Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Nov 1 2017

(crumb crumb crumb...)

the mother said we're gonna starve

there's barely enough food for us

the children have got to go

let the animals tear them up in the woods

but Hansel & Gretel overheard

what their cruel mother had planned

Hansel filled his jacked with pebbles

and soon they would understand

whether murder, stealing or deceiving

you can get past any hitch

pray to God, forget your conscience

happy life, roasted witch

(happy life, roasted witch)

the parents, they played their game

but Hansel laid the stones in a trail

the moonlight shone their way

back to their home where their parents stayed

this time the mother locked them in

so Hansel couldn't fetch stones

he used the little bread he had

to make his next trail home

whether murder, stealing or deceiving

you can get past any hitch

pray to God, forget your conscience

happy life, roasted witch

(happy life, roasted witch)

woodland birds ate the crumbs

the children couldn't find no way home

the wicked witch laughed and scorned

now I have them for my own

the witch had a house made of bread

with a roof made of cake and clear sugar windows

the children were lured right in

greedily gnawing away 'til they froze

for the witch had caught them, she brought them in

at first she was kind and good

but then she locked Hansel into a cage

said she'd boil him and eat him as food

whether murder, stealing or deceiving

you can get past any hitch

pray to God, forget your conscience

happy life, roasted witch

(happy life, roasted witch)

(ah ah ah)

the witch wanted Hansel fat

but he'd hold out a bone whenever she'd check

she was stalled but her patience grew thin

she fired up her oven and called Gretel in

she said "climb inside, check the oven's heat"

Gretel thought than claimed "I don't know how to do that"

when the witch went to demonstrate

Gretel slammed the door shut so she'd burn to death

as the witch howled and wailed and her body burned

the children stole her stones and pearls

they ran back home, their mother had died

now they'd be happy for all their lives

whether murder, stealing or deceiving

you can get past any hitch

pray to God, forget your conscience

happy life, roasted witch

(happy life, roasted witch)

happy life, roasted witch

(happy life, roasted witch)

happy life, roasted witch

For more infomation >> [Hansel & Gretel] Roasted Witch - Grimm Tales - Music Video - Meri Amber - Duration: 5:27.


Does Creatine Cause HAIR LOSS? - Duration: 2:38.

It's no secret that I'm an advocate for creatine supplementation.

The performance benefits are well-documented and most consistent out of all performance


But, there's one thing that people are concerned about.

Will creatine cause you to lose your hair?

Unfortunately, there might be some level of truth to it.

And, it boils down to one key hormone: Dihydrogentestosterone, aka DHT.

DHT can act on local receptors causing a shrinking effect of your scalp follicles, eventually

closing out said follicles from producing any more hair.

One study back in 2009 found markedly high increases of DHT with creatine supplementation.

Rugby players given 25 grams of creatine monohydrate per day for 7 days as a loading phase had

a 56% increased level of DHT.

At maintenance of 5 grams of creatine per day for 14 days, DHT levels remained elevated

by 40%.

Interestingly, it also increased DHT to T ratio, T for testosterone, even though testosterone

levels did not change.

This suggests an accelerating effect of DHT production since DHT is metabolized from testosterone

and the enzyme 5-alpha reductase.

Outside of this study, though, not much else in research exists.

And, even if it creatine does affect DHT levels, it remains to be seen if this has any direct

effect to actual hair loss, considering that DHT levels do rise naturally.

Exercise itself can increase DHT levels by as much as 30 percent.

But there's one caveat bearing the most importance: The only time that DHT might lead

to hair loss is if you're already susceptible to hair loss or Male Pattern Baldness, which

has a strong genetic factor.

If you have a family history of hair loss, then sure, you might want to think twice about

taking creatine if you want to avoid accelerating your hair loss.

Otherwise, chances are, creatine won't affect your hair at all.

For those of you that are concerned but want to continue taking creatine, you might want

to consider looking up DHT-blocking interventions like Finasteride, which inhibits the enzyme

5-alpha reductase mentioned earlier.

Of course, make sure you check with your doctor before anything else.

But again, there still needs to be more research on this and more importantly showing a direct

effect on hair loss when taking Creatine.

For now, after knowing the potential risk, whether you should continue taking creatine…

is completely up to you.

If you have a creatine hair loss story or think the research is right and you should

skip your next creatine purchase, share your thoughts in the comments below.

As always, thank you for watching and get your protein!

For more infomation >> Does Creatine Cause HAIR LOSS? - Duration: 2:38.



