Are you searching for something you can't quite put your finger on what I know
that feeling I was there back in 2014 searching for
that something not sure what all I knew was I'd had enough of the way my life
was going I saw that I was going to keep treading the same path for many many
more decades being purposeless lost in life not really enjoying it while
searching I found something and it's been the catalyst that has totally an
athlete's changed my life and improved my life
if you ain't read and click the link and then some more now if you'd really like
to hear all now keep watching in August 2014 I found a community of
like-minded people and awakened songs they reminded me of who I was meant to
be they reminded me that I am whole complete and perfect in all the
imperfect ways the twist is at the education provided by the communities
based around digital marketing skills I know with a large emphasis on life
skills a mindfulness on knowing who you are and what your mission is and how to
find it and how to implement it I found out how to live the life my soul desired
I needed a balance of heart based and mind based knowledge I saw that with my
heart and mind and balance working as a team I could have life my soul desired a
life of time freedom and our level abundant to allow me to have what I
needed when I needed it and as often as I needed it but how yeah without having
to stress about how that would happen I'll be able to live my life purpose
each and every day as I listen to the education and implemented it the
constraints of the past three decades in the corporate world fell off my
shoulders like the massive anchor chains of a ship launching out to sea my heart
softened and it took its rightful place about being in charge of my life of my
mind my constant worrying thoughts of feelings through my body of anxiety
slowly left me and now I feel free and have unconditional love for myself my
life and all those I interact with the process taught me how to Remember Who I
am and now I follow my soul's path I want
to share this with you to you to remember who you truly are and have what
you desire this is a digital education system designed to educate you so that
you can run your own online business however it's firmly based on a solid
mindset training because mindset empowers you to be your full true
amazing self so come and join us on this amazing adventure awakening yourself
let's awaken your inner entrepreneur and true self as one of my mental says
entrepreneur journey is truly a spiritual awakening click the link come
and join the community awaken yourself to your ultimate life come on click the
link and I'll see you very soon oh yeah well I remember if you act very
quickly you can join it on a 30-day free trial there's no credit card required to
register just your name email address and you can see for yourself how amazing
the digital marketing and mindset training is I'm a product of the
education and I now run a mindfulness coaching business a marketing business
that resells all some education courses like that one I'm talking about now
and I've recently moved into energy work with horses and pets so follow a link
and I can also share with you on that pace of testimonials from other students
you'll be able to hear about the curriculum which contains in excess of
six the half hours of modules so course you can take the education to yourself
and run at your own pace anyway enough from me click the link and I'll see you
very soon see ya bye
For more infomation >> What Are You Searching For In Your Life, Freedom, Love, Purpose - Duration: 4:44.-------------------------------------------
Can You Solve the Mystery of the Dread Family? | Walt Disney World - Duration: 1:35.
- Hi, my name is Steven Vagnini and we're here, at the
Haunted Mansion at Walt Disney World, where we're gonna
explore the stories and details of the cemetery.
(fun spooky music)
(playful music) (thunder)
One of the first things that our guests see when they enter
the cemetery is this family of busts,
representing the Dread Family.
And we have a remarkable legacy of memorable busts
throughout the haunted mansion, whether in the library,
the graveyard, there was even a concept of how the ghost
hosts materialized as a bust in the foyer to the attraction.
The imagineers were really inspired by the original
imagineers like Marc Davis and Blaine Gibson
and they really captured that through these busts.
It's a cool interplay between spooky and silly, something we
see play out throughout the entire haunted mansion.
- The Dread Family is amazing,
but there's so many great stories happening
at the Haunted Mansion, but this story is really
interesting because it's very dreadful.
The family was actually run by Uncle Jacob
and Uncle Jacob was super greedy and he had a lot of money
and everyone else in the family really really wanted that
money, and in fact, someone poisoned him.
So, there's a huge murder mystery going on,
right in the queue of Haunted Mansion.
If you read the epithets and look at all the details,
you might actually be able to solve the mystery.
And if you do that, you know, there might be a little clue
inside the mansion as well, that kinda pays that off.
(screaming) (thunder)
Behind The Scenes At TODAY's '80s-Themed Halloween | TODAY - Duration: 3:47.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI – Episode 2: Taking Your Turn - Duration: 2:14.
There are a bunch of things you can do with your turn in a game of Civilization, but none so important as researching.
The two main research trees are Technology and Civics.
Each tree unlocks bonuses that will strengthen your Civilization in different ways.
Depending on which Tech or Civic you research, you'll set your Civ on a different path to victory, but we'll cover those next time.
