- Hello, Mississauga!
I'm Chris Cucoch, and this is your
Mississauga Market Update for October 2018.
Hey guys and welcome back to By The Numbers.
I'm your host, numbers guy Chris Cucoch.
On my channel, we do things like tips and tricks
on how to sell your home, community updates,
and market update reports just like this one.
So if you're new to see channel, please consider subscribing
and make sure you stay tuned all the way to the end
of the video, because I'm going to tell you how to get
your very own free, no-obligation online home evaluation.
The average price on the Toronto Real Estate Board
in September was around $797,000,
which is up about three percent from last year,
and it's up over eight percent
just from the start of this year,
which is well ahead of our average annual increase
of about six and a half percent.
Now the average price of a home in Mississauga
was about $735,000, which is up 9.6%
from the same month last year and is up almost nine percent
from the beginning of this year.
There were 615 sales in September
and we have 1578 active listings,
which gives about 2.6 months of inventory,
and the average home is on the market around 23 days.
Now in the micro markets, the average price
of the semi-detached here in Mississauga
was around $745,000,
which is up almost eight percent from last year
and we have 2.3 months of inventory.
The price of a detached was $1.1 million,
which is up 7.6% from last year,
and the detached market is slowing down a bit,
with 3.9 months of inventory.
So we're creeping towards that
balanced market territory still.
The average price of a condo in Mississauga
was $433,000, which is up 10% from last year,
and we have only 1.7 months of inventory.
And finally the average sale price of a townhouse
in September was $596,000,
which is up 5.6% from last year's numbers,
and we have 1.9 months of inventory.
If you'd like to get a 100% free,
no-obligation home evaluation,
just click the link I've left in the comments below
or go to chriscucoch.com/homeevaluation.
All you have to do is answer a few simple questions
about your home, click Submit,
and we'll get working on your evaluation right away.
This is the best and most accurate home evaluation
online today and the best part is it's free!
So go ahead and get yours today!
Now that winter's right around the corner,
the question of the day today is what do you think
is the most important thing to do
to prepare your home for the winter?
Let us know in the comments below.
I can't wait to hear your answers.
That's all for today, guys.
If you liked this video or found it helpful,
go ahead and click that Like button
and don't forget to share it with a friend
who might also find this useful.
Thanks for watching By The Numbers
and we'll see you next time!
For more infomation >> Mississauga Real Estate Market Update - October 2018 - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
Bumblebee : Halloween teaser - Duration: 1:10.
Something crazy...
You shove me again and I'm gon'break your neck.
Welcome in the lonely bus.
Nebraska Williams
This is Coyle.
It's Lynch.
We're mercs.
Why are you here ?
I don't think you'll believe me.
Come on man...
I had a run-in with a space alien.
Light it up !
This fucking guy is crazier than the rest of us !
What is that !
That's the thing that killed my men...
Bee ?
He is so nice.
Behind the lines during the war, they called him many things.
Nice was never one.
I can't shake this guy !
I can't shake this guy !
Obsession (And My Heart Burns For You) - Hillsong Worship - Duration: 4:47.
And my heart burns for You
La La La La
It burns for You
And my heart My Heart, it burns for You
And my heart burns for You
Yes my heart, it burns for You
And my heart burns for You
Are You Insecure Because of Your Looks? | Sadhguru@IIT, Bombay - Duration: 9:39.
Being a college student we live in Don's and hostels and we're surrounded by
people day in and day out and with people comes opinions and ideas so for
instance let's say I go I got up in the morning and I got ready for class and
I'm about to leave and one of my friends joins me and she casually commenced that
your hair doesn't look very good today like what's wrong with it so some of us
are out the time that we will rush back to our rooms and just fix it somehow
might mean then that might even mean that we are late for class
but they say I didn't even do that let's say I didn't even do that but that thing
would keep going in my mind like throughout I would be in the class but I
will be thinking about my hair so it is others opinions and ideas have a very
deep effect although although it - body is from person to person the amount of
effect it has but how do we take the good out of it and still not lose our
into individuality and uniqueness in the process now in this world more money
probably ten times or even hundred times more money is being spent on hair
products then on the brain products so it looks like a whole lot of people
don't care what is inside they only care what is outside so for those people who
are in a certain state of their life where they need to intensely focus on
something very intensely where they need undivided attention to achieve what they
want to achieve normally we shave their heads so that
they don't have to stand in front of the mirror every day see I don't have to
stand in front of the mirror every day I look the same so I don't have to check
how am I looking today so when you are focused on something else
certain things get less significance how we look is it important
yes it is to some extent it is important in our lives but right now you are not
going to walk the ramp you are going to the class okay so all you have to do is
bundle up your hair tied up on top of your head so that they can't see your
hair they can just see the knot and they can see the size of your head that's a
good thing it is not that one should not be concerned about their appearance of
course it matters but where does it matter
where does it not matter is something we have to decide if it matters too much
everywhere I have seen people about 27 times in a minute there
you are adjusting your hair half the time in your life what the hell are you
going to do of any significance I'm not saying you should not have hair I am NOT
saying you should not keep it well but if you are so concerned about your
appearance obviously your bit empty inside there's some more stuff within
you you wouldn't be so concerned about your appearance taking care of our
appearance to a certain extent is important well if you're going into the
villains or you're a model or something you have to take care of it much more
maybe but for an engineer if you are presentable it's fine it's not it
doesn't any appearances it's about the general opinions of life and about
ourselves let's say anything about us that they have that people have whatever
kind of opinions maybe behavioral traits like somebody tells me you speak very
loudly maybe you speak very loudly all the time
why do you do that maybe I mean it hasn't happened with me
I am just giving an example so how do we take but I didn't tell you there was a
time when I lived in denims nothing but denims okay only Levi's and because of
motorcycling and all kinds of things they would get tone we had to get it
from United States otherwise they were locally not available in 60s but so we
used to patch it up but now people are tearing it up and then wearing it so
obviously obviously the message is you don't care a hoot what are the people
think about you let that come into every aspect of your life you don't really
care what are the people saying about it
that's the idea isn't it the idea of tearing up a new pant and walking is you
