Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 3 2018

the notebook

If I stay

Knight of Cups

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

Requiem for a dream

If I stay

Knight of Cups

The Dark Knight Rises

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

13 reason why

If I stay

10 things i hate about you

Amazing Spider Man 2

Romeo + Juliet

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

13 reason why


Amazing Spider Man 2

kinght of cups

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

If I stay

Romeo + Juliet

knight of cups

10 things i hate about you

If I stay

The Dark Knight Rises

Requiem for a Dream

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

If I stay

Amazing Spider Man 2

10 things i hate about you

Iron Man 3


For more infomation >> Passenger - Let Her Go (Türkçe Çeviri) - Duration: 4:13.


Trump's Lawyers Penned Secret 20-Page Letter To Special Counsel Robert Mueller | Sunday TODAY - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Trump's Lawyers Penned Secret 20-Page Letter To Special Counsel Robert Mueller | Sunday TODAY - Duration: 2:44.


The Cape Henlopen Ferry Has An Incredible History Dating Back To WWII | Sunday TODAY - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> The Cape Henlopen Ferry Has An Incredible History Dating Back To WWII | Sunday TODAY - Duration: 4:16.


CDD Fees - What You Need To Know About CDD Fees in Florida - Duration: 10:44.

Hi everyone. This is Lance Mohr your Tampa Bay Realtor in this video I want

to talk about CDD fees. What are CDD fees? What do you need to know about them?

What don't you need to know about them? CDD fees are probably the most

misunderstood and probably complicated type of fees in real estate

they're very confusing for a lot of people not just home buyers but real

winners as well so if you're looking at buying a home in its within thirty years

of age so if it's a newer home you really need to watch this video and know

what's CDD fees are know how they work and understand the whole process of it

and that's what I'm going to talk about in this video

all right so I've been meaning to do this video for quite a while now cddp is

simply an acronym for Community Development District and they get a

really bad rap a lot of people don't understand them and I get a lot of calls

from buyers and they they'll say I don't want to be in an area where there's CDD

fees I don't want that so you know what I want to do is I want to explain how

they work and what they're for so let's start off and go over building

home when a developer goes out there and they develop the land they're going to

have to put in the streets the sidewalks the curbs the gutters they're gonna have

to move water around and put in retention ponds and actually put in

drainage system so they drain between retention ponds so there's no flooding

and the different retention ponds are gonna have to do a whole bunch of stuff

you'll put in the utilities just a whole bunch of stuff out there now they could

go get a loan and do that or they could get a bond so what what a bond is it you

don't just pay for everything so what happens if they get a loan they're gonna

they're gonna pass everything on to the to the builders and of course it's going

to be higher a higher amount of money for the land then the builders are going

to simply pass that cost on to the buyer but if they get a bond what they're

doing is they're taking out a bond then usually the bond is for 30 years and

they're passing that on to the on to the builders now the the builders will pass

the bond on to the buyers so generally the bigger homes in the larger loss will

be a little higher in CDD fees than the smaller lot so let's say you go out to

develop in and there's 50-foot blocks and 60-foot Lots that the builders

selling well the bond is going to be higher on the 50 foot or the 60 foot bot

than it will be in the 50 foot so you need to understand that now in the CDD

fee you have the bond that's one portion of the cddp the other portion is

the maintenance because these grounds have to be maintained remember two years

ago you probably never heard of a CDD fee and any time you went into subdivision

there was a golfcourse subdivision the HOAs they were always a lot higher and

the reason is is because the maintenance if you're in the community that has a

lot of amenities that has a lot of and not just amenities but let's say let's

say it has a lot of walkways maybe boardwalks it might have a lot of trees

a lot of retention ponds a lot of open land that's going to be a lot more

expensive and it's gonna have to be maintained so let's say for an example

you have a CDD fee and it's $1,600 a year now first off the

CDD fee is in the property tax bill please remember this this is very very

confusing for a lot of people because they think it's outside no it's in your

property tax bill if you go onto the website of the appraiser of the County

Tax Collector you're gonna see it's gonna be in there and it's going to say

something like calm death so just know and understand that the other thing I

want to tell you is CDD fees are collecting in October up front so if you close a

home say we're in May right now the builders gonna have to prorate until

the day of closing because it's good it's paid up front unlike that rest of

the taxes are all paid in the rear so just understand that but let's say your

CDD fee is $1,600 a year and you have a CDD fee $1,600 so let's say $800 of it would

