Benefits Of Yoga What Are The Benefits Of Yoga You Should Now
60 Second Fundraising Tip: Neighborly Support - Duration: 1:11.Hey guys Happy #FundraisingFriday I'm Kristy
Today's 60 Second Tip: Neighborly Support
So you and your team have cleaned out your own closets and now you're
wondering where else can I collect shoes? One of the many answers is to look in
your own and surrounding neighborhoods. We recently had a drive that had a very
successful weekend by engaging with their neighbors. Here's how they did it
They printed 50 flyers for each of their 20 volunteers to place on the front door
of houses. These fliers ended up reaching hundreds of homes nearby. Getting the
right information to these potential donors is always very important. So the
flyers include answers to possible questions like who's collecting, why is
the organization collecting, where the shoes end up, and who can be contacted
with questions. They asked donors to leave a bag of all pairs of shoes at their
front door or driveway and they would be picked up between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. on a
Sunday. This group collected 50 bags in one day and you can too! Connect with your
fundraising coaches to discuss this and any other ideas. I'm Kristy and I'll see
you guys next time!!
Be Careful What You Wish For - Duration: 1:24. For more infomation >> Be Careful What You Wish For - Duration: 1:24.-------------------------------------------
What you can learn about yourself during 20.000km solo trip! (SUBS available) - Duration: 4:58.she actually did all those kilometers
with Linda
so here are we now today with
from Dresde in Germany
I was standing on the highway
from Bacalar, that leads to
Chetumal or Calakmul
or it can lead
to Palenque
I wasn't really hoping for
a ride to Palenque
but the first car stopped
and that was Romi
it was like 4 and something hours ago
and we are here on the highway 186 in Mexico
we just passed Escarcega
nothing happened to us
Of course not!
Of course not!
Romi went first to the United States
to California
and then she bought this marvelous car
this car's name is Linda
Linda in Spanish is actually
you know, what...
cause it's true, she is muy linda
so, she bought her Linda
and then she went to Illinois, then down to Texas
then from
Texas she went all the way down
through Mexico
Ciudad de Mexico, Veracruz, Oaxaca
and now she was in Yucatan
where she stayed in Puerto Morelos
working a little bit on her handcrafts
she's doing
things from leather
oh my God
there were just there were just two trucks
next to each other
and the guy was just overtaking
why not?
he is bigger, right?
and there is another accident
well, yeah, of course
if they are driving like that..
so things like that happen everywhere
and also in Mexico
but you still decided to
do this trip
that some people can tell you
you are, crazy, woman!
because it's very important
to not focus on the bad things
of the world all the time
where you scared when you were starting?
a little bit maybe
a little bit
now I am more conscious but
more strong
cause I know what I am doing now
there were for sure some precautions that you did
so that nothing happened to you, you know?
you said that you were never sleeping in a car
in like dangerous zones
but that was also intuition, wasn't it?
exactly that's what I wanted to say
what have you learned during this journey?
I've learned a lot
many many many things
what was the most important for you
that you've learned
that it's very necessary
to have times in your life
when you are completely alone
and that it's really important to become...
yourself best friend
and I think now I'm really myself best friend
Im able to do anything by myself and...
after four months
and the whole country that you have driven through
and I spent a lot of time just with myself
this is a very very important thing for my whole life
when you go back to your
normal life back in Germany
what's your plan now
When I come back I want to move
to a self sustainable community
in the countryside
that was the first thing I became pretty sure about
in my journey, that I
need for my life to live I
need the be in connection with the nature
close to nature
to have a new nice workshop
repairing my sewing machine
because right now I'm doing
everything with hands
which has its own style and its also nice
but I would love to be able to work with the sewing machine
because I would be a lot faster
I really want to focus on my leather work
and still want to make fire shows also
so I have many ideas
yeah, I have many ideas
and I really need to focus on it
and work on it continuously
what would be your advice to
potential women travelers?
trust in your feelings
and rather go alone instead of
going with someone which gives you a feeling of safety but...
also feeling that you are not really yourself
try to face your own fears
yeah just do it!
just do it ! - just do it!
well... it was a pleasure
say bye bye
bye bye
Easy Drip Irrigation System - Family Plot - Duration: 11:12.OK, Miss Melisa.
Drip irrigation.
- Oh, it is so exciting.
- I can tell you're already excited about it.
- I am so excited about this.
