Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 30 2017

my video editing sucks do you want to edit better videos faster stay tuned to

learn these five video editing tips that changed my editing game completely

absolutely chief advice video should be Monday Wednesday and Friday so click

Subscribe and hit that Bell iPhone until you never miss a video tip number one

this is just huge tip well if any keyboard shortcuts for you editing

software's possible I know Tony Vegas and Premiere Pro both have a ton of

useful keyboard shortcuts but I'm not sure about Final Cut or other software

if you learn how to split by pressing one key but you learn how to trim save

all of that stuff can save you a ton of time you have to check that memorizing

but just practice using them they'll help you get faster and muscle memory

will make you remember tip number two be organized with your footage make sure to

save your footage in the folder so that you need to find it later on you can

always go back to it have a bureau folder but by date/time you can even so

pi what camera you're using this way if you go back to footage from months ago

you can always quickly just check I wish I do this because I have so much old

footage I'd love to get to that I have no idea where it is tip number three

practice you don't always have to be editing your own videos you can practice

the other than random videos get a bunch of free footage and you put it together

you don't have to upload it the more time you spend in your editing software

the better you get at it sometimes your edit random video becomes a little you

feature in Premiere Pro wanna learn a new shortcut and I just keep practicing

editing random footage so that I get better and better and better

practice makes perfect guys have a kill a bonus tip at the end of the video so

stay tuned for that tip number four use pre searching templates when you can if

you have an intro template or an outro end card template make sure you're

always using them so you don't have to waste time if you color bait your video

you make sure you have a color grading template so you have to set it up all

over again each single video they should save you a bunch of time I've been

setting up templates lately for my thumbnails for my outro even my intro

sometimes takes you a bunch of time because you just drag the file and you

just drag the preset on and boom you're done tip number 5 if you're serious

about this invest in good software in the beginning the basic software is fine

but there's a lot of features you to take a lot longer to do and basic

software than in Premiere Pro or Sony Vegas you're one of the better software

out there it also enables you to do a lot more with you

videos you can be more creative now you don't have to do this but helped out now

for the bonus tip focus on batching you batch record your videos you can batch

edit your videos if you have a spare afternoon and it three videos that

afternoon or two videos for four videos you can also cure renditions some

editing software you can leave it on if you're going out for dinner or something

and that way you can render about four videos at once and boom there two weeks

worth of content two weeks worth of content just done a lot of people back

to accord but a lot of people back to edit and it's super useful they see what

I'm gonna be getting into and it's gonna help me a lot what software do you guys

used to edit let me know in the comments below if

this video has helped you and you want to continue attacking the struggles you

face on YouTube please subscribe by hitting the circle over there and click

one of the videos below to continue learning about YouTube in the ways you

can grow your channel once again thank you for watching have an awesome day

For more infomation >> Best Editing Tips for Youtubers?! - Duration: 2:57.


Calvin Harris & Maroon 5 - My Way & Don't Wanna Know (LIAM & Freakpass Remix) (Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:12.

📝 Calvin Harris & Maroon 5 - My Way & Don't Wanna Know (LIAM & Freakpass Remix) Lyrics

One way to say at least I did it my way One way to face, but in my heart I understand

I made my move and it was all about you And I feel so far and you

You are the one thing in my way [x6]

I don't wanna know, know, know, know Who's taking you home, home, home, home

And loving you so, so, so, so The way I used to love you, no girl


We used to kick it on your nights off Couple drinks with the lights off

Now I'm sitting with the mic on, trying to tell everybody where the hell we went wrong

So where you at, what's new?

My friends tell me what you're doing and it just ain't you

Man, you got me ever wondering if I ever knew All there is to know about you, did I not

have a clue?

And I couldn't help but open up your Instagram It's been a minute girl

(We don't talk anymore) So I don't know if you're messing with another

man And I'm curious but maybe I don't wanna know

'Cause he irreplaceable, call you 'Queen B' And I really wish the feeling was reciprocated

'Cause it's getting really lonely under these sheets

So when I tell you a miss you it's an understatement

I don't wanna know, hey-ey You are the one thing baby

Loving you so, so, so, so The way I used to love you, no

You are the one thing in my way [x4]

For more infomation >> Calvin Harris & Maroon 5 - My Way & Don't Wanna Know (LIAM & Freakpass Remix) (Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:12.


We're All Together Now Because of You - Duration: 4:14.

There's been so much change, but at the same time, there's this excitement that

we're about to enter a new dawn, and we will have experts and people from all over

the country coming to Dell Medical School, helping not just our students grow, but our

faculty who've been here all along.

And we'll be able to expand what we do, we'll be able to do it in a better way.

I have suffered from sickle cells all my life, and it turned into necrosis.

The pain feels like an 18-wheeler sitting on my leg and now my hips.

Running, jumping, playing on the floor with my child is impossible now.

Before I met the Dell Medical team, I felt lost, I felt sad, I felt depressed.

I actually gave up on doctors, I gave up on my health; I just gave up.

My experience with Dr. Koenig and Kelsey was so great just because I felt like they cared,

they didn't rush me and they made me feel like a person and they made me feel like I

had a future again.

