Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 31 2017

This is where it all begins

Not that the whole airport is staring at us but ok

HEY ! Vending machine

I'm gonna go vend the machine


This is a hard choice

I feel like chocolate

I feel like chocolate


O Kay


YO ! How do you feel that we're going on a plane

Amazing !

How do you feel ?


Yasser , how do you feel ?

For anyone who doesn't know I am now as tall as Yasser's Shoulder

This one .. To Sofia .. On time

The CHEAPEST Company in the game

Wizz Airlines .. For CHEAP airlines

The CHEAPST You can find .. EVER !

Yo we arrived at the AIRPLANE !

I;m acting like I've never seen an Airplane before ..

But we've arrived at the airplane and it's so beautiful


Wow Airplanes Wooooow


Do you remember when we uhhh....

When we .. When we Landed in uhhh..

Oh oh wait for it ..


7 ..

We have arrived at Bulgaria !

This airplane is such a bad one I don't reccommend anybody to get on it ..

We arrived at BuGlaria

and We're renting cars right now ..

Just about to enter the room ..

Awesome ..


I turned on the light !

How do you work this ?!


I'm just not gonna translate english stuff anymore ..

Samia , where are we ?

We came to LiDL

Yasser do you like lidl ?

Sure .. LiDL is my cousin

it's like the main supermarket in this country ..

ONLY stuff that we NEED !

That's beer ..

That's Apple Cider

But it's Beer

But it's Apple Ci.. *OMG*

They have Jack n Coke

Eyyyyy.. Day 1 .. OVER

Yasser how do yu feel ?

We're gonna pop open something that's supposed to be like Beer..

We don't have an opener so .. SAMIA

*She doesn't have an opener :(

Well.. Daniel is taking them to his dad..

They'll Come back ready !! Bye Daniel..


Now he's definitely gonna taste one

He has returned ...

How does it taste ?

Thanks ..

You guys don't know this but Yasser and I we're like..

Top Class ..

Translation is hard ...

Please learn arabic for Videos in advance...

Sorry for the Typos

For more infomation >> We Went Back : Day 1 - Duration: 6:20.


How to draw a still life with plums with soft pastels 🎨 STILL LIFE - Duration: 27:16.

This is a sandpaper.

For more infomation >> How to draw a still life with plums with soft pastels 🎨 STILL LIFE - Duration: 27:16.


Take the knee in China and you'll spend three years in jail - Duration: 3:28.

Take the knee in China and you'll spend three years in jail

If they were Chinese and did that they could face up to 3 years behind bars.

Chinas largely rubber-stamp parliament is considering tougher penalties for people who disrespect the National Anthem or flag in public, including up to three years in jail, state news agency Xinhua said today.  Xi Jinping has ushered in new legislation aimed at securing China from threats both within and outside its borders since taking over as president in 2013, as well as presiding over a sweeping crackdown on dissent and free speech.  China passed a new law in September mandating up to 15 days in police detention for those who mock the "March of the Volunteers" national anthem, a law that also covers the Chinese territories of Hong Kong and Macau. .

Parliament is now looking at whether to amend Chinas Criminal Law to include criminal penalties for disrespect of the national anthem, including intentionally distorting the lyrics or tune, Xinhua said.  The tougher penalties also apply to desecration of the national flag, or emblem, including burning, defacing or trampling on it in public, the report said.

That, too, had previously been punishable by up to 15 days detention.  A draft amendment has been submitted for deliberation at a bi-monthly session of parliaments standing committee, which started yesterday. .

"Violators in this regard may face punishments of up to three years of imprisonment, according to the draft," it said.

  It was not clear when the amendment might be passed but it could be at the end of the week, when parliaments standing committee closes its current session.

  The earlier national anthem law has fuelled concern in Hong Kong, whose residents have grown nervous over Chinas perceived encroachment of the citys autonomy following such events as the disappearance of booksellers who later emerged in mainland Chinese custody.

In 2015, Hong Kong football fans booed the Chinese anthem during a World Cup qualifier, prompting a fine for the territorys football association from world body FIFA.

  In August, Shanghai police detained three men for having "hurt patriotic feelings" by dressing up as Japanese soldiers and posing for photographs outside a memorial to Chinas war with Japan, state media said.

For more infomation >> Take the knee in China and you'll spend three years in jail - Duration: 3:28.


Stranger Things EXCEPT Hopper dances to anything - Duration: 2:29.


For more infomation >> Stranger Things EXCEPT Hopper dances to anything - Duration: 2:29.


Best Way to Sell Digital Products Using WordPress - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> Best Way to Sell Digital Products Using WordPress - Duration: 6:37.


Billy Ray Cyrus On His New Album 'Set The Record Straight': Miley And Noah Are On The Album | TODAY - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Billy Ray Cyrus On His New Album 'Set The Record Straight': Miley And Noah Are On The Album | TODAY - Duration: 4:30.


Английский. С чего начать. Прошедшее время. Was, were. - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Английский. С чего начать. Прошедшее время. Was, were. - Duration: 3:59.


5 Home remedies to lose belly weight - Duration: 2:33.

5 Home remedies to lose belly weight.

In fact, many of them are actually simple natural foods that by being crammed with beneficial

properties and fat burning capabilities, are called "home remedies".

Surely you will already have many of them in your house, and those who are not should

get them because they are really powerful.

Don't forget to CLICK on the card on the top right of this video or the link in the description

below and DOWNLOAD my FREE eBooks.


Frozen Yogurt:

Save low-fat yogurt in the freezer, and you'll always have a delicious frozen dessert at

your fingertips when you have a craving for something fresh and sweet.

And without unwanted fats!


Apple puree:

Did you know that you can use applesauce as a substitute for oil or butter when preparing

a cake or muffins?

