Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 31 2017

[Ford] Who's he? - [Arthur] She. She.

Tricia McMillan.

We met at a fancy-dress party.

[Arthur] I hate those kind of parties.

I'd much rather have stayed at home and, I don't know, ironed my hankies.

- But, anyway, there I was.|- [Tricia] Who are you? - And there she was.

Uh, Dent. Arthur Dent. Oh, no. I mean, who are you?

Oh, the costume? Right.

"Livingstone, I presume!"

Yeah, it's not as clever as Darwin, I know but

it's the best I could do at short notice. - You're the first to get that right.

- [Arthur] Really? - Yes. Everyone calls me Santa.

- Right. - And, I thought the beagle made it a dead giveaway.

- Yes, well.. So did I.

- I guess most of the people who come to these sort of parties are drunken idiots. - What?

- [Music stops] I said, all these people are idiots!.. God!

[Tricia laughs]

That's awkward. [Arthur] Tell me.

She was amazing though, Ford. Beautiful, witty, mad as a balloon.

[Arthur] I've got to say, uh, without the beard, you look at least 80 years younger.

Maybe I'm de-evolving.

[Both laugh]

[Arthur] Well, I should tell you that I do not date

single-celled organisms, okay?

Let's go somewhere.

Yeah. Definitely. Um, where do you have in mind?

- Madagascar.

- Is that that new club on Dean Street?

No, it's a country off the coast of Africa. - That Madagascar? Why are we waiting here?

- Wait a sec. - [Tricia laughs] Go!

God, you're serious. Um, I can't go to Madagascar. - Why not?

Because, I just, you know..

I.. You're really serious? Yeah.

I want to go somewhere I've never been, and I'd like to go with you, so...

...what do you say, Dr Livingstone? - I say that's an extraordinary proposition.

I can't go. I mean, I've got a job. Quit. Get a new one when you come back.

I don't even know your real name... Ow! Ow! - Tricia McMillan. - Well, Tricia McMillan.

Um, I have a proposition for you. Why don't we go somewhere a little closer

first, say Cornwall, and we'll see how it goes.

Right, of course, Cornwall.

[Man] Hey, excuse me.


Is this guy boring you?

Why don't you talk to me instead?

I'm from a different planet.

It's true. You want to see my spaceship?

[Tricia laughs]

"Do you want to see my spaceship?" I mean, really..

What kind of a chat-up line is that?

Mm, that does happen.

For more infomation >> You wanna see my spaceship? | GR/EN SUBS | The Hitchhicker's guide | Costume Party - Duration: 3:15.


Twelfth Doctor | without hope [HBD TheGaroStudios] - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Twelfth Doctor | without hope [HBD TheGaroStudios] - Duration: 2:53.


Officially Licensed NFL Perfect Game Sweatpant by Glll - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Officially Licensed NFL Perfect Game Sweatpant by Glll - Duration: 2:26.


NFL Cold Front 3in1 Systems Jacket by Glll - Duration: 8:04.

For more infomation >> NFL Cold Front 3in1 Systems Jacket by Glll - Duration: 8:04.


How to Trust Your Inner Voice and Listen to Your Intuition - Duration: 10:37.

How to Trust Your Inner Voice and Listen to Your Intuition

�Intuition is the key to everything, in painting, filmmaking, business � everything.

I think you could have an intellectual ability, but if you can sharpen your intuition, which

they say is emotion and intellect joining together, then a knowingness occurs.� ~ David


Did it ever happen to you to have this strong feeling inside of you that something bad is

going to happen and if you don�t pay attention to this feeling you�re going to get in big


This is what I felt Monday morning.

I woke up around 4:47 A.M. feeling very frightened, anxious and deeply saddened.

I got up, drank a glass of water to calm down and even though I tried my best to go back

to sleep, I simply couldn�t do it.

There was so much pain all throughout my body and I felt as if my whole body was being poisoned

with all kind of toxic and negative energies.

