(cheering) Live from New York City,
it's the Wendy Williams Show.
(upbeat pop music) (howling)
♪ Feel it, feel it ♪
♪ Feel it, feel it, feel it ♪
♪ Let's go ♪
♪ Don't need it ♪
♪ Feel it like you mean it ♪
(audience whooping)
♪ Feel it, feel it ♪
♪ Feel it, feel it, feel it ♪
(audience cheers and applauds)
(audience whoops)
♪ You ♪
(audience applauds and cheers)
So. (chuckles)
Happy Halloween!
Thank you for watching.
I'll explain.
Say hello to my co-host, my studio audience.
How you doin'?
How you doin'?
Look, let's just get through the day.
(audience laughs)
Let's get started, it's time for Hot Topics,
come on. (audience cheers and applauds)
(camera shutter clicking)
Happy Halloween.
You know it's not my favorite date,
it never has been for all of my life,
it never has been.
Of course, it's also the one year anniversary
of my faintation.
(audience chuckles)
So, the day doesn't necessarily bring up
good mood to me.
But I'm dressed up.
(audience applauds and cheers)
'Cause my look...
Yeah, yeah look, look.
'Cause I tell you I love you for watching,
and you know I've got my heart necklace and all that,
and we do this to each other all the time,
so I'm dressed as the Queen of Hearts.
(audience cheers and applauds)
Robin did a great job with the wig.
Marrell on makeup and Willie got the Blonds over here.
You know the Blonds?
The Blonds did this.
(audience applauds and cheers)
And literally, only two fittings.
They weren't here everyday, every other day.
They weren't even here to get me into the costume.
They did it, they're professional.
Thank you Blonds,
I love my costume.
(audience applauds)
Did you hear that some people want to change
the date of Halloween?
(audience members agree)
Yeah, from the 31st to
the last Saturday in October.
(audience members grumble)
I don't mind that.
I'll tell you why.
I think it's a great idea, because
kids can stay up later, there's no school.
Didn't you used to have like a sleepover
after Halloween, you know?
You and all your friends, you'd go back to your house,
you count your candy, you trade candy and then
you know,
you stay up all night on a sugar high
and then you fall asleep.
With the sleepover, right?
And the last, the last Saturday in October it's still,
we're still doing Daylight Savings Time.
Like we haven't sprung forward yet.
Fall, whatever.
(audience members laugh)
Believe me, you.
I will not be opening my door.
(audience laughs)
Believe me, you.
I'm sorry, I'm doing a photoshoot at the same time
as talking to you.
(audience applauds and cheers)
Can you believe the boob of the situation?
(audience members exclaim and applaud)
They measured me one time
and came back with the form.
Left, and next thing you know, poof, it arrives.
(audience members laugh)
I don't want to focus on them, all I'm saying is...
(audience cheers and applauds)
And by the way, you know what?
So they're passing this law, and it apparently is
very, very big in some towns in Virginia,
and it's spreading like wildfire across the country.
It's not in Jersey yet.
Damn it.
But if you're over 12 years old,
you should not be trick-or-treating,
because you could end up in jail.
Next to, next to the hookers, the crackheads,
and everybody, yeah.
You can end up in jail.
I think, you know, who trick or treats at 13?
I did.
(audience members applaud)
I did, I did, I did, I did.
But I shouldn't have, 'cause we were up to things, you know?
Walking around, like I would grab my father's
raincoat and a hat,
and put a little must on my face
and call myself a hobo.
(audience members laugh)
I'd grab a pillowcase and me and my friends,
we'd walk around the neighborhood.
It was just...
Walking around, trying to be cool.
But, nobody wants to see ding-dong
from a 13 year old.
I could barely tolerate a 12 year old.
As a matter of fact, why can't we stop at 10?
(audience members chuckles)
Well, there are several cities across the country
I'm telling you who have made it illegal
for teens to trick or treat.
They could face up to $100 fine
and up to six months in jail.
(audience members applaud and exclaim)
I love this idea.
(audience laughs)
It is not enforceable.
Like, I don't like a pack of teenagers, you know?
