Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 31 2017

Closed Caption by YouTube hey my friend we're talking about how to find buyers for wholesaling real estate

stay tuned

hey this is all coming to you live from my Empire proof studios on this episode

we're gonna be diving in you'll be learning how to funnel in and less

qualified buyers for your host selling real estate deals okay we're gonna be

getting a little bit deeper into that I have some other videos right here on

this channel how to find cash buyers but right now I want to focus on qualified

buyers okay the difference between cash buyers and qualified buyers and for your

wholesale real estate deals at will and by the way let me first talk about cash

buyers and qualified buyers okay qualified buyers it doesn't matter if

it's cash doesn't matter if it's mortgage it doesn't matter if it's hard

money it doesn't matter okay money is money okay we're gonna close

the deal that's the bottom line that's qualified buyers cash buyers are quote

unquote cash buyers you know for BiggerPockets

cash buyer and they got the cash they got that or what do you call it POF

proof proof of funds right it's not really real cash proof of funds means

nothing okay I always tell people proof upon that

funds does not close deals proof of funds you can resort to post this but

it's not a guarantee to close deals I'm talking about qualified buyers that

means somebody that's actually interested in and buy the property

regardless of why maybe for the emotions maybe the current constant numbers but

they're ready to buy bias is what we're in the business for without buyers hole

selling business is minimized is useless okay it's a matter of fact when I in

2008 when the market crashed in 2009 I had about 30 different short

sale whole sales like wholesale deals on my table in folders okay and I couldn't

do anything with them because there was no qualified buyers there was a ton of

cash buyers at every meeting that I went to at every business real estate

location what do you call it a lot of home now but I'm talking about the lease

and the local asset Association clubs right there's a ton of cash buyer they

all claim to be cash even people that I've never seen more

than $5,000 in cash before they all claim to be cash buyers but there was no

qualified buyers okay because for the previous three four years before that I

was causing a lot of juice using bank money people were qualifying but bank

all of a sudden refused to give people money starting towards the end of a

seven or eight got worse 2009 it was crickets okay so I want to talk about

qualified buyers how to find qualified buyers but as usual I have a question

that came in and I like to dive in from that standpoint so this person says hi

here is my pain I learn all this stuff about about wholesaling and finding

deals but I have to be honest with myself from what's right I am struggling

to find buyers for my deals yeah that was me in 2009 it's tough I mean think

about you do all these deals and no bias right I mean you secure all this

quote/unquote deals no buyers well guess what by default if it's secured use and

no bias they were not deals they were not good deals in the first place

obviously sorry I just moved in the whole thing that's what happens okay

that's as real as it gets all right sure I mean if you if you have quote-unquote

properties on the contract and nobody is willing to buy them it's probably a bad

deal typically it's a bad deal but it could also mean you're getting ready for

a recession just like for me in 2009 because all these deals were closing but

the numbers were getting worse and worse and then not only that the market was

extremely volatile and people were losing properties and banks was losing

money and Lehman Brothers Bear Stearns was going under all this bang big banks

are going under people were people were jumping out of the skyscrapers okay it

was pretty bad right so onto something like that happens in a typical market if

no one wants to buy your deal chances are it's just bad but you don't want to

count on cash buyers quote-unquote cash buyers we claim to be cashed by a ton of

them are not cash buyers okay ton of them went to our training a hotel

meeting training or coaching training somewhere and they give

POF proof of funds and now the thing they got cash okay

let me tell you something if it was that easy everybody will be doing it so I

always tell people you got it always think outside of the box okay you gotta

find a way of always thinking outside of the box because before was that's easy a

