Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 30 2017

by using this trick you should use your internet without of the aeroplane mode


For more infomation >> HIDDEN ANDROID SETTING YOU DON'T KNOW || trick - Duration: 0:49.


Phlebitis - What You Need to Know - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Phlebitis - What You Need to Know - Duration: 3:24.


3 Yoga Poses for Healthy Happy Hips! - Duration: 14:25.

Hello, I am Mariko with B-life.

Today, we are focusing on pelvis.

Pelvis plays an important role of linking upper and lower body

and it has connections with many muscles.

If the muscles are imbalanced under the influence of the person's habit,

the pelvis can be also imbalanced.

It leads not only postural distortions, but also headache, lower back pain, knee pain and so on.

So, today's yoga is for realigning muscles surrounding the pelvis.

We are practicing 3 poses.

Let's enjoy them together!

Extend both legs in front.

Hands are beside your hips.

Press your hands into the mat to lift your buttocks a little.

Then, place the sit bones vertically down to the mat.

Avoid rounding your spine, keep it nice and long.

Sit tall.

From here, bring right heel beside the right hip.

Flex the left foot, push forward with the sole of the foot.

Keep your spine long,

Walk your hands to front.

If you can grab the left foot, go ahead.

Fold forward.

If you feel tight, just look for the spot between stretch and efforts.

Left heel keeps pushing forward.

Feel the stretch in the calf and the back thigh.

If your body is ready, walk your hands to forward

forward fold.

Breathe slowly. Let's take 3 to 5 breaths.

Inhale deeply, lengthen your spine.

As you exhale, reach forward a bit more.

Slowly come back up.

Let's move on to 2nd pose.

Bend the left knee, place the sole of the foot to the right inner thigh.

Bring the right ankle on the left thigh.

Keep flexing both ankles.

Lift your hips once to shift your weight equally onto both sit bones.

If your hips or knees are tight, You could place your foot in front,

or change the position of the right heel on the left calf.

If it is fine, keep the right ankle stay on the left thigh.

Inhale, press into the floor with the sit bones.

Walk your hands forward.

Place them wider than the knees width.

Inhale, lengthen your spine,

Exhale, hinge forward from your hips.

Relax your upper body.

Send deep breath to out side of the buttocks.

Loosen the tightness and improve the imbalance of the muscles.

This pose is also effective for easing sciatica

Inhale, take a deep breath in.

Exhale, slowly.

Come back up.

Extend both legs, shake them side to side.

We've done 2 poses, let's do the opposite side.

Bring the feet together.

Place the hands beside the hips.

Place the sit bones vertically down to the mat.

Extend your spine nice and long.

Bring left heel beside the left hip.

Flex the right foot, push forward with the sole of the foot.

Keep your spine long,

Walk your hands to front.

Fold forward.

If you can grab the right foot, go ahead.

As you inhale, soften and expand your abs.

Exhale, deeply and completely.

Complete exhale will make the next inhale smoother and deeper.

Send your breath to the back of the right high to loosen the muscle.

Take 2 more breaths.

After a complete exhale,

Slowly come back up.

Let's move on to second pose.

Bend the right knee, place the sole of the foot to the left inner thigh.

Bring the left ankle on the right thigh.

Keep flexing both ankles.

If you feel tight,

You could place your foot in front,

or change the position of the left heel on the right calf.

Find the right position for yourself.

Make sure your weight is equally shifted onto both sit bones.

Inhale, lengthen your spine.

Walk your hands forward.

Place them wider than the knees width.

Inhale, open your chest.

Exhale, hinge forward from your hips.

Take deep, relaxing breaths

Feel deep stretch in the buttocks' muscle.

Loosen the tightness and improve the imbalance of the muscles.

Inhale, take a deep breath in.

Exhale, completely.

When you are ready, slowly come back up.

Uncross the legs and shake them.

Relax your hips and knees.

The third pose is lizard.

Begin with table top position.

Hands are just under the shoulders.

Knees are under the hips and hip distance width.

Bring the right foot out side of the right hand.

Lengthen your spine.

Tuck your left toe.

You could move the left knee backward, for better stretch.

Bring your chest up and open.

If you want to go next level, place the forearms to the mat.

Imagine drawing the right knee toward the right shoulder.

Stay center. Not to lean to the right side.

To go deeper, lift the left knee higher and push the left heel back.

Your core is parallel with the floor.

Imagine a lizard is crawling the ground.

Increase the flexibility of hip joints.

This pose also strengthen the core.

Don't forget to breaths.

Inhale deeply through your nose.

Exhale, completely.

Inhale, push the left heel back.

One more inhale.


After completing exhalation, lower the left knee,

Right foot back and rest in the child pose.

Here, release any tensions, relax.

OK, let's do the opposite side.

From the table top position.

Hands are just under the shoulders.

Knees are hip distance apart.

Bring the left foot out side of the left hand.

Move the right knee backward for better hip joint stretch.

If you want to go next level, place the forearms to the mat.

Bring your chest up and open.

Shoulders are away from the ears.

Drawing the left knee toward the left shoulder.

To go deeper, tuck the right toe, lift the right knee higher and push the right heel back.

Here, don't forget breathing.

Keep your spine nice and long.

Your core is steady.

Increase the flexibility of hip joints.

Inhale deeply through your nose.

Exhale completely.

If you feel tight, you can keep your knee stay on the mat.

Or instead of forearms, you can still stretch hip joint by keeping your hands on the mat.

Choose whichever you like.

All right,

Those are the 3 yoga poses to relieve tensions around your buttock muscles.

How was it?

For those of you who feel your body imbalanced,

I would suggest that you continue practicing these poses,

so that your body would be back into alignment.

I hope this video helps you.

Thank you for choosing this video. See you soon!

For more infomation >> 3 Yoga Poses for Healthy Happy Hips! - Duration: 14:25.


3 Stages of Any Great Work of God - Duration: 3:02.

It's said the great issue that keeps many people from success is that most quit too early.

At the first obstacle or sign of trouble, many throw in the towel and walk away from

their dream.

It's often the same for accomplishing the works of God.

Certainly, God's people have no shortage of great visions.

But we do have a shortage of great perseverance.

And resultantly, a lot of great, God-inspired ideas or organizations are never fully realized.

James Hudson Taylor, a Christian missionary to China, made a profound observation.

He said, "There are three steps to every great work of God: first it's impossible,

then it's difficult, then it's done."

Recently, while in the middle of what became a grueling do-it-yourself home project, I

experienced this truth in a small, but practical way.

For months, I had a vision to change the carpeted stairs in my house to hardwood.

Now, mind you, I've am not a carpenter and I hadn't previously attempted any significant

home projects.

But the images in my mind were attractive, and seemed fairly easy to accomplish.

With a little research, I pulled the trigger.

I bought all the stairs, stains, brushes and supplies necessary to complete the task.

"It'll be fun!"

I told myself.

But barely a day into the work, it suddenly felt impossible!

On the first few stairs, I didn't allow the stain to dry long enough, and so when

I applied the clear coat, it blotched the finish, requiring me to strip the pieces and

start all over.

Then about halfway through all the stairs, I learned it was easier to use a rag instead

of a brush.

