when you are travelling the most important thing is where is the hotel
where is the toilet where's the restaurant or where is the museum you are going to
visit so it's very important to ask someone how to get there
welcome to Mr.Yam.tw today is the second video of conversation
問路 問 means asking road asking the direction so here we go
first one is may I ask you a question
請問 問 has a mouth inside the door so you knock the door and say
excuse me may I ask you a question the question could be 請問總統府在哪裡
excuse me may I ask you a question where is the president hall
請問牛肉麵是什麼 what what is big noodles or you can say 請問
怎麼去中正紀念堂 excuse me how to get Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
so these two chapters could be very important when you are asking
something could be asking somewhere asking for the bees and asking how to
get there
people may answer you step by steps just like we have firstly secondary thirdly
so we have 先 first 再 and then again 然後
in the final we have 最後 後 means after 最 is the most so 最後 is
the final step people may point somewhere say 從前面 from the
front 從後面 from behind or 從那個路口
from the intersection 從 with the meaning of from so I'm from Taiwan
我從台灣來 also you can may introduce yourself I'm
from England 我從英國來 and even their
answer they may say oh just go straight 直走 直 means straight 走 means
walk or 左轉 turn left
very similar characters we have 右轉 轉 means turn
or the toilet is on different floor that you may need to 上樓 or 下樓
these two vocabularies are verbal so 上樓 go upstairs
下樓 go downstairs this is very similar to 在樓上 and 在樓下 means
located in upstairs located in downstairs so you should go
upstairs because the toilet is located in
upstairs so 你必須上樓廁所在樓上
I would like to mention one
more thing about the floor in Taiwan in mainland China and most of countries
of the world the ground floor will be 一樓(first floor) and the first floor will be 二樓(second floor) and so
on so just make sure the entrance or the way out usually located on first world
instead of ground floor you can't even find the ground floor
in the lift so we mention in or at called 在 sometimes the
the place you want to go is next to somewhere so 旁邊, 邊 means the
edge so 旁邊 is mean next to or you need to work through or pass by
經過 you may pass by the intersection 經過路口 here's the
conversation excuse me how to get the airport 請問機場怎麼去
you can take Taoyuan International Airport MRT 你從這邊可以搭乘機場捷運
'先'直走 '再'右轉 '然後'就會看到售票口了
first walk all the way down and then turn right you will buy the tickets
thank you but I think I need to go to the toilets
從前面 下樓 左轉 經過超商 在電梯 旁邊
for toilets you need to downstairs turn left pass by the convenience store
just next to the lift
太棒了感謝你 good thank you
okay hope you remember this very useful conversation and don't forget to
subscribe our channel or watch our previous video
our Mr.Yam hope you can visit the Taiwan someday
bye bye
For more infomation >> Excuse me... Where can I find this place?[Mr.Yam.tw.Conversation] 問路篇 - Duration: 7:27.-------------------------------------------
"Whoa. Kim jin, you are so old-fashioned"[Happy Together/2018.10.18] - Duration: 15:33.
- You see... / - Go ahead.
- It's a true story. / - It's funny.
- He didn't make it up. / - Exactly.
The three of you should step up.
Even though we're different generations,
- we feel the same way. / - But things have changed.
Still, your fans must've expressed their affection.
I had a fan club too,
so I can relate to Woohyun's story.
I was famous for my singing ability.
Before I made my debut as a singer,
I was popular at karaoke.
Every karaoke star would have the same experience.
- Right. / - It happened to me too.
Whenever I sang, girls asked to hang with them.
- Really? / - Girls in the next room.
- My gosh. / - I see.
Honestly, when we were by ourselves, I sang...
♪ Mom, please let me do what I want ♪
- We just had fun / - Shin Seunghun's song.
while singing upbeat songs like that.
But when the girls joined us...
(As soon as the girls joined them...)
(You say that I am too naive)
- You sang solemn songs. / - We sang songs like this.
We suddenly started singing...
(They tried to look serious.)
We sang songs like this.
- We tried to look lonely. / - Right.
I was the most popular kid in Jayang-dong
and Guui-dong.
The star of Gwangjang-dong was Hong Kyungmin.
(Hong Kyungmin was Sungmo's rival.)
I kept him in check. "Hong Kyungmin"
- "is the best?" / - "He's a great singer."
"Then I should have a match against him."
- It's hard to believe. / - The word spread.
