Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 2 2018

Where will you find another Savior

like Jesus Christ?

So powerful and so loving.

So omnipotent and so sympathizing.

And I can't understand how

if you've heard about Him

and if He's nudging you now,

and He's saying to you,

it's true, you know...

what this guy with a funny accent is saying to you.

It's true. It's true.

You need a Savior.

And not just any Savior, but this Savior.

Because He is so, so great.

So great.

And without Him, there's going to be a future -

you're on your own, son.

You're on your own, girl.

As you make the big decisions in your life

about who you're going to marry,

and what you're going to do,

and how you're going to work,

and what's going to be fun...

you're on your own.

And when you get ill

and when you're lonely,

you're on your own.

And when you're dying,

if you don't take my Savior,

just you and an appalling eternity.

And this great Savior -

He's brought me here

and He's brought you here,

and we're talking about Him, aren't we?

We're just ordinary people.

We're not very beautiful people.

We're not very smart. We're not very wealthy.

All we've got to share with the world

is the Lord Jesus Christ.

And we're inconsistent.

We're sorry we're not as patient and loving

and caring as we should be.

We're sorry about that.

But we don't preach ourselves.

We're not your answer.

And all this congregation put together

with all the talents and the gifts

that they have -

they're not your answer.

This is not your answer.

He is your answer.

This wonderful Savior Jesus Christ.

And so we want you to know Him

as your Lord and Savior

by reading the Bible, listening to the preaching,

sitting under the ministry,

reading the books and the leaflets

and so on that we give you.

We want you to think about these things.

We want you to know Him

because we want you to make

an intelligent response.

You've been edified.

You've learned about Jesus Christ

from what we tell you

so that you know who He is.

Jesus is worthy of your mind,

of your intellect.

Bring your mind with you

every Sunday when you come here.

We want you to know Him.

But we want you to submit to Him.

If He's going to be your Savior,

He's also going to be your Lord.

And you can't separate the two.

You know, I marry people,

and I stand here,

and she comes down the aisle

and he's there glowing in anticipation.

And she looks so lovely.

And then I say to her at one point in the service,

"Do you take him to be your loving husband?"

"Do you take him now to be your husband?"

And she has to think...

"Well, I'll take his credit cards.

And I'll take his car,

but I don't take his dirty washing.

And I don't want to be the mother of his children."

If she said that, I would say,

right, I pronounce you man and wife.

I can't say that, can I?

Because she's going to take him as her husband.

The two are going to become one flesh.

And there's a special relationship between the two.

And so I've told you about this

wonderful Savior.

And He's a wonderful Lord too.

And if you're going to become

a follower of Jesus Christ,

He doesn't take His crown off

before He comes into your heart and life.

He comes with His crown

and His crown rights over you;

over all the big decisions that you have to make.

This Savior - He'll forgive your sins.

Isn't that wonderful?

The great chains that bind you

to your past,

and the things that make you blush

and you groan at 2:00 in the morning

as you remember the people you've hurt.

And He'll forgive you. He'll forgive you.


But He comes as your Lord.

And you can't separate what God has joined together.

Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ.

He's here and He comes into your life

for you from now on to serve Him.

And if there are some things that are

tremendously precious to you,

your mind, your love of music and sport,

your relationships -

you can't keep them from Him.

The dearest idol you've known has to go.

You have to give it over to Jesus Christ,

this Savior who is also the Lord.

You have to hand them to Him.

And then He'll do something wonderful.

He'll give them back to you,

but no longer will they be lording it over you.

And you can have them,

but they are then in a servant's role.

So you can keep your interest in cameras

and photography,

and your interest in music and sport,

and all the things that we are interested in -

God's creation gifts.

You're not going to serve them.

You're not going to live for them.

You're going to live for Him.

This great Savior who has come into your life now

as your Lord.

And you bow to Him.

And you receive Him.

You can receive Him now where you are

just sitting and listening to me

and thinking about all I said to you

about the great Jesus Christ.

And you can think,

yeah, it's about time I stop

sitting on the fence,

and stop putting it off until another Sunday.

I'll have Him.

I must have Him.

A friend of mine was talking

to a Scottish farmer named Douglas.

Douglas didn't want to come

to evangelistic meetings.

David spoke to him and spoke to him.

Look, he said, in this hand

I've got everything that you have as a farmer,

and as a highland wrestler,

and as a good Scotsman -

your health and strength

and all your future - it's there.

And in this hand,

I have Jesus Christ.

Which one are you going to take?

It's the same decision that faces you this morning.

Are you going to have

all that this world has to offer?