But this made the pieces look different.

So then, I had to redo the first batch again.

Finally, when I was almost finished, I ruined what was my favorite stair by sanding too

far into a bubble in the clear coat.

And just like that, my prize piece had to be stripped and started over.

Through it all, I'd like to say I remained at peace, but I didn't!

On numerous occasions, I wanted to forget it all and give up.

But my vision—and the work I'd put in—wouldn't let me.

And thankfully so.

After about 10 days of sweat and tears, I completed the job with great satisfaction.

Indeed, while the vision came easily, the process to realize it at first seemed impossible,

then difficult, then it was done.

If God's given you a great work to do, and you're only in the first steps of what seems

like a thousand step process, don't lose heart.

With great perseverance comes a great prize.

But you have to go through the process.

Be encouraged by what God told His people in the midst of challenges and delays in building

the second temple.

"Do not despise these small beginnings," He instructed.

"For the Lord rejoices to see the work begin."

For more infomation >> 3 Stages of Any Great Work of God - Duration: 3:02.


10 Min Abs Workout - Advanced Level - Duration: 12:16.

Hello, I am Mariko with B-life.

Today, I am going to introduce a circuit training to strengthen your core.

This is a 10 minutes-advanced-level-training with 20 exercises.

Each exercise is for 30 seconds.

Are you ready? Let's get started!

Let' start with lying down on our back.

Hands behind your head, bend your Knees in 90 degrees

And bring them above your hips.

Ready to roll?

Touch the floor with your heels, then, bring your knees back to center.

Just repeat this.

Keep bending your knees in 90 degrees.

Draw your navel toward your spine to avoid over-arching your back.

Keep paying your attention to your lower abdomen.


Looks good!

OK, next is crunch. Maintain your hands and feet.

Bring your head and chest up.

Abs are tight.

Lift with your chest not with your neck.

You could look up the ceiling.

Lift your upper body up,

Move your chest and knees closer, then away.

Closer, away.

Maintain a nice, long spine.

Avoid rounding your back.

10 seconds left.

Extend your arms with your palm facing down.

Pump your arms up and down.

Move your arms as fast as possible with keeping your arms straight.

To deepen, extend your legs.

Maintain the speed of pumping and stimulate your core muscle.

Looks good!

Keep going!

Place your elbows under your shoulders.

Cross your legs as you lift them up.

Then circle down and up.

Avoid rounding your lower back.

Lift your chest up to keep your back nice and long.

Lower down your shoulder blades to avoid your shoulders moving up

Upper body down to the mat, hands behind your head.

Touch the outer side of the ankle with opposite hand.

You could lift your shoulder blades higher.

Looks good! Keep going!

You have 10 seconds left.

Bicycle! Cross one elbow to opposite knee.

Lower down the other leg almost reaching to the mat.


10 seconds left.

Lift your legs and butt up high, then bring them down and extend your legs.

Engage your lower abdominal to lift your hips

To deepen, you could lift your hips higher.


OK, the next is side bend. Turn to face the side of the mat.

Place an elbow just under your shoulder.

Knees are bend and stacked.

Lower your hips and up.

This is for toning and trimming the waistline.

If you want to challenge, you could extend your leg.

Yes, like that. Beautiful!

You have 10 seconds left.

Next is side plank pose.

Keep facing the side of the mat with your feet together.

Place a palm just under the shoulder and raise your hips and knees higher.

Reach the upper arm to the sky.

Make a straight line from head to feet.

Keep your hips high.

Press into the floor with your palm to hold the posture.

Start with plank. Place your hands under your shoulders.

Bring down each elbow one by one.

Then, return to the plank.

Keep your spine nice and long.

Stuck your belly button into a spine to avoid your buttocks rising above.

Great job, keep going!

Place both elbows on the mat. Interlace fingers.

Step each toe out, out, in, in

Out, out, in, in

Maintain the level of your buttocks.

Not too high, not too low.

Draw your berry in

Keep a long neck.

Oh, Your buttocks are getting high now.

Remember to make a straight line from head to heels.

Again side bend on the other side.

Turn to face the side of the mat.

Place an elbow just under your shoulder.

Knees are bend and stacked.

Lower your hips and up.

To deepen, you could extend your leg.

Let's create a beautiful curve on your waist.

OK! Side plank pose.

Place a palm just under the shoulder and lift your hips and knees higher.

Reach the upper arm to the sky.

Make a diagonal straight line from head to feet.

Keep your hips high.

Your abs are strong.

Lie on your berry. Hands are under your forehead.

Open the knees. Heels and toes together.

Raise your knees up and down.

Bring your awareness to the back thigh and buttocks.

Heels and toes stay together.

This is a great workout for butt lifting

Extend legs and arms,

first, draw your elbows towards your back.

Then, extend arms behind you back.

Squeeze your shoulder blades.

Your chest is getting lower, lift it up higher.

Keep going!

Keep squeezing your buttocks.

Great job! Extend your arms in front.

Flutter your leg up and down, like swimming.

Keep your leg nice and long, kick as fast as you can.

If you want to challenge, you could bring your arms and chest up.

Maintain the speed of the kicking.

Kick faster!

I know it's hard, Keep going!



Kick! 5 seconds left.

Plank pose, hands are just under the shoulder.

Create a straight line from your head to heels.

Your buttocks are neither too high nor too low.

Stuck your belly button into a spine.

Reach your head forward to protect your neck.

5 seconds left.

OK, Now, Bring each knee to the out side of the elbow one by one.

Your buttocks always stay at the same level.

It's not getting higher or lower.

Abs are tight.

Once again, check your buttocks. Not high, not low.

You look amazing,

You are almost done!

The final one.

Elbows are on the mat, just under the shoulders.

Twist your lower back side to side.

Another great exercise for creating beautiful curves on your waistline.

I promise this is the last one, so keep going!






Great job!!

Round your back and rest in a child pose.

All right, that was the core muscle training exercise for weight loss.

How was it?

I hope this helps you to get strong core muscles.

We have more videos for you.

Please check them out and don't forget to subscribe our channel.

Thank you very much for watching.

I am looking forward to exercising with you again!

For more infomation >> 10 Min Abs Workout - Advanced Level - Duration: 12:16.


Varicose Vein Transformation - Better Looking Legs - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Varicose Vein Transformation - Better Looking Legs - Duration: 3:32.


3 Min Abs Workout - Beginners Level - Duration: 5:25.

Hello, I am Mariko with B-life.

Today, I am going to introduce a circuit training to strengthen your core.

This is a 3 and half minutes-beginner-level-training with 7 exercises.

Each exercise is for 30 seconds.

Are you ready? Let's get started!

Let' start with lying down on our back.

Knees are just above your hips. Shins are parallel to the floor.

Flat your lower back. Ready to roll?

Reach one toe to the mat, come back up. Then, the other toe down and up.

Repeat this movement.

Make sure your lower back do not arch, always pressing into the mat.

Your belly button stuck into a spine.

Looks good!

10 seconds left.

Keep going!

Next, Shins parallel to the floor.

Extend one arm and the diagonal side leg then bring back.

When you extend, reach your fingertips and toe lower down to the mat.

Your core stays steady. Avoid moving side to side.