be the bond and that's for 30 years it's the bond this for 30 years not

necessarily the CDD fee so your bond is for 30 years and it's $800 and

then you have your maintenance and the maintenance is $800 a year so that's

$1,600 then over here you have your homeowners association and what's say

your homeowners association is $700 and it's a really big community

and there's a lot of amenities in the community all right that's sort of

normal but let's say you you go out you're talking to a builder you're

talking to your realtor you're looking to buy and whether it's a pre-owned home

or a new home and let's say the the CDD feeis $1,600 in the HOA fee is $80 a

year and there's a lot of amenities in there so there's the pool, the tennis

courts, playgrounds, etc well you know you can't sustain that at $80 a year for all

the homeowners so what a lot of the a lot of the developers did is they took

they took the part of the HOA and they put it in the CDD fee so now you're

gonna have the bond the maintenance in part of the homeowners association I

don't know why they do that and they do it on some but not other ones so it's

important when you're looking at the CDD fee to always ask and get some

information on the HOA see what the HOA is so example there's subdivisions out

there where the CDD is twenty one hundred dollars a year in a golf course

community with the golf course, the Country Club, the lazy river pool, six

Lane Olympic pool, tennis courts, playgrounds, basketball courts, volleyball

courts, etc and the homeowners association is $80 a year well you know

that's not the case you know it's in the CDD fees so if you're looking at buying

a brand-new home try to get this information from the Builder rep if

you're buying a pre-owned home you could go in and I'm just gonna give you an

example in Hillsborough County you go to Hills tax org you look up the property

you click on the one on the bill so you pick whatever bill you want learn we're

in 2018 so let's say you look at the 2017 bill and you see on there and pull

it up it comes up in a PDF just go down to work says Com Dev it

will have the phone number and what the what the tax is you could call that

phone number and get more information on the CDD fee so you know what's in there

how it works when the bond expires if you're building a new home you're going

to need to ask the sales rep now a lot of sales reps may not know this so you

might want to give them a couple days give them time to find out because they

most people don't ask them these questions but it's really good to know

how CDD fees work and you know what you're into how long's the bond now I

say this because when you go to smaller communities example a builder is built

about building homes and there's maybe 70 homes or maybe there's a hundred and

eighty homes the developer probably didn't take out a bond you know they're

probably not going to have the CDD fee so you're gonna have in the homeowners

association assuming it's going to be in the homeowners association you're going

to have the maintenance of the grounds in that homeowners association so you

just need to ask the questions generally almost specifically out here in the

Tampa Bay area when it's a big development several hundred homes or

certainly thousand homes there's pretty much always going to be a cddb so at the

end of the day whether you have a CDD fee or whether you don't have a CDD fee you're

paying one way or another example my CDD fee in the home I women now give you an

example this is it was um the home was built in 2004 the developer took out the

CDD in 1998 it was a 20-year bond back then now a lot of them are 30-year bonds

so mine expires in 2018 and it's a 20-year bond and my CDD fees are my

bond is I call them up is about $600 a year my CDD fee is $1,100 a year but

the bonds about 600 a year so if they didn't have a CDD fee

then the $12,000 different $600 times 20 years would be just added into the price

so you're gonna pay coming or going so don't let the CDDfees confuse

you if you have any questions ask the Builder rep go on to the wherever you're

at whether you're in Pinellas, Pasco, Hiilsborough or wherever you're at and

pull up the tax record look on the tax bill I should say the tax bill look on

there and call the phone number that's it if you have any questions about

buying a home in the Tampa Bay area don't hesitate to give me a call I would

love to talk to you I would love to help you

I hope these videos are helpful and I wish you the best of luck whether you're

buying home or whether you're selling home have a great day


For more infomation >> CDD Fees - What You Need To Know About CDD Fees in Florida - Duration: 10:44.


How to Grow Your Youtube Channel Fast in 2018 - 3 Youtube Tips for Indie Filmmakers - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> How to Grow Your Youtube Channel Fast in 2018 - 3 Youtube Tips for Indie Filmmakers - Duration: 2:29.


11 Subtle Signs You Might Have A Learning Disability As An Adult - Duration: 4:58.

11 Subtle Signs You Might Have A Learning Disability As An Adult


You Often Feel A Little Lost It can be incredibly frustrating when your

accomplishments don't match up with what you feel capable of doing.