Movement reveals unknown areas of the map, or as we like to call it, the "fog of war."
With the fog of war removed, you can uncover hidden resources and discover natural wonders.
Huh, who knew Yosemite was in the middle of Africa?
If you're unsure what to do early on, send out a Scout and have him start exploring.
You never know what, or who, you might find.
Think Alexander the Great got the nickname because his empire was small?
To grow your Civ, you need to build.
That means new buildings, new units, and new city districts.
Districts allow you to build more specialized buildings and improve certain parts of your Civ.
Want to control the high seas? You'll need a Harbor.
Military lagging behind? Better build an Encampment to make better units.
The world is a dangerous, barbarian-infested place, and securing your Civ's victory sometimes requires a less subtle approach.
So if "an eye for an eye" is your motto, attacking enemies strategically is critical to your success.
But, if the fist has failed then why not try a shoulder rub?
Use diplomacy, or shmooze your neighboring Civs to get yourself a trading partner.
Not everyone will like you right away, so get to know the other Leaders and their unique agendas.
This'll help you figure out the best way to win them over…or topple them over.
But how exactly, do you win? Join me next time to learn all about sweet, sweet victory.
NOVEMBER 16, 2018
The Deadliest Flu Season in History? - Duration: 8:44.
One hundred years ago, in 1918, Europe and America were at the height of World War I.
People were moving all over, especially soldiers flocking to the Western Front to fight.
At the beginning of the war's final year, another enemy would enter the trenches, one
that threatened people on and off the battlefield and eventually led to more deaths than all
war-related causes combined.
That enemy was the flu.
What made it so deadly?
And 100 years later, could it happen again?
No one knows for sure where the original 1918 flu infection happened.
As the first bout of illnesses cropped up in North America, Europe, and Asia it didn't
kill many people.
But by the Fall of 1918 the disease had grown deadlier.
People displayed classic flu symptoms like nausea, fever, and aches, but many began to
develop dark spots on their cheeks, their breathing became difficult, and their faces
turned blue from lack of oxygen.
These people caught pneumonia and died from suffocation.
Along the Western Front, rows of dead soldiers piled up, who had just days earlier been young
able men.
Because the world was at war, news of these deaths was kept quiet to maintain morale.
Only the Spanish, who had remained neutral in the war, wrote about the frightening numbers
of illnesses and deaths, which is why this disease is named for them (such an honor!).
By the time the disease declined in 1919, one third of the world had been infected with
the Spanish flu, and between 50 million and 100 million people died– as much as 5% of
the world population at the time.
Enough people died in the US that the average lifespan fell by 10 years.
It was a flu more deadly than any we'd seen before or since.
But the flu has been around for a long time.
We see it every year.
What made the 1918 outbreak so bad?
To understand this, we need to shrink down to the nanoscale world.
Influenza is a virus Influenza is a virus, which is essentially a container made to carry
genetic information.
These genes are the blueprints for building more virus - using the machinery of your own
Variations in these genetic blueprints determine how deadly a particular virus is.
The virus' armored shell is made up of two proteins.
One unlocks the door to your cells.
The better it can do this, the more infectious it becomes.
The second helps newly made viruses escape from the cell.
Every flu strain has a name based on different combinations of slightly different H and N
We now know the 1918 flu was an H1N1 strain, and many Influenza viruses today are a descendant
of it, including the 2009 "bird flu".
When you catch the flu virus, it invades your cells, the viruses reproduce, and infected
cells eventually burst.
Your immune system senses this mess, identifies the attacker, and starts building an army
of cells that specifically recognize the invader by reading its unique H and N surface proteins.
These recognizable bits are called antigens.
Once you're better, other cells "remember" that antigen, so you almost never get infected
with the exact same flu twice.
But the flu has a few tricks up its sleeve.
Each time it replicates its genes, it makes random mistakes or mutations.
We call this gradual change antigenic drift.
So if, say, an H1N1 strain undergoes enough mutations, the immune system may not recognize
it, and it can make you sick again.
This is why you need a new flu shot every year.
But, more extreme changes in flu genes can also occur.
If an unlucky host is infected with two flu viruses at the same time, their genes can
Instead of small gradual changes, this can lead to radically new genetic combinations.
Imagine if Nickelback and Limp Bizkit joined forces to make Nickelbizkit.
It would be even more dangerous than the originals.
This kind of shuffle is called an antigenic shift, and it creates flu viruses completely
unrecognizable to our immune system.
These are the viruses most likely to cause massive outbreaks like 1918.