- I see. / - Fan clubs were formed.
And kids like me sang at the school festivals.
But we weren't celebrities back then.
So even if our fans liked us,
they were embarrassed to give us a gift.
30 to 40 girls asked me to see them at a cafe.
I asked why they wanted to see me.
"We all pitched in to buy this."
- "It's for you." / - She tried to be cool.
That must've been awkward.
- They were embarrassed / - They felt awkward.
- to give it to me. / - He wasn't a celebrity.
- I wasn't a celebrity. / - They were embarrassed.
- They liked me. / - They liked you,
- but they weren't crazy about you. / - Not that much.
- It was ambiguous. / - But they liked me.
They would've screamed if they'd liked him madly,
- but they didn't. / - Not that much.
"It's for you." So I received it.
Thinking about it now, it's hard to believe
that I was in 10th grade,
and most of my fans were in 11th or 12th grade.
(Older girls showed their affection a lot.)
When you're in school, people who are
a year or two older than you feel much older.
That's true.
However, even after I became a singer,
many of my fans were still older than me.
- That's interesting. / - If I think about it...
The fact that older women liked you
- is hard to believe. / - Looking at you three...
- What wouldn't be? / - I've always been
- the one with a crush. / - They can relate to it.
But you three can't seem to relate to the story.
- Everything is new to me. / - "What is he saying?"
It's really hard to believe.
- As a popular star... / - Yes?
Be completely honest with me.
Have you ever considered yourself to be handsome?
- No, I haven't. / - Tell me honestly.
- It's the truth. / - Is it?
- Yes. / - I'm relieved.
- He's objective. / - But he's so popular.
I'm objective about myself.
- I never thought that. / - The same goes for me.
- I never thought that. / - Of course.
It would be weird if we did.
- I never did. / - It would be weird.
- That'd be pathetic. / - Gosh.
- Pathetic? / - It's interesting.
Seunghyun, do you have an experience like that?
I made my debut when I was in high school.
- I bet he was so popular. / - It was a co-ed school.
One day, a girl in my class
brought a pencil case that she'd customized.
Back then, plastic underlay sheet
with a star's photo on it was popular among kids.
It was also popular to make a pencil case...
- With hardboard paper. / - That's right.
They covered it with photos
- of their favorite stars. / - Exactly.
Then they covered it with packing tapes.
Many of our writers are nodding.
- Hand-made pencil case. / - Right.
The popular stars were Yoo Seungjun, H.O.T,
Sechs Kies and many more. Kim Wonjun as well.
Sungmo and Jin were also popular.
What about Jaeseok?
- What about him? / - He wasn't one of them.
There were photos of stars on her pencil case,
and I saw my photo
- in a corner. / - Right.
She must've liked you.
I said, "Hey. You put my photo on it."
She said, "What are you talking about?"
"Why didn't you tell me? You put my photo on it."
She said that there was an empty space,
so she used my photo unintentionally.
- A photo in a magazine? / - Yes.
- A photo in a magazine? / - In a magazine?
- She cut out his photo. / - He was active back then.
Exactly. She said she had no other photos.
She tried to hide her affection for me.
Seeing that Jin is rolling his eyes,
I think he's trying to recall his memory.
- Tell us how it was. / - Well, I wasn't so popular
- like them. / - Are you serious?
In high school, I was in the photography club.
When I exhibited my photos...
- Photography suits you. / - Exactly.
Girls from other schools came to the exhibition
and watched the talent show.
- They gave me flowers. / - Flowers.
Some girls gave chocolate.
But back then, I wasn't used to it.
A girl gave me a gift, and I was supposed to take it.
But I felt like I should date her if I took it.
He's so old-fashioned.
If you hold a girl's hand, you should marry her.
(If you hold her hand, you should marry her?)
Somehow, I felt...
- You have a responsibility. / - That's right.
I felt like I shouldn't give her my number.
- You'd have to call her. / - That's right.
I knew I should take it, but I just couldn't.
- While I was hesitating, / - It's a generation gap.
the girls threw the gifts on the floor and left.
They yelled, "This is ridiculous!"
- They must've been upset. / - But back then...
- They must've been upset. / - It wasn't my intention.
- You just had to take it. / - I couldn't take it
because I thought I should date her if I did.
- The girls thought / - They were disappointed.
that you were disrespectful of them.
- Right. / - It was around 1991.
