Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 30 2017

Ahhh, smell that?

It's a fragrant smell, of chocolate, pumpkin, and

shitty lists of the best horror anime

to watch on this unofficial holiday of madness, death, and


Last time we talked, me and my friend Eric spent a good time talking about horror anime,

what it is, and what it isn't.

If you haven't seen it go check it out.

But the show I'm talking about today isn't so much horror, but a supernatural themed

series bent more on the unsettling.

At least I feel like that was the intent.

This is a series that has been, shall we say, haunting me for several years, since I first

started reviewing in fact.

But it's been on the chopping block for awhile,

I just never had the heart to put it down.

Not because I enjoyed this series, no, in fact anytime I see it recommended as an anime

to watch around this time of year I can't help but roll my eyes.

and it's not one of those like, very light "eh" kind of roll your eyes. No, it's the full on:

And that's because,

This series is not scary, it's not horror, it's not even particularly memorable either

to be honest.

But it does involve ghosts, and it does involve the supernatural, but I would much rather watch

almost any other anime with Ghost in the title.

Ghost Stories, Ghost Hound,

Ghost in the Shell

Stand Alone Complex

2nd GiG MA BOI!

But this is still kind of perfect for a….

Halloween episode, so here we are.

Ladies, Gentlemen and others my name is Arkada and welcome to Glass Reflection.

Today, Ghost HUNT.

*sigh* let's Jam.

So, let me give you the reasons why you might WANT to watch this show.

Thankfully they all revolve around the show's premise, so this section is relatively spoiler free.

Young high school student Mai, a connoisseur of ghost stories as it were, through accidental

ouran highschool like circumstance finds herself in the employ of a paranormal researcher.

This researcher, Naru, is brought in to observe paranormal activities and, with his

"apparent genius" removes problems so that normalcy can continue.

You may notice I speak with distaste when I talk about Naru, and that's because generally

speaking, he's a pompous ass.

He's the age of a high schooler despite being an entrepreneur and because of his intellect

walks around with a high and mighty attitude.

Like Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock but without, you know, anything remotely interesting

about his character.

Anyways, the show is made up of our characters finding and dealing with paranormal events,

but none of said events in this show are made up FOR the show.

They all have some basis in actual things that people believe about the paranormal.

How the show deals with the paranormal though……well here I want to draw a parallel with a live action series

called House MD.

You may have watched it or heard of it. Doesn't matter.

The general story of any House episode, is a patient has a problem, House quickly believes

he knows what the problem is due to his vast medical knowledge, but his staff all have

differing opinions and we spend the episode with each of them attempting their own solutions.

But none of that matters because House is always right.

Ghost Hunt is similar.

The supporting cast is full of a variety of different characters who all have their own

unique way of dealing with the supernatural.

Though of course while they all have their theories and their solutions which they believe

will of course work because they are awesome.

In the end they all fail and Naru's hypothesis is king and always correct, because SCIENCE!

At the very least however the secondary characters can be interesting, even if their schtick's

get old past the halfway point.

On top of which our Main character Mai does successfully fulfill her role as audience

surrogate / companion to Naru's Doctor.

There is a lot of empathy with her character as the series goes on, but ultimately she

is not a character who can hold the weight of the entire show and I don't feel like

she helped keep the show interesting.

For me, the problem is with how the mystery of these paranormal events are solved.

In that the solution to any arc is usually the same, Naru is always right.

All hail our supernatural overlord Naru the Narcissist.

However the show also likes to use red herrings to make you think, "Hey man, I know he's

always been right so far but this time, THIS TIME he's wrong."

But he never is.

Slightly off at times perhaps, but as always with the scientific method,

hypotheses can change with the introduction of new evidence.

Which I think comes to my major beef with the series.

It's slow.

Most of the time we aren't really dealing with a mystery, it's all about the paranormal.

So you'd expect plot points to come out of nowhere and the whole picture shouldn't

be seen until the end unless of course you are the great and powerful Naru.

