Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 30 2017

Are demons and fallen angels the same thing?

(Spooky Howl)


Or maybe not.

Angels, demons, exorcisms

welcome to the Halloween edition of the BBQ.

So, Christian theologians usually use

fallen angels, demons, unclean spirits, evil spirits interchangeably

to refer to the same class of evil spirit.

But does the Bible always do that? Not necessarily.

The Bible does tend to speak of demons as those evil spirits

that try to inhabit people, or unclean spirits

but they're not called fallen angels.

Is it possible that fallen angel is a different class of supernatural being?

Jewish theologians do take this approach

and the Bible talks about fallen angels

and demons usually in different conversations

at different points.

Now in the book of Revelation, chapter 12

it talks about the war that broke out in Heaven

back before human history began.

It says that this war broke out in Heaven

and Micheal and his angels fought against the dragon

and the dragon and his angels fought back.

There's a group of angels on the side of the dragon.

but he was not strong enough

and they lost their place in Heaven.

Fallen. Angels.

The great dragon was hurled down

that ancient serpent called the Devil or Satan

who leads the whole world astray.

Satan clearly has angels

hurled out of Heaven. They are fallen.

Now if we go back to the first book of the Bible

in Genesis chapter six

we have a fascinating story that's hard to explain no matter what theory you come up with

Jewish theologians tie this in with their demonology

their understanding of what demons are.

Genesis chapter six verse one.

"When human beings began to increase in number

on the Earth and daughters were born to them

the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans

were beautiful and they married any of them that they chose.

Well, sons of God

could just mean godly men

and the daughters of humans could just mean women

and it could be poetic ways of referring to men and women.

But sons of God is also a phrase that on occasion

is used to refer to angels

as those that God has birthed into existence.

Sons of God. Is it possible?

Sons of God saw that daughters of humans, or daughters of men

were beautiful and they took the ones that they wanted

"Then the lord said," now his reaction is huge to this.

The lord said, YAHWEH says

"My spirit will not content with humans forever

for they are mortal, their days will be 120 years"

so he says they can't live forever, they need to die out

and then it jumps right next in verse four

into talking about the Nephilim.

The Nephilim, who are they?

It says "the Nephilim were on the Earth

in those days and also afterward

when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans

and had children by them.

The sons of God

having children with the daughters of humans

creates the Nephilim.

This kind of new race

it says "they were the heroes of old, men of renown."

In other words the Nephilim were some kind of

super-human race

produced by

the mating of the sons of God and the daughters of men

and if sons of God refers to angels

we're talking about a kind of

of horrific, supernatural

rape of

angels leaving their place and their abode

and coming down and somehow creating

progeny with human women

it's interesting what happens next

this is where the lord says this wickedness has gotten out of hand

I regret the whole creation project

I've got to destroy everything

and the flood is what happens next


The Nephilim

then would have been destroyed in the flood

and who are the Nephilim?

they are, according to this strand of theology

the combination of fallen angel and human.

If they were destroyed then their spirits would be

half human, half fallen angel.

According to Jewish theology, these spirits

of the now dead Nephilim are demons

and that's why demons always want to get into a human body

they have experienced life in a flesh and blood body

there's no record of a fallen angel trying to get inside, inhabit

and possess a human being

but a demon always wants to

and doesn't want to live outside a body

the spirits of the Nephilim

who are the children of the mating of fallen angels and humans

could explain what demons really are.

Are you tracking with this? It's wild!

Who knows. But kinda fun.

If this were true it would explain a couple of mysterious

passages in the new testament

let me refer to a couple of them

2 Peter and Jude.

In 2 Peter

chapter two verses four to six

and there's a cryptic passage, that many people just don't know what it's referring to

it says, "for God did not spare angels

when they sinned

but sent them into Tartarus."