I'm gonna be giving away a brand-new big box bundle to one of my subscribers all

you have to do is drop a like on the video leave a comment down below

subscribe to the channel and make sure you guys have notifications turned on

answer the big box supply drop bundle giveaway comment big box down below

ready boys so a subscriber in mind hit me up and he wanted me to open his final

DLC weapon bribe the range weapon bribe in bo3 supply drops he also has 400 keys

and funny enough he's a 567 master prestige a very high

level in bo3 but obviously you guys don't know this I do he's from Australia

and they got me thinking people from Australia watch my videos now obviously

everything is digital everything can be accessed online you don't really have to

be in a certain place to watch my videos but it just got me thinking how cool it

is from someone so far away on earth is watching my videos from Canada so I want

everyone in the comment section down below to let me know where they are from

the country the state the city whatever you want to tell me but I want to see

everyone down below in the comments telling me where you guys are from so

Pratt from where you guys are from show respect to others people in the comment

section down below but I want to see what you guys are from so let me know

comments down below but with all that being said we have the range weapon

bribe and 400 cryptokeys to open on bo3 quickly I want to take a look at what

weapons are up for grabs the SMGs okay wait a sec this guy is every single DLC

SMG okay for the assault rifles am I gonna see the exact same thing this guy

has every single DLC assault rifle oh my god all okay wait wait no no no he has

every single primary what is he missing all the pistols both the launchers is

all the melee so I got all the melee wait wait wait what I'm so confused am I

missing something he wanted me to open his bribe he wanted me to open his bribe

for for what weapon wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a second

boy still weakened voice what's happening he has all the weapons

unlocked dirty what what what what he want me to open

all right we have 400 keys and I open some supply drops if we pull a weapon

will do a live come with it but besides that I mean I just don't know I I'm not

gonna open the breath because it'd be of three drops weapons I would feel so bad

to know that this guy would not be able to get it like straight up because his

bribe is not fair anymore so we're gonna open its keys if we pull a weapon oh my

god we pull the malleus you know what that's where I'm cutting it off the

malleus melee weapon I'm good with that okay I'm done already boy so I hopped on

to another subscribers account that wanted me to open some more DLC weapons

supply drops for me actually has a thousand keys or almost a thousand keys

with ten rare supply drops a range weapon bribe and a melee weapon Prime so

create a class can we go check out the weapons what's a ketika he's missing

everything which is good okay this is gonna be a good opening he's missing all

the DLC SMGs for the assault rifles he has the MX garand and the peacekeeper

besides that he's missing all the other ones shotguns missing both the DLC

shotguns LMGs missing the r78 jacks okay wait this might be bad he's missing both

the snipers he's missing a lot of weapons pistols missing all the pistols

missing one of the launchers which could be kind of dangerous melees he's missing

quite a few melees about ten or so if my math is right yeah about eleven actually

and then two special weapons so he has quite a lot of weapons that we have up

for grabs in today's opening he has 940 keys which I got it I got a tip my hat

to that that's pretty insane considering the fact that you know grinding Keys is

one thing but saving them and having the patience to open them because I know my

buddy mallow has like 17 or 18 thousand right now and he's had like several ten

thousand before and always opened them before so the fact that like he has the

patience to just you know keep them there it's it's a bit ridiculous to me

like I just don't have that patience every time I get supply drops every time

I get keys I open the supply drops right away actually you know what living in

the comment section down below like the most keys you've ever had on bo3 cuz I

think for me it's maybe 400 like without opening supply drops and then getting

that the burns and you know getting the the bonuses just like saving up keys

from playing I think it's about 400 because every time I have like enough

for one or enough for a Daily Double I'll just open that right away so yeah

let me in the comments how many keys you guys have saved up how many you know

keys you guys have stored for a rainy day you

for one DLC weapons drop because I just I just don't do that I say my bribes

that's what I do but I just don't say my keys are we're flying through these rare