And because I just couldn�t lay down in bed anymore, I got up, took my laptop and

because O felt this strong need to write an email to my best friend Kristi, I started


I couldn�t understand why I had to write an email to her at 5 in the morning, but because

I have learned to trust my intuition and always follow my heart, I decided to go ahead and

do it.

I started writing but without really knowing what I was going to write and what I was going

to tell her.

It was very strange and as I was reading the words that were being typed, I realized that

my message was about our trip to Italy.

You see, last year, before leaving Malaysia, we decided that we were going to celebrate

our birthdays together in Italy and that on August 22nd we will both fly to Rome from

wherever we might be and meet there.

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Well, even though I wasn�t fully awake and even though all that anxiety and all that

pain I was feeling in my body were keeping me from thinking clearly, I began to feel

that all those intense and toxic emotions were related to our trip.

So I told her that I have this really bad feeling about the whole thing and that I don�t

feel that we should go anymore.

Of course, that made me mad because it was just a strong feeling in my body but nothing


I knew that those feelings were real and I felt that something bad was going to happen

to us if we did go, but at the same time, I knew that she might not understand what

I am talking about and eventually get really upset that I was considering canceling the

whole thing because of something imaginary.

Well, I finished writing the email, I hit sent and then I went back to bed with this

feeling of emptiness and sadness in me.

And when I woke up I felt even worse.

For some very strange and bizarre reason, I felt as if someone very dear to me had died

or as if I had lost something or someone I loved.

How to Trust Your Inner Voice and Listen to Your Intuition

Feeling quite sad and very empty on the inside, I immediately went to check my email to see

if Kristi replied to me.

When I opened my inbox, I couldn�t believe what I was seeing.

There was an email from her with the following message:

�OMG, Dana (Daniela is my middle name )� this is so crazy!!!

You won�t believe it, but I woke up this morning with the worst mood ever.

My chest feels heavy, I have difficulties to breath, it feels like someone is standing

on my chest and I have this anxiety� I don�t know what is it?

What does it mean Dana?

I�ve been trying to figure this out the whole morning.

And I feel this sadness in me, and like moodiness.

And I can�t focus.

I feel so empty�

It�s so weird�but right now I can�t get excited about the trip either, I was so

excited before� What happened?�

I was in shock.

I just couldn�t believe that both of us felt the same thing at the exact same time.

I spent that whole day in bed because no matter how strange this might seem, I felt as if

I have already witnessed the horrible things that my intuitions were trying to warn me

about, and I felt that I needed to sleep the pain away and forget about everything.

It felt as if I was grieving.

I can�t say that I haven�t heard my heart and intuition �talking� to me before,

and I can�t say that I haven�t experienced strange things before because I did, but they

were never as strange, as intense and as aggressive as they were this time.

It all felt so real and so frightening.

�Listen to your intuition.

It will tell you everything you need to know.� ~ Anthony J. D�Angelo

We all have an inner voice that is constantly trying to communicate to us.

We all have an inner GPS that is meant to guide us, to protect us and lead us in the

direction we are meant to be going.

Intuition is not something only a few of us possess.

Intuition is a gift we all receive the moment we are born.

It�s our internal GPS.

It�s the thing that�s meant to help us stay on our own life path, always guiding

us and always making sure we are safe and protected from harm and danger.

Intuition is nothing but the voice of the soul, the language of the heart.

When we get all kind of hunches and when we have all kind of strong feelings that we should

do, or shouldn�t do something, that�s our heart talking to us, helping us take wiser

and better decisions and guiding us to move in better directions and into safer places.

I had many times when I chose to ignore my heart and intuition, thinking that it was

all nonsense and thinking that my rational mind knew better, and every time I did so,

I got into trouble.

And now, when my heart speaks, I listen!

I don�t know what would�ve happened if I and my friend decided to ignore our inner

voices, our heart, and intuition and just go, but I do have a feeling that it would�ve

been bad, really bad.

�The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.