Replace half of the oil with applesauce and you will reduce many calories and get a healthier


Don't forget to CLICK on the card on the top right of this video or the link in the description

below and DOWNLOAD my FREE eBooks.


Skimmed milk powder:

Use it to replace the cream of milk, in all your recipes and even to prepare your coffee.

You will save a few calories that will be reflected in your belly.



Fruits will bring that sweet flavor that you miss so much when you are making a diet, and

also will load your body with vitamins and minerals.

The most recommended are peaches, melon, grapefruit, oranges, apricot, and strawberries.

Don't forget to CLICK on the card on the top right of this video or the link in the description

below and DOWNLOAD my FREE eBooks.



Sincerely, vegetables are almost miraculous when it comes to losing weight and staying


Include them in all your meals, at least 5 times a day.

Its variety is so great that you will never get tired of eating them.

My suggestion is broccoli, carrots, spinach, tomatoes.

You can eat potatoes and sweet potatoes on training days, preferably up to three hours

after physical exercise.

Finally, I want to remind you that home remedies for weight loss will not give you any results

if you do not change your eating habits.

That is, they will serve as a reinforcement and complement a healthy diet, low in calories,

rich in protein, healthy fats, and good carbohydrates.

And, of course, accompanied by daily physical activity.

Please let us know your opinions in the comments section below.


To learn more about 5 Home remedies to lose belly weight, please SUBSCRIBE to this channel,

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For more infomation >> 5 Home remedies to lose belly weight - Duration: 2:33.


How To Get Rid Of Phlegm And Mucus In Chest & Throat (Instant Relief) - Duration: 3:49.

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How To Get Rid Of Phlegm And Mucus In Chest & Throat (Instant Relief)

Brace yourselves, phlegm is coming.

It usually accompanies typical winter maladies like the common cold and flu.

Besides being annoying and slightly disgusting, what exactly is phlegm?

Phlegm is the mucus your lungs generate to help expel irritants that come from an infection.

Basically, when you have infections like bronchitis, the common cold and the flu you generate phlegm

to capture the virus, bacteria, and inflammatory cells that are causing the most damage.

So naturally, you want to be able to get rid of phlegm before it builds up too much.

This can be a bit tricky because phlegm can be a particularly stubborn guest.

Symptoms of phlegm build up are difficulty breathing, a continuously runny nose, constant

coughing, a perpetual need to clear your throat, feeling slightly feverish, and feeling weak.

You should normally be able to cough phlegm out.

However, some phlegm build up can seem never ending or especially persistent.

The good news is that you can treat phlegm build up naturally, and I have the perfect

compilation of tips to help you out.

How to Get Rid of Phlegm



Lemons have wonderful antibacterial properties and healthy doses of vitamin C. The acid in

the lemon juice is so potent you can even use it to clean up your cutting boards.

Vitamin C is wonderful immunity booster because it helps several immune system cells ready

to combat infections.

There are two ways to use lemon to help break up your phlegm.

First, you can add two teaspoons of lime juice and one tablespoon of honey to a glass of

warm water, drink this at least three times a day.

Your other option is to grab a slice of lemon, sprinkle salt and pepper on it, and then suck

the lemon juice out.

It will help bring your phlegm out efficiently.

Although this method is for those who can actually brave the taste.

I'd recommend doing this twice a day.



Inhaling steam is one of the best ways to help loosen up phlegm.

By having steam in your respiratory system, you'll be able to make your phlegm a bit

more liquid, hence easier to get rid of.

I personally prefer taking a 10-minute hot shower.

Make sure you keep your bathroom closed to keep all the steam in.

It's also extremely relaxing.

However, make sure you moisturize after it to keep your skin healthy.

Alternatively, you can boil water and place it in a basin.

Afterwards, cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam for about ten minutes.

You can use this simple remedy a couple of times of a day.


Salt Water

Salt water packs the triple threat being a powerful antibacterial agent, helps relax

your throat, and helps fight inflammation.

To take full advantage of it, simply gargle a one-fourth teaspoon of salt in a glass of

warm water.

Rinse and repeat multiple times a day.



Honey has been categorized as a demulcent, which is a substance that helps provide relief

to your throat.

Honey also has dextromethorphan, a substance used by cough medicine to help treat respiratory

tract infections.

The best thing about honey is that it's incredibly easy to incorporate into your diet

if you want to treat phlegm.

Simply add a pinch of black pepper to a tablespoon honey.

The pepper will aid in fighting the infection and the honey will help soothe your mucus


Alternatively, you can add one tablespoon of honey to glass of water and drink it multiple

times a day.

One important note: if your phlegm is still persistent after multiple weeks or if it's

acquiring a hue of green, yellow, or blood colored, you should see your doctor as soon

as possible because you might be dealing with a strong infection like bronchitis.

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For more infomation >> How To Get Rid Of Phlegm And Mucus In Chest & Throat (Instant Relief) - Duration: 3:49.


The COOLEST Museums All Around the World! - Duration: 11:39.

Here are a few of the coolest Museums all around the world!

9 - Mutter Museum The reps at Mutter Museum in Philadelphia

calls itself "America's finest museum of medical history" but in all truth, this

museum IS a bit creepy.

The Mutter Museum has that 19th century medical-cabinet setting that immediately makes you think of

Edgar Allan Poe and his Raven.

BUT what it makes up for its creepiness it makes up in coolness.

This museum collects human anatomical specimens, models, and medical instruments from the 18th

and the 19th century.

It's basically a vault for some of the strangest medical oddities ever.

The collections inside this museum are the remains of the weirdest diseases, the most

curious cases of malformation, and pretty much anything else you can think of that's

perplexed doctors.

From dissected babies, to two-headed men, you'll see a bit of everything here.

But most of all, The Mutter Museum prides itself in being the memory of medical practice


They firmly believe they're helping the public understand the origins of today's

modern medicine, and reveal the mysteries and beauty of the human body.

