For more infomation >> The Be You Vision - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
Are You a JoJo Siwa "Only Getting Better" Song Expert? | Finish the Lyrics Challenge | #NickStarsIRL - Duration: 4:14.
[music playing]
♪ Another day in a crazy world ♪
♪ Hangin' on for another curve ♪
♪ Every bend, every twist can turn you--
[clock ticking]
[bell ringing]
♪ Round and round ♪
♪ Holdin' on its a wild ride ♪
♪ It's all new when you blink your eyes ♪
♪ Suddenly, everything inside--
[clock ticking]
[bell ringing]
♪ Feels upside down ♪
♪ Don't matter what's up next ♪
♪ Close the eyes and take a step ♪
♪ I'm ready for whatever--
[clock ticking]
[bell ringing]
♪ Here we go ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh It's only getting better ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
[clock ticking]
[bell ringing]
♪ Don't wanna catch my breath ♪
♪ We'll race through every open door Find everything we're hoping for ♪
♪ As long as we're together--
[clock ticking]
[bell ringing]
♪ It's only getting better♪
[music playing]
♪ Another day, it's a mystery, a million--
[clock ticking]
[bell ringing]
♪ Possibilities ♪
♪ Take a chance It'll all be easier in time ♪
♪ Everyday is a new adventure ♪
♪ Turn the page It's a whole new chapter ♪
♪ Somethin' great up ahead will make you--
[clock ticking]
[bell ringing]
♪ Feel alive ♪
♪ I'm hoping for the best Close my eyes and take that step ♪
♪ I'm ready for--
[clock ticking]
[bell ringing]
♪ Whatever, here we go ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh It's only getting better ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Don't wanna catch my breath ♪
♪ We'll race through every open door Find everything--
[clock ticking]
[bell ringing]
♪ We're hoping for ♪
♪ As long as we're together It's only getting better ♪
♪ It's changing in an instant And everything is--
[clock ticking]
[bell ringing]
♪ Different, but I'm ready for whatever ♪
♪ I'm ready for whatever ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh It's only getting better ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Don't wanna catch my--
[clock ticking]
[bell ringing]
♪ Breath, we'll race through Every open door ♪
♪ Find everything we're hoping for ♪
♪ As long as we're together It's only getting better ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh It's only getting better ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Don't wanna catch my breath ♪
♪ We'll race through every--
[clock ticking]
[bell ringing]
♪ Open door Find everything we're hoping for ♪
♪ As long as we're together It's only getting better ♪
Will, Did you eat my sandwich? - Duration: 0:04.
Did you eat my sandwich?
I am
your sandwich.
*forced vore*
My 22-Year-Old Brother Hasn't CUSSED His ENTIRE Life!! (Trying to make him cuss) - Duration: 8:17.
My 22-Year-Old Brother Hasn't CUSSED His ENTIRE Life!! (Trying to make him cuss)
first cuss word, first curse word, cussing for the first time,
cursing for the first time, cussing for the first time
I already know what half you guys are thinking there's noise never cussed in
his entire life I wish it was a lie I don't cuz I don't do that shit
he doesn't mean he swaps our words he just avoids the world
he doesn't say oh shoot shoot these off-camera
you've never cussed right good now you've done it that one time right wait
today my goal is to make Gary taste first curse words my girls did not first
thing I want to know is the root of this problem it's a problem oh I could tell
you the truth okay Joe you don't know this story
no what do you mean the ruins the problem is when I was four or five I
heard somebody say the f-word firetrucks I come home I'm like a mom what is five
my back seat this is good since we got a lot of pain videos I knew this first one
was not gonna work it is not when you're driving there's a couple things that
happen that make you wanna curse sometimes our people sometimes that your
is a secret okay okay let's make our way into a car oh yeah okay on the rover
that's you know gosh no you making train tracks gary is not cussing under any
circumstances he's a fraud this think about it for all these years he hasn't
cost a single time yeah yeah this is second nature thing
this is first make sure you gotta take him out of his comfort zone out of a box
and the shipping tab at this point without a box I gotta step
up my game by a landslide what rhymes with tuck suck well it rhymes it suck
that starts with the F fuck I'm startled
only turtles either retard oh yeah
thinking Vegas the English I'll give that me was thinking rule every tuning
are you on Instagram to think written it I think I'm gonna right now think of oil
per second me there area both like what do you think fans you say and then you
take a million years think three time the man are you talking about both thing
fires people down
now man I don't even know what to do you tell me what to do what do you thinks
gonna make you come you know yourself mess I know what is it nothing you can
just say anywhere right now get it over with you can see you can see bit you
could see you just do it affects the whole point of video of mine finds bit
yeah for bitter tax the only one anyone comment down below something don't make
Gary cuss he doesn't get mad in Custer you gotta be creative with it leave a
like if you enjoyed the video and subscribe down below if you're new or
else Eric's gonna cut the middle holes and all your toast now you're gonna put
this piece as long it's a fall right through until nine times
what's little pumps favorite article of clothing jacket a skirt star
Husband says final words to wife killed in I-40 crash were 'I love you' - Duration: 1:21.
