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Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Dang You Saved My Life - Rosie Akhtar - Duration: 15:44.PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE my Videos! Thank you very much!
Perfect now this is the dance floor where they have sharzad
What if stars are doing it is what you humans call the dancing
I meant why is she doing it in the middle of the street?
Okay back to stupid I
Don't know how you could be partying at a time like this
I'm sorry. I'm
And have you done nothing to repay him? Do you not feels bad about that? Could you shoes? No
What did I do with that backpack you are hey backpack when you only saw one set of foot
What is it it's a shawl
Heard of a dance show
You don't know fashion sure side must really be trying to impress you
You said it's alive but where's the fake a wait? What kind of cheap?
Would make us even
Did you really think booty Shaw would make things evil what must be done
This makeover necessary, are you serious
Hey, homeboy. No human. Oh, it's okay dawg
All right
That's it I'm out oh wait up trip will eat me right even for what
We gotta do something super special
Okay a lot of beer
We are even right, right
No with things like that terrible statue Rd now if you just listen oh, oh
Oh, thank you right now
What do you want now, I just wanted to say
Seriously overreacting
Well, I hope you all have a good time cuz I'm dying now
You're a boy and I'm a girl. I'm a lady and you Redoute. I'm amazed. This is symptom 12 of a space disease
Where you explode and then reform your atoms as a fifth dimensional being I am
So much
Even though you will be able to me when I ask Keanu to the Chicago deep-dish dance tomorrow
Who is Keanu he's just as dimpled demigod who sits near me in class?
Business anyway I have to ask him to the dance tomorrow and I don't want to sound like a total idiot
So how does it sound?
But you are being unable to talk
Well now you can stay home from school until you are able to speakings again problem solving
You are going to go back to bed forever. Oh
Here put this in your largest face cavity. Hey
See tip I simply attach this part to my nostril and
Hey, you're that girl from math class with you
You really got a creative side, huh, I dig that I was gonna go have a day to myself at the park
You know clear my head a little you want to join me
Man I'm so glad we ran into each other. I've kind of been hoping I'd have a chance to talk to you
Whoops that wasn't the smoothest
show me
I am smart tip. You are such a wild card
They are murdering that tiny mule
Weight tip haven't you ever seen him? It's like you're seeing everything for the first time for most things. Yes
I'm gonna go grab a sippy sip from that fountain over there be right back
Hey is this little dude bothering you tip the heck out of here bro
And then Jionni said that he led us going for the gold
Phone be my dish at the deep dish dance tomorrow
He said yes, he is our dish I
Cannot believe that we are being Keanu's date to the dance. Apparently, I am irresistible
Well, good night tip
I am feeling human puberty emotions. What I am going through adolescence in my body is
What are you it is easy on him your girlfriend chip
Hmm Pizza dance day
We need to look our best for Keanu and we all know how much fashion sense you are not having buddy
Then who will beings my dish
Yah new oh, hey there tip. It sound different. Were you getting over a cold or something?
I know this is gonna sound weird. But recently I lost my voice. I'll understand if you don't want to be my dish anymore Oh
Tip that doesn't bother me. Really? No. I don't care what you did or satury
You like me because I
Do yo is an accident personality is hard?
I think you're beautiful on the inside who the poop are you? I'm ryan creak. Oh I sit next to you in English class. Hmm
Huh hi Keanu how funny you and I both well no, but you know my faults
Hmm, you do know me. Wait what stay right where you are. I have always wanted to try this
We aren't going to be together forever
What is happening right now dreams are coming. True. Kiani's are coming true
Hmm the cloud looks just like us a
Fluffy reminder of our friend you are kidding me
It's days like this that make me wish I'd never been born
I'm glad you were born. They got them soft bodies big round baby eyes and
Mouth get back in your hole. I wish you'd be quiet
Tippin Oh set an example that the rest of the world followed, but after what those boobs did to me, it's up to us. I
Believe I'm feeling them a paper airplane
Hey stupid Tucci girl, I think you're stupid. I come on. Oh, let's go to the mobo
Tucci is smarter than I thought yes. Yes. Well
Got some information here concerning a human friend want to see it. Yes, be warned
This is real dark stuff. There's no going back you asked for it
These are all things tip and I do together, but she is doing it with it much more fun
looking's booze until fine thinks we are both taking on scheduled nap breaks Oh
What is this you telling me? Well, it looks like Oh
How'd it go what do you think bad?