One I can tolerate.
Two, I get nervous.
Three or more, mm-nmm.
I'm crossing to the other side of the street.
(audience applauds)
I'm calling the police.
And it's horrible to say 'cause you know what?
I have a teenager, but that's what I tell him, too.
People, like I was telling you, we brought him
to the police station as soon as we moved him
into his apartment you know where he's going to school.
Here he is, he's a good boy, you know so on
and so forth.
Just to say hi,
and here are our telephone numbers.
Yep, we're the Hunters, the three of us and here we are, but
I don't like a teenager.
Got no use for them.
(audience members laughs)
And unfortunately, there are some that are
really brilliant and really smart and stuff,
but the blanket statement is,
a lot of you all are up to no good.
(audience members applaud)
And you frighten us.
They frighten you, don't they frighten you?
They-they frighten us.
I like your flower coat.
I have,
hey, I could've been that, too!
(audience applauds) Uh-huh, Uh-huh.
That's, yeah, I have a flower coat, too.
You do?
Wow, we could have just eliminated the whole
Blond process and I can just
put on the damn coat.
Damn it, man.
(audience members laugh)
I don't know whether this is Halloween
or just my regular cocktail dress.
(audience laughs and applauds)
Quite honestly.
(audience cheers)
Hi, boys.
(audience members laugh)
Yeah, work it.
Thank you. (chuckles)
(audience members cheer)
God, really does the most.
(audience cheers and applauds)
Do it!
Do it!
I-I can't.
I can't.
I can't, I can't.
So Tamar everyone, says she's getting a reality show.
(audience members exclaim)
And it's going to be about
her by herself, all on her own.
She broke the news recently on...
Well, a DJ show with cinder block walls.
It's a religious-based show.
I don't believe that this is really happening Tamar,
I think that,
I'll explain what I feel, but just take a look.
What's going on in Tamar Braxton's world?
Well, I'm definitely still shooting The Braxtons,
and I have another spin-off show.
It's not with Vince this time, it's Tamar you know,
in my life now and where I am now.
A lot of other great things, and maybe some music,
who knows. Ooh.
Here's my thought, I would totally watch
and everybody in Hot Topics, the entire bureau
said they would totally watch.
I don't know why they'd watch, but I'd watch because
I like Tamar.
You wouldn't watch?
(audience disagrees)
Clap if you're over it.
(audience members applaud)
Well haters.
(audience laughs)
This is what I wanna see.
I wanna see Tamar dating,
but I don't want to see her have a boyfriend.
Like I don't want one man locked into the show
using her for her fame.
And I wanna see her driving.
How does she drive?
(audience members laugh)
I want to see her shopping.
I want Vince to pop in.
I want to see Logan now and then, not a whole lot
because Logan is now coming into his looks, and...
(audience members groan)
(audience members laugh)
What I'm saying is, now he's recognizable,
and you don't want problems with people
bothering your kid who's on TV, you know?
(audience applauds)
I would watch this,
but I don't think that this is really happening.
Number one, she was on cinder block praise radio
to make the announcement, and number two,
she talked about it very sheepishly.
You know, she wasn't Tamar.
She was like, "Well, you know, I got
"somethin' goin' on."
I think she's probably hired her own camera crew.
(audience members laugh)
Check me out.
To follow her around as a treatment,
and then she's gonna take the treatment
to go to networks and see who wants it.
Do you understand?
This is not a show that's happening any time soon.
And based on the lack of clapping.
(audience members laugh)
Well, good luck Tamar.
(audience applauds)
Oh, the big fight, to glove or not to glove.
I am so cold, I'm glad I put the gloves on.
They did burlesque music for me
while I was putting them on.
(audience members laugh)
But all my tchotchkes are still underneath.
Willie's like, "Can you please take them off?"
I'm like, "No.
"This is a one-hour show,
"then we get back to reality
"and that's that, no."
I can--
(audience applauds)
All my stuff is still on.
Teresa in Jersey finally spoke out about Joe
being deported.
(audience exclaims)
Yeah, well you know.
They're saying once he gets out of prison, boom.
