Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 30 2017

for whatever reason people come to me they say hey listen I'm going on

vacation going on this wicked nice cruise cuz I got a lot of money at

don't worry about it make six figures for vacation and listen I don't want to get

fat I don't want to lose all my strength I don't want to lose on my progress cuz

he's the deal like listen it's no big deal I I count my calories like pretty

strictly except for at night after dinner and then during the weekends and

then I really don't track them at all but occasionally one day out of every

month I'll track it pretty loosely oh I go to the gym all the time like at least

two times a month so basically a month at what should i do what should I I

don't want to lose it all can you give me some insight and let me tell you

something I mean I'll tell you what I tell these people I say listen if you

are willing to sacrifice all your gains if I go on a vacation fine that's on you

but basically no no one has ever built a great body no one has ever been happy

with how they look and gone on vacation mind you're out of your mind you go on

vacation and have a great body but listen I'll tell you what you want to go

on vacation fine just make sure you bring your tape measure bring your scale

with all your food where you go to the where the buffet way every bring it back

there with you and put your measurements around bring your gym bring your shake weight

your Zumba instructor bring everything with you because you can't go

on vacation without all this stuff basically you gotta make your vacation not a

vacation okay I don't know a funny voice aside let's actually talk about what to

do when you go on vacation with your nutrition with your strength training

because this is a very common question and a lot of people are very nervous

they actually don't want to gain extra body fat they don't want to lose all

their progress they don't want to ruin everything that they've worked so hard

for and really it's a very simple fix and the reality is this but the way that

I phrase this goes think about one week of perfect dieting one week of perfect

exercise you do everything right not one calorie out of place not one

workout miss maybe even hit an extra workout did you completely change your

body in that week did you lose tons of body fat did you gain tons of muscles

was your life like actually changed in any meaningful way from that week yes

there's no of course not and you know that logically right now what's going on

is vacations coming up you're getting

nervous because you see that possibility of not being able to stay on track and

just thinking about it you get emotional it's normal it's a human normal human

reaction you get emotional you get worried

when you don't say something out loud it's an emotional thought it's easy to

take over what I want you to do is you stay out loud logically okay I'm going

away for a week does that mean I'm gonna ruin all my progress no it's not because

when you say it out loud it sounds fucking stupid and you know it relax

you're going on vacation let vacation be vacation if you want to work out by all

means do it I work out on vacation because I feel better for it I like it

but no way in hell am I going to worry or be concerned or get pissed at my

family or my friends the people that I'm with if I don't get a workout in no way

am I going to go out to dinner and not enjoy myself because they don't have the

calories or because I think maybe I ate a little bit too much so I don't want to

have dessert it's fucking vacation I'm gonna relax

and enjoy myself you know why I'll tell you even more importantly because when

you get back to your regular routine you're going to regret not having it

you're gonna regret not indulging over vacation because before you know it

you're going to be wanting and craving and being like dammit I wish I had the

fucking french toast because that looks really delicious and Jill had it and

look she still looks fantastic right come on it's vacation go out have fun

you don't need a binge you don't need to go all out balls out you don't need to

do anything that is crazy but have fun enjoy yourself you're gonna

get back on track as soon as you're back home doing your regular routine and just

like you didn't make all of your progress in one week

you're not going to lose all of it either

For more infomation >> HOW TO DIET ON VACATION: YOUR MEAL PLAN - Duration: 4:14.


Science Box 4: What Happens When You Get Drunk - Duration: 4:01.

Hey! It's party time, let's get drunk guys.

Everyone has experienced a drunken night once in their lifetime.

Are there different types of drunk?

And What Actually Happens When You Get Drunk?

Let's find out 4 phases of being drunk.

First, we have BUZZED.

Everything around you seem to get louder.

The girls or boys dancing next to you become more attractive.

Then we have TIPSY.

At this stage, you no longer walk, you stumble your way to places

and you will find a potential hook up.

After that, you will get to HAMMERED.

At this stage, any coordination between thoughts and bodily functions become impossible.

You have to urinate all the time.

This is the point of no return

You have to drink till you BLACKOUT

At this point, you will do things like: hooking up with an unattractive girl, injured yourself,

or even being arrested by the cop.

Usually, you will end up in one of these three places

the hospital

a jail cell

or a toilet bowl with your face in it.

Be honest, have you experienced all of these stages.


What Actually Happens When You Get Drunk?

In fact, you can get drunk by many different chemicals.

However, the most common one will be Ethanol.

Ethanol can be easily dissolved in your bloodstream and carried to different parts of your body.

The most affected parts will be your liver and brain.

Ethanol will slow down your brain by binding 2 kinds of receptors, those for GABA and NMDA.

GABA interferes with your behavior.

When the Ethanol meet with GABA, your brain will receive the message that tells your body

to feel relaxed and loosened up, like in BUZZED phase.

Moreover, Ethanol blocks NMDA receptors, which makes you feel exhausted

and can inhibit your memory.

That's why you get blackout.

Ethanol also makes your brain to release the stimulants norepinephrine, adrenaline, and cortisol

Those are the ingredients boost your vibe up.

Your brain will get more oxygen, which enhances your senses.

You will be more likely to draw to sounds and lights.

At the same time, your brain will also receive dopamine,

a chemical that tells you that you're having the best time of your life.

Remember BUZZED phase?

The intake of ethanol can prevent your brain from getting the energy to work properly,

which impairs your though process.

That's why you make bad decision in BLACKOUT phase.

Further, Ethanol can interfere with part of the brain in charge of muscle movement.

That's why you stumble to places like in TIPSY phase.

Ethanol can even mess with your body temperature regulator, making you feel warmer.

You can feel warm even if it's freezing below zero outside.

All of these stimulate effects norepinephrine, adrenaline, and cortisol will eventually wear off.

But remember he effects of GABA and NMDA have been building when you started drinking?

You will be left weary, forgetful or you can call it hangover.

When you begin to sober up, you're feeling tired and have a blurry memory about last night.

But alcohol can have different effect on different people since we all have our own limits.

You need to be mindful about how many drink you should can take

before you're getting to BLACKOUT phase.

Well, there's no exact way to find out so you have to do your own experiments.

There are some tips to help you.

Having a full stomach before drinking is a good idea.

Because it will slow down the ethanol absorption through your stomach walls.

Fatty food like fries. can slow down the absorption process as well because it takes a long time

for your stomach to digest them.

Avoid drinking alcohol with sugar mixes like soda or cranberries juice.

Now you know how alcohol can affect your brain.

Next time when you go out for a drink, let's examine all the facts that you have learnt today

and be safe.

For more infomation >> Science Box 4: What Happens When You Get Drunk - Duration: 4:01.


Spencer Sutherland "Who You Are" (Jessie J) [Live Shows] - X Factor UK 2017 Legendado - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> Spencer Sutherland "Who You Are" (Jessie J) [Live Shows] - X Factor UK 2017 Legendado - Duration: 7:43.


Sewer Cleaning Seal Beach CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Cleaning Seal Beach CA - Duration: 1:06.

Sewer Cleaning Seal Beach CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

6 months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the

entire surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

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