Drip irrigation is the process of putting water where you want it, when you want it,
and how much you want it.
So what we're going to talk about today is how to take it basically from your house,
from a pond, from anywhere you have a water source, to getting it to your plants.
- [Chris] Okay.
- I want to show you first, if you have a water source, we're going to be coming off
of a utility here at the Gardens.
We're not going to be too concerned about a regulator because on our timer we have a
That has a little filter on it.
We have a timer.
We're going to regulate the water based on a little knob that we're going to have on
our hose.
We're not going to worry too much about that.
I would highly recommend a timer, because I hate going out at 7 o'clock in the morning
and trying to time my water.
But I highly recommend - You can by these timers.
You can buy regulators.
Everything I'm showing you, you can get pretty much in any hardware store anywhere in the
Mid South.
- Is it relatively inexpensive?
Or just depends on how much you're going to buy?
- It is very inexpensive, very inexpensive, cheaper than probably a garden hose.
- Oh, I love that.
All right.
- Once you really get rolling with it.
But I recommend a timer.
First thing you've got to have is you've got to have your half-inch pipe.
Now half-inch pipe is your main hose that you're going to take off your garden hose.
I want to show you how easy it is to put this sucker together.
I have what's called a female fetter.
You take this, and you have a little knob there.
You're going to push this into here, like this.
I love this because I can do it.
A lady can do this.
You put that in and then you twist it, till it comes, and it wraps around it.
So now that's nice and tight.
So that's put together.
- [Chris] All right, a lady did that.
- A lady did that.
It's on there tight.
- It sure is.
- Then you come back and you put it against your water source.
See it's got all the - There's even a washer in there.
- Okay.
- So I don't have to care about the washer.
Then you put it on there like that.
That takes care of the one end.
- [Chris] All right.
- Then what I want to do is I want to thread this.
What do you have to think about if you're going to put this in your flower garden, your
butterfly garden, you've got to think about how long do you need this half-inch hose.
You don't have to cover - As you see, I made it long enough to go all the way to the end
of this garden, which is fine.
Now you've got to think about, "Okay, I've got to close that water off."
- Okay.
- So how do I do that?
There's three ways to close that water off.
If you think that you're going to extend that water into another bed at one point in time,
you have a connector like this.
You can put it on the same way, where you turn it down, go over that little nodule.
- Just like the last one?
- Just like the last one.
The beauty of this is it has a cap, and it comes off.
So again, you could connect another hose to it, or another half-inch pipe to it.
We're not going to put that on this one.
You also have what's called an eight, where you can just fold it over, like so, and it'll
fit there like that.
And then undo it.
But for this particular one, we're going to use our trusty wire tie.
- [Chris] Gotta keep those handy, right?
- Oh, you've got to have your wire ties.
Once you get the wire tie on, and it's like any hose, once you get that bent you're locked
Now I'll hold this down, because you're going "How do you hold the black hose down?"
Keep it out of the way.
I'm going to hold this down just a little bit.
All right, I've got my black piping in place.
Nowith I need to think about how do I get water to my plants?
We have three peppers here, and we have three tomatoes.
We know with tomatoes, they really don't like water on their leaves.
- It's pretty obvious, right?
- Peppers don't really care.
You've got thousands of different kind of sprinkler heads that you can use.
You've got beaucoups of risers, and these are called risers.
You can get them all which ways.
I even have one here we're going to actually attach to our flower garden that is a container
bed riser.
It puts the water specifically down.
Now, comes the fun part.
What I'm going to do is I'm going to put my quarter-inch pipe stem.
Now the way that is, is you have - If you're going to do this a lot I would recommend getting
a hole punch
- [Chris] Okay, that's a hole punch.
- It's a hole punch.
It's going to cut only a hole big enough to be a quarter inch.
I'm always kind of guessing where I might want to put a hole.
I make a hole, and I always have to kind of do it.
then I kind of measure.
Well, that's not really where I want to put it.
So I have this nifty little thing called a goof plug.
So I take this tiny little goof plug.
- [Chris] Just plug it back.
- Just plug it back.
I get a little click and I'm going, "No water's going to come through that thing."
So I move my hole over.
Make my hole.
Then I have these connectors.
These are, they've got a hole through both of them.
I take the quarter inch piping, put it through there.
I'm going to go to a tomato.
So the way this particular riser is, there's the hole where the water goes, and the water
comes out here.
Come to this.
