Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 30 2017

Darnell: Weave!!!

Joe: Chill, chill, chill. Yo Jhe chill out with that.

Darnell: Rage mode activated!

Jhe: You can't walk through furniture big fella!

Joe: Nigga Jhe boutta fix that shit again for the 50th time

Danyel: He better stop fixing it he's gonna die!

Darnell & Joe: He fixed it, call the opps!

Darnell: Nigga Jhe, you fell in the bear trap?

Joe: Nigga chopped ya ass

Danyel: Man blinked away, very lightly

Danyel: Ah another A.J. Mason, I hope she wins.

Darnell: It's over, it's very tough for Jhe right now

Danyel: Man Jhe bout to pull the glock

Joe: Aye! Aye! Aye!

Joe: He brok- Danyel: Nah you finna die Jhe

Joe: Yeah it's over, it's over, it's over.

Joe: It's over, it's over, he finna grip you up man it's over

Darnell: He has a pocket knife

Joe: Aight, he might just swing on you though

Darnell: He tryna swing, he tryna swing, he tryna swing!

Darnell: Get right with him

Joe: Light

Joe: He can run through that? Oh shit!

Danyel: Nah, broken ankles.

Danyel: Just run away for 10 minutes

Joe: Deadass, just run away from that nigga for 10 minutes

Joe: Nigga dead can't catch you what the fuck

Darnell: Light juke

Joe: Nah this mans retarded

Joe: Nah this nigga is dumb, I would've been teleported

Joe: Nigga is stupid

Darnell: It's dumb funny

Danyel: Nah he's different

Darnell: Nigga's in combat mode

Darnell: Nigga left him!

Joe: Nigga Jhe boutta repair and call again

Darnell: It's only you and somebody else

Jhe: He came back to me

Darnell: Oh shit it's over

Darnell: Nigga's taking a minute to think about it

Joe: Nigga is high as fuck

Danyel: Man's tryna catch his breath

Joe: Nigga is smacked odee

Joe: Deadass, nigga faced the loud pack

Jhe: How much time?

Darnell: 8 minutes and 20 seconds

Danyel: A.J. Mason doing a lot of journying

Danyel: She went back to the big house I'm crying

Joe: God, nigga lighty tried to put the moves on you

Danyel: Man bout to kill himself

Danyel: Man playing tag with Tommy Jarvis


For more infomation >> Funniest Friday The 13th Rage Quit EVER (Must See!) - Duration: 9:58.


Jay King Gaspeite and Pink Opal PendantNecklace - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> Jay King Gaspeite and Pink Opal PendantNecklace - Duration: 4:34.


Parenting Tips for Starseeds - Duration: 5:00.

Parenting Tips for Starseeds

by Nadine Alexander,

Let�s clear the air before I proceed with the topic at hand please.

I struggle with titles like the one for this article.

For starters, I do not have all the answers.

I don�t think that I am the epitome of perfect parenting.

My desire is to offer insight into my life � and my daughters � with the hope that

I may be a mirror for you.

Things are always clearer when we are on the outside looking in.

This is undeniable.

How do I know this?


What is discernment?

Noun meaning perception in the absence of judgement with a view to obtaining spiritual

direction and understanding

So, second of all, my ultimate wish for you is to put the focus inside you when you are

searching for answers.

Hold up?

Did I already start giving parenting tips?

When spirit works through you, you may not always be aware.

When you learn to be silent, be still, and tune in, moments like the one I am having

with be easier to pinpoint.

It is from this place that choices truest to our soul are made.

It is from this place that we can communicate from the heart and untie it from the mind.

Here is a short list that I have made as I consciously observe my parenting this week.

There are aspects of the relationship between me and my child that my relatives to not see

as proper.

I choose to let my child guide me as to what she needs.

I also listen to what I needed as a child, what I didn�t receive but longed for, and

what I need now, as a woman and mother.

Here goes nothing: 1.

Skin on skin

When I was pregnant, I read the baby books.

The only thing I can remember is a section on the importance of skin on skin contact

between the parent and baby.

