Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 3 2018

Rudy Giuliani Challenges Maxine Waters With 7 WORDS The Will END the Democrat Party For


Rudy Giuliani joined Sean Hannity to discuss the the ongoing Mueller witch hunt on President

Donald Trump.

Rudy Giuliani called out Democrats for their dwindling lead in the 2018 generic polls.

Giuliani called out Democrat mouthpiece Maxine Waters.

Rudy Giuliani: The people who will decide this are the people of the United States in

the 2018 election.

And, boy they are switching fast and the Democrats are running for cover.

You don't hear them say the words impeachment anymore.

I challenge Maxine Waters so say impeachment!

Say it!

Say impeachment sweetheart!

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When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.

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For more infomation >> Rudy Giuliani Challenges Maxine Waters - Duration: 10:15.


Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About The GOD OF WAR Franchise! - Duration: 11:04.

God of war has been and continues to be an absolutely

epic video game saga. The first title, upon release for the PS2, made huge strides in

what was possible in terms of combining aspects of story, environment, puzzle challenges and

tons of the brutal gore that the series is known for. Today, we're going to be looking

at a few odds and ends regarding the mammoth franchise. A few things that you fans may

have never noticed or cared to venture off and research to find out. So let's dive

into 10 things you probably didn't know about the God of War Franchise.

Kratos' Ghostly Complexion

Just by looking at his pallid complexion, you might think Kratos is in desperate need

of some mai thais on a beach in the sun somewhere. However, he's been dubbed "The Ghost of

Sparta" for another, darker reason. His ghoulishly white skin is actually the result

of the angered Gods permanently branding the ashes of his dead wife and child on his skin,

serving as a constant reminder of an already harsh pain.

This was the punishment Kratos received when he was duped into unknowingly pillaging his

hometown, and murdered his family in the process. Seems like a pretty harsh punishment considering

he was tricked into doing this by his old master, but the Gods are harsh, and even being

the victim of trickery is a punishable offense.

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The Notorious "Human Sacrifice" Scene

There was a scene in God of War 1 that, while it was included in the game for North American

audiences, was deemed just too horrific for European and Japanese players.

The scene is unquestionably brutal. The Gods require a human sacrifice from Kratos in order

to proceed through the level. Not only that, but the "sacrifice" falls upon a helpless,

desperate soldier who's locked in a cage. Upon greeting Kratos the soldier, he becomes

filled with hope that a fellow warrior will save him from his grim fate of starving to

death alone in a cage. He asks Kratos to save him so that they may return to Athens, and

then things turn very dark for this poor fellow.

Kratos responds only with "The Gods demand sacrifice". The soldier's hope for release

is crushed and his desperation intensifies. The player is then made to kick the cage up

a ramp while fighting enemies towards an apparatus spouting fire. As Kratos and the soldier get

closer and closer to this apparatus the player can hear begging and pleading, but ultimately,

the cage gets kicked into the searing flames and the soldier is burned alive. In the European

and Japanese versions, the wickedness of this scene is blunted by exchanging the pleading

soldier with a furious undead guy, taking the sting out for players but ultimately defeating

the purpose of a quote "human sacrifice."

The Original Look of Kratos

Kratos designer Charlie Wen didn't have much to go off of when he originally began

designing our beloved anti-hero. The story hadn't yet been developed and the game as

a whole was in very early stages of development. The initial direction series creator David

Jaffe delivered to Wen was a character who was quote "Brutal, antisocial, violent,

pissed off and F-you. Come into work, get angry and see what happens." This is the

Kratos that we know and love today and although the concept for his personality might not

have changed much from the original idea, his physical appearance transformed drastically.

Many design ideas came to the table and included everything from Kratos wearing heavy armor

and helmets to having long flowing hair. After all of the designs were out, the team began

stripping away all that armor and other elements that were not entirely necessary until they

felt they had the essence of a raw and brutal barbarian. The Kratos who is indeed the embodiment

of David Jaffe's original guidance to Mr Wen.