don't really care but that's not the truth of the whole lot whole lot of
people how is it tone your pant is tone better than mine so we've gotten into
this mess essentially because we have not delved into what this is
there is no profound experience of yourself who you are is a bundle of
opinions that other people have given you or if ten people say you're good you
will become very good it's like this you went outside somebody told you oh you
are the most wonderful person on this planet then you are floating on cloud
number what 49 in Tamilnadu we do 11 so you're floating on cloud number whatever
and you came home they told you who you really are
and suddenly it'll crash the cloud floating on a cloud is not a wise thing
you're bound to crash isn't it hello floating on a cloud is not a safe
thing to do you were bound to crash so whatever this floating on cloud number
whatever is not a good thing because somebody blows you up I must tell you
this if you have to settle this within yourself one important thing is this
happened to me in a certain way my daughter started traveling with me when
she was three and a half months old alone so I'm driving my little Maruti
all over the country this is a time when I'm building Asia Foundation and my
right leg is always heavy so I keep one hand on this little baby and drive
full-on on the highways going from town to town various programs and stuff so
she grew up in many people's homes every every week season new home I made one
rule to all of them never teach the girl anything
you're not going to teach her ABC you're not going to teach her 1 2 3
you're not going to teach her mary had a little lamb because I don't care whether
mary had a lamb but not nobody teach her anything
so because nobody is teaching or anything she is all eyes and ears by the
time she's 18 months he's speaking three languages very fluently nobody thought
of anything I said no rhymes no 1 2 3 no ABC nothing
she grew up like this and I won't have sent her to school but my schedules were
crazy plus no company of that age group around she the only girl so I put her
into school when she was around 12 one day she came home little disturbed
because of what happened at the school and she said you're teaching so many
things to everybody you are not teaching me anything I said well and not known to
do these things unsolicited now that you come we could try something I said see
this all you need to know you never look down on anybody nor do you ever look up
at anybody then she looked at me like this what about you kind of thing I said
see if you look up to me you will miss me completely if you look up to me what
will you do you'll take my picture and nail it into the wall you will miss Who
I am the value of Who I am will be completely missed if you look up to me
you have to just look at me for what I am for everything that I do not look up
to me if you look up to me you know nailing is all that will happen so this
is a simple thing never look down on anybody never look up to anybody as
simple as it sounds this means you have no judgment in your head as to what is
good what is bad what is high what is low what is virtue what is sin you're
willing to look at life just for what it is if you see life simply for what it is
you will effortlessly navigate through life all these things will not even be
an issue and yard-line
Lorraine Parsons: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 10:43.
Lorraine Parsons: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Lorraine Parsons, of Fort Myers, Florida, is the name and location being used by a person who alleged in an email to multiple national journalists that she was offered money to falsely accuse special prosecutor Robert Mueller of sexual misconduct.
That's according to several major news outlets, including Politico and the Daily Beast, which said the name "Lorraine Parsons" was used on an email sent to various reporters.
"The woman, Lorraine Parsons of Fort Myers, Florida, said a man named Bill Christensen knew exactly how much credit card debt she had and was willing to orchestrate paying off $34,000 — in addition to cutting a check for $20,000 if she made allegations," reported Politico.
However, "Lorraine Parsons" declined to speak by telephone to various journalists, who could not confirm information about her, including whether that's the real name of the person emailing journalists or whether a Lorraine Parsons exists at all.
The plot thickened as the Lorraine Parsons name broke when it was revealed that Mueller's office has referred a plot to the FBI involving alleged attempts to pay women to make false sexual misconduct accusations against the special prosecutor investigating the Donald Trump campaign and Russian collusion.
Robert Mueller accusations are being pushed by conservative Internet personalities and a lobbyist involved in peddling conspiracy theories before, although they deny participating in a scheme to pay off people to make stories up.
Here's what you need to know:.
Mueller's Office Has Referred an Alleged Scheme to Pay Women to the FBI.
When it learned of the alleged scheme to pay off women to lie about Mueller, his office referred the matter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, according to The Atlantic.
"When we learned last week of allegations that women were offered money to make false claims about the Special Counsel, we immediately referred the matter to the FBI for investigation," the spokesman for Mueller, Peter Carr, told the Atlantic on October 30, 2018.
The Atlantic article alleges that journalists brought the matter to the attention of Mueller's office after the woman alleged to them in writing that "she herself had been offered roughly $20,000 by a man claiming to work for a GOP activist named Jack Burkman 'to make accusations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller.
Scott Bixby, national reporter for the Daily Beast, also attached the name Lorraine Parsons to the story, writing on Twitter, "A person who identifies herself as Florida resident 'Lorraine Parsons' claims Jack Burkman and his associates are pressuring her to 'make accusations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller' in exchange for a five-figure sum.
The office of Mueller, the former FBI director, did not release further details and did not use Lorraine Parsons' name.
'Lorraine Parsons' Allegedly Sent Journalists an Email Saying a Man Offered to Pay Her Credit Card Debt Off.
Journalist Yashar Ali posted a partially blacked out version of the woman's email to journalists on Twitter, which you can read above.
Ali wrote on Twitter, "13 days ago I received this tip alleging an attempt to pay off women to make up accusations of sexual misconduct against Special Counsel Bob Mueller.
Other reporters received the same email.
Now the Special Counsel's office is telling us they've referred the matter to the FBI.".
The email was titled "Urgent News Tip.
" Although Ali blacked out the names in it, as noted, other journalists say the woman claimed to be Lorraine Parsons.
This is what the email reads, per the Ali post:.
Hi, My name is (blacked out).
I was contacted via phone call by a man named Bill (blacked out) who had a British accent, and said that he would like to ask me a couple of questions about Robert Mueller, whom I worked with when I was a paralegal for Pillsbury, Madison, and Sutro in 1974 (now called Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman).
I asked him who he was working for for (sic), and he told me his boss was some sort of politics guy in Washington named Jack Burkman (or Berkman.not sure how it's spelled).
