Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 31 2017

দুর্বল চিকন ও আগা মোটা গোড়া চিকন লিঙ্গের সমস্যার সমাধান দেখুন ভিডিওটিতে HealthCare

দুর্বল চিকন ও আগা মোটা গোড়া চিকন লিঙ্গের সমস্যার সমাধান দেখুন ভিডিওটিতে HealthCare

দুর্বল চিকন ও আগা মোটা গোড়া চিকন লিঙ্গের সমস্যার সমাধান দেখুন ভিডিওটিতে HealthCare

For more infomation >> দুর্বল চিকন ও আগা মোটা গোড়া চিকন লিঙ্গের সমস্যার সমাধান দেখুন ভিডিওটিতে HealthCare - Duration: 7:04.


Oracle Eloqua - Overview of the Design Editor - Duration: 2:21.

Welcome to Oracle Marketing Cloud Help Center Videos.

In this video, we will cover the Design Editor.

Modern marketers know that increasingly, customers are using their phones to check their emails

and consume content.

Luckily, with our new Design Editor, you can now create responsive emails that adapt to

any device without having to compromise your design right from within Eloqua.

Here is the Design Email Editor interface.

To the left is the Design Components tab where you can choose a variety of content to add

to your email and layouts to organize that content.

You can add various elements to enhance your email.

There is the standard content such as text and images, but the Design Editor also allows

you to choose from elements such as buttons, dividers, spaces, and more.

Elements such as signatures, and dynamic and shared content allow you to customize your

emails even further to align with your brand.

To add any of this content, simply drag and drop it into any of the cells.

You can move the elements by clicking them, clicking on the handle, and then dragging

to the new space.

Selecting the element will open the properties to the left, where you can upload content

like images or dynamic content, or configure the appearance of buttons, dividers, text and more.

The Email Style tab gives you the ability the change the email defaults such as the

colour of the background and canvas, as well as the text and hyperlink defaults.

The final tab is the Email Settings tab, where you can choose settings such as the email

group the email sends to, the subject line, and the reply-to address.

Here you can insert field merges and dynamic content in the subject line.

You can also add preview text, which will display right beneath the sender name and

subject in the receiver's inbox before they open the email.

Using the Design Email Editor, you can create responsive emails without having to touch

a single piece of code or outsource to an agency.

For more information on emails, you can watch our other videos at Oracle Marketing Cloud

Help Center Videos, or visit the "Know It" page on Topliners.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Oracle Eloqua - Overview of the Design Editor - Duration: 2:21.


The Highly Scientific PLOP TEST - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> The Highly Scientific PLOP TEST - Duration: 2:39.


Top 5 Unsafe Things You Do Everyday - Duration: 3:29.

As humans we sometimes make mistakes- it happens- were not perfect.

Something's we purposely do but sometimes were doing something dangerous and aren't

even aware of it and that's what were going to be talking about today.

Hey YouTube I'm court mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5 sit back subscribe

and let me entertain you.

Before we get started on this list I want to know whats the most dangerous thing you've

ever done?

Let me know your answers down in the comments.

Also if for some reason your not yet subscribed then might I suggest you take just 2 seconds

out of your day and do so- you just have to hit that subscribe button down there and don't

forget to like this video so we can keep bringing you awesome content.

Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 unsafe things you do everyday.

Coming in at our number 5 spot--cell phones- if you guys have a faulty charger and decide

to talk on your cell phone while its charging then theres a chance it can burst in your


That's terrifying.

And no joke when I was making this list I was texting on my phone as it was charging

and im going to be honest the wire isn't looking too good.

Yeah after learning this fact I think its time to get a new one.

I know its an annoying process guys and if your charger has wires exposed but still works

then whats the problem right?

Well apparently they can explode if theyre being used while charging.

So its just worth it to get that new cable.

In at our number 4 spot--holding in a sneeze- so say your in class and don't want to let

out a loud sneeze.

So you hold it in- no big deal right?

Wrong…this is actually pretty dangerous.

If a sneeze is held in you could pop a blood vessel in your body- or worse if you hold

in the sneeze by pinching your nose or holding your mouth closed then you create pressurized

air and that air will be forced back through the u-station tube and into the middle ear


And this is bad because youll be at risk of losing your hearing.

Now while this risk is low its not impossible.

At number 3--leaving the heaters on- with winter fast approaching youll be turning your

heater on everyday.

