Life on a cruise ship is relaxing...
And delicious.
But it can also be thrilling!
This type of water slide where the floor drops out from under you...
Is fairly common at water parks on land. But this one's not on land.
It's on a cruise ship.
And not just any cruise ship... One of the newest and best in the world: Norwegian Bliss.
Let's take a closer look at how this waterslide works.
You climb up a big tall tower.
Then you get inside this little chamber.
And then you have the hell scared out of you when the floor suddenly drops out from under your feet!
You drop straight down.
And there's water splashing in your face.
And the next thing you know, you're zooming over the side of the ship!
And then you're actually going up hill.
And then down again.
And right about the time you're wondering why the heck you put yourself through this...
You make a big splash and come to a very wet end of the ride.
In real time, it only takes about nine seconds...
But it's the longest nine seconds you'll ever experience!
And I'm not exaggerating when I say that not everyone makes it to the end.
Some people get stuck!
It happens most often to ladies wearing a one-piece swimsuit.
All that extra fabric in the big swimsuit creates extra friction which slows you down.
And if you don't get enough speed going you won't quite make it through the uphill section...
And you'll end up sliding backwards and getting stuck in the bottom of the loop.
This sets off an alarm so the attendant knows there's a rider stuck inside.
He has to open an emergency exit at the bottom of the loop to get you out.
Next time, wear a bikini! You'll go fast enough to make it all the way through.
If you're thinking about taking a vacation...
And you like the idea of riding this very scary waterslide...
Consider a cruise with Norwegian Cruise Line on their newest ship: Norwegian Bliss.
For more infomation >> This Waterslide Will Make You Scream! - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
O Amar Dayal Re | Vondo Lengta Babar Majar | Worst Place Of Lengtar Majar | Fun_Entertainment - Duration: 8:33.
Ei Vondamir Sesh kothay?????
How To Eat To Gain Weight Fast At Home - How To Increase Weight - Top 10 Ways To Gain Weight - Duration: 6:18.
Number 10.
Gradually Increase Calorie Intake How does a person gain weight?
By taking in more calories than they burn.
It varies from person to person, but the average calorie intake to maintain a healthy weight
can range anywhere from 1,600 to 2,600 calories.
Anything over that, and you'll start to gain.
While it would be easy to just shovel in food, that will eventually deteriorate your body,
so you need to gradually increase what you're eating.
Once you're at a healthy weight or one you're comfortable with, level out your calorie intake
to remain steady.
Number 9.
Dine More Frequently We're told that three meals a day is the norm,
but piggybacking off of increasing your calorie intake, you may need to spread your meals
out throughout the day.
Sometimes your body just can't handle eating more in one meal, and you shouldn't be eating
to a point where you're getting sick or feeling massively tired.
Spread your meals out over the course of the day, maybe eating six or seven times for effective
increased calories.
Not every time you eat needs to be a big feast, though.
Snacking frequently can add up quickly.
Number 8.
Add High-Fat Foods to Your Diet Note, that doesn't mean eat junk.
There are plenty of high-fat foods that are still healthy and can benefit your body.
A very popular one these is avocados.
Unlike most fruits, avocados have a higher fat content, comprised of about 77% fat, actually.
Cheese, dark chocolate, certain fish, nuts, and full-fat yogurt are great foods to integrate
into your diet to increase fat content the healthiest way possible.
Number 7.
Avoid Water Before Meals It makes sense.
Drinking water before a meal means there's going to be less room for your food, right?
Studies have shown that drinking 500 mL of water about 30 minutes before a meal causes
a decrease in food intake.
If you're trying to gain weight, you want the opposite effect.
Don't cut down on water completely, though, but definitely consider avoiding drinking
it before you sit down for a meal.
Another thing to try, but not overdo, is to eat when you are hungry and not drink something
As we mentioned in a prior video, drinking water when feeling hungry can suppress hunger
pains, as your body reacts the same way when dehydrated.
Number 6.
Drink More Milk Unlike water, milk does contain calories that
will work toward your goal of gaining weight.
Rather than try to gain solely by drinking milk, however, you'll want to consider mixing
in a nonfat dry milk powder.
This will boost a cup of milk from about 122 calories to 230, which could result in an
extra pound gained over the course of 15 days or so, depending on your current weight, metabolism
and activity level.
Number 5.
Work on Building Muscle Mass Yeah, it sounds weird.
It sounds like we're telling you to exercise to gain weight, but lifting weights is a much
different workout than, say, running on a treadmill.
Building your muscle mass is a great way of gaining weight without packing on extra fat.
You've likely heard that muscle weighs more than fat, which is a bit misleading.
It's not that muscle weighs more, it's that muscle takes up less space than fat, so you
can have more of it without looking... well.. fluffy.
Start a simple regimen of strength exercises, purchase weights for home use or join a gym.
Don't cut out cardio entirely, though, as it will help keep you fit and energized enough
to tackle your core-strength exercises.
Number 4.
Eat a High-Carb Diet When people try to lose weight, they often
turn to cutting down on carbohydrates.
According to the McKinley Health Center, anywhere from 45 to 65% of your daily calories are
from carbs.
Increase your carb and calorie intake by turning to healthy, high-carb options including dried
fruits, quinoa, potatoes, and beans.
More carbs will also energize you to be able to do more strength exercises, as well.
Number 3.
Eat Plenty of Protein We know protein is good for us, so how is
a diet rich with it going to help with gaining weight?
Without overeating, a good amount of protein can actually promote the formation of muscle
mass, which, in turn, will add to your overall weight.
A diet with a lack of protein will result in the formation of fat.
While this, too, will make you gain weight, it's not the healthy kind of weight you want
to be packing on.
Number 2.
