Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 30 2017

For many of us, it was drilled into our brains from birth that college was a necessary step

to success.

And for many people, it is.

But not for everybody.

There are several downsides to getting a college education that we all seem to gloss over because

we've been convinced that it's a necessity.

College is a great time and leads to great things for lots of people, but it can result

in a net loss for others.

Whether it's worth it for you is a very tough decision for someone to make, especially

if they are just 18.

Too many jump into it without thinking.

And that's fine if you can go for free.

But that's usually not the case.

For most, it is a major investment; the biggest in their life so far.

We're not saying that you shouldn't go to college.

We're just saying take the time to think about it.

It's important to look at it not just as the assumed next step, but as an investment.

Like any investment, you should weigh the potential reward against the costs and risks.

And whatever you do, try to keep your debt down!

Note: The statistics in this article refer to American colleges.

If you live somewhere else, you'll have to do your own research.



Only 53 Percent of Students Graduate in 6 Years or Less

College is often described by cynical older people as the best 4 years of your life.

While the idea of it being the best time of your life is often debated, people kind of

just accept the 4 years part.

That's the story that's told to us by society, by media, by the colleges themselves.

In fact, bachelor's degrees are often alternatively referred to as "4 year degrees."

However, if you look at how long it actually takes students to graduate, the term doesn't

really make much sense.

Unfortunately, barely half of all students graduate in 6 years.

You read that right: not 4 years, but 6.

The mythological 4 year college is a rare feat achieved only by a select few.

And almost half of students either drop out or haven't graduated after 6 years.

By 2015, only 53% of all students who had enrolled in 2009 had graduated.

The numbers aren't so bad if you're a traditional student attending an accredited


The data also includes nontraditional students and those attending private, for-profit schools.

There's a lot of bad things to be said about for-profit schools, but one of the big ones

is that you are more likely to not finish on time.

Only around a third of students at for-profit colleges graduate in 6 years.

According to another report, women who enter school after the age of 20 take the longest

to finish, with an average of 9 years.

That's longer than it takes the average PhD student to finish their degree.

While going back to school is often regarded as an admirable move, it is a risky one.


Education Costs are Rising Faster Than Inflation

The cost of education continues to rise and rise.

Well, you might say, prices for everything are rising.

It sucks, but it's just inflation.

That would make sense, but the cost of education continues to rise even though general inflation

has halted.

And even worse, financial aid isn't rising with it, so net prices are going up for all

students, even those from low income families.

Over the past 20 years, college cost have dramatically outpaced inflation.

According to the U.S . Bureau of Labor Statistics, inflation increase from 1995 through 2015

was around 55 percent.

So, how much higher do you think the increase for higher education was?

70 percent, 100?

It can't be much more than that, right?


The price of education at public, in-state universities (usually the cheapest options)

rose by a colossal 296 percent!

That's over 5 times greater than the inflation increase.

Colleges have increased their prices by a more moderate rate in the last few years,

but it doesn't really matter.

The net price has continued to increase because incomes and financial aid are increasing at

a lower rate.

Fortunately, students have been borrowing less recently, possibly because of an increase

in grants.

In the 2015-16 school year, students only borrowed $104 billion (haha, only), down from

the peak of $124 billion in 2010-11.

That's a small 20 billion dollar step in the right direction, we guess.


Student Debt Has Reached a New High

American colleges set a record this year.

It's a record we've broken several times.

Unfortunately, it's not the record for best prepared students or most kick-ass parties

(although we might win that as well).

Once again, student debt in the US is higher than it has ever been before.

All told, the student debt is a frightening $1.31 trillion.

Debt has increased consistently over the last 18 years, and outstanding loans have doubled

since 2009.

This is more of an increase than in any other form of household debt.

Total, it's now the second biggest form of household debt, ranking behind only mortgages.

Decreases in borrowing in the last couple years has not been enough to slow down debt


This debt is spread among 44 million borrowers, but that's still a pretty hefty amount per


The average graduate in 2016 had over $37,000 in debt.

It's sounds absurd that so many people start off their careers with negative money.

But it's a sad truth that most people who attend college will graduate with less money

than when they started.


40 Percent of Those with Student Loans Aren't Paying

Needing to pay off all that debt really sucks.

Having to scrape together the money each month to pay on time must be really stressful.

Well, almost half of graduates aren't actually paying, because they can't.

40% of students can't pay, representing over $200 billion in federal student loans.

That's not even taking into account students with private loans.

And if you don't pay, it just gets way worse.

If you default on a loan, the government can take money out of your wages, hold your tax

refund, or even sue you.

We gotta assume the odds are against you when you go against an establishment that big.

Imagine playing chess against the US Chess Federation.

The government, whoever that means in this case, probably knows the court system way

better than you.