stain straight line and following the textbook everybody will be doing this

right because that is just gonna be as simple as following instruction but

clearly there's a little bit more to it okay yeah you got the book smart that's

good if you went to a course but you need a street-smart you need that's a

street-smart skill set okay you need to know what's going on on the streets okay

cuz it can be different a lot okay so he goes honestly I would buy and hold some

of my deals but I do not have a good enough credit to do so what I have is

the time and money from my day job for marketing I guess now here's the thing

okay if no one is willing to buy the deals there's a good chance you

shouldn't be buying it deals yourself okay but maybe you just can see maybe

you can see a special vision that other people can't see sometimes making a

fortune comes from that you're able to see things that other people can't see

that's the whole point of what I said earlier about learn how to start seeing

things from outside of the box the best way to learn how to think see things

outside of the box is to be a solution oriented person don't be a complainer

don't be somebody that whine about everything don't be somebody that point

fingers at the rest of the world or pointing fingers are the gurus that is

their fault be the person to come to the table with solutions look at the end

point of what you're trying to do and look at where you are and design a path

to get to where you're trying to get to that's it with everything in life okay

when you design a path trust me most people probably don't have that

same path because you design it you created it you took responsibility and

you created that path so what is the past year we want to flip a property

okay I'm closing the deal I secured the

property with a contract I'm closing a deal I'm gonna need a few things I need

a house and in the end buyer I need a motivated seller all right I need a

distressed property of some sort maybe property is not that distressed but is

distressed financially the person that owns it is underwater with the property

right and you you create a solution to create some I could end up in that

property because you could wait for a curry but the way I did that I did most

of my Oh serving was by creating the equity okay to negotiations right you go

outside the box you create those equity right and then you flip the property -

all right now we're talking about two buyers to qualify bath that's what we're

talking about right we're talking about finding qualified buyers just qualified

buyers all over the place because remember what your what your securing

our wholesale deals this is not retail this I need to advertise as such what I

used to use the phrase that I used to use back then is inbuilt equity okay and

I actually created a company around it at the time in beaut equity the idea is

that you want to create your own little niche right what you sell are also

properties that means probably could be what a hundred thousand dollars in

regular retail market but you're selling for 80 70 grand not for 50 grand that's

what the cash buyers are dreaming and waiting for I'm talking about just

regular retail people that don't mind picking up properties at a little

discount cuz they want to put into work and then hold on to the property not

because they want to put in work and flip it to make a hundred thousand

dollars different type of ballgame different business model entirely which

there's nothing wrong with it but I'm telling you right now as a wholesaler if

that's if those are the only buyers you depend on you leave your money on the

table if you want to be a full-time wholesaler you need to start learning

how to build a list of qualified buyers okay what do I mean by that okay the way

I like to do it is the same method that I teach and it's called attraction

marketing okay you need to give away information for free on how to buy

wholesale properties I'm giving you a tip right now okay you need to create a

PDF or report a free video one hour video

break it down step by step on how to buy wholesale properties you're not asking

them for business right now okay you're just giving away free information you're

helping people by actually helping them does that make sense you're giving away

free info Misha if you don't know how to do it

already go do some research you know talk to interview a few people interview

some of the Guru's that already doing well right and package that together

that's a free giveaway right specifically for people that would like

to buy wholesale deals not people that are looking to buy killer investment not

people that are looking to make fifty fifty thousand dollars from a fifty

thousand dollar zone that's not what I'm talking about oh my regular good ol

folks people that are on the highways right now going through the regular job

but they don't mind coming into real estate slowly but surely they don't like

they don't mind picking up a property that's what two hundred thousand dollars

for 180 right for 170 right not the people looking to pick up two hundred

thousand dollars for a hundred thousand dollars right I'm talking about people

that just want a simple discount like a simple twenty thirty percent discount in

exchange for being on your list right how do you buy such property you create

a simple PDF or video a medium something that it can consume a podcast radio show