To understand if we're at risk for another super virus emerging today, we need to know
exactly what made the 1918 flu so catastrophic.
Today we have better sanitation, vaccines, and antivirals, yet hundreds of thousands
of people still die every year from the flu.
But the 1918 flu was different in some very deadly ways, thanks to its unique genetic
In the late 1990s, two scientists resurrected the genetic code of the 1918 influenza virus
preserved in a body buried in Alaskan permafrost.
Turns out two bits of the 1918 flu were essential for its viral badness.
A deadlier form of the H surface protein helped it enter and kill lung cells more efficiently.
It also carried genes that helped it make copies of itself 50 times faster than modern
But it was really when all of the other pieces of the 1918 virus were put together *with*
these two that it became a "super virus" and to be honest, we still don't have a
complete answer as to why.
One answer is more certain: Another deadly flu like 1918 IS possible.
Two general factors determine if a flu will be particularly bad - how well it travels
from human to human, and how deadly it is once it gets inside of us.
For example the H5N1 bird flu has a mortality rate of more than 50%, but it can't spread
from human to human, only from birds to humans.
When you get a flu that's good at both, like 1918, that's how you get a pandemic.
Say, for example, bird flu mutates so it can be transmitted between humans.
That would be very bad.
It's true that modern medicine and flu shots have helped in humanity's war against the
flu, but other aspects of our modern culture have put us more at risk for a pandemic.
Humans aren't the only species that can carry the flu.
But because some of these other versions are similar to human flu, a few changes and they
can jump the species barrier.
We have increased contact with livestock today, making these species jumps more likely.
And since we travel so much today, a deadly virus could spread across the globe in hours.
While we don't know how to predict where a pandemic will start, scientists agree it's
not a question of if, but when.
If a flu like 1918 popped up today, an estimated 100 million people could die world wide.
Can we do anything to be ready?
Containing a pandemic will require global cooperation to stop the spread and treat infected
Because traditional vaccines take months to develop, scientists are working on a universal
flu vaccine, one that would protect against any strain of the flu, but the task has obviously
been difficult because the flu is constantly changing.
These days, the flu feels like an annoying yearly thing.
If you remember to get a shot, maybe it can save you from a few days fever and runny nose.
But flu is a real and honest threat to humanity.
Humans and influenza have been at war for centuries.
Flu infects humans.
Humans develop immunity.
The flu mutates and the process starts again.
Perhaps one day, science will help us leave influenza in the history books.
But for now, stay safe, support science, and stay curious.
Montecristo Sandwich - Easy and rich recipe - Duration: 6:01.
Hello Friend how are you?
I'm Esbieta.
Today I'm going to show you how to prepare at home the famous Monte Cristo sandwich.
It's a sandwich, friends, very simple, easy and quick to do.
And taste is delicious.
I'm going to give you some tips so that You can customize it to your liking.
It is very crispy.
It smells of luxury.
To make the Monte Cristo sandwich you need 3 slices of bread
I'm going to use the milk bread that I made the other day and he is very rich.
If you also want to make this bread I will leave you the link below the video, in the description.
It is a very soft and tender bread.
We're going to remove the bread from the crust.
So the sandwich will come out much more tender and will impregnate better with egg.
The Monte Cristo sandwich has to be made with bread without crust.
In a dish we shell 1 egg.
We add 2 tablespoons of milk.
And here you can add the spices that most you like them
I'm going to add some black pepper.
I'm going to add 1 pinch of nutmeg.
To everything that is salty and takes milk the nut Moscada feels very good.
And a pinch of salt
If you do not like nutmeg you can add a little bit of paprika, dried garlic
That is, the spice that you like the most.
By the way, have you already subscribed to my channel? :)
I like to put the cheese on the sandwich grated but of course you can use
the sliced cheese
The cheese that is recommended to make this Sandwich is gruye or cheddar cheese.
You can also use emmental cheese, Gouda ... the one you want.
The cheese that melts well serves you.
We spread the bread slices with mayonnaise and mustard.
If you do not like for example mayonnaise or not you like mustard you can omit it perfectly.
My mayonnaise is yellow because it is homemade and It is made with olive oil.
I'm going to spread 2 slices with mayonnaise and one with mustard.
I'll put the mustard in the middle of the sandwich.
We put the cheese on top of each slice.
And the slices of ham.
We crush the sandwich so that it is later more comfortable to eat and to make it more
Now we have it for the beaten egg.
The edges too, so they are impregnated well of egg.
We put to heat the pan over medium heat.
We add butter.