Abs are tight, lower back stays on the mat.

Toes pointed.


Your hands on the thighs.

Slide the hands up to the knees as you crunch.

Squeeze your belly.

If it is hard for your neck, it's ok to bring your hands behind your head for support.

I know it's hard, but don't give up!

10 seconds left.

Nice! Open the arms to T,

Feet and knees together, Shins parallel to the floor.

Turn them to the left and right.

Engage the inner thighs to keep your knees and toes together.

Make sure your shoulder blades stay on the mat.

Imagine creating a slender waistline as you twist.

Great job! Feet are on the mat, hip distance apart.

Bring the hips and chest up then lower.

Bring your attention to back thighs and buttocks as you bring them up.

Press your palm strong to bring the buttocks higher.

10 seconds left.

Keep going!

Now, Back extension. Lie on your berry.

Hands under your forehead.

Lift your head and chest off the floor.

This exercise creates a beautiful back.

OK! The final exercise!

Raise one arm and diagonal side leg up, then change the side

Keep the arm and leg straightened.

Lift up the buttocks as you raise your leg.

Reach your arms higher.

Create a beautiful back line.

You have 10 seconds left, almost done!






Awesome job!

Lower hips down to the heels, forehead down,

extend your arms. Rest in a child pose.

All right, that was the core muscle training exercise for weight loss.

How was it?

I hope you this helps you to get a best body.

We have more videos for you.

If you need to cool down for example,

please go ahead and check out our relaxing yoga videos.

And don't forget to subscribe our channel.

Thank you very much for exercising with me.

I'm looking forward to see you again!

For more infomation >> 3 Min Abs Workout - Beginners Level - Duration: 5:25.


Yoga for Shoulder and Lower Back Pain - Duration: 18:48.

Hello, I am Mariko with B-life.

Today, we are focusing on shoulder blade!

I am introducing poses for relieving tensions of shoulder blade area.

By practicing them, you could also loosen up your shoulders and back muscles,

which also tend to be tight in a chilly, wintertime in particular.

Let fs enjoy the practice and the most importantly, feel good together!

Let fs start with comfortable seated position.

You could sit in a cross-legged or sit on your heels.

Put your hands beside your neck and bring elbows down.

Lengthen your spine nice and long

Exhale, lean your head to the right.

Feel the stretch along the left side of your neck.

Exhale, back to center..

Lean to opposite side until you can feel a nice stretch.

Slowly draw a half circle with your neck from the bottom.

Draw a half circle from the bottom to the left.


Gently stimulate your neck.

Slowly draw a full circle.

Move your neck at your feeling good pace.

Let's circle to opposite direction.

After drawing 2 circles, bring your face in front.

Move your hands to the shoulders.

Inhale, circle your elbows up from front

Exhale, down to the back.

Inhale, lift your elbows up and open.

Exhale, drop your elbows down and close.

Relieve tensions around the shoulders to allow shoulder blades easier to move.

Let's do the opposite direction.

Inhale, lift your elbows up from the back.

Exhale, drop the elbows down to the front.

Bring your attention to the shoulder blades as you move elbows.

Feel the connection between shoulder blades and shoulders.

Open your palms, bring them down and side to side, face them up.

Draw both elbows towards the back. Squeeze the shoulder blades.

Imagine you are holding something in between the shoulder blades.

Hold 5 seconds.






Exhale, release and relax.

Once again, palms facing up and draw elbows to the back.

Squeeze the shoulder blades and hold.







Inhale, arms over head.

Cross the arms, palms together and extend it to the ceiling.

With your exhale, slowly lean to the right.

Feel the stretch along the left side of ribs.

Back to center, lean to the opposite side.

Back to center.

Press the sit bones and lengthen your spine.

As you exhale, slowly circle your elbows down and squeeze your shoulder blades.


Extend legs in front.

Bring the left heel to center.

Extend your right leg to the side.

Right hand outside of the right leg,

Left hand is reaching outside of the right pinky toe. Fold forward.

For those who feels tight, it fs ok to put your hand inside of the right leg.

First, we are going to release the tensions of out side of your lower back.

Your stretching part can be different depend on where you put your left hand,

Find your feel good position by moving your hand.

Don't worry about how deep you are reaching,

As long as you feel the good stretch in your lower back, that is enough.

That is what we are trying to achieve in this pose.

When your lower back begins to loosen, try to extend your arms more from the left shoulder blade.

Reach your left arm a bit more.

Release any tensions in the lower back and around the shoulder blades with your each inhale and exhale.

When you feel you have stretched enough in that position, move your left hand and relax the different part.

With the next inhale, release the left hand and come back up.

Bring your belly button facing front.

Now, put your hands in front slightly wider than your shoulder width.

Slide the right hand to the side.

Bend left elbow.

Slowly reach right shoulder down to the floor.

If you are comfortable, you could place the shoulder on the floor.

Stretch the front side of right shoulder.

If your hips are tight, lift the upper body up.

Bend both elbows. Lower the right shoulder down toward the floor.

Slowly release any tensions around the right shoulder.

Open your left chest toward the sky.

With the next inhale, slowly come back to sitting position.

Right leg back to cross-legged position.

Bend left elbow in front.

Wrap the left arm with the right arm.

You could put the back of your hands together,

or if you want to go deeper, cross the hands to put palms together.

Inhale, raise the elbows up to the sky.

Let's draw a circle with elbows.

Exhale, move both elbows to the right

Slowly draw both elbows toward the belly button.

Move to left

From the top draw a big circle with your elbows.

Now, we are focusing on the left shoulder,

So, let's draw an ellipse which the right side is large.

Notice opening the left shoulder blade as you move the elbows to the right.

Let's do 5 more.

Come back to center.

Inhale, lift your elbows up above your shoulders.

As you exhale, send fresh air to the back and open the shoulder blades


Interlace the fingers behind your back.

Pull your hands back,

Open the front side of your shoulders

and squeeze the shoulder blade.

Switch side.

Extend your left leg to the side.

Bring the right heel to center.

Sit nice and tall

Right hand outside of the right leg,

Left hand is reaching outside of the left pinky toe. Slowly fold forward.

For those who feels tight, it fs ok to put your hand inside of the left leg.

First, we are going to release the tensions of out side of your right lower back.

If you are always standing or sitting in your daily life,

It makes your lower back muscle stiff or tight.

It tends to have accumulated fatigue.

Let's release the tightness of the lower back muscle.

Simultaneously, notice the stiffness of your upper back muscle is also loosened.

Depend on where you put your right hand, the stretching part can be different

Find your feel good position by moving your hand.

Take 2 more breath.

Slowly come back up.

Bring your belly button facing front.

Place your hands in front slightly wider than your shoulder width.

Bend right elbow.

Slide the left hand to the side.

Slowly reach left shoulder and chest down to the floor.

Open your right chest toward the sky.

If your hips are tight, lift the upper body up.

Bend both elbows. Lower the left shoulder toward the floor.

Choose whichever you like.

If you want to feel deep stretch, you could bend left elbow up.

With the next inhale, slowly come back to sitting position.

Left leg back to cross-legged position.

Bend right elbow in front.

Wrap the right arm with the left arm.

