[Intro] Hey guys, and welcome back to Top5Esports!
Now that a few weeks have passed since the launch of Black Ops 4.
Players have gotten plenty of time to find the best weapons in the game, the most overpowered
setups, and other weapons that may not be as strong as we hoped for.
Early next week Treyarch plans to release their first major update to the game adding
in weapon balancing, audio fixes and much more.
Today we will talk about 5 changes Treyarch should make to BO4 in the next upcoming weeks.
Now let's get straight into which changes should be made
[Number Five] LMG's have always been super powerful in
Treyarch games.
This year is no different.
The LMG's in Black Ops 4 are absolute lazar beams.
No really the guns literally don't even move.
Treyarch stated that there is little to no flinch when using LMG's to make it even
easier to use them.
Not having Flinch on these guns puts you at an advantage in every gunfight.
If Treyarch would add slightly a little more flinch to these weapons.
It would make it more balanced and fair for other players.
[Number Four] The Nomad Dog is one of the more devastating
specialist abilities in Black Ops 4.
By devastating I mean devastating when you die from it on a streak.
It's almost impossible to see and hear him coming.
And don't forget how long it takes to actually eliminate him.
It takes nearly a full magazine to take out the dog.
It seems like this specialist ability is better than half the killstreaks in the game and
that's a problem.
A slight nerf to the dog will make plenty of players happy.
[Number Three] SMG's in Black Ops 4 are disappointing to
say the least.
Back in the Beta SMG's were the meta and some of the best weapons in the game.
It has been the complete opposite ever since the full launch.
It has been almost impossible to win a 1 on 1 gunfight with the SMG's against any other
weapon category.
Just the slightest buff to all weapons in this category can make a big difference to
gun variety in the game.
[Number Two] Imagine a specialist that blinds you for a
good 5 seconds where you don't know if you're looking up, down, left, or right.
Oh wait that's the 9-Bang.
Probably one of the most annoying ways to die in Black Ops 4 is when an Ajax throws
a 9-Bang at you and it have no clue on what's happening around you.
Now what if I told you after you recover from a 9-Bang, the first thing you see is a Riot
Shield right in front of you.
Yeah that's how overpowered this specialist really is.
This is one of the major adjustments that needs to be made in BO4 as soon as possible.
[Number One] Gun variety has been one of the biggest issues
so far in BO4.
Every Call of DUty game always has that one gun that's better than everything else.
Black Ops 4 is a little different.
The ICR is the most used gun by far and is super powerful.
Add in Grip II where you basically have no recoil and no flinch, you are pretty much
unstoppable when using this weapon.
Adding in slightly more recoil can make this gun compete with the other weapons much better.
So that's our Top 5 on future changes that should be considered by Treyarch in Black
Ops 4.
What do you think of the list?
Any changes you would make?
We'd be happy to hear your thoughts down in the comments below!
[Call to Action] Well, that wraps it up for today's video!
If you enjoyed today's Top 5, please like and share down below – we really appreciate
Don't forget to subscribe, and hit that bell icon so you'll never miss another video!
Thanks for watching!
We'll see you in the next one!
For more infomation >> Black Ops 4: Top 5 NEW Changes/Updates That Could Improve BO4 - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
Why You'll Never See Your Eyes Move in a Mirror - Duration: 5:28.
You know how some videos can be super disorienting, like if whoever's holding the camera just can't keep their hand steady?
Or maybe you've seen the Blair Witch Project in all of its shaky cam glory.
Having your vision move around a lot can get downright nauseating.
But also, your eyes move all the time to get a complete picture of what's going on in front of you.
So why doesn't day-to-day life feel like a poorly-calibrated first-person video game?
Well, your eyes and brain cover up that mess by doing some really weird stuff—even changing how you perceive time.
Your eyes move a lot.
Like, you might notice just how quickly they jump around when you're reading.
Scientists call those jumps saccades.
Each one can take up to a hundred milliseconds, depending on how far your eyes need to turn.
But instead of showing you blurry motion all the time, your brain kind of just skips those moments.
One way psychologists know this is because of a certain kind of vision experiment.
