how to use a live paint bucket tool like a pro in Adobe Illustrator
what is that people welcome back to Satori graphics the home of graphic
design content right here on YouTube the live paint bucket tool in
Illustrator is really awesome for quickly painting in sections of your
artwork and this is especially useful prevent illustrations today I'm gonna
quickly show you the main features of the Live Paint Bucket tool so you can
use them like a pro in your designs this tool is mainly used when you've created
a design using a strokes like on the bus that you can see here the Live Paint
Bucket tool can be located in the toolbar or you can use a simple keyboard
shortcut by just pressing K on your keyboard
when they're totally selected you can toggle the stroke and the fill color by
pressing Shift + X but we're only going to be using the fill option with this
tool to actually use the Live Paint Bucket on a design you need to first
select the entire design with the selection tool then press K for the Live
Paint Bucket tool and then click the design like so illustrator is going to
create groups of shapes within your design ready to drop in colors which
we're going to do soon but essentially what has happened now is that your
design has been grouped together made up of different objects but before we other
color let's open up a swatches menu and for my bus I'm going to utilize the
metal library of colors
you can double-click the live bucket tool in the tool bar to bring up these
options here you can choose the color strokes if you like as well as turn
offer on other settings - there is also something known as the live bucket
selection tool which has the shortcut of Shift + L on your keyboard this would
allow you to select multiple parts of a design at once by holding down shift and
clicking on your design you can then add one color to all selected objects from
the swatch library now there's one really cool and awesome feature that
helps us with gaps in our design sometimes when we draw or create a
complex vector design is going to be gaps like this here now if we try to use
the live bucket at all it isn't gonna fill the object because there's a gap so
what you can do is that with your entire design selected is to go up to object
Live Paint and then choose gap options
this neat function will search the entire design for specific size gaps and
as you can see here illustrator has found eight different gaps on my design
once his function has been used they gaps a bridge and then we can go ahead
and add a color using the light buddy at all the process of coloring your design
is really sped up using the light bucket tool and it's really really awesome for
such things like illustrations so if you're not video straighter or someone
who just works on complex designs like this bus for example here
remember the features in today's video of the light bucket tool if you want to
improve your skills as a graphic designer
subscribe to my channel for weekly graphic design content
I actually upload Monday Wednesday and Friday at the moment but in the future
I'm probably gonna go back to four videos a week but for now I don't have
enough time like and share my content on social media and of course have a great
day until next time design your future today
For more infomation >> Illustrator Live Paint Bucket Tool (EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW) - Duration: 4:26.-------------------------------------------
Red Dead Redemption 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 (RDR2) - Duration: 1:23:20.
Whales & Jool - Anymore (feat. Brittany McQuinn) - Duration: 3:11.
Animals Are Awesome - Duration: 16:34.
Animals Are Awesome
ETSY 2018 SEO Update: 5 things you need to know - Duration: 14:04.
There have been some big changes on the Etsy platform this year and the biggest
one by far is the recent changes in the search algorithm that was announced last
month in September by the Etsy team. So what are those SEO changes and what
does it mean for your handmade shop? Let's dive in.
When it comes to Etsy SEO, one thing is for sure - it always comes
with some speculations, some forum talks,
some rumors and really that's not what we want to do here.
We finally have some clarity because we finally have an official statement and a
brand new shiny SEO guide from the Etsy team themselves,
so we're not going to speculate. I'm not going to dive into some crazy
SEO strategies. I really want to take the time though
with you to understand what really changed and what really is going on with
Etsy SEO these days. And to do that,
I want to review five very important points.
The first one is CSR or context specific ranking.
Now we knew that before September, before the announcement in September,
but it's still important to understand what it is and to note that Etsy now
uses a technology called CSR or context specific ranking.
And in plain English it means that Etsy tracks and analyzes shoppers' behavior
on the platform and that the results they will display for each shopper or
for each visitor will be different.
So if you type in 'minimalist bracelet' on Etsy and I type in the same keyword
on Etsy search and we compare our result pages,
we take a screenshot and we compare to see what's going on,
this would actually look very different. And that's because Etsy with the CSR
technology is able to know what I'm most likely to click on,
what I'm most likely to like and to purchase,
most importantly, purchase really.
And same for you. And so they are going to display
different results to each of us so that we can see things that we're most likely
to actually purchase. So there is no such thing as ranking
number one because everyone has a different number one result for each
keyword search. Number two is to focus on long tail
keyword. Now I want to put this graphic on the
screen for a second and it's actually a graphic that is part of the Etsy SEO
guide on their website. And what this represents really is the
search volume on the vertical axis and the conversion rate on the horizontal
axis for a given keyword. And the part of that arrow of that
graphic that's orange are long tail keywords.
Long tail keywords, don't get as much volume as the general
keywords, but they get a much higher conversion
So in plain English: people don't look for these keywords as
often, but when they look for them,
they're more likely to purchase and that's really what we want.
And again, that's something that we knew before the
announcement that Etsy made in September,
but now they've really officialized it by saying that you should focus on long
tail keyword. Now,
what is a long tail keyword? Well,
a general keyword would be, for example,
'baby gift'. Now,
a long tail keyword would be 'baby romper dinosaurs',
and the reason why 'baby romper dinosaurs' is a better fit is that
although not as many people are going to look for this specific keyword,
people who are searching for something like 'baby romper dinosaurs' are much
more likely to buy because they know exactly what they're looking for.
If you think about how someone wanting to purchase a baby gift might behave on
the Etsy platform, the first thing they might type into a
search as a keyword will be probably a more general broad keyword like 'baby
That's when the visitor or the shopper is just really trying to find even just
an idea of what to get as a baby gift. And then they're going to see results
and they're going to notice a few rompers there and maybethe think,
'okay, you know what?