The few times where a human culprit is involved however is where the slowness really takes root.

As I mentioned previously most of these storylines take place over the course of several


Labeled as such with Part one, Part two and so on.

I felt that most of these stories could have been halved in length and nothing really of great

significance would be lost.

There is so much superfluous information brought to the table that it just feels

like we are being dragged along through plot points that don't resolve anything

and are mostly incidental.

The slowness is also not really helped along by the show's animation.

This is probably a complaint that sticks out more now considering the shows age.

The vast majority of the show's animation involves heavy use of still shots and little

actual moment, at least nothing extraordinary.

Speaking about something that's not extraordinary, Let's talk about the show's opening shall we.

and while I'm talking I'm just going to play right here before you, because it's gonna help prove my point.

Now I wanted to take a moment to talk about this opening sequence, not because it's

good or even mediocre, but rather because it is quite probably the most boring anime intro

I have ever witnessed.

Like I'm hesitant to say that it's bad, but it's not very interesting.

Like look at it, LOOK AT IT! Half of it is little glowing balls, followed by some fake water,

and the music makes the whole thing sound like it's for a Saturday morning cartoon at the end.

I'm not wrong am I?

Which is such a shame because the musical score does so much more for this story then

the rest of it, but most of the time the music feels like it's ignored.

The musical score was composed by Toshio Masuda, who the year previous helped compose the

soundtrack to Mushishi which if you haven't listened to or watched, you should go do that.

But his music here gives this show a wondrous atmosphere, that I feel got stifled by the rest of the


There is a reason why I like to listen to anime soundtracks on their own outside of

the confines of the show.

Had I not done so in this case I would have given a response like "Ghost hunt had music?"

Well I guess it must have, but if I don't remember it it can't have been any good."

But it does have music, and it is very good, but it doesn't....or rather it does do it's job a bit too well.

It doesn't stand out.

It's like a young student doing its best to help and support it's Senpai without

actually trying to dominate the narrative or the production as a whole.

You don't notice it's even doing a good job until you pay attention.

It's an interesting allegory for the show's main cast honestly.


But, ok as far as details and information on the world of the supernatural this show

does has a lot to offer, and if that's the kind of thing that you get interested in, then by

all means try the show out.

Beyond that I see little appeal this far past the show's original airing.

It's strange, because I remember this show coming out.

There was quite a bit of praise towards this show.

A lot of praise for its characters, the stories it was telling, HOW it was telling them.

But now over 10 years after it aired on japanese television, I can't honestly hold those opinions.

It's not a bad show, and most of what I find it to be is just boring and uninteresting and I think

that could just be due to its age, because it hasn't aged well.

This is not a series that has stood the test of time, and likely it's not going to get

much attention past this point, well except for people like me who are looking for something

vaguely supernatural to use as review fodder near Halloween because I've already gone

through the more obvious subjects.

Except for maybe Gakkou Gurashi, but we'll get to that eventually.

As such with all of that in mind I present Ghost Hunt with the recommendation to Skip it.

While it may have some reasons for some people to watch it, if you are looking for a series

to fill up your time you of course could do worse.

But also you could also do so much better.

At the time of this video, Ghost Hunt has been licensed and is available from Funimation

entertainment both for Home Video and on their website for legal streaming. Links down below.

The review copy for this video was lovingly provided by the folks over at

A fine purveyor of anime DVDs, Blu-ray's, and other such merchandise for you to enjoy.

You can pick up Ghost Hunt from them, among many others, though honestly go with others,

like Higurashi, Shiki, heck even Parasyte.

Like I don't like that last one personally, but I bet you'll find more enjoyment out of it than this.

Which of course though brings me to alternate anime recommendations!

First off, another anime about sprits and supernatural Japanese stories, just you know I'm going to say

Mushishi, again. Because you need to watch that if you haven't.

Second recommendation, goes to a show written by the same author, but focuses on a different

kind of supernatural, specifically vampires.

