Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 31 2017

📝 Justin Caruso - Caving (ft. James Droll) Lyrics

I've been rolling through the wreckage I've been dusting off the mess you made

I've been feeling kind of restless I've been trying not to walk away

Feel my knees start buckle I've been standing here for far too long

Shiver running up my spine Tell me what's right, what's wrong

I waited for you to be strong enough So I wasn't the only one holding us up

I'm caving in I'm caving in

We bend til we're broken I'm a sucker for hopeless

I'm caving in I'm caving in

I'm caving in

I thought learned my lesson I thought the dust settled in

But I'm digging through your shambles Hoping that you let me in

I waited for you to be strong enough So I wasn't the only one holding us up

I'm caving in I'm caving in

We bend til we're broken I'm a sucker for hopeless

I'm caving in I'm caving in

I'm caving in I'm caving in

I'm caving in

I waited for you to be strong enough So I wasn't the only one holding us up

I'm caving in I'm caving in

For more infomation >> Justin Caruso - Caving (ft. James Droll) (Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:12.


Revisiting Ghosts: The Endnotes - Duration: 5:46.

Welcome to the Endnotes, where I put all the fun facts I can't fit into the main videos!

Today, some extra bits of information from my video about the word Ghost — and if you

haven't seen those yet, click on the card.

In the main video we identify the ultimate etymon of ghost as the Proto-Indo-European

root *gheis- used to refer to the emotions of fear or amazement.

We should be careful not to confuse this root with Proto-Indo-European *ghosti meaning "guest

and host".

You might think it odd to have the same root meaning both host and guest, but it in fact

reflects an ancient cultural value, the importance of the reciprocal relationship between guest

and host, almost a quasi-family tie, a concept which in Ancient Greek is expressed with the

word xenia, one of the key themes of Homer's Odyssey.

In Anglo-England texts often punned on these similar sounding roots.

When Old English gast was used to refer to a disembodied spirit, it was often in a pun

with the word gyst meaning "visitor, stranger", from which we get the word guest.

Another similar string of letters that we should be careful not to confuse here is g-h-o-t-i.

In this case it's not an Indo-European root, but a demonstration that English needed spelling

reform, because this string of letters could be said to spell the word fish.

The "gh" makes an "f" sound in tough, the "o" makes an "i" in women, and

the "ti" makes an "sh" sound in "nation".

Silly English!

This demonstration of spelling irregularity has often been attributed to George Bernard

Shaw, who was certainly an outspoken supporter of spelling reform, but it doesn't actually

seem to appear in any of his writings.

Speaking of Shaw, in addition to his early ghostwriting, he continued his music criticism

work in his own name after his literary fame grew, and also made witty use of Hamlet in

a satire of the more academic style of his fellow music critics by describing the famous

"To be or not to be" speech thusly: "Shakespeare, dispensing with the customary exordium, announces

his subject at once in the infinitive, in which mood it is presently repeated after

a short connecting passage in which, brief as it is, we recognize the alternative and

negative forms on which so much of the significance of repetition depends.

Here we reach a colon; and a pointed pository phrase, in which the accent falls decisively

on the relative pronoun, brings us to the first full stop."

Well, that is indeed the question.

I think.

And this brings us back to Hamlet.

Not only does this same basic plot of son pretending to be insane while avenging his

father on his murderous uncle who married his mother and took over the kingdom appear

in the Latin Gesta Danorum by Saxo Grammaticus, but there are also other Old Norse versions

of the story, including a close parallel in Hrólfs saga kraka or the Saga of King Hrolf


In this analogue of the story, the role of the Hamlet character is actually divided between

two brothers named Helgi and Hroar, who by the way appear as Halga and Hroðgar in the

Old English poem Beowulf.

The basic storyline of Helgi and Hroar follows that familiar plot in Hamlet: avenge the father

on the uncle who married the mother while pretending to be mad.

In another part of the saga is the story of a monster who attacks the hall, much like

Grendel in Beowulf, but it's specified that the attacks always come at Yule, in other

words Christmas.

And the Yule time visit is a common pattern in many sagas and indeed ghost stories (think

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens).

You might think that Halloween would be the time of year when reports of ghost sightings

was highest, but in fact this isn't necessarily so.

