Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 31 2017

anybody can have a YouTube show only put stuff in the butt that you're not gonna

eat eh you know that place hi everybody my name's Alex Napoli and this is health by

Napoli this show where we only cook healthy

food that doesn't suck what I'm working with today it chicken onion lemon

miscellaneous herbs butter and aluminum free baking powder so naturally I'm gonna be

roasting a chicken roasting a chicken is super easy it's so delicious

lets do it this is a really big chicken when you're buying a chicken what you

want to make sure is that it's organic you want to make sure that it's free

range you want to make sure that this chicken had a pretty decent life so make

sure you're always buying organic when it comes to meat please please please

please and what you want to do before you

start getting in here you really need to check the label because you need to know

how many pounds this chicken is this is five pounds even five I can remember that we need to get in here

there's obviously some blood and some goo and some yuck so you really want to do this in

the sink welcome okay so I've got my chicken in the thing

i'm gonna take a pair of kitchen scissors and i'm just gonna get into it

you're gonna want to keep these giblets because that when we make our stock

later you can use them in there you don't want it rinse it you just want to

Pat it dry so really just take the paper towel and get it dry now back to our pan

so you want the chicken to dry out a little bit so I'm just gonna put this

aside while I've put together what I'm gonna be layering on here so I'd like to

do this in the mortar and pestle you can do it however you want so I'm taking my

fresh herbs this some very dry rosemary that smells good I've got some

oregano that was thyme this is oregano it doesn't really matter what you use these are

just kind of classically chicken flavors so I've got all my fresh herbs I feel like these

all go really well with chicken pestle wait mortar pestle , pestle mortar? smash it you could do this in a little blender if you wanted

like a bullet is just kind of fun and old school now you've reached this kind of like paste

like consistency and everything's just well combined and kind of crushed up so

now we're gonna add in some salt a healthy amount of salt about a teaspoon

of this baking powder so the reason for this if you watched my recipe chicken wings

you'll know that baking powder helps crisp the skin up of the chicken if you

don't want out it you don't have to but it just really helps give that crispy

skin that you're looking for now let's add the butter just what butter I had

left exact measurements hard butter is my like pet peeve in life if I go to a

restaurant and you serve me bread with hard frozen butter that literally just

came out of the deep freeze you're getting like a three star them Yelp

reviews that's how you lose stars for me alright we got our super herby butter don't judge me okay I'm gonna

take an onion slice off the bottom slice off the root at the top take off the

skin I'm just gonna place this into big chunks we're not actually gonna be

eating this now we're gonna put those chunks underneath the chicken okay

very important that you want to cook your chicken breast side up or else your

breast meat it's gonna be totally weird when it's done cooking so just take these

onions and just layer them below really we're just making a little bit of a bed

or the chicken to lay on it gives a little bit

room for the drippings to kind of fall on a not just stay like on the chicken

into the cavity where we took the giblets from I'm just gonna cut up a

lemon and an onion again you do not have to be precise here none of this is gonna get

eaten but technically you don't actually want to stuff a bird anymore you don't

want to put something inside a bird because chicken are very easily

contaminated with salmonella and the inside cavity doesn't get as hot as the

rest of the bird so you might have drippings that have salmonella in them

dripping into the dressing or the stuffing and then it never gets hot

enough inside there to kill it is that a life lesson it sounded really deep we're

gonna take all this lemon and onion and just get it in it's kind of nice if you

kind of squeeze it a little bit in there like really pack it in cause that's

gonna release some of the lemon juice before it's even started cooking which is nice

we got our butt stuffed real good here wash the hands so this is called cooking twine

butcher's twine what we're gonna do is just kind of tress up the legs of our

chicken here I'm gonna take it kind of around the front so you're dropping it

at the front you're catching the wing the little winglet and then you're

coming down and around do it just tress this bad boy up that's as good as it's

gonna get technically you don't have to do this if you don't want to tress up

your chicken it's really not a big deal don't worry about oh sugar sucks that was