I'm not sure how he knew that I ever worked there or worked with Robert Mueller.
I reluctantly told Mr (blacked out) that I had only worked with Mr Mueller for a short period of time, before leaving that firm to have my first son.
Mr (blacked out) then changed his tone, and mentioned that he might be able to help me pay off some debt.
He knew exactly how much credit card debt I had, right down to the dollar, which sort of freaked me out.
(My late husband was quite a big spender, and we had run up about $34,000 on our credit cards.) I askd (sic) him, why exactly he would do something like that? He said it's not that simple.
And that he wanted to come meet with me at my home here in (blacked out) to discuss the matter.
(Again, I had no idea how he knew where I live.) I told him that I wasn't interested in whatever he was looking for and I hung up the phone and didn't think about it anymore.
Two days later, Bill called again.
He told me, 'I'm just going to cut straight to the Chase (blacked out).' He then offered to pay off all of my credit card debt, plus bring me a check for $20,000 if I would do one thing.
In more of an effort to get him to go away than anything else, I asked him what in the hell he wanted me to do.
He said that we could not talk about it on the phone, and he asked me to download an app on my phone called Signal, which he said was more secure.
Reluctantly, I downloaded the app and he called me on that app a few minutes later.
He said (and I will never forget exactly what it was) 'I want you to make accusations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller, and I want you to sign a sworn affidavit to that effect.' He said that he would arrange an additional $10,000 bonus from his client, who he said wqs (sic) a man named Jack Burkman, if I could sign the documents immediately.
I don't know who these people are or why they want this stuff.
I immediately hung up the phone and deleted that app.
I didn't see Robert Mueller very much when I worked at Pillsbury, but when I did see him, he was always very polite to me, and was never inappropriate.
I don't know what these people are looking for, but I'm not going to be part of some kind of Washington DC drama for any price.
The email contains several typos.
Scott Stedman, who also received the emailed from the woman, posted a lengthy thread about the situation on Twitter.
He wrote, "I wasn't going to report on this, but I think my fears are coming true.
Based on information that I am privy to, I believe false accusations will be spread about Mueller in order to discredit him and possibly the journalists who are preparing this story.".
Stedman has posted screenshots he says are messages from the intermediary to him.
He added, "2 weeks ago, I, along with other journalists were set an email from a woman who alleged that she was a former colleague of Mueller.
She said that Jack Burkman, via an intermediary, offered her tens of thousands to make up sexual assault claims against Mueller.
I found the woman to be unreliable, she wouldn't get on the phone, she wouldn't give me any other contact information.
These lifesaving cellphone secrets could help first responders find you faster - Duration: 3:34.
Catherine Greig: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 11:47.
Catherine Greig: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Catherine Greig was James "Whitey" Bulger's willing accomplice during his 16 years on the run from the law.
On October 30, 2018, Bulger was killed inside of the United States Penitentiary in Hazelton, West Virginia.
Bulger was 89 years old.
The infamous Boston mobster had just been moved to the facility from Florida.
TMZ reports that Bulger, who was wheelchair-bound, was wheeled into an area not covered by surveillance cameras and was beaten.
The site said that inmates attempted to gouge out one of Bulger's eyes but failed.
A suspect or suspects have not been identified in the murder.
Greig was taken into custody on June 22, 2011, inside of the apartment she shared with Bulger in Santa Monica, California.
Agents had used a ruse to get Bulger out of the apartment in order to secure his arrest.
The pair were both extradited to Massachusetts.
During an initial court appearance, Greig pleaded guilty to conspiracy to harbor a fugitive, identity fraud and conspiracy to commit identity fraud.
Nearly exactly one year after her arrest, Greig was sentenced to eight years in prison for her crimes.
During her trial, Greig was represented by Kevin Reddington, a lawyer out of Brockton, Massachusetts.
in September 2015, Greig was further indicted on a contempt charge as she refused to testify about other people who may have helped the couple while they were on the run.
Greig was sentenced to a further 21 months on that charge in February 2016.
Her release date is set for 2020.
Greig is serving her time in the Federal Correctional Institution in Waseca, Minnesota.
Here's what you need to know:.
Greig's Ex-Husband Believed His Brothers Had Been Killed by Whitey Bulger.
Greig is a native of Boston, the daughter of a Scottish machinist father, and a Canadian mother.
When Greig was 20, she married Boston firefighter, Robert "Bobby" McGonagle.
McGonagle's family were heavily connected to Boston's underworld.
They were members of the Mullen Gang in South Boston.
McGonagle died of a drug overdose in 1987.
His brothers, Donald and Paul, who were twins, were killed during a war between their Mullen gang and Bulger's Killeen gang.
One was killed in 1969, the other in 1974.
Bobby McGonagle himself was also wounded in a gang battle in 1974.
Greig's other brother, David, was an associate of Bulger's.
Later, David Greig committed suicide in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
A constant figure during Greig's legal battles since she was captured by the FBI has been her twin sister, Margaret McCusker.
McCusker told the Boston Herald in January 2016 that it would be a "waste of time" if her sister was to serve any more time.
McCusker said, "I miss her.
Don't forget, not just this time in jail, but for 16 years she was gone.
I didn't know where she was.
In fact, at one point, I told myself, 'I'm just going to have to say she's dead because I can't go on like this.'" McCusker went on to say that she corresponded with Bulger while he was in prison but did not act as a go-between for her sister and Bulger.
Bulger and Greig were forbidden from having contact.
During the Search for Bulger, Greig Was Described as an 'Animal Lover Who Frequented Beauty Salons'.
The FBI credited their elaborate media campaign as being directly responsible for the capture of Greig and Bulger.
A sighting of the couple was confirmed in London in 2002.
Greig was targeted in the campaign as being an "animal lover" who was known to frequent beauty salons.
When Greig met Bulger, she had been working as a dental hygienist.
According to the New York Times, Greig's dental hygienist license expired in 1987.
The same Times report says that Greig was known to have had plastic surgery and breast implants.
Bulger Initially Went on the Run With a Different Womans.