Now as important as it is that you turn it on every day so you stay nice and toasty warm

its also just as important that it gets turn off at night.

This is because they can actually ignite house fires.

Earlier this year it was reported that millions of people use space heaters to keep warm in

the cooler months.

However its recently been noted by the Notional Fire Protection Association that space heaters

are a leading cause in house fires.

So make sure you have a lot of blankets so that you can bundle up and turn off that heater.

Coming in at our number 2 spot--walking away while cooking food- this is one im guilty


Whenever I boil water I always walk away from it of if im cooking food in the oven ill leave

and go into the living room and watch part of a show until its suppose to be done cooking.

Its definitely a bad habit I need to break.

Its an obvious possibility that when you walk away from the stove when your cooking that

things can catch on fire.

You can either leave something in the oven for too long and it will catch fire or you

could accidently leave something close to the stove top burner when your boiling water

and it could catch on fire.

So yeah just avoid the possibility of a fire and stay in the kitchen.

Just in case something does catch fire youll be there and be able to put it our right away

before it has the chance to get too out of hand.

And in at number 1--texting while crossing the road- this is a super important one.

Now you figure when your at a stop light and it changes to the colour green your good to

go no questions asked.

This is not the case- there are drivers out there who don't pay attention or think they

can make a sharp turn because the light literally just changed to green 2 seconds ago.

If your walking you always have to look out for yourself because no one else is going


If you arnt distracted then youll see or hear that car coming and be able to get of the

way and not get hit.

However if your texting and not paying attention then bad things could happen.

So as important as it is to not text and drive its equally important to not text and walk.

Well there you have it that's our list of the top 5 unsafe things you do everyday.

Thank you guys for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Unsafe Things You Do Everyday - Duration: 3:29.


This Is What Happens When you Drink Coffee In The Morning On An Empty Stomach! - Duration: 2:55.

This Is What Happens When you Drink Coffee In The Morning On An Empty Stomach!

For more infomation >> This Is What Happens When you Drink Coffee In The Morning On An Empty Stomach! - Duration: 2:55.


Pool Cleaning Service Palm City - Find The Best Pool Cleaners Pool Maintenance in Palm City FL - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Pool Cleaning Service Palm City - Find The Best Pool Cleaners Pool Maintenance in Palm City FL - Duration: 1:07.


Existence is Not in Form! (Robert Adams Satsang) - Duration: 1:08:52.

For more infomation >> Existence is Not in Form! (Robert Adams Satsang) - Duration: 1:08:52.


Candy Corn (Original) - Duration: 2:02.

Soft and sweet, like the candy corn we stole last Halloween.

Young and meek, you took my hand my heart

swept me off my feet.

Now stale and hard you have left these sweets;

sore and weary feet.

I am all alone on Halloween thinking about who we used to be.


(Doo's Continue)

Now stale and hard you have left these sweets;

sore and weary feet.

I am all alone on Halloween thinking about who we used to be.

For more infomation >> Candy Corn (Original) - Duration: 2:02.


CADE & CARRIAN CHENEY: Creating Light In the Darkness - Duration: 3:40.

We were praying so hard for this job to come, and

then our prayers got altered.

Suddenly it became, okay,

if it's not time for that, what do you want us to learn?


we felt pretty certain that He was saying...

"There is a plan for you."

"Hold on."

"I have something in store."

So, we decided to look for the light in life.

Our goal became--and we really talked about this--

how can we see His hand

every single day?

It became about this.

Even something as simple as making dinner together as a family--

and I'll tell you what, we were making it using food storage cans.

But we were doing it together.

And it ended up going on for just shy of two years.

It sounds silly to say out loud, but...

something as small as...

eating food storage, and not being able to go to the grocery store,

and buy fresh milk, fresh produce...

...makes you feel like...

you're nothing compared to the people around you.

You ache for it.

Just some fresh grapes to give your daughter for lunch.

But, I've got a dang good husband.

Can you say "dang" at Time Out for Women? Ha! It's already happened!


Um, Cade came to me and said that,

"Hey. Remember that one time that we made $100..."

"What if we started doing something with the blog?"

"Let's post more, and see if we can get that money coming in more regularly,"

"and we could actually buy groceries again."

And trust me, we were desperate. We were willing to try anything.

And we did.

We poured our whole heart, our souls, our time, our sweat and tears,

into actually making something of this.

