Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 31 2017

Can we leave already?

No! How many times you gonna ask!?

Bernard, we've been here for five hours!

This is not patrolling the city!

We can't be patrolling the city streets while wearing these clothes!

Do you want to walk around people dressed like this?

So, isn't it better if we just don't wear these clothes?

Well then what's the point of all this then?

That's what I've been saying for three weeks, there is no point!

Shush!! I think theres a guy coming!


When he gets closer, you distract him and I'll go around his back

What? What do you mean?

Shouldn't we find out if he's a criminal first?

What would he be doing in a filthy alley at this time of night if he wasn't?

We are!

Yes, but we are the good guys, and we're gonna beat the shit out of this punk

before he even has a clue what's going on!

You get his wallet and I'll check his pockets!


To see if he's stolen anything!

He doesn't look like a criminal Bernard...

That is super racist Frederick...

Oh shit, there's another one coming!

Okay I'll take the one on the left, you take the one on the right!

Wait there's another two guys coming and

there... no there's six guys...

Oh yeah, they don't look like criminals

Why not?!

Look at their skin!


Look how smooth and soft it think bad guys use lotion

and take care of their skin? Come on Frederick!

Good then because they're coming this way!

What? Oh God! Frederick! Take your clothes off, quick!

Are you insane?

Can you imagine what they will do to us if they find us here dressed like superheroes?

Have you imagined what they'll do to us if they find us naked??

Fredick, they will beat the living shit out of us!

You said they weren't criminals!

Anyone would want to beat up two guys dressed like this in a dirty alleyway Frederick!

I want to beat you up now!

I can't believe I'm doing this

Quick, quick, quick, quick!

How are you going to explain the situation now?

I'm not proud of it but I've had to explain way more complicated

situations than this Frederick...

Where are they?

Hmm it's fine, they left I think. You better call your mom's driver

Right, yeah, the phone was actually in my pants pocket

I don't want to hear it Frederick, seriously, not a word

For more infomation >> BERNARD AND FREDICK FOREVER - Duration: 2:30.


Chatbot Course - Dialog [Build Your Own Chatbot] - Duration: 6:10.

After defining intents and entities, as a chatbot creator, you would typically focus

on designing the dialogue.

Creating a dialogue defines how your bot will respond to what the user is asking.

Dialogues in Watson conversation are defined visually through a user interface that is

structured around the concept of nodes.

Each node has a name, a condition, and one or more responses.

There are a few more bells and whistles available, but at its core we're talking about name condition

and responses.

The dialogue starts executing from the first node at the top.

If the condition is met, it will reply to a user with a response specified in that node

and stop the execution until the user has entered some new input.

If the condition is not met, it will skip the response and proceed to consider the next

node below.

If this second node's condition is met by the user's input, the nodes response will

be sent to the user.

If the condition is not met, we continue to the next node, and so on.

Essentially, the execution from top to bottom continues while the node conditions fail to

meet what the user inputs has entered.

For the condition you can use intents, entities, a specific entity value, and a few reserved

conditions like welcome, Anything_else, true and false.

You can also combine intents and entities with AND and OR logical combinations?

Typically you'd want to greet the user as they arrive.

So the first node might use a special word, "Welcome" as the condition.

Ensuring that that particular node is executed the first time that the user starts interacting

with the chatbot.

The response, we configured in that particular node, will be our initial prompt that greets

the user, inviting them to chat with our chatbot.

If the user input doesn't match any of the node's conditions, by default no response

will be provided to the user; and this isn't great from a user experience standpoint because

nobody likes to be ignored.

So it's a good idea to have also a node at the very bottom of the dialog that is always

executed if the user input failed to satisfy the conditions of any of the other nodes above.

The failover condition for this node is called Anything_else.

When will this note be executed?

In practice, when our bot has failed to understand the user.

So in this node we should have an appropriate response that invites the user to rephrase

or maybe suggest some queries that we know our bot can handle.

If we only included a single response in this node the bot could get annoying rather quickly.

Imagine seeing I don't understand over and over again.

Hopefully our user won't trigger the Anything_else node too often.

But it would be good to have multiple responses with some variation to them, even if they

all express the same concept.

It's a small detail that can affect the user experience and now intelligent our chatbot

appears to be.

These responses are executed sequentially by default, so the first time the user asks

for something that our chatbot doesn't understand, our Anything_else node will be hit, and it

will show the first response to the user.

When this happens again because the user enters something else that we don't understand, the

second response will be shown instead, and so on.

It's also possible to set the order as random, by clicking the "Set to random" link under

the responses block.

