Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 31 2017

Nick & Sammy Preview Comeback Through Cute "Without You" MV Trailer

Duo Nick & Sammy have shared glimpses of their upcoming return!. The pair will be coming back on November 4 with their first mini album Without You, featuring the title track of the same name.

The mini album will also include an English version of Without You, as well as four more tracks. The songs were all composed by Nick & Sammy.

After gaining a fan following with their awesome covers, Nick & Sammy made their debut in June with their single Baby You Love Me and most recently released Belong to Me in August.

For more infomation >> Nick & Sammy Preview Comeback Through Cute "Without You" MV Trailer - Duration: 1:16.


The most unique marriage proposal you'll ever see! And zombies are involved! - Duration: 10:47.

Produced by great friend of mine. A member of the Spasm family.

If you only knew how many times the Night Shift killed him on stage right here.

Give him a good hand. M. Patrick Foisy

For the 1st time at Spasm, you'll see a film in 3D.

The last scene, I promise... I hope you all have your 3D glasses.

F*@k off!

The last scene looks so real, you'll think it's happening right in front of you.

The last person I want to thank is my girlfriend Nikki. Here's a little anecdote.

The only fight we had in 3 years of dating is when she asked to be part of this movie.

Even if she has a minor in college in theatre, I refused.

Instead, I spent my time filming with 2 cute girls.

I know...

The straw that almost broke the camel's back is when...

We planned the weekend of shooting months in advance...

I hadn't realised that the big day of shooting was on her birthday.

I'll be happy if she'll still want to be with me after this viewing.


Here we go, Hochelag' of the Dead!

Hochelaga Maisonneuve has the reputation for sheltering predators...

But who knew that one day, a new type of waste was going to infest its streets?

Kevin aka Big

DJ No Flesh aka The Vegetarian

Bobby Bouchard aka The Butcher

Marcel aka The Retiree

Tonight, I'm up for some fresh meat.

I'd rather have a salad.

You're such an idiot!

What the hell is going on here?

Bothering people like this...

OK! Cut!!!

Not another idiot like you!

This is our 3rd take! We spent the whole day on this.

Patrick, calm down...

You don't get it! You don't understand the pressure I'm under! You simply don't get it!

Pat! Pat! What the hell did you do?

I'm going out of my mind!

You killed Vero!

Yeah but I put all my money in this f*"kin' movie...

I want to show it at Spasm...

Now I'm broke!

I was supposed to put my money in a wedding ring.

My girlfriend wants to get married...

Pat! Look!

What? No! No!

What did I do?

It's Vero!

You killed Vero!

Why did I do this?

Go ahead and die!

All I wanted to do is ask my girlfriend Nikki...


Will you...

Will you marr...


Do you want to be with me...

In life, in death...

And as the undead?


I just want to ask my girlfriend... or my fiance

Do you forgive me now?

Oh, yes...

Every year I do a stunt with Spasm.

I've done a false demonstration outside.

I've passed myself as a homeless man.

This year, it's not a stunt.

I'm off to change my Facebook status.

For more infomation >> The most unique marriage proposal you'll ever see! And zombies are involved! - Duration: 10:47.


10 Surprising Facts You Didn't Know About Adolf Hitler in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 4:23.

10 Surprising Facts You Didn't Know About Adolf Hitler in Urdu/Hindi

For more infomation >> 10 Surprising Facts You Didn't Know About Adolf Hitler in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 4:23.


5 Things You Need to Know About the Protestant Reformation | (SUBTITULOS EN ESPAÑOL) - Duration: 8:04.

For more infomation >> 5 Things You Need to Know About the Protestant Reformation | (SUBTITULOS EN ESPAÑOL) - Duration: 8:04.


What Can You Eat to Restore Intestinal Flora?|Health & Fitness - Duration: 2:44.

hello welcome to health and fitness please leave your comment after watching

this video and also subscribe our channel what can you eat to restore

intestinal flora when most people hear the word bacteria they tend to think of

something that is detrimental to their health however there are several good

bacteria that our bodies need in order to function properly such as those which

are essential to intestinal flora bacteria called lactobacillus

acidophilus and lactobacillus bifidus are vital and beneficial to intestinal

flora plus they prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying and causing problems in

your body these bacteria can also prevent diseases like irritable Bowl or

distended colon which can appear if the bacteria protecting the body are too few

in number how can you restore intestinal flora there are specific foods you

should eat in order to restore the flora which we've seen xed laboratory studies

have demonstrated that ginger helps maintain healthy intestinal flora as

well as aiding in the digestion of dietary fats and calming and easing the

digestive tract apple cider vinegar ginger root berries and fruits with

plenty of fiber vegetables lean protein black tea law almonds flax seed oil or

meal fish oil ground cayenne pepper furthermore you should stock up on

fermented foods like the following cottage cheese Greek yogurt kefir

sauerkraut pickles pickled radishes pickled beets miso yogurt with active

cultures tempeh tofu in addition to eating these foods you should also

consume around 25 35 grams of fiber a day and add prebiotics or lactobacillus

acidophilus in capsule form to your diet you must also try your hardest to resist