That's actually a good idea. Let's get a baby romper' and maybe
they're going to start a new search with that keyword instead.
And as they're browsing the results from that specific research,
they start noticing a few rompers with dinos on them and they're thinking,
'Hey, that's a great pattern.
My friend Karen would absolutely love that.
She would think it's so cute. This is what I want to get'.
And then they were type in the search 'baby romper dinosaurs' and so that is a
much more targeted, much more specific way to search for
something to purchase on Etsy.
And that's why Etsy is advising you to actually focus on those keywords because
it will help you rank better and also because it will help you make more
sales, which in turn will help you rank better.
So it's really a virtuous circle. So to sum up with a long tail keyword:
less volume in search, but more conversion is good an you need
to add long tail keywords to your listings.
It's good for SEO, it's good for sales and it helps Etsy
understand what it is really that your product does and what your product is so
that it makes it easier for Etsy to put it in front of the right people,
the people that are ready to purchase your products.
Our next point is titles. Now this is part of actually getting
your listing clicked on when it shows in search because that is going to actually
boost your SEO score when someone clicks on your listing because Etsy thinks,
'oh, this listing is working,
we want to show that a bit more'. And we already know that to get your
listing clicked on your images, and most importantly,
your featured image, the main image of your listing,
of your product is super important. So I'm not going to dive into the
details of how to take pictures in this video,
but Etsy said something else about how to get your listing clicked on that they
pay attention to and recommend you pay more attention to,
and it's your titles. Now,
it's always been important for Etsy SEO but what they've said is that they
recommend they'd be short and easy to read.
Now, let's break that down:
short. You can use up to 140 characters for
your titles, but Etsy is pretty much saying you don't
need to necessarily use all of those characters for your titles.
Instead, they want you to keep in mind that those
titles need to be easy to read and there's two reasons for that.
The first is mobile friendliness. Most people are now using the app to
shop. So they're using their mobile,
they're not using a desktop and it doesn't show the same amount of
characters than on the desktop one on the website.
So you want to keep that in mind in your title because mobile shoppers really are
a big chunk of the visitors on the platform.
And then the second is that you want titles that are created and written by
humans for humans and not by humans for computers.
And let's be honest, when you find a listing and the title is
something like 'Mug Coffee Cup, large Coffee Cup,
fine time gift gift for her cute mug Sarcasm Mug,
coffee Mug, Coffee Mug 12 ounces' this isn't really
human friendly. This is a human,
a shop owner that has decided to put as many keywords as possible in the title
so that Etsy, the computer behind the algorithm will
pick that up and score their SEO, score that listing higher.
But really it is not really human friendly,
and so when Etsy's saying 'short and easy to read',
that's part of what they mean.
You want to have a title that people feel like they can click on because it
resonates with what they're looking for. So be descriptive of what your products
are, but don't start stuffing your title with
keywords and trying to use absolutely those 140 characters.
The title like 'set of four Ceramic Espresso Cups Ruby red' is a good title.
It's more human, it's short,
it's easy to read and it will play nicely on mobile as well.
The most important thing, it will get you more clicks,
which will one more time help you with your SEO score for that listing.
Point number four is all about the shipping.
Now this one is a touchy one and it has made a lot of makers and a lot of Etsy
shop owners really quite upset, and here's what Etsy actually said:
to make it easier for shoppers to find listings with competitive shipping
Etsy search factors shipping price into search ranking.
Lowering your shipping prices makes your items more likely to rank higher in
search". Fact.
It is now official. If you can lower your shipping prices,
it will help you rank better in the Etsy search results.
Now, there are a few things you can do here,
but I won't get into the details too much because I want to stay very factual
with this video rather than diving into the strategy,
but very quickly here are a few things you can do.
Add the shipping to your item price, split the shipping cost between your
item price and the actual shipping fee so that you can decrease the shipping
fee. Set a minimum order amount,
set a minimum order quantity, and finally only allow for free shipping
to local area or local orders so that if I'm in Australia,
I want to ship for free in Australia -
that's fine, but I'm not going to ship for free to
the US because that is just too expensive and I can't recoup the cost
myself. I know it's not easy for every shop and
every niche and depending on the type of products that you're selling,
I know for those of you who are selling bigger,
larger items, it might be complicated to actually
decrease that shipping fee. But do try to take it into consideration
because not only it helps you rank better because of the algorithm change,
but it also gets you more sales, which again,
that virtuous circle, more sales = better conversion rate;
better conversion rate = better SEO score.
Number five, and that's the last point today,
and I want to talk about renewing items a little bit.
Now it appears that renewing your item isn't quite as useful as it might have
been in the past.
Etsy does say in their SEO guide that items that are new or renewed get a
small temporary boost. They also say that it might not be
entirely worth it. Let me read exactly what they have to
say about it. '{Renewed listings} get a temporary
boost {that} can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days,
depending on how often people are searching for a particular item.
Regularly renewing your items or creating new listings just to get this
small boost isn't an effective search optimization strategy.
Instead, we recommend focusing your time and
efforts on improving your tags or working to help increase your conversion
rate." This is really a nice way of saying
The effort isn't really worth it compared to all the other points that
"don't bother".
we've mentioned in this video and that they mentioned in their SEO guide that
are really going to make a difference in your SEO game.
Now, before I let you go,
there's one last thing I want to mention and then I want to give you three quick
tips. The thing that I want to state before I
go is that pro and premium account on Etsy do not get preferential treatment
when it comes to SEO score. I know that's something that is being
discussed widely all over the Internet, in forums on Reddit and on Facebook
groups, and it is simply not true.