Put it down in there.
Hear a little click.
Feel a little click.
The nice thing about this is it's got an arrow.
You're going to see -
- [Chris] It lets you know which way it goes.
- Yeah.
That's why we call it goof easy.
Then you put it right down here at the root of the plant.
That water is only going to go to the root of that plant.
Now, you notice I made that a lot longer?
What if I decide, well, that plant died.
It's not doing too well.
I need to move it.
You can move these things.
You don't really need a lot of half inch pipe, as much as you need your quarter inch pipe.
Put that in there.
Then this head is called a bubbler head.
- [Chris] Okay.
- Well, it's kind of a bubbler sprayer, depending on how much water you put to it.
The beauty of this is you can regulate it at the head.
- [Chris] Dial it.
- Which I love.
Because depending on how much water you need, and how far you need that water to go, you
can change it here.
So again, take this.
Can you hand me one of those little connectors?
Yeah, one of those.
- I'm learning.
That's a connector.
- All right.
We put this together like that.
Now this one, the water comes up from the side.
Get the right end.
The nice thing about doing it on a hot day today is all this plastic PVC works beautifully,
because it's hot enough, and it works well.
You make another hole.
Punch it all the way through.
Push it in till it clicks.
And there you go.
There's some hard dirt there.
Now, this will eventually lay down once it gets settled.
You can have it behind, right up here against the wood, so it's hidden.
So if you have a flower garden, you don't want all this black showing, you can put it
up against the wood.
You can also lay mulch over it, and it won't be seen.
- [Chris] That'd be a good idea.
- Now, let me put in the rest of them, because I've got all sorts of other ones right here.
- All right, let's give it a shot.
See if it works.
- All right.
Let's try it.
- All right.
- [Chris] I see water.
Hey, hey.
- All right, that one's working.
That one's working.
- This one's working.
- All right.
That's doing what it's supposed to.
That one's getting a little crazy, but that's all right.
- Because it can be adjusted, right?
- It can be adjusted.
I haven't used this one in a while.
But you can see how all these tomato plants, it's all staying down by them.
This one's swirling like it's supposed to.
This one's bubbling like it's supposed to.
All that water is staying right there underneath the tomatoes, which is what we wanted.
- [Chris] How about that?
- You've got an irrigation system.
- We have an irrigation system.
- You sure do.
- We appreciate that, Miss Melisa.
- You are more than welcome.
- Thank you much.
If you Organize your MIND anything you wish will happen! Eckhart Tolle - Duration: 10:12.and so we are talking about this right now in the context of a neutral non
problematic situation you're in a park or you're sitting at home in your
familiar room and you're sitting in the chair and you simply look around in the
state of clear innocent not labeling perception and then something else
you suddenly realize two dimensions one is the objects that are appearing in
your consciousness the sense objects perception and then you sense still but
highly awake the field of aware presence in which those sense perceptions appear
you're aware of that and that which appears in other words you're aware
conscious of awareness conscious of consciousness and that which appears in
consciousness knowing that none of that which appears in consciousness is the
essence of who you are but consciousness itself is who you are but in every form
that essence is also concealed so the other statement the seemingly
contradictory statement that everything you see is you is also true but you this
is how it works holds the truth they are both true none of that which appears in
consciousness is you and everything is you but the essence of you of I is the
field of a web presence and you are free you know yourself as that then the world
is not threatening anymore the world of form nor is it that attractive anymore
it's just is beautiful as it is but it doesn't stretch in your sense of self
nor does it promise to enhance your sense of self anymore and now you can
actually you can relax with the world because you don't feel threatened by it
or enhance by it because you are beyond it and this is why funny story to
illustrate this the spiritual teacher J Krishnamurti who taught for many many
many years once in the middle of a talk he stopped talking and said do you want
to know what my secret is and everybody listened up some people had already gone
to sleep because they've been coming to see him from thirty years yes that's
what we've been waiting for what is your secret okay I will tell you what my
secret is he said I don't mind what happens
yes and
that was his secret but now you can see I don't know how many people got it when
he said that he didn't explain as far as I know further but in the context of
this you can see the depth of what that means I don't mind what happens because
what happens is a form that arises in consciousness and when you know yourself
as consciousness it doesn't matter that much and the strange thing is you might
think okay then you your attitude then towards the world will be one of not
caring anymore it sometimes happens that people who in whom this transformed
state arises suddenly they go through a period when they don't pay attention to