supply drops the conspiracy is in full effect we're not really seeing much the

obviously the conspiracy being the cop points first the keys has always been

this long-running debate whether Activision or black ops 3 or whatever

you know mechanism within this game was put in by whatever company that would

you know allow certain items or the certain chance of certain items you know

happen more often with cop points other you know than crypto keys I don't know

how actually you know factual that is because there's really no hard evidence

it's really just hearsay it's really just anecdotal really just people in a

way just being kind of salty when they open keys and then when they buy cop

once they get the weapon it could just be a coincidence but I'm not too sure

about that but it's always been a conspiracy for the fact that cop points

give better supply drops than crypto keys but right now you know it's it's

it's it's kind of true I'm not really seeing much we're getting some cool

camels we're getting some cool emblems but besides that I'm not really seeing

much and boys bo3 is coming to a close very soon it is it's about two days away

from when World War two comes out so I'm very excited for that game I will be

playing lots I will be posting a lot of videos but let me know in the comment

section down below are you guys buying World War 2 like right off the bat like

are you getting it you know at midnight you got a digitally you're going like

you know gamestop min there at least what are you guys doing how are you guys

getting the game when are you guys getting the game you get on the weekend

the next week are you getting it for Christmas like two months from now

you're getting it for your birthday like six months from now I want to know when

you guys are getting World War two if you guys are even getting it alright you

know at all or if you guys are sticking to bo3 kiss it would help me you know I

guess kind of planned my videos cuz if a lot of you guys are hopping on World War

two I'm obviously gonna be posting World War 2 videos regardless but if you guys

are you know staying on bo3 for a significant amount of time I will try to

integrate bo3 videos as well which I already think I'm gonna do I'm gonna be

posting some bo3 like maybe once or twice a week some very like banger

videos like really sick videos so Lebanon the comments down below how

that's gonna pan out for you guys in terms of you know when and how and

why you guys are getting World War 2 maybe if you're not getting World War 2

which I there's gonna be a lot of people out there you know sticking to bo3 oh we

got the slash-and-burn boys from the regular wrestle part of a pretty

sick pull is it brand new though is it brand new

it's a brand new melee weapon that is a great addition to the melee weapon

collection on bo3 I'm happy for that's all right boys let's fly through some

more cryptokeys open some more supply drops that's a great sign we pull a

melee weapon from the regular rares we haven't even touch the bribe deal which

is awesome a lot of you guys might be sticking to bo3 I'm not too sure for

whatever reason whether you can't buy the game whether you don't want the game

whether you think bo3 or or previous condom I'm just saying be a third just

because it's the kind of harmonica we've been playing for two years you could be

still an iw you still could be on bo2 you still could be on mw3 and HM I'm not

too sure you know what games you guys play but you can let me know in the

comment section down below you know what Cod you guys are currently

playing the most or if you're gonna switch out to World War two then I guess

like put that car behind you we are coming down to the wire with these rare

supply drops I think we have maybe two more I don't think he's gonna have that

many you know duplicates to burn off these keys so I think this might be the

final regular rare Supply Drop oh we don't get much duplicates duplicates oh

yeah at 14 it's it's just not much boys I got a DM from this guy last night

about what he would do or what I would do if I pulled a certain weapon and that

I would reset his account if I did I can't remember what it is okay if I get

any secondaries the lv8 the snipers or the Banshee or HG Ford it's a lot of

weapons okay secondary so I would I would assume any secondary buddy said

without not melee if you get any secondaries no melee so the secondaries

would include the pistols the launchers and the special he lv8 the snipers or

the Banshee or the HD 14 oh this guy really just doesn't want any weapons

besides like the best SMG there he said that I could reset his account which

would be a bit nutty so we're gonna open these ten more supply drops hopefully we