Etsy has confirmed that themselves and I really don't think they're lying to you,
so don't feel that if you don't upgrade your pay plan on Etsy,
your item won't rank as well because it has nothing to do with it.
Now, 3 tips.
Number one, SEO is important to make sure that your
item get found, but once your item is actually displayed
in the search results, you have to make sure that people click
on it and that they will purchase it, so really pay attention to the quality
of your product images because that is key to more sales,
a better conversion rate and a better SEO score.
Number two, don't put all your eggs in the Etsy SEO
basket. I know it's tempting because it feels
like it's so important and because everyone seems to be talking about when
you sell on Etsy, but really it isn't.
It's important to pay attention to it. It's important to take note of those
changes and to make adjustments if necessary,
but really you want to be driving your own traffic to your store as well.
My recommendation has always been and still is to use Pinterest and an email
marketing strategy to do so. So it would really recommend you look
into diversifying your sources of traffic so that you don't rely only on
the traffic that Etsy sent you. And then my last tip is to read the SEO
Guide. If you're watching this video,
if you're selling on Etsy, if you think that Etsy SEO is important
and you're about to make changes to your listings to accommodate for the new
announcement that Etsy made, but you haven't read the Etsy SEO Guide
I believe that it is way worth your time to actually sit down for 45 minutes -
it's really not that long - and to read it from a to z.
Now I've summed that up for you in this video so it's better than if you didn't
know anything about it, you definitely know more now,
but I would still recommend you go and read every single thing in this guide
before believing anything that you read on forums,
Facebook groups, or anywhere else on the Internet.
It's important that you use facts and when Etsy releases an official
announcement, pay attention and take the time out of
your week to actually read it. I'll put the link to it below in the
comments so that it's easy for you to access.
If you liked this video, make sure to subscribe to the channel
and just below the video, I'm putting the link to my free resource
library full of guides and checklists to help you grow your handmade shop.
It's completely free to access it, so make sure to check it out as well as
the free facebook group, the Tizzit circle,
where myself and thousands of other makers are there to answer your
questions and support you in your handmade business journey.
I will see you next Tuesday. I have a lovely week.
Bye Bye.
How to Understand the Bible: 5 Helpful Tips - Duration: 6:11.
Hey girls! I'm here with my Baby Mini Bump! But by the time you watch this
video, I will not have a bump; I will have a baby in this nursery, which is so
exciting. So be sure to check out my Instagram: @TiffanyDawnIQB to see
what we are doing in real time with me and the real live birthed Baby Mini. So
today I want to talk about how to understand your Bible, because if you're
anything like me or basically any other human I know on the planet, the Bible
can seem kind of confusing sometimes. And you're like, "Where do I even start?
How do I understand what is being said here?" And so I have a few tips for you
that I'm hoping can help. So tip number one is look at the big picture context.
So especially if you haven't grown up in church or you haven't grown up with the
stories of like Samson and Moses and David and all this stuff,
then the Bible is just like - it can feel very foreign. And so while I highly
recommend that everybody reads through the whole Bible, I think that's so
important - you don't have to do it in a year, you can do it in - I've never done it
in a year, I've done it in multiple years - but it's so important to kind of get
that whole picture if you haven't grown up with the overall context of the Bible.
You might want to start with actually a literal children's storybook Bible.
My mom recommends the Ergemire's Children's Storybook Bible and she said
that this one is just a very pretty literal translation but written in story
form so you get used to the overall context and storyline of the Bible as a
whole, and then when you read the actual Bible yourself, you kind of have an
overall story line to kind of put the pieces into. You're like, "Ohh I kind of see
how this jigsaw puzzle fits together a little more!" Another place to go for
overall context - and I think this is helpful for everybody no matter how
familiar with the Bible - is The Bible Project. It's on YouTube and they have
little videos that kind of give you the overall idea of each book of the Bible
and I love them. One other way to get an overall view of the Bible is this book
that my husband and I recently discovered called "66 Love Letters." It's
by Dr. Larry Crabb and it's basically a conversation between him and God about
each of the books of the Bible and him asking God, "Lord how does this book fit
into your story? What do you want us to take away from this book as a whole? Like
what's your heart in this?" And then writing down what he feels like God
is speaking to him about it. So but tip number one is get the overall big picture of
the Bible as a whole, the narrative of the Bible as a whole.
Tip number two is look for the purpose of each book. So when you're starting to
read a new book of the Bible, it's really helpful to look at who the book was
written to, why the book was written, who wrote the book, when the book was written,
what was the purpose of the book, and so on. If you have a Study Bible it often
tells you the answers to those questions right at the beginning, right
before you start reading that book of the Bible. Tip number three is actually
summarize what you've read. So I think it's really helpful if we can take what
we're reading and put it into our own words, because that shows that we're like
internalizing it a little bit more. So let's say that you're reading this
passage - not even necessarily a whole chapter, but like seven or eight verses
of the chapter, right? And you're thinking about it. So after you read those verses,
I would take a minute and just kind of think and pray about like, "What is the
message in these verses?" Especially in some of the New Testament letters like
it can be kind of confusing. Like I read Paul's writing and I'm like, "Where are
you going and do you know how long your sentence is? Like this is the definition
of a run-on sentence right now, Paul!" And so it's really helpful if you take those
few verses and you just kind of condense them; say, "Okay so what's the main message
of this? If I had to summarize this in a phrase or a sentence, what would it be?"
And you can actually keep a journal and as you go through a book of the Bible,
every few verses write your own personal summary and then look back through at
the end to kind of see how it all fits together and builds off each other.