So, let's recap.

The average loan amount is almost $40,000, debt is higher than ever, barely half of all

students graduate in 6 years, and it just keeps getting more expensive each year.

And guess what?

There's more.


The Cost of Textbooks is Also Rising Faster Than Tuition

Tuition isn't the only cost associated with college.

Housing, travel, and fees also get added on top.

Way too many students are spending money they don't have to study abroad while not taking


That's optional, so while still upsetting, can be avoided.

However, textbooks are an expense that cannot be avoided.

At least, that's what the schools and the textbook publishers want you to believe.

Textbooks make up a surprisingly large chunk of students expenses.

Costs can vary wildly based on classes, but The College Board recommends students budget

around $1,200 per year for books and supplies.

And this is way more than they used to cost.

Since 2006, the average textbook cost has risen by 73 percent.

That's 4 times faster than inflation.

It's important to save money however you can, especially when the total cost is so


And sometimes textbooks aren't really necessary to do well in a class.

We're not saying don't buy your books.

But do some research; see if other students can tell you if you need the book.

Or, just wait until the first day and ask the professor.


Higher Application Rates Makes Things Harder for Students and Colleges

Since applying to college has become easier, students have been applying to more and more

colleges each year.

Because of this, colleges end up having fewer students that are accepted attend.

This makes it difficult for the colleges to plan their budgets, because they aren't

sure what enrollment will look like.

It also makes getting accepted more competitive, and gives an advantage to wealthy students

who can afford to apply to many more schools.

This is essentially a problem of economics.

The demand for college is so high, but the supply of it (at any particular college) is


Every student wants to go to the best school they can.

Because of this imbalance, colleges can charge exorbitantly high prices, and will still be

able to meet their admissions quotas.

This often leads to a difficult dilemma for decent but not excellent students.

They often have to choose between paying to go somewhere "prestigious" or taking a

scholarship to go to a less well respected school.

One might argue that this pollutes our so-called meritocracy.

As long as money is a factor in who gets to go to which school, a true meritocracy is



Students are Stressed, Socialize Less, and Rate Their Well Being at Record Low Levels

One of the criticisms often hurled at the youth is that they are lazy.

That they don't know what it was like back in the day, when the previous generation worked

harder and had less fun than they could possibly imagine.

In many cases this is true.

Especially if applied to physical labor, which the younger generation definitely does less


But when it comes to school work, the lazy moniker doesn't really ring true.

In fact, school has probably become harder over time, not easier.

As college has become more rigorous and the focus on admissions has increased, students

have been increasingly focusing on studying and spending less time socializing and making


According to a survey, college freshman spent half as much time hanging out with friends

than students from 1987, when the survey was first given.

Because of increasing pressure to succeed, students today feel more stressed than any

time before.

According to a survey, students emotional well-being is also at record low levels.

College is shown in media as being a place of constant partying and sex and relaxing,

but this is far from an accurate picture.

Too many students aren't having enough fun.


You Probably Can't Go to Your First Choice, Even if You Get In

Here's some seemingly bright news: most students get into their first choice school!

In fact, over 75% of students get admitted to their top choice.

Unfortunately, less than 60% of students can afford to actually attend.

Let's say you're a high school student in Iowa and you get into your dream school,

UC Berkeley.

You'll be excited, until you realize you can't afford to go without taking out crazy

amounts of debt.

So you're faced with a choice: take out a fortune to go where you want, or go to Iowa

like all your other friends whose parents can't pay for them to leave.

Not to dig on Iowa (we're sure it's a great place in many ways), but not everyone

wants to stay there.

But many students are forced to because of money.

This is especially prevalent if the school you want to go to is out of state.

While the average tuition and fees of an in-state college is under $10,000, out-of-state is

around $25,000 – two and a half times greater because of where you live.

Does that sound fair to you?

One might counter that it has to do with state taxes, but that has nothing to do with a high

school student.

Their parents pay taxes; they don't.

Why should they be so limited because of where their parents choose to live?


You Won't Necessarily Learn Much

Apart from the economic benefits, college is supposed to teach you critical thinking


As many annoying liberal arts college recruiters say, they help teach you "how to think."

However, for many students, they don't accomplish even that one Orwellian sounding goal.

School is supposed to be a place of higher learning.

And sure, all students will learn some new facts that they didn't know before.

But in a study, a full 45 percent of students showed no significant improvement in their

critical thinking, reasoning, and writing skills during the first two years of school.

After 4 years, 36 percent still showed no improvement.

That's a terrible outcome.

Imagine if you signed up for a martial arts school and 4 years later you weren't any

better at fighting.

You'd be pretty mad, wouldn't you?

Because the school told you they were going to give you a specific result, which you paid

a lot of money for.