Inhale, raise the elbows up to the sky.

Let's draw a circle with elbows.

Exhale, move both elbows to the left

Slowly draw both elbows toward the belly button.

Move to right,

From the top draw a big circle with your elbows.

Now, we are focusing on the right shoulder,

So, let's draw an ellipse which the left side is large.

Notice opening the right shoulder blade as you move the elbows to the left.

Come back to center.

Inhale, lift your elbows up above your shoulders.

Take a deep inhale, open the shoulder blades.

This is a great pose for healing shoulder pain.

Uncross the hands, interlace them behind your back.

Pull your hands back,

Squeeze the shoulder blade.

Open the front side of your shoulders

Release and relax your hands.

Interlace your hands behind your head,

Inhale, lean your head back by supporting with your hands.

Use the weight of your head.

Inhale, open wide your arms and chest,

Exhale, with your mouth, relax

Inhale, open wide your arms and chest,


Bring your head back to center.

Final pose, bring your sole of the feet together.

We are softening hip joints in order to prevent the tendency to round our spine.

Now, hold your feet.

Inhale, lengthen your spine.

Exhale, fold forward from your hips.

You are welcome to extend your arms in front.

Sink deeper.

Exhale, release any tensions.

Relax your hips, just let it go.

Relax your lower back then, upper back.

This is also effective for realigning the imbalance of pelvis and hip muscles.

When your hips are relaxed enough, you could walk your hands forward.

Take 2 more breath here.

After deep exhale, come back up.

All right, that was the yoga for relieving tensions of shoulder blade area.

How was it?

I hope you feel the difference around your neck and shoulder area.

We are going to upload more exercise videos for you.

Each video is 10 to 20 minutes so try it in your spare time.

If you like it, please subscribe the channel.

Thank you for choosing my yoga video. See you soon!

For more infomation >> Yoga for Shoulder and Lower Back Pain - Duration: 18:48.


5 Min Abs Workout - Intermediate Level - Duration: 7:29.

Hello, I am Mariko with B-life.

Today, I am going to introduce a circuit training to strengthen your core.

This is an intermediate level training with 11 exercises.

We are going to do each one in 30 seconds.

Are you ready? Let's get started!

Let' start with lying down on our back.

Bend your Knees in 90 degrees

and bring them above your hips.

Ready to roll?

Touch the floor with your toes, then, bring your knees back to center.

Just repeat this

Keep bending your knees in 90 degrees.

Draw your navel toward your spine.

Inhale up, Exhale down

Inhale up, Exhale down

Inhale up, Exhale down

Bring your attention to your lower abdomen.


OK, next one, bring your head and chest up.

Pull each knee to the forehead and catch it with both hands.

Keep your abdominal strong.

Looks good!

To deepen the pose, extend your arms beside your body

and reach your fingertips forward.

Make sure your toes are pointed.

Abs are tight.

Keep going!

Nice, place your hands behind your head.

Lift your legs and butt up high, then bring them down and extend your legs.

Inhale up, Exhale extend.

Inhale up, Exhale extend.

Engage your lower abdominal to lift your hips

Toes pointed.

Make sure your lower back is pressing into the mat.

Great job!

Open the arms, bend elbows and place them beside the shoulder.

Bend knees in 90 degrees.

Turn them to the left

and back, right.

Don't let the shoulder blade lift off the floor.

Just imagine to create a slender waistline.


OK! Extend your arms and extend your legs,

Circle your arms in toward your toes and extend.

Crunch up and bend knees at the same time,

Inhale to extend.

Looks good! Now when you extend, try to reach your arms and legs down more.


OK, turn to face the side of the mat.

Place an elbow on the mat, just under your shoulder.

Knees are bend and stacked.

Lower your hips and up.

Lower, up. Lower, up.

This is called side bend exercise for toning and trimming the waste line.

If you want to challenge, you could do this with your leg extended.

Yes, like that. Beautiful!

Lower, up.

OK! Next is a plank pose.

Keep facing the side of the mat with your feet together.

Place a palm just under the shoulder and raise your hips and knees higher.

Reach the upper arm to the sky.

Make a straight line from head to feet.

The point is contract your abdominal to keep your hips high.

Press into the floor with your arm to hold the posture.

OK, Next one is a challenging pose.

Lie on your belly, extend your arms in front.

Flutter your legs up and down, like swimming.


Maintain the speed of the movement.


Move from the thigh not from the knees.

I think you are a great swimmer.

Faster! More!

It's hard.

Opposite side of side bend exercise.

Place the other elbow on the floor.

Lower your hips and up.

Lower, up.

Keep your shoulders, hips and knees aligned.

Again, to deeper, you could extend the legs.

Nice, beautiful!

Lower, up.

OK, again, side plank pose. Palm open wide. Press into the floor to keep your hips high.

Open your upper arm, reach to the sky.

Head to feet is making a beautiful straight line.

Keep a long neck.

Oh, I can see your hips are lower down,

Lift it up, once more!



Great job! Last one is dolphin plank pose.

Place both forearms on the floor.

Elbows are just under the shoulder. Interlace your fingers.

Tuck your toes, head extended forward.

Create straight line from head to heel,

It means hips are not too high, not too low.

Engage your abdominal, Keep strong core.






Great job! You made it!

Lower hips down to the heels, forehead down, extend your arms. Rest in a child pose.

All right, that was the core muscle training exercise for weight loss.

How was it?

If you feel it was hard, we have a beginner level training.

Please go ahead to check out my other videos for more training or stretch.

If you like them, please subscribe our channel.

Thank you very much for exercising with me.

I can't wait to see you again!

For more infomation >> 5 Min Abs Workout - Intermediate Level - Duration: 7:29.


Improving Global Health: Healthcare Quality Background and Context in Rwanda (HarvardX) - Duration: 3:52.

Hello students.

My name is Kirsten Scott.

And I am the teaching fellow for this course and absolutely honored

to be joined today by the Honorable Minister of Health of Rwanda, Dr.

Agnes Binagwaho.

So really just to get things started, I think it will be helpful to have some more context

with respect to where you call home.

Where I call home.

Home is Rwanda.

And I was privileged to come back in Rwanda and work as a pediatrician.

Because I am a pediatrician in 1996.

It was two years after the genocide against Tutsi.

And at that time, the country was still totally destroyed.

We were six pediatricians for a population of around 10 million.

And there were no drugs.

Infrastructure was destroyed across the country, as I told you.

The morale of the health workers was not there.

And the trust of the population was not there too.

Because health professional had contributed in the killing.

So people were not feeling safe on one hand.

But also there was at that time no possibility to give continuous quality care according

to what we know.

That means the knowledge, the science.

And evidence that has been built across the world.

What we have to do, we were not able to do it.

But not only that, because a doctor can do nothing alone.

We need to work with nurses.

We need infrastructure.

And as I told you, the knowledge of the people who were working in hospitals

were so little, that we were losing a lot of children

just because the basic science, the medical science, was not integrated.

So we were not in the condition to prevent care.

But the little we were providing all together was absolutely out of standard.

And it was all a process to rebuild everything.

In fact, they rebuilt the entire system.

It was really out of standards.