don't cuz I don't want to reset anyone it's always a weird feeling when I have

to reset someone when they asked me to reset them so if we pull the secondary

and hg 40 a banshee the snipers and I can't I can't enter the last one but if

we pull any of those weapons it is a done deal we are resetting this guy's

account which would be kind of weird but if he wants it he wants it if the

challenge is there I will take the challenge yeah I'm not

see much these rares are weak these rays are very weak can we got the melee

weapon bribe I'm gonna open that real quick smash a light down below give me

that like oh the Ravens eye we pull the newest melee weapon and bo3 I'm liking

that boys that's the last melee weapon we've ever gotten bo3 a great pull

nonetheless awesome brand new I'm liking it can we got some more keys to open

Marissa plaid dress but in the meanwhile I want you guys to comment down below

your predictions for which things we will pull which weapons we will pull in

the DLC weapon ride the range weapon bribe on bo3 I don't want to pull any of

the weapons that would constitute a reset on his account but I want to know

in the comments down below which weapons you think we're gonna pull we do pull

the banshee the 1840 v pistols the or any secondaries for that matter or the

snipers and we will be resetting his accounts ranged weapon bribe the reset

on the line BAM what is it going to be boys what is it gonna be oh my god no

it's the baby Sh boys we pull a banger weapon we pull a banger DLC weapon this

guy does not have to get his reset this guy's account will not be reset but he

has an absolute slapper of a weapon one of the best DLC weapons in the entire

game the PPSh I love in that boys let's go three brand new DLC weapons no

account reset and I'm walking away knowing that he has the PPSh that's an

awesome feeling already boys that wraps up today's video that wraps up today's

black ops 3 supply job opening the best bo3 Supply Drop opening reactions I've

had in like the past three days four days and even a week if you guys through

the video smash a like on a down below let's go for 3,000 like so this thing if

you guys are brand new to the channel as well subscribe press that red subscribe

button and join the notification squad by pressing the bell button right beside

the red subscribe button underneath the video thank you guys so much for

watching have an awesome day stay safe and I'll get you guys in the next one

200 this month's $50 Xbox PSN or Steam card giveaway all you have to do is drop

a like leave a comment and be subscribed

are you broke with no car points man I found a solution I'm gonna say this

quick so there isn't any come from Geoffrey time points and pokey toys no

scam hence quick boy there's a link in the description all you gotta do is

click it click the link down below and download a do you have me reliable and

easy way to get points in that packs



BoJack Horseman - How I Met Your Mother Reference (Josh Radnor) [Netherland and Czechia subtitles] - Duration: 0:52.

before we begin we publish new videos every day so be sure to subscribe for

more great content

well let me be the first to tell you I'm bad news you're

actually not the first to tell me that I can't offer you parental guidance or

advice or love or support or prolong conversation or interest in you or

remembering your name it's HalleHock and I'm not looking for another dad great

I've always wanted to know who my mother is your mother what do I look like Josh

Radnor nothing nothing for Josh Radnor how quickly we forget

look just tell me the name of the woman you had sex with in December 1999 that's

all the relationship we need to have well that was quite a time for our

nation's sex wise

For more infomation >> BoJack Horseman - How I Met Your Mother Reference (Josh Radnor) [Netherland and Czechia subtitles] - Duration: 0:52.



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Homescapes hack| Homescapes cheats- coins and stars hack for iOS Android - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Homescapes hack| Homescapes cheats- coins and stars hack for iOS Android - Duration: 2:32.


Drawing Birthday Cake Step By Step | Simple Drawings Birth Cake For Children | How To Draw - Duration: 2:46.

Thanks For Watching Drawing Video!

Thanks For Watching Drawing Video! Subscribe For More!

For more infomation >> Drawing Birthday Cake Step By Step | Simple Drawings Birth Cake For Children | How To Draw - Duration: 2:46.


KRIS 6 Special Report: Why is there so much crime around Crosstown and Morgan? - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> KRIS 6 Special Report: Why is there so much crime around Crosstown and Morgan? - Duration: 2:46.


Smart Touch Handheld Electric Can Opener - Duration: 10:14.

For more infomation >> Smart Touch Handheld Electric Can Opener - Duration: 10:14.


Learn Colors with Kinder Surprise Eggs Eat Chips Ladybug and Minions - Duration: 1:58.

#Learn Colors with #Kinder Surprise Eggs #Eat Chips #Ladybug and #Minions

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Kinder Surprise Eggs Eat Chips Ladybug and Minions - Duration: 1:58.


The Buyer Consultation & Why You Should Want One - Duration: 2:16.

Hi, I'm Rob Jensen.

Here is a very common scenario for you as you as

a home buyer or other people get started looking for homes.

And that is, that it's very common that a particular buyer

as they start going to different open houses

or calling on properties online,

that they start meeting different agents.

Before you know it, they might have three, four, five agents

mailing them properties or emailing them properties.

And what we find is these people are still coming

to our open houses and we find that it's almost

like they're just confused or maybe it's

too many properties or not the right ones.

But there's a better way.

What we do here at The Rob Jensen Company

is we invite you folks down to our office.

There's zero obligation, but we just invite you,

come on down, coffee's on us.

We've got some pretty tasty snacks and we have

a really nice big 70 inch flat screen.

And then what we do is we have a conversation.

We listen to you, find out what your plans are,

is there a particular time frame involved?

Do you need to sell a house first?

And then we can start pulling up properties on that big

screen and start looking at them together, you know,

specifically if there's more than one decision maker.

And it works phenomenally that we can all get there together

and communicate, get feedback, you know and then

after that meeting, we just find that you know,

should you choose to hire us and work

with us moving forward, that things go so much smoother.

We're off to the right start, everyone's on the same page

and it just makes the home buying process

that much better for you.

If you'd like to set up a buyer consultation,

come by our office.

Please give us a call and be sure

and tell us your coffee order.

We'll have it ready for you!

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