If you time the movement of the object to be exactly during a saccade, people have a hard time noticing.
One study asked people to flip a switch when they saw an image jump while having their eyes tracked.
The researchers found that if the image jumped about 10 milliseconds after the start of a saccade, people didn't notice—
as long as their eye movement was about 3 times bigger than the image's movement.
Other studies had people move their eyes to focus on an array of dots that appeared in their peripheral vision.
If the pattern of those dots changed during the saccade, the participants had trouble noticing the change.
But if the participants kept their eyes still and the dots moved to where they were looking, they noticed a pattern change more frequently.
You can sort of test this yourself, too.
Just look in a mirror and move your eyes—you'll never actually see your eyes in motion.
All of this is the study of transsaccadic memory, which is basically your brain's short-term storage of all the visual information it's taking in to form a complete picture of the world, like puzzle pieces.
Your brain doesn't just leave a hole in your vision during saccades.
It fills in that gap in with what's around it, chronologically.
And what's really weird is that seems to draw more from what you see right after the jump.
I'll let that sink in.
How can your brain show you things that are happening in the future, even if it's just a fraction of a second?
Well, it has to do with the fact that you don't process things instantaneously.
Your brain filters everything that your senses detect.
And your sense of time passing can also change based on what you're doing and focused on.
This is an illusion called chronostasis, which means "stopping time" in Greek.
You can see it yourself if you've got a watch with a ticking second hand.
If you look away from the watch and then back, sometimes the second hand will seem to pause for a little bit too long before ticking again.
Basically, there seems to be a tiny delay between your eyes receiving light information from the watch and your conscious visual perception of the watch.
When you've got a saccade to fill, it's like your brain puts a rush order on the next bit of information from your eyes—that's the "seeing the future" part.
And then it rests for a second.
Well, not a whole second. Part of a second.
In some studies of the chronostasis illusion, subjects had their eyes tracked.
When they focused on a specific point on a screen, a 4 second timer started.
But here's the catch: that timer would vary how long it would display the first number by a few hundred milliseconds.
Then subjects were asked whether that first number was displayed for a longer or shorter time than the rest.
And the researchers found that they could shorten that first second by about 120 milliseconds on average before people would say it seemed shorter.
In other words, people were overestimating how long that first second took by about 120 milliseconds.
Their mind's eye was holding onto that image of a number 1 just a little longer.
So… kind of like time travel!
We don't have a complete biological explanation for this phenomenon.
It's hard to get deep into the visual systems of living humans, and monkeys and rats can't exactly report their perception of time.
But we know that the illusion happens whether a person voluntarily moves their eyes or does it reflexively because something appears in their peripheral vision.
This suggests it's a very low-level process in the brain.
Researchers think it could be part of a signal coming from the superior colliculus, which is a brain region involved in processing vision and unconscious movement of your eyes.
But this is really just a guess based on what seems to fit the data we have so far.
And, to make things even more complicated, the chronostasis illusion doesn't just happen with vision.
People have similar experiences with other senses, like touch or hearing.
Like, in experiments kind of like that timer study where participants reach and grab a vibrating handle, they overestimate how long it vibrates at different frequencies after they make contact.
Or people will overestimate the length of a period of silence if tones [tone on left] switch from one ear [tone on right] to the other.
So scientists have a bit of a mystery to unravel when it comes to time-stopping illusions.
At the very least, we know that our perception of time isn't consistent—maybe to help make the world a little less disorienting.
But no need to break out the flux capacitors or the failsafe machines just yet.
Thanks for learning about these brain mysteries with us here at SciShow Psych, and thanks especially to our patrons on Patreon.
If you want to support us as we make all these videos and share how fascinating our universe is, you can go to patreon.com/scishow.
Anthony Borges: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 9:48.
Anthony Borges: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Anthony Borges was hailed as a hero by the Broward County Sheriff and others for saving many classmates' lives during the Florida school shooting.
He acted as a human shield and was shot, but he lived.
The mass shooting – which was the third deadliest school shooting in U.S.
history – took the lives of 17 staff members and students.