- Very old-fashioned... / - It was a long time ago.
Nothing like that has ever happened to me.
- I can't relate to that. / - Didn't anyone confess
- her love in high school? / - What about Song Euni?
That was after I graduated from college.
- Did Euni ask you out? / - No, she didn't.
- When you were in school... / - She kissed him.
Didn't any girl follow you to give you a letter?
That never happened to me.
- She kissed him? / - Not even once.
Didn't anyone ask you out?
The only letter I received was a chain letter.
- You could die. / - Back then,
- chain letters... / - If you don't send it,
- If you don't send it... / - bad things happen.
"This letter began somewhere..."
- "In London". / - "It began in London."
"If you don't forward this to people around you..."
I'd been slapped by a girl two years older than me.
She told me to stop spreading a false rumor.
- At a cafe. / - To shut your mouth.
- "To shut your mouth". / - She slapped me so suddenly.
"You told him about me, right?" And I said yes.
She said, "You jerk" and slapped me.
Is that your memory of your school days?
- Yes. / - That's all we have.
We only have memories like this.
By the way, I've been hearing a weird rumor about Kang.
What kind of rumor is it?
When I was in school, I was shy, expressionless
- and quiet around girls. / - You were chic.
Some people wondered if I like men.
- That's possible. / - He looked indifferent.
- Looking indifferent... / - Right.
There was no such rumor in the past, right?
It wasn't even possible to think that way.
Since I'm still single,
- I heard that a lot. / - What did you hear?
- My goodness. / - I said, "Nonsense."
- "I like women so much." / - Really?
- "Don't say that." / - He was taken aback.
When we were waiting at the back,
I asked if he wanted me to set him up with someone,
he said yes right away.
- He likes women. / - So I said I'll do that.
I set Lee Chunsoo up with his wife.
- Really? / - I didn't know that.
Yes. I matched three couples last year.
Who are they?
- Well... / - Are you a matchmaker?
Do you have anyone in mind for Jin?
- For Jin? / - Yes.
- Really? / - He'll get married soon.
- Right. / - What kind of woman
do you think would be good for Jin?
A quiet woman or a cheerful woman?
Someone like Hyeongyeong would be great too.
I think so too.
As far as I know, they are acquainted.
- We met on a TV show. / - That's right.
- We were partners. / - On "X-Man".
- Really? / - We had a lot of fun.
I think you two won't see each other for a while.
Neither of them seems happy.
They don't look happy.
- We met after 10 years. / - Seunghyun said
he could find the right person, but I'm surprised.
- I was surprised too. / - He's a poor judge.
He's such a poor judge of character.
Their age gap isn't ideal.
I heard that Seunghyun bribed
- Saeho and Hyunmoo. / - Is that true?
- He did? What about us? / - He bribed us?
- Oh, that? / - Well...
- You didn't give us. / - Are we not important?
It's not like that. I'll give you later.
- "I'll give you." / - "I'll give you."
- It's not a bribe. / - What is it?
It's not a bribe. Since I'm a celebrity...
As you know, many celebrities run their own businesses.
I also run a health supplement company,
and I'm the director of public relations.
So I sent Hyunmoo a message on his social media site.
He'd sent me a message to cheer for me
when I was in a play. I was grateful.
When I got his message, I thought he was a con man.
He wrote, "I'm Kim Seunghyun."
But I wasn't acquainted with him at all.
Then it turned out to be him. I've been enjoying it.
Hyunmoo trusted me and replied to me.
So I sent him some of my products. Saeho
and I have known each other for a while.
So I sent him a message. He gladly helped me out.
Cabbage goes well with vinegar.
- Cabbage pickled / - It sounds delicious.
- in vinegar is good. / - It's delicious.
- Seunghyun works hard. / - Indeed.
We used to get cast for commercials and dramas
just because we did well in vaulting or high jump.
Our shows got 10 percent of viewer ratings.
Just as Sungmo said,
they got lots of offers for commercials back then.
- They were so popular... / - "Let's Go! Dream Team".
We were the initial members.
I remember that Sungmo was the king of vaulting,
but Seunghyun beat Sungmo.
He was the only one to beat me. We were the top two.
I actually saw Seunghyun at a pop-up store,
promoting and selling his products.
He lives his life to the fullest.
I believe he'll become successful.
You have no choice when you have a child.
I'm sure you all know what I mean.
