You know, over that 30 years, the value of the dollar has been cut in half according
to the BLS Consumer Price Index.
Something you bought for $1 in 1987 now costs $2.16 - including the price of real estate.
But the other answer is why not have both, stocks and real estate?
Combining real estate in a portfolio of stocks means you make money whether the stock market
rises or not.
In the mid-80s when the S&L crisis hit real estate, stock prices did well.
When the tech bust destroyed stocks in 2000, real estate was booming.
This is going to mean that your wealth is going to grow steadily, not crashing with
the market and you're not going to freak out when it does.
But that huge advantage in owning real estate runs face first into reality for a lot of
Buying and managing property just isn't possible for a lot of people.
Sure, you might be able to manage one or two rentals but own any more and it becomes a
full-time job on top of your full-time job.
It costs tens of thousands just for a down payment on one property.
That means, for a lot of investors, they'd have to sink their entire nest egg into real
estate and anyone that lived through the housing bust can tell you that's not a good idea.
But there is one type of real estate investment that gives you those double-digit returns,
all the exposure you need, without the headaches and problems.
You can start with less than $100 and get an investment in multiple properties all across
the country and with professional management.
We're talking about a real estate investment trust or REIT.
A REIT is an investment company that owns real estate and pays out the cash flow to
The company is managed by real estate professionals with all the staff and structure you'd expect
from a major corporation.
REITs get a special tax break from the government.
If they pay out most of their earnings to investors, they pay no corporate income tax.
That means huge dividends for investors and less taxes lost to Uncle Sam.
Now one of the best parts is that listed REITs trade just like stocks on any investing platform.
You can go into your online account or to any broker and buy a share of a company for
less than $100 - in fact, of the almost 200 REITs I follow, prices range from less than
a dollar a share to about $170 per share with dividends as high as 13% a year.
It used to be that the only REITs available to regular investors were those traded on
the exchanges, while other funds were only available to the wealthy.
Just over the last few years though we've seen the rise of online REITs and platforms
like stREITwise that have opened the opportunity up to everyone.
We're going to be talking more about these in a bit and over the next two videos.
I've been investing in REITs for over a decade and just got into online REITs myself.
For example, one of the exchange traded REITs I own is Welltower, an owner of properties
in the healthcare sector that pays a 5.5% dividend.
Here's another one Extra Space Storage which manages storage facilities.
The dividend here is only 3.7%, which is still twice the cash return versus the rest of the
market, and the shares have jumped 34% from where I bought them just a couple of years
One of the problems I've always had with REITs though is that these tend to be very
large companies that need to reinvest in dozens of new properties a year.
That kind of scale can actually work to their disadvantage, one because of the costs of
running such a large company, but also because management doesn't have as much discretion
in picking good deals.
They have to reinvest cash for growth.
Another problem for listed REITs is that the stock price tends to be more like a stock
rather than that smoother appreciation from real estate.
For example, when the stock market lost 50% in 2008, REITs lost more than 60% of their
Now of course real estate prices fell hard too but actual property prices declined also
but it was more like 30% - so you have more risk in REITs.
For these two reasons, I'm excited about a new type of real estate investment called
the online REIT.
These are a lot like REITs except online REITs are smaller portfolios of properties with
non-traded shares and most of the time, higher dividend yields.
Since online REITs are smaller than exchange traded REITs, management can pick and choose
the properties in which to invest and there isn't as much regulatory or operational
expenses to be covered.
A lot of times that's going to mean better flexibility to go after only the best properties
and a higher cash return for investors.
For example, the 1st stREIT Office REIT managed by stREITwise invests in high-quality office
properties and as of the date of this video, has paid a 10% annualized dividend.
The fund is managed by seasoned real estate professionals that have acquired or managed
over $5.4 billion in property and across all property types.
I'll leave a link to this online REIT in the video description below with more information.
Because online REITs are longer-term investments, the share price of the investment or its net
asset value, isn't usually as volatile as stocks or listed REITs.
Against this, there is one disadvantage in that some online REITs are still only available
to accredited investors, people with over a million net worth.
The stREITwise online REIT is open to all investors but it's so far the exception
rather than the rule.
Now I still own some listed REITs in my portfolio but I'm diversifying into online REITs as
This three-pronged strategy of owning some properties but diversifying with REITs and
online REITs gives me the best of all three.
I get that pride of ownership from direct investing in properties but also the diversification
and professional management of REITs and high cash return from online REITs.