However, don't let me scare you guys, this is place isn't really THAT creepy at all.

The museum's target audience range is very wide, and they actually offer educational

programs geared toward middle and high-schoolers, so everything on display is age-appropriate.

Definitely one of the best museums to check out once you're done doing Independence

Hall and the Rocky Steps!

8 - Museum of Bad Art Have you ever gone to a museum only to find

out that you don't anything that's inside?

And you're not sure whether to admit it out loud that you don't like it in case

there's an expert around and all they tell that you is that you know nothing, Jon Snow?!

Yeahhh, we've all been there.

Luckily, those days are over.


All the bad art are over in a basement in Boston, anyway.

This amazing basement houses the Museum of Bad Art., where you can go and see some of

the most awful art from around the world.

The MOBA, as they call themselves, has made their life goal to bring the absolute worst

of art to as many people as possible.

They constantly encourage new audiences to come because the Museum firmly believes it's

their duty to make really bad art stand up.

They publish an email newsletter and even offer a book called "The Masterworks of

Museum of Bad Art".

I'm trying to figure out whether it's a good thing or bad thing an artist's work

shows up here, but hey, any publicity is good publicity right?

Their collections include "portraiture" and "landscapes", just like any other

museums from around the world, but they also have some interesting collections, such as

"Blue People" and "Unseen Forces".

I guess it just takes a visit to fully comprehend how bad these collections are…...

7 - Gelato Museum Do I even really need to say this?

Ice cream is delicious and whoever claims otherwise can go kick rocks!

Anyways, for all you ice cream lovers like us, there's the Gelato Museum.

If you want to truly experience Italian gelato, you definitely gotta make it to this Gelato


The Gelato Museum has three main themes: the evolution of gelato over time, the history

of production technology, and the places and ways it's consumed.

I mean, did you know Arabs have been eating sorbet for a lonnnnnng time?

And that they had at least 400 different types of syrups to flavor their sorbets?

There's much more to learn when you visit this amazing museum, BUT don't think history

is the only thing you'll get here.

The Gelato Museum offers its visitors many workshops that you can book in advance to

learn to make your own gelato.

If you don't want to learn how to make it but just enjoy it, because, let's face it,

making ice cream takes a lot of time, you can always visit the gift shop.

Or should we call it degustation shop?

Of course, they sell many, many flavors of gelato and that's what matters.

Sure, here you can get strawberry and vanilla.

But the real fun begins with the more authentic "Italian" flavors!

6 - Retretti Art Museum What better way to experience art than to

go straight to the source?

Well, that's exactly what the Finns thought, and that's how the Retretti Art Museum was


This museum is located underground in a series of man-made prehistoric caves.

To make a powerful contrast, the curators of the museum decided they would exhibit only

avant-garde art, the kind of art that represents the twenty-first century.

The museum is only open during the summer, meaning you'll have to plan accordingly

to visit.

The entry fee is a bit high, but it seems that everyone agrees that this museum is well

worth it.

Fortunately or unfortunately, you never know for sure what you're going to find inside.

Sure, you'll see the caves, that's for certain, but the exhibitions change every


There's traditional painting, in frames and oil paint, but there're also installations

with visual puns and new music.

There've been artists who've created waterfalls, or children's drawings, art you can touch,

or smell, or even taste!

And the list goes on.

Although if you're claustrophobic, then this place isn't for you.

Stick to the beautiful landscapes Finland offers instead!

5 - International Cryptozoology Museum For those of you who aren't familiar with

the term, cryptozoology is the study of hidden or unknown animals.

This, of course, according to the official website of the International Cryptozoology

Museum, dedicated to the study of those specimens of nature other people think of as fictional

or unreal.

Yeahhhhh, I didn't just make that up.

The mythical beings that's at the museum include Yetis, Sea Serpents, Bigfoot, and

plenty of other fairytale monsters.

But it also includes really weird animals, yet unknown or unrecognized to the scientific


Hmmmm interesting…..

The museum believes its mission is to educate and inform the general public about the oddities

of nature, and fuel the mystery and wonder over the hidden secrets of this world on the

young minds of its visitors.

The Museum has collected many different items as a result of the field research, travel,

and the unending curiosity of the collaborators.

In this museum everyone is encouraged to take photographs to show their friends and family

what they saw at the exhibits.

4 - Museum of broken relationships People say all over the world that what all

that anyone really needs is love, and love is what makes humanity human.

Well, I can agree with that, but I'd also a few items to that list, but that's just


But, this is probably for almost everyone, the moment when someone can really feel how

deeply human they are is when their heart has just been broken by their significant


Somehow, someway, I'm gonna assume that some very heartbroken, devastated people founded

the Museum of Broken Relationships.

Yep, this is a place where people can come and revisit the ugliest break-ups and cry

over other people's terrible fate.

Apparently the Museum of Broken Relationships is the perfect place for those people that's

looking to find some company with their misery.

The Museum's collection is the result of collaborations from all over the world.

They're located in Zagreb, Croatia but they're also a virtual museum, meaning anyone can

submit their stories and tokens in order to contribute to the online exhibit.

Originally created as an art project, it evolved to an actual museum when the founders realized

there were hundreds of people who felt the same way and they wanted a place for other

people to learn about other people's experiences.

I meannnnnnn, if you're gonna visit, it's probably best to leave the girlfriend or boyfriend

at home!

3 - Avanos Hair Museum Hair is what communicates a person's health,

and it's definitely a sign of beauty or virility, even if hair is basically dead cells.

Both men and women are picky about hair on their partners, and for some people, they

definitely cherish it as something beautiful.

But in truth, no one was actually thinking about all this when the Hair Museum was founded,

as it really pretty much became a museum by accident.