"Many people with learning disabilities have great talents but the talents are often never

used because they give up, feeling lost," Chandler says.


It's Hard For You To Keep A Job

If you're struggling with an underlying learning disability, it can make simple things — like

getting through the work day — feel extra difficult.

"At work, the undiagnosed adult may be regarded as the employee who just can't get things

together," Chandler says.

"They may have experienced job terminations and have been told they seem so bright, but

they just have difficulty getting things done."


You Have Trouble Connecting With People Sometimes Yes, you're an incredibly likable person with

good intentions.

But, thanks to your disability, others just can't see it.

"[Your] disability may cause [you] to forget, argue, postpone, procrastinate, get angry,

and not follow through," Chandler says.

And, even though it's not your fault, others may not find these traits very likable.


You Have A Short Attention Span

One of the biggest signs of a learning disability is a short attention span, which is often

a sign of ADHD.

It can affect you at work, where you might struggle with the issues I just mentioned


But the lack of focus can also make you seem a bit despondent, and that can derail your



Many Of Your Relationships Are Tumultuous

Whether it's with friends, family, or significant others, you seem to have a pattern going where

you just can't hold down a healthy relationship.

And that's an incredibly common issue among people with learning disabilities.

As Chandler says, "If the disability is not diagnosed and understood, family members can

believe the person with the disability is choosing his or her behaviors.

Failed marriages are a common result."


You Get Angry & Don't Know Why When dealing with a frustrating issue like

a learning disability, you might feel annoyed and impatient throughout the day.

And this, among other things, can cause you to lash out in anger.

"Anger may be part of the behaviors seen in adults with learning disabilities," says Chandler.

"They may experience less inhibition and may get angry quicker than others."


You've Struggled With Low

Self-Esteem, Anxiety, Or Depression Or hey, maybe you've had all three.

"Typically, adults with learning disabilities ... have secondary psychological problems,

such as poor self-esteem, anxiety, and/or depression," says Chandler.

This could be due, in part, to the embarrassment and frustration you feel from your slue of

failed relationships and jobs, as well as the sense you're not living up to your potential.


You've Been Turning To Drugs Or Alcohol If you're turning to drugs as a coping mechanism,

take note.

"Someone who struggles with a learning disability has often been blamed for family chaos, and

has been the scapegoat at work and home," Chandler says.

"Year after year, the negativity they have experienced pulls down their self-esteem.

The cycle they have been trapped in may cause the person to use alcohol or drugs for relief."


You've Always Been "Bad" At Reading Or "Bad" At Math

With learning disabilities such as dyslexia, which can affect reading and writing, or dyscalculia,

which can affect your ability to do math, you might be convinced you're stupid.

But that is not the case.

"It is important to recognize that learning disabilities have nothing to do with intelligence,"

clinical psychologist Dr. Mayra Mendez, PhD, tells Bustle.

"A person struggling with learning differences may score extremely well on an IQ test, but

still have trouble working with number sequences, spelling accurately, and comprehending reading



You Have A Hard Time With Directions

Are you always getting lost?

Do you struggle with differentiating between left and right?

As clinical psychologist and radio host Dr. Joshua Klapow says, "You get directions or

instructions wrong, even when you are sure you understand them."

And that can be a sign of a disability, such as ADHD.


You Get Overwhelmed Easily

Since things don't come easily to you (like being able to maintain attention) you often

feel overwhelmed.

As Klapow tells me, this can be especially noticeable in loud, busy, or distracting situations.

You also likely feel overwhelmed when being given instructions, which instantly sound

"too long," causing you to glaze over and forget.

Sound familiar?

Then it might mean you have a learning disability as an adult.

If you think this may be the case, definitely reach out to a psychologist.

They can tell you what's up, and help you learn some ways to better cope.

For more infomation >> 11 Subtle Signs You Might Have A Learning Disability As An Adult - Duration: 4:58.


WILL YOU MARRY ME? - Duration: 0:16.

Baldi: Oh, hi.

Baldi: It's your boy filthy frank

Baldi: The professor.

Baldi: Today we got a special-

Baldi: Hey, No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Baldi: Not yet.

Baldi: Get back!

1ST Prize: I-see-you.

Baldi: Can we start over again?

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