Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 2 2018

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Miniature Art Landscape in mini canvas (2 "x3") [6]

Medium Yellow.

Burnt umber.

Medium red.


I hope you liked it!

For more infomation >> Painting Mountain Oil sunset (5x7 cm) | Miniature Art # 6. - Duration: 10:09.


Doug Addison ➤ "A Personal Prophetic Word For You Now" - Duration: 11:27.

Friends Doug Addison here. It's Thursday, May 31st

2018 and

That's her height. I've got a personal prophetic word for you. Maybe you follow my daily

prophetic words and people tell me how

Accurate those are and like wow like 95% of the time they might they apply

But sometimes they don't and so today's daily prophetic

By the way, is I've decided just to release this on on Facebook as well on YouTube

it's going to be an uplifting time as

Your faith and your hope is being strengthened

So because of that

I'm just gonna follow up right now, and I'm going to

Give this prophetic word similar to the way I would do a daily prophetic word work

You know 95 to 95 99 percent of those

Watching or listening it will apply to you not everyone. Of course

but this is the word right now that I want to give you that's gonna move you into a

June and what's coming?

first of all

The Lord is saying he's he's doing something new behind the scenes are 1st Corinthians

2:9 and however, it is as it is written. No eye has seen

No, ear has heard no

Human mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him and that's what's going on right now God's doing something

That's beyond your own understanding

It's beyond what you can see or hear right now, and I also heard a few verses

I'm just gonna go ahead start prophesy on those into your spirit, Isaiah 45 3

I will give you hidden treasures

These are rich is stored in secret places so that you may know that I am the Lord the God of Israel who?

summons you by

Name and now this is why there's a personal prophetic word

The Lord is some of the summons in you by name right now and he's going to share with you some hidden

treasures now some people think that that's money it might be but I think it's a revelation and

Understanding because no eye has seen no ear has heard is what's about to be released to you is deeper

understanding into your situation and that he's gonna give you a

Confirmation and how as you cross over that's what I heard

Was June as a crossing over a month that you'll have to grab hold of isaiah 43:18

Forget the former things do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Do you not see it as it springs up? I'm making a way in the wilderness and streams

in the wasteland

God is doing something right now where many people of being been in the wilderness and he's now

Springing up the water of life for you. This is the new revelation

He's springing up in the wilderness, but you're going to need to get rid of the old thinking to be able to get there

You're going to need to focus on what God is saying right now. It's really easy. All you have to do is

Seek first the kingdom of God and all of his righteousness all these other things going to be given to you

Do not worry about how it's going to work out. Don't try to figure these things out

Because God is doing it right now. And I mean this is rumbling in the spirit

I can feel it as I'm releasing this prophetic word. I can feel it being a creative word

It's creating life and many people right now

Proverbs 3:5 trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit

To him and he's gonna make your paths straight

Right out of the wilderness. He's gonna make your paths straight. And so this is the time again

Listen trust that God has your back on this God is doing something new

He's pulling this new thing together, but you're gonna need to come into agreement with others

And mark 11:24 is a verse for now. Therefore I say to you all

all things for which you pray and

Ask a belief and you will receive them and it will be granted to you

It's what the Lord saying right now if you agree together now not everything you're gonna ask for it is gonna happen right now

But if you grab hold of what God is doing right now if you can get this

over the next few days begin to pray this in the Lord is going to really open the door for you and

I would recommend agreeing together with others

so that you're sharing your needs and agree with those others over the next week and get ready for something to really open up and

In the spirit watch for June to bring new alignment new people new places new

Situations new assignments are going to start coming greater authorities going to come to you

Don't give up. I tell you we are on the verge of one of the biggest breakthroughs in history

I think it's that way. I know the warfare I've gone through in my team

We've gone through a lot of warfare and I don't give any credit to the enemy

But that shows you know

The depth of the valley that you've been walking through talks about the height of the mountain you're called to

The Lord is calling you to something new and I speak this prophetic word, and I'm going to be releasing

More of this in my spirit connection webcast next white next week the first Wednesday of each month

But I'm going to be talking about those who have a crushed spirit in

Proverbs 17:22


You know that it's a merry heart is it you know is it's good for it'll bring health

But a crush spirit will dry the bones and the Lord is now releasing an anointing. I've had an encounter a heavenly encounter

where I saw people including myself

who had crushed spirits who have been through so much and been holding on holding on the Lord says I'm gonna now

Breathe the Ezekiel 37 breath of life that brings

The dry bones alive and that and that breath of life

It's it's a it's a Hebrew word called bara, which is a creation

It was the same breath that came into Adam. It is a creative work and we're gonna see this starting to happen in June

so I just released there's a gird but I

Release this prophetic word over you you'll want to share this with others because this is a creative word

There's no time limit on it. God has no limits. He's outside of time

But this is a now word that you could apply I wanted just to encourage you to give up

All right my website Doug Addison Cobb. Just want to tell you I released a new blog today

You want to grab hold of this because I'm releasing prayer strategies this month and this is a month where?