In the Norse sagas we also find a parallel for zombies, the aptrgangr literally "again-walker"

or draugr, a word which can be traced back to a root which means "to harm or deceive"

and is thereby cognate with English dream.

The stuff of nightmares I suppose!

The draugar often appear in Norse stories, such as Grettis Saga, which also by the way,

like Hrólfs saga kraka, contains a close parallel to the Beowulf story.

The more general European tradition that this falls under is the revenant from Latin reveniens

literally "returning or coming back", referring to the dead come back to life in

physical form to haunt the living.

Usually the revenants were wrongdoers in life, and were thought to spread disease.

The only way to stop them would be to exhume the body during the day when they rested and

either decapitate them or remove and burn the heart.

And perhaps most famously there's Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, in which the living dead is

reanimated not through necromancy but through science.

Well, even the living dead have to keep up with the times!

And speaking of the word reanimated, it comes from Latin anima meaning "spirit or ghost"

or "breath or air", which can be traced back to a root meaning "to breathe".

So literally Victor Frankenstein gives his monster the breath of life…that's some

creepy CPR!

As always, you can hear even more etymology and history, as well as interviews with a

wide range of fascinating people, on the Endless Knot Podcast, available on all the major podcast

platforms as well as our other YouTube channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Revisiting Ghosts: The Endnotes - Duration: 5:46.


성시경 (Sung Si Kyung) - 나의 밤 나의 너 (Holding On To You) (한글 가사 - Korean Lyrics) - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> 성시경 (Sung Si Kyung) - 나의 밤 나의 너 (Holding On To You) (한글 가사 - Korean Lyrics) - Duration: 4:30.


Law of Attraction - Be Who You Really Are | Neale Donald Walsch - Duration: 4:19.

Neale Donald Walsch: "There's something quite extraordinary going on here most of us don't even know

what it is we don't know what it's about we don't even know it's happening but it

is happening every moment of every minute of every hour of every day it's

happening it's life happening all around us and here's what not very many people

really fully and deeply understand much less appreciate it's happening for a

reason there's a purpose behind it

there's a mechanism in place there's a process that's being undertaken in life

by in life itself and that process is the process by which we as the livers of

this life as those who are living into the experience create the experience we

are living into as a means of experiencing and expressing who we

really are that life exists in all of its forms the beauty of the night sky

the wonder of a garden of flowers the incredible expression of humanity itself

the feeling of love and the glory of a great idea which has just come to

someone and exploding within them and awareness of something that they can't

even name but they can feel ah they say that's me even as they see the night sky

they see a part of themselves there there's a way to relate even as they see

the flowers in a beautiful garden they can see themselves there there's

something of beauty in me too and to look at this I'm merely looking at

myself in another form and even as we look at other people we can relate and

we say there I go being a human being wonderful being glorious being divine

there's something quite extraordinary going on here it's a process not only by

which we experience ourselves as divine but by which we define what divinity is

to us can you imagine a process like this we're actually creating God through

the process of being God as we are choosing to create it

that's what's happening that's what's going on that's the

miracle of life itself flowing through you in you as is you and once you

understand what's going on the purpose of all of it the divine process you take

part in it in a brand-new way not unconsciously but consciously not

unintentionally but intentionally not accidentally but on purpose and you see

every golden moment of no as an opportunity to recreate yourself anew

in the next grandest version of the greatest vision you ever held about who

you are and if you do that only for a short time for an hour a day an hour a

week an hour a month your whole life will suddenly make sense to you

and you will touch the world in a way that brings sense to the world

that's how life itself changes and becomes the miracle it was intended to

be than human

decide to be to marry collaborate

so beaut

being divided


For more infomation >> Law of Attraction - Be Who You Really Are | Neale Donald Walsch - Duration: 4:19.


Plea Deal With Former Adviser George Papadopoulos Could Be A Big Problem For Donald Trump | TODAY - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Plea Deal With Former Adviser George Papadopoulos Could Be A Big Problem For Donald Trump | TODAY - Duration: 3:43.


He picked my Halloween Costume for me!! // Making every day an Adventure // Home Vlogs Episode 2 - Duration: 3:27.

- Oh boy.

Oh boy.

(adventure music)

Welcome back to the Home Experiment Vlog, day two,

and good news.

Today is Halloween.

Bad news, I have no costume.

I have failed to prepare,

just like I do every year.