And we gild our sandwich
on both sides and edges.
Monte Cristo sandwich is usually served with strawberry or raspberry jam, with icing sugar or both.
I'm going to put some icing sugar.
It is very juicy and very tender.
The nutmeg feels great.
I invite you to eat it like that, with sugar glas
I have really enjoyed this wonderful sandwich.
And I invite you to also prepare it and enjoy.
Please tell me in the comments if You like to eat the sandwich in general.
And at what time of the day you like to eat them.
And subscribe to my channel if you have not already done because it's totally free.
Until next time.
What you believe, becomes real - Duration: 0:21.
So actually anything we believe, it becomes real. So you believe in hate, it
becomes hate. You believe in fear, it becomes fear. So you love, you trust love,
so love appears. It's very simple formula. This is how the nature moves.
13-Year-Old Invented A Safer Way To Treat Pancreatic Cancer - Duration: 4:05.
(upbeat music)
- It all started in the summer of 2017
when I went to visit my brother in Boston,
and there I learned about some research
that was happening, and the surprisingly low statistics
about pancreatic cancer, like its survival rate.
My name is Rishab Jain.
I'm in 8th grade, 13 years old, from Portland, Oregon,
and I created an artificial intelligence-based tool
called PCDLS Net to improve pancreas tracking
during a treatment called radio therapy
for pancreatic cancer.
The five-year survival rate of pancreatic cancer
is around 9%, and the 10-year survival rate
is around 1%, which is extremely low,
and these survival rates have not improved
significantly in the past 40 years,
so currently, pancreatic cancer is detected
in a late stage, and by then, doctors try to use
radio therapy to help treat it,
but most of the time, it's not effective enough,
so I got inspired to do some research on this
because I'm a big programmer,
and I like artificial intelligence,
so I wondered if I could combine my knowledge
in the two areas to help solve the problem,
and I created an artificial intelligence-based tool
called PCDLS Net to improve pancreas tracking
during a treatment called radio therapy
for pancreatic cancer. Well, I contacted over 253 doctors,
and got around 30 replies from leading experts
from institutions at cancer centers and around the world.
So as you can see in the pancreas right here,
there's other organs such as the stomach
and liver that may cover the area,
and also, it's right below the lungs
causing it to move during some of the treatments.
It's also very hard to reach in.
It's right in the center of the abdomen
next to the spinal cord, so for surgery,
biopsies, other things like that,
it may be hard to find where the pancreas is.
It's sometimes detailed as a mushy or angry organ
because of its position in the body.
This right here is a real patient's CT scan,
and as you can see throughout its transforming,
it's very hard for the human eye to detect
where the pancreas is, and this is especially a problem
in real time when radiologists and oncologists
have to find the pancreas and apply radiation treatment.
So over here on the left side, my tool can be run
to find where exactly the pancreas is
in one of these CT or MRI slices
and output this result instantaneously.
So currently, doctors have to apply sometimes
a seven millimeter overlay around the pancreas
of radiation, and this can affect millions
of healthy cells, so my tool is able to reduce that area
to around four millimeters, so that saves
millions of healthy cells and can improve
patient quality of care.
So, I have a detailed five-year plan
about how I wanna globally commercialize my tool,
PCDLS Net, and improve pancreatic cancer survival rates.
So I envision partnering with a hospital
as well as 3M to work and create my tool
as an add-on, and for this, I'll need to conduct
clinical testing, so I want to gain FDA
and IRB approval.
(intense music)
So I want to continue pursuing medicine
and engineering as I grow up, so for my
undergraduate degree, I'm thinking about becoming
a biomedical engineer, and later,
I want to make a difference in other people's lives.
I've gotten to see first-hand some of my relatives
who are doctors and how they can perform surgery
or make other treatments that improve
the quality of care and solve problems
for people in need, so I'm thinking about
becoming a surgeon and continuing medical research
as I grow up.
How to connect your existing account with Epidemic Sound when you join an MCN - Duration: 0:43.
If you've already registered an Epidemic Sound account,
excellent! You loved us before it was cool.
But you've joined an MCN that's already partnered with us,
so there's no need to double up if they're already paying for you.
First you need to log out from your ES account.
Then you need to log in again.
It's not a joke,
it's just how it works.
Click on the name of your network in the dropdown menu
under the partnership's MCN section
and you'll be guided through the next steps.
If you have trouble getting access,
please contact your MCN Partner Manager
so they can double-check if your channel has been properly linked.
Ten In The Bed | Sing Along With Tobee | Kids Songs - Duration: 3:52.