Number four: Read the Bible in context. And for me I find that reading through
the Bible in a logical way makes more sense
instead of just you know randomly flipping open and reading a random
chapter or a random verse at a time. Which some days I do, but I like to have a book
that I'm working through because then I get the book in context. I'm not just
pulling out random verses that I might not be understanding how they were
intended to be written, and I would realize that if I was reading the verses
surrounding them, right? Because it's really easy to take a random verse and
take it totally out of context. Like check this one out, okay, Philippians 4:13
is one that I think a lot of us know if you grew up in church. It was an early
memory verse, which is, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me
strength." And we can easily take that to mean, "I
can do anything I want to do." But if we look at that verse in context, it has a
much deeper and richer meaning. In context, Paul is actually saying, "I've
learned that in every situation, whether I'm full or whether I'm hungry, whether I
have everything or I have nothing, in all those situations I can be content
because I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
Pastor Judah Smith out in Seattle says it this way: "Scripture interprets Scripture."
So you're not just looking at one verse of the Bible and getting your whole
theology off of that verse; instead you're looking at the Bible in context
as a whole and in context by each passage that you're reading, and letting the
other parts of the Bible that you know inform what you're currently reading
that day. And lastly look for similar verses or parallel verses. And a lot of
times again a Study Bible will have this marked down. Like they'll have a little
letter A or B next to a certain word or a verse you're reading and
it'll say, "See also..." and have like a list of other verses you can check out that
have a similar topic. And so I think that's really helpful to kind of pay
attention to what other parts of the Bible are also saying, so that way you're
again not taking one verse on its own, but you're taking the Bible as a whole
- to say, "What is the meaning of this verse? If I look at other verses that
have similar messages, I'll come to a deeper and richer meaning." And you know
as I'm reading through the Bible I try to just ask God like, "Lord would you show
me what you're trying to say here? Would you speak to me through this? Would you
help me understand what your word is saying?" And we need him to understand the
Bible. We need his help. And he can kind of make it come alive to us in a whole
new way. So girls I hope that that could help. Would you comment below other
things that help you understand the Bible and really connect with it? And
check out the videos I have linked below if you want more information on like how
to understand the Bible, how to engage with the Bible, how to grow with God - I've
got some videos linked below for you. So I love you and I'll see you on Tuesday.
Here is the raspberry cheesecake
Can I just take a picture if it's possible?
Of course!
Just one last
Ok we can redo the scene
Oh sorry I'm so confused
If there is a person who makes me think of a born entrepreneur it's you
It must be great to spend time tasting
meals of restaurants that you recommend
You have to be careful with the diet but yes
It meets your passion about food
We've launched Foodetective
in January this year
It's while talking to tens
hundreds, thousands now of restaurants
that I realized there is really a problem
that we can solve for them
So with I guess a little bit of courage
I decided to involve myself in it
with slightly larger ambitions
It's the mindset of not letting go
to try until we achieve what we desire
In the end there is always something
a little detail
that makes the difference
and allows us to move forward
You've Got A Reputation With The Devil | Pastor Steven Furtick - Duration: 10:24.
Everyone in here has a reputation, and everyone in here has a reason to believe
that God cannot use you in your current state. Yet it was remarkable to me that
God used Rahab in Joshua chapter 2 as the Gateway to the land that he promised
to his people. And he used her before he delivered her. Because I thought for God
to use Rahab, she'd have to quit her job.
And I thought for God to use me, I'd have to be completely free of the addiction. And
God does want to set me free, but his faithfulness is greater than my bondage
or my brokenness. Can I show you in the text? She says, "We've heard
about you, we've heard about you. You have a reputation." So now, a woman with a
reputation is telling the men of Israel about their reputation.
Because sometimes your enemy knows more about God's plan for you than you do.
Some of us, the devil believes in our destiny more than we do. And you know how
you can tell, the way he's been attacking you. The things he's
been bringing against you. The devil doesn't waste artillery over anybody
that doesn't threaten him. Now, life is hard for all of us, please don't hear me
saying that your flat tire is because you're gonna be the next Billy Graham.
But what I am saying is that in this passage, God uses Rahab who was
technically an enemy of the Israelites. You got to remember, she was not one of
them. and and and he uses somebody who is technically an enemy to inform them of
their destiny. I wonder if God has been trying
to get an announcement through to you about the plan that he has for you, but
he hasn't been doing it through your friends. He's been doing it through your
fights. And the reason that you're fighting, maybe it's for one person. And if
it's just for one person, you can receive this word for yourself. And maybe you're
not even at this campus, maybe you're watching online, but maybe the attack was
an announcement that God has got you on the edge of the promise. And now is no
time for you to turn back. She said, we've heard about you. I wonder, has
your enemy heard about you? Because one time in scripture the the Bible says
that there were these Jewish priests, and they were called the seven sons of Sceva.
And they wanted the ability to lay hands on people like they saw Paul lay hands
on people. And they were like, "Hey man, that's cool. Maybe we could do it, maybe
we could make some money off of that. Maybe we could use
that power to make a profit." And when they went to
do it, it was a crazy thing that happened because one of the demons that was
looking at these seven sons of Sceva said back to them, "Hey, wait a minute, you're
talking about Jesus, we know Jesus. You're talking about Paul, we know Paul, but who
are you? I don't get paid to argue with you,
who are you? I don't even know your name." Some of you are like I don't understand all
this preaching about attack, that's cuz the devil doesn't even know your name.
Who are you? Does the enemy know you are? The devil
knew Job's name because when he came before God and he said, "Hey, I've been
going around the earth, and and I've been messing with people." And God
said have you tried Job? Job is special to me. Job is so faithful and
trustworthy that you can test him and try him, and I can trust him with trouble.