like my non curse word mixed with my curse word so it made it kind of

irrelevant to say sugar because I said fck anyways so a bird is like packed in here

now we're gonna cover it our delicious herb butter get in here and

like my massage your chicken

this is like a pretty intimate moment

*singing - if you can call that singing*

that's how this makes me feel really you want this bird covered in delicious herb butter perfect perfect

now the other thing you can do if you're very adventurous you can

lift the skin up and push lumps of butter between the skin and the meat so

we're gonna lift it up and we're just gonna like kind of move some chunks of

butter underneath the skin you'll notice that I've taken off all of my jewelry

because you do not want to be doing this with your expensive or inexpensive

jewelry okay so this chicken is ready to go into the oven you're gonna throw it

in the oven preheated to 450 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes then you're gonna keep

the door closed what were it to 350 and then do 20 minutes per pound you

literally don't have to do anything you don't have to baste it you don't have to

check on it keep the door closed and then we're gonna check on this in just

about two hours and we're back it's been about two hours so I'm gonna take the

chicken out of the oven and see how good it looks

safety first oh yeah all right this chicken looks amazing

let's check the temperature okay you want to check through the drumstick and

the breast but don't touch a bone we have 165 so

we're good so we're gonna cover this with aluminum foil and leave it for

another 10 minutes so the reason that you want to cover it and let it rest is

so that juices can redistribute that's what the

internet called it but really with any meat that you cook you want to let it

rest for a couple of minutes so that when you cut into it you don't just lose

all the juices okay guys so this is nothing time to chill out and rest

go let's get in here oh my god you're gonna be so happy cut off this

make-believe dress that may or may not have done anything at all and now I'm

going to show you this beautiful juicy breast that we're gonna dig into so a

good way to do is kind of just cut down into the middle and then you can

peel the whole breadth away and then cut down the side you can really smell the

lemon now that the cavities opened up that was easy one whole breast if you want to

see how to take apart this entire chicken and turn it into stock be sure

to watch my next video because I'm gonna show you how to do that but for now we

have this beautiful chicken breast and wings and I and drumsticks it's super

juicy it's really delicious you get the hint of all the herbs that

we put into here the skin is nice and crispy this is just the perfect chicken

so if you want to learn how to make this be sure to click below for the full

recipe and like comment and subscribe if you enjoy cooking with me today

hopefully it's helped you learn how to roast and delicious chicken alright see

you next time man

For more infomation >> How to Roast a Chicken - Duration: 9:20.


10.or/Tenor G - The Best Over-all Budget Smartphone (2017)!? - Duration: 9:52.

The 3 most important changes in the smartphone industry in 2017 are the disappearing bezels,

the dual camera and the vanishing headphone jack.

Let's concentrate on the first two.

I have made a video on the bezel less LG q6 earlier the card will pop up now if you want

to watch it, but that phone doesn't do anything else other than being bezel-less and so we

have this phone the 10.or g Which has a dual camera which is very capable and everything

else better than other competitors for the price of 13k, there are two models and i have

the 4GB and 64GB combination here.

Design and Build Quality Design and Build quality are always the first

preference and this phone from a new manufacturer did a great job with that metal body.


The design looks familiar, but that silver antenna lines gives an elegant look, btw the

black one look even better please prefer buying the black variant over this gray color.

I like the silver accent around the camera modules and the fingerprint sensor giving

it a cleaner vibe.

The curved edges of the metal body makes this phone sit in your palm also makes it a little

bit slippery the same time, but you'll get used to it pretty quickly and then the weight

it evenly distributed all over the phone which makes it feel lighter than it actually is.

The top and bottom cups are plastic for better signal strength if you were wondering.

And there is also an hybrid card slot which i'm not a fan at all, because i use two

sim cards and a memory but the 64GB internal storage and the google photos saves me.