To some, that might be cause to call the whole thing a scam.

Not to us, but to some.


There Are Several Alternatives

First off, college is the right choice for a lot of people.

But if you're going to go, do a ton of research on cost, reputation, teaching, and career


Unless you get a scholarship, your in-state university will probably be the best value.

For some, going to school overseas might actually be cheaper.

You have to figure out what's gonna work best for you, and that might not be going

at all.

But, if you're not going to go to college, what are you supposed to do?

Just stay at home and play Mario Kart?

As fun as that sounds, you probably don't want to do that for the rest of your life.

And even if you do, your parents probably won't be thrilled about it.

Luckily, there are several legitimate alternatives out there.

You can start off at community college, which is generally much cheaper and will get you

through your first two years of prereqs.

If you prefer working with your hands, you can try to get an apprenticeship of some kind.

You can learn a trade like plumbing or welding.

You could enlist in the military.

Or, if you feel you're up to it, you could even

start your own business.

For more infomation >> Should You Skip College? - Duration: 13:32.


Jeep Wrangler Lange Black Mirror I w/ Delrin Mirror Head (2007-2017 JK) Review & Install - Duration: 4:56.

These Lange Black Mirrors with Delrin Mirror Heads are for those of you that have a 2007

and up JK that are looking for a set of mirrors that you can run when the doors are not on

your Jeep to keep you legal and to also to keep you safe.

Now, when you're looking at mirrors there are gonna be a couple different options for


You're gonna be able to get a kit that will move your factory mirrors from the doors onto

the A-pillars permanently.

They're gonna be there all the time, and then when you take the doors on and off you don't

have to worry about your mirrors.

They're always going to be there.

There are gonna be kits that will have a quick disconnect bracket that will go on your A-pillar

so you will take your doors off including your factory mirrors and then put an after-market

quick-disconnect mirror onto that bracket.

And that bracket will always be on your A-pillar but of course, the mirror will always come

off of that.

And then there is an option that is like this.

This option here is where you will take your door with the factory mirror off and then

set this setup over the top of your door hinge and that will be what holds your mirror in

place when you don't have any doors on your Jeep.

Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with this setup.

It is one additional step every time you take the door on and off you'll also have to take

mirrors on and off.

Unlike that option that moves your mirrors from the door to the A-pillar permanently.

However these mirrors are going to be a lot easier to see out of than those other versions.

Those other versions will move the mirrors forward a little bit so it's a little tougher

to see out of them especially that passenger side mirror.

So that's why a lot of people like this kit, this kit's also going to be a little bit less

expensive and it keeps a complete stock appearance of the Jeep when the Jeep is in its stock

form with the doors in place and the mirrors in the garage.

These because they are quick disconnect makes them a very easy install definitely one out

of three wrenches, five minutes or less especially after the first time when you get these things

set up.

It's gonna take no time at all to get them get popped on and off which is a really nice


As far as construction goes a couple of these items are going to be aluminum.

The rest is going to be those Delrin Mirrors Heads with of course the mirror itself which

is a plastic material.

Now the arms and the brackets are aluminum so they are going to hold up really well.

You don't have to worry about any kind of rust on these.

They're going to be just anodized aluminum.

Again they're gonna hold up really, really well for you.

And then you're going to have that Delrin Mirror Head that isn't gonna rust because

it is a plastic material, and these mirrors themselves that are plastic as well.

So everything is going to be very, very durable.

And these do come with thumb screws that's going to help these brackets tighten down

on those door hinges when you have them installed.

That way they're not gonna rattle, move around, or try and fly off on you.

So it really does come with everything you're gonna need to get these mirrors installed,

That installation process is going to be a one out of three wrench install.

Less than 15 minutes to get these installed because again they're a quick disconnect mirror.

So you're gonna be taking them on and off all the time you want that to be a very simple

process for yourself, and that's what Lange did here.

They made this very, very simple.

So all you have to do is remove your door, there is going to be a small protective button

that you're going to attach onto your door hinge.

And that's going to be for where the thumbscrews tightens down, because, of course, you don't

want that thumb screw biting directly into the painted surface of that door hinge.

So you have a little protective button there.

Then you can slide the bracket over the top of the door hinge, the mirror onto the arm

and finally attach the arm into the bracket and tighten down that thumb screw.

Now that whole process only has to happen once.

After everything is attached it's really just a one-step process of loosening up that thumb

screw and removing the whole mirror as one piece and setting it aside.

So that main assembly process is something that only has to happen once.

The rest of the install and uninstall every time you take the doors on and off is very,

very quick.

These mirrors come in at $70 which is a pretty fair price for what you're getting in my opinion.

There are going to be a lot of other mirrors out there.

A lot of them are going to be a lower quality steel and plastic construction.

You may have some issues with rusting in those scenarios.