Following Bulger's split from Lindsey Cyr around 1973, the crimelord began dating a Boston-area divorcee, Teresa Stanley.
Stanley later said that Bulger behaved like a father to her children and the family all lived in an expensive home in Quincy, Massachusetts.
Around this time, Bulger was also seeing Greig as a mistress.
She was also living in Quincy at the time.
When Bulger received a tip just before Christmas 1994 that he was to be arrested, he absconded with Stanley to Selden, New York.
They then spent New Year's Eve in New Orleans.
When Bulger was about to return to Boston, believing rumors about his arrest were untrue, Stanley made it clear that she too wanted to return to be with her children.
Bulger was forced to change his plans as his right-hand man, Stephen Flemmi, was arrested.
Despite this, Bulger went to New England and left Greig in a parking lot.
He then went to pick up Catherine Greig, who was brought to him by his henchman, Kevin Weeks.
Weeks said that he met with Bulger in a variety of different locations over the next year.
Weeks said that Greig was present at most of those meetings.
Stanley had planned to release a book of memoirs however, she died in 2012 after a battle with lung cancer before she could achieve this.
In 2004, Stanley told the Boston Herald, "We've got everybody in town trying to write a book.
I've spent 30 years with this guy and I've been through hell." It was only in 1994 that Stanley learned about Greig and Bulger's relationship.
An FBI source told the New York Times, "Throughout most or all of the time she had been Bulger's girlfriend, Bulger had also been romantically involved with Greig.
This news caused a strain in Stanley's relationship with Bulger.".
While on the Run, Greig Told People that Bulger Had Senile Dementia.
A New York Times feature on Greig said that while she was on the run with Bulger, she had begun to tell people that he was suffering from senile dementia.
The Times feature mentioned that Greig was "subservient" to Bulger, although she herself was intelligent and hardworking.
The author of Black Mass: The True Story of an Unholy Alliance Between the F.B.I.
and the Irish Mob, Gerard O'Neill, told the Times, "No one really knows the dynamic of the relationship.
But he is the master of the double cross, both in his personal life and his professional life.".
Bulger Had Just Been Moved to the Prison Where He Was Killed.
The Boston Globe reported earlier in the day that Bulger had been moved to West Virginia's USP Hazelton in Bruceton Mills.
Bulger was previously being held in Sumterville, Florida until he was moved to Oklahoma briefly before being transferred to West Virginia.
The Globe report quotes a source saying that Bulger's health was severely declining and that he was suffering from a heart condition.
Speaking to Newsweek, one of Bulger's victim's sons, "I'm surprised and pleased.
I didn't think anyone was going to get to kill him.
I thought he would die an old man in jail.
This is happy news for our family.".
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Jacob Wohl: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 10:20.
Jacob Wohl: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Jacob Wohl, a former hedge fund manager and pro-Trump conspiracy theorist, has been connected with the alleged sexual assault claims against special counsel Robert Mueller.
Mueller, in concert, has asked the FBI to look into allegations that someone was offering money to women in exchange for making false sexual assault allegations against him.
According to NBC News, Wohl was involved with the "alleged plot" of John Burkman, a conservative radio host who has been at the root of the allegations against Mueller, promoting them via his Facebook page and declaring that he would release the name of the "first accuser" against Mueller on Thursday, November 1.
In a Twitter post on Tuesday, Wohl wrote, "Very credible allegations are set to be made against Robert Mueller — The MSM is scrambling! They're accusing me of offering to pay accusers with ZERO PROOF and ZERO EVIDENCE!".
Here's what you need to know.
Wohl Was First Implicated in the Mueller Scandal Via a Firm Called 'Surefire Intelligence'.
According to The Hill Reporter's Ed Krassenstein, who spoke to NBC News, Wohl was connected to Burkman's "plot" via a firm called "Surefire Intelligence.
" The Hill Reporter claimed that a representative named Mike Wilcox called them and "threatened" them, demanding that they "stop communicating with" the woman who had originally contacted them regarding the bribery.
Then, Burkman told The Hill Reporter that Wohl runs Surefire Intelligence.
He said, "Surefire is a real company, an intel operation in Los Angeles," Burkman told Hill Reporter.
" We have known them for a long time.
The guy's name is Jacob Wohl.
They do a lot of intel work.
They do a lot of good research.".
With some record analysis, The Hill Reporter confirmed that Wohl's eail is associated with the Surefire Intelligence domain name.
The HillDNS Record Analysis.
To make matters more complicated, The New Yorker's Jane Mayer posted a side-by-side photo of Jacob Wohl with the photo of "Matthew Cohen," the identity named as the head of Surefire Intelligence, the firm tied to the Mueller allegations.
The photos are almost indisputably the same.
Wohl has denied being involved with Surefire, but NBC News reported that Surefire's office phone number redirects to Wohl's mother's voicemail.
To The Daily Beast, Wohl claimed, again, that he has nothing to do with Surefire Intelligence.
In a direct message on Twitter, he said, "Dude, I work for an influence marketing company in L.A.".
According to Surefire Intelligence's official site, the company is "a private intel agency that designs and executes bespoke solutions for businesses and individuals who face complex business and litigation challenges.
" The company's website design was copyrighted in 2018.
Jacob Wohl Has Been Described as a 'Far-Right Twitter Troll'.
In its reporting on this scandal, The Hill described Wohl as a "far-right Twitter troll"; a few days ago, The New York Times described Wohl similarly, in reference to a tweet he wrote about the mail bomb campaign last week: "These "Suspicious Package" stories are false flags, carefully planned for the midterms.
Wohl's Twitter account bio reads, "20 Year Old Financier and Political Commentator | Conservative, Trump Supporter, Zionist.
" He is also a writer for The Gateway Pundit, a far-right site known for propagating conspiracy theories.
Indeed, Wohl's most recent tweet on Tuesday afternoon was one advertising an article from the Gateway Pundit about the Mueller scandal.
Wohl wrote, "EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Special Counsel and Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Accused of Rape By 'Very Credible Witness '.".
Wohl Is a Former Hedge Fund Manager Who Was Banned By the National Futures Association in 2017.