Just as Sungmo said before,
he got offers for commercials so easily.
He was in so many commercials.
When I appeared on "Let's Go! Dream Team",
if I won the vaulting contest,
500,000 copies of my album were sold
- the next day. / - What's your best record?
- 2m 50cm. / - Back then,
the show got over 30 percent of ratings.
- That's incredible. / - These days,
- we can't get that much. / - It's impossible.
Seunghyun and I were on "Let's Go Dream Team" together.
One day, they decided vaulting was boring.
- We did ssireum instead. / - Ssireum.
We played against
- female high school ssireum athletes. / - Right.
We did it in Yeouido.
Right. I was there too.
(There was a big crowd.)
(Myungsoo 19 years ago)
(He was yelling even then.)
(Sungmo was impersonating a woodpecker.)
(Sungmo won.)
We were playing ssireum against women,
and 20,000 people came to watch us.
- I played ssireum too then. / - You were there too.
It took me two hours just to enter the venue.
(It took him two hours to enter the set.)
It took a very long time
to get through the crowd.
- It was for Sungmo. / - Sungmo was popular,
and so was "Let's Go Dream Team".
I remember this.
Jaeseok made an appearance once.
He was doing the long jump.
He landed with his jaw.
- It wasn't the long jump. / - No?
- He did the long jump. / - Right. The long jump.
He jumped and landed with his jaw.
It was like he intended it.
He landed with his face.
I jumped and landed with my face.
(He landed with his face.)
There's a video. It still makes me laugh.
I've always wanted to ask him.
Was he pretending to be bad at sports to be funny
or was he really bad at sports at the time?
- I am curious. / - I was just bad.
(He was just bad.)
And he was... At the time,
he wasn't even funny. He was funny as the MC,
but he wasn't funny as a cast member.
He wasn't even asked questions.
The only time he received attention
was when he was doing the grasshopper dance.
- He kept doing the dance. / - He did it for 10 years.
I thought the grasshopper dance was his only talent.
Did he bungee-jump?
It remains as a great memory.
He had to bungee-jump
from a height of over 100m.
- It was 102m. / - It was 102m.
- It was over 100cm high. / - He has acrophobia.
It's amazing that he managed to jump.
We were bungee-jumping,
and the celebrities who couldn't do it
made their excuses and left early.
They couldn't do it.
Only the people willing to jump remained.
And he was there.
- He had a strong will. / - I didn't have work.
Thinking back,
I think all the people who jumped with me then
had a lot of free time.
Who were they?
Who jumped?
- Sangin? / - Sangin jumped.
- Sangin jumped. / - Sangin.
Namhyun jumped too.
- You remember them all. / - They had a lot of time.
We jumped. When we met again in Korea,
everyone went crazy. Nobody thought Jaeseok would jump.
He had acrophobia.
- I remember it. / - We knew him,
so we thought he wouldn't be able to.
My acrophobia is serious.
- How did you jump? / - I was worried.
I had to jump to be on TV.
Did you jump without hesitating?
Of course I hesitated.
I still remember the wind blowing from the valley
when I was on top of the platform.
I still remember it blowing in my ears.
It was winter.
And the valley was 104m deep.
- It was so deep. / - It was so deep.
In the far bottom,
there was a stream.
- That's crazy. / - The wind was like this.
(It kept blowing past him.)
It was hanging in between two cliffs.
That must've been so scary.
When I came back to Korea, the other guys called me
- I was terrified. / - and said Jaeseok had jumped.
"Really? No way. Did he really?"
Three, two, one.
(Jaeseok flies.)
("Magic Castle" is such a perfect song for this.)
(Jaeseok succeeded to bungee-jump.)
(He was interviewed right after the jump.)
(I was confident to do it.)
When you have confidence in anything...
When he came back after the bungee jump,
- his career bloomed. / - Really?
- Really? / - He became the MC.
Does your career bloom when you jump?
I don't know about that.
Times have changed.
- I have another memory. / - You should jump.
I also bungee-jumped in Taiwan.
They were going through a draught at the time.
It was during the draught.
- There were only rocks in the bottom. / - Oh, dear.
I couldn't jump first.
By the way, we are talking among ourselves.
I am sorry.
Let's stop there.
- They are memories. / - Right. Once we start,
we can't stop.
The Tiny Voice in the Back of Donald Trump's Head: You've Turned This into a Freak Show - Duration: 1:14.