An issue that a lot of people will have with other mirrors when they are a mirror that

is the style like the quick disconnect mirror is that they'll move, they'll either fold

down when you're at highway speed, they'll rattle so much you can hardly even see out

of them.

These ones are going to be a very solid mirror.

The way that they mount on those door hinges makes them very, very solid.

The fact that the arms are aluminum that's anodized instead of painted steel means you're

not gonna have any rust issues with those.

And then the fact that you're getting a Delrin Mirror Head again this is gonna hold up for

a very, very long time.

So I think this is a scenario where you might have to pay a few dollars more for this kit

over some of the others out there, but you're gonna get a great quality product and you're

gonna get a lot of longevity out of your dollar.

So if you're looking for a very high-quality set of quick disconnect mirrors for your JK

I definitely recommend taking a look at this option from Lange and you can find it right

here at

For more infomation >> Jeep Wrangler Lange Black Mirror I w/ Delrin Mirror Head (2007-2017 JK) Review & Install - Duration: 4:56.


Gorgeous Tillamook Triple Bay Park Model by Richs Portable Cabin - Duration: 5:18.

Gorgeous Tillamook Triple Bay Park Model by Richs Portable Cabin

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Tillamook Triple Bay Park Model by Richs Portable Cabin - Duration: 5:18.


8 Things To Check Before Investing In An IPO, English - Duration: 7:03.

This video discusses the important things people need to keep in mind while investing in IPOs

What should be keeping in mind while investing in initial public offerings or IPOs?

Ask yourself whether you are investing in the IPO for listing gains. In that case you become a trader

You maybe a long term investor

Remember, the share may or may not list at a gain

Remember, compared to a listed company, IPO is a higher risk investment

On top of that if you are looking at a listing gain, you are taking a substantial risk

In an IPO, you do basic research on the company like you would do for any stock

Find out the various risks the company is facing be it in the industry, competition, technology, government policy, international competition and so on

You also need to know why your money will be growing

Ask yourself whether the management will be able to deliver the potential growth

Do they have a track record and how are they qualified to deliver that growth that will translate into gains for you as a shareholder

Find out how the money will be used and ask yourself whether you are convinced about the details provided by the company in its disclosures

The next issue is the IPO price

Find out how stocks in the same industry priced

If a premium is being charged, find out what is the reason behind it

Don't follow the crowd

People chasing an IPO is not an indicator of the value of the investment

Oversubscription of an IPO is all about demand and supply of the share and is not linked with its value

Never borrow to invest in IPOs

For more infomation >> 8 Things To Check Before Investing In An IPO, English - Duration: 7:03.


Reail Retail TV: Non Negotiable Standards - Duration: 6:34.

In this episode of Real Retail TV,

I'm going to share with you the management

concept that changed my life.


What I'm talking about here is the idea

of a non-negotiable standard.

Before I heard those words, I never

could get my people to always do what I wanted them to do.

My management strategy was to ask someone

to do something, and hope that they did it.

And then when I heard those words,

when I learned this concept, it was like the clouds opened up,

and I recognized that all I needed was the words.

All I needed to do was hear those words--

non-negotiable standards-- and everything changed for me.

So let's talk about what a non-negotiable standard is,

and how is it defined.

A non-negotiable standard is a standard

that everyone in your business, including you, I

might add, adheres to in exchange for their employment,

meaning this is how we do it, and if you

don't choose to do it this way, you won't have a job.

For 19 years, I had a seasonal store in Mackinaw City,

and I kept employees for years and years and years.

They always came back because we were the coolest place in town

to work.

And I retrained them every single season,

and I'd always come back to the non-negotiable standards.

And I'd say look, McDonald's is right next door,

and McDonald's pays $3 an hour more than you make here

at the Mackinaw Kite Company.

But if you don't adhere to our non-negotiable standards,

you can walk right next door and get a job, because you

won't have one here.

Of course, I said it nicely.

Of course, I made a joke about it.

But they knew that I was serious.

So let's talk about how to apply this concept in your business

right away.

So first of all, don't come up with a list of 100 things

that you should make into non-negotiable standards.

Come up with a couple, maybe three

that you are serious about.

Think about opportunities that you have

or things that are driving you crazy.

So here are a couple of examples of non-negotiable standards.

You will attempt to add on to every sale.

You will ask every customer if they are

members of our loyalty program.

You will never say, may I help you.

You will always initial the open and closing checklist.

You will be on time.

So you just pick out a couple things that you know if they

happened every single time with every single employee,

your business-- and therefore, your life--

would be better.

So start with a list of three.

Get serious about making sure those standards are

executed every single time, and watch your business change.

Let me tell you a quick story.

For years, I spoke at a nursery and landscape association,

at their big national educational event.