I'm a pediatric neurosurgeon, but my science background really is as a developmental biologist.

I was fortunate to come to Austin in 2006 to be a part of the new children's hospital,

and it just so happens, ah, the most fortunate thing was UT Austin was considering building

a new medical school, and that future now called Dell Medical School was really attractive

to me coming here.

To help build a bridge between the clinical side and the university side.

I have been able to watch much, much junior students grow into baby doctors and watching

them acquire a skill and, it is very meaningful to guide them, push them, mentor them and

watch their anxiety melt.

It's just been a very fulfilling thing to do.

I decided to pursue medicine because it melds my passion for service and my love for people

in this community that society has forgotten.

Primary care is not the most lucrative specialty, so receiving a scholarship from Dell Medical

School gives me the flexibility to work with the underserved and to pursue primary care

as a profession.

On Sundays, I enjoy volunteering at C.D Doyle Clinic, Dell Med School's student-run free

clinic for the homeless, and being here and serving this population really reminds me

about why I came to medical school in the first place.

Because of you, I can pursue my calling.

Because of you, I am able to pursue my passion as a teacher.

Because of you, we can allow kids to walk for the first time.

Because of you, I can live a better life.

For more infomation >> We're All Together Now Because of You - Duration: 4:14.


Proof That ANY iPhone App With Camera Permission Can Secretly Record You - Duration: 3:12.

Proof That ANY iPhone App With Camera Permission Can Secretly Record You

This is pretty disturbing. Google engineer Felix Krause has detailed an alarming privacy

setting in Apple�s iOS that enables iPhone apps with camera permission to surreptitiously

take photos and videos of you � without your knowledge.

Clarification: Krause has since contacted TNW to clarify that he conducts his security

research work during off-hours and independently of Google.

The researcher notes that granting camera permission will enable apps to access both

the front and the back camera of your device, photograph and record you at any time the

app is in the foreground, upload this content immediately, and run real-time face detection

to read your facial expressions.

All of this without any notice or indication that your iPhone is snapping images of your

face. No sound, no light, no LEDs.

Krause has shared a short demonstration of the documented issue on YouTube. Check it

out below:

The most troubling concern here is that this is how this privacy setting is expected to

work by design. Indeed, all signs seem to suggest this is yet another case of the trite

�It�s a feature, not a bug� conundrum.

The most pressing issue is that anybody who chooses to exploit these permissions could

scrape image data to locate users, find other existing photos of the device�s owner, and

even watch you while you�re sitting on the toilet and livestream this spectacle for others

to see.

Krause says there is little you can do to prevent this; though there are a few options,

none of them would make for a particularly smooth and streamlined user experience.

One possibility is to equip your camera with covers. You can find numerous such accessories

on Amazon. That, or you can revoke camera access for all apps � but not without sacrificing

some app functionality in the meanwhile, like taking and sending photos straight from apps.

The Googler has since disclosed this complication to Apple. He also took a moment to offer some

tips on how the Big A can handle this issue in a more responsible manner. One such solution,

for example, would be to make camera permissions temporary � or at least add indicators to

notify when the device is recording.

Interestingly, earlier this year Google discovered technical inconsistencies or vulnerabilities

in competitors� products on a number of occasions. Over the past twelve months, the

Big G found critical bugs in antivirus software for Macs as well as glaring flaws in Microsoft�s

Edge and Internet Explorer browsers.

In the meantime, those curious to go through Krause�s disclosure in more detail can peruse

his full blog post here.

For more infomation >> Proof That ANY iPhone App With Camera Permission Can Secretly Record You - Duration: 3:12.


Great News - You Can't Fool Portia (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Great News - You Can't Fool Portia (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:40.


Kevin Spacey Apologizes After Sexual Assault Allegation By Actor Anthony Rapp | TODAY - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Kevin Spacey Apologizes After Sexual Assault Allegation By Actor Anthony Rapp | TODAY - Duration: 3:52.


Drawing Makeup For Kids | How To Draw Makeup Step By Step | Easy Drawing For Kid Coloring - Duration: 3:20.

Thanks For Watching Drawing!

For more infomation >> Drawing Makeup For Kids | How To Draw Makeup Step By Step | Easy Drawing For Kid Coloring - Duration: 3:20.


Your First App Money is Most Important - Duration: 5:49.

Hey, this is the Daily Overpass! My name is Eric and I make apps. Now today, I want

to talk about why sometimes those first few dollars you make through apps is the

most important.

Alright, so I'm doing this video bit earlier than normal. I came into the

office like at 2:00 o'clock this morning, as opposed to the normal time of 4:30

because I wanted to catch the last few innings of the World Series game 5.