I'm going to be going deeper into the detail of how you can use online REITs to build a
portfolio in our next video.
Don't forget to tell us your favorite real estate investing experience in the comments
We're here every Monday and Wednesday with the best on beating debt, making more money
and making your money work for you so click subscribe to join the community.
If you have a question about money or investing, scroll down and ask it in the comments and
we'll answer it in a future video.
The Weeknd, Kendrick Lamar - Pray For Me (8D AUDIO) - Duration: 2:33.
I am ready to fight again. I'm always ready for a war again
Going on that road again, Go down that road again
Still the same, It's all the same
I am always ready to take the lives of others. I'm always ready to take a life again
You know I will go out again, You know I'll ride again
It's like it's all the same (ooh, ooh, ooh)
Tell me who can save me Tell me who's gon' save me from myself
When life is always the same, this life is all I know
Tell me who can free me from hell. Tell me who's gon' save me from this hell
Without you, I am alone, Without you, I'm all alone
Who will pray for Who gon' pray for me?
Take my pain, Take my pain for me?
Redeem my soul Save my soul for me?
I am lonely, as you can see 'Cause I'm alone, you see
If I will die for you If I'm gon' die for you
If I will be for you, If I'm gon' kill for you
Then I will be splattered by your blood, Then I spilled this blood for you, hey
I and the whole world, you and me fight against I fight the world, I fight you, I fight myself
I dare to offend God and tell me how much I have to pick up, I fight God, just tell me how many burdens left
I am struggling with pain and hurricanes, but today I cried I fight pain and hurricanes, today I wept
Although I tried to resist tears, my tears still drowned my door. I'm tryna fight back tears, flood on my doorsteps
Life is like hell, the streets are full of blood pits Life a livin' hell, puddles of blood in the streets The sniper screamed at the top of the high-rise building, and the government relief people Shooters on top of the building, government aid ain't relief
The earthquake struck, the body fell, the Earthquake, the body dropped, the ground breaks
The poor run with the smoke lungs and Scarface
Who needs a hero? (Hero) Who need a hero? (Hero)
You need a hero, look in the mirror, you are your own hero, you need a hero, look in the mirror, there go your hero
Who is always at the forefront? (Hero) Who on the front lines at ground zero? (Hero)
I'm never afraid, even in the hardest hours, my heart don't skip a beat, even when hard times bumps the needle
Mass destruction and mass corruption
All souls are suffering the soul The souls of sufferin' men
Endure for a while, good days are coming Clutchin' on deaf ears again, rapture is comin'
This is just my prophecy. If I have to sacrifice myself, I will do it all. It's all prophecy and if I gotta be sacrificed for the greater good
Then I have to go through the fire for everyone. That that's what it gotta be
Who will pray for Who gon' pray for me?
Take my pain, Take my pain for me?
Redeem my soul Save my soul for me?
I am lonely, as you can see 'Cause I'm alone, you see
If I will die for you If I'm gon' die for you
If I will be for you, If I'm gon' kill for you
Then I will be splattered by your blood, Then I spilled this blood for you, hey
Who will pray for Who gon' pray for me?
Take my pain, Take my pain for me?
Redeem my soul Save my soul for me?
I am lonely, as you can see 'Cause I'm alone, you see
If I will die for you If I'm gon' die for you
If I will be for you, If I'm gon' kill for you
Then I will be splattered by your blood, Then I spilled this blood for you, hey
To avoid my beliefs from fading, I have to live alone. Just in case my faith go, I'll live by my own law
I have to live alone I'll live by my own law, I'll live by my own
To avoid my beliefs from fading, I have to live alone. Just in case my faith go, I'll live by my own law
I have to live alone I'll live by my own law, I'll live by my own
Is the Zhiyun Smooth Q enough for what you need out of a gimbal? - Duration: 4:13.