We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.� ~ Albert


Intuition�s not just something that might save your life one day, but also something

that can help you get clarity in life, helping you build a wonderful, fulfilling and happy


If you want to learn to listen and trust your intuition and if you want to learn to let

your heart guide you, you have to first learn to be quiet.

You have to learn how to silence your mind.

You have to get into the habit of thinking less and feeling more.

When the mind is quiet, when there is plenty of space between the thoughts we think and

the words we speak, and when we are at peace with ourselves and the world around us, that�s

when we can hear our own heart talking to us, that;s when we can listen and trust our


�There is a universal, intelligent, life force that exists within everyone and everything.

It resides within each one of use as a deep wisdom, an inner knowing.

We can access this wonderful source of knowledge and wisdom through our intuition, an inner

sense that tells us what feels right and true for us at any given moment.� ~ Shakti Gawain

One of the best gifts you can give to yourself is the gift of intuition and you offer yourself

this gift by learning to be quiet, to reflect, to contemplate and to meditate.

You offer yourself this gift by using your imagination more and more each day and by

expressing yourself in as many creative ways as possible.

Silence is the first step towards enhancing your intuition.

The more you quiet your mind, the louder your heart gets and the easier it becomes for you

to listen and trust your inner voice and intuition.

And when you start following your heart and intuition, when you start doing what your

Soul asks you to do, that�s when your life gets very interesting.

That�s when the magic starts to happen.

Meditation is a great way to calm and quiet the mind.

Ever since I started meditating I turned into a completely new person.

If before my mind was running on auto-pilot, making so much noise, leaving me feeling drained

and exhausted, I am now able to control my own thoughts and to only focus on those things

that make me feel calm, at peace and happy about myself and my life.

Spending time in nature as well.

If you could just spend at least 30 minutes per week outside in nature, observing the

beauty that surrounds you and being fully present in the space you are in, you will

become so much more connected with your inner self.

And in time your inner voice will get louder and louder and listen to your intuition will

be an easy thing to do.

Doing what you love is another great way to get in touch with the real you and connect

with your heart at a deeper level.

Living with integrity as well.

When you are true to yourself, living your life in a way that feels right to you, and

when you do things because you feel that you should be doing them, that�s when you will

be aligned more and more with your true self and that�s when you�ll start living your

life in a more honest and authentic way.

In my case, I realized that the more love I put into my work, into my relationships,

into my environment and into everything I do, the louder my inner voice seems to become

and the quieter the mind gets.

It all starts with living authentically and doing things with passion, honesty, love and


And if you take one step each day towards loving yourself more and more, and if you

take one step each day towards living your life more truthfully and authentically, before

you know it, listening to your intuition and following

your heart will become a natural and effortless thing to do.

For more infomation >> How to Trust Your Inner Voice and Listen to Your Intuition - Duration: 10:37.


Half of Women Will Have Osteoporosis by Age 60 But Doing This Could Stop It from Happening to You - Duration: 6:41.

Half of Women Will Have Osteoporosis by Age 60 But Doing This Could Stop It from Happening

to You

In the glow of youth, we often don�t worry about what our health will be like as we grow


With more women dying from heart disease than ever before, and now half of the entire female

population being diagnosed with osteoporosis (loss of bone density) by the time they reach

age 60, it�s time to do something.

Like, now.

What�s even more worrisome is that 1 in 5 women will suffer a fall by the time they

are 60, and break their hip.

Due to osteoporosis, it could mean that the bones don�t heal, and they never walk again.

Moreover, women as young as 20 are testing with low bone density.

There�s an incredibly simple solution though, and it just so happens to affect heart disease

risk, too.

Become Vegetarian or Vegan

It may sound shocking and completely unrelated, but here are some interesting facts about

why becoming a vegetarian could dramatically reduce your risk for this disease:

The excessive consumption of meat is causing bone density loss.

In one study it was discovered that the renal acid load from meats, cheese, and other animal

products could be contributing to bone loss.