or something like that where you give people away that information you can do

it on a consistent basis you create just one that you give away all the time and

then when you give it away in exchange for their contact information and now

you're building a list of qualified buyers why do I call them qualified

buyers why because they want this already okay is it everybody that's

gonna end up buying your wholesale deals no of course not okay but again you're

not gonna have wholesale deals all the time if you have maybe you have three if

you're really good you have three four five at the same time but now you have a

list of people that you're building that you can send email to every time you

have a deal ready to go and you're missing you so long like this one last

jump on it right now give me a call so we can talk about how to make this

profitable for you remember they already trusted you right because you give away

that sorry again for for me displays in this camera okay

let's keep this safe right right remember they already see you as the

experts because you took the time to compile information on how to buy a

wholesale deals you took that time and you put it together for them that's

worth a lot okay because you're helping people you compiled for me they would

have to normally Google or listen to it thousand

or maybe you know go to go to a $40,000 event to find out right you put that

together for them you give it away for them for free they own your list right

now now you already know I'm assuming you already know how to create deals

find deals and put them on the contract right but now you have not just current

cash buyers now you have a lot more than just guru cash buyers to show your

properties to and then these people are looking at you as the expert as opposed

to how the cash buyers are looking at you okay if your new wholesale a burger

coming into the business in case you don't know the way the cash buyers guru

cash buyers are looking at you is you just one of those mini ones yeah you

find a property now you want everybody to buy it right that's not to look at

you but you want to create a situation where your brand where people are

chasing after you you're now being chased after to get on your properties

and maybe cash buyers will never want to work with you that's fine I've got two

emails before from quote-unquote guru cash buyers when I say that let's say

hey that's not a deal the hell out of here right I've gotten that but it

doesn't matter I sell the property anyway to people that value the deal

that I created if it doesn't like not just remember any particular house that

you put on a contract does not belong to everybody everybody's not supposed to do

see the value especially the Guru cash buyers they may not see that because

they're looking for killer deals they're looking to make 80 grand from one view

okay maybe 40 grand okay maybe I'm exaggerating maybe 30 grand it doesn't

matter they look to make a killer you don't have to wait until you create a

killer you have to get an engage in the business now because your consistency is

gonna attract the killer killer deals are gonna come okay they're just gonna

come the highest I've made which is nothing compared to others and they deal

with $82,000 that is show up on day one I didn't show up every day it showed up

in the midst of me being consistently making 10 20 30 grand for a grand per

deal okay but then BOOM eighty-two thousand all showed up but it doesn't

drop out of the sky is because I was consistent in the game how do you become

concerned the game I'm assuming you know how to secure put a contract put a

property on the contract if you don't know how to do that watch my other

videos on wholesale deals once you put a property on the contract

you need a list it could be a YouTube channel subscribers okay

whatever right you need a list of people that you can advertise a private list

okay so private is because you can't really be advertising if you're not a

licensed realtor okay and as for me it takes nothing takes almost nothing to

get a license as a route or if you're gonna be a wholesaler I recommend to go

take that time and spend a hundred dollars and get that license anyway case

because opens you to other opportunities in the marketplace but that's beside the

fact but anyway if you have your private list of investors you call them

investors way these are people interested people that have downloaded

your free pdf on how to buy their master wholesale deals right you simply send a

private email to them through your crm software and say hey I got this property

if you want it is on the contract for this much this is what I want for it or

this is what we want for it and then you can flip these all day long like that

okay that's how that's the best way to find

cash buyers now if I would some people will say hey go to post on

Craigslist calm well I probably will test out I'm gonna tell you and I would

test out posting how to buy wholesale deals my PDF my free video I'll post

them on those website first I will use attraction marketing on those websites I

will build my list so I can continue to remarket to that list that make sense so

I can continue to quote unquote sorry sure with that list

my private wholesale deals okay as opposed to you having to go and post on

post different houses on so Craig because you can do that as well you can

do a combination of both of all but I would also make sure I'm posting people

to download my PDF my free pdf on how to buy wholesale real estate deals but then

