Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 31 2017

Hey whats up you guys? My name is Emily and in this video I'm going to show you how to make a owl pillow.

I have made another version of this pillow before with a different design.

I'll put a link in the description and in the card in the top right of this video.

Let's get started!

What you will need for this DIY are three or more colors of fabric,

scissors, paper, pencil, a glue gun, ribbon, and something you might need is tape.

The first thing you have to do is draw out a template of a owl onto a piece of paper.

I did draw half of the owl so I could draw a bigger owl on the paper.

Draw a border around the owl because that's where the glue will go. Then cut it out.

I ripped off some paper from another piece of paper and taped it to the owl template where the owl's ear will be.

Then I drew that part of the ear that was missing and then I cut off the rest

of the paper that didn't belong to the template.

I did this because I ran out of room on the paper that I was using and you can do it like this too.

Now you can trace the template onto the fabric you are going to use for the body of the owl.

I traced one side of the owl and then I flipped the template onto the other side and traced it again.

There should be a full owl now.

Then the owl can be cut out and then the owl that was cut out can be traced.

So there can be two owl shapes.

If the owls are not the same size put them on top of each other

and trim the bigger owl to match the other owl.

Now put the back and front side of the fabric on top of each other

and lift up the top owl and glue on the edges of the owl

that's on the bottom and let go of the owl that your holding.

Press down on the top owl to make sure the owls are stuck together.

Do this all the way around the owl and make sure you leave a hole.

When the glue drys flip the owl inside out through the hole.

Then you can stuff the pillow and glue the opening shut by folding the fabric,

putting glue on the fabric where the opening is

and pressing the opening together until the glue drys.

Grab your template that you used the the owl's body

and draw out where the wings will go

and cut the wing out of the template.

Then trace it onto the fabric you are going to use for the wings and cut a wing out.

Then cut out a second wing by flipping the wing over to the other side,

tracing the template, and cutting the wing out.

Take a circular object and trace around onto the same fabric

as the wings or another color. Then cut out two circles.

Then trace one of the circles onto white fabric

and then make a slightly smaller circle inside of that circle

and cut the smaller circle out.

I traced the big circle that I used for the eye

because I needed a smaller white circle for the white part of the eye.

If your white fabric is thin and if you can see the color underneath

then cut out four circles instead of two circles so the color doesn't show through.

Then glue the white circles together. You should have two white circles and not four.

Then you can glue the white circles onto the circle that goes underneath the white circles.

You should be able to see the border of the other fabric around the white fabric.

Trace around a smaller circle than the white circles onto black fabric

and cut out two circles. This will be for the pupils of the eye.

Now you can glue the pupils of the eyes onto the center of the white circles

or off center to make it look like the owl is looking the other way.

Draw out a diamond shape for the beak with black fabric or another color and cut it out.

The last thing you can make is that you can make a bow out of ribbon.

Then layout the wings, the eyes, the beak, and the bow onto the owl and glue it all on to the owl.

and that's it for this video! In the comments down below let me know what you think about this DIY.

If you like this video give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to see more videos like this.

I will see you in the next video. Bye!

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