Both the slots support 4G VoLTE and if you tend to use microsd card it is expandable

upto 128Gb, But then i love and hate the buttons, i love em because they are of good quality

and they give a satisfying tactile click and they're sturdy, i hate em because the power

button is placed above the volume rockers which cannot be reached and i accidentally

click the volume down button trying to power it off all the time but i eventually got used

to it.

The Fingerprint sensor is situated in a perfect place which is accurate, fast and reliable.

But in this case i would have liked to see the fingerprint sensor on the bottom chin

of this phone which is just blank and leave us with big bezels and especially coming from

a bezel-less display it's overwhelming to me but that's the only problem i have with

the design choice.

As we already started speaking about the front let's talk about a few things, and the first

important one being the DISPLAY.

It has a 5.5 inch full HD display and the glass has a 2.5d curve to it, which feels

good while drawing something from the corners of the screen and the gorilla glass 3 protection

is really good because they at least mentioned it, not like Xiaomi, coz they never mention

what glass they use.

The touch sensitivity is really, really good, the best i've used so far and The 1080p

display is great but it's a bit on the warmer side and a little bit dull and i would prefer

a cooler accent but then, the screen get's really bright so, it's decently viewable

outdoors but even though turning down the brightness all the way down the brightness

seems to be like it's around 15%, that's not a big deal but something to know.

But overall the media consuming experience with this screen is going to be great and

you can watch films with your friends together without any problem because its viewing angles

are pretty good too, the audio that comes out from the ear piece which is directed toward

you and another speaker on the bottom right which makes it a good media consuming device

and the speakers are fine tuned by dirac a company which make quality audio equipments.

The audio is loud and the stereo experience lets you watch your favourite youtube video

without plugging in your headphones, they have the best quality that i have heard from

a budget smartphone till date but it lacks a little bit of dynamics, but that's fine.

There's an LED notification light on the top but it's just a single color for everything

which is helpful just to know that you have notifications but nothing specific but then

the screen wakes up whenever you get a new notification which is helpful.

At Least they included an LED notification light unlike the LG Q6 which doesn't have

either of those.

And then about performance.

It has the Snapdragon 626 with the adreno 506 graphics and 4Gigabytes of RAM.

Snapdragon 626 is an improvement to the already popular, performer and efficient processor

the snapdragon 625 and that combined with the Stock android Nougat with a few Amazon

apps, the User experience is smooth.

Everything runs in a pretty good framerate and the software optimisation also helps us

with the battery performance but let's talk about that in a bit.

Playing heavy graphic intensive games is not at all a problem and it's really smooth especially

considering the price i would give the performance and responsiveness an A+ and then the multitasking

with the 4GB RAM is really well done.

It saves a lot in memory to bring em back when needed and dual window mode and switching

between apps are so buttery, they're are eye candy to watch, you won't experience any

kind of lag at all.

The company also promises an android oreo update and regular security patches and after

i completed making the video it got an update of about 250MB which added the OTG support

which wasn't present out of the box and few more updates with the latest october security

patch which is sweet.

The best part is even though it has a metal body it doesn't get hot even while heavy gaming

or long media consuming sessions might be because of the 14nm architecture.

Overall performance and Ram management is on point and you're going to be completely

satisfied with every penny you invest.

Now coming to the interesting part THE CAMERA.

Both rear cameras are 13mp with a decent aperture of f2.0 which can let in a lot of light and

one is a regular rgb sensor and the other one is a monochrome like the one you'd find

on the Moto g5s plus and a few honor devices.

It basically improves the dynamic range and brings in some sharpness and it clearly shows

the results.

The colors are reproduced very well and the dynamic range is extraordinary for a camera

in the budget category and the exposure is pretty good and HDR helps bring in the dynamics

range and bring up shadows really well but i find the pictures to be more towards the

warmer side but that's not a problem because you can tweak it later.