And if you tempt Job, he will not sin against me. So when the enemy had touched
Job's family and touched Job's cattle and touched Job's oxen and touched Job's house
and was still unable to make Job deny God. He came back to God and said, let me
go another round, you haven't let me touch him yet. And God said you can do
anything you want, but you can't take his life. Somebody shout, I'm still here! I've been
through some things, but I'm still here. Now, even when his body was covered with
boils and Job was in so much pain that even his own wife said
God has obviously left you, there's no need for you to continue to play this
game like God is good when it's obvious that he isn't. Why don't you curse God
and die? And Job said, "Shall I receive good from the hand of God and
not evil fruit from the hand of God." And you know it's a funny thing about Job
because the Bible says that in all this, he did not charge God with wrongdoing. In
other words, he did not let his circumstances alter God's reputation
because he had a relationship. In other words, you can't make me doubt him. I know
too much about him, he's been good to me. It doesn't feel
good right now. It's been a while since I felt his presence, but I know he's with
me. See, my reputation with God is not based on what I go through or what I get
from him. It's based on relationship, and you can't tell me he's not a healer, and
you can't tell me he's not a provider, and you can't tell me he's not a
way maker. And he chooses who he wants to choose, and he does what he wants to do,
and he uses who he wants to use, even a prostitute named Rahab. And in case you
think I'm making too much of this Old Testament scripture, would it interest
you to know
that in the New Testament, Rahab is mentioned by name as well? Oh yeah, in
Matthew chapter one, known as the genealogy of Jesus, where the writer
takes time to tell us that there were 14 generations, and then 14 more,
and then 14 more. And this is the part of the Bible that most of us skip because
it's a bunch of names that are unfamiliar to us. And it says begot and
begot, and begot and begot. But some of those begots are a blessing, some of the
stuff you skip will really bless you if you slow down and look at it. And I got
blessed because I usually skip to verse 18 where it mentions the name of Jesus.
But I slowed down and read the names in Matthew chapter 1. And the writer told me
that Salmon the father of Boaz. whose mother was Rahab. In order to get to
Jesus you have to go through Rahab in order to get to the Prince of Peace, you
have to go through the prostitute if you're tracing the family line of Jesus.
Okay his will lead you to Rahab's house. And just in case you think
that this is a unique incident in Matthew chapter one,
perhaps we should visit Hebrews chapter 11. This scripture is commonly called the
hall of faith. It lists some of the heroes that you would be familiar with
and some of the mighty exploits that they did for God during their lifetime.
Many of the people that we mention and teach about in Sunday school or many of
the people that we idolize in our Bible classes and many of the historic turning
points of the nation of Israel's faith are listed in Hebrews 11 where it says
by faith, verse 29, the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land. But
when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned. See, God doesn't bring you
into deep waters to kill you. He brings you into deep waters because
he knows your enemies can't swim. And our trials are where God brings our doubts
so that we really have to deal with them beneath the surface and decide whether
or not we will believe even through our doubt. And the Egyptians drowned because
by faith, verse 30, the walls of Jericho fell after the army had marched around
them for seven days. By faith, the prostitute, Rahab, because she welcomed
the spies was not killed with those who were disobedient. And what more shall I
say, I don't have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, and Jephthah, about David
and Samuel and the prophets. No, wait a minute, you don't have time to talk about
David the king, but you had time to talk about Rahab the prostitute? And God said,
that's right, because I don't choose people like you choose people. Some of
the people that I want to use are people whose names you don't even know. God
doesn't use people who have a reputation with people, God uses people who have a
reputation with him. By faith, the walls fell. Hey, thanks for watching! Make sure
to click the subscribe button on your screen so we can notify you whenever we
release new content. Go ahead and subscribe now. I'll see you next time.
Print DOS screens by the PrtSc keyboard button - Duration: 0:50.
Configure Printfil to capture LPT1:
and LPT_Timeout = 3
Reboot the computer!
Right-click the DOS program's shortcut and choose "Properties"
In the "Misc" tab uncheck "PrtSc"
Run the DOS program and press the "PrtSc" keyboard button
Printfil captures the DOS screen and you can send it to any Windows printer
Download the free 30 days trial:
Canva Tutorial: How to use Canva 2.0 (2018 update) - Duration: 24:12.