I've never been much of a sports fan but I'm a baseball fan and I always have

been. So the games start like at 1 o'clock in the morning here, so if I want

to catch any of them, I have to get up really, really early. So, last week was

a big week for us in terms of our design services. We've always done the apps, we

have app clients and everything like that. But we've been marketing Overpass

Design too to quite a lot of people. And last week, we sent off our

first few invoices on that and it was a huge thing. I mean, it wasn't a lot of

money. This is the thing, I was talking my designer about it,

we've been working on it for a while, trying to get word out and all this

kind of stuff. But we haven't really been that successful with it. A lot of it's

been because I've been preoccupied with the apps and everything like

that and the other side of things. But we had a first few

invoices going on for for Overpass Design and she said, "It's a shame it's

taken us this long and it's such a small amount of money." And I thought exactly

the opposite. I thought this is working, right? The possibilities of it. And I told

her, this reminds me very much of when I first started making a bit of

money with apps. Like it would - when I first put the apps on

the app market and I saw that little trickle of money coming in. I mean, just a

few dollars, a few pounds a day or whatever. And you know,

everybody said, "Oh, oh, that's cute!" Everybody was saying how much money

you're making, I was still working at a contract and everyone's saying

that's cute and everything like that. I was thinking this is just like - to

them they thought, you know, beer money or whatever, it's cute that

you're doing that little thing. But for me I wanted it to be much more.

The fact that I made even a little bit of money was showing me that it was

possible. Because on a logical level, I know that it's possible. I've seen other

people do it, and all that stuff, but it's not until you do it

yourself that you realize, "Oh, this is it! I thought of it

very much as being - if you were - if you were like drilling, if you're

making a well or whatever and you dig in a hole, then you find a little trickle

of water, you don't stop there and say that's not enough water. You think, I'm

onto something here and that was that first bit of money I made from the apps.

The way I feel, okay, we're onto something here. This is working conceptually,

you know, we got new motivation because we got a little bit of effort

there. Or a little bit of success. Even though it's not the success

that we wanted, I wanted to just - I wanted to hit the home run, straight

going back to baseball here, hit the home run straight, you know, first at-bat but

it rarely ever happens. Sometimes, things are a little bit harder than

we anticipate. But it's great! And for those of you out there who are

making a little bit of money, I hope that you don't get discouraged

because it's such a small amount. Because it's very rare to do that. It's very

rare to be able to to make passive income. In fact, it's funny

because I can remember when I came to England, I just got out of

university and I was looking for a job. And I thought, it's so hard to find a job.

Nobody's hiring, all this kind of stuff. Like if I could just get - if I

could just impress enough people, I can get a job, right? And now, that's like

that's plan B or C or D or whatever. right because that sounds easy. Finding a

job is easy. Making money through passive income, that's a lot more

difficult. It's a lot more challenging and you know, I'm just hammering away

at it. So, and sometimes - okay, let me just tell you this little story

here and you, guys, you can stop watching now if you want. But you may

notice I have a bunch of baseballs around me in the background. Sometimes -

so, this is one of my favorite baseballs here. It's, you know, for years I

was going to - if you go to a major league baseball game and you catch a foul ball,

or a home run or whatever, you get to keep it as a souvenir. Ever

since I was a little boy, we'd go to baseball game, so my mom and dad

bring me to the baseball game. We bring a baseball glove and it never

caught anything. And finally in 1997, I'm 25 years old, all those years of never

catching anything, I caught a foul ball off the third-base

line hit by Jody Reed late in the season. You know, Padres weren't that

good, although they went to the World Series the following year.

And after doing that it was so like I brought a glove with me every time.

My aura - I always watch every - because it gave - like all of a sudden

after all those years, I knew that it was possible to catch a foul ball.

In fact, like two years later, I got another one at the Royals game

in Kansas City. Just because it just showed that it was possible, and

sometimes when you're getting started out, when you're doing the apps, it's just

getting that first little bit of success just to show you that it's possible, is a

huge thing. I'm excited about the design side of things. I'm just - yeah, I'm just

excited about the fact that we're branching out into something else. We got

the app revenue, we got the client revenue, we've got the

passive income as well. But we're starting to do new different things on

the design side of stuff. It's all very, very exciting. Anyway, I

started ramble on again. That's it for today! I hope you, guys, have a great day

today and I'll talk to you tomorrow!

For more infomation >> Your First App Money is Most Important - Duration: 5:49.


How do you find meaning in a filtered social media world? | 22 Minutes - Duration: 2:47.

Understanding our place in the modern world can be difficult and frustrating.

Here to help us comprehend our existence is one of the world's foremost philosophers,

Tina T. Merton.



Thanks for being here.


Thank you! These anomalistic micro-cultural encounters are definitely gamma thought parallel-play

incubators excogitating our metaphysical dichotomies, yet the sensorial input we perceive as "the

present" is illusory so Susan, eternalistically…

I'm not actually here.

Well, it's great not to have you here.

You're a lecturer at Burning Man University and you've just published your 23rd book.

Mmm, yes I have, it's called Biospheric Superabundance: Subscending the Agri-Logistical

Epistemologically-Ontological Anthropocentrism of Megalopolis Macroecologies.




Could you just take a second to explain to our audience what any one of those words mean?

Well, you know, it's that uber-ubiquitous grail quest mythos vis-à-vis hyper objectification

in the face of cosmotheistic macro-accidentalism.