The study states,

�One of the most hotly debated controversies in clinical nutrition today is whether a diet

higher in protein has a positive or negative effective on bone strength and bone mineral

density (BMD).

Those who are against protein point to the fact that vegetarians tend to have stronger

bones than people who eat more meat and the clinical trials showing increased loss of

calcium in the urine when meat or protein intake is increased.

On the other hand, those who believe more protein is beneficial to bone strength point

to clinical trials in which children who consume more protein tend to build stronger bones

than those who consume less.

In some studies of older Americans who consumed more protein, the risk of bone fracture was


. .

If we look at this problem from an evolutionary perspective, two things are clear.

First, from the fossils of our ancient ancestors, it is clear that their bones were far stronger

on average than those of Americans today.

Second, our ancient ancestors were for the most part hunter-gatherers and ate a diet

that was likely considerably higher in protein than the diet of most Americans.�

But here is the caveat � our ancient ancestors didn�t eat as much highly processed, acid

forming, antibiotic-laden, unethically slaughtered meat as we do today.

The meat we eat now is highly acid-forming in the body, which leads to yet another study.

Any activities which cause low-grade chronic inflammation also contribute to osteoporosis.

Though eating meat is not the sole culprit � a sedentary lifestyle, refined sugar,

refined fats, etc. also add to acidity � meat eating does indeed cause inflammation.

An overly acidic diet is a key cause of chronic inflammation.

In a healthy body, the natural biochemical balance is four parts alkaline to one part


To achieve this balance, a person needs to consume roughly 80 percent alkaline foods

and 20 percent acidic foods.

Meat eating, particularly of red meat, has also been linked to higher incidences of heart

disease, by Harvard researchers, and is an acid-creating food.

Fruits, vegetables, nuts, sprouts, seeds, and healthy fats like those found in hemp

and flax seed, etc. are alkaline-supporting foods.

They are also more easily digested by our bodies and lower chronic inflammation.

Eskimos Have Lower Bone Density

Yet another study looked at the bone mineral content of Eskimos, who are famous for eating

a primarily meat-based diet to their harsh climate.

The study reports,

�Direct photon absorptiometry was used to measure the bone mineral content of forearm

bones in Eskimo natives of the north coast of Alaska.

The sample consisted of 217 children, 89 adults, and 107 elderly (over 50 years).

Eskimo children had a lower bone mineral content than United States whites by 5 to 10% but

this was consistent with their smaller body and bone size.

Young Eskimo adults (20 to 39 years) of both sexes were similar to whites, but after age

40 the Eskimos of both sexes had a deficit of from 10 to 15% relative to white standards.

Aging bone loss, which occurs in many populations, has an earlier onset and greater intensity

in the Eskimos.

Nutritional factors of high protein, high nitrogen, high phosphorus, and low calcium

intakes may be implicated.�

Though it is common knowledge that our soil is not as rich with vital minerals as it was

before industrial agriculture, plant based foods still provide minerals, in their correct

balance, to prevent or greatly slow osteoporosis.

Vegetarian and Vegan Foods to Build Strong Bones

Moreover, cheese and milk products (animal based proteins) are not the only source of


Spinach, collards, kale, Swiss chard, lettuces, rhubarb, mustard and turnip greens, and even

broccoli all contain calcium.

Pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts, Adzuki, lentils, chickpeas, pinto, Kidney beans and squash

all have high levels of phosphate.

A word to the wise though � skip soy altogether.

The reason so many more woman than men suffer from Osteoporosis is that estrogen interferes

with mineral uptake.

Soy, especially GMO soy, and other estrogen mimicking foods can make it hard for your

body to build strong bones.

In Conclusion

You can reduce inflammation overall by cutting back on refined sugars, and getting to the

gym ore often.

But, it seems that simply by reducing your animal protein consumption, you�ll likely

still walk after the age of 60.