Nikolas Cruz, an expelled former student, is accused of committing the crimes after authorities say he strolled into the school, pulled a fire alarm, and started shooting.
However, it might have been even worse were it not for Borges, a teenager who is credited with saving the lives of others.
Borges is featured on the October 2018 cover of a New York Magazine in a dramatic photo that shows his scars.
It reads, "New cover: Parkland survivor Anthony Borges, photographed by Michael Avedon.
72 years of school shootings.
By those who survived them." You can read the article here.
Here's what you need to know:.
Borges' Family Says He Saved at Least 20 People.
Borges in the hospital.
Many more lives might have been lost in the tragedy were it not for the quick-thinking of Anthony Borges.
His family says he saved the lives of about 20 people.
Borges was only 15-years-old.
"None of us knew what to do.
So, he took the initiative to just save his other classmates," Carlos Rodriguez, another student, told Good Morning America.
"Anthony was the last of 20 students who fled into a room and was trying to lock the door when he was shot…He held his ground in the doorway, putting his body between the bullets and his classmates, who all survived uninjured," ABC News reported.
According to NBC News, Borges "was shot five times while locking the door to a classroom during the school shooting.
In an intent to sue letter, Borges' attorney wrote that "The failure of Broward County Public Schools, and of the principal and school resource officer to adequately protect students, and in particular our client, from life-threatening harm were unreasonable, callous and negligent.
Such action or inaction led to the personal injuries sustained by my client." He noted that Borges still can't walk and remains in the hospital.
Borges Is a Soccer Player at the School & Used His Body as a 'Human Shield'.
Borges is a soccer player at the school, according to USA Today.
ABC News is reporting that Borges used his body as a "human shield" to protect his classmates.
He "placed his body between alleged mass killer Nikolas Cruz and fellow students," the network reported.
One of those classmates, Rodriguez, "said he survived because of Anthony's heroism," according to ABC.
According to Univision, Borges is Venezuelan in heritage.
The New York Magazine article says he's dealt with life-altering injuries.
"Since being shot five times, Parkland survivor Anthony Borges has worn a colostomy bag," it reads.
The Sheriff Visited Borges in the Hospital.
The Broward County Sheriff, Scott Israel, visited Borges in the hospital.
The sheriff's department later tweeted out a picture of the young man, writing, "The Sheriff was honored to visit Anthony Borges,15, in the hospital.
Anthony was shot five times.
Fortunately, he is recovering, but has a long road ahead with more surgeries needed.
Please join us in praying for the swift recovery of Anthony and all others from #StonemanDouglas.".
The boy's father, Royer Borges, told ABC News his son was his hero and is now in stable condition.
"I only ask that people pray for him," he said.
A GoFundMe Page for Borges Raised Almost $900,000.
Many people have contributed to a GoFundMe page to help Anthony Borges and his family as news of his heroism has spread.
The GoFundMe page describes the nature of the young man's serious injuries.
It's raised almost $900,000 for the young hero.
"Anthony is a victim of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School," it reads.
"During this unspeakable tragedy, Anthony was able to save about 20 other students as he attempted to close and lock the door to a classroom.
He was shot multiple times (both legs were shot, left upper thigh bone shattered and one bullet went through his back).
He has a long road of recovery ahead of him but he is alive and stable.".
The page continues: "Our thoughts and prayers are with Anthony and his family.
Any help is very much appreciated.".
People Are Praising Borges' Heroism & There Were Also Other Heroes That Day.
On the GoFundMe page, people are praising the heroism of the young man.
"You show us true courage.
Godspeed for a full recovery," wrote one man.
A woman wrote, "Bless you, for being so brave and protecting your classmates.".
"How terrible that you had to endure this tragedy.
How wonderful that you were so brave and helped save the lives of so many.
Thank you for your kindness and your bravery," wrote one woman on the GoFundMe page.
Borges was one of multiple heroes that day.
Another hero, student Peter Wang, is pictured above.
Tragically, some of them – such as staff members who intervened and Wang – lost their lives.
However, the actions of those people and of Borges showcase the best of human nature, people said.
Peter Wang was a freshman at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who was a member of the school's Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) program.
