Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 31 2017

After defining intents and entities, as a chatbot creator, you would typically focus

on designing the dialogue.

Creating a dialogue defines how your bot will respond to what the user is asking.

Dialogues in Watson conversation are defined visually through a user interface that is

structured around the concept of nodes.

Each node has a name, a condition, and one or more responses.

There are a few more bells and whistles available, but at its core we're talking about name condition

and responses.

The dialogue starts executing from the first node at the top.

If the condition is met, it will reply to a user with a response specified in that node

and stop the execution until the user has entered some new input.

If the condition is not met, it will skip the response and proceed to consider the next

node below.

If this second node's condition is met by the user's input, the nodes response will

be sent to the user.

If the condition is not met, we continue to the next node, and so on.

Essentially, the execution from top to bottom continues while the node conditions fail to

meet what the user inputs has entered.

For the condition you can use intents, entities, a specific entity value, and a few reserved

conditions like welcome, Anything_else, true and false.

You can also combine intents and entities with AND and OR logical combinations?

Typically you'd want to greet the user as they arrive.

So the first node might use a special word, "Welcome" as the condition.

Ensuring that that particular node is executed the first time that the user starts interacting

with the chatbot.

The response, we configured in that particular node, will be our initial prompt that greets

the user, inviting them to chat with our chatbot.

If the user input doesn't match any of the node's conditions, by default no response

will be provided to the user; and this isn't great from a user experience standpoint because

nobody likes to be ignored.

So it's a good idea to have also a node at the very bottom of the dialog that is always

executed if the user input failed to satisfy the conditions of any of the other nodes above.

The failover condition for this node is called Anything_else.

When will this note be executed?

In practice, when our bot has failed to understand the user.

So in this node we should have an appropriate response that invites the user to rephrase

or maybe suggest some queries that we know our bot can handle.

If we only included a single response in this node the bot could get annoying rather quickly.

Imagine seeing I don't understand over and over again.

Hopefully our user won't trigger the Anything_else node too often.

But it would be good to have multiple responses with some variation to them, even if they

all express the same concept.

It's a small detail that can affect the user experience and now intelligent our chatbot

appears to be.

These responses are executed sequentially by default, so the first time the user asks

for something that our chatbot doesn't understand, our Anything_else node will be hit, and it

will show the first response to the user.

When this happens again because the user enters something else that we don't understand, the

second response will be shown instead, and so on.

It's also possible to set the order as random, by clicking the "Set to random" link under

the responses block.

These two nodes handle such common scenarios that they appear by default when you create

a new dialogue.

That's quite handy since all you have to do is then customize them with what you want

in the prompt and what kind of I don't understand responses you want to include and send to

the user.

It's also possible to create children nodes.

These are considered for execution only when the parent node's condition is met first.

Normally the flow of execution for a particular user input is stopped once the condition is

met by one node.

We send back a response, wait for more input, and then restart the cycle evaluating this

new input against the conditions in our nodes top to bottom.

However if the matching node has children nodes, the execution continues with its children,

not with the main nodes.

If a parent node has multiple children, they are considered top to bottom.

It turns out, this is quite useful in practice.

In fact, it's common to have a parent node ask for further clarification to the user

in its response, and then handle the specific information provided by the user in its children


For example the parent node might be triggered by the user asking, "I'd like flower suggestions

for a special occasion."

It doesn't provide information about which specific occasion, so the response from the

node might be, "which occasion?"

When the user replies with say, "Birthday," the child node that matches the

birthday condition will be executed and its response, displayed to the user.

For this to work, we'll need multiple children nodes, each having as its condition an Occasion

value like anniversary, funeral, etc., each having an appropriate response.

Alternatively, we can take advantage of the fact that responses themselves can have conditions


A node can have multiple responses that are only processed if their own condition is met.

So, instead of having multiple children nodes, one for each occasion, we could have a single

node that provides different responses, depending on which Occasion value is provided in response

to our request for clarification.

Children nodes can have children nodes of their own, giving us the ability to create

a quite complex dialogue flow.