So, you know. Ha ha ha!

Okay, but could you say some of that in layman's terms?

Well, you raise a valid point Susan, about the semiotic species-being of linguistic anthropological

hivemind ego-centric anti-realism.

As usual!

And I totally meant to do that.

Of course you did.

But what my audience wants to know is how to find meaning in the modern world.

You know… with its insta-stories, augmented reality, cross-platform personal brand building

and Kardashian-esque influencers.


Well, I don't know what those words mean, actually.

Oh, ok an insta-story is when -

I don't want to to know, sorry Susan.

No, you're probably better off.

Ok, well thanks again to Tina T. Merton for not being here with us tonight.


She's actually not here.


Was she ever here at all?

Sorry, I dropped my book.

Thanks for having me.

Tina T. Merton.

For more infomation >> How do you find meaning in a filtered social media world? | 22 Minutes - Duration: 2:47.


WORD OF THE WEEK | Disguise | PBS KIDS - Duration: 0:16.

♪ Word of the Week ♪

♪ Word of the Week ♪

♪ PBS KIDS Word of the Week ♪

The Word of the Week is...


That's when you change the way you look

so people won't know who you are...



It's The Word of the Week.

♪ The Word of the Week ♪

For more infomation >> WORD OF THE WEEK | Disguise | PBS KIDS - Duration: 0:16.


Fashion Designing Dress | Night Dress 2017-2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION - Duration: 1:46.

Fashion Designing Dress | Night Dress 2017-2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

Fashion Designing Dress | Night Dress 2017-2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

Fashion Designing Dress | Night Dress 2017-2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

Fashion Designing Dress | Night Dress 2017-2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

For more infomation >> Fashion Designing Dress | Night Dress 2017-2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION - Duration: 1:46.


How not to get Fired from an Airline, 5 Tips, Stories about People Getting Fired. - Duration: 9:45.

but after you're off probation you're protected by your Union and there's a

more generous attendance policy agents can date but like a supervisor an agent

or a manager an agent or manager and a supervisor they cannot date hi welcome

to today's video today I'll be sharing five steps on how not to get fired from

an airline this is coming from six years of experience working for my airline

thank goodness I've never been fired but in six years I have seen a few people

get fired I'm gonna break down the five steps on how to avoid getting fired and

the names and faces of the following people have been changed to protect the

innocent I will tell you a few stories but I'm definitely not going to tell you

where it happened and some of like I don't be incriminating details so the

first step is we will we first need to determine do you work for an airline

that has a union or is like a non-union airline so some airlines are not

protected by unions and then some positions within that airline are also

non-union positions so I'm just going to speak for my airline and most airlines

even though I know they're I can think of like one really big airline that does

not have unions and most of their work groups but I'm going to talk about my

airline so my airline has lots of unions I love my union and I've been part of

been part of a union for six years I have supervisors and managers that I've

interacted with that they are non-union employees so they're not protected by a

union so a lot of these stories out of this whole thing I can only think of a

couple people that have ever been fired that are union employees because

normally what the Union does the union helps to protect you when you're going

through the steps to get fired and then there's also so much set up to protect

you so you won't get fired the first okay the first thing that you need to

worry about is getting off probation so normally each airline is different in

each position is different you'll be on probation for six months or

a year so for my airline I was on probation for six months

so when I first started I was a customer service agent and I was on probation for