He's going back to Italy.
She sat down with Entertainment Tonight.
Take a look.
Would you ever divorce Joe?
No, we're gonna be a family, and...
And we're gonna fight this and get through this.
Is there a scenario where
you and the girls pick up
and you move out of the country with Joe?
We're not even thinking about that right now.
Is it more important to keep the whole family
together in your mind, or to preserve
your girls' lives here?
What comes first is our daughters and,
and we're gonna fight this.
Fight what?
The law is the law and he's going to Italy.
Now, Radar Online says he doesn't speak Italian,
but CBS.com says he does,
so I'm not sure which one he does.
He's going to Italy,
and the reality is, is that if you're not
going to move to Italy with him,
to uproot your entire family,
which I wouldn't.
I mean, it's a beautiful place and all that,
but a nice place to visit.
You stay home, I think she's gonna stay married,
But I wanna, you know, like...
Date, have fun.
What do you think he's gonna be doing in Italy?
(audience applauds)
Just sayin'.
And (clears throat)
she still hasn't told her oldest, who's nine.
The youngest I'm sorry, who's nine,
about the deportation.
(audience members exclaim)
But we've talked about it already here on Hot Topics
and I'm assuming some of the moms at school watch,
and their daughters overhear stuff,
and so your daughter does know.
Beautiful girls though, right?
(audience applauds)
Beautiful, beautiful.
A really good-looking family.
I feel bad for her.
She's very, very out of touch.
You know, the girls can go there for spring break,
for Christmas break to see their father.
You all can fly over there, and then fly back.
That is really expensive.
Damn it, Joe.
Speaking of Jersey.
(audience members laugh)
I can't even do me.
(audience members cheer) I-I can't.
I, I...
(audience members laugh)
These crystals are so heavy, I'm telling you
this costume might weigh more than me.
Honest to God, they are so heavy.
Every one hand laid,
nothing popping off.
The Blonds, you just did a beautiful job.
(audience applauds) Mm-hmm.
Jon Bon Jovi, who are you?
Alright, so I like Bon Jovi also.
And he's married to Dorothy, they got the kids,
they're from Jersey all day, like me.
So, he's 56 years old,
and he just slammed Housewives and the Kardashians
in an interview.
(audience members applaud and groan)
Oh, oh, oh, oh please.
Oh, please.
He's acting all highfalutin.
(audience members laugh) Hey.
Hey, hey.
(audience applauds)
He's acting all highfalutin, he says,
"I've never given 60 seconds of my life
"to one of those Housewives, blah,
"Housewives of blah, blah, blah
"and the Kardashians."
He goes on to say, "What's going to be
"in your autobiography?
"I made a porno,
"and guess what?
I got famous, sorry I'll pass."
you know what?
(audience members applaud)
Jealous much?
Jealous much?
You're from Jersey, I'm from Jersey.
When are you so highfalutin?
You know.
Jersey Strong.
I bet your Dorothy-a watches Housewives, your wife.
And I bet you, yeah and knows them all.
And I'm sure he's watched Housewives.
You know what he's mad at?
He's mad 'cause he's got to roll around with that band.
(audience members laugh)
A good band, I'm not saying anything bad.
A good band, but he's got to roll around with that band.
He rolls around with that band though,
and jumps on the stage with the guitar and plays.
In the meantime,
he's worth $410 million.
(audience applauds and exclaims)
Kim is worth $350 million.
See, there are many ways to become
a multi-millionaire, billionaire these days everyone.
And you can't hate on Kim, like I...
I respect her hustle.
We will never forget how she got down.
(audience applauds) No.
It's not how you get down.
It's how you get up.
(audience cheers and applauds)
Shout-out to everyone in Jersey.
I just hate when
we try to act highfalutin.
Like, really?
Are you serious?
You eat pork roll.
(audience members laugh)
We've got all the exits.
We've got those beaches who are, um...
(clears throat)
Some timing.
Look, man.
Don't be jealous 'cause Kim got hers.
Don't be jealous.
(audience applauds)
Look, and there's a bow on the back!