today we're playing with this ok the sound effects were me what's going on
guys today we're gonna have a little bit of
fun and by fun I mean playing around with camera gear so assuming you think
that's fun then it'll be fun if not then I'm sorry that I misled you so if you're
like me you probably been watching all these Ronin s review videos thinking man
I wish I could buy that and then thinking man I really can't afford that right now
in terms of gimbals I bought a Zhiyun smooth Q a while back if you don't know
what the smooth Q is smooth smooth and if you don't know what the smooth Q is
it's basically the gimbal they made for your smartphone had pretty good results
with it quite frankly I really didn't use it as much as I thought I was going
to use it but I quickly moved away from recording a lot with my smartphone and I
only really do it just when I'm out and about ad hoc if I am planning to vlog
I'll bring something bigger or something different so I don't really have a lot
of opportunity to actually use it but what I've been struggling with is trying
to decide whether I can use my smooth Q with a combination of my phone and a
moment lens in order to get enough of a cinematic shot to get what I need out of
a gimbal because I'm doing a lot of vlogs and video tutorials I don't need a
gimbal a lot but it would be nice to have on those occasions where I do want
to have a real cinematic shot so I'll be taking this which is my Zhiyun smooth Q
with my old pixel one phone a moment lens as you can see right there have my
super ghetto counterweight and if you want to see how I did it I literally
look no don't die I literally just put some velcro on that
bad boy and some velcro on a weight smacked it on and voila perfect balance
because as you guys know who has a smooth Q if you actually had moment
lenses and you put them on your phone a lot of times I mixed too heavy for the
gimbal to actually balance so you got to have some ingenuity and do something
like this you don't necessarily need to do something ugly like that you can do
something nicer looking but it works for me so I'm gonna try some basic gimbal
shots just so I can see how good a quality I can get with just this setup
try to determine if it's enough for me to hold off on buying a ronin S or a
Zhiyun crane so let's take a look at the footage so here's the footage with the
pixel the moment lens and the gene Smoot Q so part of this is obviously operator
skill I'm kind of hurry up and try to do it but
you can see that actually stabilizes pretty good and I think what you really
notice it performing well is when you move out of an initial shot into another
one it's a very smooth motion so as a counter test what I decided to do was
take my GH5 my 8-18 millimeter lens put it on my Joby
Gorillapod and rearrange it so I could hold it close to the ground and get the
same type of shot and if I could shoot it with the gh five the picture quality
would be way better so here's the same shot with the gh five so as you can see
the picture quality is great and it's actually not that bad it's bouncing
around a little bit but you can definitely tell when I try to move to
the other shot it's all over the place and I couldn't even actually get it in
frame and all tell me what you see is that's the strength of the gimbal but
it's being able to get that smooth movement between shots and stay
concentrated on the target that really shows the power of what a gimbal can do
for you at the end of the day for me I think where I'm ended up is I'm ok with
the smooth Q for now I don't really use gimble's all that
much and actually I need to push myself to see why I need more than just this if
I'm really gonna spend that money on a ronin s or a Zhiyun crane what I would say
is if you don't have a gimbal and you really want one and you already shoot
with a DSLR or mirrorless camera if you have the money I would recommend to go
ahead and go with the Ronin s or the crane specifically an older model
because they're cheaper right now because at least it gets you to where
you want to be but if you shoot a lot with your smartphone and you think that
you're more likely to carry that because this is still a relatively small package
to carry around and it can definitely work for some basic gimbal stuff so
anyway I hope that helped you guys you have any questions leave them down in
the comments below and I'll try to get some and if you like this video tap that
like button down below if you haven't yet join the family by hitting that
subscribe button for more videos on gear and to follow my journey as a creator
you guys have a great day out there life is short be great Peace let's not
hey sweat pea. say hello
are you sweaty? What what are you trying to say? You have problems, because you're my daughter that's why
10 Silk Sarees With Blouse Piece To Stay Warm During Winters - Duration: 3:32.
You Handed It An Ax?! (Soundwave) | Transformers: Prime (Season 1 Episode 5) - Duration: 5:01.
Security sure is lax on this place.
I'm in.
And so are the Decepticons.
What?! How can you tell?
With the same alien math we saw on their ship.
But this time, I can download it.
It's gotta be the Space Bridge.
The Decepticons are syncing it to the dishes
But I can sync in them. Would they know?
Even if the Decepticons see that I'm in the system,
they have no idea I'm in the house.
What just happened?
The Decepticons are locking on to Cybertron.
Lord Megatron, the Space Bridge is ready for activation.
They're locked on to Cybertron, but not for long.
Indeed, Bumblebee. This can only be Raf's doing.
Starscream! What is happening?
Soundwave! What is happening?
The dishes are heading back towards Cybertron.
I won't let them do that again.
What happens when the 'Cons realize
they are been punk'd?
It's only virtual combat, you know, like online gaming.
Yeah, Jack, what are the 'Cons gonna do?
They're probably like a thousand miles away.
I won't let them lock on again.
You handed it an ax?!
Not good...
Why is he leaving?
He cut the hardline.
The dishes are locked on to Cybertron.
For good.
Now, Starscream?