Furthermore we have the ability to jump from one node to another.

Something that can complicate our dialogue flow, but, which will be necessary at times,

in order to accomplish what the chatbot needs to do.

Don't worry if this is a bit overwhelming?

We covered a lot of ground to give you a theoretical foundation.

When we create our chatbot in the next module, it will become much more familiar with how

we use parent, children nodes, conditions, and responses in order to define a convincing

conversation flow for our chatbot.

For more infomation >> Chatbot Course - Dialog [Build Your Own Chatbot] - Duration: 6:10.


Don't Take Negative Self-Talk So Seriously - Duration: 2:03.

Have you paid any attention to the inner talk the chatter that is constantly

going on in your head about who you are and your capacity to reach your goals?

Those recurring thoughts are very telling,

not of the reality of how things truly are but of where your mental set point

is and of the direction that you're heading in.

Much of the negative things

that we tell ourselves are just subjective distortions that we act as

though are fact written in a science book.

For the most part, much of our

self-talk is a mixture of thoughts and emotions that are really rooted in past

experiences that may not have anything to do with the present. Many are outdated

and others were inaccurate from the moment your mind created them.

For example, especially when we're really young, it's very easy for our minds to

extrapolate. But because somebody said this or did that to us that we must not

be good enough a lot of adults continue to live their lives based on those


Our minds also have the tendency to filter out good things and

focus only on the bad stuff. They tend to exaggerate, making things worse than what

they really are. They over generalize to work.

For example if you had two

boyfriends cheat on you back-to-back, you're now thinking that all men are

cheaters and they're no good.

In the case of guys, a guy might think that women

only want to be with the tall guy or super wealthy guy.

Our minds can also

edit out certain information while focusing on negatives that only make us

feel bad. It's not uncommon for our minds to jump to conclusions without

any evidence, because we're just functioning from a place of fear.

Those are just a few examples of all the different things that our minds tend to

do to us, so the next time your mind starts to regurgitate all that negative


A) Don't take it so seriously

B) Start to challenge it.

For mire information on how you can train your mind to be positive and have a positive

self perception go to and be sure to subscribe to my newsletter.

For more infomation >> Don't Take Negative Self-Talk So Seriously - Duration: 2:03.


Farming Simulator 17 Zombies !!! - Duration: 1:44.

while ago I discovered that all my villagers have turned into zombies, I do not know if it is a mod responsible for it however, I did not download any files with this property Enjoy :p

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Zombies !!! - Duration: 1:44.


Length of a Video | | 020 8133 2352 - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Length of a Video | | 020 8133 2352 - Duration: 3:39.


Facebook exec denies that the social network spies on you - Duration: 4:05.

Is Facebook eavesdropping on your conversations to send targeted ads? Social network denies it taps into microphones to 'listen' to its users

Rob Goldman, VP of ads at Facebook has responded to accusations that the social network listens to users through their devices to send targeted adverts.

Mr Goldman took to Twitter to defend Facebook, stating: We dont – and have never – used your microphone for ads.

Instead, Facebook claims that its adverts are based on peoples interests and other profile information.

To find what Facebook and advertisers know about you, simply log into your Facebook account on a desktop.

On the site, travel to the left hand side where you will see your name, Edit Profile, Favorites and Pages.

Under the section Pages, Like Pages should be list.

Click on this option and it will take you to another page that lists a range of suggests for you to choose from.

At the top are three options – Top Suggestions, Invites and Like Pages.

Click on Like Pages and you should be presented with every page you have Liked since you became a Facebook member.

Here you can unclick certain pages, so Facebook can serve you better ads.

Mr Goldman was responding to a tweet by PJ Vogt, the presenter of a podcast called Reply All.

Mr Vogt tweeted: Reply All is taking phone calls today.

Call us if you believe that Facebook uses your mic to spy on you for ad reasons..

Mr Goldman replied to explain that this was not true. He tweeted: I run ads product at Facebook.

We dont - and have never - used your microphone for ads. Just not true..