six months and then I switched departments and so then I had to go on

probation again so that was another six months and then this last year I became

a flight attendants so I was on probation again so that was a year and a

half that I was on probation out of my six years with my airline a year and a

half of that has been on probation and if you don't know what that looks like

let me tell you how difficult probation can be it just means that you have to

make sure you're not missing work and you're not late to work and that you're

doing your job and you're doing an excellent job you're getting along with

everybody I think the hardest part of being on probation is attendance because

they give you so few my airline gives you like so few opportunities to get

caught in traffic get sick or you know be late for whatever reason so you just

have to be like meticulous about knowing what your schedule is and making sure

you show up for work when you're supposed to every time I've been on

probation I go to work early I just show up 45 minutes early because if you run

into traffic if you get a flat tire gosh there's a million things that could

happen if that happens to you a couple times you're not going to make it off

probation but after you're off probation you're protected by your Union and

there's a more generous attendance policy after your so the first step is

make it off probation the second step is your attendance so I've known of a

couple people who have gotten fired because of attendance so there's no gray

area with attendance it is yours you're gone you miss that's

a point and it just goes like that but you know if you have a doctor's note

that's one thing if you're on FMLA that is a whole other thing but just let's

say a standard attendance issue like by calling out sick that will get you a

point and each work group is different and then each work group they call it

pointing out when you point out that's when you hit the max amount of points

and you're immediately when you show up to work you're immediately walked out

they take your badge and they take you past security and then you're done so

one big way to get fired is attendance I've known a couple people

unfortunately that have gotten fired because of attendance okay the third way

oh this is a good one the third way to get fired working for an airline is to

steal things so okay this story comes to comes to us from one of my friends so

this did not happen to me but it happened to her manager

so her manager stole liquor so and got caught and got fired so when you're a

manager of a station that's a really important and serious job you have a lot

of responsibilities so to get fired for something as simple as stealing is just

really tragic so that's one way to get fired is stealing it could be time theft

which is gosh that can look like a lot of different things it can be theft of

liquor it could be theft of money it could look like oh gosh theft of plane

tickets so there are lots of ways that you know you could be stealing so just

be really careful about stealing so that's one way to get fired the number

four way to get fired from an airline is something that I've never seen

personally but I've heard so much about it because it happens frequently

unfortunately it is a manager or a supervisor having inappropriate

relationships with either other supervisors or managers or agents so I

have heard of multiple times where a manager has gotten fired or supervisor

has gotten fired for having inappropriate work relationships so

that's a very common one I can think of like probably five instances in

different cities that I've heard about where a manager or supervisor was fired

because of that so that's a quick way to get fired agents can date but like a

supervisor an agent or a manager and an agent or manager and a supervisor they

cannot date and I guess you know each airlines different but my airline has a

very strict policy about workplace dating when it comes to you know your

supervisors and managers so the number five way to get fired oh gosh this is

that the number five way is not doing your job something that happened to one

of my old co-worker basically he came to work intoxicated

actually I can think of a couple that is so sad

yeah and she'd have another co-worker I can think of two co-workers of mine that

came to work drunk and I mean you're driving heavy machinery you're dealing

with millions of dollars worth of equipment with these aircrafts it's so

important to come to work sober so I can think this is that I can think of two

people that came to work drunk and one thank goodness there was an accident at

the at the workplace but the other one there was he drove he was like drunk

driving at work gosh I can't even say that I don't even know if I can say that

okay I can't tell the specifics of what happened but basically this agent came

to work drunk nobody knew was driving a vehicle and ran into something and

immediately took a drug test and was let go so doing your job not coming to work

drunk I actually can think of a third person that's that I can think of a

third I can think of a fourth I can think of four people that's so sad oh

and these are all people that I've worked with that I know so those were

the first two another one she came to work drunk and they suspected it and she

had to take a drug test and she was fired and then another one also she came

to work drunk and she had to take a drug test and she was fired so that's four

people that I know of personally that I've worked with in the last six years

that have come to work drunk and that were fired because of being drunk at

work so that means they gosh they drove to work that is four people that I can

think of that came to work drunk which is so sad so that's the fifth tip come

to work and do your job and do what you know you're supposed to do if you avoid

gosh some of those problems you're gonna have a long healthy career in the

aviation industry seriously but those are personal experiences of people I

know that have gotten fired and I was trying to think of other people

no that's it that's all that I can think of and that was the fifth tip on how not

to get fired from an airline this is all coming from personal experience and

stuff that I've seen firsthand if you do work in the aviation industry or you're

planning on getting a job in the a Vav ation industry keep these five tips in

mind because it will save you a lot of time and heartache if you can avoid

these five things if you like this video please give it a thumbs up subscribe to

my channel so you can stay up to date on all the content I'm putting out I

appreciate you watching I look forward to putting out more content like this

thanks and have a great day bye

For more infomation >> How not to get Fired from an Airline, 5 Tips, Stories about People Getting Fired. - Duration: 9:45.


Could you go a week without producing any trash? - Duration: 5:59.

Do you think you could go a whole week without producing any garbage?

It's a hard thing to do. The average American produces around

4.5 pounds of trash each day. Almost everything in our lives is

single-use or single-packaged: bags, straws, coffee cups. But it doesn't have to be

this way. This is Lauren singer and she lives a zero-waste life.

"It wasn't like yesterday I made 4.5 pounds of trash and today makes

zero it was a gradual step-by-step thing." Lauren has cut out all the stuff that

you can't easily compost, reuse or recycle. And see this little mason jar

inside is all of the trash she's made in the past four years.

The U.S. is the number-one trash producing country in the world.

This means that four percent of the world's population is responsible for

nearly twenty percent of the world's waste. So we said M. Sanjayan, a UCLA

visiting researcher and the head of Conservation International, to meet with

Lauren. "You would, like, freak out if you, like, saw my life. I mean you really would."

"I was an average consumer four years ago." "No, no... you would be freaking out." The two of them

compared their toiletry kits... "What is all this?" see if there are some simple

ways that Sanjayan could reduce his trash impact. "I don't even know what's in here,

now I'm like, 'Oh my god!'"

"Toothpaste." "Toothpaste." "But mine's got 'Sensi-relief."

"I don't even know what that means."

Lauren makes her own toothpaste and the

recipe is actually pretty easy. One tablespoon of baking soda, two

tablespoons of coconut oil, 1/4 teaspoon of stevia and then 15 to 20 drops of

peppermint oil. "If you wonder, you know why is toothpaste peppermint-flavored

or cinnamon-flavored, it's not like arbitrary, random. It's because peppermint

oil and cinnamon oil are really great antimicrobial and antibacterial agents.

so this, actually, I'll just put some peppermint oil in water and use it as a

mouthwash. So you just stir everything together."