And you can imagine, you cannot create a society oriented to people when you

plan to kill a big part of them.

So since the year '60, when Rwanda was independent, the number of doctors educated was very few.

There were no nurses who had a degree.

It was a lower level of secondary school.

There were no books.

We just managed to build the first library two years ago.

There were not real teachers in the university.

It was people teaching like that, or friends coming and teach.

So we didn't built the capacity to provide social services to our own people.

And the little that we had has been destroyed, other people killed, other people out.

So that's the context when I came in a country devastated

by the genocide of the Tutsi, by HIV, by malaria.

So it was really a piece of land where nothing was working.

For more infomation >> Improving Global Health: Healthcare Quality Background and Context in Rwanda (HarvardX) - Duration: 3:52.


Идея для полезного завтрака | Яблочные круги с медом или быстрые оладьи | S-HUBme с Лизой - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Идея для полезного завтрака | Яблочные круги с медом или быстрые оладьи | S-HUBme с Лизой - Duration: 1:19.


Rent a Squease Pressure Vest - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Rent a Squease Pressure Vest - Duration: 2:30.


Learn to Make Your Own Drum Sound with DRUMR - Duration: 11:58.

Hey everyone, in this video I want to give you a detailed walkthrough

of my new drum creation tool for Ableton Live called DRUMR.

If you're wanting to get just a brief intro to DRUMR,

there's a separate shorter video that you can watch,

I'll put the link in the description.

In this video I'm going to take a detailed look at DRUMR,

what it is, how you can use it in your own music and exactly what each of the controls do and how

you can use them to create interesting drum sounds.

Once you've downloaded DRUMR you'll have the file

which you can unzip to get the DRUMR folder.

Inside the folder there are a couple of different files

and its important that you don't move any of these

out of this folder because you can run into issues where samples get unlinked.

Make sure that whatever you do you keep this entire folder intact

but you can move this folder to anywhere on your hard drive

so if you've got somewhere that you store your own presets

you can move DRUMR to that location or you could add it to Live's User Library or hit the

add folder button to add it to your Places.

Inside this folder there is a DRUMR Rack and a folder of presets.

Now the intention behind DRUMR is for you to discover

your own interesting drum sounds

so these presets are only included

to give you an idea of some of the sounds

you can get with DRUMR

and the kinds of settings you'd set up to get those sounds.

Obviously you are more than welcome to use these presets in your music.

What you really want to focus on is the DRUMR device over here,

'cause this is the base, raw, blank DRUMR device

that you're going to be using to create new drum sounds.

We can load this up onto a track in Live and we could have it on its own track but DRUMR

is actually designed to work with Drum Racks so we're going to load up a blank Drum Rack

and rather load DRUMR onto one of the pads within our Drum Rack.

Because DRUMR works with Drum Racks you can very easily mix and match it with anything

else that will go in a Drum Rack. With samples, with other DRM CIRCTS if you've used my

EARTH DRM CIRCTS and with various different instances of DRUMR to create entire drum kits

out of different instances of DRUMR.

DRUMR works by manipulating some frequency rich source samples to create drum sounds.

Now the source samples aren't actually drum hits.

What I found when I was creating DRUMR

and exploring some of the options is that what actually works a lot better is longer

drone, texture, noise sounds. Because these give us a lot of frequencies and textures

for creating various different interesting drum sounds.

And you'll see how thats gonna play out in a moment.

These 2 controls here allow us to adjust those base samples.

The first one lets us choose which of those base samples

we are using and there are a couple included.

And you can immediately hear how certain samples are gonna work for particular drum sounds

but really a lot of these samples are very versatile and will work for various different

kinds of drum sounds.

The second control allows us to scroll within the sample.

Because these are longer drone and texture samples,

they have slightly evolving textures throughout the sample so you can

use the Sample Position control to play the sample at different points

and create slight variations in your drum texture.

Now at the moment you'll hear that that's very subtle

but where this start to really have an impact

is after we've adjusted some of these other controls,

so we're going to come back to the Sample Position setting

and you'll see how even making very small adjustments to this control

can have fairly big results.

Our Decay control is fairly self explanatory,

that just controls the decay of our sound.

We can have a short decay for things like hi hats and claves.

And maybe a longer decay for things like boomy kick drums or cymbals.

Pitch controls the pitch of our sample.

Turning it to the left will lower the pitch

and to the right will raise the pitch.

The next two controls work together

and I find this is really where the magic happens with DRUMR.

They can be a little counter-intuitive at first.

What they are is, a hipass control

and the resonance for that hipass.

The hipass cuts out some of our low frequencies.

The HP Boost essentially controls the resonance of that hipass.

When we use these 2 controls in conjunction

we can bring out various resonances from the samples

to create different kinds of sounds.

For example, we might set our hipass quite low

to bring out some low frequency resonances for a kick drum.

We might set it quite high to bring out some higher resonances

for a clave.

The Drive control just applies some overdrive to our sound

which can be good for claps and snares.

And then the Volume control just lets us adjust the overall output volume

'cause sometimes when you're adjusting these other controls it can get a little bit loud.

So let's actually create some drum sounds and see how all of these controls can combine

together to get some pretty interesting results.

Lets start off with a kick drum.

Generally I'll start by setting my source sample

and finding something that's gonna work nicely for what I'm going for.

So that samples probably not really gonna work very well for a kick drum.

That one should be okay.

Next I'll adjust my Pitch 'cause I want to get a bit of a lower pitch for a kick drum.

Now I can start to use my Hipass control to bring out some of the resonances

to start getting a bit more low frequencies in my kick drum.

Maybe apply a bit of Drive… …to give it a bit more punch

I need to start turning my Volume down a bit.

And already we're starting to get a kick drum sound

I can adjust my Decay.

And now you'll see if I start making adjustments

to the Sample Position control

its gonna vary my sound a lot more than it did before.

And even making very small adjustments to this control can make quite a big difference.

There sounds pretty good for a kick drum.

So let's go for our next sounds, let's maybe go for a clap.

What I find works really nicely with DRUMR

is you can actually just hold down 'Alt' to copy the pad

and this serves as a good starting point for creating our next drum sound.

For our clap we probably want to remove a lot more of the low frequencies.

Already its starting to sound a bit like a clap. We can maybe open up our Decay.

Maybe increase our Pitch.

Take out a bit of the resonance

Maybe lets try a different sample.

That's starting to sound a little bit like a clap.

Again let's create a copy of this…

…and let's go for a hi hat this time.

Its going to be quite easy to get a clap into a hi hat.

Remove a little bit more of the low frequencies,

maybe take out a bit of resonance

and we can actually just turn our decay down

and it already starts to sound a bit like a hi hat.

Maybe adjust our pitch.

Even try a different source sample.

That's working quite nicely for a hi hat.

And what you'll notice with DRUMR

is once you've got some basic settings going

for the kind of sounds you want

you can start adjusting the Sample Select and Sample Position controls

to start getting some interesting variations to your sounds.

Certain samples and settings might not have

as much of a noticeable difference when you

adjust the Sample Position control.

So hopefully this has given you some kind of idea of how you can use DRUMR

and what all of the controls do.

You'll find that its a really, really versatile device for

coming up with very interesting drum sounds

that you probably would have never thought of.