He added that the same applied to Instagram, which Facebook owns.

While Mr Goldman insisted that Facebook does not spy on people, not everyone seemed convinced.

Many replied with stories of times they believed that Facebook was listening.

Kelley Blythe tweeted: I have been talking about getting a cat.

I didnt post about it anywhere but I did start seeing ads for cat food.

And Jeff Lin tweeted: I was at a friends house and somebody was watching a documentary on Pentatonix.

Never heard of them. . Guess what ad showed up 2 hours later?.

This isnt the first time that Facebook has had to deny the practice.

In 2016, the firm issued a statement, explaining: We show ads based on peoples interests and other profile information - not what youre talking out loud about.

For more infomation >> Facebook exec denies that the social network spies on you - Duration: 4:05.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ABENG (Quick N Short) - PRISCO VLOG 8 - Duration: 3:26.

[Missing wording]

Should read as: "5 Facts About Gerald"

For more infomation >> HAPPY BIRTHDAY ABENG (Quick N Short) - PRISCO VLOG 8 - Duration: 3:26.


Minecraft: Exploring the End! - Duration: 15:35.

Hello! It is I, Dragon Souped. I'm also known as Saltasaur in-game.

The End is a dangerous place to many, being the home of valuable loot and the strongest mob in the game.

In this video, I will take you on a tour through this dimension of bottomless falls and abstract beauty. Oh, and go into some dragon territory for a bit.

To get here, you will need to find a Stronghold through throwing eyes of ender, then following where they go. It's a very tedious process, and you need some eyes to activate a portal.

Here, you will find a large amount of an otherwise rare mob. You may recognize these as Endermen, so named after their home dimension.

These mobs will attack if you make eye contact with them, and will chase after you with lightning-fast teleports.

They will teleport to dodge projectiles, and also behind their targets to catch them off-guard. However, water is like an acid to them.

Fighting these things is tricky, but go up against a wall and they will have a hard time catching you by surprise. They also leave you alone if you wear a pumpkin.

But there is a much more dangerous thing to be afraid of here on the primary island.

It is healed by the ender crystals on top of tall obsidian pillars. You must destroy these before trying to kill it, and it is not an easy task.

The Ender Dragon. Most powerful mob in the game, it boasts terrifying attack power and incredibly fast flight speed.

This thing can breath an acid called dragon's breath that ignores armor and deals hefty amounts of damage.

It can also charge at high speed to destroy most blocks and deal insane amounts of knockback, and while hovering above it's nest it is immune to arrows.

After defeating a dragon, the nest will turn into an exit portal to the normal world. Another portal will appear outside the island too.

As you saw right there, you need to fly through it. You can also use an ender pearl if you don't already have a pair of wings.

These portals are found in the secondary islands of the End, and it might be best to trace your path to one of those if you're going to come back safely.

Other mobs can be taken through these portals, provided that they can fit through a one-block space or can teleport.

The secondary islands of the End are of similar shape, but lack obsidian pillars. Instead, there are towering plants that grow across the landscape.

The resources you'll find here are either impossible or rare in the normal world, so be sure to grab as much as you can.

Ender pearls are dropped by Endermen. These are used to craft the eyes of ender required to get here. When thrown, you will teleport to it's impact location.

To throw, just right-click. Using Q to drop the item works like normal, however.

Eyes of ender are crafted in this formation, using blaze powder and an ender pearl. Used for opening end portals and crafting ender crystals.

Ender crystals are used to respawn the dragon, but you can use these as really cool looking decoration. If you break one, it will explode though.

The plants here are called chorus plants. When broken, they will drop chorus fruits (on the left) and chorus flowers.

Chorus flowers are used to grow your own, and require end stone to plant. They don't need water at all.

Chorus fruits, when eaten will teleport the consumer randomly, but they also have another use.

When cooked in a furnace, chorus fruits turn into popped chorus fruits. They're too sturdy to eat, but can be crafted into blocks.

Shulker shells are dropped by Shulkers found in the dungeons here, called End Cities.