An online petition says that Wang "was last seen, in uniform, holding doors open and thus allowing other students, teachers, and staff to flee to safety.".
Snow plow preparations underway before winter - Duration: 2:34.
ENG SUB/changes Documentary 2nd Episode 'What Are You Looking For' - Duration: 10:47.
- Where are you going?
i'm going to get a haircut.
- Going bald?
i'm frustrated
- what? what bothers you is....
- Maybe it's your anger issues
ah hyung... that too
Please give me a clean shave
lmao i thought that shit was real
have patience bro
- How is it so far?
does it look ok from the back?
- The back?
i bet i still have left over hair
dandruff (said above)
- You..know..
- It looks like you have black dandruff (lol)
- Right?
they are talking about the mixture of the hair ( the terms they are using are lazy so i can't properly translate)
-we got interrupted-
- Hair will grow fast
- I find it funny
nah... it's...
-we got interrupted-
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
owen was not kidding about the whole process
-the lady is taking care of it quietly-
-she thought Owen had a penalty and had to shave all of his hair off) ㅋㅋㅋ
hello cat
pat pat
-the Producer is looking like the bad guy in this situation- (owens hair 'penalty' as she believes)
-telling her about how Owen is known and has a tight schedule- lmao
Ichiro-kun~ (calling for the cat)
so cute
-Was it nice?
- Did she do a good job?
right from the start
shaving it off
first step
u do it a few times, two or three times
and the all main hair is gone
- Instead she shaved it consistently
go try it~
I keep asking you to do that, go bald with me!
-How is Japan?
japan is great
why are u being sulky
he is boring
- Me, Moody?
- lol not really
- I don't know what im saying~
- I'm not sulky/moody~
- I'm bored right now
come and hang out with me again
- I'm not gonna hang out with youuuu
-You go have fun
-Where are you heading?
to a club called MOOD
- Why
meeting japanese friends
a friend named Coco
they are performing today
i decided to hang out with Young West.
- i hurt my leg
- So i'm walking like this
-Baggy pants
- Became a gangster
-Try calling
- Owenssi~ go try?
- Are you there?
" hello? "
- " Hello? "
- " Oppa"
- "What the heck oppa"
- "Do you know who I am?"
lmao let's stop
i'm here
in front of MOOD?
can't relate
bb west
- Why did you want to come to Japan?
to get out of korea for a bit
for me.
i had a live show there last week
now, this week
i'm in a different atmosphere.
when i'm out here
Even if i try to lean on something different
I know it's not gonna be any different.
- What is the ideal world that you're thinking about?
there is nothing like that
we are just stuck, i guess that's how i think
but things will be fine
focus on the good, also
it's important
where you are located
who are you with
- Who are you with now?
with my brothers/hyungs
- Tell me more
i like rapping with you
since 42
thanks for keeping us in the scene
- I want you to tell me things coming from your heart.
i mean..
it's easy though
if you have a solid place and good people around u
you were one of the good friends
i'm really grateful
i will give you something like that always back ( loving brotherhood)
being next to you, help you
you played a big role in helping
- Was i helpful ?
* nodding*
-Give me a hug
^ . ^
[P] 1493. A dashing entrance! - Duration: 0:08.
''Something Is Arriving...'' -Moin Moin Moin-
-M'ho M'ho M'ho- -Monnn!!!-
Practical guidance to make your tier-1 SQL Server roar - BRK3155 - Duration: 1:18:38.
Trippie Redd's "Topanga" Explained | Song Stories - Duration: 1:46.
TIA: Trippie Redd brings fans an upbeat track with a gospel influence on "Topanga."
TIA: The song was produced by Chopsquad DJ and despite it's upbeat vibe,
Trippie lets people know he's about that action.
TIA: In June 2018, Trippie Redd was arrested and charged with battery and aggravated assault
following a dispute where he allegedly hit a woman in the head with a gun.
Before that, Trippie was arrested for fighting with Chicago rapper Lil Wop.
TIA: At the beginning of the song, we hear of a sample of a Maurette Brown Clark
2006 gospel track, "It Ain't Over."