Calling Kratos

Did you know you can call Kratos and David Jaffe? Well, kind of. At the end of the first

God of War, there's a very interesting easter egg contained within two statues that appear

to be scenery. However, if the player attacks and destroys those statues a code is revealed—a

ten-digit code. Turns it's a phone number, and if you go ahead and call it, you'll

hear a pre-recorded conversation between Kratos and David Jaffe.

Kratos congratulates the player for their accomplishment in finishing the game and then

proceeds to interact with Mr Jaffe for about 2 minutes. Spoiler alert, things don't end

well for David. The easter egg is an example of what we call trans-media because it takes

place outside of the game and over a phone line in real life. This makes it one of the

most unique easter eggs in video game history. Here's the phone number for the lazy. Yes,

it still works today. Give Kratos a ring! 1-888-447-5594.

Kratos' Tattoos

One of the most notable things about Kratos is the spiraling red tattoo wrapped around

his body. One would almost assume that the color red was an intentional symbol for all

the bloodshed Kratos is responsible for throughout his journey. But that's not the case, In

the original concept art, right up until a few days before launch the tattoo color was

set as blue instead of red, the team was happy with this choice and ready to launch the game.

However, a few days beforehand, David Jaffe realized the tattoo design bore an uncanny

resemblance to that of the Barbarian class from Diablo II, which is also draped in a

swirling blue tattoo. Rather than changing the design of the tattoo

to be less like that of the Barbarian from Diablo, they simply changed the color of the

tattoo from blue to red, which, again, we can all probably agree is a pretty suitable

color for an enraged, bloodthirsty demi-god.

ESRB Wasn't Paying Attention

The Electronic Standards Rating Board are the guys and girls who determine the ratings

for games. They make the little icon you that you see on the back of the case stayting which

audiences the game is intended for. While no one is arguing that God of War isn't

worthy of the M for Mature rating, which depicts that there's violence, nudity and strong

language throughout the game, the rating is not entirely accurate—as there's no foul

language. We can only assume that the ESRB got lazy here and slapped the generic M rating

on the game because it met 2 out of the 3 criteria, but didn't bother editing the

rating stamp to reflect the lack of foul language. In fact, the only F-bombs you'll find in

the game are the ones spoken by David Jaffe in the extras footage when he's explaining

how Kratos' personality came to be. So yes, we can agree Kratos is a…you know… just

a little bit of a jerk for mercilessly slaughtering thousands of folks, but at least he doesn't

curse while in the midst of his murderous rampages.

The Voice of Hades

Here's a fun little fact you might not have known about. While it's not mind-blowing,

it is kind of fun. But first a question. What does Hades, God of the underworld have in

common with Mr Krab from Spongebob Squarepants? The answer? Clancy Brown III. Yep, the same

guy who does Mr. Krabs voice in Spongebob does the voice of Hades too. Mr Browns voice

has also been heard in other notable shows and games such as Rick and Morty, the new

Ninja Turtles Series, Mass Effect: Andromeda, WarCraft the Beginning, the Venture Bros,

Family Guy and a ton of other big-name productions. This guy really keeps busy.

Kratos Comes from the Greek word "Cratus"

Many people believe the origins of Kratos come from purely fictional beginnings, from

the imaginations of the team who created and developed the original game. However that's

not entirely true, Kratos takes inspiration from the Greek God Cratus; AKA the Greek god

of force, strength, and power. So I guess he does come from a purely fictional beginning,

but not the one most people may initially think. There are a few differences between

Kratos and Cratus, first and foremost Cratus isn't a demi-god like Kratos but rather a

fully fledged, real deal god born from the Titans. If you want to see Cratus in action

we recommend checking out a play titled "Prometheus Bound", where Cratus helps lead the Titan

Prometheus to an eternity of being chained to a rock for stealing the power of the flame

and giving it to humans. Regular jail time just doesn't cut it for crimes that big.