I am talking about the series Shiki which I reviewed a few years back, and if you were

to watch that video on it [Shameless plug] you'll know that I had some qualms with

it as well, but between this one and that one Shiki was much better executed.

So with those recommendations you should hopefully find something to your liking.

And that's it from me.

Thank you for taking the time to watch this video! I hope you enjoyed it.

Please subscribe if you liked the video, follow me on Twitter if you feel so inclined, and

hey if you like what I do here and feel like helping out, go check out my Patreon page

and consider donating.

Specifically though I'd like to thank Joshua Garcia, Yunru Dovaqueen Robert Chumsae, Calhounboy,

Siri Yamiko, and Viktor Ekmark for being especially awesome.

And until next time, stay frosty!

For more infomation >> Do NOT Watch Ghost Hunt this Halloween | GR Anime Review - Duration: 10:54.


Look What You Made Me Do | Cover - Duration: 4:24.

I dont like your little games

Dont like your tilted stage

The role you made me play

of a fool

No I dont like you

I dont like your perfect crime

How you laugh when you lie

you said the gun was mine

Isn't cool

No I dont like you.

But I got smarter

I got harder in the nick of time

Honey I rose up from the dead

I do it all the time

I got a list of names and

yours in in red under line


Oh look what you made me do

Look what you made me do

look what you just made me do

look what you just made me

Oh look what you just made me do

what you just made me do

Look what you just made me do

Look what you just made me

I dont like your kingdom keys


Once belong to me

They asked me for a place to sleep

locked me out

and threw a feast

The world moves on another day

another drama drama

but not for me

not for me

All I think about is karma

and then the world moves on

but ones things for sure

maybe I got mine but you'll all get yours

But I got smarter I got harder

In the nick of time

honey i rose up from the dead

I do it all the time

I got a list of names

and yours is in red underline

I check it once

and then i check it twice

Oh look what you made me do

look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do

look what you just made me

Oh look what you made me do

look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do

look what you just made me

I dont trust nobody and nobody trust me

Ill be the actress

starting in your bad dreams

I dont trust nobody Nobody trust me

Ill be the actress

starring in your bad dreams

I dont trust nobody and Nobody trust me

Ill be the actress

starring in your bad dreams

I dont trust nobody

Nobody trust me

Ill be the actress

bad dreams



Oh look what you made me do

look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do

look what you just made me

Oh look what you made me do

Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do


yeahhhh ahhh

ohh ooo

What you just made me do

For more infomation >> Look What You Made Me Do | Cover - Duration: 4:24.


3 things you should know about your characters #Preptober [CC] - Duration: 3:38.

Hi guys, my name is Alena and here are three things you should know about your characterd

before starting to plot your novel.

It's not so inportant to know what they look like and it is not so important to know

what their nane is, because that doesnt directly influence the plot of your novel.

But three things are acrually important for the plot.

Number 1: How would your character react in certain situations?

For that I would look at the main plot points of your novel.

So for example: Is there a battle?

Would the character be forced to go into that battle?

And what would their reaction to that battle be?

I would look at all of the main plot points.

The starting plot point, that sets of the plot for your novel, the main plot point.

For example, a battle.

And then the climaxing plot point.

If you know your character's reaction to the main plot points, you know how the plot

is going to progress because of that character.

Number 2: What is your characters background?

This ties in with your character's reaction to certain things.

For example; if your character is scared of fighting because of a past event, they won't

be likely to react well to battle.

So think about the past and the background.

What about their family?

Do they fight for anyone?

Are they in love with someone?

Was there something traumatic in the past?

And then finally

Number 3: What is your character's main goal?

So for example: Do they want to avenge someone?

Do they want to save someone?

What are they willing to sacrifice for that goal?

Your main character's goal is the driving force behind your plot and it's what actually

brings the story forward and drives the plot.

So think about that and think about your character's limits.

What are they not willing to do?

Is there anything that could prevent them from achieving your goals?

And if you have those three things, you know how your character is going to react, how

your character is going to shape the plot and what some problems in the plot may be.