Mehndi design 2018 new style images HENNA MEHNDI DESIGN ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 - Duration: 2:04.
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Introducing Be You - Duration: 2:53.
Be You is a package of professional learning advice and support giving you educators from across our nation's early learning services and schools
the tools and information to support children and young people from birth to 18 years of age
towards better mental health and well-being. So they grow up understanding that there is no health without mental health.
Be You enhances your skills to support children and young people and importantly to also look after your own mental health and well-being
so you can foster a culture of well-being at your school or early learning service.
Be You will support you to embed good social and emotional learning practices with the aim of
maximising the resilience of children and young people to reduce the risk of future mental health issues.
It will also help you to work with your colleagues to support children and young people
experiencing mental health issues, and to come together to respond to critical incidents.
What sets Be You apart is it's one initiative across different educational settings.
It helps you support children and young people throughout their education and
particularly at key transition points from home into an early learning service or school, and between schools.
Be You provides every Australian educator with a professional learning package informed by the latest evidence and
developed by Beyond Blue in collaboration with education and mental health experts nationally.
The professional learning is grouped into five domains
mentally healthy communities
family partnerships
learning resilience
early support and
responding together
The Be You professional learning package works around your busy schedule and don't worry
It doesn't need to be completed by a set date.
You can work through the package at your own pace to further your professional development
and if you're a pre-service educator
you can get ahead of the game by progressing through the modules before you start a placement.
The professional learning package is brought to life in your learning community through a range of action plans and tools
These plans can be tailored to your community's specific needs, by your own action team.
To ensure everyone can benefit from being part of a more mentally healthy community.
In addition over 70 Be You staff from our delivery partners, Early Childhood Australia
and headspace will be available to support the development and implementation
of these Be You action plans. And if you change schools
You can take your personal account with you as your career progresses. Through all this Be You empowers educators
to support children and young people manage life's ups and downs and create positive
inclusive and resilient learning communities.
Be you - The Hon. Dan Tehan MP, Federal Minister for Education - Duration: 2:34.
As Australia's Education Minister
it's wonderful to be playing a part in the launch of Be You. This wonderful framework
which will ensure we build a mentally healthy next generation.
It's absolutely important that when it comes to early childhood learning, when it comes to what we do at primary
schools and in our secondary schools,
that we have a focus on the mental health of our young Australians.
We pay a hell of a lot of attention to our physical health, but it's absolutely important that we get the balance right.
That we treat our mental health as importantly as we do our physical health.
In one way or another we've all been touched by those
who have in one way or another had to battle with a mental illness.
Whether it be as a parent as a brother or sister or as as a relative and friend.
So with with this resource will be ensuring that not only do our
educators, our principals, our teachers, have a resource which will help them educate
young Australians,
but also it will be something to help them to be able to talk with friends and relatives as they meet the challenges of
mental health as well.
Can I acknowledge and pay tribute to Beyond Blue for the work they've done with this program?
Can I also thank headspace for what they've done an Early Childhood Australia.
This is an incredibly important tool as
Minister Hunt has said. It's very
important that we get the message out there to those especially
Under the age of 14, because it's often what happens up to the age of 14
Which will determine how your mental health develops into your adult life.
So a big thank you to everyone whose been involved with this.
It's an incredibly important tool for our schools, for our
kindergartens, for our early childhood learning
Institutions. I know with this tool
we will go another step too ensuring that the next generation has a mentally healthy environment
to grow up in and that they are looking after their mental health as well as they do their physical health.
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