Wohl, a former 'Wohl of Wall Street' wunderkind hedge fund manager, was ordered to cease and desist his work in March of 2017, after being accused of violating Arizona's securities laws.
Wohl was accused of 14 counts of fraudulent activity.
In a statement, Wohl said, "All of the allegations made by the Arizona Corporation Commission are based on false statements made by the disgruntled former investor to the commission, and are not supported by any of the documentary evidence in the case.
The investor was a well heeled, accredited investor, and was provided with and signed all of the necessary risk disclosures.".
In March, Wohl was banned for life by the National Futures Association for failure to cooperate with the organization in its investigation.
Wohl's Father, David Wohl, Is a Trial Attorney and Pro-Trump 'Campaign Surrogate'.
Wohl's father, David Wohl, is a notable Pro-Trump legal and political analyst who immediately jumped into the fray to defend his son on Tuesday.
However, he was soon inundated with replies pointing out his son's multiple connections to Surefire Insurance, despite his insistence that this scandal is the biggest "FAKE NEWS" of the year.
Wohl appears frequently as a guest on Fox News.
He also served as one of the first people to amplify the news and hype around Burkman's alleged client and his plans to announce the news on Thursday, tweeting of Burkman's announcement, "Uh oh.
The Witch Hunt is in jeopardy!".
If Jacob Wohl's form of Twitter activity is considered to be trolling, then his father is one, too.
Wohl has seemingly jokingly claimed that Stormy Daniels and mail bomb campaigner Cesar Sayoc are the same person, that the allegations against Roy Moore were "highly suspect" and "didn't hold water," and that "the American far-left are more anti-semitic than the Nazi party.".
Wohl Has a YouTube Channel Where He Has Smeared Christine Blasey Ford & the Women's March.
Following through from his Twitter account, Wohl has a YouTube account where he propagates his beliefs upon, as well.
Wohl has discussed Christine Blasey Ford (where he described her as "slurring her words" and "falling apart at the seams") as well as an episode on how the media "does Mueller's bidding.".
A majority of the videos on Wohl's YouTube channel seem to fall under a series called "Live Jew.
" In one such video, Wohl discusses the "massive Hollywood cover-up of pedophilia," a longstanding conspiracy theory that claims some of the biggest Hollywood stars are running and concealing a child sex trafficking ring.
Another slightly more niche conspiracy theory attributed directly to Wohl is a string of tweets he's made regarding "coffee shop hipsters" and their alleged love of Trump.
Multiple publications have noted how many times Wohl has tweeted about a reportedly organic occurrence in which he "overheard" coffee shop hipsters being impressed with Trump.
In one such tweet in July, Wohl wrote, "I just a left a hipster coffee shop.
It was packed with liberals, whispering amongst each other about what a commendable job President Trump did with Vladimir Putin this morning in Helsinki — America is PROUD!".
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I just wanna see those trophies pop. Here's ten easy platinum trophies you can
get on ps4 right now! Sound Shapes is a 2D platformer with a
very striking artstyle; it's a really fun game that may be short, but it
doesn't overstay it's welcome. I'd recommend it even if you have no
no interest in trophies. But, if you want it's platinum trophy, the fun really begins
after you're done with the main game, as you'll unlock two extra modes: Death Mode
and Beat School. With the exception of the trophy you get by completing
the campaign mode, every trophy in the game is unlocked by completing each stage of
these two other modes. On one side there's Beat School, which is pretty
interesting. You have to listen to a small music loop and then try to
replicate it by inserting notes on this board; if
music is your thing, I'd imagine this mode could be pretty
fun. But if not, you can just look at the solutions for each stage on the internet
if you don't feel like doing this; I'm not gonna judge, I did the same. On the
other side there's Death Mode, and it's definitely
worth of it's name; You'll be tasked with collecting a
a certain number of notes in a certain amount of time.
It's an enough challenge on it's own, but the notes spawn randomly which
wouldn't be much of a problem if the time you're given wasn't so strict
strict that even if you play perfectly, you won't be able to clear a stage if the notes didn't
so happen to spawn close to each other. It's infuriating, for sure.
Ok, I gotta be honest, this platinum is actually pretty tough, but there's a
particular quirk about it that makes it worth of you time. After you
get all the trophies (and there sure are a lot of trophies), try using the "cloud sync" option
and then whip out another platform like the PS3 and… whatever this thing is
and use the cloud sync on the version of this game for that
platform and bam you unlock all of the trophies in the game again. that's pretty
cool and if you want to get even more trophies you can *Screen glitch* So hey fellas, while
working on this video, I came upon the news that the Sound Shapes servers are
going to be closed down October 15 2018. It will still be possible to get the
platinum, but this Cloud Sync trick will not be possible anymore, so by the time
so by the time you're watching this, you'll won't be able to do this anymore.
Oops. Still a fun game, tho. To be honest, I was questioning whenever to
put this one on the list, because while you can easily get this platinum in
half an hour; it is a puzzle game, meaning that you'd most likely need to see
the solutions on the internet if you really wanted to do it that fast.