Kratos has Family

It's safe to say that Kratos doesn't have a loving family life, having killed his Father

Zeus, Mother Callisto and his very own wife and child. Many people assume that Kratos

is without a family. But if you haven't checked out the spin-off God of War titles, God of

War Ascension and God of War: Ghost of Sparta you may not be aware that he does indeed have

a younger brother, Demios who's also based off Greek Mythology. He too is a complete

badass warrior. In the Ghost of Sparta, Kratos has to go look for Deimos, after he was kidnapped

by Ares. Kratos was present for the kidnapping and even tried stopping it from happening

but failed. Ares struck him down after an unsuccessful lunge which resulted in the scar

across Kratos' right eye. Deimos was then taken to the "Domain of Death" where he was

tortured by Thanatos for years. Eventually, Kratos saved Deimos, and while the brother

is pissed for him not having saved him during the initial kidnapping, they eventually reconcile

their differences. 

Kratos's Tattoos Have a Mind of Their Own

In the original God of War Kratos's tattoo spans through the center of his chest and

on to the left side. In God of War 2 the tattoo follows the same layout but slightly shifts

down the left side of his chest more. In the 3rd God of War the tattoo doesn't cross

over his chest but rather gets closer to his solar plexus. While this may not be the most

fascinating fact, it's still kind of a fun detail to notice if you ever decide to go

back and play the original trilogy. Kratos's tattoo doesn't just look cool, there's meaning

behind it. Originally, Zeus, Kratos's father heard a prophecy that a warrior with a large

birthmark would be his undoing. To counter the prophecy Zeus sent Athena and Ares into

town to seek out Zeus's marked death bringer. Turns out Deimos, Kratos's younger bro had

a sprawling birthmark, making him the prime suspect in the prophecy. Ares and Athena then

kidnapped Deimos to bring him to the underworld so that the prophecy couldn't come true.

However, Kratos, still a teenager, tried stopping Ares and Athena but failed. He lunged at them

as that sat with his younger brother atop their horse but was quickly struck down by

Ares. Ares's powerful strike left a pretty hefty scar on Kratos' face and upon his failed

attempt to rescue Deimos, Kratos tattooed himself with a replica tat of his brothers

birthmark both serving as a tribute to his brother and a reminder to never be so weak

again. However, it turns out that Ares snagged the wrong bro and the mark left on Kratos

was actually the mark prophesied about regarding Zeus' downfall, which we now know come true

in God of War III when Kratos took his old man down.

Kratos would go ahead and hit that subscribe button and notification bell so why don't

you. And don't go anywhere check out our other videos right now.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About The GOD OF WAR Franchise! - Duration: 11:04.


Bellamy & Clarke | "You are not alone, someone's out there." (5x05) - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Bellamy & Clarke | "You are not alone, someone's out there." (5x05) - Duration: 3:16.


Nightcore - No Tears Left To Cry ✗ FRIENDS ✗ Believer ✗ Wolves and MORE (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 3:32.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - No Tears Left To Cry ✗ FRIENDS ✗ Believer ✗ Wolves and MORE (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 3:32.


Probability of Mystery Packs - Duration: 11:30.

For more infomation >> Probability of Mystery Packs - Duration: 11:30.


Are You Educated Or Still Teachable? - Duration: 1:14.

Hey it's Robert again and

I want to share a story with you today, about an educated guy, who once went to a Zen teacher,

to inquire about Zen.

And as the Zen teacher explained, the educated guy would frequently interrupt him, with remarks

like, "Oh, yes, we have that too...." and comments like that.

And finally, after some time of this, the Zen teacher stopped talking, and began to

serve tea to this educated guy.

He poured the cup full, and then kept pouring, and kept pouring, until the cup overflowed.

"Enough!" the educated guy once more interrupted.