-Thanks to newly developed technology,
we here at "Late Night" now have the ability
to record the tiny voice that is inside Donald Trump's head,
and you might be surprised to know that,
like everyone's inner voice,
Donald Trump's is filled with paralyzing fear and self-doubt.
So here it is once again --
the tiny voice in the back of Donald Trump's head.
-A big part of this field that I'm a huge fan of...
-Hey, Donald, it's the tiny voice in the back of your head,
and, yep, this is where we're at.
This is the kind of guy
who comes to speak at your White House.
You've turned this place into a real freak show, Donald.
Who's coming to the mic next?
Violent J from Insane Clown Posse?
You thought all the biggest celebrities
would want to come to you.
Obama had Areeba Franklin,
Clinton had Fleetwood Macklemore,
and you've got this guy
who I believe is wearing actual rose-colored glasses.
Also, hard to believe that, of the two of you,
you're the one who slept with Stormy Daniels.
[ Laughter ]
Morgan Freeman Knows What Happens After You Die - Duration: 4:47.
青羽塔罗占卜:我会奉子成婚吗? - Duration: 6:35.
青羽塔罗占卜:我能事业爱情双丰收吗? - Duration: 7:37.
Phonepe Kyc कैसे करे ? Phonepe Wallet kyc kaise kare ? - Duration: 3:06.
Phonepe App Download Link in Description
say you wont let go - Ram Mix مترجم - Duration: 2:37.
Amazon Seller Fees Explained - Must Know Pro Tips - Duration: 21:55.
hey guys welcome back to my channel my name is Jacob in today's video I want to
talk to you guys about Amazon FBA seller fees I really want to break them down for you
guys this isn't always the most exciting part of the business when you're doing
the numbers aspect of it but I really think that it's probably one of the most
important parts of the business because this is what's going to ensure your
profitability is really knowing your numbers and I also think that it's
exciting because you really can start to dig into these things and find
strategies that can help you to out price and your competition and really
gain a strategic advantage over them so let's jump right in you guys hey the
first view that you guys are going to be concerned about is your Amazon seller
account fee all right so there's two types of seller accounts that you guys
are gonna be looking at so when you're first starting out you may be
considering an individual account and then as you guys progress in your
selling career you'll get a professional one but an individual account is
different than a professional account because individual accounts charge you
on a per item basis so whenever you guys have a sale on impulse platform if you
have an individual account Amazon is going to charge you $0.99 per item when
when they close that sale all right and then when you have a professional
account it's a monthly cost that's 39.99 per month that they're gonna charge you
but you're not gonna have any per item fees right so one of the things that
I've always recommended that people that I poached is is that initially when you
guys wanted to the sourcing process getting your products sometimes it can
be you know a couple of months where it's from the sampling phase and the
production phase two you know shipping it all the way over to your country of
origin you know and sometimes to when it's had a couple months like that you
don't want to be paying $40 a month right so what I recommend to people is
to get access to the platform to be able to pull the barcodes off and set up your
listing like you guys once but not paying that $40 a month go ahead
and sign up for that individual sellers account because you're not going to be
paying the monthly fee and since you're not gonna be selling anything it's not
going to cost you anything out of pocket right so then once those couple months
pass you get those things shipped over to your country you receive them you
send them into Amazon's fulfillment centers then upgrade your account to a
professional account it'll save you guys some money in the mean time and then
once you guys start selling all the you know items that you guys plan on selling
which inevitably will be more than you know what 40 40 units a month to equal
your paying monthly for the professional then you guys will save you know however
much that is over the course of those months that you guys you know waited
before you upgraded all right so the second thing that I want to talk to you
guys about Amazon referral fee okay so it's a there's there's variable
percentages that they charge you depending on what product category that
you guys are selling in and it goes anyway from 8 percent all the way to 45
percent now 45 percent is only for one category that's only for the category if
you're selling accessories or Amazon items they're going to charge you a 45
percent feeding on those items most items are anywhere from 8 to 20 percent
right and the standard for most is right around 15% okay so this is a fee that
they're gonna charge you for utilizing their platform and it's going to be a
fee that they're gonna collect on at the closing of every sale and it's excluding
taxes so for example if you're selling a product and the product is $19.99 then
they're going to close that and they're going to charge you 15 percent on $19.99
they're not going to charge you on 15% on $19.99 plus whatever the tax rate is
that you're charging to that person in
whatever state county that is okay all right so the referral fee kind of
explained so the Amazon referral fee although some people think that it's
pretty high you gotta kind of break down what you're
getting with access to Amazon and Amazon FBA alright so in comparison this
referral fee you know I sell on every major platform that there is and a lot