Supposedly, in a small town in Turkey, around the Cappadocia area, there was a skilled potter

saying goodbye to a good friend.

She wasn't going to see him anytime soon, so she cut off a piece of her hair to leave

as a reminder.

The potter decided to hang it on display and told the story over and over again when guests

asked about the lock of hair.

Other female guests of the pottery house didn't what to be outdone by a stranger.

Or so the potter claims.

Anyway, these other women started to leave locks of their hair too, so the potter hung

them on the wall just like that first lock he ever received.

One thing led to another and the next thing he knew he was opening the biggest hair Museum

in the world.

Well then!

2 - Cancun Underwater Museum If you think museums are places to be bored

to tears and walk around following your crazy aunt around while she checks out some portraits,

you might wanna think again.

The Cancun Underwater Museum is exactly the opposite of those stuffy art museums.

Founded in 2009, the first artist to exhibit at the museum was the worldwide famous artist

Jason deCaires Taylor.

Yeah, that's a long name, but you've probably seen his artwork going around Facebook.

The museum has at least 500 underwater sculptures waiting to be discovered by anyone adventurous

enough to visit.

The underwater museum was created to educate visitors on the importance of preserving the

environment, and the possibility of finding a healthy equilibrium between modern life

and nature.

The museum is nice enough to let you explore on your own or with a guide.

There are two ways to visit the museum.

If you're not a big fan of water, you don't swim well, or you got the little ones in tow,

you can take the boat.

This boat has a crystal floor through which you can check out the collections.

If you rather have a closer experience, you can take a tour by yourself or with a guide

on one of the scuba tour guides.

Just make sure your diving license is up to date!

1 - Bata Shoe Museum The founder of this interesting museum was

what we probably call a crazy cat lady today.

Being single at 30 in the early 20th century when you're a part of the upper class was

kind of a big deal and considered a tragic thing back then.

But Sonja Bata wasn't worried about any negative connotations about being single at


She just loved shoes and traveling.

During her travels, she met the head of a new shoe company.

Thomas Bata was a shoe enthusiast and expert in shoes.

I guess he'd be called a sneakerhead today.

Anyways, he wanted to renew the shoe world.

On the other hand, Sonja just wanted to talk about the shoes.

They clicked immediately and to make a long story short, they got married.

When they married, Sonja Bata was ready to take her shoe passion to the next level, one

pair of shoes at a time.

So Sonja Bata started collecting shoes from all over the world.

Her collection grew bigger by the day, and with the support of THomas, and eventually,

her family, they decided to found the Bata Shoe Museum Foundation.

When you visit this museum, you'll basically be able to learn all about the history of

the shoe, as well as see samples of shoes from throughout history.

The museum is actually the world's largest and most comprehensive collection of shoes

and footwear-related artifacts!

Hmmm I wonder what the building smells like……

Here's what's next!

For more infomation >> The COOLEST Museums All Around the World! - Duration: 11:39.


So Much More - Duration: 0:20.

Life is full of ups and downs and when you're in the valley you have to remember that you

will get through it.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Don't ever let your sense of self-worth be defined by your down times.

The bad times are only temporary and they will pass.

Stay focused.

Stay determined.

And know that you will overcome your circumstances.

Always remember that!

For more infomation >> So Much More - Duration: 0:20.


6 Activated Charcoal Uses & Benefits - Duration: 8:19.

6 Activated Charcoal Uses & Benefits

By Amanda Monteiro

The world seems to be absolutely infatuated with activated charcoal.

You can find it everywhere these days, from ice cream and hamburger buns to lemonade,

crackers, and even hot dogs!

Because it�s being incorporated into so many foods, it�s being portrayed as safe

to consume, but as with any supplement, it�s important to be aware of how your preexisting

medical conditions may affect how it reacts in your body.

Intestinal bleeding or blockages, holes in the intestines, chronic dehydration, slow

digestion, or a recent abdominal surgery are all contraindicated for charcoal.

In July I covered an activated charcoal trend involving face masks, which actually do the

opposite of what they claim.

From the article:

I spoke to Toni-Anne Leonardo, an aesthetician who studied at Humber College for Cosmetic

Management and Esthetics/Spa Management, who said, �Well, every pore has a hair follicle

in it.

When you use a peel-off mask you are removing that hair, which can cause damage to the pore.

This can lead to a dilated pore and cause damage to cells and create hyper pigmentation.

The most beneficial ingredient in black masks is typically activated charcoal.

Activated charcoal has made its claim to fame recently with the development of these masks

and also its use as a natural teeth whitening alternative.

The benefits of this carbon are endless and when you couple its qualities with skin care,

it usually has a positive effect.

Activated charcoal acts like a magnet to attract and absorb dirt and oil, and so when these

are present in your pores and activated charcoal comes in contact with it, they will stick

to it and wash away when you rinse.

Here are some ways you can incorporate activated charcoal mindfully into your diet and lifestyle:

Teeth Whitener

Activated charcoal is not absorbed by the body, but helps to prevent absorption, allowing

it to easily remove toxins without harming the body.

Be aware that while it can remove stains from teeth, it does stain clothes, tiles, counters,


It can also cause constipation and block mineral absorption, and should not be mixed with dairy,

so take note if you do happen to ingest it.

How to use

Wet your toothbrush and dip it into the charcoal.

Put the charcoal covered toothbrush in the mouth (quickly to protect your sink) and brush

in small, gentle circles for two minutes.

Spit carefully and rinse really well.

You can also mix the charcoal with water and swish with it for two minutes.

You can also combine this with oil pulling.

Gas and Bloating

A study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology found that �activated

charcoal significantly (p less than 0.05) reduced breath hydrogen levels in both the

population groups.