Learn to use HDR when needed because it some time over sharpens the images and The Dual

camera also help with some pretty neat BOKEH, The algorithm tries to bring in the best it

can most of the times and the portraits you get from this camera is fantastic, That dreamy

background it brings to make the subject more pop out is extremely well done.

It gets some pretty good low light shots too, might not be the best but gets the job done,

make sure you enable HDR which really improves the contrast and dynamic range.

The front camera is a 16MP camera they want to improve their selfie game here, the pictures

come out really well, yes it's better than all the budget smartphone cameras i've used

but it lacks dynamic range, like all the other do.

The sky is really blown out in most of the images but when the background has some vivid

colors it produces some pretty great pictures, the sharpness is quite on point and the flash

in front helps with improving the low light selfies.

The video with the rear camera is decent and it seems like the eis seems to do a pretty

good job but there is a jarring effect that shows up sometimes while panning which doesn't

look good and the dynamic range is also decent and it shift exposures accordingly.

The sharpness and color reproduction are really worth it.

It focuses fast and it can shoot in both 30 and 60fps in 1080p and that's impressive

for the budget.

But the eis does not work in 60fps.

A software update can potentially improve the video capabilities for sure.

Yes This the dual camera setup, might not be the best implementation because I would

like a wide angle or telephoto lens but this camera is highly capable and i shouldn't talk

much for the price.

Overall a great contender in the camera department.

And finally the 4000mAh Battery Let me say this, the battery never gave up.

I use the phone mostly for most intensive task and i charge my phone only after 10 or

10:30 at night with still plenty of juice left.

The screen on time averages at around 5 hours sometimes i get more that 6 and a half hours

which is great because the 4000mAh battery and the stock optimisation brings in some

great battery results.

And if you moderately use it you can easily get it through 1 and a half or 2 if you use

it occasionally.

So, battery backup is perfect here and you don't have to worry about battery and concentrate

on more important stuff on screen and it takes a little over 2 hours to charge the giant

4000mAh battery which is really decent.

Finally a few minor but important things to know it didn't come with OTG support out of

the box but after the recent update OTG is supported now, the bezels which is really

big in 2017 and the video capabilities which can be ironed out with a software update.

It has a headphone jack and the audio output is great.

The call quality is good and the volume can be really boosted to max which is good in

a noisy environment but you can hear a little bit of distortion when you do that and the

person in the other end can hear me clearly, no problem.

Overall a great package better than most smartphones and it's a direct competition with the g5s

plus, mi a1 and redmi note 4 and lot of other mid range devices in 2017 with a lesser price

tag and if you want to try a new brand with decent display, stock android, stellar performance,

impressive battery life and a great camera for photography and bokeh and all other little

details for 13000 this is an undeniable choice.

And that's it for now.

Thanks for watching and have a nice day.

For more infomation >> 10.or/Tenor G - The Best Over-all Budget Smartphone (2017)!? - Duration: 9:52.


[ENG SUB] Stray Kids EP3 - Believe in the Members in Crisis! The Teams Concentrate on Practice - Duration: 3:32.

(After being in Malaysia, Jisung couldn't experience the life of a school student in Korea)

JS: Theres things that I want to know

JS: Like what happens 5 minutes before lunch time?

JS: What do you think about when you're on your way to school?

JS: Don't you feel excited to be a high school student?

(Jisung who is curious about student life in Korea asks a storm of questions)

JS: I asked the guys about school life

JS: and after looking on the internet about it as well

JS: I started to write the lyrics

JS: The 7am alarm goes off ddaeng, the sunlight is coming through the windows jjaeng

JS: the sound of mother nagging me to wake up, the sound of the midsummer nights mosquitos

JS: The school bell is ringing! ddaeng! ddaeng! ddaeng!

(wah thats high...)