And you might come up with conventional sounds like claps and hi hats and claves

but they'll have slightly different textures to what you would have otherwise come up with

with just basic samples.

If there are any questions or you want to know more about DRUMR and some of the controls

please post them in the comments below and I'll be sure to get back to you as soon

as I possibly can.

If you haven't got it already you can download DRUMR completely for free from my website,

which is ELPHNT…

…so go and have a look, check it out and give it a go

and let me know your thoughts

in the comments as well. I'd love to hear about what you think of DRUMR.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Learn to Make Your Own Drum Sound with DRUMR - Duration: 11:58.


W11050804 Replacing Your Washer's Impeller Cap AP6041528 PS11775336 - Duration: 1:38.

Hi I am Jordan. and today i am going to show you how to replace the impeller cap on your

washer model.

The reason you might need to change this part is if your cap is broken or missing.

For this repair you'll need a putty knife.

So this is our washer model yours might look different just keep in mind that these same

techniques can apply to any washer appliance.

The first thing we are going to do is open up the washer door.

So our impeller cap is located right here.

so with our putty knife we are going to go down using the tip we are going to chip off

the cap just like that then we are going to grab our new OEM replacement part if you don't

have one of these caps already you can find them on our online store.

Take the cap place it back inside.

untill you hear a snap after that you are going to close the lid and your repair is


If you need to replace any parts for your appliances you can find an OEM replacement

part on our website.

Thanks for watching, your support helps us to create these free video for you to enjoy.

Please like, comment and share and if you really like our video please subscribe down


For more infomation >> W11050804 Replacing Your Washer's Impeller Cap AP6041528 PS11775336 - Duration: 1:38.


Ask a Diabetes Specialist | Question and Answer for Diabetes - Duration: 4:26.

Diabetes Questions and answers 1. I was recently diagnosed with type 2

diabetes do I need to see an endocrinologist

answer why diabetes is an endocrine disease and falls under the speciality

of an endocrinologist there are only 3000 offers in the US who treat diabetes

do the math 25 million people have diabetes there are not nearly enough

endocrinologist most people with type 2 diabetes especially in the early years

can partner with a primary care provider who takes an active interest in their

diabetes - what should my blood sugar be when I wake up and before meals what

about after an answer for most people with diabetes we recommends a fasting or

before meals blood glucose goal of 70 to 130 mg by DL one to two hours after

eating a post prandial blood sugar reading at or under 180 mg by DL is

recommended 3 does a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mean I will have to go on

insulin answer no people with type 2 diabetes may or may not even need to

take insulin injections depending on several factors including the timing of

diagnosis the research indicates that if type 2 diabetes is treated early and

blood sugar is controlled initially and what were the ears the pancreas is more

likely to produce enough insulin longer for how can I learn to accept my

diabetes and accepting that you have diabetes is largely an act of cognition

a realignment of what you view as real and vital to your existence and how it

can impact diabetes becomes an integral part of a

person's life except the diabetes will for the rest of your life be there and

it is a very treatable disease 5 will insulin make me gain weight answer the

reason we need insulin is a hormone made in of our bodies or as a medication is

to push glucose into cells for energy insulins job is to process calories for

this reason it can but does not have to cause weight gain to prevent weight gain

practice portion control burn extra calories with exercise 6 can you

menstrual cycle and/or going through menopause Africa Lucas levels answer yes

and yes it's common for women to have hardman fluctuations the week before

their period and those can affect glucose control after ovale eating is

trojan and progesterone rise a sturgeon can make women more sensitive to insulin

and cause hypoglycemia progesterone can do the converse glucose levels often

return to their usual patterns after the first few days of the menstrual cycle 7

why is weight loss so important what's the best way for a person with type 2 to

lose weight answer weight loss is vital particularly just after your diagnosis

of type 2 or pre-diabetes weight loss increases insulin sensitivity allowing

cells to more effectively use the insulin the body continues to make

losing just 10 to 20 pounds can accomplish a boatload of benefits among

them or improved blood sugar blood pressure and cholesterol levels and

possibly taking fewer medications or lower doses thank you for watching this video

like and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Ask a Diabetes Specialist | Question and Answer for Diabetes - Duration: 4:26.


Dave Martinez: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | SML News - Duration: 10:10.

Dave Martinez: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Dave Martinez is the new manager in Washington, taking over from Dusty Baker.

On Oct.

29, news broke that Dave Martinez, the bench coach for the Chicago Cubs, will be named the new manager of the Washington Nationals following the end of the World Series between the Houston Astros and Los Angeles Dodgers.

The Nationals have never won a playoff series in either Washington or as the Montreal Expos, and Martinez will be tasked with getting a talented team over the hump and into the World Series for the first time.

Martinez will take over for Dusty Baker, who was fired after the Nationals fell to Martinez's Cubs in the NLDS.

Here are five things to know about Martinez.

He Spent 15 Years in the Major Leagues.

Dave Martinez spent three years with the Expos/Nationals franchise from 1988 to 1991.

Martinez's resume is so lengthy that it's almost easier to list the teams he hasn't played for than the ones he has.

After being drafted by the Cubs in 1983, he worked his way up to the Cubs in 1986.

Since that promotion, he moved on to play for the Expos, the Cincinnati Reds, the San Francisco Giants, the Chicago White Sox, the Tampa Bay Rays, made a second stint with the Cubs, went to the Texas Rangers and Toronto Blue Jays and finally finishing with the Atlanta Braves in 2001.

During his career, he was an effective outfielder, hitting .276 for his career. Only once, during his second stint with the Cubs, did his average dip below .250.

His most effective years came with the White Sox, where he played in more than 100 games in all three seasons and twice hit over .300.

He's Never Managed at Any Level.

Dave Martinez, shown here with Joe Maddon, has been the bench coach for Maddon since 2008.

Martinez's experience as a coach has consisted exclusively of serving as a bench coach, as he's been Joe Maddon's right-hand man in both Tampa Bay and Chicago through the former's managerial career.

However, that doesn't mean Martinez isn't well-respected around the majors.

Maddon has openly campaigned for Martinez to get a job running his own team, and his name has been linked to several teams, including the Nationals in 2013 when they instead chose to hire Matt Williams.

 Williams was fired two years later, while Martinez was in the NLCS with the Cubs and a year away from being part of the team that brought the North Side its first World Series title in 108 years.

In Tampa Bay, despite Rays players saying that they wanted Martinez and his familiarity with the team, Martinez was not chosen as a finalist for the job when Maddon took over the Cubs in 2014.

Upon being rejected as a candidate, Martinez resigned in Tampa Bay and reunited with Maddon in Chicago.

He'll Be One of Three Latino Managers in the Majors.

Dave Martinez is one of three Latino managers, along with Chicago White Sox manager Rick Renteria and Boston manager Alex Cora.

Upon the end of the World Series, Martinez will be the only Latino manager in the National League and one of three in both major leagues.

The others are Chicago White Sox manager Rick Renteria and Houston Astros bench coach Alex Cora, who will become the manager of the Boston Red Sox upon the conclusion of the World Series.

Following the World Series, Martinez and Cora will become the 17th and 18th managers in MLB history to be of Latino descent.