And I spoke for many years in a row.

And one year, I was in the airport,

and a guy comes up to me and he says,

Bob, I was in your program last year about standards,

and I have a big operation.

Turns out he had a very, very big operation.

They had a growing division, they had a retail division,

and they had a wholesale division.

He said we went back and we made the managers

of every one of our divisions pick

three non-negotiable standards, and then make

a commitment to making sure those standards were adhered

to all the time.

He said, I could not believe the positive impact

that that single exercise had on our business.

So here's your action item, should you choose to accept it.

Sit down by yourself, maybe with some team members,

and ask yourselves, what would make a difference, what

behavior would change things, what's driving you crazy,

what's driving your team crazy, what

three things can be changed that will make

this business a lot better.

Make those non-negotiable standards,

make a commitment to driving them down,

and watch how your business is going to change.

If you want to be a better manager if you

want to be a better leader, if you want to know more

about standards, go into the staff development module

of your Retail Mastery System, because that module

is filled with nuts and bolts, information

on how you get your team really, really running on rails.

If you don't have the Retail Mastery System,

I'd encourage you to consider investing in it.

It might be a game changer for you.

If you haven't subscribed to our free email tip of the week yet,

please go to

and subscribe.

You'll be glad you did.

So as always, I appreciate your likes,

your comments, your questions.

And I'm Bob Negen. This is Real Retail TV.

And I'll see you next time.


Then you as the owner--

owner, ah.



So I'm just going to start with the--

[BEEP] I'm glad, I'm sure that you'll--

be, be, ah.

[BEEP] If you haven't subscribed to our free email tip of--


Do do do do



How was that?

Is the whole thing all right?

For more infomation >> Reail Retail TV: Non Negotiable Standards - Duration: 6:34.


Best indoor plants - Low Maintenance Houseplants You Only Have To Water Once A Month - Duration: 5:28.

Best indoor plants Low Maintenance Houseplants You Only Have To Water Once A Month !

Add some greenery to your home, no green thumb needed.

Plants shouldn't be a lot of work at least that's my philosophy.

As the author of Plants You Can't Kill, I'm a big fan of low-maintenance, especially

when it comes to indoor greenery.

String of pearls (Senecio rowleyanus) ! Also called bead plant, it's not hard to

see where this one gets its name.

The little bright green circles almost look like peas growing in nice little rows.

String of pearls is part of the succulent family, and it's originally from South Africa,

so it can easily tolerate dryness and very little water.

If you're lucky enough to get this houseplant to bloom, the little white flowers smell like


For best results, grow in a hanging basket in full sun.

Begonia (Begonia) ! Do you remember your grandma or a neighbor

growing beautiful blooming flowers indoors?

Chances are, they were begonias.

Generally, you'll see two types of indoor begonias foliage types and flower types and

both hate to be watered too much.

The flowering varieties (a.k.a. cane begonias) are year-round houseplants, and most often

bloom in fall or winter.

The foliage types (a.k.a. rhizomatous begonias) will sometimes bloom, but they're best known

for their interesting leaves.

Wax plant (Hoya carnosa) ! The wax plant is just about as foolproof as

you can get.

Its rich, green vines offer a bright spot of color, and you really can get away with

only watering it every few weeks.

Most people don't realize wax plant is a vine because it grows very slowly.

Don't get discouraged if this one doesn't bloom right away.

It can take a while, but when it does, you'll be rewarded with star-shaped flowers.

Be sure to give it plenty of light.

Air plant (Tillandsia) ! Air plants still aren't as mainstream as

they deserve to be, though they're slowly growing in popularity.

This plant is an epiphyte, which means it doesn't need soil at all.

You don't ever really water it; you just mist it about once a week, and that's enough!

Interior designers love air plants, so you might have seen them in a home magazine "floating"

in a glass globe or just sitting on top of a bed of decorative rocks.

Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) ! As for the luck, you'll have to decide for


But this is still an easy-to-grow houseplant, popular for home offices and small spaces.

To grow lucky bamboo, fill the bottom few inches of a vase with pebbles and then add

about the same amount of water.

Place your bamboo directly into the water, and that's it!

You should only have to add more water every few weeks.

Zebra cactus (Zebra haworthia) ! Some gardeners call these zebra cacti while

others just use the botanical name and call them haworthias.

If you think they look like aloe plants, you're right: They're both members of the Asphodeloideae


Living up to the zebra name, this one has stripes, making it one of the coolest looking

houseplants you can grow.

Be ready for lots of people to ask, "What is that?!"

For best results, water your zebra cactus only once a month and keep it away from cold

or drafty areas.

Donkey's tail plant (Sedum morganianum) !

You know the sedum you grow in your garden that is drought-tolerant and provides great

fall color?