(Jisung who perfectly conveys school life in Korea through lyrics)

WJ: The lyrics seem very good

WJ: Jisung you wrote the lyrics well

WJ: From there you Jisung should do the rap like that

WJ: We'll move onto the chorus

(the chorus to this song seems very high)

WJ: This seems like the thing that stands out most in this song

WJ: Like its the killing part?

WJ: Jeungin do you want to try and sing it?

JS: The tone seems to stay the same here.

(burden x100)

JI: I'll try it out.


JS: Is it too high...?

WJ: the start of it is fine

WJ: but the ddaeng ddaeng ddaeng part

WJ: seems like it will be a bit hard to do?

JI: Its really hard...

HJ: I'm going to practice my pronunciation now

(In the Hellevator performance Hyunjin couldn't pronounce the lyrics right)

JYP: It seems like you have to work a lot on pronouncing it fast and precisely.

(Starts practicing on his pronunciation after JYP's advice)

(in order to correct his pronunciation, Hyunjin keeps on practicing)

(t/n god my heart is breaking rn)


(7 days to the second mission)

BC: Are you ready? Shall we start right away then?

(Hyunjin's team is doing the guide recording now)

(The guide recording is starting with Seungmin)

BC: Okay, shall we listen to it?

(The guide recording is developing well)

BC: This level should be fine for now, it is the guide anyways.

BC: We'll do Hyunjin now

(the first guide recording after practising his pronunciation)

BC: You're tone is really nice~

(t/n lol why does he sound like a dad I'm-)

(Minho's team is doing rap practice now)

CB: The beat is raised so hyung has to make the rap more lively

CB: do it a little more confidently, you know what I mean right?

CB: Like your tone should be higher and then it will be good.

(Minho with less rap experience is focusing on practice)

MH: I think I have to stand out in a flattering way more

MH: I want to add more to my part

MH: I don't want to show it like I did before

(even though he has many parts, Minho is thankful to Changbin for giving him the attention and help)

MH: as a hyung I couldn't help and didn't know how to show what was right

MH: and the fact that I had help from my dongsaengs

MH: I felt sorry towards them

MH: they had to practice too but they were helping me out

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Stray Kids EP3 - Believe in the Members in Crisis! The Teams Concentrate on Practice - Duration: 3:32.


10 Facts about McDonald's that You Never Knew - Duration: 3:32.

10 Facts about McDonald's that You Never Knew

For more infomation >> 10 Facts about McDonald's that You Never Knew - Duration: 3:32.


Michael Anthony Jewelry Serenity Prayer Cross Pendant - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Michael Anthony Jewelry Serenity Prayer Cross Pendant - Duration: 4:51.


Eco Dry Cleaners In Sutton - Eco Friendly Dry Cleaners – Maurice Eco Cleaners - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Eco Dry Cleaners In Sutton - Eco Friendly Dry Cleaners – Maurice Eco Cleaners - Duration: 1:32.


Sesame seed CRACKERS • Low Carb Crackers #1 - Duration: 1:27.

SESAME SEED CRACKERS! • Low Carb Crackers •

In a bowl mix together:

1 and 1/4 cups of sesame seeds

1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds

1 cup of grated parmesan cheese

1 tablespoon of psyllium

1/2 cup of water

2 eggs

and salt to taste.

Now, let's line a piece of parchment paper on a baking tray.

Spreading out the mixture over it.

Preheat oven at 170°C (340°F) and bake it for 20 minutes. ⏰

Now, take it out of the oven and carefully cut the crackers to size.

Lower the heat to 140°C (280°F) and bake it for more 40 minutes. ⏰

It's DONE! 🎉

Let them cool down before removing from the baking tray.

This recipe gives you 15 crackers.

Each cracker has 3.4 grams of net carbs!


For more infomation >> Sesame seed CRACKERS • Low Carb Crackers #1 - Duration: 1:27.


Michael Anthony Jewelry MirrorLink 22" Chain - Duration: 10:13.

For more infomation >> Michael Anthony Jewelry MirrorLink 22" Chain - Duration: 10:13.