Hey Caitie, how are you?
Can we start the show now?
Sure, Tobee, let me just say, hello to our friends at home first, okay?
Hi everyone, welcome to Sing Along With
Tobee, you're in a hurry today
What's going on?
Well, I'm going to my first sleepover ever tonight
I can't wait to go
What are you going to do at your sleepover?
Well, we're going to...umm...
You know what?
I don't know what you do at a sleepover
Do you think I'll do what I usually do?
Well, what do you mean?
Oh, like, you know, put on my pajamas, and brush my teeth and wash my face
Yeah, I think you'll do all those things
Plus, you'll stay up late, tell stories, and play games
Oh, awesome!
Where do you think I'll sleep?
At home, I have my own bed
I'm not sure
How many friends are going to the sleep over?
That's a lot of friends
Um, maybe you'll all sleep on the floor
Or maybe you'll all share a bed
You know what, there is a song about this very thing
It's called Ten In The Bed
No way!
You have a song for everything
Yes, I do
I'll teach you the song and some moves you can do, too
Follow along, here we go
Hit it, Caitie
There were 10 in the bed and the little one said,
Roll over, roll over
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were 9 in the bed and the little one said,
Roll over, roll over
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were 8 in the bed and the little one said,
Roll over, roll over
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were 7 in the bed and the little one said,
Roll over, roll over
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were 6 in the bed and the little one said,
Roll over, roll over
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were 5 in the bed and the little one said,
Roll over, roll over
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were 4 in the bed and the little one said,
Roll over, roll over
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were 3 in the bed and the little one said,
Roll over, roll over
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were 2 in the bed and the little one said,
Roll over, roll over
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There was 1 in the bed and the little one said,
I'm sleepy
Just kidding
That's it
Great singing, everyone
Thanks, Caitie
I think I'm all ready to go now
I'm going to bring my pajamas and my toothbrush
and I'm going to bring some extra pillows, too
Extra pillows?
Yeah, so I have something soft to land on if I fall out of bed
Well that's a good idea, Tobee
Alright, we'll see you next time on
Sing Along With Tobee
Bye bye
I'm out of here
Bye bye
Thanks for watching, everyone
That was so much fun
I hope we get to sing together again soon
La la la la la la la
WE4M181 - Replacing Your GE Dryer's Cycling Thermostat AP2044414 PS267926 - Duration: 11:57.
hi my name is Bill and today I'm gonna be showing you how to replace a cycling
thermostat in your dryer the reason why you might have to do this is because
your dryers not heating at all or because it's getting too hot for this repair
we'll be using a Philips head screwdriver and a flat head screwdriver
warning before doing any repairs please disconnect your power source so this is
the appliance that we'll be using in this demonstration
it's a GE keep in mind yours at home might look a little bit different than
what we've got here but the same techniques should still apply make sure
you turn your gas off so we're gonna start by turning our dryer around so
we'll need to do is remove these screws up here in order to get the control
panel off so now that we've got the back unscrewed we can just slide the control
panel over and we're gonna lift it up and we're going to put it back in this
space right here now we're going to open up our dryer door and on either side
there are two screws going straight up so we need to remove those screws now
and we're going to be using a Phillips head screwdriver take these screws out
now that we've got those screws out we can take the top off all we have to do
is just lift up and pull back slightly on the top and we'll set that off to the
side so now that I've got these screws out I want to close up our front door
dryer door now I've got two more screws that screw into the front panel and I'm
just going to remove those as well and when you remove them just make sure that
when you get close to having them come out you catch them because you don't
want to fall down into the dryer there
now that we've got those screws out we
can tilt the front panel forward and once we've got to tilt it forward and
separate it from the drum we can lift it up over the tabs on the bottom and just
turn it like so because we've got some wires attached to it as well so now I'm
going to do is I'm going to detach some of these wires here first when I want to
detach is this black one that's connected right over here and do that
I'm just gonna use a flathead screwdriver and I want to pry up
now I've got this plastic guard that's in my way a little bit what I
want to do just pull it slightly out like that so it's removed from the frame
and now I can move it out of my way again just don't move it too far you
don't want to break it move itjust enough so that I can use my screwdriver
and pry these wires off
and we just need to unplug our white wire and we'll just pull that straight
out there so now I'm just going to remove this last wire here and once
again pull that straight out I want to reach inside of our dryer here
and I've got to get my arm in that little hole we're gonna have to push up
on the lever to release the tension and reach in with our other hand and now we
can just take that right off so now that we've removed the belt from the pulley
you can lift up on the belt and that will help us pick up the drum so the
next thing I'm gonna do before I take anything else apart is I'm just gonna