At last!
Arise, my legion!
Halloween: Spiritual Origin and Significance - Duration: 25:08.
As you may know its original name was not Halloween but what is actually in
Gaelic pronounced sow ain something close to that, and then you wonder why
it's spelled as if it's Samhain and there's a reason for that.
The holiday was first declared very early in the ADs and established on
the Hill of Tara (speaking to sangha member - it's why you're so interested) and the Hill of Tara was in the
holy precinct of Temair on the sacred Isle ayah
was originally named Aria land and then got mispronounced as Ireland and so once
we understand that the culture of those who settled on that Emerald Isle were
Prive dhic Aryans who came there after the destruction at the end of the Silver
Age that brought the present continental appearance of the tectonic plates into
being and eliminated through the disastrous flooding and earthquake
induced disappearance of many parts of Pangaea which was the home of the gods
and goddesses that we were in those lives in such yuga and tret treta-yuga
until dwapar yuga in that explosion of the continental plates many lands were
lost and some came up from underneath the ocean and there was a movement of
refugees to resettle new areas of the planet and that was one of the first to
be resettled by those who came from that area of Pangaea called hyperborea
and they were all part of the same peoples that eventually in their let's
say central mains dream elements would now be called
Hindus but this was long before Hinduism and much different from what we now call
Hinduism which is based on myths and legends of that lost period and of myths
about why it was lost but in the early period after its disappearance the re
ins retained sufficient amount of the
historical memory and cultural integrity to develop traditions that would still
be true to the origins of the previous saath yoga in order to try to bring
about its return so all of the cultures that were born in the Copper Age were
devoted to trying to find a way to return to the Lost Golden Age and in
particular those people in our Deol and who became known as the Celts and their
priests the druids who worshiped the Tree of Life and who recognized that
metaphor as a way to understand the unfolding of phenomenal reality wanted
to get to the root in the seed of that tree and enable it to produce a new seed
for a new golden age they knew that the tree itself must produce
that flowering in that fruiting that would produce a new cycle of time and
they understood that the golden age did not create itself it arose out of a
darkness out of a darkness of a time of mystery in which all the forces of life
and the forces of magical power came together to create such a golden age and
they remember that's holiday began and like most ancient peoples including the
Jews the day would begin at sundown in the time of darkness and then the light
would appear only after going through the darkest period and to recognize that
time actually begins not at the beginning but at the end the beginning
always comes later and it is this understanding of the cyclic nature of
time and in which the beginning must be created that was still able to be
understood because there were still magical beings present in the world in
those days there were still leprechauns in our land
and elementals and magical beings of many sorts who understood how to cast
spells and how to enter interdimensional realities and how to discover the hidden
gold that was magical and still related to the golden age that had been lost and
it was that magical goal that became the beginning of the economic systems that
are used on the gold standard but the goal that we have today is just ordinary
gold it was that gold that only the little people knew about at the end of
the rainbow that had the power to bring about the magic that people were seeking
and that was its value and so not only did the day begin at night but the year
began at night in the darkest period and so salan is
actually the celebration of the Celtic New Year but it is also the celebration
of death because the new cycle of time must begin with the death of the old one
without a death there cannot be a birth this is the sacrifice that every culture
understands must be made in order to bring about new life and therefore all
of the ancient cultures were sacrificial cultures their religions were based upon
sacrifice but what was to be sacrificed was metaphorically represented but
represented only because the real of what must be sacrificed was not animal
or virgins or kings or outcasts or scapegoats or whatever but the ego and
it was that that was understood metaphorically but could no longer be
brought about in reality because that highest level of magic had been lost and
because that level of magic was lost gradually all the other levels of magic
were lost because the ego gradually usurped the throne of consciousness and
throughout through down the soul from its capacity to rule the human life and
organism and the ego produce the evil with its black magic of technological
control that the soul in its weakness could no longer resist and the holiday
of soin represents that movement into the period of absolute darkness of
absolute evil that's why it is a time when the demonic forces are at large the
ghosts and the banshees and all of the evil spirits it is a representation of
the end of Kali Yuga because it is now when those spirits are at large not only
in the world out there but in one's own subconscious mind those demons are at
play and so the day must begin with the darkness but the darkness must be
encountered with power with the inner light that can take one through the dark
and bring about the new on the aruna the light of the dawn that
appears from the highest point of consciousness at its earliest moment at
the end of the cycle and so one wants to be on the mountain of the dawn on the
Arunachala so that one can receive the magical power of the new light and