For more infomation >> Half of Women Will Have Osteoporosis by Age 60 But Doing This Could Stop It from Happening to You - Duration: 6:41.


Officially Licensed NFL 3in1 Tees - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Officially Licensed NFL 3in1 Tees - Duration: 7:03.


Sentiste a minha falta? (Did you miss me?) - Duration: 3:00.

Did you miss Me?

I'm behind you.

Did you misse me?

Why the frightened face?

You look like you've seen a ghost!

Don't worry, I'll be very brief

For more infomation >> Sentiste a minha falta? (Did you miss me?) - Duration: 3:00.


TopBuzz - Watch this before you sign up - Duration: 13:19.

what up my name is Atti Bear and welcome back to another episode I know

it's been a while since I last talked about a YouTube related topic in this

episode I will cover the whole top buzz buzz that is going around the internet

right now and I will give you as a content creator my opinion what I think

tobuzz can do for you and also will cover the things that I think are really

dangerous for you as a content creator and why you should avoid on any case the

whole topbuzz thing but before we get into all that topbuzz mayhem don't

forget to subscribe to my channel to stay up to date whenever I do tech or

youtube related stuff and also check out my website to see

the fully written articles about all the things I'm doing so let's get to it

topbuzz started reaching out to numerous content creators on YouTube out there

and started emailing them and after I received my third or fourth email from

them I decided to check out what they had to offer so let's get to the basics

what top buzz actually is top buzz is a media news outlet that is originating

from Beijing and to be honest there is really not much to find about them they

are not particularly forthcoming with information about their company so even

if you take a look in their legal terms and all kinds of other stuff you really

don't find that much of information about them and it kind of feels all a

bit fishy but they are legit as it looks right now what actually is top buzz

topbuzz is actually not an MCN Network and I know a lot of people think that

they are but they are not so they will not offer you any kind of advantage or

access to content creator platforms or anything like that

on the other hand they are also offering you a monetization option but they are

not really forthcoming when it comes to how they monetize your videos and what

that means for you as a content creator on YouTube and here are my opinion lies

the biggest threat for you as youtuber they give you an option to automatically

import all the content you created over the time on YouTube and they don't

really check whether you own the content or not so here's the first really bad

thing about top buzz in my opinion they state that they have some kind of

verification process how they check whether you own the content or not

but to be honest when I set it up I didn't really notice any kind of stuff

like this so but here's the next thing then they imported all your content into

top buzz you get an overview over all your content and when you start to

browse through your own content you will realize that they cut off about 75% off

your descriptions on your videos if you are an experienced YouTube content

creator I do not need to tell you that the fact that you're losing most parts

of your description is really a bad thing because you cannot opt our people

to your website or Amazon affiliate links or whatever you're using to

monetize your content so how do you views on top buzz work

so basically top buzz is an app that is really click Beatty so you basically

have a timeline where you browse through and top buzz is showing you content that

they think you want to watch basically this is a good idea but here's to catch

every time someone is swiping through their timeline they will automatically

start to play videos and we all know that YouTube does hate people that are

starting sessions and breaking them off immediately after it's started them or a

few seconds in so what does that mean for

you if you sign up and you have let's say 200 videos there and in the first

few days TopBuzz is promoting your content to a lot of people that are using TopBuzz

in my case I had like four thousand impressions within the first days but

every time someone swipes through my video or alongside my video my god of

view but this view only counted for about a few seconds cuz the play session

is like this and then it's over YouTube will heavily penalize you as a content

creator if you have this kind of views on your channel because they think your

content is not view worthy and they will drive the traffic to someone else

and this can impact your channel heavily I've been on TopBuzz for three days now

and I noticed at the time they started to show my content to people that my views