"Can't you see, no more tea can go into the cup!"

"Indeed, I see," answered the Zen teacher.

"If you don't first empty the cup, how can you taste my cup of tea?"

Many people think they are teachable, but only in practice, they shall show their true

teachability index.

So, if you are truly serious about your success...

Be teachable.

Empty your cup... and find a Coach and a Mentor, that has that which you wish to have, be or


Learn like you know nothing already, and find a model that already works, as many wise people…

have done before.

Ciao for now.

For more infomation >> Are You Educated Or Still Teachable? - Duration: 1:14.


Could You Survive Living In An Underground DOOMSDAY Bunker? - Duration: 4:50.

As of January 2018, the world's doomsday clock is set to 2 minutes to midnight… the

closest we've ever been to an apocalypse.

Now, you've all heard of the rich and powerful owning luxurious underground bunkers that

costs millions of dollars, but have you thought about what it would be like to live in one?

It doesn't seem natural for humans to spend their entire existence underground, but if

Earth really became uninhabitable, and bunkers were our only chance, how long could the human

race survive underground, and what would be the quality of life?

Since the first humans have lived on earth, caves and underground dwellings have provided

the safety, security, and warmth needed to survive.

But even then, we still needed to venture out to source important nutrients.

The most important benefit is the exposure to the atmosphere, which provides clean and

oxygen rich air that allows us to breathe.

And, at the very least, our diet requires a supply of vegetation, and most plants need

regular sunlight to grow.

Animals that are used as sources of meat are found in much greater quantities above ground.

Water, too, is much easier to find above ground than underneath it.

Humans also need sunlight to naturally produce Vitamin D. It's vital to allow our bodies

to absorb calcium to develop strong bones, and deficiencies have been also linked to

health conditions like heart disease, depression, and weight gain.

Vitamin D is also thought to be important to the functionality of the immune system,

and can lead to increased risk of developing illnesses if not present in high enough levels.

So the question is, can these resources be replicated underground?

The simple answer to this question is "yes", but it's not that easy.

It's been estimated that during the typical lifetime of a human, they will eat about 35

tons, (or 70,000 pounds) of food.

Even if you were willing to survive solely on tinned foods for the rest of your life,

this would require a huge amount of storage space.

The other option for food production is the use of hydroponics, which is the method of

growing plants without soil.

This will depend on the size of the underground bunker, but it is feasible to grow the vegetables

you need to live for an indefinite amount of time- as long as you have access to a constant

source of power.

If space is not an issue, then there's no reason why you wouldn't be able to sustain

a farm in the subterranean dwelling.

So if you planned well enough in advance you could still have access to the diverse diet

that you had above ground.

Fresh water supplies can be found from underground rivers, lakes, or aquifers- this would just

need some advanced planning to ensure a good supply was found before you begin living underground.

The same goes for the air supply.

Ventilation systems can filter toxins from the air but, depending on how deep you'll

be living, it can require complex setups.

Your hydroponics garden can help with this, but it's unlikely that it would be able

to do all of the work.

You'd also need an efficient ventilation system just in case any unpleasant odours

or toxic were released into the air.

The issue of Vitamin D can be overcome quite easily- fish, cheese, and egg yolks are some

examples of food that contain it, and are already made into supplements for those that

don't live in areas with enough sunlight, so they would do the same job if you lived


The reason that earth is no longer inhabitable is crucial in determining whether it's possible

to live underground.

For example, the power supply is currently reliant on other people still being present

above ground to generate it in the first place.

Alternatively it's possible to use geothermal heat to generate any electricity requirements

you have, and this would be the best solution to becoming completely self sufficient.

Waste disposal is similarly important to the provision of supplies.

For instance, humans produce 2 bathtubs worth of urine each year, for instance, and even

if you were to purify this for re-use, there would be a large amount of material that would

need to be disposed of, otherwise you could risk poisoning yourself.