Think of this houseplant as its cousin: Both share a botanical name, are in the succulent

family, and require little water.

This plant starts out small and grows slowly, but it will eventually reach a few feet high.

As it grows, you can see how the shape and texture really do mimic the look of a donkey's


Do not over-water, and keep it in a sunny location.

Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) ! Another native to South Africa, this houseplant

is very forgiving to those who forget to water because it has tuberous roots that store important

nutrients for a long time.

That said, if you see the tips of this plant start to turn brown—whether it's been

two weeks or six since you last watered it—it means it needs some H20 now.

For more infomation >> Best indoor plants - Low Maintenance Houseplants You Only Have To Water Once A Month - Duration: 5:28.


3 Tricks To Make A Man Beg To Be With You - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> 3 Tricks To Make A Man Beg To Be With You - Duration: 2:16.


Last Minute Weekend Getaway: Get Out of Town and Save - Duration: 1:38.

Hey guys! Tessa here with another budget travel video. Have you ever suddenly had

a free weekend and thought, "I need to get out of town right now!" Planning a quick

vacation might have overwhelmed you from the flight, hotel, activities - it's a lot

to book in maybe an hour tops. But it really shouldn't intimidate you. Planning

last-minute travel has never been easier thanks to so many great apps. First off

you're going to need a flight. GTFO, or Get The Flight Out, is an app

that helps you book a last-minute flight deal.

This apps seriously no frills. Just open the app, put in your home airport and

then scroll through your different destination options. You can easily pick

somewhere if you're on a budget because they're sorted by price. Once you pick a

destination, you can choose how many days you want to be there and how soon you

want to leave and just like that, you've booked your flight. Now you're going to

need somewhere to sleep. I have recommended it before and I stand by it

Hotel Tonight is one of my favorite apps for booking last-minute hotel deals.

Their app is super simple to navigate and they even sum up a hotel in just one

word so that you can quickly pick a hotel and be done with it. Once you have

your two biggest travel items out of the way, now you can focus on having a great

time. There are two apps that I recommend for this. The first is Trip. It's my

go-to for planning new adventures in cities. All you have to do is enter your

destination and you'll be given a list of the best restaurants, best nightlife,

events that are coming to that area, it makes it super simple to

start planning your weekend getaway. The second app I recommend is TravelZoo.

This is the perfect app for booking those last-minute activities you

definitely want to do. You can use this app to book discounted shows, tours, spa

reservations and even restaurants. See, I told you guys it would be that easy.

Check out the article below for more tips and apps I used to plan last minute

vacations. I'll see you guys next time and maybe Zelda will give you some more

tips as well. Bye!

For more infomation >> Last Minute Weekend Getaway: Get Out of Town and Save - Duration: 1:38.


[ENG-SUB/ VIET-SUB How to make Char Siu/ Char Siu Fleisch/ Cach lam thit xa xieu - Duration: 6:39.

Hello, it's nice that you tuned into thuskochtour again.

Today I want to take you on a tour through Asia again.

Everywhere you see the so called food alleyways with different food stands that sell meat in a orange to red colour, and the red marinated meat is called „Char siu".

But when do you use Char siu? You often use „Char siu" on baguettes or in ramen noodle soups.

I already showed you how to make these baguettes and ramen noodles and will link these videos in the infobox.

And now I will show you how to make the „char siu" meat and what you need.

1kg pork meat from the neck without bones

80g fermented tofu

2tbsps light soy sauce

2tbsps oyster sauce

2 tbsps dark soy sauce

2tbsps rice wine

2tbsps honey

40g brown sugar

3 garlic cloves (chopped finely)

1tsp ground spices

½ tsp pepper

some red food colouring

First cut the meat into 3 equally sized pieces.

Put the meat into a bowl and put it aside.

Then prepare the marinade.

First put the fermented tofu into a bowl and mash it.

Then add the oyster sauce, the light and dark soy sauce, rice wine and honey and stir.

Finally add the red colouring and mix it together.

Put the marinade, sugar, garlic, spices and pepper on the meat and mix it together.

Cover the bowl with cling film and put it into the fridge for approx. 3-4 hours.

After the meat steeped in the marinade, take it out and brown it in a pan with some oil on medium level.

Then add 400ml coconut juice or water and let it simmer for 20min.

As soon as the marinade gets more viscious, take the pan off the heat and put the meat onto a baking sheet with holes and put it on a grating.

It's best to also use a baking tin underneath, so the water can drain off the meat.

Now put the meat into the oven and grill it for 5 min on both sides.

Keep around because the meat can easily burn because of the sugar and honey.

Let the meat cool down afterwards, cut it into thin slices and pour the sauce over.

Now the Char siu meat is ready and can be eaten with rice, ramen or baguette.