This was an ah-ha moment for me.

I don�t restrict it to babyhood.




We all have this need.

When I am not in a relationship, I will go for a massage or manicure.

It is healing on so many levels.

So, when cuddle time happens, my child likes to sleep nearly nude, as do I.

When I am fully clothed, she will express that it�s not so comfy.

I can feel the difference myself.

She also needs my hand to be on her sacral chakra.


Clothes sensitivity

My child will like something one day, and another thing the next.

Today, she hates socks with ruffled tops.

Yesterday, it was ok.

She only has 2 pairs of flat top socks.

They are in the hamper, I tell her to wear the ruffles.

Her emotions start to boil over.


I failed to see the gravity of her discomfort.

Sandals it is!

Why not force her to wear the ruffles you ask?

I too, used to experience this as a child.

I was never heard.

My feelings were never acknowledged.

The markers this left on my psyche were �I am nuisance.� �I am a bother to my loved

ones.� �My feelings don�t matter.� �I am not normal because I have feelings.�

May sound over the top, but this is my truth.

I do use DISCERNMENT to tell the difference when there is a chance she is trying to push

my buttons.


Answering the big questions honestly

When my child was 3, she started asking me question about where babies come from.

I had fears around this.

Will she tell her preschool classmate?

Will I be hunted by their parents?

I listened to my heart, and dove in with the truth.

From then on, I decided to answer all her questions and answer them honestly.

What other questions has she asked?

What does it mean to fall in love?

Why do boys have penis� and girls have vaginas?

Why can�t boys have babies?

Why do mommies have breasts?

What are tampons?

As she asks more grownup questions, and as she grows to be more aware of the boy and

girl relationships around her, when I give her information, I request that she not share

it with her classmates as this information needs to come from their parents.

For more infomation >> Parenting Tips for Starseeds - Duration: 5:00.



For more infomation >> HELP ME HELP YOU TÜRKÇE ALT YAZILI - Duration: 3:25.


My First Vlog Ever! - Space Cat Shirt - soyLEGEND Vlog #1 - Duration: 4:25.

What's up guys! soyLEGEND here! My actual name is Austin, but I'm gonna be soyLEGEND

and you guys are gonna be my Legends! So, without further ado, let's get into this first Vlog ever!

Welcome to my office! Which I just got done setting up yesterday.

So, that's why this is my first vlog, because I just got my office set up

and I'm super excited to start doing it! To talk with you guys, and read your comments, and get back to you,

and I'm looking for a good repertoire with my followers!

And I guess I'm gonna learn pretty quickly that your arm gets a little tired holding a camera.

So, I'm gonna put this on it's tripod, which I don't know why I'm holding anyways. So, a little bit about me...

I am a 25 year old, living in Indiana, a dog owner,

which I'll get to the dogs later on in this Vlog, truck owner, which I'll show in another video I think

to cut this one a little shorter and..and now Vlogger. I'm an ex-Marine. I was in for five years.

I got out as a Sergeant.

I just got out in June actually, hence the beard. Which I am gonna keep and you guys will see a lot more of!

For those of you who are also in the military,

I thank you, as an ex-military member, for your service.

And it's very much appreciated, more than you know. You'll see that when you get out more, even more so!

But also for those of you, who are in the military, just know that I applied to college..the same college

I went to before I joined the military..and they never contacted me! And so now look at where I am.

I'm living in my dad's house,


which I'm excited about though,

but..basically this is my source of income is gonna be Vlogging, YouTube,

Affiliate Marketing, and eCommerce type stuff. So you guys might want to start thinking a little harder about some stuff!

But enough of that real life talk for right now, because this is the first Vlog and we don't need to get into that right now!

Some of my hobbies include: working on vehicles,

growing my beard,


"How to" videos, which I'm working on right now, and now Vlogging! And I'm super, like, adventurous and adrenaline junkie

type. So like bouldering/rock climbing, or off-roading, whatever.