"This is crazy it really is toothpaste?" "Yeah."

"How different is this from what I buy in the tube?" "So this won't foam up, there's

no foaming agent. Most toothpastes will use sodium lauryl sulfate." "And why do

they do that?" "So companies do that because they're simple shortcuts and they

think that's what people want ,but they dictate, kind of, what people want. So for

instance, this might taste salty to you..." "No, actually it taste actually pretty good."

And it smells good, and it's easy, and it's a lot less expensive than

buying toothpaste. So like, I shave with this so this is my razor and then the

blades are just stainless steel like super, super recyclable, come packaged in paper. Easy."

'OK. That I've had for a long time. But these do get replaced and they are expensive." "I can buy 100

blades for like $20 and that's enough for the next ten years of my life. And like

four of those are $20." "Like I could do this, but definitely when you travel

they're going to be all over you for the blade. I have a funny feeling TSA treats you

slightly differently than they treat me. Can you imagine if I try to bring this on a plane?"

"But they're really easy to find in any city at any like barber shop or

whatever. So actually baking soda works really well as deodorant and sometimes

you can just use that, but this is a mix of shea butter, coconut oil, baking soda,

arrowroot powder, and essential oils." "So there's deodorant and there's

antiperspirant." "You should not make yourself not sweat. It's how your body

eliminates toxins and cools itself naturally." "Yeah but but isn't there a

practicality to this?" "Sweating can be sexy." "I know, but you don't want, like

you can't sit on a plane with some sweaty guy next to you. It's not going to be

sexy trust me. Like this is a genuine challenge, right? So I don't like using

this stuff partly because it's got aluminum as one

of the active ingredients." "You definitely should not use that at all. You should probably change that real quick."

But there isn't anything?" "Can you wear an undershirt?"

'OK..." "But lots of men do that lots of women do

that." "Yeah, yeah. I could."

"Did you make that or did you...?" "My friend made it for me." "OK."

"You use the same soap for as shampoo as well as soap?" "Shampoo, soap, face wash." "Isn't there

like a difference?" " This is conditioner that I buy

in bulk." "What's in conditioner?" "Conditioner is essentially just like a

lotion, but you can use aloe vera or coconut oil and it works just as well." "So

of all these things that you've shown me, the one that I'm really convinced about

and to be absolutely honest I would probably incorporate into my own life

is the toothpaste. One, because that tastes actually pretty good and it's easy."

There's definitely not a one-size-fits-all way to reduce your

waste. "I think the best place to start is just by looking at your trash and seeing

what you're already throwing away and seeing if they're simple ways to

remediate those problems. If there's something that you notice you're

throwing away a significant amount of, it's as simple as doing a search on my

blog Trash as for Tossers, or a really simple Google search asking, you know,

'What's the sustainable alternative to...' There's also lots of one-time

changes that can be made that have a large-scale and long-term positive

impact. So using reusable bags, Using reusable coffee cups. So it's just

identifying what the problems are and then finding simple sustainable

solutions to them." And the University of California wants to make some of these

simple changes too. UC is committed to going zero waste by 2020. Across the UC

system, we've already diverted 69 percent of our solid waste from landfills. But

getting all the way to zero waste, especially at this scale is a real

challenge. To learn more about UC's zero waste initiative and how you can help,

visit and be sure to check out

Lauren's blog trash is for tossers, which has a bunch of great tips and tutorials

for reducing your waste impact

For more infomation >> Could you go a week without producing any trash? - Duration: 5:59.


Febreze ONE Fabric & Air Mist | Spray & Stay Febreze Commercial - Duration: 0:31.

Some air fresheners are so overwhelming

they can send you

and your family running

Introducing Febreze One

for Fabric and Air

NO aerosols, NO dyes, NO heavy perfumes

It cleans away odors for a pure, light freshness

so you can spray and stay

Febreze One

Breathe Happy

For more infomation >> Febreze ONE Fabric & Air Mist | Spray & Stay Febreze Commercial - Duration: 0:31.


Yoga for Weight Loss - Fat Burning Energy Flow - Duration: 19:19.

Hello, I am Mariko with B-life.

Today, we are practicing fat burning vinyasa flow yoga under the cherry blossom.

This flow will activate circulation system and increase basal metabolism.

Let's practice and also enjoy the Japanese spring together!

Let's begin with standing at the end of the mat.

Hands heart center..

Inhale, arms overhead.

Hands together. Look up and reach to the sky.

Exhale, hands to the mat.

Inhale, look up, flat back position

Exhale, relax your neck, move it side to side.

Walk your hands to front

Hands just under the shoulder. Plank pose.

Walk back, forward fold.

Look up, flat back.

Exhale, forward fold.

Walk your hands to front.

Plank pose.

Bend your knee one by one.

Keep knees a few inches away from the mat. Hold.

Draw your navel in.

Extend legs, Plank pose

Bend elbows back. Lie on your belly.

Take hold of ankles

Knees are hips width, do not wide open.

Inhale lift your chest up.

Exhale, down.

Inhale, lift your chest up. Knees can be higher.