Is it: I want that.

Or are you going to take

this great, sympathetic, divine,

tender, loving, Savior Jesus Christ

for now and forever.

Which one?

Which one are you going to have?

Which one?

You've got to choose.

You must choose.

He says He's your God.

He's your God. He's your Lord.

Which one are you going to choose?

For more infomation >> Jesus Christ is Your Only Answer - Geoff Thomas - Duration: 9:59.


Are You An Arcturian Starseed - Duration: 3:07.

Are You An Arcturian Starseed?

There is a constellation named Bootes 36.7 light years away.

The beings of this constellation are called the Arcturians.

The have a constitution of 4D or 6D.

They have immense intellectual knowledge and analytical power along with unmatched wisdom

and they love to share it.

They are scientific, alchemists they break codes, they are healers, deep thinkers and

they can travel between dimensions.

How to know an Arcturian Starseed?

Arcturians are an ancient race.

They have incarnated into recent beings.

They are highly intelligent and analytical.

They are introverts but have an intelligent sense of humor which is enjoyable.

They have strong sense of beliefs and morals.

They also know how to plan well and always abide by their plans.

Architecture is their forte and they love geometry.

They always experiment and turn their imagination into reality.

Common Traits These are the common traits they have:

They do not feel that they belong to a specific hierarchy or a family.

They have a love for subjects like geometry, astronomy, philosophy, mathematics, quantum

physics, metaphysics, they love ancient civilizations.

They have low body temperatures and low blood pressure, they experience synesthesia.

They have geometrical patters floating around them whenever they close their eyes.

New technology attracts them along with experiments.

They have amazing memory.

They are empathetic and have a lot of philosophical questions.

They are not easy to break and want to make a new world.

They are organised and good planners.

They make amazing creations in music and science and anything that is unique to them.

Why have they come to earth?

Their main priority is to create a balanced world.

They are trying to complete their goals by being spiritual guides and as physicaly being

incarnated as starseeds.

To complete their mission, many of them are working in fields of research, architecture,

science, building and mathematics.

They are developers of energy sources and find new ways to conserve energy more effectively.

They craft new homes with their knowledge of the sacred geometry.

They see beyond the reality.

They teach us how to balance life.

For more infomation >> Are You An Arcturian Starseed - Duration: 3:07.


Eight Powerful Ways to Visualize an Innovative Nonprofit Business Model (2018) - Duration: 8:34.

Today I'm going to show you eight powerful ways to visualize an innovative

nonprofit business model. The nonprofit version of the canvas is a great way to

come up with fundraising ideas or pinpoint troublesome areas in your nonprofit.

You can also use this to inform your future strategic plan.

Even though there are countless versions of the canvas online, the nonprofit version

stays true to its roots by not breaking the flow. And so that brings us to tip

number one: The flow. The flow shows how all nine blocks are connected.

It's the visual logic of how you create, deliver, and capture that value.

Imagine the left side as the operational level and the right side as the engagement level.

We sometimes call this the back stage and the front stage.

The back stage is howyou create the work, that is, key activities, key resources, your key

partnerships, and your cost structure, and of course your social value proposition,

which is your unique take on how you're solving the problem.

If you're a Simon Sinek fan and his concept of the Golden Circle, you can also call this your

organization's Why: Why do you do what you do? What's your unique take on the

problem? What are your programs and services?

The front stage is who will receive the benefits or who will co-create the value with you.

Your co-creators can include beneficiaries,

various audiences like stakeholders, and volunteers who are

linked by the type of relationship that you wish to establish with them,

the channels in which you'll reach them and, the type of outcomes you will produce

from those relationships like financial outcomes and non-financial outcomes.

Put it all together and you get the flow. Tip number two: visualizing costs and rewards.

Remember that what you earn at the engagement level must go back into the operations side.

That would complete the flow. Some mission-related canvases leave

out revenue streams, and as a compromise, I labeled this "Outcome Streams" and

further divided it into two categories: Financial and Non-Financial.

Whether you want to exclude revenue altogether and just talk about mission metrics, that's

entirely up to you. But to be honest you can't talk about the flow resources

without talking about money one way or another. So I'll leave it up to you.

Examples of financial outcomes include: donations, grants, sales, proceeds; one-time

transactions and recurring transactions like memberships. Non-financial outcomes

are really about how you measure change like mission metrics, and evaluation

standards like behavior change, social impact, and mission-related milestones and outcomes.

Remember that financial outcomes will

fund your various costs like salaries, office rent, facilities, maintenance, and overhead.

Use this to understand your margins and to discuss break-even issues in your business model.