These two nodes handle such common scenarios that they appear by default when you create

a new dialogue.

That's quite handy since all you have to do is then customize them with what you want

in the prompt and what kind of I don't understand responses you want to include and send to

the user.

It's also possible to create children nodes.

These are considered for execution only when the parent node's condition is met first.

Normally the flow of execution for a particular user input is stopped once the condition is

met by one node.

We send back a response, wait for more input, and then restart the cycle evaluating this

new input against the conditions in our nodes top to bottom.

However if the matching node has children nodes, the execution continues with its children,

not with the main nodes.

If a parent node has multiple children, they are considered top to bottom.

It turns out, this is quite useful in practice.

In fact, it's common to have a parent node ask for further clarification to the user

in its response, and then handle the specific information provided by the user in its children


For example the parent node might be triggered by the user asking, "I'd like flower suggestions

for a special occasion."

It doesn't provide information about which specific occasion, so the response from the

node might be, "which occasion?"

When the user replies with say, "Birthday," the child node that matches the

birthday condition will be executed and its response, displayed to the user.

For this to work, we'll need multiple children nodes, each having as its condition an Occasion

value like anniversary, funeral, etc., each having an appropriate response.

Alternatively, we can take advantage of the fact that responses themselves can have conditions


A node can have multiple responses that are only processed if their own condition is met.

So, instead of having multiple children nodes, one for each occasion, we could have a single

node that provides different responses, depending on which Occasion value is provided in response

to our request for clarification.

Children nodes can have children nodes of their own, giving us the ability to create

a quite complex dialogue flow.

Furthermore we have the ability to jump from one node to another.

Something that can complicate our dialogue flow, but, which will be necessary at times,

in order to accomplish what the chatbot needs to do.

Don't worry if this is a bit overwhelming?

We covered a lot of ground to give you a theoretical foundation.

When we create our chatbot in the next module, it will become much more familiar with how

we use parent, children nodes, conditions, and responses in order to define a convincing

conversation flow for our chatbot.

For more infomation >> Chatbot Course - Dialog [Build Your Own Chatbot] - Duration: 6:10.


How to live longer: THIS calculator tells you how many healthy YEARS you have left - Duration: 3:04.

How to live longer: THIS calculator tells you how many healthy YEARS you have left

How to live longer remains a growing area of science, with researchers studying the lifestyles of the world's longest-survining populations.

So far we know eating the , consuming more , reducing stress and being active can help add years to your life. Additionally, smoking and poor diet could significantly decrease life expectancy.

However, there is a tendency to focus on the total number of years left, rather than the number of 'good quality' years remaining a person has.

Researchers at the Goldenson Center for Actuarial Research at the University of Connecticut have created a to estimate how many 'healthy years' you have left.

It is the first time a measurement tool has been created to work out a person's 'healthy life expectancy'.

The researchers define an 'unhealthy' state as a severe enough state of disablement that there is no recovery, so you remain unhealthy until death.

Since this will often be influenced by lifestyle factors - such as smoking and alcohol intake - the researchers hope it will encourage people to make positive choices within their control.

Having a higher level of income and education are also factors that could help extend your number of healthy years. However, there are two factors that are out of people's control - age and gender.

Healthy life expectancy decreases with age, while women have a longer healthy life expectancy compared to men. The researchers note that healthy life expectancy is simply an 'educated prediction'.   .

Thanks to advancements in knowledge, the average life expectancy in the UK is now 81.6 years. For men it is 79.1 years, while for women it is 82.8 years.

Earlier this year there were concerns that rising rates of life expectancy were dramatically slowing after more than a century of continuous progress. An expert at University College London, Sir Michael Marmot, said he was "deeply concerned" by the findings.

For more infomation >> How to live longer: THIS calculator tells you how many healthy YEARS you have left - Duration: 3:04.


Pepsi Bottle WOODEN FACE HAMMER | Learn Colors Buble Guppies Dora Cakepop Hulk Boss Baby - Duration: 1:57.

#Pepsi Bottle #WOODEN FACE HAMMER | #Learn Colors #Buble Guppies #Dora #Cakepop #Hulk #Boss Baby

For more infomation >> Pepsi Bottle WOODEN FACE HAMMER | Learn Colors Buble Guppies Dora Cakepop Hulk Boss Baby - Duration: 1:57.


KRIS 6 News Exclusive: Navy Sailor For A Day - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> KRIS 6 News Exclusive: Navy Sailor For A Day - Duration: 4:15.