of these other platforms they're not going to charge you very much for a
referral fee for selling on their platform so for example most of time you
know I think Enzi's is like 3.5% you know kind of varies for eBay and and
Walmart and you know some of the other ones but although it is much higher than
what you get in comparison that you're receiving from Amazon FBA is also much
higher than those right you're able to store your inventory at Amazon's
warehouses you have act you have access to Amazon Prime which is one of the
biggest things right that's the biggest shift that's occurred from people that
are shopping retailer shopping online it's it's because of Amazon that you
have that right everybody wants Amazon Prime it's skewed the online shopping
you know because now you can get things delivered as soon as one day shipping to
your customers and and for this you know advantage it's well worth the higher
amount that you're going to pay for Afrobeat on top of that statistics show
that one in three households now have Amazon Prime and people that are
shopping on Amazon are seeking out those products that have that Amazon Prime -
fulfillment by merchants is pretty hard to sell especially in the rates that
you're selling Amazon FBA products okay additionally you have access to those
customers that are going to convert way better than other platforms as well so
for example most platforms outside of Amazon are converting less than 10% eBay
can be anywhere from five to ten percent at best and other platforms are either
around that mark or slightly lower than that Amazon convert
and around 15% and what I mean by that is is that out of every four the average
Amazon listening that you see on amazon.com out of every ten people that
come there 15 percent of those people are going to convert to buyers on those
products that they land on that's a huge percentage right and I've explained this
in other videos but I have some listings they convert as high as 80% okay so
people come to Amazon ready to buy and because of the fact that they do a
complete fulfillment service for you customer service and everything it's
well worth the cost that you guys are going to be paying to them all right but
it's important that you guys know what your numbers are going into this alright
guys so the third the third fee that I want to talk to you guys about is the
fulfillment fee all right this is a charge per unit fee that you're going to
get you're going to get assessed on each order closing and so order
considerations for fulfillment fees this is kind of what I was talking about with
strategizing and this wasn't something that I was super focused on when I was
just starting on my Amazon journey but guys I'm telling you now this is one of
my primary focuses figuring out product sizing figuring out what tier your
product is going to go into so that you can really get down to the minutiae of
what does that product in a way what are the dimensions of it and how can I use
that information to get me the lowest possible shipping cost the lowest
possible for filming costs and the lowest possible storage costs because
you need to do anything and everything that you can to get an edge on your
competition I've had some products that I've gone
into that I went into even though I knew I couldn't do anything extravagant to
improve the product I knew that there was a distinct advantage that I could
get because none of these people were taking advantage
the shipping and the product packaging in order to reduce size reduce weight
and be able to get a discount on all those things so that you can be more
aggressive in your pricing and still make the same origins against your
competition right that's huge I hope you guys can see that as well but there's
two categories that you guys need to be concerned with in terms of FBA for
filming fees all right so these are the fees that they're going to charge you
for everything that they do passed once the order is completed
Amazon's going to send that signal to the fulfillment center they're going to
pull your package off the shelves they're gonna put it into a box they're
gonna send it through UPS or USPS it's gonna land there your customers doorstep
they're gonna receive it if they have any questions they can call you amazon's
customer service if they have any issues with the product they can send it back
and amazon coordinates for all of that to happen and this is all stuff that you
don't have to take care of right I mean this is really the thing that set apart
Amazon from every other selling platform and why it's from and why is a massive
business opportunity for people like you because now you don't have to get caught
up in like you used to the operations of the business right you can now focus on
the things that are gonna help grow your business and just really just be the CEO
right I mean you don't have to get caught up in doing the worker bee stuff
anymore you can you can sit there and just figure out big picture things that
need to happen for your business and this is huge
so standard and oversized guys like I said there's different categories for
each one and it's it's based on size and it's based on weight right so when you
see small large small medium large and special those are based on product tier
sizes in terms of physical dimensions of the product I'm gonna put a link down in
the description below on Amazon's product tiers so that you can see
exactly the dimensions and how you guys kind of
but again like I said the thing that you guys want to think about when you're
doing when you're looking at these things is is when you're talking to your
suppliers find out exactly what those dimensions are right is there any way