I'll explain what Shulkers are later into the video.

They are used to craft shulker boxes, placed in the crafting table in this formation with a chest. Shulker boxes work the same as chests, but with one difference.

When broken, shulker boxes keep the items inside. This makes them useful for transporting large quantities of items.

The blocks found here in the End cannot be found anywhere else, with the exception of obsidian.

End stone is the most common block in the End, and forms the various islands. It can be crafted into end stone bricks.

Craft end stone bricks in this formation in the crafting table. You can also find these bricks in End Cities as well.

Obsidian is not exclusive to the End. It is found here entirely on the primary island, forming the pillars and spawn platform.

It is one of the sturdiest blocks in the game, immune to most explosions. The only two things that can break this are diamond pickaxes and the Wither.

Purpur blocks make up the framework, roofing and flooring of End Cities. All of these blocks involve popped chorus fruits in their recipes.

A standard purpur block is crafted like this, using four popped chorus fruits.

A purpur pillar uses two purpur slabs, which I'll explain in a bit.

Purpur stairs use six purpur blocks in this formation. In Pocket and Windows 10 Editions, you can also use purpur pillars.

It also works in reverse direction.

Purpur slabs are crafted using three purpur blocks in this formation. In Pocket and Windows 10 Editions, you can also use purpur pillars.

End rods are the source of light inside End Cities. They provide a light level of 15.

They are crafted using one popped chorus fruit and one blaze rod from the Nether. Makes me wonder how they even got here in the End.

Time to take a tour through an End City.

This is an End City. A towering formation of purpur blocks, end stone bricks and end rods decorated by banners.

It is guarded by the Shulkers that inhabit here. They may resemble shulker boxes from a distance, but trust me. They are not a storage item.

I explain about the loot found here in my dungeons video. I will just be taking a tour round here instead.

This is a Shulker. A mollusk-like creature, it opens its shell to fire homing projectiles at intruders. They can teleport, though not as often as Endermen.

These "Shulker Bullets" cause their targets to levitate for a few seconds before dropping.

They are required to get through some End Cities, however.

End Cities often consist of a central tower with loot rooms bridging off it. Be sure to check every one of them, because there are some fine rewards.

Some of them, like this one are empty however. Don't be fooled!

Another part of some End Cities is a ship dock. Here, you'll find a bridge with a ship floating close by.

To get there, you'll need to do a little bit of problem solving. Or you can be me and fly there without a care.

Hey...that rhymes. Was that because of a terrible script?


Not my most graceful landing. Thank goodness for the pumpkin, though I don't see how it didn't break from the impact.

There are two things to note of when exploring a ship. Firstly, there is the elytra. This item, when worn can grant a player gliding abilities.

Just press space while falling to activate. However, I already have my own pair of fancy wings.

Using a firework while gliding with these to gain a speed boost.

Another thing to note is that every ship has a dragon head on the front.

When either powered by redstone or worn by a walking player, the head's mouth will open and close. It also makes a really nice decoration.

Defeating an Ender Dragon with a Charged Creeper explosion does not yield a head unlike other mobs with obtainable heads. Don't waste your time.

Well, that's all I have for today. Thanks for watching. Be sure to like and subscribe, as well as check out my other videos too!

This is Dragon Souped signing out.

For more infomation >> Minecraft: Exploring the End! - Duration: 15:35.


Sleeping Music For Babies, Sleep Meditation Music, Relaxing Music To Fall Asleep - 8 Hours ►15861 - Duration: 8:20:01.

Sleeping Music For Babies, Sleep Meditation Music, Relaxing Music To Fall Asleep - 8 Hour

For more infomation >> Sleeping Music For Babies, Sleep Meditation Music, Relaxing Music To Fall Asleep - 8 Hours ►15861 - Duration: 8:20:01.


Don't Ignore These Early Symptoms of Mesothelioma - Duration: 12:04.