the temptation to eat fatty foods like sauces and fried foods you should also

be very careful not to self-medicate antibiotics are already a major factor

in the destruction of intestinal flora the best thing to do is to increase your

consumption of all the foods we've recommended since they not only restore

the intestinal flora battles contain natural forms of prebiotics out

of the foods previously listed your body can benefit the most from the fermented

foods vegetables and fruits rich in fiber however all the foods we have

recommended help restore intestinal flora and provide essential nutrients

that greatly benefit your overall health thank you for watching for more

subscribe to our Channel and share videos with all your friends

For more infomation >> What Can You Eat to Restore Intestinal Flora?|Health & Fitness - Duration: 2:44.


Coloring Books for Adults - Duration: 0:57.

Coloring Books for Adults BUY HERE: Maybe you've been away from coloring since you were a child or maybe you still enjoy putting color on paper; 2d3d publishing has something for everyone! Take up a new hobby, let go of the stress of the day and escape for a while into the world of coloring. Landscapes, people, holidays; our collection of specially designed adult coloring books has something for everyone! These make great gifts for any occasion and some even come in a carry-along size. Explore our Etsy shop to view our entire coloring book collection!

For more infomation >> Coloring Books for Adults - Duration: 0:57.


Choose Your BROOM and DISCOVER What Kind Of WITCH You Are - Duration: 5:20.

Choose Your BROOM and DISCOVER What Kind Of WITCH You Are

Every woman has a secret magical power in herself …

Some stubbornly deny this, hiding the broom in the pantry and some don't mind bragging about their sorcerous abilities.

Let's choose a broom and learn about the magical gift in each of us!


Witch Entrepreneur

You have the ability to clearly identify your own capabilities.

You don't mind trying new things and beginnings.

In work, you often include your "witchy flair", which allows you to avoid risks and losses.

You spend your free time actively: flights on a broomstick and dynamic sports are not alien to you and of course,

you can't wait for Friday's covenants with your friends.



You have an expressive face and magical eloquence.

Most likely, others noticed that you have the ability to anticipate different events and prepare for them in advance.

You are an extremely intelligent person and you can quickly catch inconsistencies in the words and emotions of other

people without a fortune-telling card.


Powerful witch

You have the ability to influence people through emotional pressure, while you have good relationships with them.

Despite the strong leadership features, you are a sorceress who often sacrifices her own interests for the sake of



Witch perfectionist

You know where each bowler and broom is in the house.

You like impeccable order and demand that others also maintain that.

If you are in the process of preparing a potion or organizing an important coven, you will certainly get things done.

Other witches flutter before you, each time showing their admiration and respect!


Witch mentor

You can subtly perceive other people.

Trust in a relationship is the most important criteria for you.

You will never forgive the disloyal sorcerer for anything.

The universe also gave you the gift of a mentor and teacher.

You will like working with young wizards who will see you as a real role model.


Witch with an iron character

You can easily recognize falsehood and schemes in a relationship.

At the Sabbaths and meetings, you always manage to present and defend your views and principles.

Unfortunately, you can't stand the superiority of other mages and witches, so at times you can be a little bit harsh.



You differ from other witches in a wide range of interests.

You adapt to new conditions and changes in life with an ease.

You are the sorceress who will not wait for a convenient moment: you solve all the important problems yourself and are

not afraid to be the first one to prepare a new potion.



You are a dreamy and lyrical person … you have a trusting relationship with the other witches:

you are good at reading other people and you can feel them.

You attach great importance to appearance and sorcery attire, and that's you do not know how and can never save any

magic money.



You are able to enjoy ordinary life and calmly endure routine duties: cleaning boilers,

cleaning the house and preparing a potion.

You don't need to get along with other wizards: you like to help others and feel right.

Most of the time you prefer being alone.

You enjoy running away to the hills, where you get lost in your thoughts without having anyone around to bother you.


Witch Traveler

You don't tolerate routine: frequent change of workplace is a common thing for you.

Work for you is a real creative springboard.

You often take a broom and go to the uncharted place.

You are interested in other wizards because you are not against sharing your centuries-old experience.

For more infomation >> Choose Your BROOM and DISCOVER What Kind Of WITCH You Are - Duration: 5:20.