Bet we know what will cheer you up
Tip and Oh understand each other on a level. I do not anticipate
The only way we can tear them apart is to basically separate them
Hello tip this is for two pings your best friend
Fox what do you
Why you been messing with me, you know, okay, I mean so you came
I mean OH according to plan. I've been trying to break you two apart all day long
Okay, you caught me but oh stop
well We couldn't make her stay in the hole until she promises not to be friends with though you think that can break me?
You'll crack long before I do
Bite that very same day the booth came to earth those mobsters destroyed it
No question got it. Sorry teachable moment. So this something great
you're probably illegal but
Booth but is gonna be here any minute we cannot let those two reunite no matter what no way no
They're theirs I don't know how much longer I can spend listening to that voice and
Eternity, okay stick we get it that booth friend better show up soon
You have to think about mom and pig they need you now
Oh, I
Will never forgetting you - I did not snow family until I met you and I hope she knows what she did
Burp when I'm nervous
Thanks for saving me buddy
Just as soft as I go be together
Spread your love son on others might fight it as well man. They're weird. I am finding them very unnerving
I am still learning
The Mookie Show S2, E130 (151 Subs? ) - Duration: 41:20.-------------------------------------------
WILL BLACK OPS 4 HAVE SUPPLY DROPS? - NEW SYSTEM?! - Duration: 5:24.Yo what is going on guys its your boy Yogge here and today
Taurus Money and Career January 2019 Horoscope Predictions - Duration: 4:12.Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!
Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!
Therapy Session ASL Cover - Duration: 5:44.Hello all!
Toady's song is called Therapy Session by NF
(Lyrics in the description)
100% Commission Real Estate Companies Minnesota - Duration: 5:54.100% commission real estate companies in Minnesota that's what we're talking
about today so my name is Dale Frisch with Woodbury real estate group I have
decided to change the format of our company because we were previously on a
split type basis where agents that worked for me we're on a split depending
on their experience and whatnot well I believe that the industry of real estate
is changing i when I started I was on what's called a 50/50 split where I got
50% of the Commission and my broker got 50% back then we'd had a drive and get
signatures we had to actually like map out our showings there was a lot more
that went into being a real estate agent back when the technology wasn't aiding
us right we didn't have Zillow as an app we didn't have you know there is more to
it that needed be the broker needed to be involved more like documents had to
be faxed back and forth and verified and stuff like that nowadays everything has
changed right we have Zillow we have the home snap app we have e side documents
so you can you know the agent doesn't have to drive and get the documents
signed anymore if anything needs to be changed it can
be sent to you electronically or sent the agents can send that electronically
I as a broker I can verify all documents from my fault it has just changed
radically so we've decided to go to a hundred percent commission where you
receive 100% of your Commission now there is a small transaction fee for
every transaction that's I mean if you sell anything if you're if you sell any
home basically you're gonna cover that transaction fee and more and you're
gonna get more back and how I feel about this is is that I want to put more money
back in your pocket to advertise the way you want to advertise right I have
worked with several agents over the last 10 years and I have seen so many
different ways of how a realtor creates business
for themselves and not every way works the same way for every agent so me
taking the money and saying oh yeah we're gonna we're gonna buy Zillow leads
for everyone right that may not work for you because you know depending on where
you're at in your area maybe you know that zip code the leads don't work for
your zip code or you know depending on the type of people you work with that
may not work so what I have found is is that it I help you right
find the leads and get the leads that work best for you
that is the best formula for this as having several agents over the years so
with 100% Commission you know your virtual you work from home you can be
part-time there is no required amount of closings that you need to have per month
or per year or anything like that we do have an office available for us if you
need to work out of the office and not out of home but otherwise basically is
is that I believe that the industry is changing
I believe the resources that we need now as a brokerage are less because of the
virtual world we live in now I mean back in the day you used to have to have the
actual phone to have the phone number now you have Google phone numbers and
you can have as many phone numbers as you want as you know or as we have as a
company we have a virtual line that will forward your that comes into the company
line and goes to whichever cell phone we set up as an extension so and that's all
virtual now so the cost have really come down of
running a real estate brokerage and we're looking to share that with you the
reason also the reason why is I wanted to grow this company because I really
enjoy helping people and seeing the change in their life
whether they're selling a home and moving to another state or you know
whether they're buying home and you know it's their first home you know having
dogs or kids or whatever they're they're formula is and why
that person grow as an individual or as a family and then going on in selling
the house and moving up or whichever way it goes I really enjoy that process of
being there for my clients and I want to share that more but I found I have
limitations right there's so much time in a day and I can only help so many
people so how do I help more people and by train more agents that are like me
and that's what I want to share with the world and as much as I can so that's why
I wanted to open this up to a hundred percent commission so that we can get
more agents in train them the way I've been trained and share basically what
I've learned in the success ratios that I have in the last ten years of being in
real estate so that is my goal with this if you're interested in getting into
real estate or you're already working for a real estate brokerage and you want
to change over give me a call send me an email Dale at WREG MN comm so it's got
any questions please Lee give me contact me and we'll go from there till
next time this Dale thanks
Sorry for being too dramatic :,) - Duration: 0:39.*why do you need subtitles? they are already there! plus this song is sad.. ;c*
=O hello!