that you can change those dimensions to fit into a smaller category is there any
way that you can kind of take advantage of those things to maximize in any way
that you possibly can all right so figure out what size
product here that yours fits into from there you need to figure out what's the
weight of your product exactly okay if you're talking your suppliers and you're
not making any adjustments on what the you know add-ons to the product or
anything it's gonna change the weight they already make like a stock version
of whatever it is I'm making you know this dry erase marker here I know that
this dry erase marker if I change the design of it and stuff like that in
terms of you know the labels and so forth that's not really gonna change the
weight right but if I'm actually extending the marker I'm making it
larger in diameter these are things that are going to extend the weight or change
the way rather right so if the stock and you're not changing it talk to your
supplier find out what the dimensions are exactly find out what the weight is
exactly because these are the things that you're going to need to know in
order to plug your product in to these different tiers so that you can
calculate exactly what this is going to be all right and and even though there's
some tools for this stuff I'll get into a little bit why this is so important
okay so again standards over size small is 1 pound and below for standard sizes
and most of you guys products are gonna fit into standard sizes I would say
about 70% of my products fit into standard sizes small 1-pound and below
large one-pound in below so the only difference here is just physical
dimensions of the actual product itself the the weights are still one pound in
below you can see here for the small you have 240 mm I'm sorry two dollars and 41
cents per unit that they're going to for each sale for a large 1 pound and
below they're going to charge you $3 and 19 cent FB a fee our fulfillment fee and
below our for one pound of below for large one to two pounds they're gonna
charge you four dollars and 71 cents per unit when you sell it then you have
large two pounds and above okay and so this is if it's two pounds they're gonna
charge you four dollars and 71 cents per unit but for every pound over two pounds
they're gonna charge you an additional thirty eight cents per pound so as it
goes up to 3 pounds it'll be four dollars and 71 cents plus thirty eight
cents as it goes up to four pounds then you add another thirty eight cents and
so on as you continue to go up right over size it's pretty much the same
thing where they're gonna add on weight as you go up in are they're an add-on
they're gonna add on cost as you go up and weight and the product tears again
small medium large and special so for small oversize it's eight dollars and
thirteen cents per unit and then they're gonna charge you thirty-eight cents per
pound over two pounds right so if it's a small two pound over size it's going to
cost you eight thousand thirteen cents but as you go up each pound over two
it's going to cost you additional 38 cents for medium it's going to be nine
dollars and forty four cents if it's two pounds every pound over that two pounds
they're gonna charge you an additional thirty eight cents all right for large
oversized items it's going to turn there to charge you seventy three dollars and
18 cents and an additional seventy nine cents per pound for anything over 90
pounds guys so there's obviously a huge jump here between medium and large right
but don't let this theory okay because I honestly think that even though the
seemed really really exorbitant for costs you have to understand something
when you're talking about Amazon Fulfillment they are one of if not the
largest fulfillment shipping company in the world
so these prices that you see here is absolutely going to be rock bottom like
prices comparatively to every other platform out there especially if you're
considered and you're comparing it against shipping these items yourself
okay and honestly I think that even though these may scare you a little bit
with the cost of these sometimes those are those are areas that you want to
look into in terms of products because a lot of people are going to be scared of
prices like that and I'm always looking for areas that other people aren't
considering because maybe they're not they don't have the same risk tolerance
that I do or they just haven't strategized it properly okay lastly is
the special for oversize and it's up to 90 pounds as well that they're gonna
charge you 137 and 32 cents and then it's going to be 91 cents for every
pound above that all right so F be in consideration planners said
guys Amazon ships more than anybody in the world alright and so it's for the
FBM which is fulfilment by merchants that means you're shipping it yourself
I've looked at it all I've had corporate accounts through FedEx UPS DHL I shipped
through every every single shipper that there is and I'm telling you right now
you're never going to beat their shipping prices ever okay and it's
something to consider because like I said I sell on all the other platforms
but a lot of times I'll still with with a couple rare exceptions the products
that I sell I'll still send all my products to Amazon warehouses to use
them as a fulfillment center just because the overhead is less it's more
of a well-oiled machine and I'm getting a better discount
shipping prices for my products that are going out the door okay then the FBA fee
calculator right so I'm gonna link this down in the description as well but this
is something that you can utilize it's on Amazon's website and what you can do
is is you can go to it you can plug in a similar product to yours that is already