That will help you plot a lot better.

Something that helps me with defining how a character might react in a situation is

looking at their personality.

One think I do when I look at a character's personality, is actually look what their personality

type might be.

For example: I sort them into a Hogwarts house, into an Element or I put them into the 16

Personaly Types.

For example: the Mediator of the 16 Personalities would be a lot gentler and calmer in situations.

A Gryffindor might charge ahead without really thinking about it, while a Ravenclaw might

hold the plot back for a little before they charge into battle.

So these are all kinds of things you might want to think avout when plotting and building

your characters.

I hope this video was helpful for you.

If it was, please give it a thumbs up, if you have some more tips for me, please leave

them down below.

If you want to see more of my content, as we are moving into NaNoWriMo, please subscribe.

And I'll hopefully see you next time.


For more infomation >> 3 things you should know about your characters #Preptober [CC] - Duration: 3:38.


Shape of You girl xinh nhay cuc hay 2018 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Shape of You girl xinh nhay cuc hay 2018 - Duration: 3:52.


Innova 3030 G2 Automotive Computer Code Reader - Duration: 3:29.

Hi there

I just want to tell you about this great car computer that tells you your engine codes and your abs codes

This is our anova thirty thirty g2 and it works wonderful with cars that are

nineteen ninety six and later, and here's what you do first you turn your

ignition to on

Not so that the engine is has started, but just so that the electronics are fired up

Then you take this end this this end of this cable. Can you go underneath your?

Steering wheel and there's this little part, you just pop this

Right onto it and as you do that

the screen will pop on

And it'll start to link up

It'll take a moment to gather some information

Here you can see that it's communicating

And here we're gonna see if I have any engine codes

But first it's gonna ask so what model or what make of car. Do you have I have a Chevrolet Uplander?

This is my vehicle yes

And here it tells us that no powertrain dtc

Dtcs or freeze frame data is presently stored here

And if I go down, there's there's nothing

So that's good, and now I'm gonna check if I need to to erase those codes

I would just press this button twice here this red button

But it's it's about this simple, then you go if you want to check your abs system, and you click on the DTC

Button and then it'll ask this would you like to get the ABS yeah ABS DTC's you know I click

Yes under the returned

You know it's gonna gather data. I

Use this to diagnose a front left wheel assembly

And a front right wheel assembly where the speed sensors

Which are integrated into the hub assemblies they went bad. Well this tells me that no ABS

DTC's are presently stored because after I fixed those I cleared out the ABS

System of DTC's and then now I'm just rechecking it and this has cleared my system

To let me know that my ABS is working and there's nothing odd. That's showing up now. This is gonna. Save you about

$70 and this does go for $70 on

Amazon you can see a

Link to this in the description

But to get your car diagnosed each time it will cost at least


This is gonna save you time

It's gonna save you money, and this is a great product for DI wires or people who like to fix their own cars

Again, this is the Innova 3030 g2 and I'm checking this out on a 2006 Chevrolet upland

You can hook up any car to this any late-model car

Regardless of where it is made, and it will be able to read these codes. I hope this helped you and

Happy DIY bye. Bye


For more infomation >> Innova 3030 G2 Automotive Computer Code Reader - Duration: 3:29.


🍄 Psychedelic Chill Trippy Type Rap Hip-Hop Beat Instrumental || Look at Me 🍄 - Duration: 2:30.

Trippy shit

Trippy rap hip hop beat instrumental

Type beat 2017

Psychedelic rap hip hop beat instrumental

Rap Hip Hop beat instrumental

Chill rap beat

For more infomation >> 🍄 Psychedelic Chill Trippy Type Rap Hip-Hop Beat Instrumental || Look at Me 🍄 - Duration: 2:30.


Leaving my car, see you in two months! | RODAS - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> Leaving my car, see you in two months! | RODAS - Duration: 7:38.


Trouble Falling Asleep 9 Tips To Fall Asleep With Ease - Duration: 6:34.