And ten times the prayers happened,

asking our direction, in our posts and creations.

And that's where it grew into the 'Oh, Sweet Basil' experience for us, that has

changed our path forever.

To finish up that scripture that Cade read, Exodus 10:22-23,

it says, "And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven;"

"And there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days:"

"They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days:"


"All the children of Israel had light in their dwellings."

Now, isn't that life?

I bet I could ask you to raise your hands if you have ever felt a trial that you

physically feel.

Not just going through something...

Not just going through something that hurts your spirit, but you FEEL it.

I know I'm not alone in saying that.

But what beautiful hope!

You can have light in your dwellings,

even amidst the darkness.

And even more than that,

you can invite others

to partake in that light.

You can share with them how to have it in their own dwellings.

For more infomation >> CADE & CARRIAN CHENEY: Creating Light In the Darkness - Duration: 3:40.


Could Wormholes Really Exist? - Duration: 5:24.


Whether it's Star Trek, Stargate, or Babylon 5,

wormholes have been showing up in science fiction for a long time.

They're just this super convenient tunnel to another part of the universe; a way for

sci-fi writers to send their characters across huge distances in the blink of an eye.

And it turns out that they're not just science fiction: wormholes could really exist.

But if they do, they're much weirder than anything we could make up.

In physics, a wormhole is known as an Einstein-Rosen bridge.

It's named after Albert Einstein and another physicist, Nathan Rosen.

They came up with the idea together in 1935, and showed that according to the general theory

of relativity, wormholes are a definite possibility.

A wormhole acts like a tunnel between two different points in spacetime, which is, you

know, just the continuum of space and time that makes up the fabric of the universe.

According to general relativity, gravity works by bending spacetime.

Planets and stars act like a weight in the fabric of the universe, creating a curve.

It can be kind of hard to picture what spacetime is,

let alone what it would mean for it to bend, so physicists often talk about it by

using weights on a stretched bedsheet as an analogy.

Earth would be like a big bowling ball making a big dip in the sheet, and when something

gets too close to the planet and it's pulled in by the gravity,

it's like it's falling into that dip in the sheet.

We're just all falling down into the dip in spacetime that the Earth makes,

and that's why I'm not floating away.

But if spacetime can be curved, it can also be twisted and shaped in other ways, like

by connecting two different places with a tunnel.

It's kind of like poking two holes into that bedsheet, folding it over,

and then stretching the fabric so that the edges of the holes can get together,

and you just sew them into a tunnel.

That's a wormhole.

In a bedsheet.

But because wormholes don't seem to violate the laws of physics

does not mean that they actually exist; they're just technically possible.

And unfortunately, we haven't yet detected any,

and we aren't even sure how they would form.

If wormholes do exist, one reason we might not have spotted them

is that they could be hiding behind black holes.

A black hole is what happens when there's so much mass squeezed into an object that

it ends up with such a strong force of gravity that even light can't escape its pull.

Once you get too close to a black hole, you're toast:

there's no escaping being smushed into oblivion.

In the bedsheet model, black holes and wormholes look very similar,

they both have a steep falloff that seems to go on forever.

Except, with a wormhole, the steep drop actually leads somewhere.

According to general relativity, wormholes could have black holes at each end, meaning

that after diving into a black hole on one end, the energy that was once your body could

get spewed out somewhere totally different in the universe.

Of course, you would not survive that trip.

All that would be left is radiation and subatomic particles.

So, I can't see anyone volunteering to test that out anytime soon.

Then there are white holes, which are the opposite of black holes: They spew out matter

with such force that it would be impossible to enter them.

If black holes are infinite weights on a bedsheet, white holes would be like hills:

objects pushing up on the bedsheet.

Like wormholes, these are a thing that could exist, the math does check out,

we're just not sure how they'd form.

But we know that if they exist, they could be found at either end of a wormhole, too.

So, maybe if there was a black hole at one end of the wormhole and a white hole at the

other, we could go in the black hole end, and be blasted out the white hole end.


But you'd still probably be crushed by the black hole in the process.

Not to mention it would definitely be a one-way trip.

And there are a few other problems with wormholes:

For one thing, they'd probably be dangerous.

Sudden unexpected collapse, weird exotic particles, a ton of radiation …

it's not a vacation spot.

In fact, travelling through a wormhole could instantly collapse it,

because they'd probably be unstable.