The vibration of the soul - Duration: 9:11.

The vibration of the soul

You are a spark of light, a pure fragment of life, of the Source.

You have traveled a long journey since your birth as a soul … You have traveled on several

worlds, several dimensions … On each journey, you have experienced yourself on a scale of

time and space.

You have defined yourself, you have created yourself.

You needed a frame, a receptacle to limit yourself and experience being One.

Imagine an ocean of pure light, you need a container to harvest a part of it.

Such a drop makes you one with the ocean and you are at the same time separate.

The separation of the Source (Ocean) allows you to experience being the Source that is

created, invented and lives at every moment.

Your experience is that of the life energy that unfolds, manifests itself, expands.

You are pure celestial energies and you have chosen to embody humanity to live a great

adventure, your own creation.

To help you imagine a very vast concept, imagine that this Ocean, your soul.

And to contain your soul this drop on a physical plane needs your body like a glass.

Your soul, which is pure energy, experiences itself by creating a divine plan and chooses

to incarnate on Earth by imbibing human consciousness.

She clothed herself with the terrestrial vibration and the veil of forgetfulness rises upon her.

But in order for this experience to be a new and evolving adventure, she chooses her own

challenges and what she wants to live in each incarnation.

The soul does not start from scratch at each incarnation, for by choosing the moment of

its arrival on Earth and choosing the family, the country predefined the experience that

it will live.

You will discover that you have premeditated your experience, you have laid the framework

to live your experience, here is how:

The first determining factor is sex, woman or man, the soul will experience a different

experience between Yin and Yang energy.

Between the education, she will receive if she is a little girl or a little boy this

one will be different.

Then, the collective memory of the woman or the man that it will integrate into the form

of egregores.

Then by choosing the family, his parents, his siblings, the soul will choose in which

environment it will grow and at the same time soak up the energetic memory of the family,

the ancestors, the father, the mother.

She will carry the memories of her maternal and paternal lineage.

Then the time and date of birth will bring it the vibration of the Cosmos, from the positions

of the planets and the stars, the soul chooses its personality, its character, its tastes,

its talents, its defects etc … The astrological theme, be it western, karmic, Maya, Vedic

you discover the choices of your soul …

The country will also be determined by its collective energy, its manners, its geographical

location, its economic situation … The history of the tribe or the origin of its family in

the world or in its country, 'Incarnates as an Indian, Asian, African, European etc

also creates an egregore to which it will be attached.

As you can see, parent education and early childhood experiences are only a logical and

premeditated step in a very broad plan.

The soul has chosen in the smallest detail the context of its experience, the energy

vibration that will envelop it in order to perfect its evolution.

Everything is energy, the memories of your past lives, those of your family, your country,

the woman or the man from egregors that are impregnated in your physical and energetic


The encounters and events that mark your life are the results of the vibration of your soul

which attracts by attraction and repulsion the experiences that will make it evolve and

come closer and closer to its source.

We also have agreements and premeditated encounters between souls.

There is always a prior agreement between the parents and the arrival of another soul

on Earth.

Each of these souls carries a high purpose by sharing their experiences whether positive

or negative.

Because they serve each of them to live what they need.

When you were born as a soul, you experienced a multitude of life forms.

Through your vibrations and aspirations, you have chosen to create alliances and unite

your quest with other souls that match or complement you.

By serving a high purpose in common, you have created families of souls.

Members of this same family of souls may wish to incarnate together in the same family or

to foresee their encounter in order to help each other … They are called the soul mates,

whether they are incarnated together or not, Help each other through their love and their


Every soul you will encounter during your life will play a role and it has been planned

between your two souls, it is a very difficult notion to grasp in difficult and destructive


Yet they are as necessary and important as your harmonious and nourishing relationships.

Because they are there to reveal the areas of shadows you hide in yourselves …

Plus, you go through your vibrations always attracted the same type of people by asking

you how is this possible?