clean out the inside here so that all the dust is cleaned out and I can see
what I'm doing a little bit better now we've got most of the dust cleaned out
so we'll continue with our repair so you'll see right here we've got three
thermostats right in a row we're gonna be replacing this bottom one right here
so in order to get this out it's got two tabs sticking in I'm just going to push
on this first tab right here that'll pop it through the hole and if
you need to use your screwdriver in order to push it the rest of the way out
and then you can just pull it out
now we'll unplug all the wires and all we have to do is just pull the wire
straight out and if you're having a hard time getting the wires out you can
always use a flathead screwdriver like so and just pop them off
now you can grab your new OEM replacement thermostat if you don't have
one already you can find it on our online store so what I want to do now
I'll reattach the wires and the purple on my memory was on that side and these
were all just like this now that we've got the wires reattached put the tab
in on that side and the round part will go into the hole here and the other tab
will just squeeze through and it will go through on the other side so you'll see
on the back of your drum here there's a small shaft and when you put the drum
back in you're gonna want to make sure that shaft goes into that hole right
there there we go so it's a little bit hard to line it up when you can't really
see it back there but you can do the best you can and it might take a couple of
tries to get it exactly in place there we go
after a couple of tries you should be able to get it in there and you'll see
that the rim of the drum is inside the frame of the dryer there now to put the
drum back on we're going to take the belt we're going to go
on the other side of the wheel here just like this and we're going to lift it up
keeping this all together and then loop the belt around the shaft here
and make sure everything's on straight there we go and then everything should
be able to spin freely now just like that we're gonna reattach that to the
middle this is a white wire that goes up along the edge of the door and goes to
the light so that's plugged in now and now with this last one
attach it right there now I'm gonna put this plastic piece back into place so
right into that slot right there and we'll plug our last wire in and you're
just going to make sure that these slight bumps there line up with the
holes on the side that fits in nicely and now I'll put the front panel back on so now
we're gonna line up our front panel with the tabs on the bottom we're going to
set those into those tabs and stand the door up as we do that we're also gonna
line up with the drum and the inside of that plastic piece on the washer is
going in the drum and we've also got these metal tabs on the side they're
going into the slots on the frame so once those are all lined up and the
panels flush we can screw it back on so now we're gonna get our screw started
in this hole here and then after we get it started screw it down nice and tight
same thing on this side start our screw into by hand and use our Philips head
screwdriver to finish the job now I'm gonna put the top back on and you'll see
there are two tabs sticking out from the top there gonna be two slots that
correspond with them so I want to line all those up
so after I line those up make sure that
tabs going to the slots just like that and there's a couple on the front as
well so now we can screw that back in so we'll put in our screw and with that
little tiny hole at the top you should be able to line up the screw with the
hole that it belongs to there once you got that started a little bit screwing
it in now we're going to put our lint filter back into place since that came
out a little while ago now we can close our dryer door now we can line our
control panel back up and slide that back over and set that back into place
and then we just screw it back in
now we can turn our dryer back around and then once we do that we'll plug
everything back in and your repair is complete
now we can turn our gas back on finally don't forget to plug in your appliance
if you need to replace any parts for your appliances you can find an OEM
replacement part on our website PC appliance repair calm thanks for
watching and please don't forget to like comment and share our video also don't
forget to subscribe to our channel your support helps us make more videos just
like these for you to watch for free
'Maid of Sker - Xbox One Reveal Trailer - Duration: 1:55.
Forbidden love uncovers
The mystery that lies deep inside
The story of a faithful lover
Held captive at her family's side
Beasts pursuing
Seek my undoing
Intent on seeing our demise
Her will consenting
Evil preventing
The Maid of Sker
Shall be my prize
How to use Viagra? - Duration: 1:28.
how to use viagra read the patient information leaflet provided by your
pharmacist before you start taking sildenafil and each time you get a
if you have any questions ask your doctor or pharmacist
to treat erectile dysfunction ED take this drug by mouth as directed by your
doctor usually as needed
take viagra at least 30 minutes but no more than four hours before sexual
activity one hour before is the most effective do not take more than once
a high-fat meal may delay how quickly the drug begins to work the dosage is
based on your medical condition response to treatment and other medications you
may be taking be sure to tell your doctor and pharmacist about all the
products you use including prescription drugs non prescription drugs and herbal
products tell your doctor if your condition does not improve for more
information check the link in description
WE2M154 - Replacing Your GE Dryer's Screw Heating Vent AP2038632 PS258453 - Duration: 10:50.