But if you were able to satisfy all of your physical requirements for living underground,

the final hurdle would be the psychological effects.

It's possible that the constant confinement underground could drive you a insane, due

to the lack of space and sunlight.

Isolation from other people is also harmful to the psyche, but this could be overcome

by creating an underground community with others.

Even if you did find solutions to this, there's nothing quite like the wide expanse available

above ground.

You would always feel restricted by your new environment, and without it, risk the onset

of depression.

This all means that, if needed, there's no reason why you couldn't live underground

for the rest of your life.

In fact, future city expansions are already considering subterranean developments.

That would mean residents would spend most of their lives below the surface.

But in terms of living underground, the most important thing is that it requires a serious

amount of planning, so if you do plan on living in an underground bunker, it might worth it

to start stocking up early, just in case you need it!

Thanks for watching!

Let us know in the comments below - if you would want to live in an underground bunker

for the rest of your life?

If you enjoyed this video, give us a thumbs up! And don't forget to subscribe to our channel and click that bell icon

so you don't miss our newest episodes.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Could You Survive Living In An Underground DOOMSDAY Bunker? - Duration: 4:50.


What is happening with my YouTube Channel? FortTalk #1 - Duration: 4:33.

So what has changed?

Well... everything!

Hello Flabbergasters and welcome to another video!

My name is Kay as Krystal and let the magic begin!

Ok, that was weird...

So some of you have been wondering, whether I quit YouTube and of course the answer is:


I took a creative break for a couple of months and the reason is that I realised, with my

latest uploads it has been more about creating quantity content, just to have something to

upload, rather than quality and that's not how I wanted to do things that's not what

my passion in making videos is about, so I decided to take a break and reevaluate and

change a few things.

So what has changed?

Well... everything!

So from and you concept to new formats and series, new way of filming, my new lighting

kit to my new and improved editing style, which makes me able to do something like this:


And I also analysed everything I have done so far on my channel and I took a really close

look at what you liked and what you didn't like and I learned from it and implemented

it into my new concept and I also decided that I wanted show more of my personality,

show you more who I am and what I'm doing and just be me...

I guess.

So first of all, let me welcome you to my beautiful fort.

Do you like my stars?

Ok, that was weird...

And my new series FortTalk, which is me making videos in my fort, so... yeah...

Where I invite you into my personal, my safe space and I share with you my personal stories

and I answer your questions, so if you have any questions, leave me a comment below or

reach out to me over social media and maybe I will answer your questions in my next FortTalk.

Another thing that has changed, as you might have noticed, is the way I address you: my

wonderful viewers, subscribers, supporters...

Because, I was looking for a while for an appropriate word to address you with and I

figured, the only thing that is really appropriate and that shows how much you mean to me and

how much your support means to me, is to use my favorite word in the English language,

which is flabbergasted.

So, there you go: my Flabbergasters!

And if you want to be part of the Flabbergaster Family and not miss any of my upcoming awesome

stuff, then make sure to hit that Subscribe button and ding that bell, to get notified

when I upload new videos.

Which also brings me to my next point: my upload schedule.

So, I know that originally I said I'm going to upload new content every week on YouTube,

but my focus now is really on creating quality content so I can't stick to a specific upload

schedule, for the moment.

Which also goes into all the changes I've been going through lately in my personal life.

So, my focus now is really creating quality content and I'm going to upload new awesome

stuff as frequently as I can.

So, make sure to subscribe, so you don't miss out and you can also follow me on social media,

where I'm going to announce my new videos come out aaaand for the very first time ever

and with a lot of delight...

let it rain Unicornpoo!

And don't forget to do awesome!

For more infomation >> What is happening with my YouTube Channel? FortTalk #1 - Duration: 4:33.


Gorgeous Romantic Log Cabin in The Heart of Rural Worcestershire - Duration: 2:11.

Gorgeous Romantic Log Cabin in The Heart of Rural Worcestershire

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