Which you all will see in videos and Vlogs to come if you subscribe to my channel, which would be very much appreciated

and thank you ahead of time! And I'm sure you've noticed the space cat shirt!

I'm gonna try and rock like cooler shirts and hats and stuff for the vlogs. Just to give it a little more

spice, you know? So, let me go introduce you to the pups!

Alright, I found Kilo. She's out back on the porch.

Oh! And Skylar! Alright, so Kilo is my German Shepherd. "Hi Kilo, come here."

She's two. And this is Skylar, she's four, my Husky.

They love to run around in this backyard and yep sniff the camera, because it's new. "We're new to Vlogging, right girls?" Yeah, both girls.

They didn't meet each other actually until they got back here to Indiana. I had Skylar first. I got them both as pups, but

now they love each other and play and "we love dad, right? Yeah!" So

you'll be seeing a lot of these guys in my Vlogs and probably some "How To" videos. Puppy training and such.

"Hi baby."

So, those are my dogs!

Those are my dogs that you'll be seeing a lot more of! And then in the next video

I'll show you Bessy! My truck. My 2009 F-150. And please stay tuned for that one, because

she is good lookin! If you follow my social media, which I suggest, it's in the description below,

you'll have already seen her.

But I'll give you a little video walk around and some more details on her. So, like I just said..

check the description below to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,

what-have-you. And don't forget to like, and comment, and

subscribe to my channel to keep following me. Which I will be very appreciative for!

And comment below on

some ideas you guys might have for this Vlog.

Things I can do with the dogs, if you guys want to see more of the dogs, and less of me..

that's fine with me!

So, just leave a comment below if you want to see more of the dogs, or the truck, or how I got started

YouTubing and Vlogging, and my office here. So, I think that about does it for this first Vlog

and I'm super excited to keep shooting these!

Until the next one! And thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> My First Vlog Ever! - Space Cat Shirt - soyLEGEND Vlog #1 - Duration: 4:25.


Biggest Catfish Ever - Duration: 2:05.

hey Fisher friends had a really crazy Saturday

I saw the biggest catfish that I've ever seen in my life it was the biggest fight

I've ever experienced in my life had a couple of recent personal bests this

fish eclipses all of them by an enormous margin I was flipping out completely out

of my mind unfortunately I later discovered that I

didn't have the GoPro actually recording now the good news is here's the good

news I do actually have a couple of photos I

don't have video evidence of this encounter I do have some photos so won't

you see him right now all right check this out

sorry Fisher people I realize how ridiculous and stupid this video was my

name is Mark otherwise known as eating lunch I apologize that this is your

first impression video is ridiculous and stupid as this obviously I'm kind of a

moron I really just kind of wanted to make my youtube friends laugh a little

bit so if this is your first time experiencing me on YouTube I apologize

for my behavior and I urge you to check out some of my

other videos on my channel I promise well okay some of those are slightly

goofy as well but my normal videos actually do include real fishing and

include real fish and talking about real topics if you didn't find it too

ridiculous if you enjoyed it if you like fishing videos if you like having fun

while you're fishing and not taking it too seriously then you might enjoy some

of the other videos on my channel consider subscribing please happy

Halloween and always be fishing

For more infomation >> Biggest Catfish Ever - Duration: 2:05.


The SECRET To Building Rapport In Sales - Duration: 7:05.

welcome you are in the right place if you are a woman in business because

today I am going to talk about one of the three major mistakes that 99% of women

make in sales dun dun dun sales is a loaded word it means so much

to so many people and when you're working with the public or you're

working business to business or business to consumer there are so many ways for

it to go wrong getting in touch with the client meeting the client getting on the

phone with the client being on the phone with the client closing on the phone

with the client or even having them sign the dotted line if you're meeting

face-to-face or what about once they are a client how happy are they are you

continuing to nurture the relationship so that every time their bill comes

they're like yes I'm so excited that she's a part of my group or that she's

offering me these services or are they like uh what does she do again for this

amount of money right or if you're off-boarding clients and they're not

giving you any referrals they're not giving you testimonials or if they're

not renewing with you ever there's so many places for sales to go wrong so no

matter where you think you might slide off the rails these three tips are going to