Of the 18, Martinez will be the third to work for the Expos/Nationals franchise, who previously had Felipe Alou and Manny Acta, both of whom were born in the Dominican Republic, as their manager.

Despite being born to a pair of Puerto Rican parents in Brooklyn, N.

, Martinez grew up unable to speak Spanish, which hadn't hurt him during his life in New York City but quickly became a problem when the Chicago Cubs drafted him and assigned him to their winter league team in Puerto Rico.

Knowing that he now needed to know a language that he had only heard from his Spanish-speaking grandmother, he had his Spanish-speaking teammates teach him how to speak Spanish.

He's now bilingual, having put those past struggles behind him.

He's Tied For the Major League Record for Most Teams in One Season.

The Cubs were one of four teams Dave Martinez played for in 2000.

In 2000, Martinez had to get used to several cities in a hurry.

Even by his journeyman standards, 2000 was a year unlike any other for the veteran outfielder.

He began the year with Tampa Bay, but after a series of injuries, the Rays would send him to the Chicago Cubs.

After just 18 games with the North Siders, however, Martinez was on the move again, this time to Texas in a three-team deal with Florida.

The trade deadline came and went with Martinez still on the Rangers, and given three moves on the season, it looked like his journey for the year had ended.

Instead, the Rangers dealt him four days into the waiver trade period, sending him to the Toronto Blue Jays for Pete Munro.

Martinez is one of eight players in MLB history to play for four different organizations in the same season, a record that nobody has beaten.

The only active player who has achieved the feat is Toronto outfielder Jose Bautista, who did it in 2004.

He Had The First Hit Ever for Tampa Bay.

In 1998, the Tampa Bay Devil Rays were a fairly forgettable expansion team, posting a record of 63-99 and finishing in last place, the same spot that they would finish in nine of their first 10 seasons in the major leagues.

But Martinez might have been the happiest person to be wearing the purple and white of the Devil Rays, even with his team's poor record.

His family moved to Orlando when he was 13, which put him just 80 miles from the Tampa-St.

Petersburg metropolitan area.

When the Devil Rays formed and he became a free agent following the 1997 season, he knew he wanted to play for the new team.

In fact, it was the second time Martinez had made a decision to try to play in his home state, as he'd signed with the San Francisco Giants following the 1992 season amid speculation that the Giants would move to Tampa Bay for 1993.

 Martinez might have been the only person in San Francisco who was disappointed when the franchise announced it would stay in the Bay Area.

Given a chance to play in Florida, Martinez quickly etched his name into Tampa Bay baseball history.

In his first at-bat with the Rays, he drove a pitch off a corner of first base and into right field, notching the Rays' first hit as a franchise.

He would record 253 hits in parts of three seasons in Tampa Bay.

For more infomation >> Dave Martinez: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | SML News - Duration: 10:10.


Bipolar Disorder and Self-Love - Duration: 3:33.

Hey guys! It's Hannah.

We're at one of my favorite murals downtown right now. And I just love what this thing says.

And it's really cool and it relates to what we're talking about today,

which is self-love and bipolar disorder.

Self-love and bipolar disorder.

Why the hell is it so hard for us to love ourselves, right?

I want to hear your thoughts.

So please share that in the comments section or do a response video.

And the reason I really want to discuss this today

is because one of my girls who lives with bipolar one disorder,

and she's also an advocate, came over yesterday.

We had a ball.

I mean we were talking about all different kinds of ideas.

And having this unique perspective.

And we both understood each other.

And I looked at her at one point and I was like: "Are you ashamed to have bipolar disorder?"

And she was like: "No! Because it makes me part of who I am."

We are taught to hate this part of ourselves.

So it's like in order to take on self-love with bipolar disorder,

we have to unteach ourselves this.

Before my diagnosis of bipolar 2 disorder,

I had no freaking clue who I was

because I was always being pulled to be one thing or the other;

prom queen, athlete, a student.

You know, be this, be sturdy, be tough, be strong...

to the extent, and this is a really personal part of my story that I don't share often...

When the symptoms of bipolar 2 disorder started really coming up,

I covered the mirrors in my bathroom and in my room

and I didn't look at them for a very long time.

And it wasn't because I was like, "Oh my god! Like my nails don't look right."

Like I just don't even want to see myself.

No! It wasn't that.

I was just so disconnected from the image that I saw in the reflection.

Like I didn't understand who that was and why I hated it so much.

It was frustrating.

And as scary as the mental hospital was

and receiving the diagnosis of bipolar 2 disorder,

one thing that it did for me that I realize now is…

It was like a sense of relief to finally have this official thing

to justify the fact that I am different.

It's just the problem with that is that we're told to hate those differences.

I felt like my bipolar disorder was constantly trying to be erased.

Well, if you erase my bipolar from me, you erase me.

And I ain't trying to get erased anytime soon.

So embracing this part of you...

Looking in the mirror and saying...

I'm different. I'm bold. I'm beautiful and brave. I'm brilliant.

I have something unique to offer to this world.

Tell yourself that every day.

And build self-love and you're raw authentic self.

Because that's the most beautiful person you could possibly be.

Before I head out, I want to share with you one of my favorite quotes.

And it starts out with:

"There are parts of me that will always remain untamable, messy, and reckless;

but I refuse to apologize for it anymore."

Kaitlin Foster.

Thanks for tuning in.

I can't wait to see what you have to say.

And I'll see you next week. Bye.

For more infomation >> Bipolar Disorder and Self-Love - Duration: 3:33.


Yoga for Weight Loss - Fat Burning Energy Flow - Duration: 19:19.

Hello, I am Mariko with B-life.

Today, we are practicing fat burning vinyasa flow yoga under the cherry blossom.

This flow will activate circulation system and increase basal metabolism.

Let's practice and also enjoy the Japanese spring together!

Let's begin with standing at the end of the mat.

Hands heart center..

Inhale, arms overhead.

Hands together. Look up and reach to the sky.

Exhale, hands to the mat.

Inhale, look up, flat back position

Exhale, relax your neck, move it side to side.

Walk your hands to front

Hands just under the shoulder. Plank pose.

Walk back, forward fold.

Look up, flat back.

Exhale, forward fold.

Walk your hands to front.

Plank pose.

Bend your knee one by one.

Keep knees a few inches away from the mat. Hold.

Draw your navel in.

Extend legs, Plank pose

Bend elbows back. Lie on your belly.

Take hold of ankles

Knees are hips width, do not wide open.

Inhale lift your chest up.

Exhale, down.

Inhale, lift your chest up. Knees can be higher.

Exhale, down.

Inhale, lift up. Hold here.

Draw your shoulder blades together.

Slowly release.

Hands under the shoulders.

Bring your hips back.

Raise your hips a few inches up and move it side to side.

Release the tensions of your back.

Round your spine.

Come to hands and knees.

Tuck your toes, bring your hips up to downward facing dog.

Bend each knees.

Take bicycle steps on the mat.

Stretch the back thighs.

Now reach your heels to the mat.

Inhale, Bring your chest front.

Exhale hug your elbows back.

Push your chest to the front.

Inhale, lift up. Come to downward facing dog.

Step the right foot between your hands.