Some translations say Hell here

I think it would be a bad translation

Gehenna is the proper word for Hell

Tartarus is a Greek word for prison

and it's used only here in the whole new testament as a special place

for the special class of angels

that sinned in some kind of special way

"when they sinned God sent them to Tartarus

putting them in chains of darkness

to be held for judgment"

and then it goes on actually to talk about the flood

Well, if we turn to Jude.

Verse four.

No, verse six. We read

"The angels who did not keep their positions of authority

but abandoned their proper dwelling

these he has kept in darkness

bound with everlasting chains for judgement on that great day."

Two cryptic passages in the new testament

talk about some class of dark angel

that is not roaming the world freely

but actually has been, they over-stepped

their bounds. God actually puts limits on the degree of evil

that Satan and his angels

can do and they sinned in such a way that God said

that must never happen again

and has taken that class of angel and has put them

in a special

dark spiritual prison

to hold them for final judgement

these may be the fallen angels that are the

the ancestors of the Nephilim

who are the spirits that become demons.

Or I could be wrong.

and if this isn't the explaination

well, you come up with a better one

of course it raises the issue

does all of this have any bearing on how we live our lives

following Jesus today?

but that's another question.

For more infomation >> Is there a difference between demons and fallen angels? - Duration: 7:40.


FLUFFY CRUNCHY SLIME? Prepariamolo! 😍 |ASMR Italiano - Duration: 17:06.

For more infomation >> FLUFFY CRUNCHY SLIME? Prepariamolo! 😍 |ASMR Italiano - Duration: 17:06.


PARENT ALERT: Would You Use This To Control Your Kids Social Media? - Duration: 2:31.

[NADIA] If we told you there's a way you can spy on your children's every move on their phones would you take us up on it?

[KAYE] Because the reason that we say that we found

this app, but there's a few of them to be honest, this one's called Custodial

there's another one called Net Nanny and there's other ones so basically you can

load this onto your child's phone and as it says here you can read their texts

you can monitor all their calls you can find out where they are at all times you

can find out their activity as well

[NADIA] You can block contacts

[KAYE] you can see when they're on Facebook, when they're on Twitter, on all of the social networks


[KAYE] You can see how long they're on

for it, if you want to block certain websites you can do that I mean for

instance we've loaded it onto my phone and I have put in the search title porno

it's not one that I regularly search and there you see it's blocked

[NADIA] What if you put in...

[KAYE] No don't start making me put in profane things... so anything I

put in that you have decided as my parent that is not acceptable will just

be blocked there are people that you just don't like the kid to associate

with you can block them as wel

[NADIA] Just cut them out..

[KAYE] So you're gonna do it

[NADIA] I won't be doing it with Maddie because she's 14 and I think that at this point

[KAYE] Because she's probably who one that needs it

[NADIA] Yeah, but I can't do it now

because the genie is out of the bottle. it would be a massive invasion of her

privacy. I have to trust her if she breaks my trust then I would do it

[KAYE] But how do you know...

[NADIA] I mean the only way I would know is if if I were to find out

[KAYE] Well this is ... this would tell you. I mean if you monitor everything that she's doing

[NADIA] No I won't do it with Maddie, but I'm going to do it with Kiki Bee

[KAYE] But that's not fair

[NADIA] No but I think this will happen

a lot. I don't know what you think because with the first generation of our

kids we were like we didn't really know what was happening with these phones so

we've lost complete control but I think a lot of people now with younger kids

coming up are going want more control and I'm going to do it with Kiki and Kiki won't

mind and then it will always be the norm. I won't be looking I won't be

looking at it all the time

[KAYE] Will you check texts and who she is speaking to?

[NADIA] No, no, but occasionally ... No

Do you know what you know what I'm not interested

[KAYE] When she's on her phone, you'll be

checking up everything

[NADIA] No. What about you

[KAYE] I'm not going to do it

[NADIA] There you go. Look see she berates me and then she goes no I'm not

going to do it. What are you going to do?

For more infomation >> PARENT ALERT: Would You Use This To Control Your Kids Social Media? - Duration: 2:31.


Market Decode: Why Should You Care About Emerging Markets? - Duration: 3:28.