Exhale, down.

Inhale, lift up. Hold here.

Draw your shoulder blades together.

Slowly release.

Hands under the shoulders.

Bring your hips back.

Raise your hips a few inches up and move it side to side.

Release the tensions of your back.

Round your spine.

Come to hands and knees.

Tuck your toes, bring your hips up to downward facing dog.

Bend each knees.

Take bicycle steps on the mat.

Stretch the back thighs.

Now reach your heels to the mat.

Inhale, Bring your chest front.

Exhale hug your elbows back.

Push your chest to the front.

Inhale, lift up. Come to downward facing dog.

Step the right foot between your hands.

Left foot parallel to the short edge of the mat.

Come to warrior two pose.

Left toe slightly inward.

Bend right knee.

Look to the right.

This pose strengthen lower back and legs.

Also improve blood circulation.

Turn the palms up

Lift your chest up as you reach the right arm over your head

Open the right side.

Bring the upper arm down to the right. Elbow on the thigh.

Left arm up, extended to the right.

Draw a big circle.

Inhale, right arm up and overhead.

Open the left arm and chest.

One more round, Inhale right arm up.

Exhale, left arm up.

Left arm and outer edge of left foot is pulling each other.

You could reach the right hand to the mat.

Feel the great stretch in left side and right hip.

Lower the left arm and stand with your feet wide apart.

Feet are parallel.

Bend the left knee, left hand on the right lower back.

Twist to the left as you push the left shoulder with your right hand.

Right shoulder on the left thigh.

Rotate your chest to the left.

Stimulate your abdominal.

Release your hands to the mat.

Turn your toes toward the short edge of the mat.

Bend the left knee.

Arms overhead. Reach up.

Extend the left knee. Belly in.

Bend the left knee. Extend.

Exhale bend. Strengthen your core.

Give me 3 more.



Don't bend the back knee.



Lengthen your spine, reach the arms and upper body forward.

Interlace your fingers behind your back

Squeeze the shoulder blades.

Reach your arms to the sky

Legs are steady.

Release your hands to the mat.

Right knee to the mat, extend left knee. Flex your feet.

Send your breath to back outer thigh and knee.

And smile♥

Return to low lunge position.

Lower down your hips.

Left sole stays on the mat.

Do not rise.

Relax your hips.

Hands to the mat.

Draw your right knee toward the chest as you lift your buttocks.

Round your spine.

Inhale, lift the right leg up to the sky.

Exhale, Draw your knees back to the chest. Inhale, Lift as much as you can.

Draw your knees back.

Lift up and hold.

You could grab the left ankle with the left hand. If not, hands stay on the mat.

Right leg down to the mat. Lift yourself up.

Come to warrior two pose on the other side.

Right foot parallel with the short edge of the mat.

Toes slightly inward.

Balance your weight evenly with both feet.

Draw your navel in. Feel energized.

Turn the left palm up.

Inhale, reach the left arm overhead to the right.

Reverse warrior.

Feel the stretch in left side.

Bring the upper arm down to the left. Elbow on the thigh.

Right arm up, extended to the left.

Inhale, left arm up and overhead.

Open the left arm and chest. Draw a big circle.

One more round, Inhale left arm up.

Exhale, right arm up.

Right arm and outer edge of right foot is pulling each other.

You could reach the left hand to the mat.

Feel the great stretch in right side and right hip.

Lower the right arm and stand with your feet wide apart.

Feet are parallel.

Bend the right knee, right hand on the left lower back.

Twist to the right as you push the right shoulder with your left hand.

With inhale, press into the mat with both feet to keep your spine nice and long.

Release the hands to the mat. Turn your toes to the short edge of the mat.

Bend the front knee. Reach your arms up to the sky.

Bend the right knee.


Exhale bend. Strengthen your core.

Give me 3 more.

Left heel keep pushing toward back.

Bend knee,

Bend knee, and hold.

Lean the upper body to the front.

Arms along side the ears.

Interlace your fingers behind your back

Reach your arms to the sky

Release your hands to the mat.

Left knee to the mat, extend right knee. Flex your feet.

Send your breath to back outer thigh and knee.

Return to low lunge position.

Lower down your hips.

Lean to front. Feel the stretch in the calf and Achilles' tendon.

Relax your hips.

This pose activates the circulation system of lower body.

Hands to the mat. Lift the hip up.

Draw your left knee toward the chest as you lift your buttocks.

Round your spine. Inhale, lift the left leg up to the sky.

Exhale, Draw the left knee back to the chest. Inhale, Lift as much as you can.

Draw your knees in.

Lift up and hold.

You could grab the right ankle with the right hand. If not, hands stay on the mat.

Left leg down and sit on the mat. Extend legs in front.

Draw the right knee toward the chest. Bring the right foot over the left thigh.

Draw the right knee in, then twist.

You could bend left leg to deepen.

Open the left chest and shoulder. Left elbow outside the thigh.

Hands are in prayer.

Press the sits bones to lengthen the spine.

Inhale, bring the palms up to the sky.

Exhale, lower down. Press both elbows each other.

