Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 30 2017

Logan Melgar: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Frenship ISD Army Staff Sergeant Logan Melgar, right, died suspiciously in June while serving in Mali.

Two members of the elite Navy SEAL Team 6 are under investigation after the suspicious death of a U.S. Army Green Beret in Mali, the New York Times reports.

Staff Sergeant Logan Melgar, 34, was found dead June 4 in embassy housing in the Malian capital of Bamako and agents with the Navy Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) are working to determine whether he was strangled by the unnamed SEALs, the Times reports.

Many details about the case remain a mystery and military officials have kept quiet about Melgar's death. Here's what you need to know:.

Melgar Was Living With Other Special Operators in Mali & Foul Play Was Immediately Suspected, the Times Reports.

Staff Sergeant Logan Melgar was living at U.S. embassy housing in Bamako along with several other Special Operations forces who were assigned to the West African country to help with training and counterterrorism, the New York Times reports.

Melgar died on June 4 and an autopsy by a military medical examiner determined his death was a homicide caused by strangulation, sources told the Times. According to the Times, details of what led to Melgar's death have not been made public.

His death occurred about 5 a.m. inside the team house. His superiors were initially told he had been injured while wrestling or grappling with the SEALs, the Times reports.

According to a version of events told to the newspaper, Melgar was put into a chokehold by one of the commandos and passed out. The SEALs tried to revive him, and then rushed him to a clinic, where he was pronounced dead.

But it is not known if that is an accurate account of what occurred. The newspaper reports that the mystery has led members of the tight-knit Green Beret community to speculate about what happened.

The Times reports that some in the community think Melgar could have been involved in a personal dispute with his housemates or could have "stumbled upon some illicit activity the SEALs were involved in, and they silenced him.

Melgar's superiors in Germany immediately suspected foul play and an investigator was sent to the scene within 24 hours, the Times reports. He was four months into a six-month tour in Mali, according to the New York Times.

Melgar was part of small team assigned to the U.S. Ambassador to Mali, Paul Folmsbee.

He and the team provided intelligence about Islamic militants to Folmsbee, and also served to protect U.S. personnel against attacks and helped assess which local troops could be trained and equipped to create a counterterrorism force, the Times reports.

He was living with three other Special Forces operators, including the two SEAL commandos, who were in Mali at Folmsbee's request on a previously undisclosed and highly unusual clandestine mission to support French and Malian counterterrorism forces battling Al Qaeda's branch in North and West Africa, known as Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, as well as smaller cells aligned with Al Qaeda or the Islamic State," according to the Times.

The SEALs provided intelligence for missions and took place in two operations in Mali before Melgar's death, according to the Times.

The 2 SEALs Have Been Called 'Persons of Interest' & Were Flown Out of Mali After Melgar's Death.

No one has been charged in Melgar's death, according to the New York Times report.NCIS took over the investigation on September 25. The Army Criminal Investigative Division originally investigated the death.

The homicide investigation was not made public prior to the Times' report on October 29. Melgar's death was not formally announced by the Department of Defense, Army or the Pentagon's African Command.

"NCIS does not discuss the details of ongoing investigations," spokesman Ed Buice said in a statement.

According to the Times, the two Navy SEALs, who have not been identified publicly, were flown out of Mali shortly after Melgar's death. They were initially listed as witnesses, but were later re-classified as "persons of interest," the newspaper reports.

The two SEALs have been placed on administrative leave, according to the Times.

Melgar Was a Texas Native Who Enlisted in the Army After Graduating From Texas Tech. Logan Melgar graduated from Frenship High School in Texas in 2001.

Melgar was a Lubbock, Texas, native, graduating from Frenship High School in Wolfforth in 2001, according to the Frenship ISD's website. He enlisted in the Army after graduating from college, the school district said. He graduated from Texas Tech University.

According to ABC News, Melgar enlisted in 2012 as an 18x, or Special Forces candidate. In 2016, he was assigned to 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) in 2016, after completing Special Forces Qualification and Special Forces Engineer courses, the news network reports.

Melgar was honored by Frenship High School at its homecoming game earlier this month.

"Once a Tiger, Always a Tiger," the school district said. "This is one way we let the world know that once a person walks through the doors of any Frenship ISD campus, they become part of the Frenship Nation.

His family came onto the field during the ceremony, which can be seen at the end of the video above.

He Was Based at Fort Bragg in North Carolina & Served 2 Tours in Afghanistan. The Patriot Guard Riders of North Carolina wait at Raleigh-Durham Airport in June to escort Staff Sergeant Melgar.

Staff Sergeant Logan J. Melgar was part of the Army Special Forces Group (Airborne) and was stationed at Fort Bragg in North Carolina.

He served two tours in Afghanistan, according to the New York Times. He served as an engineer sergeant during his two deployments, ABC News reports."After graduating from Frenship and obtaining his college degree, he enlisted in the Army and became a Green Beret.

He earned numerous medals and commendations, and after multiple deployments was deployed for the final time this year," Frenship ISD said in a statement. Melgar's body was returned to North Carolina on June 21.

Members of the Patriot Guard Riders of North Carolina were at Raleigh-Durham International Airport to escort him to a local funeral home, according to a post on their Facebook page. He is scheduled to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery on November 20.

Melgar Is Survived by His Wife & Sons. Melgar is survived by his wife, Michelle, and his son, Braxton, according to Frenship ISD.