help you my name is Renee Hribar and I've been in sales for twenty years teaching

thousands of newbies how to connect how to make the most out of every

opportunity and how to continue to make friends and money online so whether

you're selling consulting services or products this is a place that you're

going to want to subscribe this is a series and today is one of three of

these major mistakes so let's dive in number one this is huge and it's going to

sound crazy build a rapport we've heard this a thousand times so what does it

mean well let's get down and dirty let's like roll up our sleeves and talk about

what building a rapport actually means number one you have to see the person

now when we're dealing face-to-face this is not hard but when you're dealing with

the planet Internet it's very easy to forget that there's another human with a

heartbeat on the other side a heartbeat kids house mortgage a car payment you

know they've got laundry you got dishes are you seeing them or do you

only see them like a wolf sees a big piece of steak you know you got to

really think about am I seeing them so here are some ways you can make them

feel seen especially when you're working online if you're dealing

business-to-business it's very easy to know that these women have a profile

LinkedIn YouTube Instagram Facebook they might have been a guest on a podcast so

look them up on iTunes they might have have their own podcast there might be a

blogger they have a website are they are they on Huffington Post if you look them

up chances are you will find something that they've posted and created so let's

take this as an example let's say they're a podcaster and you download one

of their podcasts and you listen to it and it hits you you're like man that was

awesome send them a message review their podcast

and tell them how you feel so many podcasts have a call-to-action and an

offer take advantage of it get to know them see them and then when you connect

with them you're not just the wolf or looking at a juicy piece of steak you're

a person looking at another person who's doing something great and you're

complimenting them on it and you're being sincere and you're being genuine

now if the podcast that you listen to doesn't hit you then use something else

it has to be genuine and it has to come from a place of sincerity so when you're

building a rapport you're starting by seeing them where they are so that when

you connect with them when you reach out and make that first initial message

whether it's a DM whether it's a personal message or an email or a phone

call you have something to talk about other than this is what I have for sale

hey because we've all been on the receiving end of that and that is no fun

that's part of why sales gets a bad rap because we've been the victim of so much

bad selling you're not going to do that you're here you're learning how not to

so when you finally connect with them you're talking about what they're

interested in and you're noting how you've seen them and complementing

that throughout whatever you could Google because everybody's Google alone then

as you're on the phone bring it up again talk about more of what they've done

what they deem important and listen and steer the conversation so that they get

the chance to talk about themselves and when you're on the phone with them as

you build a rapport here's a great ratio they should be speaking eighty percent

of the time then not you I know so many salespeople that are like I can't wait

to tell them my thing and so they go finally somebody's willing to listen and

they get on their soapbox and I just start talking I mean you've been on the

receiving end of it right how do you feel not good so good salespeople have a

lot of good things to say great salespeople ask great questions and

allow the other person to talk and that's all a part of building a rapport

throughout the entire sales process continuing on to the close closing

them so that it makes sense to them what's important to them

so speak in terms of the results in their framework you're going to know what

their frame of reference is because you have looked them up you've taken the

time to see them to be the person that is a guide not just uh I'm gonna fit

them into this square peg because that's what I have to sell make sense you make

these voices okay so you're going to want to subscribe because there's definitely

more to go so as you move on to the rapport throughout the sales process when

they're your client know their birthday send them gifts I mean doesn't have to

be like a new car it could just be a note a handwritten card it could be a

postcard from your city or from wherever you visited just that little bit of

seeing them of connecting with them as a human means so much that's all a part of

building and continuing the rapport so that when it comes time for them to

renew and/or refer and or give that testimonial they're like yes why

wouldn't I she was amazing she served me in so many

ways in fact most of the time they might not even be able to

verbalized but what you were doing the whole time building that rapport was you

were making them feel seen and heard and so many of us lack that in other places

in our life and you can deliver so if you love this subscribe I'll see you in

the next video don't miss out on the two more mistakes oh there's so major that

99% of women make in sales see you soon

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