being listed on Amazon it'll pull the product information the dimensions and
the weight it'll plug it in and then all you have to do is is plug in a couple
pieces of key information the sales price that you're going to sell it at
the shipping price that it's going to cost you to send into Amazon and then
the price that you're going to be paying from your supplier you hit the calculate
button it will do it for you I'll put a screenshot up right here real quick so
that you guys can kind of see what that looks like and then I'll link this in
the description below as well all right guys the fourth fee that I want to talk
to you guys about is the monthly storage fees guys this is one of the people
always overlooked I've seen almost every single course
that's out there and I've been doing this for a while now guys and I'm
telling you I almost never see anybody tell their students to start calculating
this stuff in and I think it's one of the biggest mistakes that I see in the
industry all right this is huge because you have to consider that the majority
of products that people are making are going to be made internationally and you
have to consider that from the start of production all the way until they land
in Amazon there's going to be usually a minimum of two and a half to three
months depending on what time of year it is for time to get that from production
to Amazon all right and so storage fees is huge because now you're having to
consider having three two possibly six months of inventory that you guys are
going to be holding in Amazon and I mean somebody's got to pay for that
somebody's gonna be you because these products aren't just gonna sit in there
take up space and Amazon's warehouse for free right so they're gonna charge you
guys for that and this is important because again like I said this is where
you guys really need to be thinking as entrepreneurs how can I take advantage
of this stuff and how can I get ahead of my competition all right so again it
breaks down into standard and oversize for the storage fees all right
and there's basically two times a year quarter and 133 and in quarter four
alright so for those of you that haven't sold online before Corner four is as
much as 10 times 2 sometimes 20 times the volume in terms of sales and
shoppers as quarters one through three quarter one is statistically the worst
and quarter four is where a lot of people will do 40 to sometimes 70
percent of their sales and so as a result people are always trying to gain
this and so they're pushing a ton of product in during the holidays and
quarter four so subsequently since Amazon's limited space they're going to
increase their their prices right and so corn is one through three you can see
here that's January to September for standard sized items right so all those
items that fit into those product years that are standard sized it's 69 cents
per cubic foot and then for the oversize it's 48 cents per cubic foot okay
so then when you get to quarter four you have a dramatic increase almost three
times are outside almost four times that cost per one that you're going to be
paying for your storage fees from Amazon so during quarter four four standard
sized items it's going to quadruple to two dollars and forty cents per cubic
foot for standard and for oversize it's going to be a dollar and twenty cents
per cubic foot all right guys so this is huge as you guys can see because as you
guys start to grow in your business and you consider scaling I'm gonna tell you
now this is going to become a huge huge part of your business I have been
charged thousands and thousands of dollars on a monthly basis for storage
even in corners 1 2 3 alright so when you get to quarter 4 and you're
quadrupling that you can be paying as much as 40 50 60 thousand dollars and
you start to scale this into massive amount especially if you're focused on
seasonal items that you're really only going to push during quarter four right
so guys you have to start thinking about this stuff well one of the things that I
would recommend that you guys take advantage of is considering other places
to possibly ship this stuff so that you guys can have kind of a hold over spot
with some inventory right something that's not going to cost you guys a ton
of money so that you guys can kind of hold this stuff and then push it into
Amazon as needed alright this is a good way for you guys to be able to limit the
amount of money that you guys are gonna spend total on your storage during
quarter four because as you can see this can be a massive savings for you guys
alright and it's also an easy way to kind of stay nimble in the market all
right okay guys so just real quick like I said I'm gonna put those links down
below on the product tear slices and then I'm gonna put the link down down
below for the Amazon fee calculator so you guys can utilize those but make sure
that you guys are actually knowing what those products your sizes are and what
the specifics are for your product all right so I have a product that I sell
that's right around $25.00 for example my referral fee is about $3 and my
fulfillment fee is about $8 okay but when you plug that into the fee
calculator you just need to be sure that the the weight and the dimensions of
that product exactly match the product that you're come
so that your numbers are right hey guys I hope you guys liked this video and I
hope you guys learned something if you guys did give it a like and subscribe
and hope to see you guys back here on the next video
Sweet pea really hungry food So much today,SP crying cos hungry food - Duration: 10:15.
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