Trouble Falling Asleep 9 Tips To Fall Asleep With Ease

by Sydney Wippman,

To all those people who have trouble falling asleep, this one is for you.

Whether you cannot fall asleep due to insomnia, not getting physically comfortable, or over

thinking, now is the time to sleep!

Here are 9 tips for falling asleep with ease.

Give some of these steps a try and see which one helps you sleep with ease.


Self massage

Trouble falling asleep may be because you simply cannot get physically comfortable.

There may have an area of your body that feels tension, such as tight neck or a back ache.

If a part of your body feels tense, give yourself a brief massage to calm those parts down.

Your body will feel more relaxed, making it easier to fall asleep.


Read a book

For those of you that may get into your head, thinking of all the daily stressors, try reading

a book as you fall asleep.

Preferably, choose a book that you designate solely as your sleep book.

Have the book be one that you do not want to read outside of sleep.

This way you won�t catch yourself reading it any time other than bed time.

Get a dim light and literally read it until you fall asleep.

This allows you to focus solely on the book versus getting in your head.

It removes the stress of daily life.


The string visualization

Like reading a book, having something to focus on to remove stressful thoughts helps people

fall asleep.

This visualization is a wonderful tool to focus on.

Follow the steps when you lay down to fall asleep.

Step 1: commit to falling asleep, �I am going to sleep right now.�

Step 2: imagine a string coming out of your chest, the string is never ending and goes

off into a sunset

Step 3: focus all of your attention on deep breathing to the string

Step 4: if your mind starts to wander, tell yourself, �I am supposed to be breathing

to the string right now�

Step 5: then return and go back to breathing to the string


Progressive relaxation

Progressive relaxation is deep muscle relaxation technique.

It is all about tension and release.

You begin by tightening forehead as tight as you can for 5 seconds.

Then you relax your forehead and take a deep breath in and a deep breath out.

Then you tighten your eyes as tight as you can for 5 seconds.

Then you relax your eyes and take a deep breath in and a deep breath out.

You repeat this process as you travel down the body: cheeks, jaw, shoulders, arms, hands,

stomach, legs, feet, etc.

This technique helps detach and let go of any distracting thoughts and helps relax any

physical tension in the body.

It also brings you the awareness of what it feels like when part of your body is tense

versus relaxed.

Having this awareness can help you notice if, as you are trying to sleep, any area is


Let�s say you notice your jaw is locked up as you fall asleep, you can do the exercise

on your jaw and enter into a more relaxed state.


Cool your room

Our body temperature naturally cools down at night.

Think about how the sun sets and the air gets a bit cooler.

The same thing happens with our bodies.

By having a cooler room, our bodies innately recognize it is time to wind out.


Eat a banana

Bananas contain the natural muscle relaxants, potassium and magnesium.

They also contain the amino acid, tryptophan.

Tryptophan produces serotonin, which is a mood regulator, and melatonin, which regulates

circadian rhythms.

Having a lack of these nutrients can contribute to insomnia.

By eating a banana, you are sending the body the nutrients that may help you fall asleep.


Scents to sleep

Lavender essential oil has a calming effect on the brain and mind.

It actually changes brain waves to be in a more relaxed state of being.

Simply place a few drops and rub onto your wrists, rub some on your temples, use an oil

in a diffuser, spray a lavender spritzer on pillow, or apply lavender lotion before you

go to bed.

Choose the application that works best for you and fall asleep feeling gracefully.


Don�t drink water right before bed

Drinking water right before bed may make your body stay awake for late night bathroom trips

in order to filter out the water.

This makes it harder to fall asleep because you have to get up and move around or feel

like you may have to go to the bathroom soon.

You may also be ca woken up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, which

can throw off your sleep cycle and sleep rhythms.


Group Sleeping Visualization

Have you ever been to an event or activity where there were a lot of people?

Whether it was a yoga class, a football game, or a business meeting, the more people there

was, the more collective energy.

Having a group amps up and elevates the energetic power behind the experience.