And then there's the fact that wormholes might not be a shortcut at all.

A random wormhole could easily be a longer-than-normal path.

Size is also a problem.

A real-life wormhole could be too small for us to travel through.

Not to mention the travel time, which could be millions or billions of years,

making some wormholes pretty useless.

So, that's a lot of problems.

The biggest hope actually comes from how little we know.

A lot of this depends on physics that we haven't quite worked out yet, or on facts about our

universe's history and geometry that we just don't know for sure.

Once we have all that figured out, the final barrier would be technology and opportunity.

Right now, we definitely don't know how to make a wormhole, and we'd have to be

super lucky to find one that was useful to us, if they exist at all.

So, it's pretty clear that we won't be sliding through any wormholes anytime soon.

But we know that they could be out there,

hiding in some of the most extreme places in the universe.

And who knows?

Maybe our ideas about wormholes will be totally different in the future.

People living just a few hundred years ago couldn't have even imagined

particle accelerators or YouTube videos.

And the possibility of a future like Stargate, where you just "dial in" a few symbols

and walk into another world halfway across the galaxy, sounds pretty awesome.

Let's keep writing TV shows about it.

Until then, we will keep exploring the universe right here at home.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!

If you are interested in learning more about sci fi space travel,

you can check out our video on photonic propulsion.


For more infomation >> Could Wormholes Really Exist? - Duration: 5:24.


200th video!! State of the Channel Address // Itchy Feet on the Cheap - Duration: 2:18.

Hello everyone and welcome to my channel. This is Itchy Feet on the Cheap. I'm Ryan,

and this is my 200th video! Two hundred videos! I don't know how I did it.

Pretty crazy. But here I am - two hundred videos in. If you're seeing one of my

videos for the first time, I kind of like to think of myself as a modern-day

explorer. I love to learn about the world, about cultures, and about food. I

actually used to be a location scout - I would find locations for television

commercials to shoot. I think I did that for about six or seven years and one day

my my father suddenly passed away. He was 55 years old. He was one year away from

retirement and he had this whole motorcycle trip planned. He was so excited,

it was all he could talk about, but after working most of his life, he didn't make

it. So that really changed the way I think about life. I quit my job

and I started exploring the world as much as I could. Accompanying me is Sara,

my partner in crime together. We've traveled South America, we've lived in

Slovakia, traveled all over Europe, we lived in Vietnam for a couple years, and

traveled all over Southeast Asia, and now we're living in China and we've been

here for over a year. There's just so much to explore in China, but we do like

to get out from time to time. We're always planning our next trip. Right now

it's Sri Lanka in December. We love food. That's a big part of why we live in

Chengdu, which is Asia's first city to be named a UNESCO city of gastronomy. And to

honor this, I randomly choose a dish every week with the help of a pack of

Sichuan food playing cards that I found in a souvenir shop. I shuffle these up, I

draw one, I hunt down the dish, and I share it with you guys. So that video

gets posted every Thursday at 3 o'clock Eastern Standard Time, and then I do

another video on Tuesdays 3 o'clock Eastern Standard Time about living in

China, or about traveling around China, or wherever I happen to be at that time. So

please follow along by subscribing and hitting the bell icon right where the

subscribe button was below, and you'll be notified whenever a new video is posted.

I've got at least another 200 videos left in me, so stay tuned and thanks to

everyone who's watched any of my videos ever. I'd probably still be making them

if no one watched, but it sure doesn't motivate me

when I read your comments, when I see your likes, and all that good stuff. Okay,

that's it. Thanks and remember... there's so much to

explore, so let yourself soar. FART!

For more infomation >> 200th video!! State of the Channel Address // Itchy Feet on the Cheap - Duration: 2:18.


Portal Keeper Hasabel Guide - Heroic Portal Keeper Hasabel/Normal Antorus Guide - Duration: 5:52.


I'm Hazel, and you are about to be SO up to speed.

This video is all about the Portal Keeper Hasabel fight on Normal and Heroic difficulty.

Hasabel's basically the Legion Traffic Controller and we're about to get all up in her crosswalk.

You fight her on this main platform, and throughout the fight she'll power up portals to various

worlds, or more accurately, smaller platforms.

You get a fire portal at 90%, a fel portal at 60 and a shadow portal at 30%.