The Lord wants to bring new strategies to bring new things. This is for finances

It's for the government. It's for the world. I'm a prophetic intercessor

In fact, all right, my job starts right around 4:00 a.m. I get up at 4 to 4:30 a.m

and I have a job in my heavenly realm and I interacted in the courts of heaven and I am a prophetic intercessor first and

Foremost before I do anything else I do this die I enter in like the Lord's given me strategies

That's gonna now break through the things break through things in your life. So I release his blog called how to pray with

shameless audacity

That's what Jesus said to do. He said you know what when you 40 right after the Lord's Prayer

He said you know what you need to actually have

shameless audacity and he told a parable about

Somebody who went over to his friends house after they were embedding needed food and our needed some

bread or something and and he he said

You know what? The guy's not going to get up because your friends it's because of your shameless audacity

So right now the Lord is answering

Prayers of those who've been praying and I bet I would tell you a secret knock

It's what the Lord said with this so grab hold of that. It's a it's a free blog. I just

Release it while you're there take a look at my new podcast spirit connection podcast that just came out

Episode number 55 how prophetic is that? That's that's super grace right now with my really good

Friend Stacy Campbell. She's so powerful. She's so pathetic. She's so

Encouraging and she we recording this podcast together, but she shares things

Deep things a shift coming right now. We're going from revival, and we're going to endure Reformation

really which mover moving from Reformation into trance formation and there's a shift happening that

She's seeing it all over the place

businesses, there's a word there for how to create wealth and there's there's prophetic words for those who need

Encouragement and now she's such a special friend of mine

she helped me and her and Patricia King helped me years ago way back in 2001 do my first

prophetic outreach and

we talked about that as well and

so we we just have this just real I don't know some kind of powerful connection and so this

Podcast will release over you

Prophetic strategies to equip you then

There's a lot of stuff about the Joseph's anointing and things that's happening right now with the finances

And you know, this is the prophetic time. We just really need to grab hold of it. So check that out episode

55 also, this is my last day o to offer the replay of

The online training that I did for the month of May

It was called how to know God's voice and timing listen up a discern. It was a workshop

I did you can see it's only one day you can get the replay. It's thirty seven dollars, but you get the notes

It's two out where it's a deep training where I go

I tell you I walk people through

How to know whether you're hearing from God yourself or the enemy years ago

Someone said if you could do that, you'd write a best-selling book Oh, guess what?

You know, I don't have the best-selling book, but I have the revelation of the Lord

that that tells

Tells you how to do and I've been training people in my schools

and so I decided the Lord says we need this out into the world right now, so

That's available just till today and also

On the subject of hearing God my team pick there's my staff of my team

They stay really are recommending the book. God spoke

Now what activating your prophetic word you could get that over at Doug Addison calm. Anyway, I'm really

Encouraged about what's going on, right?

Around the world and don't be discouraged by what you're seeing and I'm going to be releasing more and more

Prayer strategies the Lord said that we need to raise up a team an army of prophetic intercessors

And so I'm going to be doing more of that as we go. Anyway, god bless you. Hope you have a great weekend. See you

For more infomation >> Doug Addison ➤ "A Personal Prophetic Word For You Now" - Duration: 11:27.


ASMR Soviet Girl Interrogates You! (Roleplay) Russian & English - Duration: 10:32.

and now we are recording

good evening

So, Comrade Ivanov,

Do you know why you are here, yes?

Don't rush with the answer

I know your grammar is not so good for a Soviet Officer

I think that your superior should have chosen someone better for the job

But they sent you...

How did this happen that they did not teach their agent proper Russian

This mistake has cost them greatly

Maybe they will never hear from you again

We know that you are a spy, but where are you from?

You can survive if you will be talkative

Don't be scared, our conversation isn't recording ;)

Now tell me, where are you from?

You don't want to talk?

Scared, your accent will sell you out?

Maybe you don't even know Russian at all

I am not surprised

I will get to the end of this and find our common language

Are you trying to play games with me?

Are you trying to be funny, pretending that you don't understand


I love to play games too

Well then, let's play the game!