Symptoms of bloating and abdominal cramps attributable to gaseousness were also significantly

reduced in both groups by activated charcoal.�

Activated charcoal binds the gas-causing byproducts in food that often cause discomfort like gas

and bloating.

It is fantastic for people who have had a bout of food poising or have accidentally

ingested something toxic, but should not be taken with other vitamins or supplements,

as it will absorb those as well.

How to use

Take 500 milligrams one hour prior to a typical gas-producing meal, with a full glass of water.

Follow with an additional glass of water immediately thereafter to help get the charcoal into your

system, where it can bind with gas-producing elements.

Treats Hangover Symptoms and Even Alcohol Poisoning

To be clear, activated charcoal is a special form of carbon that doesn�t necessarily

absorb as much as it adsorbs, which means it binds to other substances on its surface


When hospitals have to treat a patient for alcohol poisoning and perform gastrointestinal

decontamination, it is typically accomplished with activated charcoal, either mixed and

taken by mouth or feeding tube in the emergency room.

The thing is, alcohol enters the blood 90 seconds after consumption, so it�s usually

not as effective when a person is already drunk.

One study with dogs demonstrated that charcoal given at the same time as alcohol can reduce

the blood alcohol concentration significantly, but didn�t have the same effect with humans.

It treats hangovers effectively because it mitigates the harm caused by other ingredients,

like sugar, or the sulfites in wine.

Digestive Cleanse

Some would say that the key to our health lies in our gut.

The microbiome contains billions of essential bacteria that literally share the human body

and help it function.

There are more than 1 trillion microbes living in the body, with the largest colonies in

the gastrointestinal tract.

These microbes are associated with regulation of digestion, protection from disease-causing

organisms, and the development of a strong immune response.

Activated charcoal can be used to improve gut health by removing toxins that cause allergic

reactions, oxidative damage, and poor immune system function.

How to use

You can try a two-day cleanse by ingesting 10 grams of activated charcoal 90 minutes

prior to each meal.

Be sure to eat organic fruits and vegetables during this time as well as warm lemon water.

If you feel lethargic from constipation, consider trying an enema after the cleanse to make

sure you are flushing out those toxins.


We can�t fight time, and aging is a natural part of life, but our modern world is filled

with toxins that contribute to a quicker aesthetic and physical decline.

We can incorporate activated charcoal into our diet to help combat the environmental

toxin exposure that we may face in our homes, our workplaces, and even our food.

How to use

Take two capsules per day after consuming nonorganic or processed foods, as this will

promote healthier kidneys, liver function, and digestive tract.

Reduces High Cholesterol

There are quite a few studies showing that activated charcoal helps to reduce bad cholesterol

and increase good cholesterol.

In one 1986 study published in The Lancet, seven patients with high cholesterol were

treated for four weeks with activated charcoal at a dose of 8 g three times a day.

Remarkably, their plasma total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol decreased by 25% and 41%,

respectively, and their HDL-cholesterol, or �good cholesterol,� increased by 8%.

This was documented again in a Finnish study reported in the European Journal of Clinical

Pharmacology in 1989.

Seven patients were fed 4, 8, 16, or 32 g of activated charcoal per day.

At the end, �Serum total and LDL-cholesterol were decreased (maximum 29% and 41%, respectively)

and the ratio of HDL/LDL- cholesterol was increased (maximum 121%) by charcoal in a

dose dependent manner.�

There are always safer alternatives out there, so it�s important to do your own research

when it comes to your health.

Be proactive in educating yourself of the dangers associated with anything you use to

enhance your health or treat illness.

We can be our own best doctor, but we need to be sure that we that we are not only listening

to our bodies, but staying safe and informed.

For more infomation >> 6 Activated Charcoal Uses & Benefits - Duration: 8:19.


Miami Regionals: Make your own path - Duration: 0:39.

[Music Playing]

Miami Regionals

Make your own path at Miami Regionals.

With competitive degrees like forensic science,

small business, community arts, information technology and nursing,

you choose where to start or advance your career.

Whether you are on-campus or online,

we offer small class sizes, flexible schedules, and affordable tuition,

so that you'll pursue a nationally ranked education that fits into your life.

Wherever you want to go, Miami Regionals will help you get there.

[Music playing]

Miami Regionals

For more infomation >> Miami Regionals: Make your own path - Duration: 0:39.


8 Toxic people that you should take out of your life - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> 8 Toxic people that you should take out of your life - Duration: 4:26.


Mystery of the Old Chateau - Duration: 8:03.

Hello world, Lady MegaLucario here and more importantly, Happy Halloween.

When I and my fiancée, Madam Mimikyu were planning tonight's special treat for you

we were looking into the ghost tales of the pokemon games and didn't think that there

was much information to be had about the Old Chateau in Sinnoh.

We knew the local Gym Leader, Gardenia, was afraid of it, there were two human ghosts

living there with a bunch of Gastly, Haunter and Gengar and that finally Rotom lived in

a television.

The games seemed to have very little information about it and the ghosts within.

We were ready to give up on the Old Chateau and move on to the next tale when we watched

the Pokemon Generations episode with it in.

And boy did we find a ghost tale and a half.

Eterna Forest is a deep, dark wood, with a canopy so thick that flying Pokemon have to

leave it before they can take to the skies.

There the sun struggles to reach the ground and the snow that often falls in the cold

northern region of Sinnoh would not break through the interlocked branches and leaves.

Cheryl and her Chansey have been wandering the forest for a while, seeking the exit.

They're tired, they're hungry and they're cold when they stumble across an old mansion

in the woods.

The lights inside are lit and to our weary travellers it looks like a good place to shelter

for the night.

Inside the butler is not entirely pleased to see them, but he allows them in, offering

the tired travellers food and a bed which they happily take him up on, when suddenly

everything gets very strange and the butler melts through the…wait….rewind that a


There's definitely other food on the table, but the table runner doesn't reach this

far down and Cheryl and her partner pokemon are eating…nothing.