transmit it and bring about a new golden age and so they were aware of this power
and of the need for death as a part of life but in the northern hemisphere at
this time of the year of course it was the end of produce it was the beginning
of winter and one would have to live on one's reserves whatever stock one had
gained and been able to store would have to get you through the dark months in
the same way the Yogi's now must store up the spiritual power that will last
them through the end of Kali Yuga because soon we will approach that
moment when there will be no time for meetings like this and for weeks of
meditation and silence and the collection of the inner luminosity this
is a luxury and as we approach that time of the absolute darkness our inner light
must be so powerful that no wind of negativity could blow it out and it's
this that's being celebrated the power to withstand the dark to go through the
darkness of the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil and therefore
there must be evil to face that challenges us as our rite of passage
in order to give us the right to create a new golden age we are the ones who
lost that last golden age through falling into egoic consciousness not
someone else not some lost civilization of strangers we ourselves are the guilty
parties and that is why we keep ourselves from the realization of the
bliss that is our true nature because indeed we must again earn our right to
the Bliss through the conquest of the darkness that has usurped our own
consciousness and that of our fellows because we lost our true nature we fell
and we ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil which is not the real
knowledge but the false and we believed the false and we did not eat of the Tree
of Life of eternal presence and so we had to go through this cycle of
experience of death and rebirth again and again as we entered that period in
which there was no more magic and no more light and no more goodness
and no more refuge or oasis for the soul to find an ability to recharge until we
would have to do it ourselves until we would have to create that power from
within at the last dying embers of the final days of Kali Yuga that magical
power would have to be regained through the voluntary sacrifice of the
ego even though the ego had reached its most powerful demonic form we would have
to slay it just as David killed Goliath just as every hero must slay demons and
monsters much stronger than him or herself in every legend every myth the
giant slayer wins through his goodness his purity of heart his capacity to love
his willingness to die for the welfare of the whole and it is for the sake of
the whole that the ego must die it is not some individual selfishness that
could produce the death of the ego far from it because it is the death of
selfishness and so it can only be done by one who has attained Kali on Mork T
who has become the very archetype of generosity who is so generous that he is
willing to kill not his only begotten Son although you could say the ego is
that but his own egoic self in order to free the world from the chains of the
ego that one egoic death will enable through the Morpho genetic field
resonance in which one ego death will enable the next and the next until the
cascade of dying egos phil's the sedimentary levels of the
phenomenal plane and becomes the basis of the growth of the new tree of life in
its fertile rootedness in those dead egos with all of the wisdom of the
entire cycle of time contained within them and that power now released to
produce its ultimate magic which is the fruit of the next Sat Yuga and it is
this that we can accomplish through rooting ourselves at the very deepest
part of the seed of inner light the Jyoti Bindu that very source of power
that does not itself enjoy the fruits of those efforts but it is always in the
transcendent bliss of the joy of having given that so that all souls may benefit
from the production of a world that is a paradise in which only goodness and joy
and love and the greatness of spirit live is on in its heroic nature and it
is all produced by that being who is willing to sacrifice life itself so that
life may go on and to liberate itself from that cycle of time so that others
may be liberated within it and may once again enjoy the unleashed creative
intelligence and magic of which we are deprived in the darkness of this final
stage kali-yuga and so it is in this magic
moment in which the world is filled with hopelessness and despair that the
ultimate spiritual revolution of miraculous magic is unfolding secretly
in the hearts and minds of those liberated beings who will at one moment
produce a grid of empowered imagination that will reconfigure the world once
more in the image of divine consciousness and we are the ones who
must do that work we must be the elves in Santa's workshop
who weave that new tapestry of the next cycle of time through our own efforts of
God realization that come from the simple yet absolute act of sacrifice of
all that is false
and that sacrifice must be done out of love out of joy that of goodness to the
Supreme Being at whose feet we worship because we know not yet that we are that
infinitely gigantic and vast being who is the cause and the source of all that
is and only in that sacrifice that takes the utmost humility and dedication can
that greatness that is transcendent of all limits be realized as yourself
this is the final act of the cosmic drama in which we are actors and only a
very few will choose to perform that great sacrificial act but those few will
be remembered in all the mythologies of the world because there would be no
world without that act it is at this moment that we are held in the scale of
God to determine our destiny based upon our willingness to perform that one
function without which the world cannot go on and without which the suffering
cannot end and the Bliss cannot begin
may we have the courage to perform that sacrificial act for the sake of all
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