Hi everyone, it's Blake from MailTag.io,
If you use email for work, you already know it's incredibly important to stay on top of
your inbox.
So in this quick tutorial, I'll be showing you how to enable desktop alerts so you can
be notified of new emails that you receive, as seen on screen.
So without further delay, let's get started.
Begin by logging into Gmail account and clicking the "Settings" icon.
Once on the settings page, make sure you're on the tab labeled "General".
Then, scroll down to the section labeled "Desktop Notifications".
Here, you can choose between 2 options.
Option #1: Allowing you to receive alerts when any new message arrives in your inbox or primary tab.
Or, Option #2: Which allows you to receive notifications exclusively for your important emails.
Once you've selected your preferred option, scroll down to the bottom of the settings
page and click "save changes".
Once saved, you're ready to go.
New emails that are received will appear directly on your desktop, as seen on screen.
On a related note, you can also receive free alerts on your desktop when your emails have
been opened, by using the MailTag chrome extension.
Once added to your browser, MailTag makes it easy for you to track your emails in real-time,
for free.
When your MailTagged emails have been opened, you can receive real-time desktop alerts and
email alerts.
You can also access the open-history of your emails by hovering your mouse over the MailTag
icon, which will allow you to see how many times your emails have been reopened.
With MailTag, you can also see if any links have been clicked in your emails.
And also the type of device that was used to open your emails.
To make things even better, you can also remove the MailTag watermark by remaining on our
free plan, by clicking the "remove" button.
You can add the MailTag extension to your browser by going to MailTag.io ... or searching
"MailTag" in the Chrome extension store.
And that concludes this video.
If you enjoyed this video, be sure to hit the like button and subscribe to our YouTube
channel for more cool "Gmail tips and tricks"
just like this.
Thank you so much for watching, and have a great day.
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