Hi, I'm Johnny on this occasion I will talk about the signs and symptoms of mesothelioma

Please note the content provided below and elsewhere on this video is not intended nor should it be construed as providing professional

medical or nutritional advice

Do not rely on information provided on this video for your health problems

instead consult a qualified medical professional for advice

Mesothelioma a rare and deadly cancer caused by asbestos can prove difficult for physicians to diagnose

this is because early symptoms of the disease are sometimes mild and can easily go unnoticed if

You know or suspect you may have been exposed to asbestos

It's important to understand the subtle ways in which mesothelioma can first present itself

Remember symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear for 20 to 50 years after asbestos exposure

Knowing the early symptoms of mesothelioma is the first step to receiving early diagnosis?

One pleural effusions the most common early sign of mesothelioma is the presence of pleural effusions?

What's an effusion?

This is a buildup of excess fluid around the lungs that can be found in 90% of patients

however like all of the early symptoms of mesothelioma

Pleural effusions can be representative of other illnesses such as heart failure in embolisms

- fever or excessive sweating at

First a fever may seem to indicate a passing condition

However, if this fever does not accompany other expected signs of a cold it is worth questioning

Especially if other symptoms such as those listed above are present

Excessive sweating such as night sweats is also a warning sign

three unexplained weight loss

Weight loss that occurs unintentionally is worrisome

30% of mesothelioma

Patients experience weight loss if you notice weight loss in either yourself or a loved one ask yourself. If there are valid

explicable reasons for it

Unexplained weight loss of more than a few pounds can be attributed to a wide variety of illnesses it

Is important to see your doctor to determine the cause?

for difficulty swallowing what doctors call dysphagia if

Swallowing food becomes difficult, or if you or a loved one is experiencing pain upon swallowing

This is a cause for concern as an early symptom of mesothelioma

Difficulty swallowing may be accompanied by hoarseness reflux or the sensation of food being stuck in the back of one's throat?

Difficulty swallowing is not normal and is not something you should ignore 5 fatigue

fatigue is another early sign of mesothelioma

It's common to overlook or discredit certain symptoms such as fatigue

Especially if one is overworked or tired in general

Fatigue associated with cancer however is a type that does not resolve itself with sleep

This type of fatigue may also be sporadic

because fatigue can result from many different medical conditions

Recognizing additional symptoms is meaningful here in helping guide proper diagnosis

6 chronic cough a chronic cough just like the presence of chest or abdominal pain is something to pay attention to

If this cough is accompanied by pain in the lungs or shortness of breath make sure you seek medical attention

36% of mesothelioma patients develop a chronic cough but an even greater percentage

79% experience shortness of breath

7 chest or abdominal pain and swelling

mesothelioma most typically affects a tissue around the lungs an

Early sign of mesothelioma is chest pain especially if this pain is felt under the rib cage

like many early symptoms of mesothelioma

However chest pain can be attributed to a wide variety of can and diseases in

Addition to affecting the lungs mesothelioma can also affect tissue in the abdomen

this is called peritoneal mesothelioma an

early sauna this is abdominal pain and swelling just

as with chest pain abdominal pain is a symptom attributable to a wide variety of illnesses if

You are experiencing chest or abdominal pain you should seek medical attention

Pain is your body's signaling to you that something is wrong

Be smart about your symptoms know when it's time to see a doctor each of the symptoms listed here could at first

result in an incorrect diagnosis

For instance chest pain could be attributed to heart conditions such as angina in

addition certain symptoms such as abdominal pain and fatigue often remain undiagnosed if

You are loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms

It is important to seek medical attention if you believe you may have been exposed to asbestos

Be sure to mention this to your doctor right away

The more information you are able to provide the sooner your doctor will know the best course of action

Symptoms are the body's way of communicating with us and with others

Listen to this communication no matter what their cause it is always important

Ten habits that make you age faster and look older with age the skin becomes thinner and dryer

This leads to fine lines and wrinkles

increased pigmentation loss of elasticity and firmness and dull skin at

times body starts showing aging signs sooner than you might expect

several environment lifestyle and dietary factors can cause premature aging

This makes you look and feel older faster

But by taking care of your skin and overall health and avoiding certain day-to-day habits, you can prevent premature aging