Treat Yourself, Cut out Suppressants You can enjoy the indulgences of life without
overdoing it and still benefit from a little weight gain.
Be mindful of what you're eating so you don't overdo fat and sugar, meaning don't just chow
down on sweets.
Your snacks should still be healthy, like yogurt and granola, as they'll provide the
fat and protein you need to gain while still delivering on some of the essential nutrients
your body will need.
Finally, cut out any natural or unnatural food suppressants, such as smoking tobacco
or digesting green tea or saffron extracts, grapefruit oil, spicy foods like cayenne pepper
or ginger, and, finally, high-fiber foods like beans, flaxseeds or chia seeds.
Number 1.
Turn to "Gainer" Supplements There isn't any miracle drug that can help
you lose weight on its own, but gaining is a bit of a different story.
"Gainer" supplements, such as whey protein, are designed to help promote the formation
of muscle, leading to healthy weight gain.
Supplements will affect people in different ways, unfortunately, so it can be a crap shoot
finding one that works for you.
Some that you may want to try out include Marine Muscle Mass Gainer, Optimum Nutrition
Pro Gainer, Universal Nutrition Real Gains, and Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack.
Many of these natural supplements will stimulate your appetite, helping you intake more food
and, therefore, more calories.
The Best Netflix and Hulu Shows for When You Just Want Background Noise - Duration: 7:09.
The Best Netflix and Hulu Shows for When You Just Want Background Noise
Living in the age of the great content glut means there is no shortage of extremely good, often intense television to watch.
The problem is, prestige TV sucks when you just need something to play on a screen while sorting laundry, making dinner, or fucking around on your phone.
But dont fear, dear reader, for I and some of the VICE staff have compiled a list of the best shows streaming on Netflix and Hulu that you can watch when cant devote your attention to a show like Handmaids Tale or Jessica Jones.
Forged in Fire (Hulu).
Forged in Fire is a History Channel bladesmithing competition reality show where four contestants are tasked with making a blade out of a surprise material in an extremely short amount of time. Its like Chopped but with knives instead of (boring) food.
The two contestants who make it onto the final round are sent back home to their home forges (of course they have home forges) and given five days to make a notable sword from history.
It might sound like a macho show, but its tone is actually quite sweet. The contestants are talented artisans and the judges really want them to succeed.
If youre a fan of martial arts or watching someone use a sword to slaughter a ballistics dummy, this is the show for you. Planet Earth and Planet Earth II (Netflix).
The world is a beautiful and interesting place, and David Attenboroughs Planet Earth series shows that off impeccably.
The gentle melody of Attenboroughs voiceover explaining whats going on with majestic shots of nature and cute animals makes this show a must-see, even if you are too preoccupied to actually really listen to him.
If youve already seen all of Planet Earth and Planet Earth II, do not fear. Netflix has many moreAttenborough nature documentaries that are well worth your time. Keeping Up with the Kardashians (Hulu).
Some people enjoy keeping up with the Kardashians, while others resent the fact that modern life requires them to. I fall into the former category.
Regardless of your personal opinion of the Kardashian–Jenner clan, watching their family drama unfold is highly entertaining, and the shows pacing and plot lines are impeccably edited together. American Ninja Warrior (Hulu).
If youre unfamiliar with American Ninja Warrior, buckle up because youre in for a treat. The show allows you watch a series of talented athletes attempt to complete insanely difficult obstacle courses, interspersed with heartwarming segments about how each contestant got to where they are today (they are on American Ninja Warrior).
The surprisingly progressive element here is that people of any gender can compete, unlike many other sports-centric programming—one of the most famous contestants in American Ninja Warrior history (ANW history exists) is Kacy Catanzaro, a petit woman who did better than nearly all of the men.
Its one of those shows where you go from this is silly to this is great! in about five minutes. . How Its Made (Hulu).
Every wondered how the gingerbread houses you buy in the store get made? How about wet suits or exercise bikes? How Its Made shows you just that, taking you inside the factories where the products we consume come to be.
It is a little boring, a little hypnotic, and the perfect show to watch while you do something else. (Also good to watch while youre very stoned.).
Every episode of House Hunters is exactly the same. A man and a woman want to buy a house in Denver, where the husband has just gotten a job as a management consultant for a beverage company.
The man wants something modern and move-in-ready, the woman wants something with character and history. This, the tension between move-in-ready and fixer-upper, masculine and feminine, order and chaos, is the eternal conflict of the universe.
The first house they see is very modern and stark, like where a character in a Netflix show lives. It is out of their budget.
The second house is older, much more to the womans taste, but the kitchen is hideous, but the backyard is large, but the second bedroom is tiny.
The third house is a compromise, but it needs some work in the bathroom, can they afford to do that? It turns out they can and that it is fine.
The last scene shows them in the house, maybe not ecstatic but happy enough, content in an American way.
You are confident they will have children and their children will make the same journey, maybe on House Hunters itself because the show will never stop being on TV.
It has always been on TV, its just that no one could see the episodes before HGTV existed. . Guys Grocery Games (Hulu).
You either love Guy Fieri or you dont, but regardless of how you feel about insanely rich food or his frosted tips, you cant deny that his cooking reality competition show is a fun time.
Contestants are given a meal to make, and have to use specific items from the grocery store where they film the competition. The food the contestants make almost never looks appetizing but the real point of the show is the goofin around.
Watching this show is like putting on a warm bathrobe—every character is flat in a pleasantly predictable way. Rory and Lorelais banter is a mainstay.
You can easily choose the season you will play in the background based off of which of Rorys boyfriends was your favorite. .
Smokn Beats - Tattoo (feat. Sondrey) (Copyright Free Music) - Duration: 2:30.
Skylr Infinite
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