Dearest Monster by Sister Goth (HALLOWEEN 2017) - Duration: 3:34.

Hurt me

dearest monster

my life

for your hunger


that I long for

Take me

I surrender

make me

yours forever


soft and tender


(oh let me go) I'll adore you

I'll live

(release me from his hold) only for you

hurt me

(I'm beyond all control) to restore you

to life

In the night you come

and my will is gone

I don't recognise myself

lost to the setting sun

I'm sane

still sane

just fighting for my soul

As the spider eats the fly

as the bird eats the spider

as the cat eats the bird

as the wolf eats the cat

as the man eats the wolf

and as you eat the man

seems the circle is complete

death in retreat

So hurt me

(I am lost) dearest monster

(oh heaven help me)

my life

(lost inside this web, may all the saints preserve me) for your hunger


(there's no escape) that I long for

for you

For more infomation >> Dearest Monster by Sister Goth (HALLOWEEN 2017) - Duration: 3:34.


iPhone X UK release - The simple tip that could end up saving you over £250 - Duration: 4:16.

iPhone X UK release - The simple tip that could end up saving you over £250

stunning new is now available to pre-order with the device finally arriving in stores across the UK from this Friday. This groundbreaking new smartphone is the biggest update Apple has released in years and its sure to be a hugely popular device.

In fact, the iPhone X has already sold out online with fans now facing a 5-6 week wait to get their hands on one.

Apple has confirmed there will be a limited amount of stock available in stores on Friday morning with anyone wanting to be the first to own one advised to get in line early to avoid disappointment.

The iPhone X offers a host of new features including a 5.8-inch OLED edge-to-edge display and facial recognition which will unlock the device simply by looking at it.

Wireless charging, updated dual-lens camera and new A11 Bionic processor are also headline features along with the all-new Animoji charaters.

This works via the iPhone Xs new front-facing camera which captures and analyses over 50 different facial muscle movements, then animates those expressions in a dozen different Animoji, including a panda, unicorn and robot. .

With a stunning design and powerful specs, the iPhone X is clearly the best smartphone Apple has ever made but, with a starting price of £999, its also the most expensive.

And its not just the initial cost that could hit your wallet as it seems this flagship phone is hugely expensive to fix should you drop it on the floor.

Apple has recently updated its repair webpage which includes prices for fixing the iPhone X. Anyone smashing their shiny new phone will face a bill of £286.44 for a new screen or over £550 if other parts of the device get damaged.

Clearly, this isnt cheap but there are a couple of simple ways to avoid these huge costs.

A number of case manufacturers have already launched accessories which cover the entire phone. Companies, such as Nodus, are even offering discounts for anyone ordering an iPhone X cover early with prices starting from around £45.

Along with the obvious case to protect your new iPhone X, Apple is also offering its AppleCare+ plan on its new smartphone.

This insurance costs £199 plus an excess of £25 for a screen repair or £79 for any other damage. Anyone taking out AppleCare+ is allowed two repairs during the period of the plan.

£199 may sound like a lot of money but even with the £79 excess you could end up saving £278 if your iPhone X gets badly damaged.

For more infomation >> iPhone X UK release - The simple tip that could end up saving you over £250 - Duration: 4:16.


DEAREST MONSTER by Sister Goth, Halloween Music Video - Duration: 3:50.

Hurt me

dearest monster

my life

for your hunger


that I long for

Take me

I surrender

make me

yours forever


soft and tender


(oh let me go) I'll adore you

I'll live

(release me from his hold) only for you

hurt me

(I'm beyond all control) to restore you

to life

In the night you come

and my will is gone

I don't recognise myself

lost to the setting sun

I'm sane

still sane

just fighting for my soul

As the spider eats the fly

as the bird eats the spider

as the cat eats the bird

as the wolf eats the cat

as the man eats the wolf

and as you eat the man

seems the circle is complete

death in retreat

So hurt me

(I am lost) dearest monster

(oh heaven help me)

my life

(lost inside this web, may all the saints preserve me) for your hunger


(there's no escape) that I long for

for you

For more infomation >> DEAREST MONSTER by Sister Goth, Halloween Music Video - Duration: 3:50.


Jigoku'S -Daisuki Dattara Daijoubu! 『 ダイスキだったらダイジョウブ!』 - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Jigoku'S -Daisuki Dattara Daijoubu! 『 ダイスキだったらダイジョウブ!』 - Duration: 3:43.


probably useless or impractical solo jedah reset/combo - Duration: 0:55.

timed super

timed dp

mashing tag

downback+mashing tag

mashing throw


mashing jab

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