You will tell me everything I want to know then you can get out of here

I've always liked a man with mystery

and your story is one big mystery for me

I want to know all of your secrets

Everything thats in your head

and under your clothes...

(Bosnian) Still not going to say anything?

Are you not big enough to confess your crime?

I do like a good boy

Still nothing to say?

You are very interested in keeping this act going

Maybe you still don't understand

I think I have a solution for this

Let's take a look at your documents

So Comrade Yuri Ivanov

Everything is bad

Your passport was never issued

And evenmore, we have no information about your studying, life, family

There are nothing about your life

Until you showed up here

I know that you are a spy

and you have nothing else to hide from me

Tell me everything that you know

For more infomation >> ASMR Soviet Girl Interrogates You! (Roleplay) Russian & English - Duration: 10:32.


Writing Rules [Hint: Break Them ALL!] The Slush Pile Dos - Flash Fiction Online - Duration: 4:10.

one of the questions that comes up over and over again is how do I survive the

slush pile in this video I'm going to talk about the fastest way out of the

slush pile and on to an editor's desk and in a good way that's right this is

another episode of the slush pile do's breaking the rules hi I'm Anna Yeatts

from flash fiction online if you're watching this on YouTube make sure to

subscribe and if you want more slush pile do's don'ts and the dreaded slush

pile Horrors head on over to patreon to become a patron in a flash fiction

online so if you've been in the writing world for longer than like oh five

seconds you've learned a lot of rules about what to do and what not to do

I mean how I've even told you what to do and not to do and now I'm telling you

break them all throw all that out the window sometimes there really is a time

and place for everything except cat stories warning shameless self-promotion

coming up if you really want to know the reason why there's only a point zero

zero zero zero zero a one percent chance you should ever break the rules and

actually write a story about a cat well then you should head on over to patreon

or tell a friend and send them over to patreon so we can hit our first stretch

goal and I can film you that episode about the cat stories now let's talk

about some of those rules you might have learned along the way

never use passive voice never use second person never use first person present

tense always use words in the correct context always write in complete

sentences even use correct grammar but any rule you can think of of giving you

permission to break it just don't tell Suzanne

break the rules for a reason do it deliberately use it to increase the

emotional intensity of your story don't do it just to be distracting or to prove

that you can or try to be artistic or to show off or you literary or to think

that just by breaking the rules it's going to impress an editor it's not but

a powerful story will and sometimes breaking the rules is what it takes to

do that if your character is disoriented choose a voice that will leave the

reader feeling disoriented in the horror flash do's and dont's by Paul DesCombaz

The reader is kept disoriented by the unusual structure altogether it adds

to the story's eerie effect do show Esme clearing off a spot on her bookshelf for

the house of sticks the front of the splintery house faces her bed don't

continue reading this story if you're writing a deep point of view in

especially tense moments a character may not think and complete sentences a great

example of this is the black clover equation by Zach Shepard the main

character is an obsessive scientist whose over-the-top style is held back

from slapstick by the stories note-taking style it keeps the story

humorous instead of melodramatic and absurd if your world-building play with

language you can use words for how they sound instead of what they mean again

you have to be careful with this it has to fit the setting that you've created

and the character and it has to fit your style I found solace in a great moving

shadow by Bronte Christopher Wieland is a terrific example of this picture of

thumb of mechanical birds that drowns the v parks like the wood ep to eat of

real Birds used to drown their real parks can be a murder a shriek of

grinding gears unoiled joints and etched brass talons of concrete enough to drive

folks crazy that's a pretty brave story and he uses vocabulary in some

surprising ways now that story probably wouldn't work and a for much longer than

Flash reader fatigue was set in pretty quickly but in a flash format

it's pretty amazing be brave right from your heart tell the story that you're

trying to tell believe in yourself and your own voice and your own style and

sometimes when you get a rejection letter it's just because your story

hasn't found the right editor at the right publication at the right time it

doesn't mean you need to go back and follow all the rules thanks for making

it to the end leave the writing rule that you love to

break down in the comments below thanks again for being a patron we couldn't do

it without you happy writing

For more infomation >> Writing Rules [Hint: Break Them ALL!] The Slush Pile Dos - Flash Fiction Online - Duration: 4:10.


Scottsdale Murders Connected: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 8:56.

Scottsdale Murders Connected: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

A series of four murders – including that of a prominent psychiatrist, Steven Pitt, who was involved in the JonBenet Ramsey case – may be connected to the same gunman, Scottsdale police now say.

As of Saturday, June 2, 2018, there had been four possibly-related homicides since Thursday, two of doctors (a psychiatrist and psychologist, reportedly) and two paralegals, who were gunned down in a law firm.