(audience cheers and applauds)
I hope history does not repeat itself with the next story.
The Titanic is setting sail again.
(audience members groan)
They're calling it the Titanic II.
It's an exact replica
of this very elegant ship.
When you watch it on TV, did you watch this past weekend?
Three and a half hours.
It's just soothing, right?
You walk out of the room and then you come back in,
it's still on.
And then if you, if you miss something
they played another one right after.
Like it was a full Titanic situation
going on over the weekend.
Anyway, they say
outside and inside will look like exact replicas
of the original.
Which I love.
Like, grab your evening gown.
You know, ones with good material that you can just
curl up like this.
(audience members laugh)
Like matte jersey or something,
you know what I'm saying.
Some pearls or whatnot.
And, uh-huh.
(audience applauds)
And look the part.
I don't know about maids with bonnets, though.
(audience members laugh)
It's gonna follow the same journey
that the original did, which was
uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
From South Hampton, England to New York.
It was supposed to be seven days.
But you know what happened on the fourth day?
So, you know in our morning meeting they were like,
"Well, what would you do on the fourth--"
'Cause I'd go.
I would go only because,
and I'm not big into cruising or anything like that,
but I would go and I would
get a room right up here, real high.
(audience members laugh)
They charge by the, by the height, you know.
You don't want to sleep where Leo did, with the rats.
(audience members chuckle)
But you get a room real high, and you go,
and you bring your cigarette holder,
and you eat at the captain's table.
I would go.
And on the fourth day, what would I do?
I would go to my room, turn on TV, close the blinds,
and act like...
Nothing is going on.
I don't wanna hear, nope, nope, nope.
The fourth day nope, nope, nope.
I would go; plus, the ship would be so clean.
They're gonna have more boats on the side,
more life preservers than ever.
They're gonna have more going on for this
one particular trip than anything.
I would go.
Listen, it's...
(audience applauds) It's getting ready
to set sail
in 2022.
For that one luxurious excursion, then after that,
they're gonna open it up to...
Germs. (audience members laugh)
You ready for more show?
(audience cheers and applauds)
Our wildlife expert friend Dave Mizejewski is here
with some really creepy animals.
(audience cheers and applauds)
Bill and Giuliana Rancic are here as well
so grab a snack and come on back!
(funky music)
(upbeat pop music)
♪ Get it, get it ♪
♪ Go on and do it ♪
♪ Whoo ♪
For more infomation >> Tamar's New Reality Show - Duration: 21:46.-------------------------------------------
Red Dead Redemption 2: ALL Hidden Masks & Hats Tutorial (RDR2) - Duration: 4:33.
Rockstar has done it again by developing a video game that resembles the real world in
a lot of different ways.
Besides life-like graphics and breathtaking visuals, you have a lot of different things
to look forward in this possible game of the year.
For instance, you can groom and dress your character in any way you like which has already
been seen in GTA, but this game has an extensive range of outfits and individual articles of
Then there are wearable items that you can not only purchase but also discover hidden
in different parts of the map.
Today's video is all about these hidden rare wearable items.
We will talk about how you can find awesome and rare hats/helmets and masks that you cannot
get otherwise.
So without further ado, let's find ourselves some hats and masks:
[Body] Hats:
Let's first talk about getting the hats cause you need to protect your head from all
the dust that you are going to get your body by traveling around the map for masks.
Viking Helmet: This particular helmet has a real-life history.
It was discovered with a Viking campsite in the year 1000.
To find it, go to the North of Annesburg that is below the right side of Roanoke Valley.
You should place a marker between the U-shape that this valley forms.
When you reach there, get off from the point where the road diverges and go into the forest.
Look for a descending rock formation with a stone table at the middle and a skeleton
resting on it.
Bonus: look under that table to get Vikings Hatchet
Now go under the doorway that seems like a small tunnel and then turn to left.
You will see a lot of skulls stored on the shelves near the ground.
Look closely at those skulls because you will find a Viking Helmet among them.
Pick it up and wear it with pride because you earned it.
Morion Helmet: This is one of the most awesome looking helmets
in the Red Dead Redemption.