Seriously, look.

Nothing is on their plates but they can't tell…

The butler is slowly gaining a creepy, narrow eyed, toothy smirk as they eat and becomes

frustrated when Chansey lets out a contented sigh and backs away from the meal, something

that seems to snap Cheryl out of her meal.

They both sit back, contented with what they have eaten, still not seeming to realise that

they have not eaten a single bite…

Afterwards the butler, the only human in this huge, rich looking building, despite the multiple

table settings at the dinner table, takes the pair upstairs, towards the bedrooms.

They turn the corner, led by their host, only to find that he's disappeared from in front

of them and reappears behind, urging them to "Follow him" before sinking through

the floor in a puddle of acid.

The pair do not panic immediately, but a sudden, loud explosion from behind them sends them

fleeing down the hall, chased by a huge Haunter who appears to eat them.

When they awaken, they're on a sofa in a ruined library, probably in another part of the mansion.

A note falls and once Cheryl reads it they're attacked by the ghost of a young girl who

screams out something unrecognisable before launching herself forward with a face from


And we never see them again.

Now this on its own would make a good ghost tale, but Madam Mimikyu and I could not help

but try to look into this ghost tale further.

Who are the Butler and the little girl?

Why are they haunting the mansion?

What's with the dinner service?

We think we have some answers.

When we first see the building, we see our heroines get led past a painting of what is

clearly the butler, whose eyes turn a haunting red colour and follow them as they go.

When combined with the fact that we see the butler get a very toothy smirk and we've seen

ghost pokemon make themselves look like people before, it's highly likely that he's a ghost

type himself.

Specifically a Gengar as those features are characteristic of that species and we find

Gengar in the room in the Diamond, Pearl and Platinum games where the portrait whose follow

you hangs.

This works with both the acid on the floor since Gengar is part poison type and the explosion

later on as Gengar can in fact have Explosion bred into it as a Gastly.

If the butler is a Gengar that also explains the way Cheryl and Chansey ate their invisible

meals without realising it.

He could easily have used Hypnosis on them to make them think that they were eating a

filling, delicious meal when really he was trying to pull them under his spell.

It's likely that Chansey has the Hidden Ability, Healer, which knocked it out of the status

effect caused by his attack, which is why he grimaced and had to go to plan B.

For those who don't know what Healer does, it gives the Pokemon and it's allies a 30%

chance to snap out of any status effect at the end of every turn.

This means that the Gengar Butler would not have been able to keep Chansey or Cheryl under

it's control for very long.

The Haunter could easily be an illusion, or it could be an actual Haunter since we know

from the games that Gastly, Haunter and Gengar rule this creepy old mansion that's come to

join the fun and take down the dangerous normal type who's spoiling their meal.

But if the Butler is a Genger then who is the little girl, I hear you ask?

Well for that we need to take a close look at her.

Madam Mimikyu and I had no idea to start with who she was or what she was.

She just seemed to come out of nowhere, threatening the pair because Cheryl had read the note.

Then Madam Mimikyu spotted two facts, her tongue was wrapped her waist like a obi belt

at one point and the fact she had blue eyes.

Once I was paying attention to the eyes, I noticed the purple around them and went looking

to see if I could find a ghost type with those features.

And we found Frosslass.

It all made sense.

She had the same eye markings, she was wearing a white dress and she had the typical black

hair of the human form of a yuki-ona, the Japanese spirit that Frosslass was based on,

but it was not quite enough evidence for us to present it to you.

Then we found it.

Going through her jump scare frame by frame we found a clear shot of what looked like

the little ice horns that Frosslass has on her head and that settled the matter.

The girl was a disguised Frosslass.

And yes, I know Frosslass normally exist in cold places, but two more things worked in

our favour.

The fact that Cheryl and her Chansey were flushed at the start was a good indicator

of the area being cold.

Sinnoh is a cold region, it's one of the few that is consistently flooded with snow and

the fact that if you listened carefully to the sound the girl made when she attacked,

that ungodly scream she unleashes is actually the cry that Frosslass lets out when being

summoned in Pokemon.

(Frosslass noise) (girl noise) See?

It's highly possible that the former master of the house was in fact a ghost type Trainer,

though this is speculation.

After all both Gengar and Frosslass require intervention to evolve.

Gengar requires a trade, while Frosslass needs a Dawn Stone.

We've previously seen ghost pokemon outlive their Trainers so it would make sense for

this pair of ghosts to still be living in their old home with a few friends now there's

no humans around.

It would make sense as to why the table was already set with a certain number of places

and why a lot of the food on the table was made up from berries that we would see pokemon


The cooked food is not even a stretch when you consider that ghost pokemon can move inanimate

objects around at will.

I know I'd certainly prefer a hot meal if I were them.

It would also explain the reluctance of the Gengar to let them in at first.

They were just settling in for dinner and then they had uninvited guests?

My theory is that he decided to make them the appetiser, since most ghost pokemon thrive

on life energy and when Chansey's Healer snapped them out of it he had to give up on a nice

quiet dinner.

I can't imagine he was too pleased about that and that's why everything ramped up to 100


The food was going cold, these two were in the way and they could not feast on them easily

because Chansey is a normal type and immune to ghost type attacks and it's Healer meant

Hypnosis was next to useless.

I'd be pretty peeved too to be honest.

Giving them to Frosslass to deal with was the best option for the ghosts of the mansion.

It just did not work out well for Chansey and Cheryl.

Well, that's our theory anyway.

What do you all think?

Let us know in the comment section below.

From Madam Mimikyu and me, Lady MegaLucario, once again, have a Happy Halloween!

For more infomation >> Mystery of the Old Chateau - Duration: 8:03.