and I don't think it's really fair to say that a game is easy because can look at
the solutions on the internet you know but on the other hand this game has one
of the most insane exploits I ever seen and I kinda want to put it on the list
sorely because of it. Anyway, what even is this game? Energy Cycle is a puzzle
game in which you need to make all the dots share the same color; change one dot,
and all adjacent dots change too. Simple stuff, but can get
complicated. There's three game modes: Puzzle, Time Attack and Infinite Play; puzzle
mode has a number of pre-determined puzzles, and you'll need to complete all
of them for trophies… feel free to look up the solutions on the internet, or do
I dunno. The other modes are effectively randomly generated puzzles,
complete one and the game will create another one, the only difference between
the two mode is that one has a time limit and the other has not; to get all
the trophies, you'll need to reach level 30 in the Time Attack
and level 50 in the Infinite Play mode. It is a very daunting task, especially
considering how you can't really save in between these puzzles… but this is where the
fun begins. The moment when you complete the first
puzzle, start mashing the X button; as long as you're mashing it, you'll instantly
move to the next puzzle, making these trophies extremely easy to get. So yeah,
that's a thing you can do. Some people may say "Trophies are dumb! They add nothing
to the experience!", and to those people, I ask: Why does Mecho Tales cost $20 on
Playstation when it costs $1 on Switch? Better question, why does this game
costs $20 dollars anyway? Mecho Tales here is a 2D Platformer with a strong story, just
take a look at it
Don't you just hate when that happens? If you're looking for an easy platinum, I
think this game is fine; it's fairly short and it's not that bad… could
do without these disappearing blocks, though. But honestly, I kinda
feel like it it could've been so much more; I can tell they put a lot of effort
into it, but it just feels like they ran out of money midway through. Real shame,
because the art is really nice, even if it is a bit too busy for my tastes
Anyway, for the platinum trophy you just need to finish the story, which is
fairly easy with the exception of the final boss which is a bit dumb; just stay on
this corner and shoot at it until he dies, and hope he doesn't use this
attack too often. After you're done with the story, you'll most likely just need
to buy all of the stuff in the shop for that shiny platinum; make sure to kill
every enemy you see to get as much money as you need. But even if you do so, you'll
still need to grind a little, so just do the first stage over and over until you get
enough money. Squareboy vs Bullies: Arena Edition… what a name.
Squareboy here was just chilling one day, when the bullies came out of nowhere and
messed him up.
Can relate. But then Sensei comes and brings Squareboy to his dojo… and yes,
he wants to be called Sensei; bit weird, but ok. After some training,
our square fella is ready to take revenge on those pesky bullies! Well, it's
a cute game; feels like something that a kid would make… for better and for
worse. I will say that it is a well made game, at least compared to some
other games I've played hmmm; but it's not really all that good.
The controls are stiff, it's really easy to get locked in an infinite
loop if enemies knock you down, making you lose almost all of your HP, and
even if the game can be beaten in a hour or two, it feels like it drags on more than
than it should. But, can you really hate a game with
with lines like "I will kick your behinds, you big dafs!"? you can put that on my list
of things to never do again. For the platinum trophy, you'll need to use every type
of attack, so make sure to check those move lists, as you'll also get a
trophy for doing so; otherwise, just make sure to attack an enemy with every weapon in
the game at least once, as there are trophies that require you to hit an
enemy with each one. There's also a trophy for hitting two enemies at the same
time with a weapon, one on your front and one from the back, which sounds a lot
harder than it really is, just make sure to keep enemies close to you, and you'll get
it easily. Lastly, you'll also need to hit enemies
with stuff like tires, trash cans, boxes and crates… but within these kind of
trophies lies a very sneaky one, one that is very easy to miss. In the docks
level, you'll find this one crate near the end of it; do not try to use it,
as you will need it for later. After you finish all the enemies in this section,
some bully in a ninja costume is gonna show up, and there's a trophy that
requires you to hit this one ninja with that one crate that you saw before.
It's bit sneaky, and you would need to do the entire stage again if you missed
this one thing, so be careful. Undertale is a game that
needs no introduction, as it is one of the more popular games out there… But, if for some reason you
have never heard of it, Undertale is a quirky little RPG in
which you don't need to kill the enemies; it's a short game,
but it's filled to the brim with all kinds of stuff, and it's a joy to play. It's
definitely my favorite game from this list, I feel like I find something new
every time I play it. But, how are the trophies? Well… "Don't
Worry, I Have Lots of Ideas for Trophies", "Like Getting Items", "Or Getting More Items"…
"Help Me, I'm Out of Ideas!". *laugh* Undertale has a very simple trophy list;
along with the aforementioned trophies, that really just requires you to get
four items, (which is something that's harder to not do, really) there's also the
story related trophies which don't even require you to finish the story,
just reach this one spot and bam, platinum trophy. Lastly, there are the
the Dognate trophies, and these… are some of the funniest trophies I've ever seen.
After meeting a certain criteria, if you go to this house and enter it's sink, you'll see a
donation box. To get all fifteen of these kind of trophies, you'll need to donate three hundred and fifty G
to that box but, not only there's a limit to how much you can donate at a time,
meaning you'll need to leave the area and come back just to donate some more, you
can only donate 1G at a time. You'll be here for a while. It is really
nny seeing all the stuff that gets brought with the money you're donating, and
overall, it's a pretty nice parody of trophy collecting. But, if you're feeling a bit…
genocidal though, you'll find the donation box right in this place, which you'll pass
naturally in the story; you can just deposit all the money in one go,
but still only 1G at a time. Undertale clearly could've had a more complex
trophy list, and a far harder one; but I'd say the fun of the game is
doing stuff because you want to do it, so if you felt like you had to do
ething because of a trophy, I'd feel like this would undermine the experience,
so this is a fair compromise. All right, now we get to the really easy stuff.
36 Fragments of Midnight is a game in which you need to go around a
randomly generated area, collect all 36 thingies and go back to where you started,
and then you win! It's a very simple game, in fact there's a trophy that requires
you to beat the game in under six minutes, which sounds a lot scarier than
it really is, first time I managed to do it, I did it in under five minutes,
so it's certainly doable. Just be mindful that it is really easy to get lost if
you're not careful, I'd recommend going in a clockwise order, just to be safe.
Also, while the game can be beaten in minutes, your character dies in one hit,
so you'll most likely need to try a few times until you get it right. There are
some other trophies to watch out; you will need to die to every type of
obstacle, and also die with only one of the things, die with 35 thingies and die with 36 thingies
without going back to the place where you began. It's a fun game, and it looks
nice… but I'd only recommend if you really want an easy platinum, as there's not much
to this game outside of what I just said.