So, with this knowledge, as you are trying to fall asleep, imagine you in a room that

is filled with a bunch of sleeping people.

Allow that heightened sleepful energy to help you fall asleep too.

Let the energy of the crowd move you into sleep, just as it would move you at a game

or activity.

If you experience trouble falling asleep in the future, try these different techniques.

Find the one what works best for you.

Sometimes one will work for a while and then it evolves over time.

Refer back to this whenever you need to and happy sleeping!

For more infomation >> Trouble Falling Asleep 9 Tips To Fall Asleep With Ease - Duration: 6:34.


Sewer Cleaning Stanton CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Cleaning Stanton CA - Duration: 1:06.

Sewer Cleaning Stanton CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

6 months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the

entire surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

For more infomation >> Sewer Cleaning Stanton CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Cleaning Stanton CA - Duration: 1:06.


You Are A Powerful Artist (Who You Really Are) - Duration: 1:24.

You are the kind of artist

that visualizes what you want and goes after it.

You are the kind of artist

who courageously disrupts your life to do the work.

You are the kind of artist

who forgives yourself for failing.

You will not let it stop you.

You're the kind of artist

who inspires others.

You're the kind of artist

who transforms the world.

I know who you really are, and I'm sick and tired of hearing all your reasons

why you aren't creating the work, the art, the music you were born to create.

Your reasons, you let them stop you, and you have really really good reasons why you get stopped.

And sometimes, you even call those reasons "the truth."

But they are not the truth.

And it's time to get rid of the reasons you got.

They keep you small, they keep you in a box. And you're not here

to play small, and you're not here to be in a box.

So, I'm here, with you,

deconstucting your terrible, brilliant creative process.

For more infomation >> You Are A Powerful Artist (Who You Really Are) - Duration: 1:24.


The Talk - What Shifted You Into Becoming Your Own Person? - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> The Talk - What Shifted You Into Becoming Your Own Person? - Duration: 3:48.


you must appreciate the whisky - Duration: 0:15.

Sometimes, if you're not too sure...

Just take a little still water. Cool, still water.

Little drop into the glass, not too much.

But more importantly, when you take the whisky...

You must appreciate it.

For more infomation >> you must appreciate the whisky - Duration: 0:15.


You Can Heal Yourself Using The Chi Energy of Trees According to Taoist Masters - Duration: 6:59.

You Can Heal Yourself Using The Chi Energy of Trees According to Taoist Masters

Trees are very powerful according to Taoist masters.

Aside from absorbing carbon dioxide and turning it into oxygen, trees also have the ability

to absorb negative energy and transform it into positive.

The roots of trees dig deep into Earth, the deeper their roots, the higher they rise to

the skies.

They absorb the energy of the Earth as well as the universal force of the sky.

Trees are considered the most spiritually advanced plant on Earth because of their constant

meditation with subtle energy.

You can establish a relationship with trees so long as you understand their language.

And they can help you open up your energy channels to cultivate calm, presence and vitality.

They also can benefit from you when you help them eliminate their blocks and devitalized


Like any other relationships, you benefit from each other by the constant cultivation

of your connection.

How to Use The Chi Energy of Trees to Heal Yourself?

Follow these steps to choose the right tree, to establish an energy relationship with that

tree and eventually heal yourself:


How to Choose The Right Tree?

Humans have been using parts of trees for medications and healing almost as long as

humanity exists.

But along the way they discovered what type of tree should be used for what type of remedy.

The big ones are the best, like pines.

They radiate Chi, nourish the blood, strengthen the nervous system, and even help in longevity

while feeding the soul and spirit.

Pines, which are often the subjects of ancient Chinese poetry and paintings, are considered

to be �immortal trees.�

There are, however, other trees which you can choose from.

The big ones have maximum energy while those that sit up near the streams are also the


Trees have different characteristics.

Some are hotter or warmer and others are cooler or colder.

With constant practice, you are able to distinguish each species from the others.