I'll build my list so I can continue to share all these deals and my list is

also going because your list is the number one asset in your wholesale deal

don't let any stupid guru tell you you don't need a list don't let gurus with

more million subscribers on their YouTube channel tell you you don't need

a list that doesn't make any sense right they have their own list

they are building this followership including you as their followers but

they tell them you don't need a list you need a list okay you are in a media

company you're in a media business rather you're not in the real estate

business you're in a media business you're in the business of building list

your business of people because if you don't have people you have no business

does that make sense yep so please like share comment below

subscribe to this channel if you love what I just shared with you and you want

more of it okay and you know somebody that may benefit from it if you have

questions you have thoughts share it in the comments below if you want to know

how you can put your PDF together and then start marketing that PDF I start

building a list and then so you can get rid of your properties fast and stuff

like that or the link on the screen is the best place to get on my list all our

talks calm slash mastermind it's darling that's Ola tu XCOM slash mastermind

that's where you want to go hopefully even a lighten and educated and I'll see

you on the next one and uh peace

For more infomation >> Real Estate Wholesaling - How to Find Buyers For Wholesaling Real Estate - Duration: 16:33.


Shah Rukh Khan Life Story in Urdu/Hindi - ShahRukh Khan Biography - Duration: 3:43.

Shah Rukh Khan Life Story in Urdu/Hindi

For more infomation >> Shah Rukh Khan Life Story in Urdu/Hindi - ShahRukh Khan Biography - Duration: 3:43.


Mouthwatering MALAYSIAN FOOD- PENANG FOOD YOU MUST EAT | Food and Travel Channel | Penang, Malaysia - Duration: 11:54.

Hi I'm Thomas and I'm Sheena and we're Chasing a Plate

today we're in Penang, Malaysia we have been here a few times and we have some

absolute favourite dishes and some must eats that you have to try so follow us

as we make our way in and around George Town and its surrounds and show you

some of the best food Penang has to offer like in all our videos details for

where we're eating will be in the description below remember to give this

video a thumbs up if you enjoy it and subscribe for more food adventures, we're

starving let's eat

our first stop is the Tan Jetty for the Tan Jetty prawn fritters and lor bah so all

along the George Town waterfront are different clan jetties named after a

different family so Tan Jetty is the one to come for these gems

so this Uncle fries up huge batches of amazing fritters so we've got the

prawn ones to try as well as lor bah which is roughly minced pork which is so

juicy and then it's wrapped in bean curd skin these are to die for, I'm gonna dive

in and try the lor bah first they also have this incredible, incredible homemade

chilli sauce and you have to dip let's give this a go

the pork is so juicy it's quite roughly minced so it's got a bit of chew and

that crisp beancurd on the outside adds this beautiful texture that

chilli sauce is both sweet, sour but has a really fiery kick that is amazing I'm

gonna try these prawn fritters now so the fritters are quite doughy I can see

there's some bean sprouts in them as well as maybe some shallots, I think

it's made out of a rice flour batter and these prawn fritters and pork

rolls are really well-known because the Uncle actually supplies a lot of the

stalls around George Town let's just give this a dunk and pop it in my gob

mmm that's so good there's that crunch and crispiness from the outer of the

fritter where it's hit the oil but the inside is still really soft that prawn

is sensational because it's been crisped up by touching that hot oil

but it hasn't been overdone so the meat is really tender and fleshy it's not

just all hard shell you absolutely have to come to the Tan Jetty to try these

fritters and pork rolls when you're in George Town they also do tofu

fritters and they're worth a go too but if you only pick two prawn and pork

next up we've made a small walk out of George Town for a coconut shake these are

super refreshing and remember we always put details down below in the

description so you too can find these places

and here is the incredible Joez

coconut shake, the ingredients list is so good on this so it's made up of these tapioca balls

in the bottom and then in this shake itself he adds sugar syrup, ice, coconut

flesh, coconut water, coconut milk, evaporated milk, a whole lot of ice, vanilla ice cream if