… This sure is a game. If you want the platinum trophy of Little Adventure
on the Prairie, just play all the… twelve? stages? All the trophies are obtained by
just completing each stage; there's also some trophies related to upgrading your
power, but you'll easily find these on the stages… the last stage just has a
bunch of these thrown around. It can be a bit tricky because enemies can just drain
your health like it's nothing, so you kinda have to do this so you can attack them,
which is a bit odd, but overall it's really easy… to the point where it feels really
pointless when you get it. Honestly, as someone who played with Unity Engine
before, I really don't want to complain too much because, even something like
this takes some effort to make… All I'm gonna say is that I'm impressed
that this got released on the Playstation Store. Ok, so here's a Shoot'em Up with
twelve stages, pretty cool. All right, just finished the third stage, good
pace… well, guess that's it, then. This one is just weird; the game has twelve stages,
ut you just get the platinum trophy when you reach the fourth stage.
Especially considering how the steam archievements for this game are a lot
harder than the ones on the Playstation. I believe it's like this
because turns out people want to buy games with easy trophies; Little
Adventure on the Prairie sold pretty well for it's developers… And I'm a
simple man, I see easy trophies, I buy it. Especially considering how the game is really
easy, to the point where it gets boring, as you kill some enemies,
wait a little until more show up, and then you shoot them. There's definitely better
choices for these games on PS4. Do make sure to shoot all the enemies you see, as there
are trophies related to killing a number of certain enemy types.
you're having trouble, feel free to put it on easy if you want. Overall, really
easy, but kinda boring even if
it takes around 10 minutes to get. The dialogue is pretty funny, tho. "Wow!! That
was a tough one." Fellas, don't you guys hate when you buy
buy a shiny new game and you're like "YEAH!! I CAN'T WAIT TO PLAY THIS NEW GAME!!!!" but
then you remember that you have to actually play the game?
LMAO SAAAAAAME. Good thing Jak II here has a very interesting exploit that we can use
to unlock all the trophies in one go… I'll be using the Playstation 3 version
because I didn't feel like buying this game again just to show this trick,
but this is something that only works on the PS4 version. I mean, you can do this
trick in other versions of this game but it will only do this thing we want to
do on the ps4 version. Ok it's a bit complicated so I'll just explain as I go
On the title screen, hold L3 and press up, up, down, down, left, right, left,
right, cross, cross, square, circle, square, circle , if you did it correctly
you'll go to the main menu and you'll see a "secrets" option on it that's normally not
there. Now, hold L3 again and press circle, square, circle, square, cross,
cross, right, left, right, left, down, down, up, up. On the PS3 version, it should show some
weird text on the top of the screen, if you did it correctly, but on the PS4
version nothing's going to happen; after doing so you start a new game and wait
until you actually play the game okay so when you catch to the main game pause
the game and hold r2 and r1. If everything worked out you notice that
the text on the center of the menu is going to change if that happens this
scroll through the options while still holding L2 and R1 until you reach
the "Secrets" option, select it and you'll be at the secret "Debug" mode, giving you
access to a bunch of stuff. Feel free to stop holding L2 and R1 if you want. Now,
to unlock all those trophies, you'll need to go to Level Select
and select the final stage "Destroy Metal Kor at Nest"; This will put you
right into the final battle, and this is kinda where this trick only really
works on the PS4 version; by entering this stage, a bunch of story related
trophies are going to be unlocked. if you do this on PS4 every story related
trophy gets unlocked right here, but on the other versions not all of them gets
unlocked, so you'll still need need to do some extra efforts to unlock them. Anyway
, just entering this stage won't unlock every trophy in the game, as there's a bunch of
of trophies related to collectibles; those can be unlocked really easy, but you will
need a second controller to do so. Basically just get your second
controller and press L3 and X a bunch of times, this will unlock all the
collectible trophies in one go. After all of that, there will be one more trophy to
unlock, the one that it's unlocked when you defeat the final boss and beat the
game, so pause the game, hold L2 and R1, go to the debug menu again, select "Scene
Player Act 3" and select the final cutscene "The Celebration" to get the
trophy. And just like that, you'll get the platinum trophy! … Sure, you can also
get the platinum by just playing the game, but really, who even wants to play
videogames these days, right!? The title of this video may say something about ten
platinum trophies that you can get right now but… getting this one may be a bit
more complicated, as this game is so shameless that it was delisted from the
Playstation store the day after it was released. I can't say if the game
was removed from the store due to how easy it's platinum was, or because it's actual
name is "Star Star Star Star Star One Thousand Top Rated". Anyway,
this is a game about those sliding puzzles… sure love thoooooose. For this platinum
trophy, you'll need to start ten puzzles, solve 1 easy puzzle, 1 medium puzzle,
1 hard puzzle, and 2 other puzzles, improve your time by at least 1 second,
and solve a puzzle in more than 2 min. By the way, that's the description
for the platinum trophy, so already a good sign. But, sliding
puzzles can be kinda complicated. I mean, it's not like it's going to
scramble the pieces the same way every time right? Hahah Yep; while the
different difficulty settings have different solutions, they're always the
same every time, meaning the solutions are always the
same every time. Shame because it may have been a nice game if you wanted
a sliding puzzle game for your ps4. Anyway for the easy puzzles
for the medium puzzles
and lastly, the hard puzzles
Do be mindful that there is a trophy that asks you to complete a puzzle
after two minutes have passed, so I'd recommend waiting two minutes before
doing your first puzzle because after doing the first one, you will need to beat
your time's thrice so don't complete them too fast, or you
might have trouble beating your previous time. Of course, feel free to delete
your save file if that happens. The time-related trophies reads improve your
"Improve your best result for first time.", "Improve your best result by one or less second."
and "Improve your best time for 2 times." but none of that really matters because
due to some glitch or whatever, you'll unlock one of these trophies as long as
you beat your previous time. I mean, I get the trophy for beating my best time
twice before the one that I get when I beat my best time for the first time
there's something weird there. Complete a puzzle on each difficult, and beat
your best time three times, and then just start and quit a puzzle a few more
times until you get that platinum trophy. Pretty easy. And that's ten easy platinum trophies
on ps4. Do you know any other games with easy trophies? Leave a comment down
below and remember to subscribe for more cool videos!
Jack Burkman: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 11:17.
Jack Burkman: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Jack Burkman is a Republican lobbyist and commentator who has peddled prominent conspiracy theories and who claims – without providing evidence – that he has evidence that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller committed sexual misconduct.