Because these people allow you to experience on which your soul has chosen to work.

Once you have realized and integrated this experience you will not attract this type

of people in your field of life.

Many people find life difficult, feel vulnerable and weary, wonder how they could choose this

plan of incarnation … I will tell you, deep inside your soul when it was still bathed,

embraced and united in The source, she had a draw.

She felt called to live a fabulous experience, to forget her divine nature in order to live

it, to give birth to her … At the same time, she discovered the tremendous stake of joining

other souls to live a rise of consciousness.

Bringing your own light to a planet, a world in the making …

Without realizing it, your life is the result of your soul's aspiration to experience

being One, to be the Life and Source that is created perpetually.

She plunged into this adventure with love to respond to this aspiration and participate

in the deployment of the desire of the Source to reinvent itself to infinity …

It is a call of life, in all its splendor that you have chosen, you have covered yourself

with shadows by choosing to embody you and lives in lives, you drop such shadows to reveal

the soul that you are.

When you experience a difficulty, a hardship or anything hard and painful, know that behind

it is your soul that calls you to more light, more freedom.

Today, the vibrations of the cosmos, of your planet are rising.

You have chosen to embody yourself in this life, for we are at a tipping point.

Your world is changing, the human conscience on this planet is ready to live a rebirth

and leave commands to your soul.

As with an eclipse, you are all confronted with the shadow before the emergence of a

new light.

You are all reborn to a new era and being.

Listen to your aspirations, trust in what you live because everything is orchestrated

by your soul and your divine plan.

A certain chaos reigns around you and within you, it is the life force that takes its place,

overflows, forces and draws from its destructive energies to create renewal.

These are the veils that your soul chooses to cover themselves that are disappearing

little by little … Like a raging sea, you may feel lost and tossed about without knowing

where you go and whether you will survive …

I reply that YES you will survive, you will reborn and discover a world of peace and joy.

For it is your world, your essence, and it has never left you.

You are experiencing the disappearance of an old world, an old you and it generates

fear, many fears …

You can not go wrong, miss or fall … Your soul has made this whole journey to arrive

at that precise moment.

You are all in the process of lifting the veil, of traversing the vibration that it

has chosen to bear in order to reveal the Source of who you are … You are pacifying

yourself, all the parts that compose you go back to your consciousness to be enlightened

Of your conscience.

You are all alchemists, you plunge into your shadows, into your wounds in order to transform

them, transmute them into gold.

You are this treasure, this jewel that your soul carries.

We have reached this golden age, this new Earth, all your incarnations have brought

you at this precise moment.

Accept this inner and outer chaos, you are divinely guided, you just have to ask yourself

and let the alchemist make you within you.

Trust and Reception.

Your soul is transformed and you will discover a space inside you that emanates a peace,

a serenity and that will radiate throughout your life.

This space is who you are and no external circumstance will affect it.

For more infomation >> The vibration of the soul - Duration: 9:11.


Austin Boutain: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | CaCao TV - Duration: 8:39.

Austin Boutain: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Suspect Austin Boutain pictured with his wife, Kathleen.

UPDATE: Austin Boutain has been arrested. A student is dead and a massive manhunt is underway after a shooting at the University of Utah on October 30.

The Salt Lake City Police Department said in a tweet that authorities are seeking Austin Boutain, 24, in relation to the attack. The victim has been named as Chinese national ChenWei Guo. He was studying computer science at the school.

The call of a shooting first came in at around 9 p.m. on October 30 when students were advised to "shelter-in-place." As a result of the incident, classes at the school were canceled on October 31. Here's what you need to know:.

Boutain's Wife Was Also Injured During the Incident. Authorities have described the shooting as a carjacking. University of Utah Police Chief Dale Brophy told the media that Boutain's wife, Kathleen, was also on the scene.

She told cops that the couple had been camping in a canyon on the east side of the school.