Left foot parallel to the short edge of the mat.

Come to warrior two pose.

Left toe slightly inward.

Bend right knee.

Look to the right.

This pose strengthen lower back and legs.

Also improve blood circulation.

Turn the palms up

Lift your chest up as you reach the right arm over your head

Open the right side.

Bring the upper arm down to the right. Elbow on the thigh.

Left arm up, extended to the right.

Draw a big circle.

Inhale, right arm up and overhead.

Open the left arm and chest.

One more round, Inhale right arm up.

Exhale, left arm up.

Left arm and outer edge of left foot is pulling each other.

You could reach the right hand to the mat.

Feel the great stretch in left side and right hip.

Lower the left arm and stand with your feet wide apart.

Feet are parallel.

Bend the left knee, left hand on the right lower back.

Twist to the left as you push the left shoulder with your right hand.

Right shoulder on the left thigh.

Rotate your chest to the left.

Stimulate your abdominal.

Release your hands to the mat.

Turn your toes toward the short edge of the mat.

Bend the left knee.

Arms overhead. Reach up.

Extend the left knee. Belly in.

Bend the left knee. Extend.

Exhale bend. Strengthen your core.

Give me 3 more.



Don't bend the back knee.



Lengthen your spine, reach the arms and upper body forward.

Interlace your fingers behind your back

Squeeze the shoulder blades.

Reach your arms to the sky

Legs are steady.

Release your hands to the mat.

Right knee to the mat, extend left knee. Flex your feet.

Send your breath to back outer thigh and knee.

And smile♥

Return to low lunge position.

Lower down your hips.

Left sole stays on the mat.

Do not rise.

Relax your hips.

Hands to the mat.

Draw your right knee toward the chest as you lift your buttocks.

Round your spine.

Inhale, lift the right leg up to the sky.

Exhale, Draw your knees back to the chest. Inhale, Lift as much as you can.

Draw your knees back.

Lift up and hold.

You could grab the left ankle with the left hand. If not, hands stay on the mat.

Right leg down to the mat. Lift yourself up.

Come to warrior two pose on the other side.

Right foot parallel with the short edge of the mat.

Toes slightly inward.

Balance your weight evenly with both feet.

Draw your navel in. Feel energized.

Turn the left palm up.

Inhale, reach the left arm overhead to the right.

Reverse warrior.

Feel the stretch in left side.

Bring the upper arm down to the left. Elbow on the thigh.

Right arm up, extended to the left.

Inhale, left arm up and overhead.

Open the left arm and chest. Draw a big circle.

One more round, Inhale left arm up.

Exhale, right arm up.

Right arm and outer edge of right foot is pulling each other.

You could reach the left hand to the mat.

Feel the great stretch in right side and right hip.

Lower the right arm and stand with your feet wide apart.

Feet are parallel.

Bend the right knee, right hand on the left lower back.

Twist to the right as you push the right shoulder with your left hand.

With inhale, press into the mat with both feet to keep your spine nice and long.

Release the hands to the mat. Turn your toes to the short edge of the mat.

Bend the front knee. Reach your arms up to the sky.

Bend the right knee.


Exhale bend. Strengthen your core.

Give me 3 more.

Left heel keep pushing toward back.

Bend knee,

Bend knee, and hold.

Lean the upper body to the front.

Arms along side the ears.

Interlace your fingers behind your back

Reach your arms to the sky

Release your hands to the mat.

Left knee to the mat, extend right knee. Flex your feet.

Send your breath to back outer thigh and knee.

Return to low lunge position.

Lower down your hips.

Lean to front. Feel the stretch in the calf and Achilles' tendon.

Relax your hips.

This pose activates the circulation system of lower body.

Hands to the mat. Lift the hip up.

Draw your left knee toward the chest as you lift your buttocks.

Round your spine. Inhale, lift the left leg up to the sky.

Exhale, Draw the left knee back to the chest. Inhale, Lift as much as you can.

Draw your knees in.

Lift up and hold.

You could grab the right ankle with the right hand. If not, hands stay on the mat.

Left leg down and sit on the mat. Extend legs in front.

Draw the right knee toward the chest. Bring the right foot over the left thigh.

Draw the right knee in, then twist.

You could bend left leg to deepen.

Open the left chest and shoulder. Left elbow outside the thigh.

Hands are in prayer.

Press the sits bones to lengthen the spine.

Inhale, bring the palms up to the sky.

Exhale, lower down. Press both elbows each other.

Release hands. Come back to center.

Raise the bottom knee.

Legs are in figure 4 shape. Place hands under the shoulders.

With fingertips facing out.

Lift your hips up

Your head to knee is parallel to the mat, like a table and hold.

This pose helps to tone your back.

Slowly lower your hips down to the mat.

Left knee down to the mat and place the right ankle on it.

Inhale, left arm up. Exhale, lean to the right.

Feel the stretch along your left side.

Inhale, come back up a little, Place the left hand to diagonally forward right.

Rest your chest on the right thigh.

Send your deep breath to outer buttocks.

Inhale, come back up. Switch legs.

Bring the left foot over the right thigh.

Hug your left knee in, then twist.

You could bend right knee to deepen.

Bring right elbow outside the thigh. Hands are in prayer.

Inhale, press the sits bones, lengthen your spine and keep it.

Inhale reach your hands to the sky Exhale, bend both elbows.

Press both elbows each other.

It helps to activate digestion. as well as creating beautiful waist.

Come back to front. Release hands.

Raise your right knee. Make figure 4 shape.

Place hands under the shoulders, close armpits

Inhale, lift your hips up

Keep pressing into the mat with both palms to avoid shoulders rising up.

Slowly lower your hips down to the mat.

Right knee down to the mat and put the left ankle on it.

If your hips are tight, just put it in front. Inhale, right arm up.

Exhale, lean to the left

Feel the stretch along your outer lower back to right side.

Inhale, come back up a little

Place the right hand to diagonally forward left.

Rest your chest on the left thigh.

Relax your shoulder, send your deep breath to outer buttocks.

Relax your hips. Inhale, come back up.

Extend your legs in front. Slowly lie down on your back

Relax your head to the mat.

Shake your feet side to side.

Palms facing up, relax.

Move your neck side to side, find feel good spot to relax your head.

When you find the spot, slowly close your eyes.

Now relax your face.

Your cheeks muscle, mouth, jar are all relaxed.

Inhale deeply. Take a fresh air into your whole body.

With your next exhale, release all the remaining tensions and thoughts.

Just focus on your breath.

Slow, deep breath.

Sink yourself down to the mat deeply.

Just let go.

When you are ready, move your fingers and toes. Inhale, arms over head,

take a nice and long deep stretch. Exhale, release.

Bend your knees.

Lie down on the right.

Slowly come back to comfortable sitting position.

When you are ready, circle your neck.


Finally, press both sits bones into the mat, lengthen your spine.

Inhale arms over head,

Exhale, palms to heart center.

All right, that was the fat-burning vinyasa flow yoga. How was it?

I hope you enjoyed the cherry blossom as well as yoga.

We are going to upload more exercise videos for you.

Each video is 10 to 20 minutes so try it in your spare time.

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I'll see you soon!

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