I didn't already say that and then on top

he puts another scoop of vanilla ice cream so once all those ingredients are

zizzed up in the blender combined together and then it's all poured on top of these

tapioca balls, it is the most refreshing shake you could ever imagine let's give

it a go


it's not too sweet it has a very very solid coconut flavour it's got a slight

vanilla taste from the vanilla ice cream the little balls pop up through the

straw it is the perfect combination of those ingredients sometimes with these

types of shakes there can be either too much ice cream or too much sugar or just

you know something's not quite right here at Joez he gets everything

absolutely perfect

when you're in Penang you have to try asam laksa,

laksa is a a noodle soup and asam laksa is made with a spicy sour fish broth you

can get some fairly good bowls in George Town itself but we reckon you

should either drive, catch the bus or grab a car and travel to Air Itam

which is a little bit outside of George Town to sample Air Itam's famous

asam laksa, let's go and grab a bowl

asam laksa is a noodle soup full of bold and punchy flavours so the soup gets

its sourness from tamarind and it's made with an oily fish in

this case mackerel sometimes they use sardine and you can see the fish flakes

in there, there's also some sliced chilli there's some torch

ginger, this dark thick paste that you can see on the top is a sweet prawn paste and

then I'm gonna give it a huge old mix up and you'll see what else is in this bowl

there are thick white rice noodles there's mint, there's cucumber, there's red onion

it is going to be wild and so flavoursome I'm going to try this

broth first

mmmm it is so vibrant, it's spicy or pedas which means chilli hot in Malay it's sour

from the tamarind and it's also got that really strong fish flavour let's give

these noodles a go, I've also got some cucumber, there's that fish

which has coated the noodles and also some lettuce and mint

you have to eat this when you're in Penang, there's just nothing like it, sweet sour spicy oh and it's so

vibrant and bold those noodles were so slippery there's real crunch and texture

from the vegetables I'm gonna go again

I got a huge mouthful of that red onion and that was so fresh and it added that real

texture to that bite, this bowl is something you cannot miss when you're in Penang

the next thing we're including is the Famous Penang Road Teochew cendol but this one is a bit of a warning

so cendol if you don't know what it is it is an ice desert so it's got shaved ice,

gula melaka or palm sugar, coconut milk, cendol noodles which are the green

noodles and this particular one has red kidney beans also we first had this cendol

when we were in Penang about 5 years ago and it was absolutely amazing

and everything you search and everywhere you look for Penang food it

will pretty much tell you to eat this cendol, however we've had it since having

it that first time and it's just not up to standard so we thought we'd include it in

this video just to see what it's like today to make

sure let's give it a go I've mixed it up a lot so the coconut milk's gone very

brown from the the gula melaka or that palm sugar

I stick by it it's not actually that great so the coconut milk is very mild,

very mild a really good cendol should have a very thick, very coconut-ty coconut

milk and this is lacking that punchy thick flavour, rich flavour that you

should get with a cendol and it actually has almost a coffee taste from

the gula melaka but it kind of just tastes like Nescafe not strong just

softly of Nescafe and there's really no coconut flavour I see that they have

a big tub with sort of pre-done coconut milk which looks very runny with the

cendol noodles in it so a word of warning when you're searching for things

to eat you'll definitely find this but we advise you not to put this cendol on

your list save your tummy space for some of the other

amazing things that we're showing you in this video

char koay teow, a wok fried

noodle dish is another must eat when you're in Penang

this dish is made up of a tonne of ingredients so we've got rice noodles

we've got bean sprouts, chives there's some big juicy prawns in this

one, some cockles, we've got a duck egg in this one usually it's just chicken

egg but we've added the duck egg for extra creaminess and there's also some

pork lard which has been used to really get those ingredients together I'm just

gonna give this a go

that's amazing, it's spicy, it's savoury and what makes a really good char koay teow