Release hands. Come back to center.

Raise the bottom knee.

Legs are in figure 4 shape. Place hands under the shoulders.

With fingertips facing out.

Lift your hips up

Your head to knee is parallel to the mat, like a table and hold.

This pose helps to tone your back.

Slowly lower your hips down to the mat.

Left knee down to the mat and place the right ankle on it.

Inhale, left arm up. Exhale, lean to the right.

Feel the stretch along your left side.

Inhale, come back up a little, Place the left hand to diagonally forward right.

Rest your chest on the right thigh.

Send your deep breath to outer buttocks.

Inhale, come back up. Switch legs.

Bring the left foot over the right thigh.

Hug your left knee in, then twist.

You could bend right knee to deepen.

Bring right elbow outside the thigh. Hands are in prayer.

Inhale, press the sits bones, lengthen your spine and keep it.

Inhale reach your hands to the sky Exhale, bend both elbows.

Press both elbows each other.

It helps to activate digestion. as well as creating beautiful waist.

Come back to front. Release hands.

Raise your right knee. Make figure 4 shape.

Place hands under the shoulders, close armpits

Inhale, lift your hips up

Keep pressing into the mat with both palms to avoid shoulders rising up.

Slowly lower your hips down to the mat.

Right knee down to the mat and put the left ankle on it.

If your hips are tight, just put it in front. Inhale, right arm up.

Exhale, lean to the left

Feel the stretch along your outer lower back to right side.

Inhale, come back up a little

Place the right hand to diagonally forward left.

Rest your chest on the left thigh.

Relax your shoulder, send your deep breath to outer buttocks.

Relax your hips. Inhale, come back up.

Extend your legs in front. Slowly lie down on your back

Relax your head to the mat.

Shake your feet side to side.

Palms facing up, relax.

Move your neck side to side, find feel good spot to relax your head.

When you find the spot, slowly close your eyes.

Now relax your face.

Your cheeks muscle, mouth, jar are all relaxed.

Inhale deeply. Take a fresh air into your whole body.

With your next exhale, release all the remaining tensions and thoughts.

Just focus on your breath.

Slow, deep breath.

Sink yourself down to the mat deeply.

Just let go.

When you are ready, move your fingers and toes. Inhale, arms over head,

take a nice and long deep stretch. Exhale, release.

Bend your knees.

Lie down on the right.

Slowly come back to comfortable sitting position.

When you are ready, circle your neck.


Finally, press both sits bones into the mat, lengthen your spine.

Inhale arms over head,

Exhale, palms to heart center.

All right, that was the fat-burning vinyasa flow yoga. How was it?

I hope you enjoyed the cherry blossom as well as yoga.

We are going to upload more exercise videos for you.

Each video is 10 to 20 minutes so try it in your spare time.

If you like it, please subscribe our channel.

Thank you for choosing my yoga video.

I'll see you soon!

2 nhận xét:

  1. Xin chào
    Tôi Vivian regobert
    am gửi bài bình luận này cho những người có HIV và cần Cure
    Tiến sĩ Muli Jonathan Herbal Cure là 100% bảo đảm chắc chắn để chữa bệnh của HIV.
    Ông có thể chữa khỏi bất kỳ loại bệnh.
    Chồng tôi và tôi đã có HIV trong hơn 9 năm.
    Tôi đã để bị bệnh và tải virus của tôi đã được > 225.000 bản/ml
    Tôi thấy một bài về tiến sĩ Muli Jonathan trực tuyến về cách ông đã chữa khỏi rất nhiều người dân và làm thế nào ông đã giúp rất nhiều cá nhân trực tuyến
    Vì vậy, tôi liên lạc với anh ta và giải thích tình hình của tôi với anh ta
    Ông đã hứa sẽ gửi cho tôi thuốc thảo dược của mình và sau khi 4days tôi nhận được thuốc thảo dược chồng tôi và tôi đã sử dụng thuốc thảo dược cho 10days và sau đó đã đi cho một tái thử nghiệm
    Và bây giờ chúng tôi là HIV tiêu cực
    Cảm ơn bạn tiến sĩ Muli Jonathan để khôi phục lại hòa bình cho gia đình của tôi
    tôi chia sẻ lời khai này vì tôi đã hứa tiến sĩ Muli Jonathan rằng tôi sẽ làm chứng sau khi tôi đã được chữa khỏi.
    Bạn có thể đạt đến tiến sĩ Muli Jonathan thông qua:
    Gọi/WhatsApp: + 2349038544302

    Trả lờiXóa
  2. hello
    I am vivian Regobert
    am posting this comment for those who have HIV and need cure
    Dr Muli Jonathan Herbal cure is 100% Guarantee sure to cure you of HIV.
    He can cure any types of Disease.
    My HUSBAND and I had HIV for more than 9 year.
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    Thank you Dr Muli Jonathan for restoring peace to my family
    i am sharing this testimony because i promised Dr Muli Jonathan that i will testify after i have been cured.
    You can reach Dr Muli Jonathan through:
    Call/Whatsapp: +2349038544302

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