I hope you enjoyed this video.

Try out this recipe!

Until next time!


For more infomation >> [ENG-SUB/ VIET-SUB How to make Char Siu/ Char Siu Fleisch/ Cach lam thit xa xieu - Duration: 6:39.


DIY Video Marketing, #21 Distribution: Analytics | by Clock Wise Production - Duration: 3:04.

So, quite frankly when it comes to analytics for video I feel strongly that

it's actually analytics belongs into analytics even if it's video analytics

it doesn't belong into the world of video marketing or video production

because it's just such a specialty item but having said that analytics is very

important to video marketing and even if you're not of an analytical mind or if

analytics are not your thing or you're not you know not that great with numbers

and statistics it doesn't really matter what matters is that you look at the

statistics and you know YouTube has some very basic statistics they're perfectly

fine if you have videos on your website you probably have your website hooked up

to a Google Analytics account at least I hope you do if you are using a host like

I'm not sure about Vimeo but I know that this year has amazing analytics so what

are you looking for when you're looking at analytics you want to look at how

often has your video played you want to see whether your video is garnering more

and more and more viewers or whether there's just a spike in the beginning

and then it drops off and that is it you want to look at things like how long are

people watching your video if people are dropping your video after eight seconds

you're just not engaging them because that's sort of the classical length you

have to pull somebody in if I've off to eight seconds they're not hooked they're

on to the next video or on to the next thing if people watch it for longer than

eight seconds is during any other point where they drop off it could be a point

where you become confusing are you confusing them or there's information

that they feel is missing or it's getting too technical so have a look at

that that can be really really helpful in crafting your next series of videos

or even taking that video and making it better and the other thing you want to

look at as well is like which video plays the best which content is the one

that get some most views and then you

obviously want to impart more of that information I'll make more of those

kinds of videos so analytics can be really simple you can drill super super

deep and get really really technical about it but if you have a couple of

subscribers even a couple of dozen subscribers probably the basic analytics

on YouTube are serving you just fine for now so my bottom line advice and this is

as far as I will go as an expert is just look at it look at it and and and see

what you can see for yourself and whatever you learn whatever it is use it

for your next round when you make more videos I hope this is helpful and if

there's anything you feel I left out since I feel that this is the one area

I'm definitely not the expert on and I only know enough to be dangerous please

let me know in the comments below thank you ciao

For more infomation >> DIY Video Marketing, #21 Distribution: Analytics | by Clock Wise Production - Duration: 3:04.


Happy Halloween From Planet Janet! - Duration: 1:39.

Oh dark lord if you can

Hear my plea, send me a man.

He must be tall, dark and slick

with a big wallet and a massive…

OH hello!

Welcome to Planet Janet.

Halloween is the scariest night of the year,

when the dead walk amongst us

and that's just at the bingo.

So here are some of my spooooky

thoughts on Halloween.

It's the time of the year to give out treats to the weans

but I've got diabetes so they'll be getting a tangerine.

Folk my age say that costumes are a bit

revealing nowadays.

Get with the times, I'm going as a sexy avocado.

The only trouble is Mick fae upstairs will want tae

turn me intae guacamole.

Halloween's not scary anymore, when you get to my age

everything's scary.

Like going to the kitchen and forgetting why

you went there Halloween's great because you

can pull a munter and be none the wiser.

Then again, it's hard to get your rocks

off when you're getting pumped aff a Power Ranger.

Well, all in all

Have a Happy Hallow…


Here's five things about being a Werewolf.

For more infomation >> Happy Halloween From Planet Janet! - Duration: 1:39.


Antthony "Modern You" Military Midi Dress - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Antthony "Modern You" Military Midi Dress - Duration: 4:48.


How To Talk To A Doctor - Questions To Ask A Doctor - Duration: 6:00.

Have you ever heard of the word Doceri? What it means is teacher and the English

translation of that is doctor. Doctor is a teacher. If you want to know how to

talk to your doctor about your health then this is the video for you.

Hello everyone, Dr. West with possibly a short video but in a really important topic

and that is how to talk to your doctor, because in my office I never get easy

cases, I usually get people that come in that are out of hope, they're out of time,

and they're out of options and one of the things that I always ask them and

whether it is some type of cancer support therapy or Lyme disease or

peripheral neuropathy or chronic fatigue or any of these serious conditions

that we treat, "What is a medical plan in front of you?" And so many times people

say, "Well I don't have any" and I say, "Well did the doctor give you some type

of recommendation or suggestion?" "Well he just gave me a prescription." "Well how

long are you supposed to be on the prescription?" The patient will shrug

their shoulders "I don't know" "Well what is the plan after that? What are the

expectations?" And so many times I get people shrugs. I just had a patient

ask me yesterday, "How am I supposed to talk to my doctor?" and I said, you know

what, this is what I would like from a doctor-patient relationship. First, when

the patient comes in, it is your responsibility to teach the patient.