Burkman has not yet produced a name or any corroboration to back up his Mueller claims.
But the entire twisted tale has quickly grown more complicated as multiple national journalists claimed that a person using the name Lorraine Parsons, of Fort Myers, Florida, alleged that Burkman was tied to an attempt to pay her money to falsely accuse Mueller.
Burkman denies these accusations.
"Lorraine Parsons" declined to speak by telephone to various journalists, who could not confirm information about her, including whether that's the real name of the person emailing journalists or whether a Lorraine Parsons exists at all.
On the same day, it was revealed Mueller's office has referred a plot to the FBI involving alleged attempts to pay women to make false sexual misconduct accusations against the special prosecutor investigating the Donald Trump campaign and Russian collusion.
Mueller's office did not release any names or details associated with that investigation, however.
Over the years, Jack Burkman has been involved in several high-profile efforts that didn't all come to fruition.
Here's what you need to know:.
Jack Burkman Says He's Revealing the Name of a Woman Accusing Mueller.
The same day that the journalists were revealing Lorraine Parsons' name and Mueller's office was announcing it had referred a matter to the FBI, Burkman announced on Twitter on October 30, 2018, "Some sad news.
On Thursday, November 1, at the Rosslyn Holiday Inn at noon, we will reveal the first of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's sex assault victims.
I applaud the courage and dignity and grace and strength of my client.".
It's not clear whether this "client" is Lorraine Parsons or someone else.
Some sad news.
On Thursday, November 1, at the Rosslyn Holiday Inn at noon, we will reveal the first of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's sex assault victims.
I applaud the courage and dignity and grace and strength of my client.
pic.twitter.com/wZVQeHD45r — Jack Burkman (@Jack_Burkman) October 30, 2018 .
When it learned of the alleged scheme to pay off women to lie about Mueller, the special prosecutor's office referred the matter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, according to The Atlantic.
"When we learned last week of allegations that women were offered money to make false claims about the Special Counsel, we immediately referred the matter to the FBI for investigation," the spokesman for Mueller, Peter Carr, told the Atlantic on October 30, 2018.
The Atlantic article alleges that journalists brought the matter to the attention of Mueller's office after the woman alleged to them in writing that "she herself had been offered roughly $20,000 by a man claiming to work for a GOP activist named Jack Burkman 'to make accusations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller.
Burkman wrote on Twitter, "The allegations of paying a woman are false.
The left is trying to defend Mueller against sex assault allegations so they attack me in desperation.
The establishment media knows that Mueller may go down over this–they want to deflect attention." On Twitter, Burkman's profile reads, "Host of Behind the Curtain, national radio and TV talk show on @newsmaxTV Sat A.M.
Registered lobbyist.
Conservative News & Commentary.".
Scott Bixby, national reporter for the Daily Beast, also attached the name Lorraine Parsons to the story, writing on Twitter, "A person who identifies herself as Florida resident 'Lorraine Parsons' claims Jack Burkman and his associates are pressuring her to 'make accusations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller' in exchange for a five-figure sum.
The office of Mueller, the former FBI director, did not release further details and did not use Lorraine Parsons' or Jack Burkman's names.
"The woman, Lorraine Parsons of Fort Myers, Florida, said a man named Bill Christensen knew exactly how much credit card debt she had and was willing to orchestrate paying off $34,000 — in addition to cutting a check for $20,000 if she made allegations," reported Politico.
Burkman told The Daily Caller that it is "totally false" that he was involved in any scheme to pay off women to smear Mueller.
Jack Burkman Was Involved in Peddling Conspiracy Theories Against DNC Staffer Seth Rich & Made Unproven Allegations Against a Congressman.
A 2017 article in Mother Jones on Jack Burkman described him as a "lobbyist detective" and detailed his efforts to look into the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich, who has been the subject of unproven conspiracy theories among some on the right.
In 2016, Rich was shot and killed in an unsolved murder along a Washington D.C.
The notion that Rich was killed because he was somehow involved in leaked and/or hacked emails to hurt the Hillary Clinton campaign is the fodder of online conspiracy theorists but there has never been any evidence produced that it could be true.
The Mother Jones story reports that Burkman "managed to put himself at the center of it all," offering a $100,000 reward to find Rich's killer and staging a reenactment of his murder.
The Washingtonian reports that Rich's parents now "want nothing to do with him" and have asked the public to stop spreading conspiracy theories about his death, with police indicating it could be the result of a robbery attempt.
Daily Beast reports that Burkman previously claimed he had a witness in the Rich case but none materialized.
You can see a listing of Burkman's lobbying efforts here.
Open Secrets.org lists Burkman's educational background as: "1988, B.A., University of Pittsburgh, PA; 1992, J.D., Georgetown University, DC, summa cum laude; 1992, M.S.F.S., Georgetown University, DC, magna cum laude.".
In 2017, Jack Burkman drew top news outlets to a press conference promising sexual harassment allegations against a congressman, the Washingtonian reported.
However, once they arrived, Burkman called off the whole thing, saying his client, who was named, "is just unfortunately not able to join us this morning.
I apologize to you so greatly for wasting your time.".
The Washingtonian reports that Burkman tried to get involved in the #metoo movement in other ways, offering free legal representation to the accusers of Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein.
He once said he was involved in a reality show on lobbyists but it never happened, the site reports.
Jack Burkman Once Worked for Rick Lazio & Has a YouTube Channel Where He Posts Political Commentary.
According to Mother Jones, Burkman went to law school and then worked for then New York Republican Rep.
Rick Lazio before becoming a lobbyist at the Smith-Free Group and later his own firm, J.M.
Burkman & Associates.
The magazine reports that Burkman went on TV to push the Whitewater theories against the Clintons.
He's styled himself as a conservative pundit.
He has a YouTube channel and a radio show, but the videos on his YouTube site don't have many hits.
The videos are called things like "The Mob Mentality of The Left – Behind the Curtain with Jack Burkman" and "Rant Of The Week: Christine Ford's story Is a Scam!".
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