Documentary Demonstrates Extraordinary Powers of Chi.

Scientists Left Baffled

The different characteristics of trees:

� Cypresses and cedars have the ability to lower the temperature and can feed Yin


� Willows fight the dry winds and eliminate excess moisture from the body, reduce blood

pressure, strengthen the urinary tract and bladder.

� Elms can calm the mind and strengthen the stomach.

� Maples fight the dry winds and help reduce any pain.

� Carobs help eliminates internal heat and balance conditions of the heart.

� Banyan trees or Bengali figs purify your heart and help eliminate moisture in the body.

� Cinnamons can remove the cold from the heart and the stomach.

� Fir trees help absorb bruises to reduce sweating and heal bone fractures.

� Hawthorns help in digestion, strengthen the intestine and fight low blood pressure.

� Birches help lower body temperature, eliminate body moisture and detoxify the body.

� Prunes feed the spleen, the stomach, the pancreas as well as calm the mind.

� Figs help eliminate excess heat in the body by increasing salivation, it also nourishes

the spleen, and helps cure diarrhea.

� Knees help strengthen the bladder and relieve urinary problems in women.

Keep in mind that small trees don�t have enough energy to accommodate you while gigantic

trees may drown you with their energy.

It�s best to select one that is medium sized and robust.


How to Establish an Energy Relationship With The Tree?

You can create a silent communion rite with the tree that is understood by both of you

and the tree.

But first, you must see the personality of the tree and its life.

There are trees that are very generous and quickly give you the energy you need.

Other trees are weak or ill and need your healing energy first.

Some are friendly while some are plain indifferent depending on their energy.

You can work with all of them to find which tree works best with you.

Be open and give them your respect without pushing them too hard to bend to your purpose.

The most important thing when establishing a connection is to be near the tree so you

can touch it, to open yourself up shamelessly and to be clear in your intent while showing


By activating these four elements you will establish an energy relationship with the


� Touch;

� Openness;

� Sincerity;

� Love;

Just make sure that you spend at least 30 minutes around the tree.

However, some trees might respond quicker depending on their energy.

Related: Japanese Master Demonstrates the Power of Chi by Controlling Animals

Here are some techniques you can practice:


Tree Hugging:


Sitting facing the tree:


Meditation near the tree:


Standing facing the tree:

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How The Healing Process Begins?

Visit the tree regularly.

Building a relationship with trees takes a longer time than building one with humans.

But if you keep returning back to the same tree, you are likely to begin your lasting

friendship with it.

Once you visit it regularly, it will soon expect you.

Some say that it might even miss your presence.

Creating a spiritual communion with trees is like making love that requires sensuality

and tenderness.

When you finally establish that communion, you don�t need to control the situation.

Just allow yourself to relax and melt in that communion.

Allow the tree to guide you to your healing.

It might remedy your issue or it might give you intuitive guidance as how to find additional


If nothing else, it will heal the spiritual aspect of your problem.

�In Japan, people practise �forest bathing�, where they spend quiet time absorbing the

wisdom of ancient forests, taking long walks among the trees to stimulate their immune


In Taoism, students are encouraged to meditate among trees, and it is believed that the trees

will absorb negative energies, replacing them with healthy ones.

Trees are seen as a source of emotional and physical healing, and themselves as meditators,

absorbing universal energies.�

For more infomation >> You Can Heal Yourself Using The Chi Energy of Trees According to Taoist Masters - Duration: 6:59.


Halloween costumes are scarier than you think - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Halloween costumes are scarier than you think - Duration: 0:57.


6 Types of Empaths: Which One Are You and How to Make the Most of Your Gift? - Duration: 10:30.

6 Types of Empaths: Which One Are You and How to Make the Most of Your Gift?

Empathy is a blessing when you not only feel for others but can also relate to their profound feelings as if those

feelings are your very own emotions.

But there are also several aspects of this peculiar feeling of empathy which you must be cognizant of,

in order to make the best out of it.