in this Canva tutorial I'm going to show you step-by-step how to use Canva 2.0 to
create your own social media images printables presentations websites and
more stay tuned hi ,I'm Sara Nguyen and on this channel I make social media and
tech easier for awesome entrepreneurs like yourself if you're new to this
channel consider subscribing for all of the latest product reviews tips and
tutorials and at any time during this video check out the description for
links to all of the resources mentioned in this video I'm going to walk you
through how to navigate canva to design your own beautiful graphics here are the
timestamps to all of the things that I'm going to cover in this video so you can
jump to the specific area if you'd like I've also link to them in the
description below so let's go over to my computer now to get started with canva
you need to sign up for an account and login to sign up for an account select
which of these following are most relevant to you it doesn't really matter
so go ahead and click on a section and then sign up with Google or you can sign
up with your email account canva will send you an email to confirm that your
email address is actually correct and once you've clicked on the link from
that email you'll be able to then sign in on the top right hand corner here
with the same credentials that you set up your account with so once you've done
that go ahead and sign in to your canberra account when you sign in to
canva if you can see on the left hand side explore canva 2.0 this is the one
you want to click on it means that you're currently using canva 1.0 and
you're not on 2.0 I highly recommend that you use 2.0 2.0 is the version that
they will be rolling out in the future that everyone will have and this
tutorial is all about 2.0 so if you you see it on the left hand side go ahead
and click on it go to canva 2.0 and this is what you should see
from the canva homepage there are three ways to start creating your design
firstly under this recommended section you can scroll and what you can see here
is some popular canva template so we've got social media we've got presentations
we've got posters and when we keep scrolling you'll see more pop up so
we've got Facebook posts Instagram pose banners a whole heap of design templates
that you can pick from this recommended section where you can scroll so you can
either select one of the designs here and this will open up the design in a
new window for you the second way to start looking for a design is in this
search bar at the top of the page so as you saw from when I clicked on the
search bar it will drop down and show you a whole heap of options that you can
once again design you can also try typing in things that you're looking to
create a design for so let's just say I want to design infographic as I type the
options will come up below so I can choose that or I can keep searching for
all of the different options that they have so I typed in Facebook and I can
see that there are design templates for Facebook ads a facebook cover photo and
then cover a Facebook post so you get the gist you can use the search bar to
look for design options in canva and the third way to start creating a design is
to select these custom dimensions and what this will do is this will allow you
to create a canvas a blank canvas in the dimensions that you wish so you can also
choose to have it in pixels inches millimeters or centimeters and you
simply type in the dimensions of the canvas that you want to work with and
create a design and this creates the blank canvas just like that so I'm going
to go ahead and I am going to actually pick a Facebook post from this
recommended section here so I click on that and this opens up the Facebook post
templates that canva has for me the thing that makes
canvas stand out from any other design software is the templates and the
templates are what will help you create designs extremely quickly extremely
easily even if you have no design experience at all you simply choose a
template change the images and text to suit you so I can select a design
template from the categories that I see here I just scroll and pick whatever I
like or I can search for a template so let's say I'm specifically interested in
inspiration or Facebook posts so I searched for inspirational and all of
the designs that are kind of inspirational
I guess tagged will come up and I can choose that or I can keep searching so
let's say that I want a sales post I start typing and then it will come up
with suggested templates relevant to what I just typed in so I'm going to
select another one and I'm going to go add a new page so I can work with
multiple designs at the same time and I'm going to pick a template let's just
have a quick look let's see which one I like let's pick this one so I've
selected the two templates that I want to play with and this just allows me to
play with a couple of designs at the same time if I decide that I no longer
want to work with a particular page I'm able to delete it I can also make a copy
of the page so I can work with the design on two different pages so I
can add different images and different texts and colors and just compare them
as I'm working on them you may notice with the templates that some of them
have free in the bottom right-hand corner and some of them don't and what
that means is that if you're selecting a template that doesn't have free on it it
means that that has an element on it which is a premium or paid element so I
chose this cupcake like post and as you can see there's an image here that has a
canva watermark on and this is a premium element if I
wanted to use this particular image I would have to pay for it
when you go to download the image you can see that there's one premium image
you select the use that you want to have one-time use multiple use or extended
use and then you pay and you download if you haven't put your credit card into
canvas before it will prompt you to put your credit card details in before you
can actually download and pay for the image and then you'll be able to see
your design without the watermark on it now let's go ahead and actually start
playing around in canva so you may notice on the left hand side that we've
got templates which was just selected but we've also got elements so these are
all sorts of different things so we've got photos we've got shapes we've got
charts and illustrations so all different things that you can add to
your design to personalize it and make it completely how you want it to appear
you can either select once again from the categories or you can search for
particular elements so let's just say that I want to search for dress elements
so things that will have a dress or things that include the dress tag in it
will come up once again you can see that there's free and there's ones that have
prices on them obviously the free ones are no charge where you see free with
the crown this means that it's included as part of canva for work so cambers
paid service and where it has a dollar sign it means that you need to pay to be
able to use this particular element so you can search for elements by the
search bar or you can search for it in the categories that you see on the left
hand side and once you see something that you like you can it click on it and
that will add it to the current active page that you're working on and then you
can start playing around with it you can also add text there are so many
different text layouts that canva provides for you so you can select a
layout and then you can customize it and change the text change the colors or
what you can do is you can add a text box and then what that will do is it
will allow it will allow you to then add your own text text test text to test and
then you can change it to be whatever font that you like that you can select
in this top left hand corner here in terms of adding your own font you can
only add your own font under the canva for work membership so you can't do that
under the free membership I highly recommend canva for work for many
reasons but one of the reasons that I recommend it is that it gives you the
ability to upload your own font so if you're working for an organization and
they use a very specific font you can upload it as part of kantha for work or
you can choose the many many many many many fonts available to you for free you
can also resize the fonts to be whichever size you choose whether it's
choosing the drop down or you can type the specific font size that you want and
you can change the color of the fonts by selecting the color a with the color