Where do you keep your pills💊 - Duration: 7:02.

hey you it's Evie :) are you guys in for another one of those videos like last

video but sorry if you're aggravated or if you're one of those that are upset

but I feel like it's really important to bring up today's video again was not

planned it's just it's been on my mind a lot lately with the whole opiate

epidemic if I can talk right alright they say a big part of the

problem with what's going on with opiates and

painkiller abuse is children I'm not gonna sit here and point fingers and say

your child is taking your pills or I'm not gonna assume that at all but I want

you to know some of the statistics now I can't look at my phone and share them

with you but if you watch the screen I'll share them as we go along okay now

they were saying something and I'll have it on the screen to correct myself if

I'm wrong you were saying half of teenagers before they hit 18 have tried

with the word they started to experiment with other drugs uh who was they getting

at with that but a lot of these parents aren't realizing that where they're

putting their medication plays a big role and who's got access to it it you

know just because your child gets straight A's and it's doing amazing at

school they don't seem like they're out partying or anything it doesn't mean

that they're not trying there's kids out there that are trying AdRoll just to

have that energy to keep up with their studies and they get past their grades

and stay up late at night as you know kids can be under a lot of pressure at

school or it could be a child that has been picked on in bullied at school for

their weight and it slowly grew into a bigger problem I could share a very

personal story about myself it could be a million things there could be a lot of

things going on at home in your child's head that you don't know about they

start getting this idea planted in their mind and when we have our pills out

where we don't think it's going to be a problem it could quickly turn into a

disaster you're just clueless

so I want so I want to know you don't have to tell me I'm just asking I'm

asking you where do you put your meds if you just keep them in the medicine

cabinet or everyone sees where everyone can access doesn't necessarily mean they

can see or do you keep it in the safe it's not just your pain meds you guys

kids can get a lot of people don't know this that's why I'm sharing a lot of

kids can get high over stuff over the counter they can be inhaling stuff and

that the places they can hide it let me tell you you you would not believe it

could hide it in your lipstick container you could hide it in a pad see it's been

found where teens have been caught hiding anything in the pad and then you

just close it and most of them come with like a little seal on it and you

wouldn't suspect anything and like I said you guys I'm not I'm not accusing

your kids just something to think about I just want this little light in the

back of your head just to stay there and just something to think about if you

notice any changes with your children if you if they seemed like they're under

pressure they seem like they're really having a hard time with something or

sometimes they can be so good at hiding it they could be the kind of child that

wants to hide in their room all the time they're kind of standoffish they're

quiet I'm not judging in any way but a lot of times when your child is hiding

off into the room for a long periods of time something could be going on okay

they have so many different hidden spots I guess the new thing for children I

know a lot of people are a lot of you are might be saying all kids don't do

that this doesn't happen but it is let look

on YouTube I swear to god there's so many children out there taking their

mom's prescriptions without their parents even knowing okay that video I

shared uh what's it called exposed I'll try sharing it here I there was two

kids I shared the one even said it came from their mom and I tried so hard

digging through it to find that person's other accounts so

I can somehow find their parent I couldn't I could have like nothing

because you know would Oh obviously a lot of these parents don't know I I

think if we really really pay close attention to that because a lot of

people don't even think of their child possibly doing that but it seems like

the generations of these children growing up it's like they're growing up

a way too fast you never know I don't really know what more to say in this

video and I'm sorry it's all over the place but I just want you to know to

keep your eyes open really pay close attention and please hide your medicine

you guys look how my gabapentin video okay we're sure some people having

really bad quite a few people having really bad side effects and then there's

some people haven't that's where that the medicine really helps them but then

if you go down in the comment section below

you've got people saying how much they love getting high off of it it's there

go go check it out even the medicines you don't think God what else cough

syrups inhaling like I told you snorting and

don't think they need any special tools to do any of this either you know it

could be random stuff that you find in their room it could be spoons pens they

said that they've even found drugs in books the Bible behind posters and

pictures in the light cases unscrewing this and hiding something there like it

can be in so many crazy spots you guys and I just wanted to make this video

just so you're aware okay just something to keep your eyes open

you know how it is when you're a teenager your problem seems so much

bigger than when they really are and then when you grow up granted there are

a lot of teenagers and especially today's world that are going through so

much but I just want to tell you just to watch your eyes open okay I am make sure

that I keep my medicines up my kids are really little you know crazy seven

standard just turned four I hope nobody takes offense to this video although

there always seems to be that tiny percentage that does I just want to tell

you this so a lot of people that don't it doesn't

even cross their mind so okay I'll share some links in the description box too if

you want more on that all right love you guys I hope you're doing well make sure

you comment below let me know your thoughts and how you feel about this if

you have any tips for any other parents okay all right love you guys

I'll see you next video

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