any of these forms anymore they lose interest in the world of form entirely
they get so drawn so identified with the formless with being that existence
becomes uninteresting because being is
unmanifested life existence is formed because the very word means eggs means
out sisters it stands out as a form this happened to me also
total lack of interest for several years in anything in this world and then a
balance establishes itself this doesn't need to happen to you it tends to happen
to people who without any teaching stumble upon this truth within
themselves seemingly accidentally nothing is
accidental but seemingly accidentally they stumble upon this and suddenly the
unconditioned is there fully all at once and then sometimes the world kind of
becomes totally peripheral until finally you learn to live in the world of form
again with most of you a different process happens it is a more gradual
realization not that surrender takes time but to dwell in the state of
surrender as a continuous state can take time not the surrender itself because
you can only surrender to now but what happens is that the resistance movements
which is conditioned collectively will reassert itself in waves and so you fall
back into the state of egoic identification with mind back in the
state of resistance and denial of now and then suddenly you see it and then do
you re enter so it's a gradual entering of that s so that until it becomes your
the place where you dwell that state so
you it you don't need to lose yourself in it because it is gradual you can
learn to incorporate it into your life not that you have to do it it happens by
itself and the misperception could arise that then don't you become careless
towards the world the things in this world and strangely the opposite is true
once you the balance is there everything that you look upon is actually great
careful Oz into that to which you give attention
How to Add a News Ticker on Your YouTube Video - Duration: 14:47.Bowman Homestead asked "How do you add a news ticker on your Camtasia video
that is longer than a text box?
I have seen a lot of videos teach how to add
the news ticker, but you can only have a small amount of text that way.
Can't wait to hear back!"
Well Bowman, I am happy to provide a tutorial on how to add a news ticker
for your YouTube video, using Camtasia.
You can actually use the same principal in Camtasia 8; however, Camtasia 9 and
above, makes it so much easier!
In addition, I have a bonus Camtasia library asset, a lower third news
ticker, which I will teach you how to easily customize in Camtasia, using
your branded colors for your YouTube videos.
I'm Naomi Skarzinski with the Top Shelf VA channel.
Your place for creativity and inspiration for business and life.
If you're new to the channel, please take one second and click on the
subscribe button, click on the bell icon, and check notifications for Top
Shelf VA.
Okay, the first step to setting up your news ticker in Camtasia is to click on
Annotations and then Callouts if it is not already selected.
Then select one of the text icons, it really doesn't matter which one, just
drag it onto the canvas.
Go to Visual Properties and remove the Drop Shadow.
If you wanted a colored background for your ticker, go back to Annotations and
select Shapes.
Go to the drop down and select Bold.
Click on the white rectangle and drag it onto the canvas.
We're selecting this one because unlike some of the other choices in Camtasia,
this callout has sharp corners, not rounded corners to the rectangle.
Drag the edge to the right side and lower the height.
Let's go to Annotation Properties in the Properties Panel and change the
color of the Camtasia callout.
Click on the dropdown and select a color.
I know the color I want for my brand, so I will type it in here.
Now drag the text callout down over the rectangle and adjust it height wise.
Let me move the text to the track above the rectangle callout.
There we go.
Double click inside the text box to highlight it.
Now, if you want to change the font, go to the font properties, and change the
font to what you want.
I'm going to make this Arial Bold, as I have found a bolder, thicker font is
easier to read as it moves across the screen.
Move the text box to the edges and set the text to left justified.
Now let me demonstrate what Bowman was referring to when it looks as though
you can only have a small amount of text.
Watch what happens when the text gets to the end.
Holy moly!
That's not good!
Okay, so here's the first trick to adding a news ticker onto your video.
The text box needs to be much wider.
To do this, click in the canvas area and if you have a scroll wheel on your
mouse, scroll down.
You can also do this by holding your Control key down plus the minus key to
This is a little too small for me to work with, so I'm going to increase the
size slightly by scrolling up a little bit.
Now, I'll click on the end of text box and widen the box to the right.
I want to make it as wide as it will go, so I'll hold down the spacebar,
which turns the cursor into a hand.
I'll move the canvas to the left and widen the text box as wide as Camtasia
will allow.
I'll then go up to Canvas Options and select fit, which fits everything into
the Camtasia canvas area.
I'll move the text box a little bit to the left, type some more, move to the
left, type some, and just finish typing.