Tip number three: Outcome Streams. Here's a way to ensure

that all your outcome streams make sense. First, label your Co-Creators. Second, your Value Proposition.

And third, your outcomes. Let's use a local botanical garden as an example.

Here we're gonna focus on two audience groups. You want to

ask "What's in it for them?" Scientists and students at the local university may

love the fact that the garden is a sanctuary for many species of plants,

birds, and wildlife. Families may love the fact that you have seasonal events that

are unique, better paths for walking, and even better shelters for picnics.

Now you can ask "What programs and services can we create that would lead them to donate,

pay for memberships, or get them to participate in paid classes and courses.

Don't worry about the Relations block or Channels block just yet, just make sure

that you have Co-Creators connected to your Value Propositions and an Outcome

Stream first. Tip number four: Epicenter Thinking. I did a video on this while

back, but it goes like this: Whatever you add, subtract, or modify in your business

model will definitely ripple out to affect other parts. For example, if you

were to modify anything in your Value Proposition, how might that affect

everything else? If you modified Partnerships, how would that affect the

operations side? If you modified Co-Creators how might that affect the

engagement side? Let's use the Botanical Garden example again. If you subtracted

anything about your events, how might that reduce donations, or even impact the

value of a membership? On the flip side, if you added certain events and

activities and courses to your Value Proposition, how might that increase

donations or increase the value of membership? Tip number five: Go Full-Scale.

or label the entire thing on a flip chart. Rather than sitting behind a

computer all day, put it to work with other people. It's a "common visual for

common ground." Save the word-smithing and the actual

business planning for another day. Tip number six. KA plus KR equals CS. Or, Key

Activities plus Key Resources equals Cost Structure. In other words, what does

it really cost to run your nonprofit? What do you pay in time, money, and effort

to sustain the operation side? Let's imagine a stream. Think about your Key

Activities which can include: Marketing, campaigns, events, productio, development,

training, networking, and research. Second, take a look at your Key Resources. This

could include physical resources like equipments, facilities, IT infrastructure,

intellectual resources, like your house file, customer databases. Human Resources

like staff and contractors; and financial resources like your loans and lines of

credit. Once you have those filled out it should give you a better idea of what

the Cost Structure is really like. Once you look back upstream, it should all

make sense. Tip number seve: SWOT charts. Also known as strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats. So one of my least liked videos came from me dissing

SWOT charts for non profit strategic planning. But I find that SWOT charts can

be a decent method if you've already done your research, and that the facts

are grounded in reality. Meaning that you've tested your assumptions as much

as possible. There are two ways you can go about this: One, you can do a SWOT

chart on a particular troublesome area. Or two: You could just do a SWOT chart

on the entire canvas in general. Once you've diverged on opinions, create an

action plan on how you might improve. Tip number eight: ERRC. Better known as

the Four Action Framework Eliminate, Reduce, Raise, and Create. Here's a

reality check: You're most likely not the only nonprofit doing this line of work.

If you want to put Blue Ocean Strategy to work, just ask these questions:

"What factors can you eliminate that your industry has long competed on?"

"Which factors should be reduced below the industry standard?"

"Which factors should be raised above the industry standard?" And

"Which factors should be created that the industry has never offered before?" And

when I say "industry" I mean nonprofits who are in the same field as you.

These questions are tougher than your think, so take your time.

Remember that you want to make changes that enhance your outcomes as much as

possible. Additionally try to reverse engineer

your competition's business models before using the four action framework.

Tip number nine: Question-storming they say it's not about the right answer, but the

right question. So once you've completed a canvas or two,

try using these questions as a guide: "What are your major gripes and difficulties?"

"What opportunities are missing on the operation side that could contribute to better performance?"

"What small problems could potentially grow into bigger ones?" And

"What barriers are preventing you from growing further?" Once

you've answered those questions, prototype as many future states as you

possibly can. So that wraps it up 8+1 powerful ways to visualize an innovative

nonprofit business model. But once you've completed a canvas, you're not done yet.

This is merely a blueprint. You might want to prototype future revenue models,

you could even use this to create your nonprofit's strategic plan. Get the newly

designed nonprofit business model canvas in the description below which includes

1. the master key 2. a blank worksheet and 3. a minimal canvas with only the questions.

And don't forget to subscribe for more videos just like this. And so turning it

over to you, which technique are you going to try first?

For more infomation >> Eight Powerful Ways to Visualize an Innovative Nonprofit Business Model (2018) - Duration: 8:34.


Big Lots - What's New? - Duration: 6:01.

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