is the wok hei, wok hei means the breath of the wok, it being stir-fried over

really hot wok infuses the noodles with that savoury, smoky charred flavour

of the high heat and the wok this one is really good you can really taste that

smoky flavour I'm gonna give these big prawns a go

perfectly cooked, a little bit sweet, still crispy this is a really great dish

now we have come to Ah Leng Char Koay Teow to sample this one, probably

the most famous char koay teow in George Town is the Siam Road char koay teow

we tried this dish in February and we can confirm that it is sensational

we had to wait 45 minutes for that plate of char kway teow

but since then the Uncle has won a street food award and we've now heard

that the wait is over two hours long we've also heard that since winning the

award the Uncle is not keen on cameras and so we've got to respect his

wishes and so we haven't filmed there this time you would have seen some

footage of that incredible plate of char koay teow and we highly recommend it

if you have the patience and the inclination to wait for over two hours

to try it, it's worth it but this one is really

good too

so those are just a few of our favourite spots out of the thousands of

incredible dishes there are to eat in Penang you have to come here and you

have to try those particular dishes but there is so much more to try so remember

to check our playlist where you'll find more videos about food in Penang

remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and hit that subscribe

button for more food videos thank you so much for watching we'll see you next

time, jumpa lagi, jumpa lagi!

For more infomation >> Mouthwatering MALAYSIAN FOOD- PENANG FOOD YOU MUST EAT | Food and Travel Channel | Penang, Malaysia - Duration: 11:54.


DNS Store - Connect Existing Domain Name - Duration: 7:01.

Hello everybody!

Today we will show you how to create a 100% white label store with your domain

name that you have previously bought outside of Teezily.

First of all, you need to have an account on

You just have to go on and create an account, which is 100% free

Then you have to click on "Add Site" ( top right )

and then you will write your domain name in the search bar.


Click on "Scan DNS records"

And you wait for it to scan the DNS

Of course this is just an exemple, you will write your own domain name here

Here we are, so now you click on "Continue Setup"

And you can uncheck everything

You add a CNAME

You write here "www"

And here

You now click on "Add record"

And "Continue"

You choose "Free Website"


And here you have your added nameservers on your domain name provider

Now you go on your domain name provider

You click on "Details"

And then on "nameservers" you click on "Custom DNS"

Now you just have to copy-paste your nameservers

And then you click on "Save"

And go back on Cloudflare and click on "Continue"

Your domain name is now added on Cloudflare and you can check the overview

Indeed, my status is "active" but yours will be "processing" and the process

can take up to an hour.

You wait the status to become "active"

And then you click on "DNS" and you verify that the CNAME information is correct.

The value should be ""

You click on "Crypto" and you check "Full"

Again, you check your status.

The SSL certificate will normally take one hour to be active, but the delay may be slightly

longer ( 24 hours max ).

So, once you have the green symbol and the certificate is active you go on

Click on "Register New Domain"

Here on "Register your Own Domain"

And you fill in with your domain name.

Do not forget to add the "www"

Remember to check "SSL Available"

Click on "Register Custom Domain"

Go on "Domain" and find your domain name

Its status is active

And you have this button in red.

It has to be red.

If it's green you will click on it to activate the SSL certificate.

Click on "Stores"

You can either add a new store or clicking on "Details" of an existing store

You click on "Store URL" and you will find the domain name that you have just added.

Click on it and then scroll down and update it

Go back on "Teezily Stores" to verify

You have your SSL Certificate

You click on a random campaign to verify the checkout page

It is exactly your domain name

Perfect, thank you everybody, until next time !

For more infomation >> DNS Store - Connect Existing Domain Name - Duration: 7:01.


Top Conspiracy Theories you may not know! - Duration: 10:56.

From ancient celebrities to modern day geography,

there's a conspiracy theory for everything.

Here's our list of the top conspiracies of history you may have never heard about.

Stay tuned to hear what happened to modern day...Dinosaurs?

Number 8: Bohemian Grove.

The Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Knights Templar.

The mere mention of these ancient, and modern, shadowy organizations can spark slanted glances

and thoughts of secret doings in the minds of your modern, conspiracy-savvy individuals.

However, for the most part, no one has been able to prove that there's a ruling elite

that actively works together to decide the fate, direction, and future of the world.