Each one will have a themed boss that needs to be dealt with ASAP, and somebody must be

on the main platform at all times or else everyone dies.

First thing you'll be dealing with on the main platform is Reality Tear and Bursting

Darkness, aka the tank mechanic.

Reality Tear is a 30 second DoT which will stack, and then explode for raid damage when

allowed to expire.

The more stacks, the bigger the explosion.

She does it every 12-14 seconds so you generally want to swap on about three stacks.

Healers should be ready with raid heals if it stacks up much higher than that, which

it might one we get into all the portal business.

Collapsing World goes under the boss,ooks like this, and it's impossible to miss unless

you're actually watching netflix.

If that gets ya it'll do big damage and potentially knock you off the platform, which would be

deeply embarrasing.

It's even got a cast time so you can see it coming and start moving away from the boss.

Felstorm Barrage is the other super obvious ground mechanic.

Over about ten seconds, these big green firelines will spawn and then explode.

Those also do knockback and hurt like heck so keep moving to the safe corners until it's


She'll also cast Transport Portal, which summons adds designed specifically to annoy you.

There are spiders which will web you, making it harder to avoid the last two things we

talked about.

There's feldogs, which do a Fenryr style interrupt howl and then imps, which on Normal don't

do much of anything.

On Heroic, the imps cast Fiery Detonation which can be interrupted and is just gnarly

if you don't.

If a couple of those get off your raid is literal toast so keep an eye on it and kill

the adds quickly.

When Hasabel reaches 90% health, she'll power up the Fire Portal Xoroth.

Note that you can go up to any portal at any time, there just won't be anything there if

it's not active.

While the portal is active there'll be a boss inside, and the main platform players will

take raid damage until it's dead.

All of the portals have this Unstable Portal mechanic which means bad things happen if

the boss stays up longer than 45 seconds.

You'll want to send half or more of the raid including a tank and a couple healers through

the active portal to deal with it.

Inside Fire Portal Xoroth you'll find Vulcanar.

He casts Flames of Xoroth, which is kickable and has a 10 yard radius.

Don't be closer than 10 yards unless you need to be, and set up a kick rotation if it starts

to be a problem.

He'll also toss out Supernovas, which you should move out of unless you feel like taking

a bajillion damage.

While all that's happening you'll see these Everburning Flames around the floor.

Touching one makes it stick to you for 10 seconds.

When the DoT ends or is removed, the flame falls back onto the floor.

A few players need to pick up a couple of those and actually run them into the purple

Portal for later.

Drop them along the portal-side of the shadow platform, then head back to rejoin the fight.

At 60%, Hasabel powers up Fel Portal Rancora.

Inside you'll find Lady Dacidion, and her Poison Essence will immediately chunk everyone

for 10%.

She casts Felsilk Wrap, which webs players indefinitely until the web is destroyed.

Those don't have a ton of health so anyone can swap to help break out their friends.

Instead of flames, you'll find this Caustic Slime goo on the floor on this platform.

Touching that does damage over 20 seconds, and removing it triggers a Caustic Detonation.

That's a painful 10 yard explosion that apparently can be used to remove a stack of Aegis of


I'm gonna be really honest with you, I have dug through this fight and nowhere do I see

ANY mention of an Aegis of Flames.

However, should one turn up you can take it off by dispelling a Goo debuff within ten

yards of it.

Whether you have the slime on purpose or by accident make sure you're clear of other players

when it gets dispelled so you don't clip anyone with your Caustic Detonation.

At 30% health, she'll open up the final portal to the Shadow Land Nathreza.

Lord Eilgar is the boss here and things will be very, very dark.

Moving within 35 yards of Eilgar will apply the Delusions debuff.

That lasts ten minutes, prevents ALL outgoing healing and absorbs, and restores 2% mana

per second.

It's dispellable, so if mana is tight at this point healers can deliberately rotate taking

the debuff and dispelling it off each other.

Otherwise, healers need to stay at absolute Max range or else you can't heal.

To complicate that, it's very, very dark.

Mind fog means visibility is awful in here which means at max range you can't actually

target your friends to heal them.

To counter that, healers and probably ranged should stand within 10 yards of the Everburning

Flames we dropped earlier.

Problem solved.

Eilgar will be stacking Corrupt on players within 20 yards of him, doing damage and stacking

a nasty debuff on them.