So I've decided to apply one of

my favorite adventure rules to today,

which is go with the flow.

One of the best things you can do when you're traveling

is say yes to random things.

Say yes to adventures you weren't gonna go on.

See what happens, and how no plan,

and just be open to anything because then you know,

there's no such thing as disappointment,

because if you have no expectation,

that can never happen.

So we're gonna apply that rule today.

Ross actually had time to go to the store yesterday,

I did not.

He basically has picked out a costume for me.

I have absolutely no idea what it is.

There's a good chance it's just a

slutty fill-in-the-blank, but who knows.

I'm just gonna go with it.

- Hi.

- [Linda] Hello again Ben.

- Hi, I'm back.

- [Linda] Ben is back.

- Allowed.

- Made it out.

- [Ben] Linda, you're gonna need drinks

(mumbles) way around your costume.


- Ahhhhh!

I'm so curious.

My sister was like I wanna know what it is.

I wanna know.

- [Ben] I know what it is.

- [Ross] You need to find out.


- I'm still very curious, and scared.

- [Ben] I think you should probably see your costume,

and then make the decision.

- Well listen, the whole,

the whole idea is--

- [Ben] For reals.

- The whole idea is right?

It's all about...

- [Ross] Fun.

- Well fun sure.

Fun Ross.

- [Ross] Yaaayy!

- Oh boy.

Oh boy, you ruined it already.

We have a red tie.


I'm gonna be SpongeBob.


Ah man, what?

- Oooh, (mumbles).

- SpongeBob SquarePants.

- I got you white socks.

- [Ben] Yeah, no you didn't.

- Halloween on a budget.


- I'm gonna be slutty SpongeBob.

- [Ross] Yeah you are.

Yeah, you are!


- [Ben] Slutty SpongeBob.


- And I thought it might be slutty something.

I did not think it would be slutty SpongeBob.

(jazzy music)

I had this wig and it's Halloween so,

we're gonna go with it.

Bring it around.


(jazz music)

So there you go.

Good things come when you just go with the flow.

Oh that rhymes.

If you're new here, welcome.

And make sure you hit that subscribe button

to join us in making every day an adventure.

Also, share your stories with us,

of how you've incorporated adventure

into your every day,

and become adventurer of the week

in my upcoming videos.

Until next time, be good to one another,

and keep adventuring.

For more infomation >> He picked my Halloween Costume for me!! // Making every day an Adventure // Home Vlogs Episode 2 - Duration: 3:27.


Players Unknown Battle Grand HACK - Players Unknown Battle Grand Mobile Hack - Gold and Silver ! - Duration: 2:27.

Players Unknown Battle Grand HACK - Players Unknown Battle Grand Mobile Hack - Gold and Silver !

For more infomation >> Players Unknown Battle Grand HACK - Players Unknown Battle Grand Mobile Hack - Gold and Silver ! - Duration: 2:27.


Melania Trump SHOCKED By Dinosaur Costume At White House Halloween - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Melania Trump SHOCKED By Dinosaur Costume At White House Halloween - Duration: 2:26.


lindgrens lazy method review - High Value Bonus Pack [Lindgrens Lazy Method Review] - Duration: 5:53.

Hi, I'm Adrian Whitworth from and thank you for coming to this new review

This time is lindgrens lazy method review

Before you get carried away. There is some work involved with this, but this is probably one of the best courses. I see on


doing YouTube review videos

I've been shown how to choose low competition keywords and products and getting ranked and getting traffic

So this is a really the front end cost is absolutely amazing great value, and the add-ons are brilliant as well

So I'm just going to show you through some of lindgrens lazy method

Top results off the sales page, I really like this el pase so easy to click bank as well, so you can see here that

You know he does with his earnings

Let's see

About 16 months

Which is pretty cool so that Clickbank uses jvzoo and he also uses

Warrior plus also, so he's got some really great

results with this

just quickly up the front end and the

Front end product is an absolute poultry 4095. Then there are add-ons. Don't worry about this

lindgrens lazy method review

Figures there forget that that's like some of

Jonas's high-level coaching you just want to learn the actual method that uses to get these videos

Ranked and stuff it's the 4095 and then you'll be after the 495 and the 47

which is a membership for a membership site, so don't worry about that the front-end stuff is good and