It is not very hard to get your hands on this one.
Go to the Western part of the map where it says Grizzlies West and put a marker on the
mountain named Mount Hagen and go at the top of it.
The trick to finding this helmet is to go directly above the letter M of Mount Hagen
exactly at the first upper edge of the M. There will be a corpse sitting by two rocks.
Go near it and get the helmet off of it.
Nevada Hat: To get it, make your way towards the Branite
Place the marker right between the X that says "Branite Pass" and "Whinyard Strait"
on the map.
Go towards the train track and then towards the waterfall situated near it.
There will be a body by that waterfall, go ahead and loot it to find some money.
Go towards the rocks from there to find a "Nevada Hat."
There is also a note next to it that you can pick up.
Tricorn Hat: If you want to get the Tricorn Hat, Go to
the camp located near Rhodes and then head to the large island to its west.
You can travel across to the island through a boat.
Once you reach the island, go towards the small shipwreck and look inside, you will
find this special hat tucked away at the back.
Mining Hat: You don't have to be a miner to get this
but you will surely have to travel for it.
There is an old cave in the Western Elizabeth mountain area.
When you enter the cave, use the dynamite plunger to create an opening so you can go
down below.
There will be a body down there which contains a new knife, a gold nugget, and the Mining
Cap, get all three items off of him, cause he sure doesn't need them anymore.
Civil War Hardee Hat: Want to feel like a civil war veteran?
Well, why not get a vibe of it by wearing this awesome Civil War Hardee Hat?
Go to the south of the Van Horn Trading Outpost and find a large building in the Mossy Flats,
Fort Brennand.
Make your way to the fort and head straight into the single hut inside it.
Climb the ladder down to get into the basement and get the Civil War Hardee Hat.
Next Up, we have Masks: Pig Mask:
To get the Pig's Mask, head over to the butcher's shop in Butcher Creek located
at the northwest of the Vanhorn Trading Post.
Go in the middle of the area, and you will find the mask hanging from a pole.
Cat Skull Mask: The cat skull mask is hidden in the Bayou.
You'll find it at Lakay, north of Saint-Denis.
Follow the road into the village, and look to your right as the road ends.
You'll see a half-sunken shack.
Enter it and go into the back room.
The mask will be mounted high up on the wall.
Ram Skull Mask: You will have to be pretty far in the game
to unlock the New Austin because that's where you will find this mask.
Go to Rathskeller Fork which is an abandoned Farm located at the north of Tumbleweed.
There's a sheep pen in the east of the farm, and you'll find the mask hanging on one
of the pillars holding up the roof beams.
Pagan Skull Mask: This mask is Located just to the West of Strawberry,
to the northwest of Lake Owanjila.
Once you arrive at the location, you'll see white markings and a large circle of stones
on the ground.
In the middle of the circle, you'll see a dead man's rotten torso mounted on a spike.
You can walk up to him and take the mask off of his head.
[Outro] Well, that's it for today's video.
We hope that you enjoyed finding these rare hats and masks.
Which one was your favorite?
Be sure to let us know in the comments down below.
Until next time, I'm TCousteau - See Ya!
Should You Wash Clothes in Hot Water? (Teaser) | Consumer Reports - Duration: 0:41.
Can you imagine life without hot water?
We cook with it, wash our dishes in it, take showers in it.
Even the ancient Romans were famous for their hot baths.
And most of us were taught by our parents
to use hot water to wash our clothes.
But is that really necessary?
Ask Caribe: Do you enjoy Halloween? What's your best costume? - Duration: 0:47.
Why Dog Become Aggressive? 6 Types Of Dog Aggression Revealed - Duration: 4:18.
Hi, Mirko here from Healthy Pet Systems.
Today I will tell you why dog become aggressive.
So let's start.
Was your dog aggressive at any time?
You should examine the situations that may have made your dog become aggressive.
To get the root cause, you can try answering to the following:
First, who or what made the dog become aggressive?
Second, where did this occur?
Third, when was it?
Fourth, what was happening at that particular time?
Fifth, what had happened to the dog before the occurrence?