That's where the word doctor comes from, to teach and so all of the learning and

education you want to put in front of the patient, all of their options for

their condition if they have carpal tunnel syndrome, what do you know about

the medical intervention, what do you know about surgery, what do you know

about natural interventions and vitamin supplement and changing erganomics,

and so one of the things that you want to teach people is, what's wrong, can the

doctor fix it, how long will it take, how much will it

cost, and how can you make it so that it doesn't come back. You know, I've outlined

that for a patient, we're working on a peripheral nerve problem, we started

getting really good progress and the patient came in and said, "Hey, my other

doctor said what you're doing is impossible." and I said, "That's true for

that doctor because I don't play by those rules and I don't treat,

I don't fix everybody that comes into the office but when you have the right

doctor with the right treatments, you could have miracles, so you want to make

sure that the patient understands all their options and so what I recommend

patients do when they go visit with their doctor is, number one, is to make

sure that the doctor understands their expectations and so when we do a workup

with the patient, I always ask them walk me through a normal day of your life,

what is your target bedtime, what is your target a rise time, what are you eating

for breakfast, what's the example of what you're eating, what are you eating for

lunch, what are you eating for dinner, what's your liquid intake, do you have

any cravings for salts and sugars because I want to know how much that

condition is impacting the patient and I also want to know it to what

contributions the patient is choosing in their lifestyle that's contributing to

that condition, then I'll go through a real quick review of systems, any praying

symptoms, problems with your feet, you know, your hands or your skin or your

circulations, how do your muscles feel, your joints, how those your urinary

pathways, what's happening with your bowels, do you have any hormone

imbalances, blood sugar, acid reflux, heartburn, indigestion, heart problems,

lung problems, thyroid concerns, or thyroid symptoms, teeth problems, sinus

problems, ear problems, vision double, vision pain in the eyes,

headaches and then how's your emotional health, and if you do that picture with

people consistently, it gives you a really nice framework and then the end

of those questions, I always ask the patient, "What are your expectations in

coming here? I want to live up to your expectations." And then I'll get a

response and sometimes the patient is, "I don't have any expectations" Other times

they'll say, "I want you to make me 18 years old" Other times they'll say, "I just

want you to take the edge off" And then you understand what people really want,

then you can understand how you can take care of them. I really like it when

patients give me their expectations because now I have a parameters or

framework to work within. So when you go visit with your doctor, you want to know

what are the doctors expectations, what are your expectations and what is their

prediction of, can I help you, can they not help you and that doesn't always

mean that you're going to cure someone because when people say I want to be 18

years old, oh man, I'm really good, I'm not that good maybe I'm the wrong doctor for

your expectations, but then there's some key important question

that I think patients can ask doctors. Number one, are these all of the alternatives

and options that you know about for my case? I love asking that to providers

when I go see a doctor or when I take my son or my family and to see a healthcare

provider is, what are all my alternatives and what are my options. I think that the

most important question that you ask from a patient to a doctor standpoint,

"If this is your brother, your son, your mother, your father, how would you treat

this patient? What treatments would you do and what would you like to know about?"

Because a lot of times the doctor will answer that question much differently,

then if you just say, "What would you do?" Those are my thoughts on how to

interact with your doctor. I forgot to mention that I love it when people come

in with a list of questions because then we can go down the list and you can

answer the questions and I'll tell people, once you leave the office it

seems like all of a sudden your inspiration, your thoughts open up, you

have all these questions, write them down so we can go over them on the next visit

because the more you know about your case and the more you know about all of

your options, the better chance that you have to control to remove the barriers

that are preventing you from getting better and ultimately to achieve and

maintain optimal health. Thank you so much for watching the video on how to

talk to your doctor. If you liked our video on how to talk to your doctor

please like us, share us, and tell everyone about our channel.

We'll see you on the next video.

For more infomation >> How To Talk To A Doctor - Questions To Ask A Doctor - Duration: 6:00.


fantasy OCs [Law/Ferguson, Sewell] - The Weapon You Make of My Heart - Duration: 1:55.

True love...

the most...

intoxicating sensation....

a man can possess.

I cannot be your mistress.

I must...

show loyalty.

Your heart's beating so fast.

Perhaps it's time you took a wife.

I'm not ready.

How shall we find the strength to bear...

the wrongs people do us?

What are you implying?

She could so easily take my place.

You've been with me through everything.

I love you very much.

Tell them to destroy this false king...

for me.

I'd given enough

to merit, if not your love, then

at least your respect.

I know what kind of a man you are.

Please, God...

let him win.

You know what happens now.

We will show them strength...

and dignity.

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