To make that even more fun, players that step into the heart of the platform will get Cloying

Shadows, taking 50% reduced healing for 30 seconds.

If your raid failed to bring in flames like we did and your healers can't heal, you are

absolutely going to lose people here.

When Cloying Shadows ends or is dispelled, it triggers an 8 yard Hungering Gloom explosion.

Hungering Gloom won't actually affect the exploding player, but anyone within 8 yards

takes big damage and can't be healed for a while which will make them very cranky with


Spread out with the Cloying Shadows, and healers should be really mindful to not dispel someone

before they've moved into some clear space.

All things considered the purple platform is super gross and it's a valid time to pop

cooldowns just to get done and out of there.

Back home on the main platform, the entrances of each portal will be doing area damage starting

from activation and lasting until the end of the fight.

Be careful not to wander into that while avoiding Collapsing World and Felstorm Barrages.

This is high movement-the fight, and it's very much about watching your feet.

So, that is Portal Keeper Hasabel in Antorus, the Burning Throne!

If this video helped you out please consider giving it a thumbs up.

Check out my channel and subscribe for more raid guides and other useful WoW videos.

Thanks for watching, have a great time in raid and a wonderful, wonderful day!


For more infomation >> Portal Keeper Hasabel Guide - Heroic Portal Keeper Hasabel/Normal Antorus Guide - Duration: 5:52.


Here's To You, Gary - Duration: 2:29.

this is the story about a couple of good guys lots of fresh produce and some good

old-fashioned determination meet Gary Gary spent his career working in the

food industry before re-channeling his energy to help others

through the San Francisco Marin Food Bank meet Jim Jim grows and distributes

produce in California's Central Valley one day Jim had two extra truckloads of

fruit with no place for them to go being the Good Samaritan that he is Jim made a

call to the local Fresno Food Bank do you want them well

Fresno was a no-go but word of the stranded fruit reach Gary in San

Francisco and Gary jumped at the offer and that my friends is the phone call

that changed everything and I thought bingo we got it that's

what we're going to do and that's what we did Gary took it upon himself to

become the food banks fresh produce Superman he hit the road

stayed in cheap motels and dusty outposts and made connections with farmers

distributors and food banks around the state well as they say the rest is

history Gary played Cupid and the producers and

food banks marched hand-in-hand into the sunset today over 120 million pounds of

fresh produce is distributed to those in need through food banks in California

alone oh and Gary's initiative has gone national the work that Gary led has

changed the paradigm here in San Francisco all across California and now

really every food bank in the United States are working under this model this

is not an idea that was hatched in a laboratory and rolled out this

represents years of work thousands of miles driven hundreds of people

convinced and it's resulted in millions if not billions of pounds of fresh

produce available for people who otherwise wouldn't have an opportunity

to get such food well there you have it folks a real peach of a story if I ever

heard one here's to you Gary

you you

For more infomation >> Here's To You, Gary - Duration: 2:29.


Giving Good Starts with You - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Giving Good Starts with You - Duration: 0:31.


The Decline of Common Sense - #thatguy ( Comedy Special ) - Duration: 9:04.

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen and the other people

Tonight we are going to talk about

Other people!! What other people??


Now that I have completely demolished my credibility as your host,lets begin!

Now,you may be wondering...

But due to the things happening in the nation right now, we needed to step up

So ladies and gentlemen

I present to you the answers

to all marvel movies,teenage relationships,Vijay Mallya and Pritam

I Know! How would you explain that



Now let us start with the first category(Pasina aa raha hai)

Common sense! A thing which used to make a lot of sense

before we started treating it like Himesh Reshammiya

We Know it existed once

But lets assume it never happened

Now let us start with our first category that is Education

Now studying in India really sucks man

Its just a 12 year long process of losing your personality

getting punished for being unique and playing PEN FIGHTS

A sport where the guy having the longest

and the heaviest pen wins

kinda like life in general

Now guys like marks and girls

and girls like marks and the possibility of getting more marks

TOPPERS! God I hate toppers

They are the most unimaginative and ruthless people alive

They take pride in being a virgin

But secretly hate the guy who roams around with their crush

#probablyme.....And girls

They are always interested in dating the seniors! You know,right! And we are all like...

The only topper that I admired was Dekisugi

You guys remember Dekisugi in Doraemon? Yeah! How he got

time to date Shizuka and also manage studies is beyond me

is beyond me!