dropped like totally dead almost certainly dead and after they stoped

promoting my content to othe people on top Buzz certainly my views gone up 30%

30% guys this is a lot and especially if you're a small channel I mean I'm not a

big channel yet I have like 6.. 788 subscribers now so

thank you for that but still if you're small channel this can have heavy

implications on the content you're creating and whether you will be

successful on YouTube or not but let's face it with all the promises they make

you in the beginning there has to be something behind the whole top buzz buzz

so I went out and started to look through the content date offer on their

app and I started to notice that most of the content that is on TopBuzz is not

really from big outlets that you know actually

from YouTube the only thing youtuber I found on TopBuzz actually was Grant

Thompson the king of random and by the way buddy I love your channel and all

your experiments but the rest of the content you find on top bus is kind of

more like crawled all together so I found articles from DIY photography or

actually from my own blog so they tend to go through Google and look for

content that they think that could be worthy of showing to their audience and

they will link them through their built-in browser so good thing is if you

have Adsense on your home page the people that are browsing through this

articles will definitely see your ads but if you post or link your YouTube

account to TopBuzz this is not the thing so they ran their own ads against my

videos and my videos were completely cut down within their functionality so that

means to you as a creator people cannot like against YouTube your videos they

also cannot dislike them and they cannot comment on your YouTube channel and they

will not be able to subscribe to your channel so this is a really big

disadvantage if traffic is going through tobuzz on to your YouTube account so

far all the things I said about topbuzz let's face it are negative especially if

you're a YouTube content creator but TopBuzz has a really big potential if you

want to build up another income stream because you have the ability to post

your own articles or even your own videos and whatnot that you want to

create out there so you have the option to create unique content for tobuzz but

you have to face the fact that the content

you're trading there will have a really really short lifetime if you create

content for YouTube most of your videos have a really long lifespan and

sometimes they even can take off after a while as I've seen it a few weeks ago I

published a video and at the first few like three days or four days it

performed like nah but then it took off it immediately took off and I have now I

don't know twelve thousand views or so on the video which is pretty big for a

channel like me so with that said if you're looking for another way to bring

all your content out there and you want to reach more people TopBuzz can be a

good tool because you have definitely a big reach with them and let's face it

the Asian markets are really really vast and we don't really tap into them right

now but TopBuzz could be an option where it can cover a wider audience for our

content using your YouTube channel to do this I think is the wrong way to do it

so you can use topbuzz for your advantage but you have to create unique

content for tobuzz and this is something you really have to take in

consideration cuz it can take a lot of time to create unique content that you

cannot share across multiple platforms at least with your videos you can put

them in different sizes and shapes and you can publish them on Facebook also as

on YouTube you can take short cuts out of your content and publish them on

Instagram stories or what not so you have a better variety with the social

media platforms we have right now topbuzz I'm not sure with that also I reached

out to top buzz about because I was not able to log into my

top buzz app on my iPhone and this is basically another limitation that they

have on their whole service because if you set up an account on your laptop for

example you don't need a social media profile linked to your account and you can

do this with your just with your email and a password but if you want to log

into your app you have to have a social media account this is something that is

like not fitting together and also I have the impression that they are not

really forthcoming with their information policy also when it comes to

monetization the only thing you can add in there is a PayPal account you cannot

specify any text related stuff or something so it's kind of AA really a

red banner right now so I would give it a bit more time before I consider

signing up again I will definitely remove all my content from Pappas this

is for sure but that doesn't mean that you cannot use it for yourself so decide

for yourself whether the risk is worth it or not for me as a YouTube creator I

will sign off on this that I will not go back there for now but who knows maybe

in a year or two they reach a point where they actually fit to the western

part of the world and fulfill tax regulation based stuff and so on so this

is my opinion on the whole tobuzz thing so what do you guys think about the

whole top buzz is it something you consider signing up have you checked it

out yourself did you even encounter any kind of communication with them so feel

free to contact me in the comments and I'm happy to share my experience I had

with them or through them so if you liked today's video and you found it

helpful don't forget to hit the like button and also make sure to

subscribe to my channel because next time I will show you how to set up your

lighting as you see it in this video properly so thank you for watching and

I'm looking forward to see you next time see you

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