5 Signs that he's being unfaithful - Duration: 2:30.

5 Signs that he's being unfaithful

In experience of women who have suffered infidelity in their relationships, we leave you five

of the most common signs of unfaithful men:

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below and DOWNLOAD my FREE eBooks.


Receive calls and suddenly leaves the place.

That is, he does not want you to listen to the conversation.

This is pretty strange, isn't it?

If you are a couple there is no reason for him to hide things from work, conversations

with friends or even family emergencies.

If he answers calls late at night or gets away from you when he answers, it could be

a girl on the other end of the phone.


He is jealous and accuses you of cheating him.


The lion believes that they are all of their condition and that is why they act with a

reflex effect.

The guilt that he feels unconsciously reflects it on you, that is, it is easier for him to

assimilate his guilt if he thinks you have done it too.

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below and DOWNLOAD my FREE eBooks.


Lies or he is unclear when you ask him where he is.

If you call him suddenly and ask where he is or what time he gets home and in return,

you receive an evasive or unclear answer, it is because he is surely lying and you have

caught him.

Much worse when he tells you that he is in a certain place and DISCOVER that he lied

to you, why to do that?


He has friends who does not want you to meet.

Many men want to play smart and tell their partners they have "girl friends" so they

do not get accused of hiding the other relationship, however, you have never met with that friend

because he evades the meeting.

In any case, it is normal for each person to have friendships not shared with their

partners, but what is not normal is that your partner does not want to present them to you.

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below and DOWNLOAD my FREE eBooks.


Watches over his cell phone too.

It is a personal object, yes, but it does not mean that he should be absolutely NERVOUS

when you borrow it, not to sniff, but to make a call or check a social network.

If he obsessively protects his mobile device, he may have information he does not want you

to see, conversations or even photographs.

Please let us know your opinions in the comments section below.


To learn more about 5 Signs that he's being unfaithful, please SUBSCRIBE to this channel,

SHARE this video with others, LIKE it, and DOWNLOAD the book FREE by clicking the link

in the DESCRIPTION below

For more infomation >> 5 Signs that he's being unfaithful - Duration: 2:30.


Put Garlic Under Your Pillow And This Will Happen To You | How To Get Good Sleep - Remedies One - Duration: 2:23.

garlic is a smelly thing and not everyone fancies it however it offers

most amazing benefits for human health and life today's videos will discuss

what will happen if you put garlic under your pillow before you watch this video

please take a moment to subscribe our YouTube channel by clicking the

subscribe button then tap the Bell icon so you will be the first to know when we

post new videos daily putting just one clove of garlic under your pillow works

wonders even back at the times when scientists had not enough data on garlic

people used it for food and around their houses to stay healthy they eat it to

cure various diseases from sore gums to colds coughing cancer they also resorted

to it to maintain positive energy balance in their houses now we have

scientific proof of its wonder powers garlic is rich in Allisyn it has

antibacterial properties of old people used to hang garlic around their houses

it spreads its smell and its nutrients in the air and kills bad germs and

people also crushed garlic cloves to make sauces for salads and other dishes

scientists have discovered that when crushed Alison produces stronger health

effect but when boiled or cooked garlic loses its healing properties so having a

crush on garlic is certainly good for your health if you love eating it and

crushing it before you eat you get the most of the veggie but why put it under

your pillow at night well garlic spreads around its smell and

ingredients and promotes sound and healthy sleep of old people believed it

could scare off evil spirits and protect people from them some folks even carried

a clove of garlic in their pockets so now when you know more about its

properties eat it daily and put a clove under your bed to keep you healthy and

protect your sleep have you tried this techniques ever let me know in our

comment section below if you like this video give it a thumbs up and share with

your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you

For more infomation >> Put Garlic Under Your Pillow And This Will Happen To You | How To Get Good Sleep - Remedies One - Duration: 2:23.


Why Am I Always Tired? - Fatigue Causes - Duration: 7:50.

Are you tired of being tired? Or are you tired of being sick and tired? This is

the most common reasons why people have fatigue and some ideas of what to do

about it and how to improve your life.

Hello everyone, this is Dr. Jason West and the most common thing that I see in

practice, the most common clinical complaint is fatigue. People are tired,

they're out of gas, they're out of energy. Now that may not be the number one

reason that they come into the office, they may be coming in because of a

sprained ankle or a headache or a hormone imbalance or their stomach isn't

right and then when you ask them, "Well what is the next concern that you have?

Ff I had a magic wand and I could wave it at you and I could fix one thing what

would it be?" And typically they'll say their number one concern and

then it's always fatigue. I don't have the energy, I have brain fog, I go to

sleep and I wake up, I don't feel refreshed and so let's talk about some

of the most common problems with fatigue. Well, one of the biggest things we want

to make sure is that you have enough fuel in your system and that your blood

is healthy and iron deficiency anemia and your red blood cells, they're like

trucks on the freeway, they take supplies from town to town, if you don't have

enough of the right minerals in your system, if you have too much iron it's a

problem, if you have a too little iron it's a problem and so some standard

routine simple, inexpensive blood tests can help say if you have anemia. Now, the

second reason for the biggest reason for fatigue is, you don't have a very good

sleeping sanctuary and you're not getting very good rest, and so what

happens is, people will be on an alternating schedule, they don't go to

bed at the same time, they don't get up at the same time, their sleeping

sanctuary, they don't have a very good bed, they have too much light, they have

two many sound, too much heat and they can't get into rapid eye movement or rem

sleep and so they'll go to bed and then they'll wake up and they'll say, you know,