And the sixth, what made the dog to stop its aggression?
Getting answers to these questions will help you discover what it is exactly, that had
happened to your dog to get that reaction.
This diagnosis is helpful before you decide on the next step.
Remember that dog became aggressive because of some trigger and aggression is just a behavior
that is the answer to the situation.
Ok, now let's see types of dog aggression:
The type number one, territorial aggression.
These dogs live in specific areas and they protect their homes from any intruders.
You will find the dogs barking at other:
Dogs and animals.
This type of dog aggression happens between the ages of 1 to 3 years.
Type number two, possessive aggression.
It is believed that in the ancient day's dogs evolved from harsh environments and realities.
They had to fight for food, sites for nesting and even mates.
Possessive aggression is liable to both male and female dogs.
The puppies can have this type of aggression too.
The third type, defensive aggression.
This type of aggression is somehow the same as fear aggression.
The dogs that have defensive aggression are inspired by fear.
Dogs with defensive aggression will charge at people or animals that scare them.
They can bark or growl.
Type number four, protective aggression.
In case dogs are left all alone, you will find them living in groups and packs made
of friends and families.
They have always been social animals.
The family member can be another:
or human being.
This might seem very cute but it might be dangerous after the dog starts showing this
aggression to everyone else who appears as a threat to the well-being of child.
Type number five, fear aggression.
During the times when we are afraid of something, we try to avoid it right?
This also happens to animals.
A fearful dog will run from a person or an animal that threatened to scare it but after
you turn, it will run behind you and attack!
This is one of the reasons why you should not show your back to a dog that is fearful.
And the last type, social aggression
Like we mentioned before, dogs are social animals.
They care about social status.
Are you asking yourself: Why my dog has become aggressive towards me?
The dogs with high status might tend to be more aggressive to keep reminding the rest
of their positions.
Ok, that were the 6 types of dog aggression that can occur.
To find out more, I created a great guide about dog aggression.
In it, you will find top 14 dog aggression signs, types of aggression in dogs, how to
stop dog aggression, how to control dog aggression, how to correct dog aggression, and a lot more.
A link is down below in the description.
If you like this video, hit the subscribe button to receive more like it in the future.
And remember let's keep our pets healthy!
U.S. Senate candidate Martha McSally on why you should vote for her - Duration: 1:06.
Mehndi design 2018 new style images HENNA MEHNDI DESIGN ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 - Duration: 2:04.
LATEST Mehndi design 2018 new style images HENNA MEHNDI DESIGN in amazon shopping online
Are You Finding It Hard To Get Traffic To Your Website? - Duration: 1:51.
- Hi, everyone, we're in First Page HQ,
I'm here with Kieran, a digital strategist of ours,
and we're going to be talking about negative SEO.
So, first question, what is negative SEO?
- Yes, so essentially, negative SEO
is quite the opposite of SEO.
So, SEO is ranking organically on search engines--
- Yeah. - Being on the first page.
Negative SEO is essentially any tactics
to kind of push you down the page
or the rank you currently are.
- So, like, what?
- Kind of, essentially, like an attack,
like someone hacking your website,
trying to make sure that you don't appear
on the first page.
- Okay, I understand.
So, uniquely, we've been getting quite a few
of these inquiries lately.
How does one protect themselves
against negative SEO?
- Yeah, essentially, when you look at negative SEO,
you kind of want to understand whether you've been attacked
or if something actually has been done by yourself.
Maybe you didn't index your website properly.
- Right.
Really, to protect yourself,
there's no really pro-active way
other than really having a secure website,
having a campaign that is,
or SEO campaign that is actively trying
to do positive things.
The moment that you realize that you have been attacked,
there is more of an active or reactive sort of approach--
- Right. - Which essentially
is making sure when you go in the search console,
trying to disallow some of the links
that are linking to your websites.
But really there isn't really any protective measures
to be put in place.
It's really more of a continuous effort
that you have to do in order to protect yourself.
- Okay, got it.
Well, Kieran, thanks for that.
If you wanna learn more about the world of digital,
we'll be doing these videos weekly.
Check in with us again next week.
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