Here are the top ten habits that make your skin age faster


Smoking it is a known fact that smoking harms your health in many ways

But smoking can also accelerate the aging process of your skin

the harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke chronically deprive your skin cells of oxygen which can lead to pale uneven coloring

It even triggers the breakdown of collagen and can cause loose saggy skin in

fact the whole process of smoking can cause deep wrinkles around the mouth a

2007 study published in the Journal of dermatological science reports that smoking tobacco leads to accelerated skin ageing

So those who are more concerned about their appearance should try to stop smoking

by quitting smoking and avoiding secondhand smoke, you can restore your skin's health a

2010 study published in skin Journal reports that quitting smoking improves skin conditions and above all skin aging effects

- drinking in excess

Before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see other useful health videos

Alcohol is a natural diuretic so when you drink in excess it causes dehydration

Dehydration depletes the natural moisture from your skin, which automatically makes you look older than your age

excess alcohol intake causes a depletion of healthy nutrients in your body particularly vitamins A and C

These antioxidant vitamins are essential for maintaining vibrant and supple skin

Plus excessive alcohol intake is one of the triggers for associate outbreaks

high alcohol intake is even associated with skin cancer a

2014 study

published in cancer causes and control reports that higher current alcohol and tank higher lifetime alcohol intake and even a higher

preference for white wine or liquor were associated with increased risk of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer

3 holding grudges

Forgiveness is something most of us believe in but we don't always practice it

holding grudges against any person or situation is not good for your health as well as appearance if

You are not able to forgive. You are adding more stress to your life, which boosts your level of the hormone cortisol

Cortisol leads to weight gain high blood pressure and high blood sugar

stress even leads to more frowning one of the key causes of wrinkles on a forehead a

2005 study published in the Journal of behavioral medicine highlighted the link between lack of forgiveness and reduction in stress

Stress is a common cause of a lot many health problems and also contributes to aging

Do not allow an old grudge to SAP your youthfulness

practice forgiveness and experience better mental and physical well-being

For sun exposure

No matter how amazing the Sun feels on your body?

Regular and prolonged exposure to sun rays is one of the worst things you can do for your skin

long-term exposure to harmful ultraviolet UV

Rays of the Sun weakens your skin cells and blood vessels

Which causes at end leathery looking skin it even needs to?

pigmentation reduce skin elasticity and a degradation of skin texture

also, the risk of skin cancer is significantly higher due to sun exposure a

2013 study published in clinical

cosmetic and investigational dermatology states that UV exposure seems to be responsible for 80% of visible facial aging signs

freckles can turn into brown sunspots the skin takes on a try leathery appearance and wrinkles and sagging increase

Before going out in the Sun protect your skin by wear hat covering up with clothing and using sunscreen that is broad-spectrum SPF

30 or higher

you should apply sunscreen throughout the year if you like a Thai look apply self-tanner rather than soaking up the sun rays if

You are worried about sun damaged skin

Consult a doctor to reduce existing damage

Five to little sleep

Just one night of bad sleep can make you look and feel tired it can even lead to dark circles and bags under your eyes

Now imagine what lack of sleep four days can do to your skin appearance?

sleep deprivation can cause skin damage in several ways

First of all it can increase your cortisol level which in turn can worsen inflammatory conditions

Secondly it can cause poor collagen formation which leads to skin aging in

a 2013 study by the university hospitals case Medical Center physician scientists found that sleep quality

impacts skin function and aging

According to the study for sleepers had increased signs of skin ageing and slower recovery from several

environmental stressors such as disruption of the skin barrier or UV radiation

Staying up late can be fun but burning the midnight oil can make you look older as you age

To enjoy beautiful and flawless skin make sleep a priority and try to get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night

But avoid sleeping too long on one side of your face as it can cause wrinkles and sleep lines also

Use a satin pillowcase to avoid fine lines and wrinkles

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