I could go right back to sleep, I don't get into restorative sleep mode, so where

you sleep is essential for health. If you can't sleep, you can't heal. Another thing

that happens and I found this to be true myself is, when people are really tired

you have to just a little bit of energy to power

everything off and I tell people, you know what, pretend like your body is this

great big plant and all of the workers leave because you know you're done with

your daily activities and there's a night watchman that's going around and

he's trying to figure out, you know, shut everything down, he's making sure all the

doors are locked and he goes over to the power breaker and he has to reach up to

be able to pull and turn the power off for the whole plant and if you don't

have enough power to reach up, you need a little bit of adrenaline to actually get

into sleep mode and sometimes people are way too tired to actually be able to

reach up and turn the power off and so you need a little bit of energy to

actually make you go to sleep. The other thing that happens when people

are taking over-the-counter natural sleep aids is, sometimes they're so

doggone tired that they take one of those sleep aids and they have increase

their sleep apnea. Now sleep apnea basically just means

you're not getting enough oxygen, you're not breathing consistently, and when you

take one of those sleep aids, what happens is you zonk so hard, it increases

your sleep apnea and you're more tired. I learned that from the sleep institute

here in town, I went actually in for a sleep study because I thought I had

sleep apnea, I'm happy to report to you that I don't and mine is more or less

stress-related, I have one of those little woodpeckers on the side of my

body saying, "what about this and what about this and what about that?" And

how I managed that, which is a really good suggestion that comes from our

sleep video, is actually to take a blank sheet of paper and have nothing on it,

take a pen or a pencil, some type of writing utensil and write out whatever

your healthcare concerns on the piece of paper because when you data dump and you

put everything on there, it has a tendency to get rid of the circling

thoughts, when your mind can't shut off, it's one of my favorite things you can

do to help with restorative sleep patterns. The other causes of fatigue is

too much stress. Now, I wish there was a magic pill or treatment or lotion or

potion to get rid of stress, it's really how you manage stress, we talked about

this in the in the stress video in our series that we have, but if you can help

manage your stress by doing something that relieves your nervous system and

for some people, it's exercise, some people it's reading, some people it's

talking to someone in their inner circle, other people it's meditating,

journaling or praying or whatever it is, you've got to have a stress outlet, when

you just internalize stress, it causes disease and it makes it so that you

don't sleep very well. Now the other reasons for fatigue are

chronic infection and I see these all the time and you can have a wonderful

understanding what's happening in your body by doing your annual blood test, you

can do a complete blood cell count with auto differentiation, if you look at your

white blood cell count, which should be between 6 & 8, and then you look at the

differentiate, your neutrophils with your bacterial fighters are 60, your

lymphocytes or your viral fighters should be 30, your monocytes should be 8, your

eosinophils to be 3, and your basophils should essentially be 0. Now what happens

all the time in chronic fatigue patterns is the immune system count will go down,

usually it's hovering around that between that 3.5 and 5 range, which is

low normal and their lymphocyte count, which is a viral count goes up, what that

means is you have a chronic viral infection and it could be the shingles

virus or that or the rotavirus, the rhino virus, cytomegalovirus, epstein-barr,

the herpes, simplex 1 or simplex 2 virus and it's in your system and basically

it's a slow boil, your immune system doesn't have enough mogul to completely

get rid of it and it's just debilitating for people. So with chronic viral

patterns, you want to upregulate as much as you can the immune system with either

IV vitamin C, you can do dilute hydrogen peroxide, some of those are the most

aggressive treatments, elderberry, Lameisha, Liposomal vitamin C, Epi immune,

shiitake mushrooms, Golden Seal, there's all these wonderful

things, then my favorite consultation of all of that stuff, is something called

ImmunoPower from Natures NX, it's my favorite immune system regulating,

and Lameisha, which is a Native American herb that helps to get rid of chronic

viral infections. Another really good thing for viruses is, monolaurin, which

is essentially conjugated coconut oil and it makes it really difficult for the

virus to get into cells, helps the body cell mediated immunity, which is part of

the immune system, that goes after viruses. So we want to make sure you're

not anemic, that you're getting sleep patterns, that you're managing stress,

that you don't have a car viral infection. Now, there's some neat

things that you can do to help you sleep with some low dose melatonin and

something called happy Z's which has a little bit of Atari in it, has a some

gamma-aminobutyric acid or gaba, which helps it so that you don't have too many

impulses, go through the synaptic cleft and then you have that nervous system

short-circuit or you have that little woodpecker that's sitting there all the

time. So some natural interventions, I say this every video but water and hydration

really helps to get people so that they're less fatigued, we want to try and

stay away from sugar, from high fructose corn syrup and caffeine because it's an

artificial crutch and what it makes the body is dependent on that, so that you

start this never-ending cyclic pathway. So chronic viral infections are really

important in fatigue management.

Thanks for watching the video on fatigue

and what to do about it. If you perceive value, please like us and you can see the

report on fatigue down in the comment section of the video we'll see you on

the next one.

For more infomation >> Why Am I Always Tired? - Fatigue Causes - Duration: 7:50.


Easy & Healthy Iced Matcha Latte - Duration: 1:16.


Use a whisk if you have one :D

Just keep stirring, just keep stirring..

For more infomation >> Easy & Healthy Iced Matcha Latte - Duration: 1:16.


Sp00ky meme video 3 - Duration: 7:02.


Trick or treat?


Just do something, dance



Welcome to the snow forrest

Team green

Is there someone here?

What the hell?

Yea. yea, yea

The fuck is happening here?

Stay still!

ill kill you too

ill cut off your finger

Oh holy fuck

Damn thats big

What the fuck?





Whats happening?

Are you ok?


Hey guys, with another unboxing

on helekopeters channel

today were unboxing cornflakes

From REMA1000

I was a bit skeptical when we bought this

It costed 7kr

Lets see how much we get

We get... so much

This is cornflakes

Crunchy crispy flakes of corn

In this

there is a lot of

It tastes pretty good

Its a bit dry

Flush down with milk

It's important to eat everything and don't waste any

This is value

scary memes film 3



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