NANI? :'o
Oki.. ;c
Bai Haruka.. ;-; I will miss you!
if you're still here you should comment her to stay cause i really want her to upload more often.
*cries cause of the song*
Itsy Bitsy Spider Song for Kids ACAPELLA VERSION | Music for Toddlers, Preschool & Kindergarten - Duration: 2:29.Nerd Dad! Music!
do do, do do, do do, do do, do do do.
do do, do do, do do, do do, do do do.
do do, do do, do do, do do, do do do.
do do, do do, do do, do do, do do do.
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Up came the sun and dried up all the rain
and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again
(singing different melodies)
do do, do do, do do, do do, do do do
do do, do do, do do, do do, do do do
Keep on trying keep on trying keep on trying, try again spider
You can do it, Spider, you can!
keep on trying keep on trying keep on trying. try again!
(singing acapella melodies)
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again
keep on trying keep on trying keep on trying, try again spider!
You can do it, Spider! You can!
keep on trying keep on trying keep on trying, try again!
keep on trying keep on trying keep on trying, try again spider!
You can do it, Spider! You can!
keep on trying keep on trying keep on trying, try again!
do do.
Hello everyone and thank you for watching this acapella version of the Itsy Bitsy Spider!
I hope you enjoyed it! Please Like and Subscribe if you did.
If you want to check out my other version of the Itsy Bitsy Spider,
click on that spider on the left!
Thanks again for watching and I will SEE..YOU...NEXT TIME!!!
Celebrating the 4th safely: Don't let fireworks fun send you to the ER - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
Real ClickBank University 2.0 Online Product Reviews - Duration: 2:40.Hi, everyone it's Carmelita and I'm Jeff and we are excited we are small business
owners and we've been looking for something to help expand our small
business online. We want to set something up where it's working for us while we're
sleeping. Absolutely! So, I came across Clickbank and it's going to help us to
grow our business online. I've learned a lot from Clickbank University 2.0 it has
helped me to renew and revise our YouTube page, which I am excited about
and it's going to help us in the other areas of social media. I did not click
any of the upgrades. I signed up for the $47, 30-day trial which I'm doing now. And
it said it would be 47 dollars a month to continue in just a forty seven dollar
program. And from that alone, I updated our YouTube website,
then I'm going to build other YouTube pages for our other business that we
have, so I'm excited. So, yes and we are still in that 30-day window like she
said. The great thing about we've learned so much, it's a very user friendly very.
Very easy to do, if you're intimidated about YouTube or social media the things about
doing things up and running it's very user friendly. We've learned a whole
lot within the first 30 days so we're in it so far. So we're excited so if your
small business owners struggling to bring your online presence into the 21st
century for your business, then you can try ClickBank. If you're a work at home
mom and you need to earn some extra income you can try Clickbank as a
affiliate marketing program. Then if, you have some children that's a little
more savvier with a computer than you, then they can help you bring your
business in 21st century, through Clickbank's. So, this is our testimony our
little review of the Clickbank University 2.0 with
we are almost over with our 30-day trial and I look forward to giving an update
to let you know how we're doing next. So, also click the link below and take a
look take a look. See if Clickbank University 2.0 if is for you. Talk
to you later enjoy bye bye. For more info about Clickbank University click this link:
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