The Illuminati may have ceased to exist long ago, having been nothing but a small

group that really left little impact on history.

The Freemasons may just be your everyday fraternity.

And the Knights Templar could have been nothing more than a banking organization that crossed

the wrong king, back in the day.

But... that doesn't mean that there's nothing to the idea that the leaders of the world

might be discussing our fates in private.

As it turns out, there's a real place, known as the Bohemian Grove, where the rich and powerful

actively meet and relax once a year.

Everyone from U.S Presidents to leaders of economic industry have attended meetings at

the Bohemian Grove.

Both Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan are among past attendees -- oh, and both of these men

visited the Bohemian before becoming the American President.

There's also the fact that the Atomic Bombs may have first been conceived at the Grove.

What do you think's going on at the Grove?

Is the secret, invitation only, gathering spot the real seat of world power, or is it

just a decoy for an even more secretive gathering place?

Tell us what you think down in the comments below.

Number 7: The Beatles Were a Lie.

The Beatles.

Some people love their musical prowess, while others despise their distinct musical flare.

One thing is for sure, though, they were very, very famous back in their day.

One of the most iconic, and highest earning bands in history, the Beatles held the hearts

of Americans in the palms of their hands.

But what if we told you that the Beatles might not have ever existed?

There are those that suggest that the Beatles were never a group of a set number of men.

These theorists suggest that the hairstyles, eyebrows, and facial features of the Beatle

band members changed subtly over the years.

The conclusion that these conspiracy theorists have drawn from this is that the Beatles were

a lie, and that all of the band members were actually multiple, nearly identical, makeup

and costume wearing actors.

Entire websites are dedicated to this theory that have attempted to closely document the

Beatles' careers and to find any discrepancies that might have popped up in their appearances

during that time.

Number 6: Flat Earth Theory.

For the longest time, the humans of the ancient

world believed that the Earth was flat.

There was rumored to be an edge of the world in some myths and legends.

A place where monsters and demons lived at the edge of reality, and where no man would

want to dare to sail or tread.

When the scientists and thinkers of the past began to propose that the idea that the Earth

might be anything but flat, there was actually quite a lot of heckling from the mainstream


For the longest time, the academia of the world actually refused to believe that Earth

was spherical.

Still, even after most everyone began to accept this belief and stopped laughing at those

who had brought forth the idea, there were those who still refused to break away from

their ancient and outdated views.

The Flat Earth Society was officially organized in the early years of the 1800s.

Samuel Birley, an English inventor, was the man who founded this society.

Nowadays, the man is seen as a historic leader for the society...which still exists to this


No matter what mainstream science presents, or what arguments that modern day experts

bring forward, the Flat Earth Society continues to argue away any and all ideas that contradict

what they're so dead set on believing: that the Earth is indeed very, very flat.

Some things are just too hard to believe, I guess.

Number 5: We Live In The Matrix.

Science is a tool like no other.

It leads us to think, to learn, to test, to explore, and to grow as a species.

It gives us tools of life and harmony and creates weapons of unspeakable horror.

It has advanced us and divided us, but even through all of that it has been the tool that

has sat firmly in our grasp, that has allowed us to surpass all other known, living things.

Ever since the great thinkers of our race have been allowed to meet and discuss, our

people have been searching for a knowledge that will reveal the identity of the universe,

or for some glimpse at the truth of the fabric of our reality - a look at the divine, if

you will.

We've discovered the workings of time, the laws of space, the dimensions of matter, things

beyond our sight that we haven't even yet quantified.

And now, our top researchers are suggesting something that may seem absurd to us. As absurd

as the atomic bomb may have once sounded to those scientists in the past that first began

to realize the possibility of such a weapon.

The universe is orderly, mathematics are so deeply ingrained within it that the field

has been one of the leading tools that we have used to explore our reality.

But what if the universe doesn't simply operate with mathematical laws?

What if the universe is actually math, itself?

What if its very fabric is numbers?

Ones and zeros maybe?

Binary code even?