option it's got made a purple there you can do
all the basic editing things make it bold make it italics Center align it
left align it you can also make up all upper case or sentence case and you can
also create a list from it as well you can play around with the spacing which
is pretty cool so you can change the line height and this and the letter
spacing as well if you're playing around with the canva pre-made templates you
just select the text area change the text you can also change the font even
if you are using a template to be whatever you want just by selecting it
and selecting the top left once again changing the colors exactly the same way
so it really is extremely versatile in terms of the text that you can add
whether you're choosing a template or you're choosing to add your own text box
in terms of your own images this is also extremely
easy so let's go to the template and I can delete the image that I don't want
to use I can either choose from the elements so I can look for an image
let's say I want to look for a sunset and then all of the images will come up
so I can filter them by photos and I can also filter them by graphics and then I
can choose whichever design suit me click on it and then add it to the page
alternatively I can upload my own images if you go down to the upload section on
the left hand side here you can see down here these are all images that I've
uploaded in the past so that's pretty cool because it means I don't have to
upload it every single time I want to use it I can just pull it out from the
upload section and I can click on upload an image and then once I do that I'm
able to select the image that I want to upload and put into my design
so I've selected that it's just adding it right now and once it's ready I'll
see that it is completely loaded there it is I select it and I can add it to
the page so with the image I can click on the corner to stretch it out and you
will see that it kept it to aspect ratio so it didn't make it go all wonky
and then I can just move it a little bit there I can double click on it if I want
to change it a little bit I'm in terms of the cropping and I can move that to
the left a little bit I can do lots of other things with images so I can play
with the filter with the filters these are all pre done filters that I can add
so if I wanted to add them I just click on them if I wanted to go back to the
original one I would click on none if I wanted to change the position of the
image so right now it's sitting in front of all of these elements so let's say I
wanted to move it back so that it's slightly behind these two greeny
elements here I would select the image click on position and select back words
and this as you can see it's put the image behind this one
I also want it to be behind this element as well so click on the image position
once again and this put it behind it there so if I wanted to do the opposite
and move it forward I can play with that as well so it really is as simple as
clicking on it and just playing with forwards and backwards in terms of the
position of the actual image the thing I also really love about canva is that you
don't need to remember what's where so if you're able to adjust a certain thing
in an element so let's say we want to edit the text when I click on this
element you can see the menu at the top it changes so that all of the things
that you can do to this section are visible if I wanted to edit the image I
click on the image the menu change is there so you don't have to go hunting
for it in the menu like you would in Photoshop or any other Adobe
applications so the last thing I'm going to show you is how to add an image or an
element and make it transparent so once you've added the element or the image
and you want to make it a little bit translucent you click on the element or
the image select the top right hand corner here where there's this checker
box and then drag the transparency backwards and this will make it a bit
more translucent and it will mesh it with the color of the background so this
is how you can create a nice little filter which then you can add a text or
some other element on once we've finished designing and I'm happy with
the image and I'm ready to download it what you do then is you click on the
little down arrow here and this allows you to get the image in either a PNG
file a jpg file or PDF depending on what you actually want to do so I'm going to
go for a jpg and then I'm going to select the particular page that I want
if I click on all pages it will choose them all if I don't I can just select on
the particular page that I want and then I click download and can valve will
prepare the image and it will generate the file for me as you can see there it
click on it and there we go there we have our image right there with your
canva designs you can also name them so let's just say this is say or Facebook
post dress I'll see very lightly here it says all
changes saved so to saved everything that I've created I can also save the
pages by going to design and hitting the Save button here and don't forget to do
that during your design work because saving regardless of which application
that you're working on can save your actual life so if I go back to home I
can then see the design that I've just worked on in my your design section so
there it is so if I wanted to go back to the image and edits hurt it at a later
date or I wanted to copy the same design and modify it I can do that as well so
if I wanted to create a print design so let's talk about whether it's a poster
or an invitation or a flyer or a business card what would I do so I would
select the design and once again it would open up the canva editor you would
edit it exactly the same way as how I showed you to edit the social media post
choose the design select the elements that you want to change so in this case
the text to be whatever you need it to be upload your own images I'm going to
delete this image and I'm going to add this image everything is drag and drop
from camera that's why one of the reasons why I love it so much I'm going
to change that position to bring it back and then I'm going to change the
transparency of it so that you can see it a little bit better there there you
go and once you're happy with it here's where it's a little bit different when
you go to download the image so this download button here you can see that
you have the option to order a print with canva if you choose this option it
will ask you what size you want it it will ask you to select your print option
so how many copies you want and it will show you the
price in your local currency you can choose the shipping and if you continue
then it will give you the total price to print it so you can design it all in
canva and get them to print it for you and have it shipped to wherever you need
it to go if you don't want to use canvas printing option that's okay you want to
send it to your own printer or you want to take it to a print shop yourself you
can select PDF print and there are other options here so you can choose like a
standard PDF say this is if you're printing it on a home printer or a JPEG
or PNG if you are taking it to a print shop or a printer select the PDF print
and then you can also choose to put in the crop marks and bleed as well and
this will help the printer don't know what to do with that select download and
then canva will prepare the print-ready PDF for you so there it is and I click
on it there and there is the print ready file and the printer will be able to
take care of the rest for you there so it's slightly different to downloading
an image it's just about choosing the right print settings if you're using
canva to create a presentation now no longer do you have to download all of
the presentation slides as images and then insert them into a keynote or
PowerPoint you can actually present straight from canvas so after you
created your presentation select the publish button select present you can
then choose the transitions so if you select none then when you click it will
just go to the next slide otherwise you can have things like the circle
transition it's just slight styling on the actual transition so pick which one
you like and then you can also select to have the presentation as standard so
standard is when you present and then you click and it will go on to the next
slide or you can select autoplay so it will automatically move when you
configure it to be a certain amount of seconds per slide so after let's say