Why Should You Care About Emerging Markets?

With Nick Giorgi, Investment Analyst, Chief Investment Office

Bank of America Global Wealth & Investment Management

Please see important information at the end of the program.

Filmed August 9, 2017 You've probably heard about "emerging markets"

over the years - maybe a news story about a debt or currency issue in one country, or

a political protest in another.

But when it comes to investing in them, your first thought might be, "Thanks, but I think

I'll wait 'til they're done emerging."

And why would I invest in places that are so far away?

That makes sense.

These countries do seem distant and unfamiliar - and as investors, we tend to like things

that feel familiar - like American companies.

It's known as "home-country bias" and it's a completely natural tendency.

But there can be advantages to moving a little outside your comfort zone and considering

something like emerging markets, also known as E-M's.

Here's what you need to know: There are around 23 or 24 of them, and they're

all over the map from China and India, to Peru and Hungary.

And they all are growing - fast.

In fact, as a group, emerging market countries are projected to grow more than twice as fast

as the U.S. both this year and next.

Their economies are also shifting away from basic industries like farming, logging and

mining, toward manufacturing - towards making things.

At the same time, billions of people who live in these countries are going from subsistence

wages to earning enough to be middle class.

They're moving from farms to cities, earning more money and buying more things from smart

phones and fridges, to cars and computers.

All of this spending and activity will also help the growth of service industries in these

countries and should help keep their economies humming and their companies thriving well

into the future.

And their stock markets should benefit from this growth too.

So what's the catch?

Well, there are risks.

Because emerging markets are still emerging, their economies, currencies and political

systems can be volatile-especially in the short term.

So it's important to take a longer-term view of at least 3 to 5 years when investing in


Another thing: These countries aren't all created equal, and their economies can be

growing for vastly different reasons or prone to different risks.

Russia, for instance, might be particularly sensitive to oil prices, while Brazil may

have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates.

You also don't want too much of your portfolio in emerging market investments.

We suggest anywhere from two to 10 percent, depending on how much risk keeps you up at


Wondering how to get started?

There are of course index funds or exchange-traded funds "ETFs" that can give you broad exposure

to emerging markets with relatively low fees.

Another option is actively managed funds, which have higher fees but are overseen by

an experienced manager with specialized knowledge - someone who could recognize and react to

potential trouble spots and adjust their investments accordingly.

And you could consider investing in stocks of U.S. companies that have operations in

or do a lot of business with emerging markets and could be poised to capture some of that

potential growth.

Whatever approach you take, make sure you consider your overall investment goals and

your time horizon for getting there.

Thanks for tuning it, and keep your eye out for more videos in this series.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION Investing involves risk including possible

loss of principal.

Asset allocation, rebalancing and diversification do not ensure a profit or protect against

loss in declining markets.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Investing in Emerging Markets may involve greater risks than investing in more developed


In addition, concentration of investments in a single region may result in greater volatility.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the speakers, were current as of August

9, 2017 and are subject to change without notice at any time, and may differ from views

expressed by Merrill Lynch or other divisions of Bank of America Corporation.

These discussions are provided for informational purposes only and should not be used or construed

as a recommendation of any service, security or sector.

The investments or strategies presented do not take into account the investment objectives

or financial needs of particular investors.

It is important that you consider this information in the context of your personal risk tolerance

and investment goals.

Due to the time-sensitive nature of the content and because investment opinions may have changed

since the time any comments were made by research analysts, the latest Merrill Lynch investment

opinion and investment risk rating for any particular security discussed should be reviewed,

including important disclosures, before making an investment decision.

The information presented here is not intended to be either a specific offer to sell or provide,

or a specific recommendation to buy any particular product or service.

This information discusses general market activity, industry or sector trends, or other

broad-based economic, market or political conditions and should not be construed as

research or investment advice.

The investments discussed have varying degrees of risk.

Some of the risks involved with equities include the possibility that the value of the stocks

may fluctuate in response to events specific to the companies or markets, as well as economic,

political or social events in the U.S. or abroad.