This is what some of the leading researchers in the world are now suggesting.

And the thing is... it could be true, we could be living within a living, breathing version

of the Matrix...a simulation and a false reality.

It's at least possible and some of our world's leading minds are beginning to believe just

this theory.

Number 4: Roswell Has Aliens.

The idea of Area 51 being a secret, military

installation that is harboring alien technology and even extraterrestrial bodies is a conspiracy

theory that has firmly embedded itself into the modern hive mind.

But what if it were true?

Despite all the memes, and the jokes, and the puns about there being proof of aliens

being hidden from us...what if the jokes were right?

The fact is, something did crash into the desert of Roswell, New Mexico around the time

of July 7, 1947.

Furthermore, it is also factual that the United States military at first declared that they

had recovered an alien saucer at Roswell - a story that was quickly changed by officials

that ranked higher than those who had released the reports.

The United States Government has continued to change its story after the fact.

In 1989, a mortician by the name of Glenn Dennis reported that he had been involved

in the autopsies of various aliens.

Further reports of the intimidation of anyone who has claimed to be a witness to alien sightings

have only further confirmed the idea that Roswell might be something more than the military

is making it out to be in the minds of conspiracy theorists.

Don't forget to check out our video that's dedicated to Alien and UFO sightings!

Number 3: Shakespeare Wasn't Shakespeare.

The name Shakespeare has been pounded into

the mind of almost every student in the first world since grade school.

The famous poet and script writer has been lauded by the literary community for decades

for his extremely prolific writings.

He has been adored by many and acclaimed by a great number of experts.

Shakespeare's techniques and writing tricks have been firmly ingrained in the way that

we write modern television, movies, and even books and novels.

He's even credited with helping to translate the King James version of the Holy Bible!

However, some experts are beginning to suspect that some of the works that have been attributed

to Shakespeare's names might not actually have come out from under his quill.

The fact is, very little is actually known about Shakespeare's life.

It's a known fact that some of his writings are missing.

However, it could very well be possible that his confirmed works might have actually have

come from other writers and have instead been mistakenly attached to his name.

Number 2: The Earth Is Hollow


What if they're still alive?

But where?

Well, deep inside the Earth, of course.

Oh, and the escaped nazis and lost Viking colonies of Greenland might be hanging out

down there too.

Some people believe that the Earth is entirely hollow.

Others still believe that the only way that one can enter into this hollow locality is

by entering through openings at the North and South poles.

Oh, and did we mention that these hollow-earth theorists claim that this theory also explains

away aliens?

Supposedly, the alien sightings that pop up are actually the humans of Earth catching

glimpses of the residents of the inner planet just visiting their topside cousins.

Who knew?

Number 1: MK-ULTRA.

Mind control. What if we told you that the United States government, at one time and maybe even still

today, wanted to control your mind?

Well, in our era of hyper paranoia, this might not sound like too much of a surprise.

Back in the 1950s, Project MK-ULTRA was a secretive program that was being handled by

the Office of Scientific Intelligence, an obsolete American organization that existed

in the past.

The program tested on American citizens and used conditioning techniques and chemical

interrogation, along with the drugging of subjects to attempt to uncover gaps in the

human mind that the U.S government might be able to exploit in order pull information

out of suspects and persons of interests more easily.

The program became public knowledge in 1975, and began to be investigated afterwards after

public outrage.

However, almost all of these investigative attempts were halted when the director of

the CIA ordered all of the files related to MK-ULTRA to be destroyed during the years

following the programs' public discovery.

Still... the program did manage to run for a great number of years before being discovered

-- just shy of thirty in total.

Who's to say that the United States Administration doesn't now have ways of controlling our minds

that we just don't know about?

What if they're being careful enough not to get caught and are only using these mind controlling

techniques when it's absolutely necessary?

Is it possible?

It just might be true.

Are people just too paranoid, or do you think that there might be a little truth to some

of these theories?

If you liked this video, be sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more.?

Until next time!

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