Let me spill the beans of different empaths for you:


Such empaths have a very deep understanding of a person's sentiments and emotions.

Having speculated someone else's emotions they could embrace it as if they themselves have been experiencing it.

They tend to bear similar heavy heartedness to that of a person in sorrow, or in vice versa circumstances,

they could discover overwhelming feelings in themselves which they might identify with the person in mirth.

But it is extremely crucial for the empaths to have only a detached attachment and have a distinction in their own and

other's emotions.

As in many countless cases where they are likely to fall a victim of their own thrived emotional empathy that could

impact them in an adverse manner and they could be on their last legs.


Such empathy could be aiding in some ways as to that person carrying this empathy have an instinctive impulse which

enables them to decipher the caused perturbing ailments and the hurdles faced in its resolution.

They might also sense the painful vibes unleashed by the sufferers and subsequently,

they commence to realise those symptoms in their own body, although they also gather the abilities to heal them.

If only the healing part is considered, the captioned empaths often choose out the profession pertaining to medical or

they might seek for other relevant proposition.

But identifying the physical sickness of fellow friends, relatives or people in vicinity needs a restraint in

channelization as it is very scathing for the empathy physically.

They must get trained to learn shielding technique.


These kinds of empaths have very rare affinity that they share with nature, environment or the atmosphere.

If you are this empath you tend to imbibe the vibes you receive from the environment and in wake of that,

you could get both positive and negative vibes depending on the historical context of the place.

You can impulsively create any feeling be it of happiness, sorrow, fear, anger or agitation.

They can't bear devastation of nature in any form rather they have a sense of mourning towards its damage.

The spiritual energy of the places of religious or spiritual importance always drives their soul.

The spiritual power of these places gives peace to the soul.

Having this empathy prompts an innate desire for strolling in nature as it brings up serenity to mind, body and soul.

You might indulge in creating an abode that incorporates objects related to nature.


If you are an animal empath, you will have a psychic ability to ascertain their mental state and their needs.

This cognition will prompt you to shower utmost love and care towards them.

For you, they are personified with all human qualities and also have all sorts of emotions and feelings.

It highly stands a chance that with your animal psychic skills you have a regular conversation with them.

You have a very rare metaphysical connection where in you spend a great deal of time with animals with an insight of

resolving their ailments.

You also love to scrutinize materials giving information of animal physiology and anatomy,

and hence that lead you to become a very eminent animal healer.


If you are a vegetation empath or plant/tree empath you will have a feeling of natural kinship with all the vegetation

surrounding you.

You are very much cognizant of the selection of trailing plants in your garden in the most precise disposition.

You always hear over its murmurs whether they are of joy or pain.

You preferably choose a career where you are in touch with greenery and vegetation.

Every now and then you have an urge to invoke your special plant or a particular tree for seeking the right assistance

as if they are your special adored counsellors.

You have a wonderful comrade in the form of plants and trees and you are well aware of its requirements.


Having psychic empathy could be pretty intuitive or instinctive.

If you have such an empathy towards others you would have a gut feeling or receive vibes and energy of whatever inner

expression the people around you exhibit.

You can easily decode what intentions people are carrying in the catalogue of honeyed, sophisticated or vague words.

It will not be ambiguous for you to attain these vis a vis person who is deprived of the mentioned empathy,

whether there are the words that belie or reflects truth or anger or even vexation.

Certainly, you have in depth inspection of other's mind.

In other words, you are a mind reader blessed with the skills of scrutinizing one's mind with your psychic abilities.

This special boon is wonderful to experience when you are surrounded by the people with whom you get along very well,

while with others you might receive a stipulation of eternal thoughts, expressions,

emotions and much more sense of disorder.

Certain Empathies could be very helpful for you and people around you once you have a full realisation of your gifts,

albeit some aspects of empathies could bring you only chaos and bewilderment and you probably may find it rather

difficult to find calm in the midst of chaos.

You must practice inhibiting the energies in the wake of which only disorder is ensued and drifted long.

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