Chief Brophy didn't say if Kathleen Boutain is connected to the shooting but she had been injured when she spoke to investigators. She is now in police custody.

One witness said that he heard two shots being fired. The couple's camp has been located. Boutain is driving a green pick-up truck with Colorado plates. He was wearing a beanie had and all-black clothing.

Boutain is considered armed-and-dangerous. The FBI has joined local police as well as the Utah Department of Public Safety in the search for Boutain. He is heavily tattooed with ink on neck, left arm and left hand.

Boutain Is Also Wanted in Relation to a Murder in Colorado. Salt Lake City Police Department. Officials said at a press conference that Boutain is wanted in relation to a murder in Colorado earlier in October.

Online records show that Boutain has criminal history in Ohio, Alabama and Wisconsin. Speaking to the New York Daily News, Boutain's brother, Lee, said that he hadn't heard from his brother in months. Lee Boutain said that his brother a "skipped parole in Wisconsin.".

KSL reports that in 2015, Boutain was arrested in Cincinnati after he "engaged in violent behavior" while running from police inside of the Good Samaritan Hospital. He pleaded guilty to the charges which were later dismissed.

In the Last Few Months, Boutain Has Been Showing Off His Guitar Skills on YouTube. Boutain maintained a YouTube channel that he began in August 2017. His videos showed off his guitar skills.

The three songs performed by Boutain are "Everlong" by the Foo Fighters, "Glycerine" by Bush and "Seether" by Veruca Salt. The only other video on the page shows him and his wife at an amusement park.

The Salt Lake Tribune reports that Boutain has family in Minnesota. According to two Facebook pages that Boutain shares with his wife, the family used to live in Alabama and were married in 2014.

The couple has a daughter together. On her Pinterest page,Kathleen Boutain speaks about her religion saying:.

On my way to the holy city. I am married to my amazing husband and to God! If you are looking for love don't come to my page, go to God! God Bless You!.

In July 2015, Boutain's younger brother, Hunter Alton Boutain, died at the age of 14 at the University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital in Minneapolis. ChenWei Guo's 'Dream Was to Help People Feel Good About Themselves'.

ChenWei Guo's Facebook page has become a shrine to the deceased student. According to the page, ChenWei Guo was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and had been a missionary at the Utah Provo Mission.

One friend, John Hilton III, wrote on the page. "I was shocked and saddened to hear of your passing. The power of your conversion story has remained with me ever since you shared it.

I have admired you ever since we first met. I will be keeping your family in my prayers." Here are some other poignant tributes:.

ChenWei Guo had a profile at the International Student and Scholar Services website. That bio says that Guo came to the U.S.

It continues saying, "His dream is to one day have his owen consulting company to help more people feel good about themselves." His hobbies included skydiving, skiing, horseback riding, dancing, modern fashion and French bulldogs.

The Governor of Utah Gary Herbert tweeted, "Fervent prayers for all dealing with the #UofUShooting tonight.

Stay safe and follow directions to shelter in place." University President David Pershing said in a statement, "We have been in contact with ChenWei's family in China and they are understandably devastated by the loss of their son.

We are working to bring them to Utah as soon as possible and will offer them all the assistance we can.". This Is the First Shooting at the University of Utah Since an Horrific Murder/Suicide in December 2016.

In December 2016, Richard Peralta, 25, shot and killed his wife, Katherine, 23, in front of of the ARUP Laboratories at the University of Utah. The Salt Lake City Tribunereported at the time that Richard Peralta then turned the gun on himself, committed suicide.

Chief Brophy said that Richard Peralta has served in the U.S. Navy and that his wife worked at the laboratory.

The couple had one child together. Prior to that incident, there hadn't been a fatal shooting at the school since June 2007 when a white supremacist prison inmate named Curtis Allgier killed corrections officer Stephen Anderson at the school.

Allgier had been at the school for a back examination. He was later sentenced to life without the chance of parole.

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