TIA: The song's title is a reference to the southern California area of Topanga.
TIA: In August 2018, Trippie released his debut studio album, 'Life's A Trip'
which debuted at #4 on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Album chart.
TIA: Then in September, Trippie announced the release of 'A Love Letter To You 3',
a follow-up to the first and second installments.
Trippie's label told Genius that the there is no official release date just yet but thanks to
the Ohio rapper dropping snippets of "Topanga" on social media, fans are eager to hear what's next.
TIA: If you want to learn more about "Topanga," check out the song page on Genius.com.
TIA: I'm Tia with Genius News bringing you the meaning and the knowledge behind the music.
Affordable Care Act (ACA) enrollment begins November 1st - Duration: 1:36.
Choices: Stories You Play - Desire And Decorum Book 1 (Chapter 15) {Diamonds} - Duration: 52:52.
Choices: Stories You Play - Desire And Decorum Book 1 (Chapter 15) {Diamonds Used}
Choices: Stories You Play - Desire And Decorum Book 1 (Chapter 15) {Diamonds}
Chart your Microsoft 365 compliance path and information protection strategy - BRK3225 - Duration: 59:59.
Do You Have a Seductive Personality?|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:04.
Do You Have a Seductive Personality?
Having a seductive personality has many advantages, above all with guiding your relationships with others.
If you have this personality, enjoy it! If you have it but have repressed or hidden it, it's time that it sees daylight again.
Having a seductive personality is very helpful. Easily connecting with people and having an attractive personality is very important to society nowadays.
Although some people are jealous of this kind of personality, it certainly has many advantages.
What is a big disadvantage? The disadvantage of a seductive personality type is that you must be born with it. Furthermore, it means you can't really acquire it later on as a new personality.
We all develop our own personalities, hence they all have their advantages.
However, today we'll look into this specific personality type to get to know it a little better.
The seductive personality has excellent language control.
Someone that has a seductive personality has an important characteristic that lets them easily relate to others: great control over language.
They may demonstrate clear, assertive language and won't forget about non-verbal communication. As we know, what we communicate with gestures and our voice (intonation, volume) contains a higher percentage of the message than the actual words we say (only 7%).
A person with a seductive personality is coherent. What they say and express through their non-verbal communication is the same.
This way, they communicate effectively and without falling into contradictions.
In addition to all of this, the control of language is so high that it prevents hesitation. When we hesitate, we make people doubt what it is that we're trying to communicate.
Additionally, if you have this personality, you're more trustworthy and make people feel safe.
If you need to make a decision, you do not hesitate.
Finally, you confront doubts in a wise way.
Interacting with Others in a Healthy Way.
People with a seductive personality know how to get along with others in a healthy way.
That's why, in addition to generally being extroverted, they communicate what they think and feel without holding anything in. Additionally, they do this in a respectful, assertive manner.
They know how to say what's bothering them without hurting the other person.
In fact, when they find themselves in a conflict due to differing opinions, their priority is to find a consensus. Even more, they are great at negotiating, respecting other's opinions, and valuing what others also think.
All of this leads to great results.
It seems like this outgoing behavior works in their favor.
However, seduction should not be confused with manipulation. In this case, the seductive personality isn't trying to manipulate anyone at any time.
This would only cause pain, toxic relationships, problems, or intimidation.
Most noteworthy, none of this has anything to do with people that have seductive personalities.
Do You Have a Seductive Personality?.
If you identify yourself with the traits we mentioned or if you have ever felt that you possess this kind of personality, then you know very well if you can identify with the descriptions below:.
You always see the best in people. What you propose for any project or have to say in front of a crowd always turns out magnificent.
You don't have social anxiety. You love to interact and meet new people, especially those that bring on new challenges with respect to effective communication.
Other people usually admire the way that you are.
You attract people without trying. Even if you're surrounded by people you don't know, making friends with them doesn't take very long.
Having a seductive personality has many advantages, above all, with guiding your relationships with others.
If you have this personality, enjoy it! However, if you have it but have repressed or hidden it, it's time that it sees daylight again.
Because above all, at the end of the day, you are who you are.
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