Lindgrens lazy method review

Have a look down here as well now then

Now using this method some of these affiliates now I know

Ben Martin really well and

His partner Angie Brenda Nazi used this and finished third in that leaderboard

And then in another one then actually won now. I know Brendan loves

Sorry, I know Ben Martin loves to use this


There's your proof. Okay, let's have a look at the front-end

Membership site, so I I always buy these products. I use them and then I can do a review of the backend so

He showed you how I set up your YouTube channel

Showed you how to find products to promote

How to record your screen which you can do for free and

how to get a review copy so when you first starting out you're gonna need

Some information really how to approach these affiliates and get some sort of access to the front end product

And I do that quite regularly now

If I really like something I'll just buy it

About this

How to stretch you reviews what to saying what order and then how to actually optimize the video

and I'll to make the thumbnail really jump out so it gets close is clickable and

You can also use these videos the way you optimize them to build your email list or grow your email list

Other ways to monetize them now then the absolute gold in this course is

Ranking videos fast

Yeah, she show us what happens two minutes later, so he's actually ranking at the top of Google and YouTube and how to stare there

Okay, there's also some bonus training

And it's just a great course

It's well produced. It looks good. It's easy to follow the teaching methods really good as well and journalist is a great guy

just he just does it air about and when you believe in and you just

Just do this, okay

That's it really I'm just going to show you the bonuses that I've got for you

So if you decide to take

This product with me then your first bonus is viral video profits

this is by Ben Martin and

actually with

the video bonuses in this bonus package together with the lazy

Lincoln's lazing method you're gonna. End up with some some other great tactics and strategies in there to help

You've got the fire or cash vault

the viral cash explosion

you've got viral commission pack

So all of this is is to help your videos become viral as well, which is gonna be brilliant

And this is one of the best things I've ever seen

The fact that you're getting this for free as well

Brendan mace is zero hour work days

it's going to help you get secret ways to get more traffic to videos and

That's it, so you just click on that yellow button

You can buy the product and then once you've bought the product you will then get instant access to your free

Products okay, let me just drop this back down. Okay, so that's it guys and thanks very much for

Hanging out with me on this

review video and

click on the yellow button

On the link below and claim your free bonuses

For more infomation >> lindgrens lazy method review - High Value Bonus Pack [Lindgrens Lazy Method Review] - Duration: 5:53.


Officially Licensed NFL 60" x 80" Glory Raschel Throw - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Officially Licensed NFL 60" x 80" Glory Raschel Throw - Duration: 5:58.


Give you what you like - Avril Lavigne | by Mari Silva - Duration: 3:31.

Hey guys, Mari here

Today I'm going to sing "Give you what you like" from Avril Lavigne

This song was a request from Laysa Estephania

So, I hope you like it

Please, wrap your drunken arms around me

And I'll let you call me yours tonight

'Cuz slightly broken is just what I need

And if you give me what I want

Then I'll give you what you like

Please, tell me I'm your one and only

Or lie, and say at least tonight

I've got a brand new cure for lonely

And if you give me what I want

Then I'll give you what you like

When you turn off the lights

I get stars in my eyes

Is this love?

Maybe someday

So, don't turn on the lights

I'll give you what you like

Emotions aren't that hard to borrow

When love's the word you've never learned

And in a room of empty bottles

If you don't give me what I want

Then you'll get what you deserve

When you turn off the lights

I get stars in my eyes

Is this love?

Maybe someday

I've got the scene in my head

I'm not sure how it ends

Is it love?

Maybe one day

So don't turn on the lights

I'll give you what you like

I'll give you what you like

I'll give you one last chance to hold me

If you give me one last cigarette

By now, it's early in the morning

Now that I gave you what you want

All I want is to forget

When you turn off the lights

I get stars in my eyes

Is this love?

Maybe someday

I've got the scene in my head

I'm not sure how it ends

Is it love?

Maybe one day

So don't turn on the lights

I'll give you what you like

I'll give you what you like

I'll give you what you like

I just wanna say thanks for watching the video

Here on description I have all my social medias

You can follow me on instagram, twitter and facebook

Please don't forget the thumbs up and subscribe on my channel

This will help me so much and will make me so happy!

Let me know what you want me the cover next in the comments bellow

I hope you guys have an awesome day, bye ♥

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