I feel bad for Nobita man, so CBSE na!

Now let us start with our second category,that is


Now love,or lowe is like Bollywood

you're going for the songs,story is just bonus feature

Now guys be like

And girls be like

Oh! Sorry sorry, I will be right back!

Hello ladies,gentlemen and the other people

Till now you must have got an idea of

pro common sense we are just like we have got an idea of

how free you are

Moving on,I am about to gift you something

Which you will be grateful for all your life

Hold your breath!

I am going to give you a foolproof way

of handling DUMB PEOPLE!!



Talking about myself,I am really allergic to dumb people and I

try to avoid any encounter with them

If you feel the same you can try my method

So I was working in a company as a writer for a meagre paycheque

and to kill some free time

I used to spend my free time on Quora because

I wanted to get myself immune to dumb people and Quora

is by far the best place for people like me because there are no

tangible dangers there, you know what I mean!

Okay, so after getting this much experience

and answering over 200 questions

I have formulated a way of handling dumb people

Obviously, I have had a weapon at my disposal

its called


I have some questions asked by different kinds of Idiots

and by hearing my response you can trace my method

and apply it yourself and in case you can't

then I am really sorry because somebody else might be trying to do the same

in order to get rid of you

Okay,so lets get started

The very first question we have here is How can one

crack the JEE by studying the previous night only?

actually its very simple. Go in front of the mirror

take a marker and write JEE on your forehead

after that smash it on the wall next to you

as hard as you can and then you will surely crack the JEE! All the best!

Okay, so the next one we have here is

can one with 14 backlogs

in a B.Tech do an MBA in Australia?


The ideal place for such people is Mars my friend

anything else will be considered dissapointing because in order to survive

that is the only place where

you will have to swallow your own shit

Moving on,the next question is

If a First Year student wants to

take leave for one week

then what is the procedure?

You have to file a mercy petition in front of

the president and you will be granted

the leave only if he allows you to

the next one we have here is

do you know any cheap and best schools available

in Noida?

Yeah, you can find them in the Atta Market in the measurement of their weights!

Okay, so the next question we have here is

asked by an EC ka maara, You know

What course should I choose after

doing a B.Tech in ECE? Well, according to me,

a Homeopathic Course. I doesn't have any side effects unlike


One more

Can you get a Job if you don't know any language after


How will you communicate if you don't know any language?

This is the second last,bear with me

Can you get a Noida on lease? If so,

what would happen when the lease term was over?

Robert Wadra sir!

You are on Quora?

All right! The last example

of idiocracy I have here is Why is there

no end to life?

Philosophy! There is, its called death!

Who do you think you are, the DEADMAN?

For more infomation >> The Decline of Common Sense - #thatguy ( Comedy Special ) - Duration: 9:04.


Jennifer Ryan Transition Coach: Weekly Tidbit "Weight Loss" - Duration: 1:33.

Hello there Jennifer Ryan transition coach and this weeks tidbit is about weight loss.

Recently I was talking with a friend and she was debating whether or not to start a workout

program in November.

I mean we got pumpkin pie and turkey and cookies and champagne and all those things coming

up in the next three months.

And those things were on her mind and she said a certain statement that stuck with me.

And she had said it is like it is perfection or nothing.

And so I asked her where is that perfection coming from is it your idea of perfection?

Is it show business?

Is it a family member? that maybe always has the sly comment about what you look like?

And so I asked her what is the belief?

What's behind that belief?

And I encouraged her to investigate that so that way she could call that out.

Because when you call it out it has no power over you.

It is almost like fear.

If you call out fear by name fear does not have a hold on you.

For more infomation >> Jennifer Ryan Transition Coach: Weekly Tidbit "Weight Loss" - Duration: 1:33.


Old Fashioned Donuts - Duration: 2:26.

Welcome to Old Fashioned Donuts,

the beloved neighborhood doughnut shop

celebrating its 45th anniversary this month.

Over the past half century, this place

and its 79-year-old owner, Buritt Bulloch

has become an institution on the Far South Side, in Roseland.

Why are these doughnuts so tasty?

Some say it's the glaze.

Mr. B says it's the fresh dough, which he mixes up every morning.

He likes to keep it simple.

And he's developed a rhythm over the years— ladling glaze and

dropping dough into the fryer.

Family members help him keep the business afloat.

And Mr. B says he doesn't want to retire any time soon.

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