hi my name is Bill and today I want to be showing you how to replace the screw
for the heating vent in your dryer the reason why you might have to do this is
because the screws damaged broken or missing for this repair we'll be using a
Philips head screwdriver and a flat head screwdriver warning before doing any
repairs please disconnect your power source so this is the appliance that
we'll be using in this demonstration it's a GE keep in mind yours at home
might look a little bit different than what we've got here but the same
techniques should still apply make sure you turn your gas off so we're going to
start by turning our dryer around so what we'll need to do is remove these screws
up here in order to get the control panel off so now that we've got the back
unscrewed we can just slide the control panel over and we're gonna lift it up
and we're going to put it back in this space right here now we're going to open
up our dryer door and on either side there are two screws going straight up
so we need to remove those screws now and we're going to be using a Phillips
head screwdriver take these screws out
now that we've got those screws out we can take the top off all we have to do
is just lift up and pull back slightly on the top and we'll set that off to the
side so now that I've got these screws out I want to close up our front driver
door now I've got two more screws that screw into the front panel and I'm just
going to remove those as well
and when you remove them just make sure that when you get close to having
them come out you catch them because you don't want to fall down into the dryer there
now that we've got those screws out we
can tilt the front panel forward and once we've got it tilted forward and
separated from the drum we can lift it up over the tabs on the bottom and just
turn it like so because we've got some wires attached to it as well so now what
I'm going to do is I'm going to detach some of these wires here first one I
want to detach is this black one that's connected right over here and to do that
I'm just gonna use a flathead screwdriver and I want to pry up there
we go now I've got this plastic guard that's in my way a little bit what I
want to do just pull it slightly out like that so it's removed from the frame
and now I can move it out of my way again just don't move it too far you
don't want to break we'll it move your just enough so that I can use my screwdriver
and pry these wires off and we just need to unplug our white wire and we'll just
pull that straight out there and now I'm just going to move this last wire here
and once again just pull that straight out I want to reach inside of our dryer
here and I've got to get my arm in that little hole we're gonna have to push up
on the lever to release the tension and reach in with our other hand and now we
can just take that right off so now that we've removed the belt from the pulley
lift up on the belt that'll help us pick up the drum
so the next thing I'm gonna do before I take anything else apart is I'm just
gonna clean out the inside here so that all the dust is cleaned out and I can
see what I'm doing a little bit better now we've got most of the dust cleaned
out so we'll continue with our repair so you'll see right there we've got a
missing screw this is going to be the dryer heating event right here
so the vent is a little bit loose and we don't want that so grab your new OEM
replacement screw if you don't have one already you can find it on our online
store so we're gonna do to get the screw back there and screw it down long as
your hole is lined up you should be able to screw it down there we go
so you'll see on the back of your drum here there's a small shaft and when you
put the drum back in you're going to want to make sure that shaft goes into
that hole right there there we go so it's a little bit hard to line it up
when you can't really see it back there but you can do the best you can and it might
take a couple of tries to get it exactly in place there we go
after a couple tries you should be able to get it in there and you'll see that
the rim of the drum is inside the frame of the dryer there now to put the drum
back on we're going to take the belt or go on the other side of the wheel here
just like this and we lift it up keeping this all together and then loop the belt
around the shaft here
and make sure everything non-straight there we go
and then everything should be able to spin freely now just like that we're going to
reattach that to the middle this is a white wire that goes up along the edge
of the door and goes to the light so that's plugged in now and now with this
last one you touch it right there
now I want to put this plastic piece back into place put right into that slot
right there and we'll plug our last wire in and you're just gonna make sure that
these slight bumps there line up with the holes outside that fits in nicely
and now put the front panel back on so now we're going to line up our front
panel with the tabs on the bottom we're going to set those into those tabs and
stand the door up as we do that we're also gonna line up with the drum and the
inside of that plastic piece on the washer is going in the drum and we've
also got these metal tabs on the side that are going into the slots on the
frame so once those are all lined up and the panel is flush we can screw it back
on so now we're gonna get our screw started in this hole here and then after
we get it started screw it down nice and tight same thing
on this side start our screw into by hand and use our
Philips head screw driver to finish the job now when I put the top back on and
you'll see there are two tabs sticking out from the top there gonna be two
slots that correspond with them so I want to line all those up
so after I line those up I'm gonna make sure that the tabs going to the slots
just like that and there's a couple on the front as well so now we can screw
that back in so we'll put in our screw and with that little tiny hole at the
top you should be able to line up the screw with the hole that it belongs to
there once you got that started a little bit finish screwing it in now we're gonna
put our lint filter back into place since that came out a little while ago
now we can close our dryer door now we can line our control panel back up and
slide that back over and set that back into place and now we can screw it back
now we can turn our dryer back around and then once we do that we'll plug
everything back in and your repair is complete now we can turn our gas back on
finally don't forget to plug in your appliance if you need to replace any
parts for your appliances you can find an OEM replacement part on our website
thanks for watching and please don't forget to like
comment and share our video also don't forget to subscribe to our channel your
support helps us make more videos just like these for you to watch for free
VAV Flower You MV - Duration: 3:18.