The suspect is at large and has not been named.

Police do not feel the homicides are random.

One news report said that police were investigating whether the fourth homicide was connected to the other three but had not definitively determined that.

Here's what you need to know:.

Pitt, a High-Profile Forensic Psychiatrist, Was Killed Outside His Office.

The first to die was Steven Pitt, a 59-year-old psychiatrist, who was involved in many prominent murder cases.

In fact, they are some of the most high-profile cases in American history.

He consulted on the Baseline Killer and Jon Benet Ramsey cases.

Pitt was also involved in consulting on the Columbine school shooting, according to NBC News.

Vincent Lewis, of the Phoenix Police Department said the shooting death occurred around 5:30 p.m.

on Thursday, May 31, 2018, near Scottsdale and Bell roads.

Witnesses described hearing "a loud argument followed by gunshots," and the shooter fled, according to

The motive was not clear, and Pitt died at the scene.

"We are not ruling anything out, but at this point, a loud argument probably suggests they knew each other either professionally or personally," Lewis said.

The Phoenix New Times previously described Pitt's work on the infamous murder case of JonBenet, the child beauty pageant contestant found murdered in her family home.

Pitt, who generally worked with law enforcement, was a consultant for the District Attorney and the Boulder Police Department on that case.

Born to a homemaker and school administrator in Michigan, Pitt was described by the Phoenix publication as "a street-smart, openly ambitious wiseguy who seems most comfortable helping detectives sort out the psychopathology that has led someone — known or unknown — to commit a crime.

Although he never revealed whom he suspected of killing JonBenet, Pitt was quoted by Phoenix New Times as saying of the child's now deceased mother, Patsy Ramsey, "…what I see is someone who is a seasoned performer, someone who is verbally competent, very articulate, seductive, theatrical, and incredibly cunning.

What I hear are some marked inconsistencies compared to what I know about the objective and factual data of the case.".

Two Women Were Shot & Killed at a Local Law Firm.

Two paralegals were killed next at a local law firm.

That double shooting occurred on Friday, June 1, 2018.

The victims were identified as 48-year-old Veleria Sharp and 49-year-old Laura Anderson.

Police said both women were shot in the law firm office, although one of the women, shot in the head, "ran outside and told a limo bus driver to call 911.

The woman was transported to a nearby hospital where she later died," according to ABC15.

The second woman was located inside the law office building deceased, the television station reported.

"MORE: Scottsdale police also now confirming, what we reported late last night.

The shooting death of 2 paralegals at Burt|Feldman|Grenier Law office is connected to shooting death of Steven Pitt #Fox10Phoenix," Stefania Okolie, a reporter for Fox10 Phoenix, wrote on Twitter.

The shootings occurred at the Burt, Feldman, Grenier Law firm.

The firm is located in downtown Scottsdale near a cluster of government buildings, including the local library.

A Fourth Homicide May Involve Another Doctor/Psychologist as a Victim.

As Scottsdale was still reeling from the murders of Pitt and the two paralegals came word of a fourth homicide that police were investigating to see if it was related.

"UPDATE: Scottsdale police now confirming this is a homicide they are working at a office off of Hayden road.

Law enforcement source tells me it is a therapist office.

And the man killed is a psychologist," Okolie wrote on Twitter.

According to AZFamily.

com, the fourth murder occurred "at a business near the area of Hayden and Mountain roads" and both Scottsdale and Phoenix police were investigating.

The fourth murder occurred on Saturday, June 2, 2018, meaning that a homicide was occurring every day.

The Suspect May Be Another Attorney, a Report Alleges.

Okolie, the reporter for Fox10 Phoenix, is reporting that the suspect is a local attorney.

"Law enforcement sources confirming shooting death of Steven Pitt, 2 paralegals at a Scottsdale firm, & a Doctor at a Scottsdale therapist office are ALL connected.

Sources also telling me who they believe is behind the shooting.

He is also an attorney in the Valley #Fox10Phoenix," she reported.

Authorities had not yet confirmed that account nor released the suspect's name.

Police Have Released a Description of the Shooter.

Police have released a sketch they say is of the gunman, a male.

You can see it above.

In addition to the sketch, police described the shooter as "an adult male, bald and wearing a dark-colored hat with a short brim.

" The motive for the shootings is not clear.

For more infomation >> Scottsdale Murders Connected: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 8:56.


Roofing Contractors La Crosse Wi | La Crosse County Roofers - Duration: 0:32.

There is no better way to protect your home than by keeping a good roof over your head

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Dont risk further damage to your home.

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