One important thing to remember is to end on a full sentence because if we
are going to add more new tickers to our video, it's easier to do with full
You may also find you have additional text that will minimize the size of the
font as before.
Just keep an eye on it and don't let it minimize to the point it is hard to
read as it is moving, we can always set up another text box to follow it.
When you have finished, and if the text size automatically minimized, make a
note of the font size, you want to ensure the font size of the second box
is going to be the same.
Now move the text box to the right, off of the canvas, making sure to use the
yellow lines to help keep you in line with the rectangle underneath.
Go to the timeline and extend the text box and the rectangle to 35 seconds.
I found this is about the right amount of time, plus or minus, for the ticker
to move from the right to the left and be readable.
Lock track one, which is your colored background, and click on track two,
which is your text.
Move the playhead anywhere on the timeline.
To quickly add an animation, you can press Shift plus A.
Or you can do it by clicking on Animations, the Animations tab, then
dragging custom onto the text callout.
I like using keyboard shortcuts because they are faster!
Click on the animation to make sure it is selected.
The playhead should be lined up with the end of the animation.
Move the text box to the left and off the canvas, once again, making sure to
use the yellow lines as a guide.
Go to the animation and move each end of the animation to the left and to the
right of the text box.
Here's one thing I always keep forgetting to do, right click on the
From the drop-down menu, select Enable Easing and then Linear.
This will ensure the text moves across to the left at the same pace.
Let's see how this looks.
It's moving across the screen at a slow, but not too slow, and easy pace
to read.
If you are going to add additional text, when the end of this original
text box appears, stop the playhead.
Making sure the text box is highlighted, copy it by pressing
Control plus C. Then paste it by pressing Control plus V.
A copy of the text box will be placed at the playhead.
Move the playhead a little, so more of the text is showing in the second box.
Then double click in the text box to highlight all the text and start typing
your new text to replace the text in the second text box.
You can unlock track one to widen the rectangle to match the full width of
both text boxes and relock it, so you can continue working on the second text box.
Now you can watch the full ticker to see if everything flows well and adjust
as necessary.
If you want to add even more text, then all you need to do is copy and paste
the text box again.
This a straightforward and plain news ticker for your YouTube videos.
However, there is the bonus I promised.
It's a lower third news ticker, which I created from scratch just for you and
it's completely free.
I'm going to demonstrate how you can use this, change all the colors, and
the text for your own branding.
When you have finished the video, use the link in the description below for
this free library asset for Camtasia versions 9 and above.
Sorry, this Camtasia library asset will not work with Camtasia 8 or earlier versions.
Once you have imported the asset to your Camtasia Library, right click on
it and select Add to Timeline at Playhead.
Let's expand this a little and look at an important aspect of this group.
On the left of the group, we have a slide right transition and on the right
of the group, we have a fade transition.
Both of these are at 26 milliseconds.
Make a note of that because we will lose these transitions when we take the
next step, which is to right click and select Ungroup, or use the shortcut key
of Control plus U.
Let's expand the tracks, so we can see everything.
As you know, everybody works differently.
How I like to work with library assets, is to group everything as much as
possible and then label each group, this helps make everything clear, so I
am not looking at hundreds of tracks all at once!
Let's click outside of this, so nothing is highlighted, and take a quick look
at the layout of the land.
We have the second tab.
The first tab.
The accent bar.
The bottom bar.
The bottom vignette.
And then, each of the animated glows.
Before we get started, I'll add a video clip behind this, so you can see the
full effect as we work.
I'll go to the track one, right click on it, and select insert track below.
I have a video clip in my media bin, which I will drag down to track one.
I'll also expand it and resize it for this demo.
I'll lock it and I'll lock all the other tracks, except for the one I am
working on at the time.
I personally like locking tracks when I'm working on an area that has
numerous tracks.
It helps me avoid any possible mishaps.
And let me tell you, I have had some mishaps!
I'll work on the second tab.
I'll click on the plus sign to expand it.
Let's change the color of the second tab first by highlighting it and
changing the color in the Properties Panel.
You can choose any color you want by using the slider and moving the picker
around in the square.
If you know the colors you want to use already, you can use their HEX code, or
click on the mode to switch to the RGB mode.
I already have some HEX codes, so I'm going to enter the color for what I want.
Now, click on the text clip and double click the text to highlight all the text.
Okay, see what happened?
The group closed on us.