All sector and asset allocation recommendations must be considered by each individual investor

to determine if the sector is suitable for their own portfolio based upon their own goals,

time horizon, and risk tolerances.

Exchange-traded funds (ETF's) are subject to risks similar to those stocks.

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For more infomation >> Market Decode: Why Should You Care About Emerging Markets? - Duration: 3:28.


How fast are YOU ?? [HD] | Downhill on Kumma | Dwnhll wth Gpro - Duration: 3:36.

Hey Guys welcome to a new Video

I'm today on the Kumma

I ride down my Track

not really mine but,

thats my favourite track

and now i ride down this track and i try to be really fast

I lounch out at here that means...

I place here somewhere else a timeline so you know about how long I need, Then you

can also try to ride down and yes

oh thats slippery

oh no Bro

holy shit

Bro what's that

fuck you leaves

It's so humid and you can barely go down


Now you can see a Little bit Urban Freeride

Of course, down the Kumma

oh not in here

I think they are mountain bike traps

This is because many mountain bikers drive through and they do not like that

no matter

For more infomation >> How fast are YOU ?? [HD] | Downhill on Kumma | Dwnhll wth Gpro - Duration: 3:36.


5th Graders: Get ready for the T-2-4 Career Fair! - Duration: 3:08.

Hello 5th grader!

Or should I say, future pediatrician. Or engineer. Or firefighter.

Or state representative. It may feel too early to think about the world of work.

The world of work. But daydreaming about a career can give you great ideas, about

what you might want to do later in life. And you can change those dreams into

reality, by setting short-term goals now that one day will get you to your

ultimate goal. That's what T24 is all about.

Thinking and planning now for life after high school.

For life after high school.

Of course, you might have no idea what path is right for you.

That's OK too. Your school counselor has just the thing to get some

ideas flowing. All SPS fifth graders will be visiting a career fair in November

This video will tell you what to expect on this field trip and what's expected

of you. You and your classmates will take a bus to the spoke and Convention Center

downtown. It'll be crowded and loud and you'll be joining about 800 other fifth graders.

Don't stress. After getting off the bus and going up the

escalators, there will be a sign with your school's name where you will line up.

There will also be a lot of school counselors there to help.

You'll get a bag with some cool stuff in it including a pencil and a graphic organizer for

taking notes. There will be dozens of professionals just waiting to talk to

you about their work. After about 40 minutes there will be an announcement to

line up with your class at the back of the room to board your bus.

Follow the rules you normally would do at school. We're interacting with professionals, after all.

Keep your name tag on. Ask lots of questions.

Things like, what kind of education did you need for this work? Do you work outdoors?

Is this a job that depends on co-workers, or can I do it myself? Write down the answers on

your graphic organizer so you can write about a career when you get back to school.

If somebody else is asking questions you can listen closely so you

don't ask the same thing. Be polite! Say, "thank you for donating

your time to talk to me." Some presenters might have a little giveaway for kids.

But make sure you interact with the person instead of just whizzing by for more stuff.

Remember, you're there to collect knowledge not knickknacks.

Did we mention, stay with your grown-up? Or stay with your buddy. Very important.

When you get back to school you'll get an exit ticket from your teacher.

You'll write about a job that you learned about the career fair. It might be a job that

you'd like to do, but it might not use your notes from your graphic organizer

and write what you learned about a specific job or career.

Be sure to find out enough about a job that you can write a full paragraph with supporting evidence.

Do your best work. You can win a prize!

There's just one more thing. One more thing. Be ready to have some fun!

It's an exciting adventure to think about the future.

We're lucky to have so many community members

Willing to help you toward your dream.

For more infomation >> 5th Graders: Get ready for the T-2-4 Career Fair! - Duration: 3:08.


HOW TO MAKE YUMMY CHICKEN STICKS RECIPE | Chicken sticks Recipe By Food Fusion - Duration: 1:44.

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