The Times reports he had two sons, ages 13 and 15. He and his wife were married in Lubbock in 2008. His wife and brother did not comment when contacted by the New York Times about the death investigation.

Michelle Melgar told CNN she was notified her husband's death had been ruled a homicide, adding, "I ask for privacy during this time — I hope that you will allow me to tell my story when I'm ready.

I knew him best — he was my best friend. It's all so new — I'm sorry.". A family spokesperson gave a statement to his former high school before the homecoming ceremony honoring him.

Melgar did what most only dream of and excelled at every turn! His life was epic! He is missed dearly every single day, but his legacy lives on through his family and his son Braxton," the statement said.

For more infomation >> Logan Melgar: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | CaCao TV - Duration: 10:15.


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Montana Ag: Fast-talking teenager - Duration: 2:04.

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Introduction to Scripting - Welcome to IT-140 | Codio Python | SNHU - Duration: 2:09.

hello and welcome to introduction to scripting IT 140 here at SNHU. I'm Itauma

Itauma. In this course we'll be covering the fundamentals of programming

including data types, variables, decision statements, loops and functions. You will

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literals and regular expressions. You will gain an introduction to programming

through hands-on activities that are beginner friendly using the Python 3

programming language. Python is an interpretive language which means that

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program after you write it like any scripting language which are often

interpreted rather than compiled. One of the ways to be successful in this course

is to make use of the learning resources. The textbook that we'll be using is a

Think Python: How to think like a computer scientist. the course uses Codio which

is a cloud-based integrated development environment. Check the announcement page

for specifics on registering. A useful resource available on codio is the

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of introducing you to the concepts of flow charting, programming, algorithms and

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course. Have a great term.

For more infomation >> Introduction to Scripting - Welcome to IT-140 | Codio Python | SNHU - Duration: 2:09.


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10 Things You Should Know Before Dating The Outgoing Introvert - Duration: 5:03.

10 Things You Should Know Before Dating The Outgoing Introvert

The term "outgoing introvert" is an oxymoron.

Like the concept, the people who are outgoing introverts are difficult to understand.

In other words, they are a bundle of paradoxes.

They sometimes enjoy the limelight.

The next minute, for no apparent reason, they simply want to be alone.

They can happily engage in conversation, but they would be quiet and listen to others.

Such stark contrasts surface in some people's characters because in them lies both extroversion

and introversion.

They are also called ambiverts by some people.

Dating outgoing introverts is not simple because you would have a tough time understanding

their type or how they would react on any given occasion.

They can be considered enigmatic and mysterious and not everyone may enjoy their company.

If you are looking to date an outgoing extrovert, why not learn what you are up against and

decide if you have the patience and intelligence to decipher these walking-talking mysteries.

In this video, I'm going to share with you just the 10 things you should know before

dating the outgoing introvert.

If you find this information is helpful to you,

make sure to like this video and subscribe to this channel, so you won't miss any of

our interesting updates in the future!


Even when you meet after a long day, they could be annoyingly aloof

You are likely to be disappointed when you understand your presence is not liked or preferred

even if you have met after days.

Don't feel bad about this because it is not about you.

Your outgoing introvert partner may just be wanting to regain strength after they have

drained a large amount of social energy.

They usually like to do this alone.


They can make any party lively, but sometimes….

These folks are engrossed in themselves and also introspective by nature.

Even though they are thought of as extroverts, they are really not.

They think too much about their actions and always on their guard.


They would express their liking only for those they really like

If an outgoing introvert expresses their liking for you, there is no need to be doubtful.

If they have expressed it, they really like you.


At times they avoid communication through phone

They can ignore messages and phone calls without any qualms and they can do that even with

their best friends.

If phone calls and messages seem to interfere with what they are focusing on, they would

avoid such intrusions.

Once focused on something, their minds usually don't take a steep turn.


They will listen to all that others have to say.

Introversion can be of variety of types and that makes the outgoing introverts good listeners.

They are always able to understand your feelings and thoughts and can handle any challenge

with ease.


They won't let you know their feelings until they know yours

They usually keep quiet until they test the waters.

They don't like the idea of opening up or telling others everything about themselves

in the first meeting or may be not even in the first year.


Their energy level depends on their environment.

They can get annoyed easily.

If they vibe with the crowd, they can get their energy from human interactions.

But if they don't, they'll start to get really introspective and reflective, and tend

to withdraw into themselves.

It's kinda like a hit or miss.

They're very selectively social.

But it's not because they dislike people, it's actually the opposite.

They dislike the barriers like small talk (which often comes with going out) creates

between people, and try to avoid it at all costs.


They kinda hate the typical first date.

Maybe it's 'cause they hate small talk or something.

Over-thinking is like a part of them so at times we enjoy a break from their heads.

Be willing to go somewhere authentic where they won't have to awkwardly sit across

from each other asking the typical "get to know you" questions.


You'll think they are flirty with everyone

They interact with everyone because they want to make everyone feel comfortable.

They are sensitive of how others feel and so try to talk to everyone.

It may seem as though they flirt with everyone.


They can see through lies

The outgoing extroverts can observe the smallest detail and can notice even those things which

escape others' attention.

That is why they can very easily find you out if you try to deceive them.

Well, that's the 10 things you should know before dating the outgoing introvert.

Really cool information isn't it.

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

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