What You Missed on Good Day: 10-31-2018 - Duration: 3:13.
Drew and you: He-Man hits the streets! - Duration: 3:29.
You Handed It An Ax?! (Soundwave) | Transformers: Prime (Season 1 Episode 5) - Duration: 5:01.
Security sure is lax on this place.
I'm in.
And so are the Decepticons.
What?! How can you tell?
With the same alien math we saw on their ship.
But this time, I can download it.
It's gotta be the Space Bridge.
The Decepticons are syncing it to the dishes
But I can sync in them. Would they know?
Even if the Decepticons see that I'm in the system,
they have no idea I'm in the house.
What just happened?
The Decepticons are locking on to Cybertron.
Lord Megatron, the Space Bridge is ready for activation.
They're locked on to Cybertron, but not for long.
Indeed, Bumblebee. This can only be Raf's doing.
Starscream! What is happening?
Soundwave! What is happening?
The dishes are heading back towards Cybertron.
I won't let them do that again.
What happens when the 'Cons realize
they are been punk'd?
It's only virtual combat, you know, like online gaming.
Yeah, Jack, what are the 'Cons gonna do?
They're probably like a thousand miles away.
I won't let them lock on again.
You handed it an ax?!
Not good...
Why is he leaving?
He cut the hardline.
The dishes are locked on to Cybertron.
For good.
Now, Starscream?
At last!
Arise, my legion!
Mini Training Tip #3 : Reward the good, Ignore the bad? - Duration: 2:30.
So a common dog training phrase you'll hear a lot is reward the good, ignore the bad.
There's a couple reasons why I don't really subscribe
to that train of thought. The main reason I don't ignore the bad is because
ignoring a behavior is neutral.
So when you say to reward the good and ignore the bad, you're acting on the belief that
dogs only do things for praise.
They're only doing something to get a reward from you, and that's not true. Dogs do things for a ton of different reasons.
Even if they want your praise normally, there's things that might override it.
They might care more about fun than your praise. Chasing the cat won't get old
even if you don't praise it because they're having a great time. Or they might be curious.
So getting into the garbage will still be worthwhile
even if you're not praising it. There's a lot of bad habits that dogs pick up even if they're not positively
reinforced, because they're self reinforcing.
The activities themselves are fun to your dog. So if you want a behavior to stop you have to give it a meaningful
"No". You have to correct the bad behavior.
So I totally get that "correct" is a scary word. (Happy Halloween by the way) But I get that it's scary.
Everyone always wants to be the fun awesome person,
*especially* to their pet. But being that person all the time and having a well-behaved dog -
It's just not that realistic. And this doesn't mean you have to be a hard-ass or anything.
But it's the same thing with kids, if you spend their whole lives never once saying no
The chances of them turning into a nightmare child are pretty high. And it's the same thing with dogs. And this concept
of corrections isn't anything new. They happen all the time in nature.
So, you know, if your dog sticks its nose in a beehive and gets stung by a bunch of bees,
That's a correction.
Your dog's not gonna stick its nose in a beehive again.
Dogs correct each other doing play if the other dogs playing too rough. If a dog runs at full speed into a glass door
It's probably gonna pay a little more attention to thresholds.
But these moments that teach your dog to pay attention happen all the time on their own.
So don't be afraid about making them happen when they matter. I just want you guys to remember that
"No" is just like 1% of a dog's day. Most of the time we're doing fun stuff and reinforcing good behaviors,
but sometimes you have to say No. These one moments of a dog's day
aren't awesome because you don't want them to be. Jumping on grandma -
Shouldn't be awesome. Eating cat poop - shouldn't be awesome. Nipping at kids? Should. Not. Be. Awesome.
So remember - Correct the bad.
Reward the good. And then you can feel free to ignore behaviors that you don't care about either way. Happy Halloween guys!
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