This sometimes happens depending on how many items are grouped and how the
layers are arranged.
In this case, the fastest thing to do is to ungroup for the moment.
We can now double click on the text to highlight it and type in whatever we
want here.
I'll say, "Training Channel."
Now we can go down to the tracks, regroup them, name it again if you
would like, right click, select remove all empty tracks, and lock that track.
On to the next step and unlock track three.
Click on the plus sign to expand it.
Let's do the same thing to change the color of the first tab.
Go to Colorize in the Properties Panel, drop down the color selection, either
select a color or paste in your color number.
Let's take care of the logo.
Right click on the logo track and select Replace Media.
Select your logo or whatever image you would like here.
More than likely your image will be larger, so you will need to adjust it to fit.
If you would like a little more room for your logo, unlock track two, select
both groups, and then use your up arrow to bring up the tabs slightly.
Not too much, you don't want the news track to visually be unbalanced, but
you can see you have quite a bit of room to experiment.
Then adjust the logo to the new height.
I think I'll also bring the text on the second tab down a little.
Let's lock those tracks and move on to track four.
Let's change the accent color.
To get the vignette, we use the same accent color, and then move the color
point or circle down to a much darker hue of that color.
We're getting there!
Let's close that group and lock the track and open track five.
Now this has text and we've already learned it will be easier to deal with
this if we ungroup it first.
Remember, the keyboard shortcut is Control plus U.
Let's change the color of the bottom ticker.
We'll change the vignette on this in a little bit.
We want to change the text first.
Click on the first text box and move your playhead to the left until you can
see the start of the text.
Double click in the text box to highlight everything, and then start
typing with your own text.
Remember, you want to come to the end of the text box by ending with a sentence.
Do the same thing with the next text box.
Remember to proofread what you wrote, nothing feels worse than having a
spelling mistake in your final video!
Okay that all looks good, so let's regroup those, name the group, and
remove the empty tracks.
Lock the track and unlock track six.
The same deal for the vignette.
I'm going to use the same color I used for the bottom track and then choose a
much darker hue of that color Lock the track and unlock track seven.
Hmmm, I like it, but I want the color to be a little subtler.
There's several groups here and there is a way to make changes to all of them
at once.
First, ungroup everything.
Looking at Colorize in the Properties Panel, we see the bottom row is the
yellow and the top is the white.
All I want to do is make the color a little less, maybe the opacity a little
more transparent.
First, I will click on all the animations for the yellow by holding my
Control key down as I select each yellow animation.
Now this is the important part.
This is the important part!
We want the changes we are about to make to affect the animation from the
beginning to the end of it.
We'll click on these two little arrows underneath the Visual Properties icon.
This will switch it on.
It's on when you see them turn red.
Make sure the playhead is resting on the end circle of one of the animations.
Now whatever changes we make will affect all the yellow animations.
From the beginning to the end.
I'm going to change the colorize amount to 95%.
Change the opacity to 95% and change the yellow to a little lighter yellow
Let's check that.
Yep, I like it.
Now I'm also going to change the opacity on the white to 95%.
I'll click on the first white animation, then hold my Control key
down and click on the rest of the white animations.
Let's change Colorize amount to 95% and Opacity to 65% and check it.
Yep, I like it.
Let's remember to turn off the property changes switch.
It should be grey when it's turned off.
If it's not turned off, later on down the road, you will probably be tearing
your hair out trying to figure out why your animations are not working exactly
the way you want them to work.
So make sure it's turned off.
I'll unclick outside of the animations, so they're no longer highlighted and
regroup each set.
The reason I'm regrouping each set, rather than grouping together, is I may
decide down the road that I want to adjust one of the glow affects to the
right or left, and it's easier to do it this way.
Okay, let's unlock all the news ticker tracks, then group all of them together.
Rename it.
Go to Transitions and scroll down to Slide Right and drag that animation
onto the group.
I only want this to be 26 milliseconds.
I'll move to the end of the group and add the Fade transition, also adjusting
it for 26 milliseconds.
Let's remove all the empty tracks and take a quick look at the full effect.
There you go.
Make sure you click on the link in the description to get your free Camtasia
news ticker library asset.
If you liked this video, you may like to watch one of my other training videos.
Remember to subscribe and leave a comment below.
I'm constantly taking requests and learning from your feedback on what you would
like to learn.
Until we meet again, have a wonderful day!
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