thirty seconds on the slight move and this is really good if you're at an
event and you want the slideshow to continually run in the background this
is what you can do otherwise if you're happy to just go with click motions
select standard select present of View presenter view is handy if you have two
screens so I'll show you what it looks like you select presenter view and then
you're able to have a view of the presentation in one window
and then you can see the upcoming slides and there's also a timer as well so kind
of like what you get in Microsoft PowerPoint if you don't feel that this
is necessary and you're happy to just present from one screen without seeing
all of this additional business you can just choose the publish option where
it's just standard so you don't select the presenter view and once you click on
that very present it will open up your presentation and then you can present
your presentation as you would any normal keynote or presentation and just
click on the arrows at the bottom to move the slides along so the last but
definitely not the least important thing that I'm going to show you is how to
create a website from canva mm-hmm you heard me right create a website so this
is when you need to get some information up a couple of pages and you don't have
time to get the web team to put something together but you need to get
this information and you need to be able to share the link to all of these
content in one place so what you can do is I'm going to pretend that these are
all the pages of a website I'm going to click publish I'm going to select
website and what this allows me to do is to publish these pages as a website so
once I give people the link they're able to access all of these pages without
having to be a canva user they can just see it so this is great if you are
holding an event and you need to get some information out to the attendees or
you are suddenly stuck and need to get some infamous
up and really really quickly this is a great tool so you can choose between
having a classic navigation so the pages and the pages will appear and at the top
you'll have a navigation bar or you can select to have the pages as one long
scrolling page so I'm going to show you how it looks like in both so if we click
classic navigation what you'll see here is the website now at the top here we've
got little navigation happening so if I click Y now it goes to that particular
section and all of the pages that I've created appear at the top here and
that's very useful it's just a quick way of creating the actual page don't know
what else to say but this is really really awesome the second option that
you can do is to do it as a scrolling page so I've selected that and this
means that I've got the entire page no navigation but they can quickly scroll
and get all of the information from the pages right in white all in one space so
you would just give them this link here and then they will be able to see all
the details right there so there you have a step by step walkthrough of how
to use canva 2.0 to create your own stunning graphics if you found this
video useful give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to my channel
and if you're looking for more ways to grow your business online and using
social media having stunning graphics using canva is just one part of the
equation you also need to figure out how to bring it all together in a cohesive
strategy so I've put together a social media checklist it's a super simple
guide to get you up and running on all the major social media networks so you
can start leveraging the power of social to generate more leads and sales with
ease to get your hands on it simply click on the link in the description
below and thanks for watching
Walmart expands speedy checkout so you can skip the lines - Duration: 0:23.
GMA on the Road: A look at historic buildings in Abbeville - Duration: 2:22.
What Happens When You Put Antimatter in a Double Slit Experiment? - Duration: 4:11.
Physicists have conducted a famous physics experiment for the first time using antimatter.
Get ready to dive into the quantum world, folks.
We're goin' deep.
If you're new to quantum physics, you may want to watch this video where we cover the
Essentially, we've got two main ways of explaining the universe--one that works with
our idea of gravity, and one that works on the quantum level.
The problem is, they don't agree with each other.
Experimentalists and theorists are searching for the magic key that could resolve this
paradox for us--what we like to call 'a theory of everything'.
And some think that the answer lies in a classic physics exercise called the double-slit experiment.
Here's how it works: you have a sheet with two slits in it.
Behind that, a blank sheet.
You have your source of matter, let's say...cheese balls.
If you fire the cheese balls through the double slit sheet, you should get two lines of orange
cheese ball dust on that back sheet.
Simple enough.
But let's say instead of cheese balls we want to fire something that moves in a wave,
like sound.
Instead of getting two slit-like impressions on the back sheet, you get a pattern of several
That's because the sound waves, as they're passing through the slits, bounce off each
other and cancel each other out in what's called an interference pattern.
But some things are not only a wave, they're also a particle.
For example, the basic unit of light is the photons--so what would happen if we start
firing individual photons, not as a wave?
Well, if you cover one of those slits, you get what you'd expect--the imprint of those
particles on the back sheet in one line.
They just travel straight through--they're behaving like the cheese balls, and not like
the wave.
But then--and hold onto your hats here--you uncover both slits, and fire the photons (again,
not as a wave).
You'd expect to see two lines on the back sheet, like with the cheese balls, but NO!
You see an interference pattern, even though the light shouldn't be behaving as a wave.
It's almost like the photons know where the other photons are going to end up before
they've gotten there, like they're connected to each other on some level we can't understand.
Maybe somehow the particle splits itself and travels through both slits at once, interferes
with itself, and then reunites into one particle and that's what produces the pattern?
Well, if you put a detector by the slits to try observe what's happening, the particles
stop producing an interference pattern and start behaving like the cheese balls.
Like they KNOW you're watching.
This mystery--this absolutely bizarre behavior--is widely considered one of the central mysteries
of quantum physics, bringing together what we still don't know about the wave particle-duality
of matter and the problem of measuring things on the quantum level.
We still don't really know why observing and measuring a phenomenon may change what's
Some scientists think that if we could understand the mechanics behind the double slit experiment,
that knowledge would be the missing piece we need to unify our quantum theories of the
universe with the theory of gravity.
And for the first time ever, we've seen that the double slit experiment works for
antimatter too.
Each fundamental particle has a complementary particle that behaves in some kind of opposite
way, like its spin or its charge.
That's antimatter.
The electron's antimatter particle is the positron.
The electron is negatively charged, the positron is positively charged.
This new study replicated the double slit experiment using positrons, demonstrating
that antimatter behaves the way matter does in this situation.
Part of the reason no one's done this before, is because antimatter is pretty hard to get
your hands on.
Now, this paper was just published, and has yet to be peer-reviewed, but aims to be just
the start of this team's exploration into the nature of antimatter.
The main goal is to find out how gravity acts on antimatter.
Which is important because some scientists think that gravity may act differently on
antimatter than it does on matter, potentially helping us fill in the gaps between general
relativity and the standard model, getting us one step further to a unified theory of
everything.This may also help us explain why there's so much more matter in the universe
than antimatter...a question we still don't know the answer to.
So that would be pretty cool.
Subscribe to Seeker for all your quantum physics needs.
And Fun fact: the double-slit experiment was first performed in 1801!
Thanks for watching.
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